dPH-̀\ `D$4 `UPII P`[̀and Kai Uwe Rommel. Type '%s -L' for the software License.Copyright (C) 1990-1993 Mark Adler, Richard B. Wales, Jean-loup GaillyRESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE.IMPLIED. IN NO EVENT WILL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGESPROVIDED AS IS AND COME WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED ORLIKE ANYTHING ELSE THAT'S FREE, ZIP AND ITS ASSOCIATED UTILITIES AREnot sold for profit.redistribute this executable so long as it is not modified and that it isPermission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, orzipnote errorzipnote error: %s (%s) US] tCv tu h `U R`TRhh ``=|Ut|UR`=xUtxUR>xURr`=UtURZ`Sy`abortingU `9 `w j h `_ `  `hdj ]zipnote warning: %s%s UU RURhh ``]zipnoteUS1ېhPR` `9 `wj h `I_ `  `Cv1ې PR`Cv]] zipnote -w foo.zip < foo.tmp ... then you edit the comments, save, and exit ... ed foo.tmp zipnote foo.zip > foo.tmpExample: -h show this help -L show software license -b use "path" for the temporary zip file -w write the zipfile comments from stdin the default action is to write the comments in zipfile to stdoutUsage: zipnote [-w] [-b path] zipfileZipNote %s (%s)Sept 18th 19932.0.1US1ېhPR` `9 `wj h ` _ `  `Cv1ېh2hA0PR9` `9 `w j h `_ `  ` C v]]ÐUWVS u UBU@t\u: `9 `wj\h `/_ `\ `CwDߡ `9 `w&%Ph `_ ` `NW t0 `9 `wj h `_ `  `e[^_] UWVS}u ;t8\uxt@ @C8uQ`V`DuP`ÃuBV8tRQSp`PG`P>`Q_1e[^_]use -b before zip file nameunknown optionzip file cannot be stdinwas processing argumentscan only specify one zip fileneed to specify zip file%c %s (comment above this line)%c%s (zip file comment below this line)aunexpected inputunknown entry namewas building new commentswbrbwas copying an entrynew zip file left as: was replacing the original zip fileUWVS#=}ujY_/:xUU|Uhtj`htj`Dž19uM 8-ixOC;+$$  $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $  $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $  t hJH[j_ j_DžhjC;sh >uL=Uu#U RUu9h j h5 j$M T1F9u =UuhS jk ƅtURV=Tu UQj urTt8SHRj@hl _K$QSDRhs j@h _ [Xuh j@h _ VQURjQ_h UQ_ǃuURjW3_ UQ4TW_@u.h P`@u th j|t#KHQR_t[Xuuh jF{$t KDQ(_j_CDW_t3@t*WCDPpƃth VǐSDRk_C$[Xj_US_t+ShUƃth V|ϐ UQ_Vh UR3xUP_|Uu xUQj h UR_ǃu UQj =UtEURQW3ƃ t( uxUUPVTt/RWS20ƃ th Vr[XuW_Q_ǃuxURj >Tt.QS#ƃtxURV [XuӋQ#_ÃuxURj )QUR VQWSURw+ƃt xUQV|UR_t xUQj sxUR UQ 0ƃt5xURh s xUQ+_xUh* V"xUR_xUQUR21 UQ_Uj_UUE @HP@HP3].zipUVSuV&_uPc_Ãu1=VS_j.j/S#_u@P _u hS_؍e[^]-rb%dzero-length name for entry #zip: reading %s bad extended local header for extended local header not found for compressed size %ld, actual size %ld for %s has beenwould bezip warning: %s %s truncated. Retry with option -qF to truncate, with -FF to attempt full recovery extraneous central header signaturelocal and central headers differ for offset %d--local = %02x, central = %02xlocal offset in central header incorrect for names in local and central differ for made by version %d.%d on system type %d: needs unzip %d.%d on system type %d: local flags = 0x%04x, central = 0x%04x: undefined bits used in flags = 0x%04x: unknown compression method %u: starts on disk %u: unknown internal attributes = 0x%04x: unknown external attributes = 0x%08lx: has %d bytes of extra data: local extra (%d bytes) != central extra (%d bytes): missing end signature--probably not a zip file (did youremember to use binary mode when you transferred it?)multiple disk information ignoredcount in end of central directory incorrectcentral directory size is incorrect (made by stzip?)central directory start is incorrect has a preamble of %ld bytesgarbage at end of zip file ignoredUtWVSUTV=Ut U9ehQ~_OhUR_EЃ0ETEUuЋvE9pwP_EtUЋRuFtPtE뼐]ԋEPjjURh_EuauE ƉuUu  U}PKt5}PKt,jjEP;_E tURuȉ5UME Uu j\_ǃEPjjUR_Et =T=TcfUԊEff fW=TtfTGTfU֊Eff fUfW,fWf]fU؊Eff fWMU uE  OMU uE  O MU uE  OMU uE  OUu WUEU ЉG GG$fG(fG*1Ƀ=TtO0GLGPE=T|wut]ԉ}EUCBUMuwG ƉwWw Uf]֊Eff Ww UGW  Eu>GXGXE}MAuQd_GHbt OuQ>_G<<URjuVGHP%_EuCtURjwVG_hVURa=TuEuЋvE9pwPE_Et&UЋR2E@thhUR _=U5U uQ_VEU@PhhVv_hVhMHWh4hh#HWhS_HWhILOC=TtE8EXuhjUR5VV|_1e[^_]ÐUVSu] C9Cw jPSq_ CPCC9CwjKSS_ CKCC9CwjS3_ CCC9CwjS_ CCC9CwFPS_CNCC9CwfFf%PS_SfFfCC9CwF,PS_CN,CC9CwfF,f%PSU_SfF,fCC9CwFPS)_CNCC9CwfFf%PS_SfFfCC9CwFPS_CNCC9CwF PS_CN CC9CwF%PSg_SFCC9CwF PS;_CN CC9CwF PS_CN CC9CwF PS_CN CC9CwF %PS_SF CC9CwFPS{_CNCC9CwFPSN_CNCC9CwFPS_CNCC9CwF%PS_SFCC9CwFPS_CNCC9CwFPS_CNCC9CwFPS^_CNCC9CwF%PS'_SFCC9CwFPS_CNCC9CwFPS_CNCC9CwF%PS_SFCC9CwFPSk_CNCC9CwF%PS7_SFCSNQjNHQ~_9Fu~t$SNQjN_CNCC9CwF%PS_SFCC9CwFPS_CNCC9CwFPS_CNCC9CwFPS~_CNCC9CwF%PSG_SFCC9CwFPS_CNC1e[^]ÐUVSu] C9Cw jPS_ CPCC9CwjKS_ CKCC9CwjS_ CCC9CwjSs_ CCC9CwPSQ_ CCC9Cwff%PS'_SffCC9CwFPS_CNCC9CwfFf%PS_SfFfCC9CwFPS_CNCC9CwfFf%PSe_SfFfCC9CwFPS9_CNCC9CwfFf%PS_SfFfCC9CwFPS_CNCC9CwF PS_CN CC9CwF%PSw_SFCC9CwF PSK_CN CC9CwF PS_CN CC9CwF PS_CN CC9CwF %PS_SF CC9CwFPS_CNCC9CwFPS^_CNCC9CwFPS._CNCC9CwF%PS_SFCC9CwFPS_CNCC9CwFPS_CNCC9CwFPSn_CNCC9CwF%PS7_SFCC9CwFPS _CNCC9CwFPS_CNCC9CwF%PS_SFCC9CwF PS{_CN CC9CwF %PSG_SF CC9CwF$PS_CN$CC9CwF$%PS_SF$CC9CwF(PS_CN(CC9CwfF(f%PS_SfF(fCC9CwF*PSY_CN*CC9CwfF*f%PS%_SfF*fCC9CwF0PS_CN0CC9CwF1PS_CN1CC9CwF0%PS_SF0CC9CwF3PSk_CN3CC9CwF4PS>_CN4CC9CwF5PS_CN5CC9CwF4%PS_SF4CC9CwF7PS_CN7CSNQjNHQ_9Fu9~ tSN QjN@Q_9F u~$t)SN$QjNDQ_9F$t 1e[^]ÐUWVSu} ]C9CwjPS_CPCC9CwjKS_ CKCC9CwjS_ CCC9CwjS_ CCC9CwjSs_ CCC9CwjSS_ CCC9CwjS3_ CCC9CwjS_ CCC9Cw%PS_CCC9Cw%PS_SCC9Cw%PS_CCC9Cw%PSY_SCC9Cw%PS'_CCC9Cw%PS_SCC9Cw%PS_SCC9Cw%PS_SCC9CwE%PSh_CMCC9CwE%PS7_SECC9CwE%PS_SECC9CwE%PS_SECC9CwE%PS_CMCC9CwE%PSw_SEC}tSMQjMQ_9Et 1e[^_]UWVSu} F^=T~PMQVzt jF4PW_ u. 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