d0(~-̀\ `D$4 `P/P`[̀abiet8LtenexEebcdicimageIbinaryAasciiw-LIST-dlsbcp%ld%n -> UWVSDž|} ȼȼh5 =$t h}Whhgzhȼ= u:5 t=$|h P]Se:5 t=$p c8hS `9"}rt }-}wt }-]}rt }-Džx  `ހ;t<AuC;t)Bt;tBtC;t Buxx~ `PuxP|PhSU `x@P} |cDhEP `Ãt-=WCP| |h[^_]SIZE %*d %ld550MDTM yesnoUsed SIZE: %s; Used MDTM: %s Size: %ld Mdtm: %s UWVSDž|Džt}11=hh]ShMQSCSVu5|Ph\R ` 3jh \QY ` t =twhh ]S@hURSSOVu# \Qtt.+jh\R ` t tuxPMQpu xtu p|tPtPh =~=|t|Rh6tttPI_PhAjtM |d[^_]%s: unknown type TYPE L 8TYPE %sUVSu `Pt$%9u `S Q%`uVhh `X+(tu, zM ~M M',PhEPW` EPSuj Qhv5x1x[^]ÐUUM0Et9tBtt66a.bettQ]Ð]Using %s mode to transfer files. USEU 1ۃ~X3~RR"Ã=ȼuhhq`؋]]ÐUhu]ÐUh~](local-file) (remote-file) APPESTORUSU }u EZZ} ]ShRƒ}X@}]Sh,ƒ}~ڋ8auZSRRQb1]](local-files) %s mputContinue withUWVS}1MQhE }XLU h jK`Eh_ 9}M MURPƃ=|t |Qh`>th=tTRM Qt?PPh` =u%=\thhtt;utV'V_EG9} URj9`1e[^_]NLSTr%s: no match. ?Ambiguous remote file name. UWVS1U:|tRUR`u1Sd5ȼȼhURSh= p5ȼhB S{_hS&_$tVj~]S;_ u(=ȼ~URhD _Nj S`tSUR`Vj~S_t=ȼ~ hS }_t VS_Pl`[^_]bzcat|%s aRETRUWVSu x|8g }MQhnƃ}hNQS:FP1} 7=10Ѓv(~.u(ZЅt=h h h ]S`hhpS0Fh Fpf}uhNQ]Sh^ <}*MQh\ƃ}XQNQ7hNQvVh !n=t|Q1p[^_] Uh O_h `e_=t-=\t$Rht jh_jh~_(remote-files) mgetUVS}/MQh1E }XU h j_h_ M QÃ;uِ=tSU R{thSVhhSVh kl=u=\zh$h/`UQj_1[^]No matchNo such file%s: %s. UWVS]=u+= Q_=hP ȼMȼE{t~P QhPh= 9kƃuhhP_}9 Q Q_tR Qhh `_EG ;uM ȼG9EuhP?_1uhB hP}_uhP{Ɛ Qj~hб)_ j hб_tбe[^_]UE }~jj@P1]Interactive prompting for m* commmands %s. UE }~@P=ƒ=ȼuRvPhu_1]ÐU=t ]Ð%]%s: bad debugging value. Debugging %s (debug=%d). US] }~3SR }2[Sh/q_XM=%G=ȼuRRPhI_1]](remote-directory) UE }URhf}~@P1]ÐX]ÐUS1=̘tȼȼURHȼ]]CDUPCWD %sPWDCurrent remote directory is "%s" UVS]1tOjhS{_ uhSEPyShEP_ EP9FtPhgFj"\R9_ t1j"\R_th@Phx hxh.x[^]Local directory now %s USEU  @ Jt XqhRRS{SP_}Sr7hh=ȼ~hh_1](remote file to delete) DELE %sUS] }-URhZÃ}X7SRu[Shs]S_SlD1|]mdeleteUVS}/MQhaE }XU h j_|hK_ uM Q/Ã;u ِ=tSU RtShsV_VC=u=\thh~{p|Qj>_1t[^](from-name) (to-name) RNFR %sRNTO %sUVSu },URh:ƃ}X}URhGƃ}~΋VR}AVRhR]S_S\BuvVhZS_S?B1x[^] -FC%s-FCWarning: ls flags disabled with wildcard expressions. %s%c%sUWVS_#1ۋ} t\ <-t<|t,zj Ѐ}-uBPEP_hRTWP!h@PTQTWo{t;\uC`t9hh'PQhSPW!hSPQ> }M 9X}tThEP`Pa at;1C;uaPh)EP_ =8tZ=/}=8tH Q`P_t.E=u!=ȼ~h3h `z_h`V`S; }t"`tSjEPhjVS_(h}tE`P`P_ h1`t`PP\W_1D[^_]SHELL/bin/shsh-cTry again laterUWVSjjW_xjjH_Y_ÃXS_C~jj_jj _h!_tuDžttu Džtj/tR_ÃutUpffUCSpR8_޿1t FO)ȃtE+tRh_%Pj_x_%Pj_}~&j RhpRtRQ_jpRtR7_ tR jQ_~|V_9uxRj_Wj_u h1d[^_](username) USER %sPassword: PASS %sAccount: ACCT %sLogin failed. UWVSu 1ۃ}URh;ƃ}~XQVRh0,R1_,R;}huFEVRh,R_,R;uq}Bh_h `-_h< `jN]SM_0D^ EV Rh,Rz_,R;t%h h `*_Cu$}uv Vh0S_S:j1 [^_]ÐUh;1](directory-name) MKD %sUSE }URho}~&@Ph]S_S":1X|]RMD %sUS] }-URhÃ}X7SRu[ShS ]S_S91|](command line to send) site UWVS}.MQh `E }XEU 8suhh EP hM IQuVw 9]~4u hh'WPhRWBC9]֋ȼȼEP8jm9tȼ1t[^_]HELPHELP %sUSE }u h"@Ph "]SZ_S|81|]ÐUwjH_US]=Xt7tjXR_PQ_XR_X=Tt4tjTRb_P_TR_T]]QUITUh#'7j\=thxh}hx̘L@1]ÐU塐9=̘t jjl@f=tR_]%s: %s UVSuRR0qÃ=|t:|R6Vh#_ t S}Sg_10t;t S}S8_e[^]ÐUh31]SYSTUh$'61]Limit of %d macros have already been defined. There is already a macro named '%s.' No text supplied for macro "%s." Macro "%s" not defined -- %d byte buffer exceeded. UWVS=@ujh$h `_19@jWMQ_ =t\M Qj~EPy_à ; `BtC;Bu;uMQh$h `Q_pC9@TjMQ@P_ =@u ` ,@@H@@4M Qj~EP}_à u'@94r?MQh %h `_ ;t$ `BtC;tBu;u(@4@1l0Љǡ`9sSV_=hMQh.%h `_t[^_](macro name) Enter macro line by line, terminating it with a blank line US] }URh'UÃ}u*h'_h< `[S1jjX]]No macros defined. Current macro definitions: %s: > (macro to run) '%s' macro not found. init?Ambiguous command ?Invalid command Not connected. UWVSDžxDžt}6=@uhy(_h(_Dž|t9 @Džl1lRh(C_9sch(&_F `\9 `wPCh `_ \ C `9s;uC9rl||9@W}MQh(E } XjDž||9@~;j SE @P_d t||9 @͋|9@uE @Ph( _X| 4(ˆdЃh xQUR' |4 \ 9\ Pp5 `Ft CFu5x;\<$t <\C S `` P\tc1C\Pt*{iuJDžtCx9U~9E PV_xU <\у΃F;t C;Pƃu=uh(Cu=uh( ~t=̘uh)_n=ȼu xQh_hlRFЉdXu V>MQxR_JlEE p49\7t C9\7ttxx9Uo1P[^_]SIZE %sUS] }-URh_Ã}X7SR'u[Sh-]SJ_Sl,1|]MDTM %s%*s %04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%s %02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT UWVSu }+URhƃ}XVRg=ȼ=u ȼVRhx.]Sm_S+hPlPpPtPxP|Ph.\R@_ hRlRpR|RtRxRvVh.5_h `\R_=ȼ1\[^_](sitename) %d.%d.%d.%d## could not convert "%s" into a valid IP address. %s: lookup error (%d). unknown addressunknown host%s "%s" ???%-32s %lu.%lu.%lu.%lu ??? U$WVSU E}']Sh/ƒ}Xw0EE9EVU]SSSSh0EP_Eu^]S_E}u'EPh0h `&_ jjEP7_E1҃ ]S!_E}=ȼ= `u*jEPhF0$_ `]xEPn0u^0Qh{0_ `]>E2E:tj@Rh0) E]S:tvE40҃]]}щȃ9v-SV_Etj@U][Rh0賹 EEP]<u=ȼ~rE0:tQh0_]S:t;P%P%PRh0_h0_EEE9EEe[^_]Could not determine the hostname. Re-compile with HOSTNAME defined to be the full name of your hostname. lookuplookup %s.WARNING: could not determine full host name (have: '%s'). The program should be re-compiled with DOMAIN_NAME defined to be the domain name, i.e. -DDOMAIN_NAME=\"unl.edu\" UHWVS]} WS_E;u$hq3h `_j_ȼUȼSh3xR_躇hlRun=0teWh0S)Ej?uVF_j.S_u;}t%Wh3SyWVSqSh3h `_UȼEe[^_]STAT %sSTATUSE }~@Ph5]S_S h5$1|]ÐUVSu }URh>ƃ}~S]SʾhS _P}_ vVSh4 S|_1Xx[^]NcFTP Version:%-30s %s Mike Gleason, NCEMRSoft (mgleason@cse.unl.edu).Author:Sep 14 1994Compile Date:SYSVLinuxOperating System:%-30s %s (%s) __GNUC__RINDEXHAS_GETCWDHAS_DOMAINNAMETERMIOSREADLINE_POSIX_SOURCEGATEWAYTERM_FTP Compile Options: %-15sgcc -O2 -DREADLINE -DTERM_FTP -I../readline-1.1 -s -L../readline-1.1 -lreadline -ltermcap -ltermnet MK: %s Defaults: You have new mail.~/.ncrecent~/.ftplogmore@B@c@Mncftp@P> Xfer Buf Size: %8d Debug: %d MPrompt: %d Verbosity: %d Prompt: %s Pager: %s ZCat: %s Logname: %s Logging: %d Type: %s Cmd Len: %d Recv Line Len: %d #Macros: %d Macbuf: %d Auto-Binary: %d Recent File: %s Recent On: %d nRecents: %d Redial Delay: %d Anon Open: %d New Mail Message: "%s" ftp Gateway Login: %s U@WVShh6h6_h6h6h6_h7h7h6_$h 7h%7h+7h=7_DžL7DžU7Dž\7Džg7Džv7Dž~7Dž7Dž7Dž7 h7?_11u h7*_Rh7_Cu)1ۡ `9 `wj h `_  `F9|t' `9 `wj h `Q_  `h7h)8_h28_h>8jjoutfile or "|pipecmd [cmd-args]"] Note that there must be no whitespace between > and outfile, or | and pipecmd, and if the pipe-command needs arguments, you must enclose the whole thing with double quotes. Examples: ls -s ls remoteFile ls /pub/mac "|head -20" ls -lrtR file1 file2 dir1 >contents.txtprints remote directory contents (short-mode)ls hostname | host-IP-numberuses the name-server to tell you a host's IP number given it's name, or it's name given it's IP numberlookup local-directory-namechanges the current local directorylcdimageidle [command-name | showall (shows hidden commands) | helpallshows commands, and optionally tell you how to use a specific onehelphashglob remote-file-name [local-file-name or |pipecommand] Examples: get myfile.txt get MYFILE.ZIP myfile.zip get myfile.txt |head get myfile.txt "|head -20" get ./help/newuser.txt (./newuser.txt will be local-file-name) get ./help/newuser.txt ./docs/newbie.help get my*.txt (pseudo-filename-completion if match is unique, i.e. myfile.txt)fetches a file from the current remote hostgetformexiterase [flags] [remote-items] [>outfile or "|pipecmd [cmd-args]"] Note that there must be no whitespace between > and outfile, or | and pipecmd, and if the pipe-command needs arguments, you must enclose the whole thing with double quotes. Examples: dir -s dir remoteFile dir /pub/mac "|head -20" dir -rtR file1 file2 dir1 >contents.txtprints remote directory contents (long-mode)dir [on | off] (no argument toggles the switch)to print debugging messages during execution of the programdebugdeletes the specified file on the remote hostdelete remote-file-namecreate an empty file on the remote hostcreatecr [-a | -u] [-i] [-p N] [-r [-d N] [-g N]] hostname[:pathname] -a : Open anonymously (this is the default). -u : Open, specify user/password. -i : Ignore machine entry in your .netrc. -p N : Use port #N for connection. -r : "Redial" until connected. -d N : Redial, pausing N seconds between tries. -g N : Redial, giving up after N tries. :path : Open site, then retrieve file "path." WWW-style paths are also acceptable, i.e. 'ftp://cse.unl.edu/mgleason/README.'connects to a new remote host, and optionally fetches a file or sets the current remote working directoryconnectcloses FTP connection to current remote hostclosechdirchanges the current remote working directory to it's parentcdup remote-directory-namechanges the current remote working directorycdcasequits the programbyetransfer files as binary files, without CR/LF translationbinarybelltransfer files as text files, with proper CR/LF translationasciiappendthis command is not supportedaccountmacro-numberruns a macro previously defined in your NETRC, or with the macdef cmd$ [single-command-and-arguments]spawns a shell for you to run other commands!UVSu] 0_%Pղ_%P_Ͳ_%P課_%P׹_SV __%P薲_%P軹_ 苲_%Ph_%P蕹_؍e[^]ftp: connect to term server%s:%drwftp: safeopen failed. Connected to %s. UWVS}lTf Tfj|eÃ}h&S9_fE %PWhBSjjASLejjj5S@e(hHSS_ThJSS2_P_X=TtuhLSh `]_Hj@Wh/ =ȼthhcS蠵_j1LSҭ_=TtTRR_=Xt XR:_XTe[^_]Login Name (%s): ftpUSER %s@%sUSER %sanonymousPassword:PASS %sAccount:ACCT %sLogin failed. NOOP%s opened at %sLogged into %s. $initUWVSE} DžDžDžu^hphTS_DžhuVSٝi}t =pJp=t5hT=tPhTP胷_PhTPf_ PuTETǹ tTǹu=t hU=ǃWh US_SuR}u%hUS=PhUS跶_URhUS虶_ P,th$U²_u$}tURhUSD_Sh3U=t,Sط_S_Phh8URˬ_u=ȼ~hhHU_}t:=@~1xYUf]UfPdhlRj虻Dž[^_] UhRX蛱_h `豫_P]NULL commandPASScmd: "PASS ********" cmd: "%s" (length %d) %s: No control connection for command%s QUITUWVSuuhyX4P=tOjhXV(_ uhXk,0ЃPVhX= =Xu%VhX]S_S1jj诳_Ã=XtVhXXR跪_ XR@_} u(X%PK =Ptt tjӃSj_t[^_]ÐUjUR]ÐUjURb]ÐUSȼ=tȼURȼ]]ÐUSȼȼURcȼ]]%c%c%c421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection ready.CWD UWVSEEE=Tu9MQj轱_1hXXj蜱_E \M=P1E1\=Pj TQ_ƒ TQ_ƒ| TQا_Rh" TQ货_Rhhh[ XQ_ XQz_SGuJ}jW=ȼ~h [_h `1_9]v tЈC t\' `PttBЉ5%u-u}t E}Uȼ@r$]^]]^^]}5:\1ۃ}5u =ȼts1tIt{tdhK|ZL~LuJBhI[ \Q7_u*"jhP[\P_ t\tn `CBt*CBt CBt; t;-u,C; u,C)\1< u@~u \h `S蟥_}t&M9 t M}1t MQj_=t }u jVU=Pt}XXt}t }tjMыEЍe[^_]ÐUU UEEPjjURj _]ÐUSME U+@+BAy A@B]]%s: %s: SendingReceiving%s%s file: %s %s 0 %%%ds %%ld bytes. ETA: --:-- %s: U@S] 1=t`v =Hv =u =ؼu=u jh0ӥ_ 0 =$(a)bHahaXaaSh`Sh` QS"`}t`P Qh,`n_P4~ P  PQh>`]S_ Qhd`S_- @TXShf`_h `_jh< `1]]%3d%%%%3d%%%% 0 %%s%%%ds%%s%%%ds %%ld bytes. ETA:%%3d:%%02d %5ldKY@.A?UlWVSjh_=9=|}==$ce8ccd8epb}E Em$^md~ d }1Vh5b=pEuEu P}E Em]mP+UR}Wh?b]S}螩_mb}E Em$^mh0hURb}E]E=p=b}E Em]mE<)E)EURQ=WhxbPhxbRVS5_@h `H_ p}  p} Phybۤ_h `_Up9T}Dh `j.?_h `Ş_=TG} ȿ ]TX 蜑e[^_]/stdoutstdin%.2f K/s%.2f Bytes/sec%s: %ld bytes %s in %.2f seconds, %s. %s%ld bytes %s in %.2f seconds, %s. -> "%s" %s, %s .A@U0WVS} 1֐t=t=ȼ~ =pU:rWt^ tGUuKhhS豅hheS!hWS$;1hW1hetePPZǃ t j~h0hP4fڽڅٝEم E@tKم=p cmd: %s; rmt: %s; loc: %s; mode: %s. RETR Aborted. %c%cabort%cABOR outfile closed. receivedrecvrequest result = %d. UWVS]DžLDžHDžDDžXDž@DžTDž\Dž4MQU ujRUujRShzoDž({(1t FO)ȉ<<`PMQ} W8 uW,8u\PMQ袆=xWtP2aƃtSRx_sCPE_e[^_] Recently called sites: %4d. %-32s%5d. %-32s Sites in your netrc (%s): Note that you can specify an abbreviation of any name, or #x, where x is the number of the site you want to connect to. UWVS=\Ejj %_Ehɉhq|_ǃu `=xEh=Ww_U9x|d RVhVWv_ F95x}hlWv_.RVhaWv_hlWv_ F95x}=|EhhnW|v_p t_RVhVW]v_[FuhlWGv_2RVhaW)v_hlWv_[Fu}~hWu_ `t WF{_URj ~_e[^_]%dU WVS}1E1EWv_tPW,_?t  `MMAtB:uuY?#uEPhGP~_ }uWVWrt EVWt0@E&EPhWA~_ tEMxXE9x~"@ $E6E+xE9|~1ҡp9U~ B@9Ut=SW~_} t-M }t!Ђ}t MQM Q}_e[^_] ,macdefUnknown .netrc keyword "%s" UWVS]DžXhhs_\Q`T\Qj~TQ{s_ hTQ}_ƃtƃ `Bt FBu0ЃPVS/}_ uDžX `BuFBt>t8#u@8uhFS }_ƒ"11$@pppppppppp Ppp0pppp \M \SܲMܲCM3ֿK}uRhRh `r_ hFS |_t PV|{_E9\QV襒\Qj~TQyq_ƃ |\Qp_Xt 1H[^_]ÐtcgetattrtcsetattrUWVSUR q_Sqt_=uBhS{_} h ^@ %Ld} t#=u7d!=ud@=dt dRjS{_ } h*^^e[^_]w+/dev/tty UWVSh0h3p_É߃u  `< `jjx_EjSWUR p_Wv_hC9CwS>l_tCCt tsňFjh<Who_PG|_jS?URjTx_< `tSn_he[^_]`{[*?UVSuPDžTfh PS f=u SU |ƅXPaV=u%tR0 1R H[^]ÐUE]{{}UWVEƿZtƿ\uh_PbP e^_]ÐUSUR9t]]ÐUWVS=59^9s"RRv_~9r߃G9r͉=e[^_]Unknown user name after ~U@WVS}5;~95j~`CP uP u;-uPC-̐;t;/ur@9t8@P t |@P Q Qu_ Q  QP u];uH=EP Qu_h_ QzPC6닐9v;/tK 9v;/u;/uC:{u+jSC0h_ Q/S:5e[^_].Bad directory componentsU@WVS}u:tPo_ƃu=EPQj_|mfEf%f=@t< `SVp_t38tWX StS Q@ŐVh_Vg_|we[^_]ÐUWVSMDžAG9{uQр:tp<{t&<[tPY<}tE3t(B:t:]uB:uDž9u{t@,ti[@L}t+=tD0t$QW)r_BPSq_} t2W] S t9~=S(={Nt.F>t >]u>uNF91[^_]ÐUSEU M8.u:.t1.  RP M ]]ÐUDWVSu] FC?1/*/[t{FPCP1ECtW]uuC`-u9MC9E9uBCu4K&;u ;/u C`NSVuӊFu%95 =}>tPFJ>uj/;EP=Wn_ u:fEf%f=@u,;u!h_=WPSZ}=1e[^_]Arguments too longUWVSu] 0҉ЍD9~ =~|Z7)SV{ De[^_]Pathname too longUU9w| ]Ð]ÐUWVSh} uS;~t2޿ZtB޿\u(- PU ҃CuUUue[^_]ÐUS]RPt{u  fË]]ÐUU1Ɉ<v <v_uȉ]ÐUE< %]ÐUMU :tB9u]Ð1]ÐUU1Auȉ]US]U Ktu؋]]ÐUS];tPeb_;u]]Out of memoryUWVS]u 0҉ЍDuPe_ǃu hRHTSWZk_VW3k_e[^_]ÐUVSuVuPe_Ãu hRSVSe[^]ÐUE8t@8u]ÐUS]Sc_t@PSj_1]]tcpftpftp/tcp: unknown servicecould not reserve large amounts of memory.zcatYou compiled the program with -DZCAT, but you must specify the path with it! Re-compile, this time with -DZCAT=\"/path/to/zcat\". ascii@B@c@Mncftp@P>PAGERTERMxterm@~/.ncrecentopen D:V:INRHaicmup:rd:g:-%c -%c %s Usage: %s [program options] [[open options] site.to.open[:path]] Program Options: -D x : Set debugging level to x (a number). -H : Show version and compilation information. -I : Toggle interactive (mprompt) mode. -N : Toggle reading of the .netrc/.ncftprc. -V x : Set verbosity to level x (-1,0,1,2). Open Options: -a : Open anonymously (this is the default). -u : Open, specify user/password. -i : Ignore machine entry in your .netrc. -p N : Use port #N for connection. -r : "Redial" until connected. -d N : Redial, pausing N seconds between tries. -g N : Redial, giving up after N tries. :path : ``Colon-mode:'' If "path" is a file, it opens site, retrieves file "path," then exits; if "path" is a remote directory, it opens site then starts you in that directory.. -c : If you're using colon-mode with a file path, this will cat the file to stdout instead of storing on disk. -m : Just like -c, only it pipes the file to your $PAGER. Examples: ncftp ftp.unl.edu:/pub/README (just fetches README then quits) ncftp (just enters ncftp command shell) ncftp -V -u ftp.unl.edu ncftp -c ftp.unl.edu:/pub/README (cats README to stdout then quits) ncftp -D -r -d 120 -g 10 ftp.unl.edu a1.8.3 (August 27, 1994)%sNcFTP %s by Mike Gleason, NCEMRSoft.%s%s%s%s %s%s UWVSDžj/u 6Vc_ÃtCM hShAhh[_Ãu h%L35XK \s5`[ dNt hKtuhh `PY_jX_ȼh Qhp@j hph@xhhvh@$hhh@jhY_PE*ؼhY_Ãt(;vu{tt޿u ؼGhMc_hhph5@hhVu+hhh?hhhw?hhhh?hMhh@H5f fhu VMQFA P1$HȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮhȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮȮPhEP__ %5VPhĤEP__EPP__j j QP`_ wj5V%^= :)jj3jU_hh̤h `U_jT_u uuSP^_==bjX_t\jwX_G=hthhhT_}~xtth$Q_tj&T_hذj]_hj ]_P xQ=^_ h5lV! C=tQ=ؼt1 Qh5VQh Qh*Y_hhhZY_ =ȼ~W:h9P_؅thذj\_hj \_S𐐐intr() UhȰ:hذjo\_jhO_LOGNAMEUSERHOMEMAILmail/usr/spool/mail/%sCould not get your passwd entry!/bin/sh.US1UT_u"hS_uhS_t PT_ÃuU_%PT_ÃSj Rhp:hSRhs:huS_thPh[Sh9: h8S_u)h'S_uhph$EP=[_hPEP9 E}/t}t@8/t8uhPh9j hE[_t1sh7?hhXh~9hh`hj9hbR_ thPh?9|]ÐUh3U_`tWhU_xtAhU_t+hT_\t`81]Ð]out of memory for transfer buffer.UuP|T_u*=v-ːhѳB]ÐUh=t08%uh8@u @8uӉ]ÐU=̘tDjm=L|'jLR+X_LR_M_L ̘=̘tj|m̘x@]"%s" ?Ambiguous command ?Invalid command Not connected. US}u2 `9 `wj h `J_  `=tubAu jjlhxREP= u jjklxRhH5=ltRdAÃuhNKu,R\Qhb"{t*=̘u!ht_S_hlRCЃXu SA{HhذjmV_hj aV_]](Mail) %s %s:%s (not connected)%s:%s %ldUWVS=u;=hu20ЃEDžp =  =pUl?@OGcB$((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((H((x((((x((H(((((((((((((OK hhVa3ppL=ؼ8RV"3Ƌ=ؼRV2Ƌ^=ؼRV2Ƌ.=ؼRV2ƋJu;=8t2j/hxS_t=xtxt@x87PV'2hV2ƃ=hhlRuR_lR=t7hxhhlRDR_lRV1ƃhV1ƃ=t|hxhh-lRQ_lRVK1pp9Rh4xSQ_SV 1ƃFG?hh Q_=ht6tV S_hh ]S/VK_PShh Q_0pЃ+ `[^_]ÐUSlx|X#t lꐐ]]!$UWVS1 |5X9!t9$u`ttAO|19!/  t|  |=u Aؐtt!/ "tI7 " ? %=t{\uA#A=tJA@|t*"uA_A@Րt@X |t ;tt$ 1e[^_]showallhelpallCommands may be abbreviated. 'help showall' shows aliases, invisible and unsupported commands. 'help ' gives a brief description of . out of memory!COLUMNS%%-%ds?Ambiguous help command %s ?Invalid help command %s U8WVSE1҃}u=u VHuE PPЃ}t }hXII_E=t{t}tE;uuuRG_E܃u h5E=t8Uܐ{t}t ;0у9M}M̃;uhD_ƒuPj jRM_ƒ EЙ}̉EE}E~@EuVh ]SK_1҃ 9U~R]ؐ19}~,Ӑ9]~E܋PuVUH_U]G9}hUG_UB9UEP{B_=S*6ST6;usE u >W5ÃuWhdG_6uWh.IG_S5S5M}1e[^_]rwUHWVS==hEPhhJ_hhh*A_e]+TPj~V@_ ,0щȃ)Ålj󐋅Pj~S@_ tP thhh@S(0Ƅ>ThSf@_ƃu%P?_hhK_VSS@_Pj~S?_ tVؐPt?_Vn?_hhK_ } hh-hh@SF_}S-[^_]You have new mail.%s U@=u1]ÐEPhH_}1]Ð}t:E9E|2E9}hhD_U]Ð1]ÐUE=Șt@@ <@@ `HƀX@@X]aiup:rd:g:cm%s: bad port number (%s). You can only use this form of colon-mode (-m) from your shell command line. Try 'ncftp -m wuarchive.wustl.edu:/README' You can only use ftpcat/colon-mode from your shell command line. Try 'ncftp -c wuarchive.wustl.edu:/README > file.' (site to open) ftpBad URL '%s' -- WWW paths must be prefixed by 'ftp://'. /Colon-Mode Path = '%s' Host = '%s' UWVS}] uV&hSW& $O OOO0OOOOO@OOO ubuRuFAj j5VXF_uF u#5VShA_ufF%Fj j5VE_uF j j5VE_uF uF=uuFxh.=uuFHhsh `9;_X1<u5j@EPh!*u~t=ȼX%PSX{XjfB jjQF{9s1e[^_]Closing %s... UXS=̘t-=ȼ~$=thh,8_jjGQSU RURX Xt S XuX1]Printing all messages, errors, acknowledgments, and announcements. Printing error messages and announcements from the remote host. Only printing necessary error messages. Not printing anything. Verbose (2)Terse (1)Errors Only (0)Quiet (-1)verbosetypetipsstartup-msgremote-is-unixrecent-listprogress-reportspromptpagernetrcmpromptlogsizelogfilelocal-dirgateway-hostgateway-logindebugcompressauto-binaryansi-escapesanon-passwordanon-openUSME u!=ȼÃȼuuȼ `PtRPt%9u ` Ѻ9uȼB~;j jQ9_ }~ȼhȼPhp] =u =ȼ~h `ȼԘPU/_]]@B@c@Mncftp@P>UUhJ} utPh]aUS]=tR0._} u1t-hShhhhh$Py._]]-more|%sUE} tffp]Ðu8u"hhhp]Ð8|u@Ph hp.7_hq"]Not connected. USEȼȼ=̘u ~h%3_t } uP.ȼ]]ÐUSEȼt$} uȼEEPjv=ȼ]]ÐUE} uu ]ÐPh6_]%s: ambiguous variable name. %s: unknown variable. UWVS0}Љf1։UURR6_t@f9s~WURURR;6_ u@f9s~tURURSR6_ t 7URhG~URhh `,_1e[^_]%-20s= (not connected) %d %ld "%s" noyes%s US] Qh1_C}f{t =̘uh0_xt+ t_t+t6QC Ph;C Ph+[ ShC 8uRhw0_]]allUWVSEtǹu S9~PtPe[^_]ÐUVSEU j%~Z4 Ql9|1e[^]%s: must be connected. %s: read-only variable. %d%ldUWVS] 1}~jhKQ3_ uj8u%E{}~0C8=u}~ s Xƀ>u1WÃnf{t=̘uWhEf{}Wh]h `%)_.{tMQVC}t:fCft ftftZfC uLfCft"ftftfC C fCftFft.fftJfuNV6S A[ Shv[ ShyVU1_V[ S1_1e[^_]ÐSick and tired of these tips? Put '#unset tips' in your .ncftprc.You can use World Wide Web style paths instead of colon-mode paths. For example, if the colon-mode path was 'cse.unl.edu:pub/mgleason/ncftp', the WWW-style path would be 'ftp://cse.unl.edu/pub/mgleason/ncftp'.Don't put a site in your .ncftprc unless you want an 'init' macro. The recent-file saves sites with the last directory you were in, unlike the rc file, while still letting you use sitename abbreviations.To report a bug, mail your message to mgleason@cse.unl.edu. Include the output of the 'version' command in your message. An easy way to do that is to compose your message, then do a 'ncftp -H >> msg.'The type of progress-meter that will be used depends if the remote host supports the SIZE command, and whether your terminal is capable of ANSI escape codes.You can get the newest version of NcFTP from cse.unl.edu, in the /pub/mgleason/ncftp directory, AFTER business hours.NcFTP was compiled with the GNU Readline command-line/history editor! To activate it, use the up & down arrows to scroll through the history, and/or use EMACS-style (or maybe VI-style) commands to edit the line.This program is pronounced Nik-F-T-P. NCEMRSoft is Nik'-mer-soft.Try the 'redir' command to re-display the last directory listing (ls, dir, ls -lrt, etc). 'predir' does the same, only with your pager.ncftp may be keeping detailed information on everything you transfer. Run the 'version' command and if you see SYSLOG, your actions are being recorded on the system log.Use the 'page' (or 'more') command to view a remote file with your pager.Sometimes a directory listing is several screens long and you won't remember the thing you wanted. Use the 'predir' command to re-view the listing. The program keeps the copy locally, so you won't have to wait for the remote server to re-send it to you.The open command accepts several flags. Do a 'help open' for details.Colon-mode is a quick way to get a file from your shell. Try something like 'ncftp wuarchive.wustl.edu:/pub/README.'Type 'open' by itself to get a list of the sites in your recent-file and your .ncftprc. You can then supply '#5' at the prompt, or use 'open #5' later.If you want to keep your .netrc's for ftp and ncftp separate, name ncftp's rc to .ncftprc.Use the .ncftprc file to set variables at startup and to add sites that need init macros. Sample .ncftprc: #set pager "less -M" machine wuarchive.wustl.edu macdef init cd /pub get README dir (blank line to end macro)You can put set commands in your .ncftprc, by adding lines such as '#set local-dir /usr/tmp' to the file, which will be run at startup.You don't need to type the exact site name with open. If a site is in your .ncftprc or the recent-file (.ncrecent), just type a unique abbreviation (substring really). I.e. 'open wuar' if you have the site wuarchive.wustl.edu in your rc or recent-file.pseudo-filename-completion is supported in some commands. To use it, use a wildcard expression that will match exactly one file. I.e., if you want to fetch obnoxiouslylongfilename.zip, try 'get obn*.zip.' Note that you can't use the cd command with this feature (yet).If you don't want a .ncrecent file in your home directory, put the command '#unset recent-list' in your .ncftprc file.Have you tried typing 'open' by itself lately?pid: %d; ntips: %d *** Tip# (-1 == all): Tip: %s UVS==\:_=tuj"_Ph_h]Shpj jSj#_H$u1}& Qh_9~%P Rhj_x[^]Ð#DB# US] =t(hh `_SURh `v$_h `4_]]ÐUWVSut[0}ЉƒF9s>Mы] ,CAu9sAB9r B9rEe[^_]ÐUWVS}ut3] 9s$CAu9sAB9r B9re[^_]ÐUS];t5 `Pt!9t  `C;uˋ]]ÐUUM ABuJЉ]ÐUWVSu0ЅuP,_ÃtVS _؍e[^_]ÐU ]ÐU x :tPUR/ _]Ð1]: illegal option -- %s%s%c : option requires an argument -- UVSu] 8uK95}. 8-uxt+  8-uMQƒu. 8u=t xQh^z:t 8usk 8uN95|8 =t2 xQhShh `K_?" xe[^]%d %d%dU@WVSUEB$DD$D4DDDDDDtDDDE:uEE E~B0ЃT: uJC: uCt1e[^_]ÐUVSu =\th `UR5_h `_h< `EPV_jVU؍e[^]ÐUWVS}=\t =uURU RWqU j W_ƃt3F|hW]S^|h `Sm_Whƃt-URVU R)VW_ju V>tVip[^_] UWVS]u hyxR\_0=xЃ)RxPSle[^_]ÐUE HPURc_]/tmp/ncftpXXXXXXUWVEǾ P_%e^_]onoffUX}tU]ÐUVSu9t  `1ۃ$WDDDDDDDWDDDDRDDDDRV9t `ftj jVZ_t؍e[^]%s %s? 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