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/tmp/rdistXXXXXX-Serverrdist: too many destination hosts rdist: -n overrides -v rdistfileDistfileUWVS$VD$L$L$M_%P_u)$Rh(h `_j _PhC_@Ph0_@ j hp_ ( f(fh(h_ j/h6_t7!$$)}-)E5$*,-----------------------------,,`,-+-`-p----,,--,-----@--P-K$$8-x< `KF$9D$rh)h `b_j_$$L$L$2K$$ QWD$th+)=_%  |=th+)_] L < ,  @ E} KT$ Q_hO_=t*=%P_|$t$RS=uw=u.hC)hE)O_uShC)hN)hC) Q_=uuE)Pr_jS_I=u$RSD$ P =%P_Usage: rdist [-nqbhirvwyD] [-f distfile] [-d var=value] [-m host] [file ...] or: rdist [-nqbhirvwyD] -c source [...] machine[:dest] h._h/_je_docmdargs() files = hosts = UWVS|$11G9}-ŋ|$RGu É\$CÃF9|ۋT$4j:V_ÃtC5jhǃ=tj_t;u1j qGffV^=t'hp/_T$RIh/_W9VWT$RjDjjj[^_]( %s ) S\$h0A_tRh0+_[uh0_[rdist: line %d: Warning: VSt$ \$Rh0h `X_SVh `_h1h `=_ [^Ð$Id: server.c,v 1.1 1994/07/25 12:51:09 florian Exp florian $V%d server: expected control record server: too many 'E's server: unknown command '%s' WShlj_hlj_hlj_hlj_ hlj }_j_%jh1hI_0ЃPhR_$\$jSR1_ \$ |$ uh1jSR_ t j"9C< t $9rCD$\$ tG$$32T66d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6$6t55d6d6d6d6d65d6d6d6d6d646d5D65d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d65d6d6d6d6d6d6d6d65  ShW`=8uhh@hSuSZ"= h13 jh1R*_ vS:*bSJRS 0B5Sh1e2[_ -R -b -y -wverifyinstall%s%s%s%s%s %s %s target = %s, rname = %s %c%s buf = %sUWVS$$$ u=u =t{SV6t6P6t6P6t6P6t6P6t6Ph6g_ =QVhƃ9=t8ut(>/u F>/tDŽ$.j/hX_ƃu F=tVhh6_ St$ tTPh6h:_=thh6o_0ЃPhR_1 |2$tS\$SC_UV[^_]sendf(%s, %x) %s: %s %s: no password entry for uid %d :%lu%s: no name for group %d need to install: %s installing: %s D%o %04o 0 0 %s %s %s ...%s/%s: Name too long E k%o %s %s k%o %s/%s %s K%o %o %d %ld %s %s %s readlink = %.*s %s: not a file or directory need to update: %s updating: %s R%o %o %d %ld %s %s %s %s: file changed size  special "%s" SFILE=%s;%s LUWVS|$`=tD$dPWh9H_ h D$d tD$Ph_|TD$Ph_}:< `P#_D$D$Phh9-[^_]LÐ\$SD$hPW0 ƃ u7fD$$f%f=P f|$&D Sr [^_]LÐ=tf@f9D$(t`D$(P_uID$(D$Phh9ظP,D$8D$ D$ Ph?9h_=tf@f9D$*t`D$*Po_uID$*D$PhhD9ظP,D$:D$ D$ Ph?9h-_u6D$dthh^9 hhs9ظP+d$p fT$$@t24oh_D$|$W=t R=t RfD$0%D$D$PD$tPh9h_=thh6T_0ҿщȃD$PhPd_,D$ |$}D$P__[^_]LËD$dt Pb--D$D$P_ÃS ֿ9tӉֿ9t0D$=v!Rhh9A* 됐-E/ѐAu D$dP \$D$P7D$PZ_jh9P0_+-E[^_]LÐtL$df|$&D$Pƒ u*W T$D$PD$lPh9h%_7WB D$D$P T$D$PD$pPh9h_=thh6!_0ҿщȃD$PhP1_* [^_]LÐW=tR=t RD$PPD$@PfD$8%D$$D$$PD$|Ph9h_$=thh6J_0ҿщȃD$PhPZ_)D$ |$hhh_D$ D$9D$0؋D$0PhP_ =1hD$4Ph9_ hh9Q'[^_]LÐuCD$dt#hh:ظP& (hh+:ظP& f|$&v0D$Pƒt fjjh_Ń W=t R=t RD$PPD$@PfD$8%D$$D$$PD$|Ph9:h_$=thh6J_0ҿщȃD$PhPZ_'D$ |$}UQ_[^_]LÐ119\$0~U9D$0}t$0)uVhU_ 9tVhP_ 9|$0U׾_t4hhQ:E%jhh:P_#jh1Pz_ &Ņu D$d5\$df>~t hFPD$|$FPhk:ظP4$ unFPhhy:hQ_=thh6_щȃD$PhP_ &v <[^_]Lout of memory, link information lost VSt$ t9Fu fCf9 uhl_ÃuhDظR.#} VffSF HChC P_=t0R Py_K[^Ðƃ 1[^update(%s, %x, %x) Q%s update: note: %s update: unexpected response '%s' update: size not delimited update: mtime not delimited Warning: %s: remote copy is newer UWVS\$l$=tU|$WShEV_ShEh_ =thh6(_0ЃPh=W;_ jS=W_ t jrC< trЊF<<t? 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