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Hour is 24, but minutes, seconds, and milliseconds are not all 0; Time %1:%2:%3.%4 is invalid.Year %1 is invalid because it begins with %2.At least one component must be present.At least one time component must appear after the %1-delimiter.T=<=<>=>!=eqgegtleltnedividiv-mod*+Division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.Integer division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.Modulus division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.Dividing a value of type %1 by %2 (not-a-number) is not allowed.NaNDividing a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus zero) is not allowed.-0Multiplication of a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus infinity) is not allowed.-INFINFQXmlNameA value of type %1 cannot have an Effective Boolean Value.Effective Boolean Value cannot be calculated for a sequence containing two or more atomic values.truefalseNo comparisons can be done involving the type %1.Operator %1 is not available between atomic values of type %2 and %3.^\s*(-?)(\d{4,})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:(\+|-)(\d{2}):(\d{2})|(Z))?\s*$PT0S0S^\s*(-)?P(?:(\d+)D)?(?:(T)(?:(\d+)H)?(?:(\d+)M)?(?:(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?S)?)?\s*$+INFnan^\s*(-)?P(?:(\d+)Y)?(?:(\d+)M)?(?:(\d+)D)?(?:(T)(?:(\d+)H)?(?:(\d+)M)?(?:(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?S)?)?\s*$---dd^\s*---(\d{2})(?:(?:(\+|-))(\d{2}):(\d{2})|(Z))?\s*$--MM^\s*--(\d{2})(?:(\+|-)(\d{2}):(\d{2})|(Z))?\s*$--MM-dd^\s*--(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:(\+|-)(\d{2}):(\d{2})|(Z))?\s*$yyyy^\s*(-?)(-?\d{4,})(?:(\+|-)(\d{2}):(\d{2})|(Z))?\s*$yyyy-MM^\s*(-?)(\d{4,})-(\d{2})(?:(\+|-)(\d{2}):(\d{2})|(Z))?\s*$0123456789ABCDEFabcdefA value of type %1 must contain an even number of digits. The value %2 does not.%1%2%1 is not valid as a value of type %2.^\s*(-?)(\d{4,})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2,})(?:\.(\d+))?(?:(\+|-)(\d{2}):(\d{2})|(Z))?\s*$^\s*(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2,})(?:\.(\d+))?(?:(\+|-)(\d{2}):(\d{2})|(Z))?\s*$SortTupleP0M^\s*(-)?P(?:(\d+)Y)?(?:(\d+)M)?\s*$http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functionshttp://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepointXSDErrorXTTE1555XTTE1550XTTE1545XTTE1540XTTE1515XTTE1512XTTE1510XTTE1120XTTE1100XTTE1020XTTE1000XTTE0990XTTE0950XTTE0790XTTE0780XTTE0600XTTE0590XTTE0570XTTE0520XTTE0510XTTE0505XTSE1660XTSE1650XTSE1600XTSE1590XTSE1580XTSE1570XTSE1560XTSE1530XTSE1520XTSE1505XTSE1430XTSE1300XTSE1295XTSE1290XTSE1220XTSE1210XTSE1205XTSE1130XTSE1090XTSE1080XTSE1070XTSE1060XTSE1040XTSE1017XTSE1015XTSE0975XTSE0940XTSE0910XTSE0880XTSE0870XTSE0840XTSE0812XTSE0810XTSE0809XTSE0808XTSE0805XTSE0770XTSE0760XTSE0740XTSE0720XTSE0710XTSE0690XTSE0680XTSE0670XTSE0660XTSE0650XTSE0630XTSE0620XTSE0580XTSE0550XTSE0530XTSE0500XTSE0370XTSE0350XTSE0340XTSE0280XTSE0265XTSE0260XTSE0220XTSE0215XTSE0210XTSE0200XTSE0190XTSE0180XTSE0170XTSE0165XTSE0150XTSE0130XTSE0125XTSE0120XTSE0110XTSE0090XTSE0080XTSE0020XTSE0010XTRE1630XTRE1620XTRE1500XTRE1495XTRE1160XTRE0795XTRE0540XTRE0270XTMM9000XTDE1665XTDE1490XTDE1480XTDE1460XTDE1450XTDE1440XTDE1428XTDE1425XTDE1420XTDE1400XTDE1390XTDE1380XTDE1370XTDE1360XTDE1350XTDE1340XTDE1310XTDE1280XTDE1270XTDE1260XTDE1200XTDE1190XTDE1170XTDE1150XTDE1145XTDE1140XTDE1110XTDE1035XTDE1030XTDE0980XTDE0930XTDE0925XTDE0920XTDE0905XTDE0890XTDE0865XTDE0860XTDE0855XTDE0850XTDE0835XTDE0830XTDE0820XTDE0700XTDE0640XTDE0610XTDE0560XTDE0485XTDE0440XTDE0430XTDE0420XTDE0410XTDE0290XTDE0160XTDE0060XTDE0050XTDE0047XTDE0045XTDE0040XTDE0030XQTY0086XQTY0030XQTY0028XQTY0024XQTY0023XQST0093XQST0090XQST0089XQST0088XQST0087XQST0085XQST0082XQST0079XQST0078XQST0077XQST0076XQST0075XQST0073XQST0071XQST0070XQST0069XQST0068XQST0067XQST0066XQST0065XQST0063XQST0060XQST0059XQST0058XQST0057XQST0056XQST0055XQST0054XQST0053XQST0049XQST0048XQST0047XQST0046XQST0045XQST0043XQST0042XQST0040XQST0039XQST0038XQST0037XQST0036XQST0035XQST0034XQST0033XQST0032XQST0031XQST0022XQST0016XQST0015XQST0014XQST0013XQST0012XQST0009XQDY0092XQDY0091XQDY0084XQDY0074XQDY0072XQDY0064XQDY0062XQDY0061XQDY0052XQDY0044XQDY0041XQDY0029XQDY0027XQDY0026XQDY0025XPTY0020XPTY0019XPTY0018XPTY0007XPTY0006XPTY0004XPST0083XPST0081XPST0080XPST0051XPST0017XPST0010XPST0008XPST0005XPST0003XPST0001XPDY0050XPDY0021XPDY0002SESU0013SESU0011SESU0007SERE0015SERE0014SERE0012SERE0008SERE0006SERE0005SERE0003SEPM0016SEPM0010SEPM0009SEPM0004SENR0001FOTY0012FORX0004FORX0003FORX0002FORX0001FORG0009FORG0008FORG0006FORG0005FORG0004FORG0003FORG0002FORG0001FONS0005FONS0004FOER0000FODT0003FODT0002FODT0001FODC0005FODC0004FODC0003FODC0002FODC0001FOCH0004FOCH0003FOCH0002FOCH0001FOCA0006FOCA0005FOCA0003FOCA0002FOCA0001FOAR0002FOAR0001

Ambiguous rule match.Operator %1 cannot be used on type %2.Operator %1 cannot be used on atomic values of type %2 and %3.The namespace URI in the name for a computed attribute cannot be %1.http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/xmlnsThe name for a computed attribute cannot have the namespace URI %1 with the local name %2.selfpreceding-siblingprecedingparentnamespacefollowing-siblingfollowingdescendantdescendant-or-selfchildchild-or-topattributeattribute-or-topancestorancestor-or-selfCasting to %1 is not possible because it is an abstract type, and can therefore never be instantiated.No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1 in %2%1 is an invalid %2No casting is possible with %1 as the target type.It is not possible to cast from %1 to %2.When casting to %1 or types derived from it, the source value must be of the same type, or it must be a string literal. Type %2 is not allowed.It's not possible to cast the value %1 of type %2 to %3Failure when casting from %1 to %2: %3Type error in cast, expected %1, received %2.Only the Unicode Codepoint Collation is supported(%1). %2 is unsupported.intersectexceptunion--A comment cannot contain %1A comment cannot end with a %1.%1 is not a valid value of type %2.In a namespace constructor, the value for a namespace cannot be an empty string.The prefix %1 cannot be bound.The prefix must be a valid %1, which %2 is not.Only the prefix %1 can be bound to %2 and vice versa.An attribute node cannot be a child of a document node. Therefore, the attribute %1 is out of place.Expression, id: %1A library module cannot be evaluated directly. It must be imported from a main module.No template by name %1 exists.predicateA positional predicate must evaluate to a single numeric value.A value of type %1 cannot be a predicate. A predicate must have either a numeric type or an Effective Boolean Value type.The target name in a processing instruction cannot be %1 in any combination of upper and lower case. Therefore, %2 is invalid.xml%1 is not a valid target name in a processing instruction. It must be a %2 value, e.g. %3.my-name.123is<<>>The last step in a path must contain either nodes or atomic values. It cannot be a mixture between the two.The data of a processing instruction cannot contain the string %1No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1someeveryThe parameter %1 is passed, but no corresponding %2 exists.xsl:paramThe parameter %1 is required, but no corresponding %2 is supplied.xsl:with-paramCircularity detected%1 requires at least %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid.%1 takes at most %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid.The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be a numeric type, xs:yearMonthDuration or xs:dayTimeDuration.The second argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5.The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5.0x%1 is not a valid XML 1.0 character.The root node of the second argument to function %1 must be a document node. %2 is not a document node.If both values have zone offsets, they must have the same zone offset. %1 and %2 are not the same.analyze-stringapply-importsapply-templatesattribute-setcall-templatecharacter-mapchoosecommentcopycopy-ofdocumentelementfallbackfor-eachfor-each-groupifmessagenext-matchnumberperform-sortprocessing-instructionresult-documentsequencetextvariable%1 was called. as , ) as , ...%1 must be followed by %2 or %3, not at the end of the replacement string.In the replacement string, %1 must be followed by at least one digit when not escaped.In the replacement string, %1 can only be used to escape itself or %2, not %3(.)\3\3(.)\2We don't want to hang infinitely on K2-MatchesFunc-9, 10 and 11.[\i-[:]][a-zA-Z_][\c-[:]][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]%1 is an invalid regular expression pattern: %2%1 matches newline characters%1 and %2 match the start and end of a line.Matches are case insensitiveWhitespace characters are removed, except when they appear in character classes%1 is an invalid flag for regular expressions. Valid flags are: - If the first argument is the empty sequence or a zero-length string (no namespace), a prefix cannot be specified. Prefix %1 was specified.It will not be possible to retrieve %1.The default collection is undefined%1 cannot be retrieved
NFCNFDNFKCNFKDThe normalization form %1 is unsupported. The supported forms are %2, %3, %4, and %5, and none, i.e. the empty string (no normalization).#!*'()#-_!~*'();?@&=+$,[]/:% :;=@!./+*()-,#$'?&[]%Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies), a Digia Companyhttp://qt.digia.com/0.1noA zone offset must be in the range %1..%2 inclusive. %3 is out of range.-PT14HPT14H%1 is not a whole number of minutes. : : () ] The URI cannot have a fragmentargarg1arg2collationidrefsnodetestLangsourceStringstartingLoclengthzeromapStringtransStringparamURIparamQNametimezonecomparand1comparand2uriuriParterrordescriptionerrorObjectseqParamsearchParamtargetpositioninserturi_partinputpatternflagsprefixtheNodenormalizationFormreplacementqnamerelativebaseprecisionseparatorsourceSeqvaluelabelThe first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2.element-namefunction_namearitytype_nameproperty_namehrefencodinguri-sequencebase-uri-nodeentity-nameRequired cardinality is %1; got cardinality %2.The item %1 did not match the required type %2.syntax errorsyntax error, unexpected %ssyntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %ssyntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %ssyntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %ssyntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s or %s%1 is an unknown schema type.XPath 2.0XSL-T 2.0XQuery 1.0W3C XML Schema identity constraint selectorW3C XML Schema identity constraint fieldA construct was encountered which is disallowed in the current language(%1).%1 is not a valid numeric literal.Only one %1 declaration can occur in the query prolog.A template with name %1 has already been declared.The initialization of variable %1 depends on itselfNo variable with name %1 existsNAN1.0Version %1 is not supported. The supported XQuery version is 1.0.[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\-]*The encoding %1 is invalid. It must contain Latin characters only, must not contain whitespace, and must match the regular expression %2.No function with signature %1 is availableA default namespace declaration must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.Namespace declarations must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.Module imports must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.The keyword %1 cannot occur with any other mode name.#allThe value of attribute %1 must be of type %2, which %3 isn't.priorityIt is not possible to redeclare prefix %1.The prefix %1 can not be bound. By default, it is already bound to the namespace %2.Prefix %1 is already declared in the prolog.The name of an option must have a prefix. There is no default namespace for options.The Schema Import feature is not supported, and therefore %1 declarations cannot occur.import schemaThe target namespace of a %1 cannot be empty.module importThe module import feature is not supportedA variable with name %1 has already been declared.No value is available for the external variable with name %1.The namespace for a user defined function cannot be empty (try the predefined prefix %1 which exists for cases like this)localThe namespace %1 is reserved; therefore user defined functions may not use it. Try the predefined prefix %2, which exists for these cases.The namespace of a user defined function in a library module must be equivalent to the module namespace. In other words, it should be %1 instead of %2A function already exists with the signature %1.No external functions are supported. All supported functions can be used directly, without first declaring them as externalAn argument with name %1 has already been declared. Every argument name must be unique.In an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a string literal, when used for matching.In an XSL-T pattern, function %1 cannot have a third argument.In an XSL-T pattern, only function %1 and %2, not %3, can be used for matching.In an XSL-T pattern, axis %1 cannot be used, only axis %2 or %3 can.#current#default%1 is an invalid template mode name.The Schema Validation Feature is not supported. Hence, %1-expressions may not be used.validateNone of the pragma expressions are supported. Therefore, a fallback expression must be presentThe %1-axis is unsupported in XQueryNo function with name %1 is available.The namespace URI cannot be the empty string when binding to a prefix, %1.%1 is an invalid namespace URI.It is not possible to bind to the prefix %1Namespace %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared).Prefix %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared).Two namespace declaration attributes have the same name: %1.The namespace URI must be a constant and cannot use enclosed expressions.An attribute with name %1 has already appeared on this element.A direct element constructor is not well-formed. %1 is ended with %2.The name %1 does not refer to any schema type.%1 is an complex type. Casting to complex types is not possible. However, casting to atomic types such as %2 works.%1 is not an atomic type. Casting is only possible to atomic types.%1 is not a valid name for a processing-instruction.%1 is not in the in-scope attribute declarations. Note that the schema import feature is not supported.The name of an extension expression must be in a namespace.memory exhausteddeclare boundary-spacedeclare default element namespacedeclare default function namespacedeclare orderingdeclare default orderdeclare copy-namespacesdeclare default collationdeclare base-uriA stylesheet function must have a prefixed name.When function %1 is used for matching inside a pattern, the argument must be a variable reference or a string literal.In an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a literal or a variable reference, when used for matching.The name of a variable bound in a for-expression must be different from the positional variable. Hence, the two variables named %1 collide.Each name of a template parameter must be unique; %1 is duplicated.http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"end of file"$undefined"""""""QName""NCName""ClarkName"ANY_LOCAL_NAMEANY_PREFIX"""""ancestor""ancestor-or-self""and""'""apply-template""as""ascending"":=""at""@""attribute"AVT"|""base-uri"">""for-apply-template""for""function""ge""="">="">""<=""<""!=""greatest""gt""idiv""if""import""inherit""in""instance""intersect""is""item""lax""[""least""le""let""(""lt""map""matches""-""mode""mod""module""name""namespace""ne""node""no-inherit""no-preserve""of""option""ordered""ordering""order""or""parent""""\"""]""return"")""satisfies""schema-attribute""schema-element""schema""self"";""/""//""some""sort""stable""*""strict""strip"SUCCESSCOMMENT_CONTENTPI_CONTENTPI_TARGETXSLT_VERSION"template""text""then""to""treat""tunnel""typeswitch""union""unordered""validate""variable""version""where""xquery""internal""internal-name""current"$acceptModuleVersionDeclEncodingMainModuleLibraryModuleModuleDeclPrologTemplateDecl$@1$@2OptionalPriorityOptionalTemplateNameTemplateNameSetterImportSeparatorNamespaceDeclBoundarySpaceDeclBoundarySpacePolicyDefaultNamespaceDeclDeclareDefaultElementNamespaceDeclareDefaultFunctionNamespaceOptionDeclOrderingModeDeclOrderingModeEmptyOrderDeclOrderingEmptySequenceCopyNamespacesDeclPreserveModeInheritModeDefaultCollationDeclBaseURIDeclSchemaImportSchemaPrefixModuleImportModuleNamespaceDeclFileLocationsFileLocationVarDeclVariableValueOptionalDefaultValueConstructionDeclConstructionModeFunctionDecl@3ParamListParamFunctionBodyEnclosedExprQueryBodyPatternPathPatternIdKeyPatternRelativePathPatternPatternStepExprExpressionSequenceExprSingleOptionalModesOptionalModeModesModeFLWORExprForClause@4@5ForTail$@6@7PositionalVarLetClause@8LetTail@9WhereClauseOrderByClauseMandatoryOrderByClauseOrderSpecListOrderSpecDirectionModifierEmptynessModifierCollationModifierOrderByInputOrderQuantifiedExprSomeQuantificationExpr$@10@11SomeQuantificationTail@12@13EveryQuantificationExpr$@14@15EveryQuantificationTail@16@17SatisfiesClauseTypeswitchExpr$@18CaseClause$@19$@20CaseTailCaseVariableCaseDefault$@21IfExprOrExprAndExprComparisonExprRangeExprAdditiveExprAdditiveOperatorMultiplicativeExprMultiplyOperatorUnionExprIntersectExceptExprUnionOperatorIntersectOperatorInstanceOfExprTreatExprCastableExprCastExprUnaryExprUnaryOperatorValueExprGeneralCompGeneralComparisonOperatorValueCompValueComparisonOperatorNodeCompNodeOperatorValidateExprValidationModeExtensionExprEnclosedOptionalExprPragmasPragmaPragmaContentsPathExprRelativePathExprStepExpr@22$@23TemplateWithParameters$@24TemplateParametersOptionalTemplateParametersTemplateParameterIsTunnelOptionalAssignMapOrSlashFilteredAxisStepAxisStepForwardStep$@25NodeTestInAxisStepAxisAxisTokenAbbrevForwardStep$@26ReverseStepAbbrevReverseStepNodeTestNameTestWildCardFilterExprPrimaryExprLiteralNumericLiteralVarRefVarNameParenthesizedExprContextItemExprOrderingExprFunctionCallExprFunctionArgumentsConstructorDirectConstructorDirElemConstructor@27@28DirElemConstructorTailDirAttributeListAttributeDirAttributeValueAttrValueContentDirElemContentDirCommentConstructorDirPIConstructorComputedConstructorCompDocConstructorCompElemConstructor$@29IsInternalCompAttrConstructorCompTextConstructorCompCommentConstructorCompPIConstructorCompAttributeName$@30$@31CompElementNameCompNameExprCompPINameCompNamespaceConstructorSingleTypeTypeDeclarationSequenceTypeOccurrenceIndicatorItemTypeAtomicTypeKindTestAnyKindTestDocumentTestAnyElementTestTextTestCommentTestPITestAnyAttributeTestAttributeTestSchemaAttributeTestElementTestOptionalQuestionMarkSchemaElementTestEmptyParantesesAttributeNameElementNameTypeNameFunctionNameNCNameLexicalNamePragmaNameURILiteralStringLiteralQNameThe variable %1 is unused Tokens Revealed:ampquotapos!--![CDATA[]]>#)byaselsewherestableatcaseboundary-spacecastablecasttreatxquerysatisfiesascendingassigndeclaregreatestthendocument-nodeschemaandleastschema-attributeexternaldescendingno-preserveletschema-elementconstructionno-inheritfollowstofunctionstrictlaxemptyofpreserveprecedesempty-sequenceinstanceunorderedbase-urireturncopy-namespacesoptioninorderingorderedortypeswitchinheritmoduleforversionstriporderimportitemParse error: %1The value for attribute %1 on element %2 must either be %3 or %4, not %5.yesElement %1 is not allowed at this location.Text nodes are not allowed at this location.Attribute %1 cannot have the value %2.validationtypeAttribute %1 and %2 are mutually exclusive.xml:basexml:spaceUnknown XSL-T attribute %1.The value of the XSL-T version attribute must be a value of type %1, which %2 isn't.Running an XSL-T 1.0 stylesheet with a 2.0 processor.Element %1 cannot have a sequence constructor.Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only the standard attributes can appear.Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only %3 is allowed, and the standard attributes.Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, and the standard attributes.XSL-T attributes on XSL-T elements must be in the null namespace, not in the XSL-T namespace which %1 is.The attribute %1 must appear on element %2.The element with local name %1 does not exist in XSL-T.Element %1 must come last.otherwisetestAt least one %1-element must occur before %2.whenOnly one %1-element can appear.At least one %1-element must occur inside %2.selectnameElement %1 cannot have children.node-namemodeWhen attribute %1 is present on %2, a sequence constructor cannot be used.Element %1 must have either a %2-attribute or a sequence constructor.generic-string-joinrequiredWhen a parameter is required, a default value cannot be supplied through a %1-attribute or a sequence constructor.tunnelThe attribute %1 can only appear on the first %2 element.sortdata-typestringAt least one %1 element must appear as child of %2.The attribute %1 cannot appear on %2, when it is a child of %3.paramA parameter in a function cannot be declared to be a tunnel.matchIf element %1 has no attribute %2, it cannot have attribute %3 or %4.templateElement %1 must have at least one of the attributes %2 or %3.At least one mode must be specified in the %1-attribute on element %2.overrideThis processor is not Schema-aware and therefore %1 cannot be used.Top level stylesheet elements must be in a non-null namespace, which %1 isn't.In a simplified stylesheet module, attribute %1 must be present.http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/TransformminLengthmaxLengthwhiteSpacemaxInclusivemaxExclusiveminInclusiveminExclusivetotalDigitsfractionDigitsenumerationassertionnone(empty)(wildcard)Derived particle is missing element %1.Derived element %1 is missing value constraint as defined in base particle.Derived element %1 has weaker value constraint than base particle.http://dummy.orgFixed value constraint of element %1 differs from value constraint in base particle.Simple type of derived element %1 cannot be validly derived from base element.Complex type of derived element %1 cannot be validly derived from base element.Element %1 is missing in derived particle.Element %1 does not match namespace constraint of wildcard in base particle.Wildcard in derived particle is not a valid subset of wildcard in base particle.processContent of wildcard in derived particle is weaker than wildcard in base particle.Empty particle cannot be derived from non-empty particle.Derived element %1 cannot be nillable as base element is not nillable.Block constraints of derived element %1 must not be more weaker than in the base element.Derived particle allows content that is not allowed in the base particle.merged_dummyUriBase type of simple type %1 cannot be complex type %2.Simple type %1 cannot have direct base type %2.Simple type %1 is not allowed to have base type %2.Simple type %1 can only have simple atomic type as base type.Simple type %1 cannot derive from %2 as the latter defines restriction as final.Variety of member types of %1 must be atomic.%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by list as the latter defines it as final.Base type of simple type %1 must have variety of type list.Base type of simple type %1 has defined derivation by restriction as final.Item type of base type does not match item type of %1.%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by union as the latter defines it as final.%1 is not allowed to have any facets.Base type %1 of simple type %2 must have variety of union.Base type %1 of simple type %2 is not allowed to have restriction in %3 attribute.finalMember type %1 cannot be derived from member type %2 of %3's base type %4.Variety of item type of %1 must be either atomic or union.Simple type %1 is only allowed to have %2 facet.Simple type %1 contains not allowed facet type %2.Derivation method of %1 must be extension because the base type %2 is a simple type.Item type of simple type %1 cannot be a complex type.Member type of simple type %1 cannot be a complex type.%1 is not allowed to have a member type with the same name as itself.Attribute group %1 contains attribute %2 twice.Attribute group %1 contains two different attributes that both have types derived from %2.Attribute group %1 contains attribute %2 that has value constraint but type that inherits from %3.Complex type %1 contains attribute %2 twice.Complex type %1 contains two different attributes that both have types derived from %2.Complex type %1 contains attribute %2 that has value constraint but type that inherits from %3.Value constraint of attribute %1 is not of attributes type: %2.Attribute %1 has value constraint but has type derived from %2.useAttribute %1 in derived complex type must have %2 value constraint like in base type.fixedAttribute %1 in derived complex type must have the same %2 value constraint like in base type.Attribute %1 in derived complex type must have %2 value constraint.processContent of base wildcard must be weaker than derived wildcard.%1 attribute in derived complex type must be %2 like in base type.%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by restriction as the latter defines it as final.%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by extension as the latter defines it as final.Element %1 is not allowed to have a value constraint if its base type is complex.Element %1 is not allowed to have a value constraint if its type is derived from %2.Value constraint of element %1 is not of elements type: %2.Element %1 is not allowed to have substitution group affiliation as it is no global element.Type of element %1 cannot be derived from type of substitution group affiliation.Circular inheritance of base type %1.Circular inheritance of union %1.%1 has inheritance loop in its base type %2.Element %1 exists twice with different types.Particle contains non-deterministic wildcards.%1 facet must have the same value as %2 facet of base type.%1 facet collides with %2 facet.%1 facet must be equal or greater than %2 facet of base type.%1 facet must be less than or equal to %2 facet of base type.%1 facet contains invalid regular expressionpattern.Unknown notation %1 used in %2 facet.%1 facet contains invalid value %2: %3.%1 facet cannot be %2 or %3 if %4 facet of base type is %5.replacecollapse%1 facet cannot be %2 if %3 facet of base type is %4.%1 facet must be less than or equal to %2 facet.%1 facet must be less than %2 facet of base type.%1 facet and %2 facet cannot appear together.%1 facet must be greater than %2 facet of base type.%1 facet must be less than %2 facet.%1 facet must be greater than or equal to %2 facet of base type.Simple type contains not allowed facet %1.%1, %2, %3, %4, %5 and %6 facets are not allowed when derived by list.Only %1 and %2 facets are allowed when derived by union.%1 contains %2 facet with invalid data: %3.Complex type %1 has duplicated element %2 in its content model.Complex type %1 has non-deterministic content.Attributes of complex type %1 are not a valid extension of the attributes of base type %2: %3.Complex type %1 must have simple content.Complex type %1 must have the same simple type as its base class %2.Complex type %1 cannot be derived from base type %2%3.: Attributes of complex type %1 are not a valid restriction from the attributes of base type %2: %3.Complex type %1 with simple content cannot be derived from complex base type %2.Content model of complex type %1 is not a valid extension of content model of %2.[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*\c+\i\c*[\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*[\-+]?[0-9]+-19223372036854775807-92233720368547758082147483647-214748364832767-32768127-128184467440737095516154294967295655352551[^DT]*[^YM]*(T.*)?%s-->%srestrictionextensionsubstitutionName:IsAbstract:Type:DisallowedSubstitutionGroups:' unbounded%s min=%s max=%s%selement (%s)%ssequence%sall%schoice%swildcard (process=%d)AnyEnumerationNotStrictLaxSkip processContents: %s variety: %s namespaces:QSet +++ Complex Type +++Name: %s (abstract: %s) base type: %s base type: (none) content type: empty content type: simple content type: element-only content type: mixed simple type: %s simple type: (none) %d attributes attr: %s has attribute wildcard: %s +++ Simple Type +++Name: %s primitive type: %s primitive type: (none)------------------------------ Schema -------------------------------Global Elements:Global Attributes:Global Types:Anonymous Types:+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++anyAttribute.Attribute %1 from base type is missing in derived type.Type of derived attribute %1 differs from type of base attribute.Base definition contains an %1 element that is missing in the derived definitionType of derived attribute %1 cannot be validly derived from type of base attribute.Value constraint of derived attribute %1 does not match value constraint of base attribute.Derived attribute %1 does not exist in the base definition.Derived attribute %1 does not match the wildcard in the base definition.Base attribute %1 is required but derived attribute is not.Base attribute %1 is required but missing in derived definition.Derived definition contains an %1 element that does not exists in the base definitionDerived wildcard is not a subset of the base wildcard.%1 of derived wildcard is not a valid restriction of %2 of base wildcardprocessContentsprocessContents.##Prefix of qualified name %1 is not defined.%1 attribute of %2 element contains invalid content: {%3} is not a value of type %4.%1 attribute of %2 element contains invalid content: {%3}.xpathDefaultNamespace##defaultNamespace##targetNamespace##localDuplicated facets in simple type %1.Element %1 already defined.Attribute %1 already defined.Type %1 already defined.Attribute group %1 already defined.Element group %1 already defined.Notation %1 already defined.Identity constraint %1 already defined.%1 element is not allowed in this context.Can not process unknown element %1, expected elements are: %2.Element %1 is not allowed in this scope, possible elements are: %2.Child element is missing in that scope, possible child elements are: %1.sourceappinfodocumentationlangxml:lang%1 is not a valid value for type %2.idComponent with ID %1 has been defined previously.annotationrefattributeGroupselectorxpathfielduniquekeykeyrefrefernotationpublicsystem%1 element requires either %2 or %3 attribute.Text or entity references not allowed inside %1 elementnotation.Value %1 of type %2 is below minimum (%3).minOccursmaxOccurs%1 attribute of %2 element has larger value than %3 attribute.group%1 element is not allowed inside %2 element if %3 attribute is present.simpleType%1 element has neither %2 attribute nor %3 child element.itemTypelistmemberTypes%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.nilschemaLocationnoNamespaceSchemaLocationContent of %1 attribute of %2 element must not be from namespace %3.%1 attribute of %2 element must not be %3.%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.formoptionalprohibited%1 attribute of %2 element must have the value %3 because the %4 attribute is set.qualifiedunqualifiedany##any##other%1 attribute of %2 element must contain %3, %4 or a list of URIs.skipappliesToEmptydefaultOpenContentinterleavesuffixopenContentanyAttributesimpleContentSpecifying use='prohibited' inside an attribute group has no effect.%1 attribute of %2 element must either contain %3 or the other values.blocknillable%1 element must have either %2 or %3 attribute.complexTypealternativeall%1 attribute of %2 element must be %3 or %4.%1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3.%1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3 or %4.choicemixedcomplexContent%1 element must have either %2 attribute or %3 or %4 as child element.abstractsubstitutionGroup%1 element is not allowed to have the same %2 attribute value as the target namespace %3.%1 element without %2 attribute is not allowed inside schema without target namespace.:targetNamespaceTarget namespace %1 of included schema is different from the target namespace %2 as defined by the including schema.Target namespace %1 of imported schema is different from the target namespace %2 as defined by the importing schema.attributeFormDefaultelementFormDefaultblockDefaultfinalDefaultdefaultAttributesDocument is not a XML schema.includeredefineredefined simple type %1 must have itself as base typeredefined complex type %1 must have itself as base typeredefined group %1 can not contain multiple references to itselfredefined group %1 has no occurrence in included schemaredefined attribute group %1 can not contain multiple references to itselfredefined attribute group %1 has no occurrence in included schemano matching type found to redefine simple type %1no matching type found to redefine complex type %1redefined group %1 can not contain reference to itself with minOccurs or maxOccurs != 1http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance__AnonymousClass_%1Substitution group %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved.Substitution group %1 has circular definition.Base type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved.Item type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved.Type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved.Type of %1 element must be a simple type, %2 is not.%1 references unknown %2 or %3 element %4.%1 has a different number of fields from the identity constraint %2 that it references.%1 references identity constraint %2 that is no %3 or %4 element.Base type %1 of complex type cannot be resolved.%1 cannot have complex base type that has a %2.Member type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved.%1 element %2 is not a valid restriction of the %3 element it redefines: %4.Enumeration facet contains invalid content: {%1} is not a value of type %2.Namespace prefix of qualified name %1 is not defined.Content model of complex type %1 contains %2 element so it cannot be derived by extension from a non-empty type.Complex type %1 cannot be derived by extension from %2 as the latter contains %3 element in its content model.Duplicated element names %1 in %2 element.Reference %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved.Circular group reference for %1.%1 element is not allowed in this scopeall.%1 element cannot have %2 attribute with value other than %3.%1 element cannot have %2 attribute with value other than %3 or %4.%1 or %2 attribute of reference %3 does not match with the attribute declaration %4.Attribute group %1 has circular reference.Attribute wildcard of %1 is not a valid restriction of attribute wildcard of base type %2.%1 has attribute wildcard but its base type %2 has not.Union of attribute wildcard of type %1 and attribute wildcard of its base type %2 is not expressible.%1 attribute in %2 must have %3 use like in base type %4.http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchemaNMTOKENSIDREFSENTITIESData of type %1 are not allowed to be empty.String content does not match the length facet.String content does not match the minLength facet.String content does not match the maxLength facet.String content does not match pattern facet.String content is not listed in the enumeration facet.Signed integer content does not match the maxInclusive facet.Signed integer content does not match the maxExclusive facet.Signed integer content does not match the minInclusive facet.Signed integer content does not match the minExclusive facet.Signed integer content does not match in the totalDigits facet.Signed integer content is not listed in the enumeration facet.Signed integer content does not match pattern facet.Unsigned integer content does not match the maxInclusive facet.Unsigned integer content does not match the maxExclusive facet.Unsigned integer content does not match the minInclusive facet.Unsigned integer content does not match the minExclusive facet.Unsigned integer content does not match in the totalDigits facet.Unsigned integer content is not listed in the enumeration facet.Unsigned integer content does not match pattern facet.Double content does not match the maxInclusive facet.Double content does not match the maxExclusive facet.Double content does not match the minInclusive facet.Double content does not match the minExclusive facet.Double content is not listed in the enumeration facet.Double content does not match pattern facet.Decimal content does not match in the fractionDigits facet.Decimal content does not match in the totalDigits facet.Date time content does not match the maxInclusive facet.Date time content does not match the maxExclusive facet.Date time content does not match the minInclusive facet.Date time content does not match the minExclusive facet.Date time content is not listed in the enumeration facet.Date time content does not match pattern facet.Duration content does not match the maxInclusive facet.Duration content does not match the maxExclusive facet.Duration content does not match the minInclusive facet.Duration content does not match the minExclusive facet.Duration content is not listed in the enumeration facet.Duration content does not match pattern facet.Boolean content does not match pattern facet.Binary content does not match the length facet.Binary content does not match the minLength facet.Binary content does not match the maxLength facet.Binary content is not listed in the enumeration facet.Notation content is not listed in the enumeration facet.Invalid QName content: %1.QName content is not listed in the enumeration facet.QName content does not match pattern facet.Union content is not listed in the enumeration facet.Union content does not match pattern facet.List content does not match length facet.List content does not match minLength facet.List content does not match maxLength facet.List content is not listed in the enumeration facet.List content does not match pattern facet.%1 is not valid according to %2.__ns_absentID value '%1' is not unique.'%1' attribute contains invalid QName content: %2.Loaded schema file is invalid.Content of attribute %1 does not match its type definition: %2.Content of attribute %1 does not match defined value constraint.Element %1 contains not allowed attributes.Element %1 contains not allowed child element.Content of element %1 does not match its type definition: %2.Content of element %1 does not match defined value constraint.No referenced value found for key reference %1.Non-unique value found for constraint %1.Key constraint %1 contains absent fields.Key constraint %1 contains references nillable element %2.Element %1 contains not allowed text content.Element %1 cannot contain other elements, as it has a fixed content.Element %1 is missing required attribute %2.Attribute %1 does not match the attribute wildcard.Declaration for attribute %1 does not exist.Element %1 contains two attributes of type %2.IDAttribute %1 contains invalid content.Element %1 contains unknown attribute %2.Element %1 contains not allowed child content.Complex type %1 is not allowed to be abstract.Element %1 is declared as abstract.Element %1 is not nillable.Attribute %1 contains invalid data: %2nil.Fixed value constraint not allowed if element is nillable.Specified type %1 is not known to the schema.Specified type %1 is not validly substitutable with element type %2.Element contains content although it is nillable.%1 contains invalid data.%1 %2xsi:schemaLocation namespace %1 has already appeared earlier in the instance document.xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation cannot appear after the first no-namespace element or attribute.No schema defined for validation.No definition for element %1 available.Element %1 is not defined in this scope.Declaration for element %1 does not exist.Element %1 contains invalid content.More than one value found for field %1.___anySimpleType_value%1:%2Field %1 has no simple type.There is one IDREF value with no corresponding ID: %1.Element %1 is missing child element.item()node()anySimpleTypexs:anyTypeanyTypexs:anyAtomicTypeanyAtomicTypeanyURIbase64BinarybooleandatedateTimedayTimeDurationdecimaldoubledurationfloatgDaygMonthDaygMonthgYearMonthgYearhexBinaryintegerNOTATIONtimeuntypedAtomicyearMonthDuration("empty-sequence()")zero or one("?")exactly oneone or more("+")zero or more("*")?processing-instruction()text()element()document()attribute()comment()positiveIntegerunsignedByteunsignedShortunsignedIntunsignedLongnonNegativeIntegerbyteshortintlongnegativeIntegernonPositiveIntegerENTITYIDREFNameNMTOKENlanguagetokennormalizedStringWhen casting to %1 from %2, the source value cannot be %3.The first operand in an integer division, %1, cannot be infinity (%2).The second operand in a division, %1, cannot be zero (%2).No operand in an integer division, %1, can be %2.Value %1 of type %2 exceeds maximum (%3).item()*(: EBV extractable type :)empty-sequence()*: | }:*numericRequired type is %1, but %2 was found.Promoting %1 to %2 may cause loss of precision.The focus is undefined.untyped'http://www.w3.org/2005/xquery-local-functions | 1 | 2 | InternalXSLTfnxsxsins0|||absadjust-dateTime-to-timezoneadjust-date-to-timezoneadjust-time-to-timezoneavgceilingcodepoint-equalcodepoints-to-stringcollectioncompareconcatcontainscountcurrentcurrent-datecurrent-dateTimecurrent-timedataday-from-dateday-from-dateTimedays-from-durationdeep-equaldefault-collationdistinct-valuesdocdoc-availabledocument-urielement-availableencode-for-uriends-withescape-html-uriexactly-oneexistsfloorfunction-availablefunction-namegenerate-idhours-from-dateTimehours-from-durationhours-from-timeidrefimplicit-timezoneindex-ofin-scope-prefixesinsert-beforeiri-to-uriis-schema-awarelastlocal-namelocal-name-from-QNamelower-casematchesmaxminminutes-from-dateTimeminutes-from-durationminutes-from-timemonth-from-datemonth-from-dateTimemonths-from-durationnamespace-urinamespace-uri-for-prefixnamespace-uri-from-QNamenillednormalize-spacenormalize-unicodenotone-or-moreprefix-from-QNameproduct-nameproduct-versionproperty-nameremoveresolve-QNameresolve-urireverserootroundround-half-to-evenseconds-from-dateTimeseconds-from-durationseconds-from-timesourceValuestarts-withstatic-base-uristring-joinstring-lengthstring-to-codepointssubsequencesubstringsubstring-aftersubstring-beforesumsupports-backwards-compatibilitysupports-serializationsystem-propertytimezone-from-datetimezone-from-dateTimetimezone-from-timetokenizetracetranslatetype-availableunparsed-entity-public-idunparsed-entity-uriunparsed-textunparsed-text-availableupper-casevendorvendor-urlyear-from-dateyear-from-dateTimeyears-from-durationzero-or-oneQXmlName(null)It's not possible to add attributes after any other kind of node.An attribute by name %1 has already been created.N11QPatternist13AccelIteratorEN11QPatternist13ChildIteratorEN11QPatternist17FollowingIteratorEN11QPatternist17PrecedingIteratorEN11QPatternist17AttributeIteratorE@N11QPatternist14DynamicContextEN11QPatternist16AccelTreeBuilderILb0EEEN11QPatternist20ListIteratorPlatformI8QVariantNS_4ItemENS_19VariantListIteratorE5QListIS1_EEEN11QPatternist19VariantListIteratorEN11QPatternist20ListIteratorPlatformI7QStringNS_4ItemENS_18StringListIteratorE5QListIS1_EEEN11QPatternist18StringListIteratorEN11QPatternist32TemporaryTreesRedirectingContextEN11QPatternist14VariableLoaderE30QAbstractMessageHandlerPrivateN11QPatternist20ListIteratorPlatformI28QExplicitlySharedDataPointerI27QAbstractXmlForwardIteratorI18QXmlNodeModelIndexEES5_NS_12ListIteratorIS5_5QListIS5_EEES8_EEN11QPatternist12ListIteratorI28QExplicitlySharedDataPointerI27QAbstractXmlForwardIteratorI18QXmlNodeModelIndexEE5QListIS5_EEE27QAbstractXmlForwardIteratorI28QExplicitlySharedDataPointerIS_I18QXmlNodeModelIndexEEEN11QPatternist20ListIteratorPlatformI28QExplicitlySharedDataPointerI27QAbstractXmlForwardIteratorI18QXmlNodeModelIndexEES5_NS_12ListIteratorIS5_7QVectorIS5_EEES8_EEN11QPatternist12ListIteratorI28QExplicitlySharedDataPointerI27QAbstractXmlForwardIteratorI18QXmlNodeModelIndexEE7QVectorIS5_EEEN11QPatternist14IteratorVectorEN11QPatternist23SequenceMappingIteratorI18QXmlNodeModelIndex28QExplicitlySharedDataPointerI27QAbstractXmlForwardIteratorIS1_EEPKNS_13MergeIteratorEEEN11QPatternist23SequenceMappingIteratorI18QXmlNodeModelIndexS1_PK21QAbstractXmlNodeModelEEN11QPatternist20ListIteratorPlatformI18QXmlNodeModelIndexS1_NS_12ListIteratorIS1_7QVectorIS1_EEES4_EEN11QPatternist12ListIteratorI18QXmlNodeModelIndex7QVectorIS1_EEE21QAbstractXmlNodeModelN11QPatternist23AbstractXmlPullProviderE20QAbstractXmlReceiverN11QPatternist22NetworkAccessDelegatorEN11QPatternist10PullBridgeEN11QPatternist17ResourceDelegatorE26QSimpleXmlNodeModelPrivate19QSimpleXmlNodeModelN11QPatternist9URILoaderE27QAbstractXmlReceiverPrivate21QXmlSerializerPrivate20QXmlFormatterPrivate13QXmlFormatter15QXmlResultItems14QXmlSerializerN11QPatternist11ColorOutputEN11QPatternist22ColoringMessageHandlerE14XsdSchemaToken16QXmlStreamReaderN11QPatternist17MaintainingReaderI14XsdSchemaTokenNS_11XsdTagScope4TypeEEEN11QPatternist16AbstractDateTimeEN11QPatternist16AbstractDurationEN11QPatternist6AnyURIEN11QPatternist23AtomicTypeVisitorResultEN11QPatternist12AtomicCasterEN11QPatternist21ToUntypedAtomicCasterEN11QPatternist14ToAnyURICasterEN11QPatternist29HexBinaryToBase64BinaryCasterEN11QPatternist29Base64BinaryToHexBinaryCasterEN11QPatternist26StringToBase64BinaryCasterEN11QPatternist23StringToHexBinaryCasterEN11QPatternist22NumericToBooleanCasterEN11QPatternist21StringToBooleanCasterEN11QPatternist21StringToDecimalCasterEN11QPatternist21StringToIntegerCasterEN11QPatternist22BooleanToDecimalCasterEN11QPatternist22BooleanToIntegerCasterEN11QPatternist16SelfToSelfCasterEN11QPatternist19StringToGYearCasterEN11QPatternist18StringToGDayCasterEN11QPatternist20StringToGMonthCasterEN11QPatternist24StringToGYearMonthCasterEN11QPatternist23StringToGMonthDayCasterEN11QPatternist22StringToDateTimeCasterEN11QPatternist18StringToTimeCasterEN11QPatternist18StringToDateCasterEN11QPatternist22StringToDurationCasterEN11QPatternist29StringToDayTimeDurationCasterEN11QPatternist31StringToYearMonthDurationCasterEN11QPatternist29AbstractDateTimeToGYearCasterEN11QPatternist34AbstractDateTimeToGYearMonthCasterEN11QPatternist30AbstractDateTimeToGMonthCasterEN11QPatternist33AbstractDateTimeToGMonthDayCasterEN11QPatternist28AbstractDateTimeToGDayCasterEN11QPatternist32AbstractDateTimeToDateTimeCasterEN11QPatternist28AbstractDateTimeToDateCasterEN11QPatternist28AbstractDateTimeToTimeCasterEN11QPatternist32AbstractDurationToDurationCasterEN11QPatternist39AbstractDurationToDayTimeDurationCasterEN11QPatternist41AbstractDurationToYearMonthDurationCasterEN11QPatternist16AtomicComparatorEN11QPatternist16StringComparatorEN11QPatternist31CaseInsensitiveStringComparatorEN11QPatternist20BinaryDataComparatorEN11QPatternist17BooleanComparatorEN11QPatternist23AbstractFloatComparatorEN11QPatternist17DecimalComparatorEN11QPatternist17IntegerComparatorEN11QPatternist15QNameComparatorEN11QPatternist26AbstractDateTimeComparatorEN11QPatternist26AbstractDurationComparatorEN11QPatternist19AtomicMathematicianEN11QPatternist20DecimalMathematicianEN11QPatternist20IntegerMathematicianEN11QPatternist28DurationNumericMathematicianEN11QPatternist29DurationDurationMathematicianEN11QPatternist28OperandSwitcherMathematicianEN11QPatternist29DateTimeDurationMathematicianEN11QPatternist29AbstractDateTimeMathematicianEN11QPatternist12AtomicStringEN11QPatternist16CppCastingHelperINS_11AtomicValueEEEN11QPatternist7NumericEN11QPatternist14DerivedIntegerILNS_20TypeOfDerivedIntegerE10EEEN11QPatternist13AbstractFloatILb1EEEN11QPatternist13AbstractFloatILb0EEEN11QPatternist11AtomicValueE>?456789:;<= 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www.w3.org]XMLL1998 ʎnamespace? See http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace.html and http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml for information about this namespace. This schema document describes the XML namespace, in a form suitable for import by other schema documents. Note that local names in this namespace are intended to be defined only by the World Wide Web Consortium or its subgroups. The following names are currently defined in this namespace and should not be used with conflicting semantics by any Working Group, specification, or document instance: base (as an attribute name): denotes an attribute whose value provides a URI to be used as the base for interpreting any relative URIs in the scope of the element on which it appears; its value is inherited. This name is reserved by virtue of its definition in the XML Base specification. id (as an attribute name): denotes an attribute whose value should be interpreted as if declared to be of type ID. This name is reserved by virtue of its definition in the xml:id specification. lang (as an attribute name): denotes an attribute whose value is a language code for the natural language of the content of any element; its value is inherited. This name is reserved by virtue of its definition in the XML specification. space (as an attribute name): denotes an attribute whose value is a keyword indicating what whitespace processing discipline is intended for the content of the element; its value is inherited. This name is reserved by virtue of its definition in the XML specification. Father (in any context at all): denotes Jon Bosak, the chair of the original XML Working Group. This name is reserved by the following decision of the W3C XML Plenary and XML Coordination groups: In appreciation for his vision, leadership and dedication the W3C XML Plenary on this 10th day of February, 2000 reserves for Jon Bosak in perpetuity the XML name xml:Father This schema defines attributes and an attribute group suitable for use by schemas wishing to allow xml:base, xml:lang, xml:space or xml:id attributes on elements they define. To enable this, such a schema must import this schema for the XML namespace, e.g. as follows: <schema . . .> . . . <import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd"/> Subsequently, qualified reference to any of the attributes or the group defined below will have the desired effect, e.g. <type . . .> . . . <attributeGroup ref="xml:specialAttrs"/> will define a type which will schema-validate an instance element with any of those attributes In keeping with the XML Schema WG's standard versioning policy, this schema document will persist at http://www.w3.org/2007/08/xml.xsd. At the date of issue it can also be found at http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd. The schema document at that URI may however change in the future, in order to remain compatible with the latest version of XML Schema itself, or with the XML namespace itself. In other words, if the XML Schema or XML namespaces change, the version of this document at http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd will change accordingly; the version at http://www.w3.org/2007/08/xml.xsd will not change. Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never going to be a realistic possibility. See RFC 3066 at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3066.txt and the IANA registry at http://www.iana.org/assignments/lang-tag-apps.htm for further information. The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with the empty string. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlbase/ for information about this attribute. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-id/ for information about this attribute. 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