Advanced users can create 32-bit instead of 64-bit builds. If you are interested, click on Expand on the right.
* {{project_name_short}} is 64-bit by default. [https://forums.whonix.org/t/state-of-offical-64-bit-builds State of official 64-bit builds]. Don't get confused by the term amd64. It runs on both, Intel and AMD. amd64 is only how Debian names the kernel. It works equally well on Intel and AMD. To build {{project_name_short}} 32-bit, add the following build parameter.
--arch i386
* kFreeBSD is entirely untested and most likely needs additional work (see footnotes). kFreeBSD (32-bit).
--arch kfreebsd-i386 --kernel kfreebsd-image --headers kfreebsd-headers
kFreeBSD (64-bit).
--arch kfreebsd-amd64 --kernel kfreebsd-image --headers kfreebsd-headers
* {{project_name_short}} for arm64 development discussion (working and tested with QEMU on Mac M1):
--arch arm64
** https://forums.whonix.org/t/whonix-for-arm64-raspberry-pi-rpi/723 ** https://forums.whonix.org/t/whonix-on-mac-with-arm-m1/11310 * Generally speaking, 64-bit builds cannot be created if running a 32-bit host kernel. See footnotes. https://github.com/grml/grml-debootstrap/pull/13 In this case, try installing the packages {{Code|linux-image-amd64}} and {{Code|linux-headers-amd64}} on your host, then boot the amd64 kernel by choosing it in the boot menu. The whole system does not require re-installation; just be sure to boot with an amd64 kernel. Alternatively, consider to re-install your host using amd64. = Footnotes = {{reflist|close=1}}