d p-̀\ `D$4 ` PP`[̀verify v%s (experimental) -l sharableimage stublib1 stublib2....l:j:invalid option '-%c'no sharable library specifiedrbUnable to open %s Used address range 0x%x-0x%x be aware ! must be unique ! The sharable image has been stripped - it is no longer possible to verify the stubs and the image nm --no-cplus | grep -v "__PLT" | grep " A " | sort | uniq > verify.stubrverify.stubCan't open verify.stub (%s)%x %c %s | grep -v " A " | grep -v "__STV" | sort > verify2.tmpverify2.tmpwverify.shimgCan't perform verification (%s)__LOCAL___GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_%8.8x A %s echo diff verify.stub verify.shimg > verify.outdiff verify.stub verify.shimg >> verify.outverify.outCan't open verify.out (%s)Caution: stub library and sharable libraries have differences See file verify.out for list of diffs The stub library and the sharable libraries have identical symbols UWVS]{ RhT `hohU RS` tqluLD `p1j/D `R6 ` up1 밐 렐PhjJ_=p1u hhp1R_l1up1Rhl1Rjj h5_l1R_5P15x55555P5Rh` =x5uh`h_`jl_x1fH `9}0U 4hhx1e`Rhx1X`9|hhx1?`hx1hh_d1u< `RF`Pho d1Rhh5:_d1R_u+h=EPEPhh5`붐d1R_x1fp1Rhx1z`hhx1k`hx1=hh;_d1 hGhI_`1=d1tu< `RR`PhV{ 1ېd1Rhh5B_d1R_h9EPEPhh5`09Ѝ9v 1t FO)ȃuC559Er1۾9Ouh9URh`1R_h9h=7`d1R_`1R_h; `h`h`h`hI`hh3_d1$u< `R`Ph   d1Rhh5_d1Rhh5_t.05th$L`hcB`h2`d1R _1e[^_]Ðjumpkit2.16usage: %sUS] Rhh `__E PSh ` `h `j L_ j_ %s: US] Rh\ h `_E PSh ``h `j _ j"_systemerror running '%s' UE PURh `h `th _h h Q]ÐUEtPl_]out ot memory USEuP&_Ãu h@ ؋]]out of memory USURw`Ãu h ؋]]rThe JUMP_DIR environment variable points to %s, but there is a file %s in the current working directory. These files are not the same, and I have no way of telling which file you really want me to use, so I will exit, and once you have either changed JUMP_DIR or removed the file in the current working directory you can try again. .sa%x %c %s%x %c %s %s %s%x %c %s %s %s %s__DUMMY__invalid symbol in '%s', line %d invalid size for symbol '%s' invalid type for symbol '%s' (wrong file, or wrong type) __GLOBAL_$symbol '%s' should not appear in %s UWVS} DžtDžpDžhDždDž`uVLR`WLV`h V_\u1Oh W_ÃP\R_P_PS{_P_S_9uff9tOLVh _Wh _hS _h _h _h _ ju_XT\RhXV_\Rp_)Xt ;#tCC;ut; t; uC;u;t; u"d낐뾐j:XV_j V_Lƅ9j:{W_j/V_Lt LXLsPP* u PLRPW_Cj:S6_LtSP1_LTV{P|Ph. LR_ll-PPTV{P|Ph7 Wf_lj(XR_L* LBj/XV_Lt LXLLVP_PPPPTR{P|PhF XVy_l lEuX u l!hdPPhb Et4|u+TX tTRh {PuV _u:j*V_u+TX tTRh 3EuY{TuPj h TV_ u6 $u- It DuPTRh puj$pj$ttthrFh{r`r |r|`TVtBPstFl~PRFtB l~*PtF tB \V_p@[^_]jump.paramsName=Warning: library name changed from %s to %s Text=0x%xWarning: library text offset has changed from 0x%8.8x to 0x%8.8x Data=0xWarning: library data offset has changed from 0x%8.8x to 0x%8.8x Jump=0xWarning: library jumptable size has changed from 0x%8.8x to 0x%8.8x GOT=0xWarning: library GOT size has changed from 0x%8.8x to 0x%8.8x Version=%d.%d.%dWarning: library version number has changed from %d.%d to %d.%d Use -f switch to force this program to record the new parameters as the correct ones. Recording new library parameters. wCan't record new params in %s (%s)Name=%s Text=0x%8.8x Data=0x%8.8x Jump=0x%8.8x GOT=0x%8.8x Version=%d.%d.%d UWVSMQSh_hS=_h S_l1|hlQhWF_lQ_{j W_tjhW _ u5SM Q_tM QSh_F 념jh*W_ uLhQh2P(_ M9|>FQ|Qh5 jhwWw_ uLhQh2P_ M9|FQ|QhjhW_ u}(u'hA_h7_j_t h_h"Sr_lu < `Q!_PSh$IM QhGlQM_MQhPlQ8_MQh^lQ#_$MQhllQ _MQhzlQ_E$dRPM QhlQ_,lQ%_\[^_]USX1u1=\1t@<\1uÅtX1Ku]]ÐUST =T tЃ;uhN_]]ÐU= u ]ÐS\$̀}أ$ [Ð[ÐSV\$̀}أ$ [Ð[ÐS\$L$ T$̀}أ$ [Ð[ÐS[\$L$ ̀}أ$ [Ð[/lib/ld.so: can't load dynamic linker '/lib/ld.so' statically linked 8UWVSl$L\$P=H D$D bhRt[|$] ft8t@8u+PSj j*D$Pj hZ񐐐h\ h@ T$\RSD$ PPD$\ЋT$,RT$,R &|$+jD$PjM j[^_]8ÃfT$fur|$fD$f%fD$f%?fT$f fD$l$ÐUWVSl$|$19t1v x1WUT$RЃ C9t1w[^_]Ðlibc.so.4DLL Jump 4.5pl26 4>``, ?` x <