{{Header}} {{title|title= Mobile Operating System Comparison }} {{#seo: |description=Comparison of Mobile Phones, Operating Systems that focus on either/and/or security, privacy, anonymity, source-available, Freedom Software, de-googled, un-googled, custom operating system (flash) allowed. |image=Mobile-1231889640.jpg }} [[File:Mobile-1231889640.jpg|thumb]]
* [[Mobile Phone Security]] * [[Mobile Operating System Comparison]]
{{intro| Comparison of Mobile Phones, Operating Systems that focus on either/and/or security, privacy, anonymity, source-available, Freedom Software, de-googled, un-googled, custom operating system (flash) allowed. }} = Introduction = This mobile phone related projects focused on either/and/or:
* security, * privacy, * anonymity, * source-available, * Freedom Software, * de-googled, un-googled, * custom firmware (flashing) allowed, * alternative mobile hardware projects, * alternative mobile operating systems, and * also other popular or frequently discussed operating systems might be added.
[https://forums.whonix.org/t/overview-of-mobile-projects-that-focus-on-either-and-or-security-privacy-anonymity-source-available-freedom-software/4557/21 All statements are either false or incomplete.] = General Mobile Devices Security = See also [[Mobile_Phone_Security#Mobile_Devices_Backdoors_in_Most_Phones_Tablets_Etc|Mobile Devices Backdoors in Most Phones Tablets Etc]] and [[Mobile_Phone_Security#Data_Harvesting_by_Most_Phones|Data Harvesting by Most Phones]]. = Software Projects = == iPhone and Android == {{kicksecure_Android}} == Android Based == === Google Android versus Android AOSP === Android AOSP (Android Open Source Project) is the Open-Source version of the Android operating system. It includes the core components of the operating system, such as the kernel, libraries, and basic applications. Android AOSP is freely available for anyone to download, modify, and use. Google Android, on the other hand, is the version of Android that is developed and maintained by Google. It includes additional features and services developed by Google, such as Google Play, Google Maps, and Google Assistant. Google Android is the version of Android that is pre-installed on most Android devices and is the version that most people are familiar with. Stock firmware from vendors such as Samsung is based on Google Android, but with additional customizations made by the vendor. These customizations can include changes to the user interface, additional features or apps, and modifications to the Android framework itself. Most if not all vendors install additional [[#Bloatware|bloatware]], that is software which is unwanted by the user and that often cannot be uninstalled. Alternative ROMs, such as LineageOS, are based on Android AOSP but with additional modifications made by the ROM developer. These modifications can include additional features, performance optimizations, and changes to the user interface. Alternative ROMs are often popular among users who want more control over their device or who prefer a more stock Android experience without vendor customizations or bloatware. === Google Android === ==== About Google Android ==== This applies to almost all users of Google Android. Except to the few users using after market firmwares that resist flashing google play services. https://www.androidpit.com/android-without-google-apps The European Commission: [https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_18_4581 Antitrust: Commission fines Google €4.34 billion for illegal practices regarding Android mobile devices to strengthen dominance of Google's search engine] * https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2009/09/note-on-google-apps-for-android.html * https://competitionlawblog.kluwercompetitionlaw.com/2022/09/20/google-android-the-general-court-takes-its-position/ * https://play.google/intl/en_US/play-terms/ ==== Google Android SafetyNet ==== [[Miscellaneous_Threats_to_User_Freedom#Device_Attestation_such_as_SafetyNet|"SafetyNet"]]: Android rats out the user. It's informing applications if the user made modifications to the device that are unapproved by Google. The list of unapproved modifications currently includes the absence of Google Play Services (if when installed, lead to massive data harvesting), alternative operating systems and device rooting. ==== Google Android Espionage Data Harvesting ==== [[Mobile_Phone_Security#Espionage_Data_Harvesting|There is massive espionage data harvesting on Google Android.]] No surprise due to: {{Google_Privacy}} Android based operating systems based on Android AOSP that do not have Google Play Services (or possibly other Google apps) installed are exempt. === Android Generally === ==== Android Anti-Features ==== There is a number of anti-features in both, Google Android as well as most (if not all) Android AOSP based operating systems. What is an anti-feature? {{Quotation |quote=Functionality originally intended as a feature, but perceived as a bug, annoyance, or infringement of freedoms by some or even most users. |context=[https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/anti-feature Wiktionary] }} * Apps can prevent the creation of screenshots. * The owner of the device has no full read/write access to all the files on the device. ** App developers can prevent their app's data from being backed up by setting allowbackup=false. ** Android prioritizes the wishes of the application developer over the wishes of the user. Android allows apps to set restrictions on how these apps can be used, even if those restrictions may be inconvenient or unwanted by the user. ** Users are prevented from accessing the device's host file (/etc/hosts), which can be used to block advertisements. * Android can leak information to apps about whether the user is using location spoofing, which can be used to hide the user's actual location. https://github.com/chriswoope/resign-android-image#locationismock-neutering Location.isMock] * There is no built-in boot menu that allows users to boot from USB or SD card for the purpose of data backup, troubleshooting, malware / spyware analysis, system modification, or experimentation with different operating systems. ** There is also no mechanism to get a fully copy of all data from the devices's internal storage for the same purposes. * See also these [[Miscellaneous_Threats_to_User_Freedom#mobile_devices_restrictions|mobile devices restrictions]]. These are anti-features from the user's point of view. These can be considered features from application developers or operating system developer viewpoint. ==== Android Developer Potential Conflict of Interest ==== Developers offering Android based operating systems for download have a potential [[Miscellaneous_Threats_to_User_Freedom#Conflict_of_Interest|Conflict of Interest]]. If Android based projects would implement technical ways Or leave an "API" or similar mechanism which third-party developers could develop an application to provide the functionality. that most laymen users can use to gain root and/or to keep control over the software running on their devices, then the project's chances to be ever get a highly profitable hardware producer partnership would be severely diminished. === Google Apps === ==== microG Project ==== {{quotation |quote= A free-as-in-freedom re-implementation of Google’s proprietary Android user space apps and libraries. |context=https://microg.org/ }} microG might be useful for Freedom Software projects based on Android. ==== Open GApps Project - opengapps ==== The [https://opengapps.org/ Open GApps Project] is a downloader for Google's non-freedom software apps. It creates an opengapps package which contains Google's apps. Opengapps is not a Freedom Software re-implementation of Google's apps. The downloader itself is Open Source but Google's apps are still non-freedom software. The opengapps packages downloadable from the Open GApps Project contain non-freedom software. {{quotation |quote= The Open GApps Project is an open-source effort to script the automatic generation of up-to-date Google Apps packages. On OpenGApps.org you can find more information about the project effort and also pre-built Google Apps packages generated by the OpenGApps.org buildbot. |context=https://opengapps.org/#aboutsection }} {{quotation |quote= Take note that Open GApps does not provide you with any license for Google’s APKs included in the package. The Open GApps packages merely provide a convenient way to sideload APKs to your device. It is your own responsibility to obtain the proper permissions by e.g. buying an OHA-licensed device with pre-installed Google Apps and/or acquiring the applications from Google’s Play Store. |context=https://opengapps.org/#aboutsection }} === iPhone === * {{quick_mention}} * iPhone backdoor video at CCC by Kaspersky researchers: {{VideoLink |videoid=1f6YyH62jFE |text=37C3 - Operation Triangulation: What You Get When Attack iPhones of Researchers }} === CalyxOS === * {{quick_mention}} * Slogan: "Privacy by Design" * A project from the Calyx Institute, New York, a "non-profit education and research organization" * Free and Open Source Software -> https://gitlab.com/calyxos * Uses microG for implementing Google's proprietary services * Hardware: https://calyxos.org/docs/guide/device-support/ * https://calyxos.org {{quotation |quote=Phones need a lot of proprietary files to boot and for all hardware to work, we have automated scripts to download and set them up. |context=https://calyxos.org/docs/development/build/#proprietary-files }} === GrapheneOS === * Hardened version of AOSP, with a strong focus on security and privacy. Currently only supported on Pixel devices. * Lead developer is Daniel Micay (who previously worked on CopperheadOS). * Common ancestry with [[#CopperheadOS|CopperheadOS]]. * https://grapheneos.org * https://github.com/GrapheneOS * https://www.reddit.com/r/GrapheneOS/ * Comes with numerous anti-features. Some of the same anti-features as [[#Android_Anti-Features|Google Android Anti-Features]]. ** For more information on GrapheneOS anti-features and potentially a way to disable a few of these, see [[#resign-android-image|resign-android-image]]. ** These anti-features might also apply numerous other AOSP based operating systems such as CalyxOS, /e/OS, LineageOS, and CopperheadOS. * Argues that allowing users to gain root (administrative rights / superuser) access would inevitably break the security model and that there is no conceivable solution that can uphold both user security and freedom. ** Quote [https://www.reddit.com/r/GrapheneOS/comments/du23la/rooted_or_root/?sort=old GrapheneOS lead developer] https://archive.ph/94YVQ : ***
It doesn't sound like you want GrapheneOS since you don't care about the core security goals. I recommend using something else.
GrapheneOS is not aimed at power users or hobbyists aiming to tinker with their devices more than they can via the stock OS or AOSP.
** https://archive.ph/2sYur ** Related: [[Verified_Boot#Ideological_Considerations|verified boot, ideological considerations]] ** Rooting is a very popular feature request generally for Android. search term examples: * site:reddit.com root samsung (or other phone vendors, models) * site:https://www.xda-developers.com root * [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.superUS.root.checker.free root checker] has more than 1 million downloads * magisk android ** Rooting is required to circumvent a large number of [[#Android_Anti-Features|Anti-Features]]. ** It can be argued that without root rights, the software is not really Free Software in spirit. This is elaborated in chapter [[Miscellaneous_Threats_to_User_Freedom#Administrative_Rights|General Threats to User Freedom chapter Administrative Rights]]. ** Also numerous other AOSP based operating systems refuse to grant users the ability to gain root access. *** GrapheneOS and other AOSP-based operating systems are not obligated to implement the frequently requested feature that allows users a secure and selective method to gain root access. Many casual users seek this to maintain control over the software on their devices. Alternatively, these operating systems could offer an API or a similar mechanism, enabling third-party developers to create applications that provide this functionality. * Sometimes when they use the word "security" in connection with GrapheneOS, they do not mean what is normally understand normally mean by that word: protecting your machine from things you do not want. They mean upholding the much praised "Android Security Model", which includes providing guarantees to app developers that the operating system will behave in a certain way at the expense of user freedom (anti-features). ** As a user of Hacker News pointed out * https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28096914 * https://archive.ph/jiGLm :
Security is very important. Why? In order to not be exploited by strangers (criminals, spys...) against my interests. If security enables exploitation against my interests (by whomever, be it the OS vendor, the movie industry, or the government), it is not the security I want.
* Supports DRM ([https://www.defectivebydesign.org/ Digital Restrictions Management]) / walled garden / anti-freedom / [[Miscellaneous_Threats_to_User_Freedom#SafetyNet|Google SafetyNet style hardware attestation]] where developers can configure their applications to only run on devices on certified firmware which are a technologies that are part of the [[Miscellaneous_Threats_to_User_Freedom#War_on_General_Purpose_Computing|War on General Purpose Computing]]. * Quote https://grapheneos.org/usage#sandboxed-play-services
The hardware attestation feature is part of the Android Open Source Project and is fully supported by GrapheneOS. SafetyNet attestation chooses to use it to enforce using Google certified operating systems. However, app developers can use it directly and permit other properly signed operating systems upholding the security model. GrapheneOS has [https://grapheneos.org/articles/attestation-compatibility-guide a detailed guide] for app developers on how to support GrapheneOS with the hardware attestation API. Direct use of the hardware attestation API provides much higher assurance than using SafetyNet so these apps have nothing to lose by using a more meaningful API and supporting a more secure OS.
* https://grapheneos.org/articles/attestation-compatibility-guide
** Quote [https://www.reddit.com/r/GrapheneOS/comments/du23la/comment/flqf3lx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 GrapheneOS lead developer]:
Users are free to avoid apps using attestation to implement DRM / anti-cheat.
*** A Google search with term site:https://grapheneos.org "free software" which means search for mentions of free software on grapheneos.org homepage at time of writing shows no results. (Only mentions in its discussion forum.) GrapheneOS does not seems to have a strong commitment towards these ideals. *** site:https://grapheneos.org "open source" does have search results. [https://grapheneos.org/source Quote]:
GrapheneOS is an [https://opensource.org/osd open source] project with an open development process.
**** The ideological differences between Open Source and Free Software are very old. See also [https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.en.html Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software]. *** In hindsight, [https://forums.whonix.org/t/overview-of-mobile-projects-that-focus-on-either-and-or-security-privacy-anonymity-source-available-freedom-software/ these differences in opinions] might be unsurprising. Android forks are based on AOSP which stands for Android Open Source Project. It doesn't stand for Android Free(dom) Software Project. *** Its [https://grapheneos.org/LICENSE.txt LICENSE.txt] is the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License MIT License]. It's not using the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License GPL] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License#Version_3 version 3] which attempts to prevent threats to user freedom such as [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tivoization Tivoization] (locked bootloaders which prevent users from replacing the operating system and from gaining administrative rights ("rooting"). **** [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34801439 GrapheneOS lead developer Daniel Micay on GPLv3]:
GrapheneOS can't use GPLv3 for Vanadium because it's incompatible with the WebView being loaded into other applications and GPLv3 has restrictions which would result in GrapheneOS being less free, by disallowing valid usage of GrapheneOS to make devices with an immutable root of trust. We want GrapheneOS to be friendly to people making downstream projects/products based on it and therefore stick to permissive licenses and GPLv2.
***** In layman's terms, this stance allows hardware vendors who use GrapheneOS to lock down their bootloaders. This can restrict users from replacing the operating system, gaining root access, or removing unwanted software such as spyware, bloatware, thereby affecting the user's ability to prevent mistreatment. ***** The common counterargument to these concerns is "users are free to not purchase such devices." This is being addressed here: [[Miscellaneous_Threats_to_User_Freedom#do_not_buy|do not buy]]. *** It should be pointed out that AOSP itself does not come with a mechanism for users to gain administrative rights. *** This again might also be the case for numerous other AOSP based operating systems. * Full [[Verified Boot|verified boot]] which would be great if the key would be held by users and encouraged through a first start process or similar instead of held by the developer. * On the upside, GrapheneOS provides improved user controls. See some of its user-facing features: network permission toggle, sensor permission toggle, storage Scopes, GPS control, sandboxed Play Services (which runs Play Services unprivileged and force it to play by the permission system). {| class="wikitable" ! '''Category''' !! '''Description''' |- | Freedom Software? || [https://github.com/GrapheneOS/os_issue_tracker/issues/109 See this.] |- | Does not prioritizes power of developers over users. || {{No}} |- | Prioritizes power of users. || {{No}} |- | Opposes the [[Miscellaneous_Threats_to_User_Freedom#War_on_General_Purpose_Computing|War on General Purpose Computing]]. || {{No}} |- | Allows users to disable network and sensor (accelerometer, etc.) access for apps. || {{Yes}} |- | Implements various changes to harden libc, the Linux kernel, and other OS components. || {{Yes}} |- | Includes Vanadium, a hardened and mostly de-Googled version of Chromium. || {{Yes}} |- | Making efforts to allow users to gain root in a secure way. || {{No}} |- | Supports devices that come with hardware kill switches. || {{No}} |- | Supporting Google financially not required in order to purchase a supported device. || {{No}} |- |} Ironically, in order to to purchase a device compatible with GrapheneOS, one has to buy a supported Google Pixel device and therefore support with the purchase one of the biggest anti privacy, most data harvesting and user freedom prohibiting companies in the world, Google. Why is the GrapheneOS chapter one of the largest chapters on this wiki page? The author of this wiki page points out:
Since GrapheneOS has the top or very high search results for search engine search terms such as “mobile phone security operating system” as well as in my experience seems to be most frequently brought up in online discussions around topics of Android and security you could argue that it’s the most popular in that niche. GrapheneOS is also what caught most of my interest in this area.
See the [https://forums.whonix.org/t/overview-of-mobile-projects-that-focus-on-either-and-or-security-privacy-anonymity-source-available-freedom-software/4557/51 source] for further elaboration. As a Hacker news user is opinionating: {{quotation |quote=TLDR: Rather than encouraging app developers to abandon the plainly anti-FOSS/anti-user technology that is SafetyNet hardware attestation, GrapheneOS instead encourages developers to continue locking down their apps such that they only work on specific operating systems, but also kindly asks them to add the official releases of GrapheneOS to the list of "approved" Android builds (in addition to proprietary "Google-approved" Android, of course). The above link is a handy implementation guide for developers that GrapheneOS has published to their website and actively encourages its users to share with developers. SafetyNet hardware attestation is an anti-FOSS/anti-user technology that has no legitimate use case. It allows apps to arbitrarily refuse to run on "un-approved" versions of Android. Apps have absolutely no business policing the operating systems that users are allowed to run on their device. If this technology is adopted by a large number of applications that people rely upon, we are left with no option other than to use an "approved" OS. We cannot fork GrapheneOS if the project goes in a certain direction that we disagree with, because then we would be unable to run the apps we need. Strcat's response to anyone ideologically opposed to this is "don't use GrapheneOS": |context=Hacker News user: [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34800794 Ask HN: Why did anti-FOSS move by GrapheneOS not receive more attention?] }} The link the user is talking about is [https://grapheneos.org/articles/attestation-compatibility-guide Attestation compatibility guide]. Quote GrapheneOS lead developer: {{quotation |quote=If you have an ideological issue with GrapheneOS providing working attestation and preserving the app security model, i.e. allowing apps can perform checks that cannot be faked without an exploit, my recommendation is using something else. If you consider this capability to make it a "walled garden" then GrapheneOS is happily a "walled garden" allowing you install any software you want just like the stock OS. |context=[https://old.reddit.com/r/GrapheneOS/comments/du23la/rooted_or_root/flqf3lx/ GrapheneOS reddit: Rooted or root?] }} As a Hacker news user is opinionating: {{quotation |quote= Tragically GrapheneOS doesn't tend to view any Google decisions through a critical lens, which would allow them to see through some of Google's "security features" for what they really are: user-control features implemented solely to ensure that most people do not switch away from the stock OS and continue to consume Google services, handing over their user data in the process. |context=Hacker News user: [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34800794 Ask HN: Why did anti-FOSS move by GrapheneOS not receive more attention?] }} === resign-android-image === [https://github.com/chriswoope/resign-android-image resign-android-image] is a list of [[#GrapheneOS|GrapheneOS]] anti-features and a script to disable some of the anti-features.
[...] supports applying modifications, such as having ADB root and being able to backup all applications, that violate the Android security model that GrapheneOS wishes to uphold, not because they make the device less secure for you, but because they follow your own wishes over providing guarantees to app developers that the OS will behave in a certain way. [...] [...] With resign-android-image, you can take back control of your Android device, [...] With this tool, you are no longer at the mercy of your OS' upstream developers, and can decide for yourself how you want to configure your device without having to wipe /data and reinstall on every change, all without compromising the security [...] [..] removing a few antifeatures included in Android upstream [...] Not having full arbitrary read/write access to the state of your own device state is generally considered unacceptable and the sign of a device that is not truly yours and completely under your control, but rather owned and controlled by an entity who dictates how your device should behave; unfortunately that's the way it is with upstream GrapheneOS and stock OS, but fortunately, you can remedy the situation with the --adb-root option. [...]
* https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/script-to-resign-grapheneos-with-your-keys-and-add-adb-root-and-other-changes.4440367/ * Luke Dashjr, a respected Bitcoin developer is interested in that repository. https://github.com/chriswoope/resign-android-image/issues/10 === /e/ === * {{quick_mention}} * Open source as much as possible * Story: https://www.indidea.org/gael/blog/leaving-apple-google-eelo-odyssey-part1-mobile-os * https://e.foundation * Hardware: https://murena.com/smartphones/ === LineageOS === * {{quick_mention}} * Previously called Cyanogenmod * No google services installed by default (good for privacy and security). * Google services can be optionally installed as an add-on * Hardware: after market firmware for loads of devices, including Fairphone and OnePlus * https://lineageos.org === Replicant === * {{quick_mention}} * Strict Freedom Software focus * No binary blobs * Hardware: very bad support, mostly older Samsung Galaxy models ** Since the internal WiFi card requires binary blob, external USB WiFi dongle is required ** https://redmine.replicant.us/projects/replicant/wiki/ReplicantStatus * https://www.replicant.us == Plasma Mobile == * {{quick_mention}} * By KDE * Not security focused at all at this stage? * Builds based on Kubuntu and Archlinux * Hardware: Google Nexus 5, 5X * https://plasma-mobile.org == PostmarketOS == * {{quick_mention}} * Very early stage of development * Linux distro (based on Alpine Linux) on the phone * Hardware: many devices, including Google Nexus models and Fairphone 2 * https://postmarketos.org == Ubuntu Touch == * {{quick_mention}} * Apart from the drivers, the OS itself is Freedom Software ** https://askubuntu.com/questions/929879/is-ubuntu-touch-completely-open-source * Hardware: Fairphone 2, OnePlus One, Nexus 5, BQ Aquaris M10 FHD (tablet) * https://ubuntu-touch.io/ = Hardware Projects = == Betrusted == * [https://betrusted.io/ Betrusted: Open Hardware, Open Source, auditable, mobile Computer] * related to [[#Precursor|Precursor]] == Precursor == * https://precursor.dev/ * https://www.crowdsupply.com/sutajio-kosagi/precursor * https://www.bunniestudios.com/blog/2020/introducing-precursor/ * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= * {{VideoLink |videoid=Ift4Pt7WJCI |text=RISC-V Seattle RISC-V Group: Special Guest Bunnie Huang, introduction to Precursor }} * {{VideoLink |videoid=Fw5FEuGRrLE |text=Keynote: Precursor - Trustable Open Hardware for Everyday Use - Bunnie Huang }} * related to [[#Betrusted|Betrusted]] == Librem 5 == * {{quick_mention}} * Successfully crowdfunded, will be delivered (stage: pre-order) * PureOS, based on Debian * Hardware: Librem 5 * Hardware Security: CPU separate from Baseband Processor, Physical Kill Switches for Camera, Microphone, WiFi/Bluetooth, and Baseband, with additional kill switches planned for the cellular (SIM) card slot and the GPS receiver. ** https://puri.sm/learn/hardware-kill-switches * https://puri.sm/shop/librem-5 * [https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/linux-emcraft/issues/49 ARM TrustZone (similar to Intel ME) vs Librem5 Security] * Baseband Freedom Software firmware: no - https://forums.puri.sm/t/level-of-freedom-of-librem-phone-especially-gsm-mdule/1316 * [https://ryf.fsf.org/ FSF RYF Free Software Foundation’s "Respects Your Freedom"] hardware endorsement: no - https://puri.sm/posts/librem5-solving-the-first-fsf-ryf-hurdle/ * GNU FSDG Free System Distribution Guidelines - https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-distros.html - lists PureOS, yes == PinePhone == * {{quick_mention}} * https://pine64.org/devices/pinephone/ *
An Open Source Smartphone Supported by All Major Linux Phone Projects
* Now includes an AOSP port https://wiki.pine64.org/index.php?title=PinePhone_Software_Releases#GloDroid *
Kill switches for LTE, Cameras, Wifi/BT, and Microphones
* More kill switches required, [[Mobile_Phone_Security#Hardware|see this]] and hopefully provided in a future model. https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=17626 * https://www.pine64.org/2020/01/24/setting-the-record-straight-pinephone-misconceptions/ * No [[Mobile_Phone_Security#baseband_backdoor|baseband backdoor]] according to above link. == CopperheadOS == * {{quick_mention}} * [[Avoid_nonfreedom_software|Nonfreedom software]], i.e. not Freedom Software

CopperheadOS source code for all devices are made available to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, along with some portions that are GPL2 (kernel) or GPL3 (F-Droid).

Devices purchased from our store come with a per-device commercial license for the official builds.

Contact sales@copperhead.co for obtaining commercial licensing for the source code, bulk sales of devices or custom development work. Funding the public release of CopperheadOS sources under more permissive licensing is also an option.
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source-available source-available] (can be modified and redistributed) (You may not use the source code for commercial purposes.) source only available under specific registration / agreements. * Security focused Android * Common ancestry with [[#GrapheneOS|GrapheneOS]]. ** Being discussed by Tor Project as well: https://blog.torproject.org/mission-improbable-hardening-android-security-and-privacy ** Using the Tor Project Copperhead version requires patience and technical skills ** Probably not suitable for average daily usage * Freedom restricted by software vendor: [https://archive.li/2sYur root access refused]! ** su is only available in user debug builds, so very few users are actually capable of obtaining root on their own devices. ** [https://forums.whonix.org/t/overview-of-libre-software-related-mobile-projects/4557/6 detail discussion] * Hardware: Google Pixel Series phones including, Pixel 1, 2, 3, 3a and all XL models. * https://copperhead.co/ * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CopperheadOS * Community Initiatives: ** [https://copperhead.co/blog/stalkerware-the-hidden-threat-to-privacy/ Coalition Against Stalkerware] https://stopstalkerware.org ** [https://copperhead.co/blog/contact-tracing-in-modern-times/ Contract Tracing Awareness and User Empowerment] ** [https://copperhead.co/blog/community-builder-initiative/ Community Building Initiative] * https://renlord.com/posts/2020-03-25-copperheados-legal-threat/ == Fairphone == * {{quick_mention}} * https://www.fairphone.com * Hardware: Now the third iteration Fairphone 3 is available and is a testament to the success of the prior models. * Built for easy hardware repairs and upgrades to combat planned obsolescence . == OnePlus == * {{quick_mention}} * Not all Freedom Software by default but software modifications permitted ** Hardware that grants users the "right to flash" ** (Root and custom ROM allowed without voiding warranty) * Hardware: OnePlus 3, 3T, 5, 5T (current models) * https://www.oneplus.com/ == Openmoko == * {{quick_mention}} * Dead. * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Openmoko == Neo900 == * {{quick_mention}} * Dead * Reanimated * Open platform (OpenPhoenux GTA04) in tradition of Openmoko * Hardware: Neo900 * https://neo900.org/ == PiTalk == * {{quick_mention}} * Dead * Modular smartphone for Raspberry Pi * Currently crowdfunding, delivery aimed for march 2018 * Open hardware and software; security/privacy focus obscure * Hardware: Rapsberry Pi zero, Pi 2 and Pi 3; 3.2″ (external antenna), 4″ and 5″ LCDs * https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/127134527/first-iot-enabled-and-modular-phone-for-raspberry/description == Volla Phone == * {{quick_mention}} * https://volla.online/en/ * Volla OS * Google-free Android = Link Mentions = * https://github.com/GlassROM * https://www.silentcircle.com/products-and-solutions/silent-phone/ * https://divestos.org/ = Hardware Kill Switches = No phone has a speaker yet that can be disabled but this is just as important as speakers can be turned into microphones. That is because a speaker is technically quite similar to microphones. See [https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1611/1611.07350.pdf SPEAKE(a)R: Turn Speakers to Microphones for Fun and Profit]. Next best option is to have a phone that at least has a removable battery to make it's sometimes really powered off and not secretly spying. = Definitions = == source-available == source-available - better term required * can be modified and redistributed * source available to public without registration * a legal condition preventing the usual blessing of capitalized Open Source, Free Software as blessed by stewards OSI, FSF or [https://wiki.debian.org/DFSGLicenses Debian DSFG licenses] == Quick Mentions == A quick mention on this wiki page means that only a minimal effort has been made reviewing the respective project. The accuracy of the wiki chapter might be low. Quick mentions are added because at first sight these seemed like noteworthy, interesting projects. A quick mention can be considered a watchlist that might be worth looking into further in the future. A more extensive review might be contributed at a later time. == Bloatware == Bloatware is a term used to describe pre-installed software or applications on a device that are not essential to the device's core functionality or the user's needs. These applications may be installed by the device manufacturer, the operating system provider, or a third-party developer, and can take up valuable storage space, memory, and processing power on the device. Bloatware is often considered undesirable by users because it can slow down the device, take up storage space that could be used for other purposes, and may even collect personal data or serve advertisements. However, some manufacturers and developers may include bloatware on devices as a way to generate additional revenue or promote their own services or products. In summary, bloatware is unnecessary software that comes pre-installed on a device, and it can be a source of frustration for users who want to have more control over what is on their device and how it performs. = Related = * https://fsfe.org/campaigns/android/android.en.html * https://www.fsf.org/campaigns/priority-projects/free-phone * https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/android-and-users-freedom.en.html * https://www.defectivebydesign.org * https://www.fsf.org/campaigns/drm.html * https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/proprietary-tyrants.en.html = Forum Discussion = https://forums.whonix.org/t/overview-of-mobile-projects-that-focus-on-either-and-or-security-privacy-anonymity-source-available-freedom-software/4557 = See Also = * [[Mobile Phone Security]] * [https://www.freecalypso.org/ FreeCalypso] Open Source baseband firmware = Footnotes = {{reflist|close=1}} {{Footer}} [[Category:Documentation]]