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E Edit the current cell's string part. F Assign a format to the current cell's numeric value. x Clear the current cell. c Copy the last marked cell to the current cell. m Mark a cell to be used as the source for ``c'' + Increment numeric part - Decrement numeric part RETURN Enter insert mode if the input line was empty (ESC to edit) In numeric mode, a decimal digit, ``+'', ``-'', and ``.'' all start a new numeric constant or expression. F: Line Editor Hitting the ESC key while entering any command on the top line will start a one-line vi-style editor. Supported commands: ESC q Abort command entry. h l Move cursor forward, backward. 0 $ Move cursor to the beginning, end of the line. b w Move cursor forward/back one word. fc Move cursor to character c. tc Move the cursor the the character before c. i a Enter insert mode before/after the cursor. I A Move to column 0/end of line and enter insert mode. x X Delete the character under/before the cursor. rc Replace the character under the cursor with c. cm Change - m = b,f,h,l,t or w. dm Delete - m = b,f,h,l,t or w. R Enter replace (overstrike) mode. + j - k / Forward/backward/search the command history. n Repeat last history search. . u Repeat/undo the last command. G: File commands: G Get a new database from a file. M Merge a new file into the current database. P Put the current database into a file. W Write a listing of the current database into a file in a form that matches its appearance on the screen. T Write a listing of the current database to a file, but put delimiters between each pair of fields. Optionally brackets output with control lines for ``tbl'', ``LaTeX'', ``SLaTex'', or ``TeX''. ``"| program"'' for a file name will pipe output to a program for Put, Write and Table. If a cell name is used as the file name, the cell's string part will be used as the file name. H: Row and column commands: ir, ic Insert a new, empty row (column) ar, ac Append a new copy of the current row (column) dr, dc Delete the current row (column) pr, pc, pm Pull deleted cells back into the spreadsheet Insert rows, columns or merge the cells. vr, vc Remove expressions from the affected rows (columns), leaving only the values. zr, zc Hide (``zap'') the current row (column) sr, sc Show hidden rows (columns) f Set the output format to be used with the values of each cell in this column. Enter field width and number of fractional digits. A preceding count can be used to change more than one column. Commands which move or copy cells also modify the row and column references in the new cell expressions. Use ``fixed'' or the ``$'' style cell reference to supress the change. @myrow, @mycol return the row or column of the current cell I: Range commands: /x Clear a range. /v Remove the expressions from a range of cells, leaving just the values. /c Copy a source range to a destination range. /f Fill a range with constant values starting with a given value and increasing by a given increment. /d Assign a name to a cell or a range of cells. Give the the name, surrounded by quotes, and either a cell name such as ``A10'' or a range such as ``a1:b20''. /l Locks a cell or a range of cells, i.e makes it unchangeable. /U Unlocks a locked cell, i.e makes it changeable. /s Shows the currently defined range names. Pipe output to sort, then to less. /u Use this command to undefine a previously defined range name. /F Assign a format string to a range of cells. Range operations affect a rectangular region on the screen defined by the upper left and lower right cells in the region. A range is specified by giving the cell names separated by ``:'', such as ``a20:k52''. Another way to refer to a range is to use a name previously defined using ``/d''. J: Miscellaneous commands: Q q ^C Exit from the program. ^G ESC Abort entry of the current command. ? Help ! Shell escape. Enter a command to run. ``!!'' repeats the last command. Just ``!'' starts an interactive shell. ^L Redraw the screen. ^R Redraw the screen. Highlight cells with values but no expressions. ^X Redraw the screen. Show formulas, not values. @ Recalculate the spreadsheet. ^V Type, in the command line, the name of the current cell. ^W Type, in the command line, the current cell's expression. ^A Type, in the command line, the current cell's numeric value. TAB When the character cursor is on the top line TAB can be used to start or stop the display of the default range. K: Variable names: K20 Row and column can vary on copies. $K$20 Row and column stay fixed on copies. $K20 Row can vary; column stays fixed on copies. K$20 Row stays fixed; column can vary on copies. fixed holds following expession fixed on copies. Cells and ranges can be given a symbolic name via ``/d''. Expressions: -e Negation e<=e Less than or equal e+e Addition e=e Equal e-e Subtraction e!=e Not Equal e*e Multiplication e>=e Greater than or equal e/e Division e>e Greater than e%e Modulo eD.jjd `R1_d `R61_]Which Screen? 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