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unitsThe flag value should be "TRUE" or "FALSE"HEADER indices should be 18 or moreThis HEADER index is too big for my present table sizeThis property name doesn't belong in a FONTDIMEN listPARAMETER index must not be zeroThis PARAMETER index is too big for my present table sizeVTITLE clipped to 255 charactersI can handle only 256 different mapfontsThis property name doesn't belong in a MAPFONT listFONTNAME clipped to 255 charactersFONTAREA clipped to 255 charactersExtra right parenthesis0AUWVS( 苪=( t=((e =,u =,vG=~j hh `_ h `hR`_f衫g ,H  $c$dDdd4eDedeyefyhhhhTimjkd=/=~j hh `_ h `h`X d2=~j hh `̟_ h `h`9=<tG=~j hh `葟_ h `h`菟_T{j(jjj0T۰s5K=( t=(Tua=(Fu?=~j hh `語_ h `ha訞_ǧ(<w+E<wT=~j hh `N_ h `h:aL_ák(<w?Ed~P=~j hh `_ h `h^a__(<w9}ƀ@s9|EP]諦=( t=((50=,,,<v7=~j hh `!_ h `ha{=,u貮E}u)=~j hh `Ӝ_ h `ha-}vJ=~j hh `褜_ h `ha袜_TtU9}@r9|qUr衩$=()u蛼=k 蛭%fx  @O@9~M=~j hh `臛_ h `h&b腛_ * @ ^ nf< f5n8nu݊n8nuϊn8nun8nuff9f=ef'Ɔ8'ƀ p x`;=~j hh `_ h `hGb_菝ff9贤 =( t=((萩=,,<vG=~j hh `聙_ h `hpb_1N,$TktklllDm  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