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Use %s for helpUXWVSE}t"` =>` E\PE }tE E=x` @l%؃Pjj+0 |, ` ~ǁE:tE}t#=EEE1E}t0jj` }%PjuE}=DPt.ju5TP5LP5PPW5\P5XP \jS=sJC` 9|h jjGh `_PPLPPPTPLPEE1S}tLju5TP5LP5PP5PP5\P5XPPPTPLPEE }jhEP_ }tWQxP |P P_ P P P eeeeEQxP |P P P! 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Go directly into composer sending to given address -f Folder - give folder name to open -h Help - give this list of options -k Keys - Force use of function keys -z Suspend - allow use of ^Z suspension -r Restricted - can only send mail to one self -sort Sort - Specify sort order of folder: subject, arrival, date, from, size, /reverse -i Index - Go directly to index, bypassing mail menu -I Initial keystrokes to be executed -n Entry in index to begin on -o ReadOnly - Open first folder read-only -conf Configuration - Print out blank global configuration -p Specify alternate .pinerc file -P Specify alternate pine.conf file -nr Special mode for UWIN -a Special anonymous mode for UWIN -l List - Expand List of folder collections by default UhbO_h cE_hc;_h`c1_hc'_hc_hc_hd _ hEd_h{d_hd_hdޢ_h&eԢ_hPeʢ_he_he趢_ he詢_hf蟢_h=f蕢_hdf苢_hf聢_hfw_j@_Uu5RhBUu5Rh*%sFound mailbox outside context: %sUWVSu ]Dž0H>jjjWVhhgW5_É)tVWP_ 1tDž{t t0Hu 裥_Åt0H)Dž~KtV#_ u.tO+P襤_t*hgS'_jSץ1PSo_SUҍ[^_Unbalanced '}'Unbalanced '['No '[' in contextNo ']' in contextU WVS]U }uDž؅t8u#f gf gJu t8{t8*uM@8{uG}t uFu@8t!8/t 8:t8}u@8t 8}u8u iN@8t3t >F8[u @8tW8[u@8uԀ8u i 8]ux]u!@tF@8uԀ8]t.iit >F@8u}tMt >t'9u*FtT;*u*CB;{u CB;t;}u}B8t$8[ux]u %BsB@ B@8u1[^_UWVS}ujjjSu u VSWV_VW轡_[^_UU:*tBu :*uÐ1<.tС `P tFind of mailbox outside context: %sUVS]uVfu)VhlS觠_jSWVS_RVSP Pu b1[^Find of bboard outside context: %sUVS]uVfu)VhPmS _jS軡VSl_RVSPT Pu 1[^UVS]uVmfu)VhlS蓟_jSCVS_RVSP Pu 0[^UVS]uVfu)VhPmS_jSˠVS|_RVSPd Pu 0[^Create of mailbox outside context: %sUnable to infer network server from context: %sUWVS]} u"fuzU:{t:;{u5j}SYt&)FVSS_uS萞_uPy_PhnS_jS螟uSPD u5j Sj7ǃ uuhoS袝_jSR1PW5[^_[]UWVSu}u4pWftWVS >?{t7>{u2j}V>Ãt!)CSVVȝ_WSw_uSu 6[^_UWVSuftuuW* PU:{tDU:{u{u2j}V覫Ãt!)CSVV0_WSߛ_Su U4[^_UWVSu}WftWVS ??{t7>{u2j}VÃt!)CSVV訛_WSW_uSu n;[^_US]SqftSuS Su 1US]S1ftSuS Su !1UWVSu} WftWVS ??{t7>{u2j}VÃt!)CSVV蜚_WSK_uS[^_a+rpine-tmpERROR creating message fileERROR creating message temp fileERROR allocating composer text spaceUWVSu ]stsjcEjjPR_Ef XtVfUB$}uhsjP@UB UMJȃwpztFWru_UEPMEPDhtjjjUhtjjj?ExuCUuah?tjjjɗExt P̶EP.E@ h 0Ur jP_EHEe[^_US]twBw(:t 2_xtMxu3p_&8t!xu 0 8t Pxt P S]US] MM{uJC9C )C C PS蝵SSC +CPjR6_CMCC<{uEP3';uSu13jjEP_]UVSu] {uC+9C~3CC4{u V3J$;uSu13jjV8_e[^UWVS]u {ur0ЍxC9C F9C C@C 9C ~s S{SSC +CPjR_ CFC>u{F{u V3b4;uS]u13j0HPVȌ_e[^_UWVS]u }{u[t"t Ft+=9s~73s1kC+S)‰9}s1R9s~C)C1>6{uWV3$;uSu1 WV3ۋ_e[^_US];t0{t*CwCP3Xu 3Š_]ERROR reopening %s : %sERROR positioning in %s : %sUVS]sCts;uiCw^RsΊ_u5< `Psh6y)CP3t!5< `[PshNyjjj1e[^UU1tUS]U EM ujjR腊_z  {]USMU E]u{P{]UEU zUEU zU5uU5uU5jju蛉_U5jjUR_UU=t Ð1U=t U Ð1UVS]u ;tPCփu1e[^UVSS]tuEXV萰]uSle[^UWVS]5Sj ׯj jWnj_jEPWӅu=Sv~u~e[^_Error writing out pipeU}uu hЃ hP|UEhUEljhpу_UVSuhp_tlIu hh|]SփtSjURPЃ SjjP1e[^ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/Internal error in base64 encoderUVS]u ECCt7 tt_Kj SPQЉ/KMjK ȃ? 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Nothing to select!Can't save messages to bulletin boards or news groups!Already in Folder ListReturning to current indexEmptyExpandNo folder selected to delete. %s list.Folder name search cancelledWord not foundSearch wrapped to beginningPine suspension not enabled - see help textCommand "%s" not defined for this screen. Use ? for helpU$WVSUEEEEE` @t ` BuB `  tXt:jS=[pu$} u` @xpuj5 = p\EP>C$} $϶uph/` @ x` 8~Vtu 1Pjj輨 |+` ~ǀEYt ` }` 8~~E} tB} t&g} t } tDYjjjjjhJ>jjjjjhV*jjujjhjjjjjjh~PM9 $u u95 tuu5$5 h}tMM9 tB phjjjx} u!ufFbf fRbff9tE}` 8jhEPr_ } uFTSSS @btSe?TSʐS̐SאSeeeejujj` pEPhTEE $M5 uv\E@t& p\5$?HMuEWwj` ~1PH裠É߃ y! `Xtڈ%9u  `<=Tu wWɭǃ0$\ptpСؠ Т Тt( ئpX(tpТ ((tX ئؠСpТ \}  ouDEEy=$~ @bu $Y9 tO[pCp9 u Cbs\ 7tr p\6H$hِjjj0 $C p\69} @bu$ xpt@p $hjjj p\c6l p\5$5f@fEܡ p\5$5XK|%h h$Sh tKy}h jjjA p\5$u5fuf9p$C p\59 p\$@P15fx$듐 p\k5t p\5$4f@fEܡ p\5$4XC94}h$jjjjh h$Sh t C94}ې p\5$u4fMf9H$C p\49 p\$@P14fx$듐=0t70+,y1ېh h$Sh PCݐh;jjj0,94}hSjjj\h h$Sh C94}` @} t< } t$V} t } t4Fjhjhr.jh{hdujhh8wjhhx 7 ` 8` @ EEED} tv s p\3uhӑjjjG @b@btp\j4 `b p\2u Hbj5 , u9Fu&p\P2$} $` ph5E} I} uJ}45 uS.[pu} t} u @`thjj}u1,}t 5 M1}tuubh_tS-[pu` @} h9jjj} tm e` @tKS-[pu8} tS,[pu` @Tv1o} B` @tS,[pu` 빐} ` @tSZ,[pu` hQjjj)ff} rt u5 5$j à 5 j Ãe @bVMphE p\S/$}  @bt+r@bulRhyjjje^EP5 5$;  p\5$-1 p\/ 9$|$H$y $uphET} Rh} t.  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New "%s" createdError creating new "%s"Folder "%s" renamed to "%s"U WVS}E UB`thزjjUBbtrBbulPhjjjJUr\PH"ÃtC` (PCuCP"eu#` (Ph/jjjX16{thVjj]` PSX_E%E1uhX_jSjVjjj@jWhE(u1u ͐}uR=tIUr\h!|2h(PhjjjXjpYjW_ u}jhchJc}t=tuhX_uhjjj(W1}t+` t` ǀ` hU2 u(` 9CltslhU2ɼ huQU2E6hfC fC Ur\Sj~!u` W_tϳ}uUrl2 t7` yPhuh޳jjjV Ur\u|Ur\P!uh jjj!VKhPu Ph%jjj)VUr\uk$|Ur\Pd!}t uh:1}te[^_Delete/Unsubscribe news groups not working yet.Can't delete folders in <%s> yet.Empty folder collection. No folder to delete!Can't delete special folder "%s". (the currently open folder)Really delete "%s"%sDelete cancelledNo folder deletedDelete of "%s" Failed!Folder "%s" deleted!UlWVSE1M A`th'jjjSM AbtqhXjjjM q\uh{jjjSM q\uEpuƃ` (PV_u` (PhjjjL` M 9HuPVS_uGʬtθPVh]SaS_jjjxjnSkX$yt#xuRjjjRt<` tPG` ǀp` (P ` EPM 1舸E }u+` 9BltrlEPM 1WE EPuM 1詶 tVh;jjjRVh$jjjoR1e[^_folder list Mail %s-collection <%s> %s%*s%s%*sUWVS5` ~Pt jPuhhkEDž}hx9phjPj-hP L_ hP QhxGjPj hP wL_ @btAP0щNVR()y1ҍP Pʬ@b tάRvzF`tRhh P_ 0щNVh hP t#S豤ftSVPO SP7F_j Vjà PW3V}tj` VmÃuH` plVVÃu1WhSGE_j@Sj+Ãu1N d VSjC5d hd DtS[^_No Folder Collections SpecifiedIncoming-Folders []Incoming Message Folders[]U WVSEEEEE` uhjjjC` (8hƃfbNb6gFlfFd} F\~t FPlbh ^Fuu` z|tLr|r Ë=` (W]EC0҉E}щMEȈCv\SjE` ‹8:EP U䋺E ˀ9;"u E4%E;\u{"uC `PtT}uNP 9s 9\u y"uA9"tBA9r `Pt CAu C;vQH Ã=P t2hP \EC0҉E}щMEȈCv\Sj E` E<E` t:uuu1j_ ` jj<_` :t R)`h,[` E` ‹8U䋺E4 ƃE}u NbNb Nb6qFlfEfFdE F\}t }wpu}t{` z|tBr| á` (PZEC0҉E}щMEȈC` (P> Ãv\Sj E uE` E<` ‹E8tU䋺E4ƃt8Nb6BFlfEfFdESF\}t }wpuuE` }<u}` x ` Ut8tRpQe[^_nntpanonymousUWVSuU f>>*ufF>{~~}j}VNǃtU )SVP[?_Ƅ+ ?*uU j/PNǃt@hGPJuU t!hGP}JuU U [^_Bad context, %s : %s on %s%s%sUVSu1Dž>;"u4Ȁ;\u{"uC `Ptbu^)@P[9s!>\u ~"uF>"t@F9r `Pt CAu C;njPPjV蒙Ãt1VShjjjo=t P[1jt1[jtjS!8_C`PV{ukuYʬC`tPʬC`tPC`uPhhP <_hP VC SVVfCb؍[^/anonymous/nntp*%s{%s%s%s}U WVS]u DžfCbf%f=PPPj3@t3Phjjj<at >*u~u cbKb@ RK\ d fC`f4lSC`ʬC` t_PʬC`tjPPʬC`tpPhrhP (;_` hP P[ uc` 9BltrlhP ݨP[ =P[ u4j@hP jP[ uNP[ C`tV5P[ WUV5P[ W軚 t 5P[ cb[^_UWVS}w\EGbu:119}*w\S_xtCw\SF9uրObgbe[^_UEt@b u @pu1%4.4s Uut PoYʬPhu 9_%s*UWVSDžxU :t-R4ftUBb%tuBbt&1u h]S39_SuEDž|Ur\9|Ur\|%0} HPCuCPu u9_xt}susx|*Ur\xËCuCPEP8_DžxM>t&}t 8EuFA>t 9t8t|x|x|+Ur\x:ËCuCPu ]8_xuEPu C8_tt_UBbtNUr\I~AUr\r\jp%%P&뵐uxh[^_USj UhuUChjPa2_C@؋]UWVSu0ЍxP+UjjS2_VCPI7_S؍e[^_UUE 9v @Ð1UVSuBP>UKuP*UV$Ue[^UEUWVSu} 1ېWS}t&PuP8uRV6_u C͐e[^_UWVS}] ujVv\SVxH9},v\CPtPuPRW$6_VK?%!e[^_UWVS} 1WVÃt${tsu5_uC F͐1e[^_UWVS]u }}RVU~uU1WSEt.PUxuEEPEP|tCǐWSV ؍e[^_UVSu ]93vƋ@9CsC@CPCPSS C9vH9wCM e[^UVSu] ;t|H93vDSVixt PRCPR CL BH9r e[^USMU :(:^uz_u ^BA:_t BAB:to:{uр:te` @t/:tRBBA:tB::uB:t3:}u'B:t#::u:tBBA:t :}u:u] ___----___end_include___includer___----UWVS]DžPރ>t>u)މTTT<WPDlDž`Dž\DžXމd>pH` \XLLu}XhHn(_à uX'_Dž\ډ0щD| EщDD )jh6>  Dž\j h6> Dž\d+lL`~`l)L 9t# `Pt `A9t BuQH!1_Hpt*p `Pu `A9t BthH"'_XDž@XhH&_ t @ې@LTKDЙ@jjX&_ >t jh62= t>u㋕@J))PPd+lPTDžPTPlWMldhS=t#d+l`pG`ډ0щDQ-MDdSPd \t Xu>6d0`DŽp1҃pt Bpukjj}WpPu l0Bkld?t#dLdd8ulhhPL4[^_all 50 pages of help text UWVShڟ=tw 1;t.3pj F;uՃ hNhD j ѣ?u9[^_ RELEASE NOTES FOR PINE 3.89 ___---- University of Washington December, 1993 I. TABLE OF CONTENTS -Summary of changes since Pine 3.88 -Configuring Pine -Reading News -Changes since Pine 3.07 -Rationale for user-interface changes in 3.8x -PC-Pine: Background, Differences/Limitations -Coming attractions -Detailed change historyII. SUMMARY OF CHANGES ___----- Pine 3.89 is a primarily a maintenance (bug fix) release, correcting several bugs introduced in 3.88 and earlier.- If this is the first version of Pine you've used since Pine 3.0x, you should read the subsequent section on changes since 3.07. - Fixed: Possibly the last bugs associated with zero length folders causing crash with "Bad msgno in mail_fetchstructure" with new mail arrival and "Bad msgno in mail_elt" after failed save.- Fixed: Bug in "Goto" command causing attempted open of garbaged folder names and other odd behavior under certain circumstances.- Fixed: Explicitly set mode of temporary files for sendmail to 0600. ___----- Fixed: BOOTP gateway, netmask and nameserver recognition (packet-driver version).- Fixed: Display bug showing zero length attachments on re-entering the composer.- Fixed: Export no longer reports success when write fails. ___----Note to Sequent PTX users: if you are experiencing performance problems, make sure you get the new patch from Sequent to make "fsync" work like all other Unix "fsync"s instead of just doing a "sync" instead!Note to AIX users: There have been reported problems with pine built in certain AIX 3.2.X environments. If you experience problems building or running a newly built pine, you might try pine-bin.aix32 available on ftp.cac.washington.edu. Work to find the source of these problems continues.Note to NeXT users: We're aware of, but unable to reproduce, a crash in the Folder Index. If you can reproduce it, please send details to pine-bugs@cac.washington.edu.III. CONFIGURING PINE ___----Pine configuration is accomplished via entries in a personal configurationfile, and/or --in the case of Unix Pine-- an optional system-wideconfiguration file. The standard pathnames for these files are asfollows: -Unix Pine system-wide configuration file: /usr/local/lib/pine.conf -Unix Pine personal configuration file: ~/.pinerc -PC-Pine personal configuration file: \PINE\PINERCUnix Pine can normally be used without any personal configuration, sincethe normal defaults or entries in the system-wide pine configuration fileshould usually be sufficient to get Pine running. However, PC-Pine needsinformation that you must supply the first time you run Pine.Beyond the basic information necessary to run Pine, there are an ___----ever-growing number of features that you can enable via entries in yourpersonal config file. Below is the default pinerc configuration file,including comments, that is created if none exists. Note: comments inexisting pinerc files are not updated by new versions of Pine, but newvariables will be added as appropriate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------___----# Updated by Pine(tm) 3.89, copyright 1989-1993 University of Washington.## Pine configuration file -- customize as needed.# This file sets the configuration options used by Pine and PC-Pine. If you# are using Pine on a Unix system, there may be a system-wide configuration# file which sets the defaults for these variables. There are comments in# this file to explain each variable, but if you have questions about# specific settings see the section on configuration options in the Pine# notes. On Unix, run pine -conf to see how system defaults have been set.# For variables that accept multiple values, list elements are separated# by commas. A line beginning with a space or tab is considered to be a# continuation of the previous line.#------------------------ Essential Parameters --------------------------___----# personal-name specifies your full name as it should appear on outgoing mail.# If unset, Unix Pine will obtain your full name from the system passwd file.personal-name=# user-domain specifies the domain part of your return address on outgoing# email and is also used as the default domain for email composed to a# local user. If unset, Unix Pine will obtain the domain from the system.user-domain=# List of SMTP servers for sending mail. You must have an SMTP server ___----# for use with PC-Pine. Example: smtp-server=mailhost.u.washington.edu# If blank on Unix, sendmail will be used.smtp-server=# inbox-path specifies the name/path/location of your INBOX. Example:# inbox-path={carson.u.washington.edu}inbox (INBOX on a remote computer)# Normal Unix default is the local INBOX (usually /user/spool/mail/$USER)inbox-path=#-------------------- Collections, Folders, and Files -------------------___----# incoming-folders are those other than INBOX that receive new messages.# Folder syntax: optnl-label {optnl-imap-hostname}folder-path# Use only if you filter incoming email into multiple files or receive# email on several different machines.# Example:# incoming-folders=Consulting {carson.u.washington.edu}filter/to-help,# Widget-Project {carson.u.washington.edu}filter/to-widget,# Old-Student-Acct {imap.berkeley.edu}inboxincoming-folders=# folder-collections specifies a list of folder collections wherein saved# messages are stored. The first collection is the default for saves.# Collection syntax: optnl-label {optnl-imap-hostname}optnl-directory-path[]# Example: ___----# folder-collections=Saved-Email {foo.bar.edu}mail/[],# Widget-Project widget/[], <-- Valid only in Unix Pine# Local-PC mail\[] <-- Valid only in PC-Pinefolder-collections=mail/[]# news-collections specifies one or more collections of news groups.# News collection syntax: optnl-label *{news-host/protocol}[]# Examples:# news-collections=News *[] <-- if your login host carries news# news-collections=Subscribed-Groups *{news.u.washington.edu/nntp}[]news-collections=# default-fcc specifies where a copy of outgoing mail is saved. If this is# not a path name, it will be in the default collection for saves.# Unix Pine default is normally "sent-mail" in the default folder collection.# PC-Pine default is "SENTMAIL" (stored as SENTMAIL.MTX) ___----# Example of remote case: {carson.u.washington.edu}sent-mail# To suppress saving of outgoing mail, set: default-fcc=""default-fcc=# mail-directory is where postponed & interrupted msgs are held temporarily.mail-directory=# read-message-folder specifies where already-read messages will be stored.# If set, you will be asked when you quit Pine if you want read messages# to be moved to this folder and deleted from your INBOX.read-message-folder= ___----# signature-file specifies the name or path of a file containing text that# will automatically be inserted in outgoing mail.signature-file=# address-book specifies the filename or path name of Pine's addressbook.# Unix Pine default is normally ~/.addressbook# PC-Pine default is \PINE\ADDRBOOKaddress-book=#------------------------------ Preferences -----------------------------___----# feature-list= comma-separated list of features from the following set:# Note: the value "old-growth" is shorthand for the indicated features...# enable-full-header-cmd (included in old-growth set)# enable-unix-pipe-cmd (included in old-growth set)# enable-bounce-cmd (included in old-growth set)# enable-alternate-editor-cmd (included in old-growth set)# enable-suspend (included in old-growth set)# enable-tab-completion (included in old-growth set)# enable-jump-shortcut (included in old-growth set)# quit-without-confirm (included in old-growth set)# enable-apply-cmd (included in old-growth set)# enable-flag-cmd (included in old-growth set)# enable-zoom-cmd (included in old-growth set)# expanded-view-of-folders# use-function-keys# include-header-in-reply# signature-at-bottom# delete-skips-deleted# expunge-without-confirm# auto-move-read-msgs# e.g.# feature-list= old-growth, signature-at-bottom# The feature-list that is in effect when you are running Pine is the# combination of the feature-list set by the system manager in the pine.conf# file plus the feature-list set by you here. (PC-Pine doesn't have a# pine.conf so this doesn't apply in that case.) The feature-list is additive# and the order is significant. First the system-wide pine.conf values are# read, then yours. Any of the features listed above may also have the# characters "no-" prepended to it, to cancel its effect. So, for example,# you could set "feature-list= old-growth, no-quit-without-confirm" if you# wanted to have all of the old-growth features except for that one. Or,# if the system manager has set "signature-at-bottom" in the pine.conf file, # you can cancel that with "no-signature-at-bottom". The default condition # for all of the features is no-, that is, off.feature-list=# Pine executes these keys upon startup (e.g. to view msg 13: i,j,1,3,CR,v)initial-keystroke-list=# saved-msg-name-rule= determines default folder name for Saves...# Choose one: # default-folder, by-from, by-sender, by-recipient, last-folder-used# Normal default is "default-folder", which on Unix means "saved-messages"# and in PC-Pine means "SAVEMAIL"saved-msg-name-rule=# sort-key= order in which messages will be presented...# Choose one: subject, from, arrival, date, size.# Normal default is "arrival"sort-key=# character-set should reflect the capabilities of the display you have.# Normal default is US-ASCII. Typical alternatives include ISO-8859-x,# where x is a number between 1 and 9.character-set=# editor specifies the program invoked by ^_ in the Composer.# This is normally an alternative to Pine's internal composer (Pico)editor=# Program to view images if format such as GIF and TIFFimage-viewer=# Used if "user-domain" not set. Strips hostname from user's return address.# Not applicable for PC-Pineuse-only-domain-name=#--------- Set within or by Pine: No need to edit below this line -------___----# Your printer selectionprinter=# Special print command if it isn't one of the standard printerspersonal-print-command=# Date last time you were asked about deleting old sent-mail (automatic)last-time-prune-questioned=# Version of Pine used last session (set automatically)last-version-used=3.85---------------------------------------------------------------------------(End of pinerc file.)The "enable-jump-shortcut" option allows you to enter message numbers without typing the "J" command.The "expanded-view-of-folders" will cause all folder collections to be expanded when you look at the FOLDER LIST, rather than the default "abstracted" view."Delete-skips-deleted" changes the standard behavior of the deletecommand when you are viewing messages. Normally, pressing "D" marks thecurrent message for deletion and moves to the next message. With"delete-skips-deleted" set, Pine will jump to the next undeletedmessage. The "saved-msg-name-rule" replaces the old "elm-style-save" option. There is a new option to specify a folder to save messages that have been read. If set, you will be prompted upon quitting Pine to saveviewed messages to this folder. If the option is set in the globalpine.conf file, it can be overridden with an explicit null string ("")value. # The folder where a copy of read mail is saved. read-message-folder=If this variable is set, and you'd like the transfer to occur without prompting you when you quit Pine, add "auto-move-read-msgs" to yourfeature list.A note on folder collections: the -f command line option, and .pinercvariables specifying the location of "default-fcc" and "mail-directory"can be fully-qualified path names, but if they are ambiguous, they willbe interpreted relative to the primary (first) folder-collectionspecification. This is in contrast to the signature file, which isrelative to home directory. Also, a .newsrc file -- if you are usingNNTP to access news -- must be in your home directory on Unix or in\NEWSRC on DOS. Note that the "mail-directory" variable is now used only to define a place to put postponed and interrupted messages. A note on default-fcc: if you are using PC-Pine and wish to have the same sent-mail file as for Unix Pine, you *must* set "default-fcc=sent-mail"and make sure that the Unix sent-mail file is in the directory defined as your primary folder-collection; that is, the first one in the folder-collection list.IV. READING NEWS ___----Background. Pine can read Internet news (NetNews or Usenet) groups, using the samecommands as for mail. This capability is still "work in progress", sosome obvious capabilities are missing. For example, Pine does not yetknow how to post messages to a news group, nor does it have commands tosubscribe to or unsubscribe newsgroups. The consequence of this is that,for now, you must already have a "newsrc" file in order to permit Pineto read news. Any Unix newsreader (e.g. rn, trn, nn) can be used tocreate a suitable .newsrc file. Pine will update the .newsrc file in away that is compatible with other news readers, although Pine uses theinformation in the file in a slightly different way than other news readers.Configuring Pine for news access. ___----Pine can access news folders in any one of three different ways: -Using the Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) to access news on a remote news server. In this case the newsrc file is stored on the machine where Pine is running. Put a line similar to the following in your .pinerc to use this mode of access: news-collections=News *{news.wherever.edu/nntp}[] -Using the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) to access news ___---- on a remote news server. In this case, your newsrc file is stored on the news server, in your home directory, so you must have an account on the news server, but you would be running Pine on a different machine. The news server must be running an IMAPd server process. Put a line similar to the following in your .pinerc to use this mode of access: news-collections=News *{news.wherever.edu}[] -Using local file access to the news database. In this case, your newsrc file is stored on the news server, in your home directory, so you must have an account on the news server, and you would be running Pine on the same machine. Put a line similar to the following in your .pinerc to use this mode of access: news-collections=News *[]In the first two examples, the hostname "news.wherever.edu" should be ___----replaced with the domain name of your local news server. For Unix Pine,these entries can be placed in either the system-wide or your personalconfiguration file.If you are a PC-Pine user, either option 1 (NNTP) or option 2 (IMAP) ispossible. If you don't have an account on the news server, or if the newsserver is not running an IMAP daemon, then you must use NNTP. In thiscase, a Unix .newsrc file can be transferred to your PC. It should benamed \NEWSRC. A future version of PC-Pine will be able to access andupdate a newsrc file stored on a Unix host, so that it will be possible toalternate between PC-Pine and Unix-based news readers. Using Pine to read news. ___----Once defined in the .pinerc (or the global pine.conf) file, the newsfolder collection can be accessed either via the FOLDER LIST screen,of via the GOTO command.Once a news folder has been opened, Pine currently positions you at thelast message. (In the future, this is expected to change.) Pine uses thesame commands for manipulating news folders as for mail folders. Thismeans, for example, that when you are done with a message, you would use"D" to mark it as Deleted (or Dismissed, if you prefer.)This "mail like" behavior differs from that of most newsreaders, whereina message is implicitly dismissed after you have looked at it once. Westrongly believe that Pine should offer as much consistency as possiblebetween mail and news, so the mail paradigm --wherein a message does notmagically disappear without explicit action by the user-- is used fornews as well.News folders are actually Read-Only, but the newsrc file allows Pine to ___----keep track of which messages you have dismissed (marked as Deleted) justas in a regular mail folder. The difference is that, although messagesmarked as Deleted will show up in the Index (just as mail messages dountil an eXpunge), you cannot expunge news messages. However, in thefuture there will be a way to "hide" (or "eXclude") messages that areso marked from the Folder Index.If you answer a message in a news folder, the index view will show the"A" flag as usual; but the newsrc file has no way of storing this flag,so it will not be preserved across sessions. The Deleted flag is the onlyone that is preserved between sessions. NOTE: full NetNews functionality is not yet available in Pine; thereis still much to be done in this area. Stay tuned...V. CHANGES SINCE PINE 3.07 ___----Version 3.89 is the fourth maintenance release since 3.85, which was amajor release with lots of changes and new features since 3.07. If youare upgrading from 3.07 to 3.89, here are some of the changes you maynotice:- Pine 3.8x has several major new features (compared to Pine 3.07): o Various UI improvements (command consistency, simplification, etc). o Multiple folder collections. o Remote folder create/append (requires new IMAPd). o Composer has Mark command for block cut/paste. o Messages directly to you marked with "+" in Folder Index. o Messages that have been answered marked with "A" in Folder Index. o Improved handling of text and postscript attachments. o Improved mailbox lock handling: latest Pine will now be read-write. o Several new .pinerc options. o Several new command line options. o Easier access to newsgroups (but still not a full newsreader). o TAB command to move to next unseen message.- Several command key changes were needed to allow for new features: ___---- o Print is now "Y" instead of "L" o The Folder List is now uniformly accessible via "L" o Viewing/saving attachments is now done via "V" instead of "A" o SortIndex is now "$" instead of "Z"- In addition... - Release includes PC-Pine ports, as well as Unix Pine. - Ability to view plain text attachments. - Correct MIME type assigned for text, postscript and TIFF files. - Configurable by feature (instead of having to choose 1 feature level). - Initial keystroke list in configuration or command line. - Command line -p flag to specify an alternate personal config file. - Command line -P flag to specify an alternate system-wide config file. - Command line -o flag for opening a mailbox Read-Only. - Command line -I flag for initial keystroke list. - More support for USENET news access via both IMAP and NNTP (The NNTP driver reads/updates local newsrc configuration files). - Changed order of reply prompts to reduce mistakes. ___---- - In the Save command, folder name completion using TAB key. - More consistency of commands across screens. - Main menu command selection via Prev/Next/Enter. - An option for automatically saving read-messages upon quitting. - Better INBOX lock handling: latest Pine always gets read-write access. - Improved display defaults for charsets other than us-ascii. - PC-Pine: code-page translation to ISO-8859 charset. - PC-Pine: improvements in how location of config files are specified. - PC-Pine: generate X-Sender line with authenticated address. - PC-Pine: more config flexibility in specifying location of support files. - PC-Pine: prompts before saving user name in pinerc; can disable save. - PC-Pine: NNTP driver changed to warn of missing NEWSRC file. - PC-Pine: if \PINE\PINE.PWD exists, prompts for saving passwd on disk. - Changed Keyboard lock strategy to eliminate use of system passwd file. - Removed disk quota command (hard to make it accurate!) - Reorganized source code to make ports more straight forward. - Integrated several contributed ports. - Pinerc configuration variable for addressbook location. ___---- - SMTP-host config variable now allows a list of host names. - Choice of several rules for generating default folder names in Save. - Several other new .pinerc options. (See PINERC section, below.) - Globally-set (pine.conf) features can now be negated in pinerc. - Many bug fixes!NOTE: Several commands can be enabled by .pinerc options, but not all of them actually exist yet. In particular: Flag, Bounce, Pipe, Apply, Zoom.Also: news item eXclude/uneXclude and news group subscription/unsubscriptionare not yet available. Handling Locking with multiple sessions. ___----Pine 3.84 introduced a new mechanism to handle competition betweenmultiple sessions for a single INBOX. Previously, the first session wouldhave to be stopped before another could get read/write permissions on anopen inbox. Now, the newest session forces the older session to surrenderread/write access to the mailbox. Note: in the future, Unix Pine willalso support the MTX mailbox format used by PC-Pine. This format permitsmultiple sessions to all have read-write access (except that eXpunge can only occur when there is a single session). Folder Collections. ___----Pine allows you to have full access to sets of folders on you localmachine plus those on any remote host running an IMAP server. These setsof folders are called "collections" and Pine has some special newbrowsing features to take advantage of them. By default, everyone has onefolder collection. Additional collections may be defined by editing your.pinec configuration file. MIME Attachments. ___----Pine now recognizes attachments which are displayable text and marks themthe appropriate MIME type for text. Pine has a new system for determiningwhich MIME text attachments should be displayed automatically and whichshould be displayable on request. In addition there is a new textattachment viewer module just for browsing these attachments. Finally,Pine will now recognize postscript files and TIFF image files and assignthe correct MIME type information in the message.Other things you should know.Unfortunately, when you Save a message to a folder, the message stateflags (e.g. whether it was Deleted, or Answered) are not preserved. Thiswill be fixed in a future release. Msg sizes are intentionally left blank in the index when using NNTP.If a file called ~/mail.txt exists and is either empty or appears to be aTenex-style mailbox, Pine will decide to use its "tenex2" driver whichwill move all pending mail from /usr/spool/mail/$USER to mail.txt, and usemail.txt as your INBOX. This behavior is subject to change; in particular,the "tenex2" driver will be deprecated in favor of an MTX driver thatwill provide a common mailbox format between Unix Pine and PC-Pine.VI. RATIONALE FOR USER-INTERFACE CHANGES IN PINE 3.8x ___----In Pine 3.85/3.86, there are many feature additions and more consistentuse of command keys; but a few changes may trip you up the first time. Here are some specific things to watch out for, and an explanation of whywe changed them: o Main menu: "F FOLDERS" is now "L LIST FOLDERS" WHY: In order to implement a pervasive command (L) to get to the Folder List screen, available from all major screens. The letter "F" conflicted with "Forward" on the Folder Index and Message Text screens. o The "L Print" command is now the "Y Print" command. ___---- WHY: We needed to reclaim L so there would be a consistent and mnemonic command for the important operation of getting to the Folder List screen ("L ListFldrs"). Since printing is also an important operation, this change was made with great reluctance. On the other hand, "L Print" wasn't especially mnemonic, and "Y Print" offers a nice environmental message! o The "O OTHER" command on the Main menu and the corresponding "OTHER" screen has been eliminated. In its place, there is a Setup command, and a couple of other commands added to the key menu at the bottom of the Main menu. WHY: Simplification. Providing more direct access to some of the "miscellaneous" functions allowed elimination of the Other screen. This also allowed us to use "O OTHER CMDS" on the main key menu, for greater consistency with the other screens. o The Main menu now supports selection of the principal commands using Previous/Next navigation commands, and RETURN to select. WHY: Consistency with the other Pine screens. o In "Reply" the order of prompts has been reversed. The prompt "Include original message in Reply?" is now always the first one. WHY: "Reply to all recipients?" depends on the specific msg header, and therefore is not always present. Although it may take getting used to, we felt that in the long run it would be better to have the first prompt be the one that is *always* applicable. Also, with the future ability to post news replies, there will be different prompts following a Reply. Again it seemed best to start with the invariant prompt. o The ^T sub-command under Save and Goto will behave slightly differently. WHY: We hope the new "select" behavior makes it clearer to the user what is going on. In other words, a "user interface improvement". o The "Z Sort Folder" command is now "$ Sort Index" WHY: Two reasons. The change from Z to $ was because we will need "Z" for some of the newsreading and aggregate operations that are planned for a future release. Besides, "$" looks more like an "S" for Sort than "Z" does... In addition, the word "Folder" was changed to "Index" to emphasize that only the Index is being affected; the folder itself is *not* reordered by the Sort command. o The disk quota command has been removed. WHY: Because on many systems it caused nothing but trouble, moreover it was useless for remote folder management. VII. PC-PINE: BACKGROUND, DIFFERENCES/LIMITATIONS ___----Summary: There are several known limitations in the PC version... o There is no spelling checker. o Sorting the Index (by other than Arrival) is *hopelessly* slow. o The alternate editor function is not available. o Memory: it needs about 500K out of 640K. o Probably can't run image viewer from within Pine, due to memory. o Performance optimization still needs to be done. o Versions: packet driver, Novell LWP, FTP PC-TCP, Sun PC-NFSMost of the work done on Pine from 6/92 to 6/93 focused on changes needed tosupport a truly distributed electronic messaging environment (e.g. remotefolder manipulation), and getting Pine to run on DOS (which was a *lot* ofwork). The first version of PC-Pine (3.84) was released in July 1993, andincluded first steps toward integrating news and email access in Pine.Doing the DOS port was very difficult for a variety of reasons, but ___----especially because of DOS memory management (or lack thereof). However,simply porting Pine 3.07 to DOS was not sufficient. For a desktop mailersuch as PC-Pine to be useful at UW, it was necessary to fully supportaccess to existing *remote* saved-message folders, as well as local(desktop) folders -- and of course, the remote INBOX. Accomplishing thisrequired extensions to IMAP, a new version of the IMAPd server code, andextensive work in Pine to support multiple collections of folders. The principal reason for porting Unix Pine to DOS was to obviate the needfor PC users to transfer files between their PC and the Unix system runningPine. Now it is possible to save messages directly to the PC's filesystem,and to directly include PC files in outgoing messages. Binary files (e.g.word processing documents, spreadsheets, image files, executables) may be directly attached to your messages. With the advent of Pine 3.85/3.86, both Unix Pine and PC-Pine have ___----essentially similar functionality and user-interface. But there aresome differences. Below is a list of PC-Pine differences and limiations:-Sorting the index is *hopelessly* slow right now... especially for newsgroups accessed via NNTP. -There is no spelling checker for PC-Pine.-The "alternate editor" function is not available.-Composing/Replying/Forwarding: the entire message text must fit in DOS memory. However, attachments may be any size.-PC-Pine wants about 500K of DOS memory.-Don't expect to display a picture without exiting PC-Pine, due to DOS memory limitations. In some configurations, there *may* be enough memory for the viewer and a small image, but don't count on it.-Performance optimization has not been done. This will be most ___---- noticeable when using NNTP to access newsgroups, or when Index screens are redrawn while using PC-Pine over low-speed lines (via SLIP or PPP). Encoding a decoding attachments is also very slow in this version.-While message folders may be either local or remote, several support files must be available on the local disk. In particular: \pine\pinerc \pine\addrbook (you may specify a different name/location for this) \newsrc \pine\pine.sig (you may specify a different name/location for this) Other files (postponed and interrupted messages, debug files) are also stored locally. The same is true for Unix Pine, but only users of both PC-Pine and Unix Pine must worry about keeping their pinerc, address book, and newsrc files in sync. This may be done using remote file system protocols or manual copying. (Remote access to these support files is planned for the future.)-PC-Pine wants to live in a directory called \PINE ___-----The PC-PINE message folder format, denoted by files with an "MTX" extension, is based on byte-counts for maximum efficiency, so they must not be edited. The format is non-standard, but conversion utilities would not be difficult. In the future, this format may be supported in Unix Pine as well.-PC-Pine does not create debug files-PC-Pine mouse support is not yet available on some screensVIII. COMING ATTRACTIONS - Shared (plus personal) address books - Improved network news support, including posting and subscribing - Implementation of "missing" commands (Bounce, Pipe, Flag) - Improved MIME support, including "mailcap" - For PC-Pine, beginnings of "offline" support - For PC-Pine, performance improvement - A Windows/Winsock version (though not initially a GUI) - Access to remote support files: address books, newsrc, pinerc - Operations on multiple messages (aggregate operations) - Threaded Index views - Improved Search capability - Access to directory services from ComposerIX. DETAILED CHANGE HISTORY ___---- Pine 3.89 December 7, 1993User-visible changes... - ^L side effect is new mail checkSerious bug fixes... - /tmp file for sendmail has mode based on default umask - Pine loops to make infinitely long .pine-debug - Crash: "Bad msgno in mail_fetchstructure" - Crash: "Bad msgno in mail_elt" - INBOX index appears empty after Send - PC-Pine problem with folder name after "Goto" - Postpone: if canceled, attachment size displayed zero length - PC-Pine: WATTCP BOOTP ignores gateway, nameservers - Export: Reports success even after failed write ___---- Pine 3.88 November 22, 1993 -Use Tab instead of Next/Delete to prompt for next folder (News,IMF) -Revised Goto default: always INBOX if not already in INBOX -Change "(y/n)" prompts to "(y/n/^c)" prompts -Have D,N cmds suggest using Tab when on last (unread) msg. -Add "checking for new mail" indicator ("*") to anchor line -ESC ESC is now an alternative for Control- -New prompt added after KB lock passwd is entered to allow confirm -Changed exit prompt in pico to (hopefully) prevent lost work. -Decreased checkpoint and mail_ping intervals. -After postpone, cursor is placed in body of text, rather than header -Loop: Pine loops on SIGHUP if in composer -Crash: "Bad msgno in mail_fetchstructure" -Crash: on Save -Crash: Crash when entering address that just fits screen width ___---- -Crash: in folder list -Crash: -Crash: save msg to mail/postponed... resume causes crash -Crash: SIGUSR2 after ckpoint, Panic: Lock when already locked MIME changes... -Change trigger algorithm for QP and B64 encoding inline of text -Base64 text attachments were not NL canonicalized -Any IMAGE type, including TIFF, now passed to external viewer -Change back to *not* NL canonicalizing application/postscript -Attachment failure due to protection needs immediate feedbackMisc bug fixes... -Fix pico to write term init string when using terminfo -Utilize new C-client callback to notify Pine of flag changes -Modify "new version" page to reflect that 3.88 is a mtce release -At low speed pico may leave terminal in funny state. -3.87 SIGWINCH doesn't trigger repaint of some text -Put separator string between consecutive text attachments. -Allow override of global smtp-server variable. ___---- -Omit beep from Tab message -When returning to INBOX, return to same message as before. -Don't complain about "unable to create ~/mail" if not used -Composer: 3.07 ^J on other than Attchmnt line fails -Composer: for ^R, append trailing NL if missing, and advise user -Off by one after new mail arrives while in compose -"last-folder" name rule doesn't remember collection. -Revise message generated by "D" on last msg in folder -SIGWINCH causes tcp_getdata() to fail -Fix signal handling/cleanup on quit to avoid crash in Sun CmdTool -Fix BASH incompatibility -Fix: BCC lost on sent-mail copy -Fix: columnar (tab) displays in MESSAGE TEXT view -G in "Incoming" collection matches names in default folder coll. -Pinerc: allow $ in initial key list, -Save bug induced by "elm-style-save" in 3.87 -Compose: timestamp msg when sent, not at start of compose ___---- -Compose: ^J removes second space after ." -Compose: Suspend broken if invoked from shell (signal process group) -Postpone: Extra blank lines added at the end of msg (down to 1...) -Messages with only an FCC silently fail -On AIX, terminfo should be default, not termcap (Pine & Pico) -Problems forwarding/replying with nested MIME attachments -Change pico to NL canonicalize included files -Msg pointer off-by-1 bug (headers don't match msg) -Save msg is corrupted in above case -No attachment sent if ^X while in header? -Re-fix long BCC exceeding sendmail limits -Bky mailbox From separator sometimes missed by Pine -Checkpointing of flag changes not always happening -Delay in building folder list (sort to put INBOX first) -Timestamp ping and checkpoint debug entries -NNTP driver needs to send "mode reader" to INN ___---- -default-fcc=$VARIABLE becomes "" when variable is unset -Suppress "out of context" msg for FCC -Pine beeps on outgoing/sent-mail (out of context error) -"~user" now expanded in .pinerc -Misc corrections to help text and messages -Bug in IMAPd address search Pine 3.87 October 8, 1993 ___---- -crash in bezerk_open caused by out-of-context FCC (Leland Woodbury) -crash on Solaris with missing feature list (Keith Christopher) -crash with [No Message Text Available] message (Grant Weber) -crash on folder Rename (Dan Larsen) -crash with "Bad msgno in mail_fetchstructure" (Les Pennington) -need one more NL before included text if NO sig file (Jeannine Senechal) -makefile.sgi repairs (Mike Brudenell) Pine 3.86 October 5, 1993 ___---- -Revert to having GOTO enabled by default. -Revert to allowing open folders to be deleted. -Revert to former meaning of -i command line flag. -Add command line flag -I for initial keystroke list (replaces -i overload). -Make personal feature list add to global feature list instead of replace. -Allow negation of previously-enabled features by prefixing "no-". -Add "by-from" name rule; change "by-sender" to use Sender: field -Add "expunge-without-confirm" feature. -Add "auto-move-read-msgs" feature. -Change "save-by-X" rules to strip routing data from offered foldername. -Change Pine to use FIND ALL, to avoid conflict with .mailboxlist. -Change IMAPd's FIND ALL behavior to not check file type. -Change Tenex-format mailbox extensions from .txt to .TxT. -Change composer to only put one blank between .sig and included text. -Change pine to expand tabs on fixed, 8-char boundaries. -Change address book nickname display length to match input limit. -Change inline-text encoding rule to use quoted-printable more often. -Change NewVersion message to indicate it only shows once, etc. -Change wording of monthly pruning message. -Change Ctl-K message to appear less frequently. -Fix: Delete in/after spell-check may trash msg or crash Pine. ___---- -Fix: crash resulting from M->S->? key sequence. -Fix: crash resulting from null To: field. -Fix: crash resulting from "::" in From: header. -Fix: crash resulting from replying to above. -Fix: for long headers (address lists longer than a screen). -Fix: [Mark Set] message should vanish after ^K. -Fix: "No attachments" msg in Postpone is too long to fit. -Fix: Ext. help inclusion confusion (insert page breaks as file is read). -Fix: Low-speed fixes that broke in Pico 2.0. -Fix: Select/Goto should return to previous folder when open fails. -Fix: Spaces at beginning of filenames are now ignored in Save/Export. -Fix: put domain literal brackets around X-Sender when necessary. -Fix: Can't save to INBOX if "inbox" is implicit in inbox-path. -Fix Pico so lines w/tabs display correctly when characters deleted. -Fix negative network number in bracketed host numbers for DOS SMTP clients. -Fix Tenex driver to never cause a kiss-of-death to be sent or received. -Fix: Some global config options not transferred/displayed correctly? -Fix: Use "default state" when returning to INBOX, instead of wrong msg #. -Make PC-Pine more graceful when out of memory during a Send. -Suppress From: (Sender Unknown) in included headers for -nr mode -Improve performance of TAB and Del-skips-del on large folders. -Improve failure case when .addressbook or .pinerc can't be re-written. -IMAPd ignores kiss-of-death if current mailbox is not bezerk, mmdf, or mbox -Use XHDR in NNTP client drivers to work around a missing LISTGROUP command. -Internal FIND/FIND ALL redesign (no user or Pine-visible changes) -Create separate VAX ULtrix (VUL) port. -Rsh program name and pathname now set in c-client makefile for each port. -Modify some ports to be only makefiles (and perhaps os_???.h files). -Suppress Tenex driver new-mail snarf if it can't get RW access to spool. Pine 3.85 September 21, 1993 - Integrated Unix/DOS release. - First Unix release with PC-Pine (3.84) features. - Recognition and proper MIME typing of postscript and TIFF files. - Improved display defaults for charsets other than us-ascii. - PC-Pine: code-page translation to ISO charset - PC-Pine: improvements in how location of config files are specified. - PC-Pine: generate X-Sender line with authenticated address. - PC-Pine: more config flexibility in specifying location of support files. - PC-Pine: prompts for personal data in pinerc: more flexibility for labs. - PC-Pine: NNTP driver changed to warn of missing NEWSRC file. - PC-Pine: if \PINE\PINE.PWD exists, prompt for saving passwd on disk. - Changed Keyboard lock strategy to eliminate use of system passwd file. - Reorganized source code to make ports more straight forward. ___---- - Integrated several contributed ports. - New technical notes. - Fixed bug with packet driver PC-Pine and IMAP connections breaking. - Pinerc configuration variable for addressbook location. - Command line flag for specifying a system-wide configuration file. - Command line flag for opening a mailbox Read-Only. - SMTP-host config variable now allows a list of host names. - Removed disk quota command (hard to make it accurate!) - Many bug fixes! Pine 3.84 July 12, 1993 ___---- - Fixed NNTP driver bugs - Fixed scroll state problem which caused crashes - Changed internal handling of mailbox extensions (now driver dependent) - Cleanup context prompts which were too wide - PC-Pine configuration is written to a pinerc if it is new - Smarter rebuilding of the index cache - Fixed Ultrix quota bug - Fixed more DOS memory management problems - Reworked installation and configuration instructions Pine 3.83 June 17, 1993 ___---- - Support for multiple folder collections - Support for new remote create/append functions in latest IMAPd - Internal changes for DOS - New configuration settings in .pinerc - Command line and pinerc setting for initial keystrokes - Can create and append to remote folders via IMAP - Viewer module for plain text attachments - Better MIME typing of attachments - Modifications to several variables in pinerc - Changed the keymenu layout - Changed names of many commands (e.g. "F" Folders to "L" List folders) - Allow for horizontal scrolling of 1-line input questions Pine 3.81 ___---- - Portability to AIX 3.2 on RS/6000's - Portability to SVR4 - Fixed bug with exporting on NeXTs (broke in 3.52) - Fixed bug in sending attachments (broke in 3.73) - Changed elm-style-save to save-by-sender - Quotes are retained for all setting when .pinerc is rewritten - Fixed bug causing core dump with .pinerc unterminated by newline Pine 3.80 Oct 4, 1992 - Merge of changes in Pine 3.05, Pine 3.73 and Pine 3.52 - RETURN works in the address book to select an address - ^L documented in help text on main screen Pine 3.73 ___---- - Changed label "Open" to "Open Fldr" in folders screen - Changed search prompt for where is command - Fixed sorting of folder name - Improved formatting for the folders screen - Internal improvements in the way the folder list is created - Updated comments in imap.c - Killed some dead code in init.c - Fix not to attempt to output messages when tty is uninitialized - Fixed image viewer race causing xv to fail for viewing images - Can play sounds on SPARC stations - Better fix for nasty date / Berkeley mail file separator bug. ___---- - Recognize more variants of GIF files, GIF* instead of GIF87 - Zero length attachments are now not considered images - Bug fixes to date parsing, parse_date(), handles a few more dates - Bug fix to error messages for unknown commands. - Bug fix for displaying 8 bit characters on some systems - More bug fixes to swallow function keys better - Added handling of richtext \paragraph Pine 3.06 ___---- - Added -a flag for anonymous mode as distinct from -nr mode - Added simple forwarding for -nr mode Pine 3.05 - Displays only last component of file path in nr mode - When expunging gets the "s" after message in the delete count right - Got "screen" spelled right, was "screeen" - Bug fixes to strindex and strrindex (not sure what was broken) - Bug fixes to swallow function keys better Pine 3.04 Sept 8, 1992 ___---- - Fixed memory allocation problem in sending - Fixed bad folder delimiter writing when pine used with recent imapd's - Bug fix to update_message_id for potential buffer reuse bug - Fixed bug that caused occasional hanging on input - '-n X' option added to start pine on item X in index (for use with '-i') Pine 3.03 July 20 1992 - Printing of MIME messages now works - Exporting of MIME messages now works - Parity problem fixed (again), PASS8 not set when character-set unset - Compiles properly on VAX/Ultrix - Compiles properly on SGI box - Recognizes TIFF and PostScript when attaching, can't display then (yet) - Fixed bug in Pico on SGI's causing CR to be interpreted as LF, ^J Pine 3.02 July 15 1992 ___---- - Alternate editor command takes arguments properly now - "M" from the News screen goes back to main menu - ^C while in alternate editor doesn't kill Pine - Added FAQ about alternate editor - New variable to suppress messages about new versions of pine - Title bar "DEL" now shown correctly in View when folder is sorted Pine 3.01 July 13 1992 - Fixed sorting on From: field so it sorts on user id - Fixed reversing of sort - F6 for the address book now works again on the main menu - More fixes for q-p encoding and end of line conventions - Fixed so Pine will operated on RS232 parity other than 8N1 - Only puts tty into PASS8 mode when character-set is 8 bits Pine 3.00 July 6 1992 ___---- - Partially updated help text - Confirms with user when sending to "mailer-daemon" - MIME part count and size encoded in message id to gather MIME use stats - Fixed bug caused by deleting first or preceding attachments - Gives warning about being unable to postpone messages with attachmentsBUG FIXES AND IMPROVEMENTS (2.x to 3.0x) - Bcc saved in sent-mail folder, and shown - Fixed bugs causing core dumps and errors on with very long addresses - Sorting by subject, date, sender and other fields - Fixes for screen painting problems with Procomm and VT102's at low speeds - "Old-growth" mode for power users; this enables viewing of full header - Can view messages with ISO-2022 character set shifts (supports Japanese) - No limit on the number of messages in a folder ___---- - More command line options: specify sort, go directly to index - More .pinerc configuration: mail-directory, feature-level, signature-file. - Alternate editor for message composition -- set "editor" in .pinerc - Pays attention to umask when exporting files - Option in .pinerc (old-style-reply) to have signature at bottom of reply - More efficient screen painting for low speed dialup support - Upon opening a folder the current message is the first unread message - Carries along date properly when saving messages to Berkeley mail folders - Ports to Dynix/PTX and HP/UX - Removal of "View" from main menu - Many more small fixes, improvements and documentation updates Pine 2.33 July 4 1992 ___---- - Lock keyboard disabled for PTX port since it didn't work - Saving attachments and custom printer config disable in restricted mode - Signature is now included when forwarding MIME style - Added line separating attachments from body when viewing MIME messages - Title bar shows "Folder:inbox" or "News: .."instead of ""inbox"" Pine 2.32 July 2 1992 - Release Notes reformatted to fit in 80x24 - Display's MIME MESSAGE/external-body types nicely - Can reply to MIME message - Fixed some nasty bugs related to quoted-printable encoding Pine 2.31 Jun 30 1992 - Fixed bug causing core dumps when attaching files - Updated on-line release notes for Pine 3.0 - Shifted main menu to the right, so it looks better - Added "Forward" to View menu for -nr mode - Fix default screen size in Pico (off by one when screen size was unset) - Forwarded attachments display nicely in the composer Pine 2.30 June 29 1992 ___---- - Saves and displays Bcc: line in sent-mail folder - Fixed horrible bug introduced in 2.29 causing dates in saved messages to be incorrect that would make folder unreadable - Shows "opening...." message immediately with "-i and -f options" - Fixed disk quotas for Dynix/ptx (and hopefully all of System v) - Simplified Pine main menu, News moved to "Other" - Moved site specific help text off of "Who.." to main menu help - Can forward MIME message (messages with attachments)! - Fixed bug causing "Bogus sequence in FETCH" on empty IMAP folders - Fixes for restricted mode - Function key support for file browser - Fixed vt102 low speed subject painting bug in composer - Removed "V" command from main menu (experiment) - Switch back to repainting instead of scrolling in the composer - Anonymous message forwarding (forwarding with -nr option) works Pine 2.29 June 12 1992 ___---- - .Pinerc variables may refer to environment variables (thanks to Pekka) - Minimal MIME conformance for international character sets - Passes ISO-2022 escape sequences - Fixed line wrapping so it works properly with tabs and breaks at a space - Fixed bug in composer causing ^M's to appear when send failed and other - Fixed ptx bug causing prompting for passwd when rimaping to remote - More efficient screen painting when composing message header - Checkpoints a little less frequently and just as a message is displayed for viewing - Carries received date when copying message for Berkeley compatibility - Saves blank outgoing messages in sent-mail properly (adds blank line) Pine 2.28 June 2 1992 ___---- - Fixed bug causing screen to be left in reverse occasionally when exiting - Fixed occasional lack of repaint after message composition - Message number painted correctly in title bar when stream is READONLY - Postponing messages with attachments now works - Port to HP/UX by Dave Miller at WSU - Bug fix for ports with no resizing from Dave Miller - Bug fix for folder opening from Dave Miller - Go to first unread msg when folder is opened, rather than recent message - Fixed recently reintroduced bug causing sent-mail to have status "N". - Will prompt before overwriting existing file when saving attachments - Almost fixed bug with junk at end of text attachments (most junk gone) - Fixed bug causing core dump when sorting on From line - Fixed bug so pine doesn't do end of month renaming in News Reader mode - Fixed bug causing prompting for creation of folder when empty one exists - Fixed bug causing loss of composition when declining postpone overwrite - Renamed "seasoned" mode to "old-growth" mode Pine 2.27 May 22 1992 ___---- - Fixed bug causing command line sort option to be ignored - Sort now returns to command line specification when opening new folder - Fixed another bug causing defaults to y/n prompts to be ignored - Fixed bug expanding file names, causing problems saving messages & other - More fixes for the misplaced index pointer bug - Fix for index screen occasionally not repainting after msg composition - Fixed bug causing text attachments to be detached incorrectly - Fixed rare bug causing crashes when opening certain mail folders Pine 2.26 May 15 1992 - Fixed bug causing core dump when new mail arrived on PTX - Note: Pine2.24 and up have new more memory efficient Berkeley mail driver - Fixed bug causing title bar not updating when going from 0 messages to more - Disabled ^Z during keyboard lock Pine 2.25 May 12 1992 ___---- - Fixed bug in defaults to y/n prompts (bug introduced in 2.24) - Fixed sorting stability bug when sorting by subject - Fix for misplaced index pointer (think it's really fixed this time) - Fix for potential nasty bug writing mail files - Partial portability to PTX for Pine and Pico - Doesn't show "READONLY" in folder name in nr mode - Fixed bug where "D" would not show when deleting with folder sorted Pine 2.24 May 1 1992 - Basic port to DOS - compiles and sort of runs - Fixed index painting bug occurring with new mail and cursor movement - Shows mail stream status, "CLOSED" or "READONLY" in title bar - Fixed bug with formatting and order in header included in reply - Beginning of seedling, sapling and seasoned mode - Full display of message header and MIME message ___---- - Fixed bug in index painting/sorting (could be misplaced cursor bug) - nr_mode now doesn't display the From field - nr_mode now doesn't ask "really quit" question - Fixed bug causing binary files not to be attached properly - Picked up latest c-client patch for coping with bogus MIME - "Fixed up unaligned...." error no longer occurs - Fixed printing bug -- correct header, but wrong text was printed - Reversed secondary sort on arrival with primary sort on subject - Shows cursor as -> in index when speed is less than 4800 baud - Only last part of path included with attached files - Fixed "fetch for non-existent msgno no" abort when changing folders - Change print and export to use parsed envelopes for 10K savings in code - q_status_messages printfs share buffer for 10K savings in data - Probably fixed problem with Procomm in the addrbook (painting was weird) - Configuration variable to set mail directory - Configuration variable to select signature file ___---- - Configuration variable to have signature put at bottom of reply - Sent-mail always renamed to last month (killed fancy rename calculations) - Sent-mail deleting is now in date order from oldest to newest - Fixed bug causing core dump when default-fcc is set to "" on Suns - Pine pays attention to umask when creating all files but mail folders - Better detection and error messages when mail stream/imap connection dies - Tightened up code for yes/no prompting for 1.5K mem savings Pine 2.21 Mar 25 1992 - For UWIN/clarinet (nr_mode): eliminate host name in {{:{}} in folder names - In nr_mode don't display sizes of the articles - Changes labels on commands from "Messages" to "Articles" for nr_mode - Plugged up help text for view mode when in nr_mode - Fixed bug that would generate bogus mime when composing mail Pine 2.20 Mar 25 1992 ___---- - Portability to Ultrix 3.X - Portability to MIPS in BSD mode - Fixed bug with From: line in including full header in reply - Block delete added to FAQ - Basic support for MIME and attachments - File browser in composer for selecting attachment and file to read in - Fixed day of week bug when replying to message (core dump on Sunday) - Presentation of message header in uniform order - Shows parsed message header rather than original header Pine 2.15 Mar 17, 1992 ___---- - Command line switch, "-i", to go straight into index - Accepts more non-standard dates; won't show "xxx xx" so often - Can sort index by Subject,Date,Arrival,From, Size and reverse - Doesn't repaint whole screen when new mail arrives - Command line option to specify sort - Message numbers are internally long instead of int (getting ready for DOS) - End of folder name is shown rather start in status line - Command line switch, "-nr", for news/read-only mode Pine 2.10 Feb 25, 1992 - Fixed bug causing core dumps when errors occurred in very large headers - Fixed bug sending mail to very long distribution lists - Long message header lines are broken up in saved messages - No limit on the number of messages in a mail folder - Better memory performance on mailstreams (for overall performance increase) - Will send via SMTP if smtp-server variable is set - Better timing on display of error messages when sending mail - Error checking when opening .signature file Pine 2.4 Feb 28, 1992 - Minor fixes to signature inclusion Pine 2.3 Feb 18, 1992 ___---- - Fixed bug in status message timing, particularly when opening folders - More complete technical documentation (tech-notes.me) - Changed menu label "OTHER" to "OTHER CMDS". - Warning given when suspending Pine with imap connection - Report error if suspended too long and IMAP connection is broken - Better error reporting when folders directory can't be opened - Added Frequently Asked questions section to main menu help text - Improved "-f" option. When given the inbox is no longer opened - Default folder for "g" command included folders opened with "o" - Reads .signature file when sending mail - Help text corrections for folders screens - Pine supported for AIX (fixed nasty command argument parsing bug) - Unsupported port of Pine to 4.3BSD on a VAX, (port named "bsd") - Fixed bug causing core dump when doing ^X in composer and declining send - Fixed lack of repainting composer key menu when returning from help - Newline inserts a comma when appropriate when editing mail headers - Optimization turned on for Dynix version - Fixed bug occurring when default-fcc is set to "" Pine 2.2 Jan 31, 1992 - Fixed bug causing core dump with new and empty address lists on close - Fixed cursor positioning bug after deleting all items out of addrToFldrs list - Fixed bug causing core dump with T command on empty address book - Fixed bug causing "Re: Re: Re: ...." in subject lines on some platforms - Moved include to os-xxx.h because it varies on some platforms - Rearranged #ifdefs for so it isn't included by default - Rearranged #ifdefs for gcos_name so Bezerkly format is the default - Includes unofficial Sunos 4.0 port - Fix to signals.c so it can be compiled with debugging off - Fix bug causing repeated querying for monthly sent-mail querying Pine 2.1 Jan 21 1992 ___---- - Fixed address book bug causing core dumps with empty address books Pine 2.0 Jan 15 1992 - New version numbering. Dropped one digit so it's major.minor.compile - Fixed bug causing occasional abort if the user's .pinerc was absent - Fixed bug causing the composer not go into function key mode when it should - Complete documentation for Other screen - Fixed off by one error with pruning dates in .pinerc - Fixed bug causing core dump when scrolling with large header HELP TEXT FOR VIEWING TEXT ATTACHMENTS ___----This function allows you to view the contents of an attachment if thatattachment is plain text. You can only view one attachment at a time. _{F1:? } Get Help Display this help text _{F3:E } Exit Viewer Go back to mail viewing. _{F7:- } Prev Page Show the previous page of the current attachment.{ F8:Spc} Next Page Show the next page of the current attachment by pressing ______ the space bar. _{F9:Y } Print Print the current attachment on paper. You can select the ______ printer or the print command via the "Setup" command ______ on the Main menu.{F11:S } Save Copy the current attachment to a file. If you just enter ______ a filename, the attachment will be saved with that name in ______ your home/current directory. You may enter the full ______ path and filename to save it in another directory.{F12: W } Where is Search the attachment for a string of letters. If it is ______ found, move to it. The string can be one word or a phrase. ______ If there are multiple occurrences, the cursor moves to the ______ first occurrence beyond the current cursor position. FOLDER INDEX COMMANDS ___----{Available Commands -- Screen 1 Available Commands -- Screen 2 :Navigating the List of Messages Operations on the Current Message}{------------------------------- ------------------------------ :------------------------------- ---------------------------------}{F1 Show Help Text F1 Show Help Text : P Move to the previous message V View Y Print}{F2 Toggle to see more commands F2 Toggle to see more commands : N Move to the next message R Reply to message F Forward}{F3 MAIN MENU Screen F3 Quit Pine : - Show previous screen of messages D Mark for deletion }{F4 View current message F4 Compose a message :Spc Show next screen of messages U Undelete (remove deletion mark)}{F5 Move to previous message F5 FOLDER LIST screen : J Jump to a specific message T Take Address into Address Book}{F6 Move to next message F6 Goto a specified folder : W Whereis -- search for a S Save into an email folder} {F7 Show previous screen of messages F7 Zoom : specific message E Export as a plain text file}{F8 Show next screen of messages F8 Whereis : | Pipe to a Unix Command}{F9 Mark message for deletion F9 Print message :FOLDER INDEX Screen Commands B Bounce * Flag}{F10 Undelete (remove delete mark) F10 Take address into address book :----------------------------}{F11 Reply to message F11 Save message into an email folder : G Goto a specified folder General Pine Commands }{F12 Forward F12 Export message into a plain file : $ Sort order of index --------------------- }{ : H Full header mode O Show all other available commands }{Available Commands -- Screen 3 : X Expunge/Exclude ? Show Help text Q Quit Pine }{------------------------------ : Z Zoom A Apply M MAIN MENU Screen L FOLDER LIST screen}{F3 Expunge/Exclude F7 Jump to message F10 Bounce (remail) msg : TAB Next-New & Unexclude C Compose a message }{F4 Unexclude F5 Apply F8 Next New F11 Flag message as important :}{F6 Sort order of index F9 Full Header Mode F12 Pipe to a Unix command :}NOTE:The presence or absence of the following commands is determined byoptions in the Pine configuration file "feature-list" variable: Header Mode (toggles between display of full or edited message headers) Apply next cmd to selected messages Flag message as important Zoom Index view Bounce (remail) message Pipe message to a Unix command The "Pipe message to a Unix command" command is not available in PC-Pine. DESCRIPTION OF FOLDER INDEX SCREEN The folder index displays the headers or summary information of eachmessage in the current folder. This is useful if you want to quickly scannew messages, or find a particular message without having to go throughthe text of each message, or to quickly get rid of junk messages, etc. Ifthe list is too long to fit on one screen, you can page up and down in thelist with the {F7:-}/{F8:SPACE} commands. The current message is alwayshighlighted, and its message number is shown in the status line. Eachmessage line contains the following columns: Status The first column shows the status of the message. It may be blank, or it may contain a "D" if the message is marked for deletion, or it may contain an "N" if the message is new (unread) and the text has never been looked at, or an "A" if the message has been answered (by using they Reply command). If the very first character of status is a "+", the message was sent directly to your account (you did not get it as part of a cc: or mailing list).Number Messages in a folder are numbered, from one through the number of messages in the folder, to help you know where you are in the folder.Date Sent The date the message was sent. Note that by default, messages are ordered by arrived time, not by date sent. (The sort command can be used to change the order that messages are presented.)Sender The name of the person that sent the mail. Various formats are used for mail addresses, therefore, this may show the address of the sender rather than the full name. If you are the sender of the message, such as when you Cc: yourself on a message, rather than showing your name, it will show the name of the recipient of the message.Size The number in parentheses is the number of characters in the message.Subject As much of the message's Subject line as will fit on the screen. EXPORTING FROM PINE Using the Export command is the easiest way to take a message that youhave received and put it in a plain file in your home directory. The filecan then be edited or used otherwise. The message will be written to thefile with a small amount of the mail header information. If the receivedmessage is a script that is to be executed or compiled, you will want toedit the file to remove the header lines. For those in search of a text editor on a Unix system, look into theprogram "Pico" which is based on Pine's composer. Editing exported files is safe. Be aware, however, that it is not alwayssafe to edit a Pine email folder directly. If you intend to use a messageas input for another program, always use the "export" command orattachments. NEXT NEW (TAB) COMMANDWhen you press the TAB key, Pine advances to the next "interesting" message. When you are using Pine to read email, that message is the next new message in the folder (a new message is one you have not read before). When reading news folders, Pine cannot tell which messages youhave read and which you have not, so the next "interesting" message isthe next one which you have not yet deleted. End of help for folder index ------------------------------------------------------------ MESSAGE TEXT COMMANDS ___----{F1 Show Help Text F1 Show Help Text : P Display previous message V View attachment Y Print}{F2 Toggle to see more commands F2 Toggle to see more commands : N Display next message R Reply to message F Forward}{F3 MAIN MENU Screen F3 Quit Pine : - Show previous page of this message D Mark for deletion }{F4 View attachment F4 Compose a message :Spc Show next page of this message U Undelete (remove deletion mark)}{F5 Display previous message F5 FOLDER LIST screen : J Jump to a specific message T Take Address into Address Book}{F6 Display next message F6 Goto a specified folder : W Whereis -- search for a S Save into an email folder}{F7 Previous screen of this message F7 FOLDER INDEX screen : specific word in message E Export as a plain text file}{F8 Next screen of this message F8 Whereis : | Pipe to a Unix Command}{F9 Mark message for deletion F9 Print message :MESSAGE TEXT Screen Commands B Bounce * Flag}{F12 Forward F12 Export message into a plain file : H Full Header Mode --------------------- } { : TAB Next New O Show all other available commands }{Available Commands -- Screen 3 : ? Show Help text Q Quit Pine }{------------------------------ : M MAIN MENU Screen L FOLDER LIST screen}{F7 Jump to message F9 Full header mode F11 Flag message : I FOLDER INDEX Screen C Compose a message }{F8 Next New F10 Bounce this message F12 Pipe to a Unix command :} DESCRIPTION OF MESSAGE TEXT SCREEN The upper right corner of the view message screen displays status informationabout the currently open collection and folder and about the currentmessage. It shows the name of the collection in angle brackets and thenthe name of the folder. The status line also displays the number ofmessages in the folder, the number of the current message and the percentage ofthe current message that has been displayed on the screen. If the messageis marked for deletion "DEL" will appear in the upper right as well. EXPORTING AND IMPORTING MESSAGES Editing exported files is safe. Be aware, however, that it is not safe toedit a Pine email folder directly. If you intend to use a message asinput for another program, always use the "export" command orAs far as importing a file, you have two alternatives: importing into the text of a message or including a file as an attachment. If you have aplain text file that resides on the same machine as your Pine program, youcan use the "Read File" option to include it in an email message. Ifthat file is not plain text, or if you need to insure that it is deliveredcompletely intact, you should attach the file. This will add specialencoding to the file. To attach a file, move your cursor to the headerarea and use the "Attach" command. When you press the TAB key, Pine advances to the next "interesting"message. When you are using Pine to read email, that message is thenext new message in the folder (a new message is one you have not read ALTERNATE CHARACTER SETSPine attempts to stay out of the way so that it won't prevent you fromviewing mail in any character set. It will simply send the message toyour display device. If the device is capable of diplaying the messageas it was written it will do so. If not, the display may be partiallyor totally incorrect. If the message is marked as being in a characterset other than "US-ASCII" and it is a character set that is different fromthe set you have indicated with the "character-set" variable in your.pinerc file, then a warning message will be printed to your screenat the beginning of the message display.In all cases Pine requires that the display device can handle thecharacter set. For example, most X-terminals will display the ISO-8859-1character set if the right font is selected. VT220's and higher alsodisplay ISO-8859-1. Displays for other characters sets are less common.When you are sending mail, Pine will label the outgoing mail with thecharacter set you currently have set up in the "character-set"variable in your .pinerc, but only if you actually use some of thespecial characters. For example, if you are set up for ISO-8859-1,but don't type anything but plain ASCII text the mail will belabeled as "US-ASCII" rather than "ISO-8859-1".These features depend in part on the MIME standard for multimedia/multipart email. It is an official Internet standard the use of which isgrowing. In particular, the labeling of each message with a character setdepends on MIME. At this time, most e-mail will not have a labelspecifying the character set of the message and Pine will assume suchmessages to be "US-ASCII". End of help for View Message MAIN MENU COMMANDS and GENERAL PINE INFORMATION ___----{Available Commands -- Screen 1 Available Commands -- Screen 2 :General Pine Commands MAIN MENU Screen Commands}{------------------------------ ------------------------- :--------------------- -------------------------}{F1 Show help text F1 Show help text :? Show help text O Show all other available commands}{F2 Show all other available commands F2 Show other commands :C Compose a message P Select previous command up on menu}{ F3 Quit Pine :I FOLDER INDEX screen N Select next command down on menu}{F4 Execute current MAIN MENU command F4 Compose a message :L FOLDER LIST screen R Display complete Pine release notes}{F5 Select previous command up on menu F5 FOLDER LIST screen :A ADDRESS BOOK screen K Lock keyboard (Unix Pine Only)}{F6 Select next command down on menu F6 Goto a specified folder :S SETUP functions G Goto a specified folder}{ F7 FOLDER INDEX screen :Q Quit Pine}{F9 Display complete Pine release notes F9 SETUP functions :}{F10 Lock keyboard F10 ADDRESS BOOK screen :} Contents: ___---- Local Contact Information General Information 1. Main Menu Commands (above) 2. Giving Commands in Pine 3. Notes on Pine Screens Basic Features 4. Printing on PCs and Macs 5. Mark, cut and paste in the composer 6. Pine Over Dialup Lines Solutions of Common Problems 7. Lost Read/Write on INBOX 8. If ^C Doesn't Work on a Mac Configurable Features 9. Placement of Signature Files 10. Understanding File Carbon Copy 11. Alternate editor for composing messages 12. Using PC-Pine to get PC-Pine Updates Background Information ___---- 13. What is MIME? 14. History and Origin of Pine 15. Pine contributors 16. Copyright notice ---------------------------------------- ___---- Local Support Contacts ----------------------------------------___include /usr/local/lib/pine.info [ This is the generic who-to-call text that comes with Pine ] [ and PC_Pine has not been updated for your local system. ] If you believe you have found a real bug in the Pine program, talk it overwith one of the computer support staff at your site. You may also want touse the "Update" feature (see Setup from the main menu) to verify thatyou are working with the current version of Pine for your system. Onceyou are sure it is not just a local problem, send email to: pine-bugs@cac.washington.eduWe welcome comments and suggestions. -Pine Development Team___end_include Global Pine Help Information 2. Giving Commands in Pine COMMANDS: The bottom two lines of the screen are always used to list thecommands you can give. You press the keys that are highlighted to give thecommand. The commands for getting help and going back to the main menu arealways present (except when viewing help as you are now).{:OTHER COMMANDS: The "Other Commands" function changes the keys you see}{:at the bottom of any screen. In some cases there are three different pages}{:of keys which it toggles through. ALL COMMANDS ARE ACTIVE, even if they}{:are not currently showing at the bottom of your screen.}{:CONTROL KEY: When composing mail and in a few other places in Pine you}{:have to use Control keys which means pressing the control key and the }{:letter indicated at the same time. This is usually shown with a "^" in}{:front of the letter.}PAGING UP/DOWN: The "+" and "-" keys are used for moving to the nextor previous page. The space bar is a synonym for "+". You may also use^V to page down and ^Y to page up as you do in the message composer. RETURN KEY: The return key is usually a synonym for a frequently usedcommand. When viewing a message, there is currently not a default command,so RETURN does nothing; when in the index, it is synonymous with "view msg".In the key menu at the bottom of the screen, whatever is enclosed in squarebrackets [] is the same as the return key.REPAINTING THE SCREEN: Sometimes what is displayed on the screen will beincorrect due to noise on the phone line or other causes and you will want torepaint the whole screen to make it correct. You can use the ^L command to dothis. It never hurts to do it when in doubt.If your terminal has no arrow keys, you may use the usual emacs commands formoving around the screen: ^F Forward ^B Backward ^N Next Line ^P Previous Line Also to be consistent with the composer the following always work: ^V Next Pg ^Y Prev Pg ^G Get Help ^L Redraw Screen And where appropriate ^D Delete character ^K Kill line ^U Undelete/Unjustify 3. Notes on Pine Screens The top line of the screen is Pine's status line. It will always displaythe current version of Pine and will also convey information about thestatus of the program. This is where you look to find out what collection,folder and message number is active. If the top line says "READONLY" it means that the open folder (typicallyyour INBOX) is "locked" by another mail session -- most likely a morerecent session of Pine has taken the INBOX lock. See an earlier part ofthis "Help" section for an explanation of how you can understand theREADONLY sessions. If the top line says "CLOSED" it means that you are trying to access afolder on a remote mail server, and for some reason, communication withthe mail server has either been lost, or never successfully established. This can be a result of trying to open a non-existent folder, or onestored on an invalid or non-operational server, or it can mean thatPine has been suspended for more that 30 minutes while accessing a remotemail server. Basic Features-------------- 4. Printing on PCs and Macs from Unix PinePrinting directly to printers attached to PCs is known to work with the following communication software: UW-modified NCSA Telnet, WinQVT, WRQ Reflections, Kermit and Procomm. All but the latest version of UW-modified NCSA telnet require "capfile = PRN" in the config.tel file. Direct printing does not work with current versions of Novell LWP, DEC Pathworks and PC-NFS. On the Mac, direct printing is known to work with UW-modified NCSA telnet (version 2.3.2WA), Microphone II v4.0, MacKermit, and VersaTerm (both regular and Pro). 5. Mark, Cut and Paste in Composer (block moves) ___----In the message composer, you use the mark (ctrl-^), cut (ctrl-k) and paste (crtl-u) sequence to move a block of text. This is a convenient way to move large blocks of text around in the composer. If you use the cut command before specifying a mark, it will cut one line of text. 6. Pine Over Dialup Lines (modem) ___----Pine can usually recognize when it is being used over a low speed dialupline via a modem. In this case it will show the current message in theindex with a "->" instead of showing it all in reverse video. Thisresults in faster operation. The screen painting in the message composeris also done slightly differently at low speed.If you attempt to upload files from your PC or Mac directly into the Pinecomposer you may find it doesn't work very well. This is because Pine wasdesigned for humans to type messages into, including features like linewrapping and notification of new mail, which confuse the process of uploading files. The best way to accomplish this is to up load the fileoutside of Pine using Kermit of xmodem and then include the file with the^R command.Solutions to Common Problems ___-------------------------------- 7. Lost Read/Write on INBOX Pine only allows one email session to modify a Berkeley Unix format mailfolder at a time. If you have one Pine session open and then beginanother, the first session switches into "READONLY" with respect to yourINBOX. A common scenario would be that you left one session running inyour office and started the second from a dial-in connection from home. When you get back to that first Pine session, you will note that it is"READONLY". As the name implies, you can't take any action on aREADONLY mailbox, so it won't delete or expunge. Not as obvious butequally true is the fact that a READONLY session does not get notificationof new email messages. If your INBOX is on a server and accessed viaIMAP, any state changes (e.g. marking a message for deletion) made by theold session in the last few minutes/seconds before the new session isstarted up (since the checkpoint) may be lost. Don't worry, there is norisk to the messages themselves. 8. If ^C Doesn't Work on a Mac ___----There's a problem with the default configuration of the Macintosh version of NCSA telnet which prevents Control-Cs from reaching Pine. Under the"session menu", select "setup keys". There you'll see an entry for ^C.You should make sure it's blank. If it's not, ^C won't work in Pine. This will fix it just for the current session. To make it permanentyou have to edit the configuration file. You should add a line: localkeys={{:{}0,19,17}somewhere after the line that contains "name=default". Also, onVersaTerm Pro a similar problem occurs where ^C causes a break to be sent on the modem or serial line.Configurable Features ___------------------------- 9. Placement of Signature FilesPine encourages a format different from the usual for replieswhich include the original text. The idea is to add the new text*before* the original included text so that the readers of the messagesee the new text they are interested in right away without having toread through the original text they have seen before. This is why thesignature is included before the original text. Similar is true forforwarding messages. Unfortunately placing the signature before thetext is cumbersome when the reply is to be interspersed within theoriginal text. Adding "signature-at-bottom" to the "feature-list"variable in your Pine configuration file (PINERC or .pinerc) will cause Pine to put the signature (and cursor) at the end of the message as is more conventional.By default, Pine will use a file in your home directory called ".signature" however, in order to permit a different signature formail than that used in Bulletin Board applications, you may set the"signature-file" variable to the name of a file containing youremail signature. 10. Understanding File Carbon Copy ___----Pine automatically saves a copy of all the outgoing email that you send. By default, this goes into a file "sent-mail" or "sentmail" in yourregular email directory. You can use set the variable "default-fcc" inyour Pine configuration file to change this. For instance, some peoplewho use both PC-Pine and Pine want all their sent mail to be put in thesame folder. This could be done with a default-fcc (on the PC) like this: default-fcc={computer.used.for.unix.pine}mail/sent-mailIf you want no file-carbon-copy at all, you place two double quotes there: default-fcc=""Note that whatever directory you specify for the fcc must already exist. Ifthe specific file does not exist, you will be asked if you want to create it or not. 11. Alternate Editor for Composing MessagesThere are two ways to get Pine to use an alternate editor for composingmessages. One option is to choose an editor ahead of time and set the"editor" variable in your Pine configuration file. If this is done,"^_ Alt Edit" will show in the menu of the composer. The second optionis to enable the feature "enable-alternate-editor-cmd" in the Pineconfiguration variable "feature-list". Then you can give the "^_"command while in the composer even if it is not shown on the menu. Youwill be prompted for the name of the editor to invoke. At present youcannot edit the header with the alternate editor. 12. Using PC-Pine to get PC-Pine Updates ___----PC-Pine has the ability to access newsgroups, understand MIME messagesand write files to your PC's disk. If you put this all together, you findthat you can use PC-Pine to pickup newer versions of PC-Pine. If you seebugs in PC-Pine and want to find out if you have the most current version or if you know there is a more current version and need to get it, use Pine's internal update function. You can select "Update" from Pine's"SETUP" function. Update connects your PC to the machine pine.cac.washington.edu whichalways holds the most current version of PC-Pine. You may then view a themessage containing the new version and, using Pine's "View Attachment"command, save it to your local disk. Background Information ___-------------------------- 13. What is MIME?MIME stands for "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions" and it is aspecification for including binary data in Internet mail messages, whichuntil now have generally been limited to ascii text. MIME-capablemailers, such as Pine 3.x, allow word processing documents, spreadsheets,programs, images, audio, and other binary data to be attached to a message. MIME allows for alternative representations of the same data.For example, there can be an attachment in text form followed by onecontaining bitmap page images of the same information.MIME-capable mail software is not yet widely deployed, but MIME support is growing rapidly. If you need to send binary data to colleagues atinstitutions not yet supporting MIME, encourage them to talk to theirsystem administrators about installing MIME tools. MIME software, compatible with many different mail programs, is freely available (as is our own Pine mailer.) 14. History and Origin of PinePine was originally conceived in 1989 as a simple, easy-to-use mailer foradministrative staff at the University of Washington in Seattle. The goalwas to provide a simple mailer that naive users could use without fear ofmaking mistakes. We wanted to cater to users who were less interested inusing electronic mail than in doing their jobs; users who perhaps had somecomputer anxiety. We felt the way to do this was to build a system thatdidn't do surprising things the user didn't understand, a mailer that hadlimited, well-thought-out functionality. A that time, there was no suchUnix mailer commercially or freely available, but Elm seemed closest tothe goal, so we started modifying it. One of the greatest problems with most mailers on Unix systems is theeditor. One can normally choose between emacs and vi. We experimented withsome versions of emacs and settled on a hacked version of micro emacs.Eventually it became heavily modified and tightly integrated with the restof Pine. One of the main features of having a tightly coupled editor isthat it can guide the user through editing the header of the message, andPine takes great care to do this. A very simple and efficient interface tothe Unix spell command was also added. The emacs style key bindings wereretained, though most of the other wild and wonderful emacs functions werenot. The Pine composition editor is also available as a very simple standalone editor named "pico". Also working at the University of Washington is the author of the Interactive Mail Access Protocol (IMAP). IMAP is a functional superset of POP. The IMAPauthor had finished writing the "c-client" library as an interface to IMAPand as a switch between drivers for IMAP mailboxes, Berkeley mail files and Tenex mail files. Great care was taken to make the code writing the mail filesrobust against disks filling up, other mailers overwriting the mail file, andother errors to guarantee mail file consistency. It was clear that Pine wouldbenefit greatly from using the c-client to access mail storage so the old Elmcode was replaced by calls to the c-client. Consequently Pine can write andaccess three different mail file formats and new ones can be added by creatinga simple driver. In addition the c-client does a very careful job of doing allthe RFC 822 header parsing and achieves the highest compliance with the RFC.The name "Pine" originally stood for "Pine Is Nearly Elm"; today"Pine Is No-longer Elm" is more appropriate. As it evolves, we hope theinterpretation "Program for Internet News and Email" will also apply.Work continues on Pine. Thanks and credits go the following people: - The originators of Elm for a base to start from. - Terry Gray and Ron Johnson for the opportunity to create Pine and for valuable and continuing input to its design. - Steve Hubert for many recent enhancements including the MIME text attachment viewer and many new configuration options. - Sheryl Erez for recent work on help text and documentation - Laurence Lundblade, the original Pine programmer. - Mark Crispin for IMAP, the c-client library and solid Internet mail protocol advice. - Mike Seibel for the Pine composer, and all the major development since Pine 3.0, including PC-PinePine Development Team, University of Washington, 1993Please send comments and correspondence to "pine-bugs@cac.washington.edu"Authors addresses: Mike Seibel Mark Crispin Steve Hubert Sheryl Erez Laurence Lundblade (emeritus)Pine source code is available via anonymous FTP from ftp.cac.washington.edu on the Internet. 15. Pine contributorsThe following is a partial list of people have made contributions to Pinein the way of bug fixes, ports to new platforms, suggestions and advice.Many thanks to all! Shoa Aminpour Gordon Good Richard MurphyJ.J. Baily Bob Gregory Il OhBilly Barron Ed Greshko Mike RameyChris Beecher Dmitri L. Gringauz Phil RandJohn Benjamins David Halliwell Jochiam RichterBirko Bergt Peter Hausken Thomas RiemerKen Bobey Jeff Hayward Alexis RosenAndy Brager Ron Johnson Michael RossD.K. Brownlee William Kreuter Bob SandstromBrian Burriston Pekka Kytolaakso Michael F. SantangeloBill Campbell Barry Landy Shin-ya SatohRussel Campbell Chris Latham Corey SattenDonn Cave Jon Lebo Michael ShepardRichard Cheever Allen Leonard Alan ThewMike Coghlan Robert L. Lewis Jason R. ThorpeJustine Comer Bruce Lilly Marc UnangstChuck Cooper Matthew Lyle Edward VielmettiBarry Cornelius John Mackin Ross WakelinTony Flemming James Matheson Rich WalesMatthew Freedman Mark McNair David WallRichard Fritz Pete Mellor Bob WilliamsMarcelo A. Gallardo Dave Miller Steve WoodyattAdam Garrett Robert Moris Michael A. Crowley 16. Trademark and Copyright notice ___----Pine is a trademark of the University of WashingtonCopyright 1989-1993 University of WashingtonPermission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and itsdocumentation for any purpose and without fee to the University ofWashington is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright noticeappears in all copies and that both the above copyright notice and thispermission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name ofthe University of Washington not be used in advertising or publicitypertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written priorpermission. This software is made available "as is", andTHE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ALL IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND INNO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL,INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROMLOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR STRICT LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTIONWITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. End of Main Menu Help FOLDER LIST COMMANDS ___----{Available Commands -- Screen 1 Available Commands -- Screen 2 :Navigating the Folder Screen Operations on the Selected Folder}{------------------------------- ------------------------------ :---------------------------- ---------------------------------}{F1 Show Help Text F1 Show Help Text : P Move to previous folder V View Index of selected folder}{F2 Toggle to see more commands F2 Toggle to see more commands : N Move to next folder D Delete}{F3 MAIN MENU Screen F3 Quit Pine : - Show previous page of listing R Rename}{F4 Select folder and view it F4 Compose a message :Spc Show next page of listing}{F5 Move to previous folder :}{F6 Move to next folder F6 Specify a folder to go to :FOLDER LIST Screen Commands General Pine Commands}{F7 Show previous screen of listing F7 Show FOLDER INDEX of current folder :--------------------------- ---------------------}{F8 Show next screen of listing F8 Whereis (search folder names) :A Add a folder O Show all other available commands}{F9 Delete selected folder F9 Print folder listing :G Specify a folder to go to ? Show Help text{F10 Add a new folder :I Show FOLDER INDEX of current folder M MAIN MENU Screen}{F11 Rename selected folder :W Whereis (search folder names) Q Quit Pine}{:Y Print folder listing C Compose a message} ABOUT FOLDERS ___----Folders are places where messages are kept. Every message has to be in afolder. Every folder has a name. Everyone starts out with 3 folders:"INBOX" This is the folder, often kept on an IMAP server, where your new messages are delivered."sent-mail" or "sentmail" This is the folder where Pine automatically keeps a copy of all the messages which you send out. Normally, this is kept on the system running Pine."saved-messages" or "savemail" Whenever you choose to save a message for more than a few days, you will probably want to move it out of your inbox and into the folder for saved messages. This folder is created automatically by Pine and is located on the system running Pine.You may create as many other folders as you wish. They must be givennames that can be filenames on your Pine system. On DOS, that means theymust be 8-characters of less; even on Unix, you shouldn't put specialcharacters like "/". All PC-Pine folders have the DOS extenstion ".MTX"which stands for Mailbox-text. You should never alter a ".MTX" DOS filewith a program other than Pine.You can move messages from one folder to another by opening the originalfolder and saving messages into the other folder just as you can savemessage from your INBOX to any folder. The folder list screen displays the names of all the folders in a givencollection and allows you to create, rename and delete folders. To open afolder, go into the folders screen from the main menu. If you havemultiple collections, select the appropriate collection and then move thecursor to the folder you want to open, and give the {F2:"O"} command.You can also press RETURN instead of {F2.:"O."}From the message index or view message screen you can open another folder withthe {F5:"G"} command. You will be prompted for the name of the folder toopen. At the prompt you can give the command {F4:^T} to view your foldercollections. ABOUT COLLECTIONS All messages must be saved into folders, but when you start to save manymessage, you start to get lots of folders. Soon, you have too manyfolders to keep track of without further organization or have folders onmore that one machine. That is where collections come in. A collection of folders is just a group of folders in the same directory on the same machine. Some people use bothPC-Pine and Unix Pine. Those people might have one collection on the PC andanother on the Unix machine they use.Pine treats certain collections in a special way. There is a collectioncalled "incoming-folders" which you use to supplement your normal INBOXspecification if you have multiple accounts or filter email into differentincoming mail folders. The "incoming-folders" variable is set in yourPine configuration file. Your INBOX is presented in this collection ifyou have multiple collections defined. Pine knows that it should not savemessages into that area. You can also define collections for news. This is specified with the"news-collections" variable in Pine's configuration file. A typicalnews collection would be specified as "*{{:{}news.u.washington.edu/nntp}[]". That would translate as "all the newsgroups I am subscribed to which ___----appear on the campus news server". The syntax for news collections isspecial: "*" tells Pine that this is a bulletin board (with shared, read-only news groups) "/nntp" says that Pine should use the NNTP protocol to get to these folders, thus permitting use of a local .newsrc "[]" means that this is a collection, not a folderThe final, and probably most important special collection is the one whichyou specify at the first item of the configuration for "folder-collections".This is the default collection for your saved and sent messages folders.There is no technical limit to the number of collections you can have. Everyone starts with just one collection and few people ever have morethan a dozen or so. COLLECTION SYNTAX Pine has a special syntax that allows you to tell Pine everything it needsto know about the collection: label The single-word name you give to the collection * Collections starting with a "*" are bulletin boards {{:{}host.name The computer where the files reside. /nntp Add this to use the NNTP protocol to access the file /anonymous Add this for anonymous IMAP access to the folder } /path/to/directory/ Full path to the directory where the files are [ Start of the "[]" token for collections *text* Optional text and wildcard to select only certain files ] Close the collection tokenBelow are some examples of collection syntax: MAIN mail\[] The directory mail in default directory on a DOS system. Note that is a DOS-style "\" not a Unix-style "/". FEBMAIL old/[*feb*] All files with the token "feb" in the "old" directory which is part of my home directory on a Unix system CMAIL {{:{}carson.u.washington.edu}mail/[] An IMAP connection to all the files in the "mail" directory of my home directory on a computer called Carson. NEWS *{{:{}news.u.washington.edu/nntp}[] An NNTP connection to the server "news". The collection includes all subscribed newsgroups. ADVANCED NOTES ON FOLDERSFolders are just files in the filesystem. They have some specialformatting in them so the message sender and recipient can bedistinguished and so one message can be separate from another, so theyshould not be edited with an editor. If the format is corrupted Pine willno longer be able to read them. If you want copies of your messages intext files that you can edit or do other things with, use the exportcommand on the Message Text or Folder Index screens. Two forms of folder specification that you might try to use don't behaveas they should now, but will be supported by future UW IMAP servers: {{:{}host}[*] {{:{}host}~/[*]Until then, the following forms should be used (the asterisk is optional): {{:{}host}./[*] <-- to specify all files in the home directory {{:{}host}mail/[*] <-- to specify all files in a sub-directory End of Help on Folder List GOTO: FOLDER SELECT COMMANDS ___----_{F1 : ? } Show this help text_{F3 : E } Exit the Folder Select menu (without selecting a folder)_{F4 : S } Select the currently highlighted folder_{F5 : P } Move to previous folder_{F6 : N } Move to next folder_{F7 : - } Previous page of the folder listing_{F8 :Spc} Next page of the folder listing_{F12: W } WhereIs (search folder names)"INBOX" This is the folder, often kept on an IMAP server, where your This is the folder where Pine automatically keeps a copy of all the messages which you send out. Normally, this is kept on themessage from your INBOX to any folder.open. At the prompt you can give the command {F4:^T} to view your folder collections. ABOUT COLLECTIONS ___----more that one machine. That is where collections come in. A collection of folders is just a groupPine treats certain collections in a special way. There is a collection messages into that area.You can also define collections for news. This is specified with the news collection would be specified as "*{{:{}news.u.washington.edu/nntp}[]".special: folders, thus permitting use of a local .newsrcThere is no technical limit to the number of collections you can have. than a dozen or so.distinguished and so one message can be separate from another; so theytext files that you can edit or do other things with use the exportcommand on the view message or folder index screens. ANONYMOUS FOLDERSCertain folders have been setup on a file server specifically foranonymous access. You need to use Pine's /anonymous flag to get atthese folders. For example, this is the complete folder name for thepine archives: *{{:{}pine.cac.washington.edu/anonymous}updatesWhen you use the anonymous flag, you are attaching to the folder usingthe IMAP protocol. (NOTE: the above name syntax is subject to change!) End of Help on Goto: Folder Select SAVE: FOLDER SELECT COMMANDS ___---- End of Help on Save: Folder Select ------------------------------------------------ FCC: FOLDER SELECT COMMANDS ___---- End of Help on Fcc: Folder Select --------------------------------------- ADDRESS BOOK COMMANDS ___----{Available Commands -- Screen 1 Available Commands -- Screen 2 :Address Book Navigation General Pine Commands}{------------------------------- ------------------------------ :----------------------- ---------------------}{F1 Show Help Text F1 Show Help Text : P Prev Address ? Display this help text}{F2 Toggle to see more commands F2 Toggle to see more commands : N Next Address O Show all other available commands}{F3 MAIN MENU Screen F3 Quit Pine : - Previous page of address book M MAIN MENU screen}{F4 Edit selected entry F4 Compose a message to selected addr :Spc Next page of address book Q Quit Pine}{F5 Move to previous entry F5 FOLDER LIST screen : W Where is (search for word/ C Compose a message to selected addr}{F6 Move to next entry F6 Specify a folder to go to : name in address book) L FOLDER LIST screen}{F7 Previous page of address book F7 FOLDER INDEX screen : G Specify a folder to go to}{F8 Next page of address book F8 Whereis (search through address book):Address Book Commands I FOLDER INDEX screen}{F9 Delete selected entry F9 Print address book :---------------------}{F10 Add a simple entry : E Edit selected entry}{F11 Create an entry for a list : D Delete selected entry}{F12 Add to a list entry : A Add a simple entry}{: S Create an entry for a list}{: Z Add to a list entry}{: Y Print address book} 2. General Description of the Address BookThe address book helps you keep a list of addresses you send mail to so youdo not have to remember addresses that are often complex. Each entry in theaddress book has three parts. The nickname is short, usually less than eightletters, and easy to remember. You type this nickname in as you areaddressing the message in the composer and the address will be taken from theaddress book. The name is a longer field where you can put the full name ofthe person and other information to clearly identify the address. Usually thefull names are put in last name first so they sort nicely in alphabeticalorder. The third part is the address itself. The addresses are sortedalphabetically on the full name with distribution lists sorted to the end.Pine also allows distribution lists so you can have one nickname that refersto a list of addresses to send mail to. Each distribution list has anickname, a full name and a list of addresses. The addresses may be actualaddresses or they may be other nicknames in your address book. They may evenrefer to other distribution lists. The command to create a distribution listis {F4:"S"} and the command to add entries to an existing list is {F5:"Z"}. Use {F11:"D"} to delete entries, placing the cursor on the address if an address is to be deleted, or on the nickname or full name of the list to delete the whole list.The distribution lists in Pine are private distribution lists as is the restof the address book and can't be shared among several users. One reason forthis is that any shared distribution list set up would be only available toPine users and therefore would preclude others using other mailers from usingthe list even though they might be in the list. 3. Notes on Address formats ___----There are a number of different formats for e-mail addresses, depending on thekind of network the recipient is on. The Internet style is preferred andhopefully the world is moving toward it. Also, it is often necessary tocombine address formats to get mail to some sites.The standard format for the Internet address is: User Name or User Name The number of segments on the right of the "@" sign can vary depending onhow the address is structured for the particular host. Therefore, the aboveexamples are not absolute. If you are sending to someone on the same systemas you are, you can leave the "@" and all the information to its right offof the address, and Pine will fill it in automatically. Sometimes you can alsoabbreviate the right part of the address if you are at the same site. So ifyour address is "You " and you're sending mail to"Them " then the address "Them "is often sufficient. You may also leave off the user name and the anglebrackets and use just the plain address. Examples: Dan Green The Flying Legume dizzy@deegee.com Joe Jackson Another common Internet format is: dang@cac.washington.edu (Dan Green)This is an older, unofficial format that will hopefully fall into disuse.Pine understands both formats, but generates the official Internet styleaddresses.When sending messages across gateways to other networks, the address getsmore complicated because they often have an Internet part and a part for theother network. One example of this is: joe%uwavm@gate.upitt.eduFirst the message goes to the gateway gate.upitt.com and the gatewaydeletes its name from the address and turns the % into an @. The gatewaythen figures out what to do with the address joe@uwavm. You may see an email address which looks like this: host1!host2!host3!userThis is an address on the UUCP network. "host1," and "host2," are thenames of computers between you and the computer, "host3," that "user"to whom you want to send mail to has an account on. In many cases, there will be a UUCP gateway, so you can just send your email to: user@host3.uucpBITNET sites use a format that is similar to the Internet: host@siteIf you are sending mail from an Internet site to a BITNET site a localgateway may have been setup so you can send mail to: host@site.bitnetThis will automatically forward the mail through to BITNET rather than youhaving to explicitly route it through a gateway. End of Help for the Address Book COMPOSER: ADDRESS SELECT COMMANDS ___----{F1 : ? } Show this help text{F3 : E } Exit the Address Select (without selecting an address){F4 : S } Select the currently highlighted entry{F5 : P } Move to previous entry{F6 : N } Move to next entry{F7 : - } Previous page of the address book listing{F8 :Spc} Next page of the address book listing{F12: W } WhereIs (search through address book) GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE ADDRESS BOOKrefer to other distribution lists. End of Help for Composer: Address Select COMPOSER COMMANDS ** May not be available ___---- depending on configuration and hardware CURSOR MOTION KEYS |EDITING KEYS ^B (Left Arrow) Back character | ^D Delete current character ^F (Right Arrow) Forward character | ^H (DEL) Delete previous character ^P (Up Arrow) Previous line | ^^ Set a mark ^N (Down Arrow) Next line | ^K Cut marked text or ^A Beginning of line | delete current line ^E End of line | ^U Paste text, undelete lines ^Y Previous page | cut with ^K, or unjustify ^V Next page |------------------------------------- ^@ (Ctrl-SPACE) Next word |SCREEN/COMPOSITION COMMANDS---------------------------------------| ^W Whereis (search for string)MESSAGE COMMANDS | GENERAL COMMANDS | ^T ** Spell checker ^C Cancel | ^G Get help | ^J Justify paragraph ^O Postpone | ^Z ** Suspend | ^L Redraw Screen ^X Send | ^_ ** Alt. editor | ^R Read in a file 2. Control Keys Not Used by Pine Pine has used nearly all the control keys it has access to. There arecertain control keys that are reserved by other programs or for technicalreasons. Pine will not use any of these combinations: ^S Used by Unix as "stop output" ^Q Used by Unix as "resume output" ^] Often used by Telnet as escape key ^\ Often used by Unix as "Abort" ESC Technical keymap conflict with arrow keysNote: even though Pine does not use ^S or ^Q (sometimes known as XOFF andXON), the system you are using may intercept those characters. If youaccidentally hit a ^S and your keyboard mysteriously freezes up, try typinga ^Q and see if that puts things right. 3. Control Keys in the Header ___----When the cursor is in the header part of the message, some of the controlcommands have special meaning. You will see this difference reflected inthe menu displayed at the bottom of your Pine compose screen. When in the header, the following keys have these meanings: ^J Attach file ^R Rich Header ^T To Address Book or FilesThe following keys are not active in the header: ^W, ^_ and ^^ 4. About Marking, Cutting and Pasting ___----The mark feature (^^) allows you to mark any segment of text, cut it out(^K), move the cursor, and paste it (^U) in the new location. You canpaste more than once, allowing you to use this feature to copy a block oftext also. If you use ^K (delete) and ^U (undelete) without using ^^ (mark), thenPine assumes you want to delete 1 line for each ^K and paste all the linesthat were deleted together by pressing ^K multiple times. Mark is shown as "^^". The first "^" means you should hold down the "Control" key on your keyboard. The second "^" means "type the character ^". 5. About the Contents of the Message ___----Messages are usually just text, about 80 columns wide. Using upper and lowercase is encouraged. On some systems the size limit of the message is about100,000 characters, which is about 2,000 lines. You can include punctuationand special characters found on most keyboards, but you can't includecharacters with diacritical marks and certain special symbols.Text automatically wraps as you type past the end of a line so you do not have to hit return. Using the {F4:"^J"} command, you can also reformat text explicitly, perhaps after you have deleted some text.You can include other text files with the {F5.:"^R."} You will be promptedfor the file name of the file. 6. Full Explanation of Composer Commands ___---- ______Arrow keys Move the cursor around. ______Delete key ______Back Space key Erase character and move back one character. _{^D:^D} Delete Delete the character under the cursor _{F1:^G} Help Display this help screen. _{F2:^X} Send Finish composing this message and send it off to the ______ addressees. _{F3:^C} Cancel Stop sending this message. Anything you have composed is ______ lost. You have a chance to confirm cancellation. _{F4:^J} Justify Reformat the text in the paragraph the cursor is on. A ______ paragraph is separated by one blank line. This is useful ______ when you have been editing a paragraph and the lines become ______ uneven. The text is left aligned or justified and the ______ right is ragged. If the text is already justified as typed ______ with auto-wrap no justification will be done. _{F5:^R} Read File This will allow you to copy in text from an existing file. ______ You will be prompted for the name of a file to be inserted ______ into the message. The file name is relative to your home ______ directory or must be a full path name on your system. ______ The file will be inserted where the cursor is located. ______ The file to be read must be on the same system as Pine. ______ If you use Pine on a Unix machine but have files on a PC or ______ MAC, the files must be transferred to the system Pine is ______ running on before they can be read. _{F6:^W} Where is Search the message for a word or part of a word. Only the ______ message part of your mail is searched, and the cursor is ______ put on the first occurrence appearing after the location of ______ the cursor. The search will wrap to the beginning of the ______ message when it no longer finds matches in the remainder of ______ the message. ______ To search for the same string a second time, press {F12:^W} ______ to begin search and then just press RETURN to accept the ______ previous search string shown in square brackets rather than ______ entering a new search string. _{F7:^Y} Prev Page Go back one page in the message text. _{F8:^V} Next Page Go forward one page in the message text. _{^^:^^} Mark Set a mark in message text. This is used to set a mark ______ and then perform a delete/move operation on a block of ______ text. _{F9:^K} Del Line Delete the entire line the cursor is currently on. The last ______ batch of lines that were deleted one after another is saved ______ so they can be undeleted elsewhere. If you have set the ______ mark, then the marked block is deleted.{F10: ^U} Undel Line Undelete the last line, series of lines, or marked block ______ you deleted. Using Mark, Del Line, and Undel Line is ______ a convenient way to move text to a new location in your ______ message. Also, Unjustify the last justification.{F11: ^O} Postpone Temporarily stop working on the current message so you may ______ read other messages or compose another message. You can ______ then resume working on the postponed message by going back ______ in to compose. You will be asked if you want to continue ______ the postponed message. Only one message can be postponed ______ at a time. When you are ready to resume entering your ______ message, choose Compose. At that point you will be ______ prompted with the question "Continue work in progress?". ______ Choose yes and your existing message will appear. Choose ______ no, and you will be given a blank screen to compose a new ______ message. You may resume composing the previously postponed ______ message later. {F12: ^T} To Spell Check the spelling in the message you are composing. You ______ will be prompted at the bottom of the screen with each ______ misspelled word. You can correct the word, then press ______ return to actually change it in the text. If the word is ______ not misspelled or is a name or such, don't change it and ______ just press return to continue the spell check. If a ______ word is misspelled more than once, then you ______ will be prompted to confirm the correction of each ______ occurrence of it. Pine uses the Unix spelling checker ______ and not one of its own so what is considered right and ______ wrong is not a function of Pine. Lines beginning with ">" ______ (included messages) will not be checked. There is no ______ spell check feature with PC-Pine. 7. Other Composer Features (Bcc: and Fcc:)There are two additional header fields that are normally not shown.These are Bcc: (Blind Carbon Copy) and Fcc: (File Carbon Copy). Thoseaddressed in the Bcc: field will receive a copy of the message but itwill not show anywhere that they did receive a copy. The Fcc: fieldspecifies the folder name to which a copy of the message is saved toas it is sent, usually "sent-mail" (Unix) or "sentmail" (PC-Pine). End of Help for Message Composer HELP FOR 'TO:' IN MESSAGE COMPOSER ___---- Page Contents 1. The To: field in general...........................2 2. Commands for editing the To: field.................3 3. Address formats....................................8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The To: field in general ___----Type in the electronic addresses you want to send mail to. You may type afull name and address, just the local address, the nickname of someone in youraddress book, or a local mail alias defined by your system administrator.When you move the cursor out of the To: field, the nicknames will be expandedto the addresses in your address book, and the local names will be expanded toinclude the addressee's full name. The To: field may be several lines long,and have many addresses in it separated by commas. You can move around theTo: field and/or the header with the arrow keys.Examples: Full address spiff@cs.washington.edu local address spiff address book nickname spf (expands to spiff@cs.washington.edu) local alias ndc-tech (a mailing list maintained by the system administrator) 2. Commands for editing the To: field ___---- _{F4:^D} Del Char Delete character under the cursor. ______ addressees. _{F5:^R} Rich Hdr Expand the header to show the Bcc: (Blind Carbon Copy) and ______ Fcc: (File Carbon Copy) fields, so they can be edited. ______ Giving this command again hides these fields again but does ______ not remove the information. _{F6:^J} Attchmnts Use this command to attach a file to a message. ______ First you will be prompted for the file name, and then a ______ description of the file you just attached. Once the file is ______ attached it will be displayed in the "Attchmnts:" line in ______ the message header with its size. The contents of the file ______ won't actually show in your message. The advantage of ______ attaching a file this way over including it with the ^R ______ command is that you can attach any kind of file, including ______ files that are not text files. For certain filetypes and ______ hardware, the user will be able to display it right in ______ the mail program! ______ You delete an attachment by deleting the "Attchmnts" ______ header line. You can also manually edit the filename ______ and/or description shown there. ______ so they can be undeleted elsewhere. {F10: ^U} Undel Line Undelete the last line or series of lines you deleted. To ______ delete a series of lines and move them to another part of ______ your message addresses be sure to delete them all at once. ______ Using the Del Line and Undel Line commands is a convenient ______ way to rearrange the order of addresses in the To: field, ______ or move addresses between the To:, Cc: and Bcc: fields. ______ Alternatively, Reverses previous Justify operation. ______ read other messages, or compose another message. You can{F12: ^T} To AddrBk Go into the address book so you can browse through your ______ addresses. Put the cursor on the entry you want to send ______ mail to and give the command to select the address ______ ({F2:"S"} Select). You will return to the To: field,and ______ the address will be filled in. You may go into the address ______ book several times to pick several addresses. 3. Address formats ___----There are a number of different formats for e-mail addresses, depending onthe kind of network the recipient is on. The Internet style is preferred andof the address and Pine will fill it in automatically. Sometimes you can alsoyour address is "You " and you're sending mail to"Them " then the address "Them "This is an older, unofficial format that will hopefully fall into disuse. Pineunderstands both formats, but generates the official Internet style addresses.First the message goes to the gate.upitt.com and then the gateway figuresout what to do with the address joe%uwavm. If you are sending mail from an Internet site to a BITNET site, a local End of Help for To: in Message Composer ------------------------------------------------------------ HELP FOR CARBON COPY (CC:) IN MESSAGE COMPOSER ___---- Contents 1. The Carbon Copy field in general...................2 2. Commands for editing the Cc: field.................4 3. Address formats....................................9 1. The Carbon Copy field in general ___----The Cc: field is just like the To: field, except it is used for addresseesthat you wish to send a carbon copy to. That is, the message is not directlyaddressed to these recipients, but you wanted them to see the message. Theonly difference the recipients see is that their name is in the Cc: field,rather than the To: field.As in the To: field you may type a full name and address, just the localaddress, the nickname of someone in your address book, or a local mail aliasdefined by your system administrator. When you move the cursor out of the Cc:field, the nicknames will be expanded to the addresses in your address book,and the local names will be expanded to include the actual user name. The To:field may be several lines long, and have many addresses in it separated bycommas. You can move around the Cc: field and/or the header with the arrowkeys. 2. Commands for editing the Cc: field _{F4:^D} Del Char Delete character under the cursor. ______ way to rearrange the order of addresses in the Cc: field, ______ or move addresses between the To:, Cc: and Bcc: fields. ______ Alternatively, reverses previous Justify operation. ______ ({F2:"S"} Select). You will return to the Cc: field,andthe address and Pine will fill it in automatically. Sometimes you can also End of Help for Cc: in Message Composer HELP FOR THE BLIND CARBON COPY (BCC:) FIELD IN MESSAGE COMPOSER ___---- Contents 1. The Blind Carbon Copy field in general.............2 2. Commands for editing Bcc: the field................4 1. The Blind Carbon Copy field in general ___----Bcc: is just the same as the To: and Cc: fields in the way the addresses areentered. The recipients listed here will receive a copy of the message, butthere will be nothing in the message header the that indicates a Bcc: wassent. The To: and Cc: recipients will not know a copy was sent to the Bcc:recipients.As in the To: field you may type a full name and address, just a localdefined by your system administrator. When you move the cursor out of theBcc: field, the nicknames will be expanded to the addresses in your addressbook, and the local names will be expanded to include the actual user name.The To: field may be several lines long, and have many addresses in itseparated by commas. You can move around the Bcc: field and/or the headerwith the arrow keys. 2. Commands for editing the Bcc: field ______ lost. ______ ({F2:"S"} Select). You will return to the Bcc: field, ______ and the address will be filled in. You may go into the ______ address book several times to pick several addresses. If you are sending mail from an Internet site to a BITNET site ,a local End of Help for Bcc: in Message Composer HELP FOR FILE CARBON COPY (FCC:) IN MESSAGE COMPOSER ___----This specifies a folder name in which to save a copy of the message forfuture reference. This is "sent-mail" by default. You may change this toany folder you like, but your choice is only used for the current message.The next message will be saved in "sent-mail" unless you change the Fcc: toanother folder. You may type ^T to get a list all your folders.This is referred to as File Carbon Copy, because folders are basically files. End of Help Fcc: in for Message Composer HELP FOR MESSAGE SUBJECT: IN COMPOSER ___----This is simply a few words summarizing the message that will show up inlistings of the header when the recipient gets the message. You can type anytext here you like. It's nice to make it as specific as possible. End of Help for Message Subject: in Composer HELP FOR ATTACHING FILE ___----This field shows the attachments or other "parts" of the message youare composing. This is new in Pine 3.0 and part of MIME (see below)support.The most common use for this field will be to attach a file to your mailmessage. You can just type the file name here and if the file is foundand accessible it will be "attached". You will know it is attached whenthe size of the file is shown. You can also add a description of the filebetween the quote marks "". You can remove and edit attachments toyour messages by editing the items in this field. If you delete the line,the file will not be included in your message. When you attach a file,it will not actually be shown in your message, but if the line is the"Attchmnts:" field, the file will be included.Typing the file name here achieves the same result as using the {F6:^J}command.If some one sends you a message with different parts or attachments, youmay forward that message with its different parts if you like. When youdo this the parts will show up in the "Attchmts" field too, but theywill be in square brackets "[]". These attachments can be images,files, other messages, sounds and even video. The type will be shown.You can remove these attachments if you like by deleting the line fromthe field. This is something you might want to do often because messageswith attachments can become very large and it is better to send smallermessages if that will do.MIME is a new standard for sending multipart and multimedia e-mail. It isnot widely used yet, but its use is growing and Pine is one of the firstmailers to have MIME capabilities. Since MIME is a standard you can sendmessages with attachments to other users that have MIME based mailers,not necessarily Pine and they will be able to read them. If you send amessage with an attachment to some one that doesn't have a MIME basedmailer, the text of your message will be readable, and the person may be ableto extract the attached file, if the file is plain text. It may bedifficult to extract the attached file if it was a binary file.Because MIME is a new standard, Pine is one of the first implementations,and not everyone will be using MIME for a while one might expect thingsto operate a little more roughly and unpolished than usual. End of Help for Message Attachment: in Composer HELP FOR FILE BROWSER ___----Use this to browse files, perhaps from some other application. The filename given can be a file in your home directory, an absolute file pathname for your system, or a file path relative to your home directory. No wild card characters may be used. In Unix Pine, you may use "~" torefer to your home directory or "~user" to refer to another's homedirectory. The file must reside on the system running Pine. End of Help for File Browsing: in Composer HELP FOR INSERTING FILE ___----Use this to insert a file, perhaps from some other editor. The file namegiven can be a file in your home directory, an absolute file path name foryour system, or a file path relative to your home directory. No wild cardcharacters may be used. In Unix Pine, you may use "~" to refer to yourhome directory or "~user" to refer to another's home directory. Thefile must reside on the system running Pine. End help for Inserting file HELP FOR SEARCH IN MESSAGE COMPOSER ___----Search the message for a word or part of a word. When searching in thecomposer, only the message part of your mail is searched, and the cursor isput on the first occurrence appearing after the location of the cursor. Thesearch will wrap to the beginning of the message when it no longer findsmatches in the remainder of the message.To search for the same string a second time, press {F12:^W} to begin searchand then just press RETURN to accept the previous search string shown insquare brackets rather than entering a new search string. End help for search in message composerType the full name of the person being added and press the RETURN key. Press ^Cto cancel addition. Type a short nickname and press RETURN. A nickname is a short easy-to- remember word, name or initials like "joe", or "wcfields." Press ^C to cancel.Type the e-mail address and press RETURN. Press ^T to get a list of addressesfrom your current inbox. Press ^C to cancel addition.Type a long name (up to 50 chars) or description for the list that you arecreating and press RETURN. Press ^C to cancel creation of list.Type a nickname (short, easy-to-remember name or single word) for the list you are creating and press RETURN. Press ^C to cancel.Type an e-mail address, or a nickname already in the address book that you wantto be part of this list and press RETURN. Type an e-mail address or a nickname already in the address book that you wantto add to this list and press RETURN. ^T to get addresses from incoming mail.Edit the nickname to be correct using the arrow keys and delete key. PressRETURN when done. Press ^C to cancel editing and leave the nickname as it was.Edit the full name to be correct using the arrow keys and delete key. PressRETURN when done. Press ^C to cancel editing and leave the full name as it was.Edit the address to be correct using the arrow keys and delete key. PressRETURN when done. Press ^C to cancel editing and leave the address as it was.Type the word or name you want to search for and press RETURN. If you pressRETURN with out entering anything the word in [] will be searched for.Type the word, name or address you want to search for and press RETURN. If youpress RETURN without entering anything the word in [] will be searched for.Type the name of the folder you want to save the message in and press RETURN. Press ^T to get a list of your folders. Press ^C to cancel saving this mail.Edit the e-mail address using the arrow and delete keys. Press RETURN when done. Press ^C to cancel adding this entry to the address book.Edit the full name to be correct using the arrow and delete keys. Press RETURNwhen done. Press ^C to cancel adding this entry to the address book.Type a nickname (short easy-to-remember name, initials or single word) forthis entry in the address book and press RETURN. Press ^C to cancel addition.Type the number of the message number you want to jump to and pressRETURN. Press ^C if you want to cancel jumping to another message.Type the name of the folder you want to open and press RETURN. Press ^T to geta list of all your folders and make a selection. Press ^C to cancel open.Type the name of the folder you want to add and press RETURN. Press ^C to cancel adding a new folder.Change the old name of the folder to the new name using the arrow and deletekeys and press RETURN. Press ^C to cancel rename.Enter your login name for the host you are opening the mailbox on. Just pressRETURN to use your login from this host as is, or edit it with delete key.Type your password for the host and login shown as part of the prompt. Press ^C to cancel opening folder.Enter the number associated with the printer you want to select. Press ^C tocancel the printer selection. The current selection is shown high lit.Type the name of the Unix print command and press RETURN. Press ^C to cancelthe printer selection.RETURN without entering anything the word in [] will be searched for.The keyboard is in use and locked by another user. Only that user canunlock this keyboard by typing the password.Type the name of file in your home directory to write the mail message into andpress RETURN. You may also give an absolute path or use "~". Use ^C to cancelAt the beginning of each month Pine offers to rename your current sent-mailfolder to one named for the month so you have a sent-mail folder for each monthIt is the beginning of the month, and we need to conserve diskspace. Please delete any sent-mail that you do not need.This emergency cancel is used when Pine is completely stuck. It'll dump a corefile for debugging and will NOT SAVE message under composition or status.Select the order for sorting the message index by typing the capitalized letter.Arrival is by arrival in your mailbox; Date is by time/day message was sent.Select one of the setup tasks by typing the capitalized letter.Type in your name as you want it to appear on outgoing email. This entry willbe saved into your Pine configuration file.INBOX syntax is usually {{:{}complete.machine.name}INBOXThis entry will be saved into your Pine configuration file.The name of the computer on your campus which relays your outgoing email to the Internet. This entry will be saved into your Pine configuration file.The username or login-id part of your email address. This entry will be saved into your Pine configuration file.The domain part of your email address, NOT the name of your PC. This entrywill be saved into your Pine configuration file.UAPPENDSavemailboxaddressfolder%sU0WVS]} j_P_jhAS_u%` 'jhHS_ h,SS_EhMSo ÃtQ `f4P]uUPjS t uAFhMS Ãut` t(P` P_` u^` ttKGwCPhdjuPjP` PG_jxP[^_[TRYCREATE]-no folder-%s : %s%s : %sUWVS]u }j hV0_ u` iVt {tCP uPjuPjVt {tCPh ` P_e[^_UUM ` 9Plu99t19Htt` 9Jt}+BtBx` Htá` 9u>9t` 9}+` UU` 9Plu9t@|ǀHtÐ` ǀanonymous%s@%sHOST: %s ENTER LOGIN NAME: HOST: %s USER: %s ENTER PASSWORD: UPWVS] u} tjj_` tFSffS` PPhVF_C=u` p(h_u*0to` 1uhEP_ jWjEPjjjOjjh?%(u1u,̃tǃu1huhEPh_jWjEPjjjOjjho$(u1u8̃tǃuhS_hhSy_hoVn_e[^_%ld %s searched %sUVSuu h]S_StFPhjjje[^Serious error saving mail folder "%s":Press return to retry saving or press ^Z to suspend Pine: Press return to retry saving or press ! to get to system prompt: Retry Please attempt to correct the error preventing the saving of the mail folder. For example if the disk is out of space try removing uneeded files. You might also contact your system administrator. Give the command "exit" to get back to Pine and try saving the folder again. cshUWVS]}u` 9u` 4jPf4QA7jj;tCPuPh8SC_ Sj4R>0Ӎ{W43` PJ9}#jj ;` PJG9|ޡ` thEh8P_8Sj4V=jj:0Ӎ{WV]3` PJ9}%jj w:` PJG9|08HP4P2jǃ  t!t7h<Y6j4P2h `&_36=` t` @1P5` h_h_h^_h_h_5`  ` @Pj4P255` D1([^_UE8.t#Pϼf@ f@ 5d Pj膾Uu襼5d P5d ?P^UucUSE] ` 9uP,u= ` 9Xt$9t` B9t9uRt]personal-namepersonal-name specifies your full name as it should appear on outgoing mail. # If unset, Unix Pine will obtain your full name from the system passwd file.user-idYour login/e-mail user nameuser-domainuser-domain specifies the domain part of your return address on outgoing # email and is also used as the default domain for email composed to a # local user. If unset, Unix Pine will obtain the domain from the system.smtp-serverList of SMTP servers for sending mail. You must have an SMTP server # for use with PC-Pine. Example: smtp-server=mailhost.u.washington.edu # If blank on Unix, sendmail will be used.inbox-pathinbox-path specifies the name/path/location of your INBOX. Example: # inbox-path={carson.u.washington.edu}inbox (INBOX on a remote computer) # Normal Unix default is the local INBOX (usually /user/spool/mail/$USER)incoming-foldersincoming-folders are those other than INBOX that receive new messages. # Folder syntax: optnl-label {optnl-imap-hostname}folder-path # Use only if you filter incoming email into multiple files or receive # email on several different machines. # Example: # incoming-folders=Consulting {carson.u.washington.edu}filter/to-help, # Widget-Project {carson.u.washington.edu}filter/to-widget, # Old-Student-Acct {imap.berkeley.edu}inboxfolder-collectionsfolder-collections specifies a list of folder collections wherein saved # messages are stored. The first collection is the default for saves. # Collection syntax: optnl-label {optnl-imap-hostname}optnl-directory-path[] # Example: # folder-collections=Saved-Email {foo.bar.edu}mail/[], # Widget-Project widget/[], <-- Valid only in Unix Pine # Local-PC mail\[] <-- Valid only in PC-Pinenews-collectionsnews-collections specifies one or more collections of news groups. # News collection syntax: optnl-label *{news-host/protocol}[] # Examples: # news-collections=News *[] <-- if your login host carries news # news-collections=Subscribed-Groups *{news.u.washington.edu/nntp}[]default-fccdefault-fcc specifies where a copy of outgoing mail is saved. If this is # not a path name, it will be in the the default collection for saves. # Unix Pine default is normally "sent-mail" in the default folder collection. # PC-Pine default is "SENTMAIL" (stored as SENTMAIL.MTX) # Example of remote case: {carson.u.washington.edu}sent-mail # To suppress saving of outgoing mail, set: default-fcc=""mail-directorymail-directory is where postponed & interrupted msgs are held temporarily.read-message-folderread-message-folder specifies where already-read messages will be stored. # If set, you will be asked when you quit Pine if you want read messages # to be moved to this folder and deleted from your INBOX.signature-filesignature-file specifies the name or path of a file containing text that # will automatically be inserted in outgoing mail.address-bookaddress-book specifies the filename or path name of Pine's addressbook. # Unix Pine default is normally ~/.addressbook # PC-Pine default is \PINE\ADDRBOOKfeature-listfeature-list= comma-separated list of features from the following set: # Note: the value "old-growth" is shorthand for the indicated features... # enable-full-header-cmd (included in old-growth set) # enable-unix-pipe-cmd (included in old-growth set) # enable-bounce-cmd (included in old-growth set) # enable-alternate-editor-cmd (included in old-growth set) # enable-suspend (included in old-growth set) # enable-tab-completion (included in old-growth set) # enable-jump-shortcut (included in old-growth set) # quit-without-confirm (included in old-growth set) # enable-apply-cmd (included in old-growth set) # enable-flag-cmd (included in old-growth set) # enable-zoom-cmd (included in old-growth set) # expanded-view-of-folders # use-function-keys # include-header-in-reply # signature-at-bottom # delete-skips-deleted # expunge-without-confirm # auto-move-read-msgs # e.g. # feature-list= old-growth, signature-at-bottom # The feature-list that is in effect when you are running Pine is the # combination of the feature-list set by the system manager in the pine.conf # file plus the feature-list set by you here. (PC-Pine doesn't have a # pine.conf so this doesn't apply in that case.) The feature-list is additive # and the order is significant. First the system-wide pine.conf values are # read, then yours. Any of the features listed above may also have the # characters "no-" prepended to it, to cancel its effect. So, for example, # you could set "feature-list= old-growth, no-quit-without-confirm" if you # wanted to have all of the old-growth features except for that one. Or, # if the system manager has set "old-growth" in the pine.conf file, you # can cancel that with "no-old-growth". The default condition for all # of the features is no-, that is, off.initial-keystroke-listPine executes these keys upon startup (e.g. to view msg 13: i,j,1,3,CR,v)saved-msg-name-rulesaved-msg-name-rule= determines default folder name for Saves... # Choose one: default-folder, by-sender, by-from, by-recipient, # last-folder-used. Normal default is "default-folder", which on Unix # means "saved-messages" and in PC-Pine means "SAVEMAIL"sort-keysort-key= order in which messages will be presented... # Choose one: subject, from, arrival, date, size. # Normal default is "arrival"character-setcharacter-set should reflect the capabilities of the display you have. # Normal default is US-ASCII. Typical alternatives include ISO-8859-x, # where x is a number between 1 and 9.editoreditor specifies the program invoked by ^_ in the Composer. # This is normally an alternative to Pine's internal composer (Pico)image-viewerProgram to view images if format such as GIF and TIFFuse-only-domain-nameUsed if "user-domain" not set. Strips hostname from user's return address. # Not applicable for PC-PineprinterYour printer selectionpersonal-print-commandSpecial print command if it isn't one of the standard printersstandard-printerThe system wide standard printerlast-time-prune-questionedDate last time you were asked about deleting old sent-mail (automatic)last-version-usedVersion of Pine used last session (set automatically)bugs-nicknameNickname of bugs entry to be automatically placed in all address booksbugs-fullnameFull name of bugs entry to be automatically placed in all address booksbugs-addressEmail address of bugs entry to be automatically placed in all address bookselm-style-saveElm-style-save is obsolete, use saved-msg-name-ruleheader-in-replyHeader-in-reply is obsolete, use include-header-in-reply in feature-listfeature-levelFeature-level is obsolete, use feature-listold-style-replyOld-style-reply is obsolete, use signature-at-bottom in feature-listcompose-mimeCompose-mime is obsoleteshow-all-charactersShow-all-characters is obsoletesave-by-senderSave-by-sender is obsolete, use saved-msg-name-ruleUEǀattached-to-ansilprnoinboxsent-mailsaplingarrivaldefault-folder.signaturemail.addressbook/usr/local/lib/pine.conf.pinercyes%d.%dseedlingold-growth%s%c[]toccSort type "%s" is not implemented yet Sort type "%s" is invalid by-senderby-fromby-recipientlast-folder-usedU$WVSuh6M`h6=h6-@h6h6 \h6h6h6D h6xh6h6h6h6Hh6zh6jd` $t jW$jWh6 ` (u/h6uS$!S ` (jW` (xjjWjjW$jjWjjWuh7T %jjWHjjW>jjW4$jjW' tj j_uj jj.@P_u3` BRh 7S_Sj.%uudždžjjW{ jjWq jjWg $jjWZ jj WP jjWF $jjW9 jjW/ `t8w`":"t A:\uBB:uʃujjW h7pu Dž)h7p%؃jj W h7%jj Wa jjWW jjWM $t%h y_uu uu}h j-jjW jj#W h78 uh7j#,h7jj W jjW u}t5h78th[@8uE8@C4t4?8}u }u }tO}t DŽ@?C}t DŽ@?C}t DŽ@7CDŽ@@Pj $$[^_SPACECRUPDOWNLEFTRIGHTCan't mix characters and function keys in "initial-keystroke-list", skipping. UWVSU 1Dž,Dž(oփ>d$0ҋ$ʃu$0?hD6 u DŽ0 hD6uDŽ0 C(,:Ft:fu2j j@P_B 0hD6u DŽ00khD6pu DŽ01KhD6Pu DŽ03+hD60u DŽ02 DŽ04C>t ,tX(t*hDh `_h#Eh `p_jy_1ۃ,t(u M@,u(t E Q M19}E0 B9|EtM  [^_UWVSM )UD B1|ty}u|mMU| `1ۋM )ȋUD8tF)E4)ΐMUD 4hP uCMD<uԅ8U )M|t{}u|oUM|`1ۋU )ЋMD8tF)E4)֐UMD4hP ]uCUD<uԅM )U|t{}u|oMU| `1ۋM )ȋUD8tF)E4)ΐMUD 4hP uCMD<uԅQ1ۃ?tC<uP U M )ʋMD 1ۃ?t;}u44hP OthP C<uU )ЋM\t}ShP uyU )ЋM\t}t\ShP uJU )ЋM\t}t-ShP uU )ЋMD 'P }uP!U M )ʋMD e[^_U WVS1ҋ} )Mtt1ۃ>t BC<u} )Mtt1ۃ>t BC<uPw} )MD Ett=1ۃ>t6)E4T}MT9 }G}C<uڋM )ȋ}tt=1ۃ>t6)E4M}T MAMC<uڋ} )MD }e[^_UWVSu |}Džx.>\u~$u F>~uc9|u[10(@<0t<0/uƄ(hSvكAGu>$uw1xFM>{u FCFA `P ut>t>}tF>t>}u>}uFEP#_t!9tAG9uG>t F>xtU:tE1h[^_Who are you? (Unable to look up login name) Folders directory name is longer than %d Directory name: "%s/%s" UWVSuDžNtEP  dž utlPB(/hMh `_hMgB(Dž zt!rhP |P2B */t &PhMB 0ҋ0щʉw*SS S3hhMa_hNE_[^_No host name or domain name set UWVS}h7<$jd0Vjd]SSVLJ xDt_@D8tWP T t<u 0't ` H t0 uhOh `c_1$[^_# Updated by Pine(tm) , copyright 1989-1993 University of Washington. # # Pine configuration file -- customize as needed. # # This file sets the configuration options used by Pine and PC-Pine. If you # are using Pine on a Unix system, there may be a system-wide configuration # file which sets the defaults for these variables. There are comments in # this file to explain each variable, but if you have questions about # specific settings see the section on configuration options in the Pine # notes. On Unix, run pine -conf to see how system defaults have been set. # For variables that accept multiple values, list elements are separated # by commas. A line beginning with a space or tab is considered to be a # continuation of the previous line. For a variable to be unset its value # must be blank. To set a variable to the empty string its value should # be "". You can override system defaults by setting a variable to the # empty string. Switch variables are set to either "yes" or "no", and # default to "no". Syntax error in %s: continuation line with nothing to continue: %s Syntax error in %s: "%s" U0WVSu EEu}u ` EMM9tE8 uEEM9uEЍ\@ SESjP_ MEE}unjh9QP_ uZj,EP觷_EtBj0hPQP_ u.8E0jhQuķ_ u <MM9];t; tEE8t8 uM9 u E@E;#u-}MaSEM M;t ; t; uIB: t: t:tSuh?Uh `1_}JE`Mu ;t@>t@M}0JRSu跶_E t ;t>uȃ>u+}E`S4EM MFt!}uEHSE܋MqFu+}E`SE؋M Md>0҉UT:t: t: uB:u:=tCSuhUh `_}E`SjEԋM MB: t: tӀ;u&F}EHpR;"u;F u5Cڀ;t;"tB:t:"u:"uS^SV1F ty1Eڀ:"u4:,ut : t:uEЀ:t: u$9Uw: u,B: t: tBUB뭐EEPuS<E }FF t8~t'^;tSv;uFPbMN!~t FPESFEHpɀ`H EcFt\F t8~t'^;tS;uFPEF!~t FPShFM9E`MQ1e[^_Unbalanced parenthesesUWVS}EE @PEE?;"u E4%E;\u{"uC;,u}t+;tCϐ}t}MZ9tasS `Pt9s `UNMAt9r)P&UMBU9w G@9v߀?t!G?,t `Pu?MUEe[^_.pinercw%s%s%s %s%s%s= %s="" ,= %s%s%s%s "%s=%s%s%s # %s %s ########################### Essential Parameters ########################### %s ###################### Collections, Folders, and Files #################################################### Preferences ########################################## Set within or by Pine: No need to edit below this line ########## # %s %s=%s Error saving configuration in file "%s": %sUdWVS1)\j/M(i_Ãt M(h+\Vƃt/VSЯ_VR_h2\S_M;t c;u5Mu}=<u=8t hPQMh9Qh4\螥_t8;\MtMPhQh=\b_F$<?^C t {t ,{uF0hB\ _ C tC8tC u,C8uF0hG\Ѥ_ C tn1Cƒ8M|tN\PC4P\tMPR\uPhT\m_GS<uJMFt^\PFpMFt^\PF0h`\_FHFt`95s6~t00~HvFpFPt"Fphk\袣_  6hq\脣_  F#>M;C$< xMtXuhu\-uh\duh]Du!ha]h\_ S{tsh]Ƣ_ .C t{t&{u3hB\蔢_ C tC8tC u(C8u3hG\\_ C tf1Cƒ8twM|tN\PC4P\tMPR\uPhT\_tiGS<us3h]ӡ_t?;o_t M(P|1*5< `5PM(h]jjj[^_reverseU WVSu >t$0HPh1cV誷 uM 1Ej/V1ƒt3B0HPh1cRW E1ۡ` ƒ40IQV4{EPE tC` 4u` 4t-EM` 4,1e[^_# /usr/local/lib/pine.conf -- system wide pine configuration # # Values here affect all pine users unless they've overidden the values # in their .pinerc files. A blank copy of this file may be obtained # by running "pine -conf". It will be printed on the standard output. # # For a variable to be unset its value must be blank. # To set a variable to the empty string its value should be "". # Switch variables are set to either "yes" or "no", and default to "no". # # (These comments are automatically inserted.) %s= %s="" %s=%s Error writing config to stdout: %s UWVSjhh6 ` hudh `莝_hdh `_heh `p_hIeh `a_ heh `O_heh `@_h fh `1_hVfh `"_ =C$<{tshk\V_ C {u3hfV˜_ 1Cƒ8tTM|tN\PC4P\tMPR\uPhT\Vv_GS<uh;\VU_O{u3hfV=_ 70{u3hfV_ s3hfV_t;j1_5< `Phfh `͛_j_Trying to set non-user variable %sUVSu ` M)Cu3hh1{t CP3{ t C P!tVCCtV觾C C 5` fe[^BOTCH: Trying to set non-user or non-list variable %sUWVS} ` M)F$(<(t6hiR~t61ۋF8t FP@CF<uFP*~ t61ۋF 8t F PCF <uF Ptm1ۃ?tC<uSTFSKF 1ۃ?t(4XV4JV C<uڋFF 5` e[^_The "mail" subdirectory already exists, but it is not writable by pine so pine cannot run. Please correct the permissions and restart pine. Pine requires a directory called "mail" and usualy creates it. You already have a regular file called "mail" which is in the way. Please move or remove "mail" and start pine again. Creating subdirectory "%s" where pine will store its mail folders. Error creating subdirectory "%s" : %s US]Sttt?}hj_hEkhk _hk_hl_EShCl_jr_S}!5< `PShl趜_1]saved-messagesUS` p?fÃu` X` ftU` Scs\` xi}` sl36 h[mStcs\h[m;i}h[msl3 S e]UUE zu!xu 02膫Ãzu Ðxt R+Pø%s*U WVShJhjV-_0} Ht}uhM&u hnS褞_Sukb1Ur\!h9}jUr\WgXu S_u?u S贞_t/S觸@PF9sG뇐hMn:t*8t#ztB8th@nj)PR茚_[^_SENTREADUWVSjp_EEPT_Ë` u:K[@Ph 7]SX_Sj18` tC9u C9}ы{l{` p cƃu` p` t98t.Pft hoW` V` $t9$8t.P5ft hoW` $V` K[BRh 7]S_SjNe[^_-%s-%2dMove current "%s" to "%s"Error renaming "%s": %sUWVSuu uX`Xt)8tV9St t8ut8u^1ۅ{u \Q蹛_u V誛_ع BXRYXPdS~_S8 WShq0҉҉XDPܚ_V\hqxSĚ_ jhjjnSȟXn ` VE0Cà u$` 9BltrlVM1à PQSE0]Xu45< `Pu @SPhqjjj`jx腛 u څuMQlRE0j uu`r` t";tSn;u`PWL[^_Deleting old %s mail. Remove "%s"Error deleting "%s".UWVS} ]€8hdRuhtd_jhjjnd$yus` 37 u"` 9Bltrl37| 3Q7 u#3h:tjjj踘jxjr_t :KX[^_UNo help text currently availableHELP FOR FOLDER INDEX VIEWHELP FOR MESSAGE VIEWNo default command in View Message ScreenNo message to viewSaveViewSave or View attachment %s ? (s/v) [s] svAttachment cancelledNo message in folderAlready on first messageore messagesessages in folderNo m%s. Press TAB for next folder.. No more folders to TAB to.Can't delete message. Folder is read-onlyCan't delete message. Error accessing folderLast message %ld\DELETEDMessage %ld already deletedLast undeleted messageCan't undelete message. Folder is read-onlyCan't undelete message. Error accessing folderNo message to undeleteCan't undelete a message that isn't deletedDeletion mark removed, message won't be deletedCan't reply to message. Error accessing folderNo message to reply toNo message in folder to forwardCan't forward message. Error accessing folderFolder is empty. No message to forwardAlready in IndexZoom command not implemented yetNo messages to jump toNo messages to searchCan't yank address into address book. Error accessing folderCan't save message. Error accessing foldereXclude of deleted news not implemented yet.Can't expunge. Folder is read-onlyNothing to Expunge! No messages marked "Deleted".sExpunge %ld message%s from %s** Expunged %s message%s from folder "%s"No messages to expunge from folder "%s"Unexclude command not implemented yetUnexclude not available for mail foldersApply command not implemented yetnews groupfolderNo more messages. %sView next %s "%s"Command cancelledNo more %ssundeletednewNo more %s messagesnffDisplay of full headers is now o%sBounce command not implemented yetFlag command not implemented yetPiping message into UNIX command not implemented yetF1?Command "%s" not defined for this screen. Use %s for helpUWVSUM u` ` ` ` ` D@DžH1t!ttnt t B=3$<} X\\\\\\\\\\ 4̛(`nlTn`8@ T (ln8 `4Xn`̛` }hLujjjutmuPjtiPX ` }m ` _uhujjt(`  hu` DjRơ` cDž\uDž`uDždFPhuhS菊_jjjxjs\PhvjjSM0vt= stxtSV` D4jUV` D4ZHhvjj` zD~D` D^h>vjjO` ~"D9~GD` dv~WvRhvvhPR_` Pft` xt @@`u4` Pfu` *t` @@btJ` P\S;_` pSSRt h~vhvhP_hPjjj"` P&ft` xt @@`` Pfu` *` }.A` Z` @ tX|OPMft` xt @@`u&` P!fu` *u` @ thvjj` t` 'j` D4$Ë` 4j#ƃtt` thvjj` D95=wh=wl=wpf=wftƅhF u[` D4hw]S%_h#wS` %V;` WGy 8huDh,whP̅_ h9whP_DžX` ud|[PIft` xt @@`u4` Pfu` *t` @@bt*jXPD@P` L8` u+D9~GD.` t Xt` 8DhthBwhP_` P<ft` xt @@`u4` Pfu` *t` @@btpXughuhJwhPY_` P\S__` pSSMt h~vhvhP_hPhP@` } D` ` @ tX|OPft` xt @@`u&` Pfu` *u` @ thawjj;j` D4Ë` 4>ƃtt` thwjj` hwjjF uhwj` D4hw]S_h#wS` !V7` W@u hxjjjy`  ` !M` t u> ` } ` uh(vjjTP` D4YË` 4ƃt t Tuh0xjH` h`xjjiTS65` W u` ` uhxxjj TP` D4uË` 4ƃt t Tuhxjd` hxjj TS65` ` tjW` }  ` Tv+`  ¸t B5` 7`  `  } ` t ` a ztB@`uRP` @PPPjjz& P PP?-< u` % t hx `  hy `   ` ,jt&tBЃ w$y8` 86 ` 8D `  }  `  ` ? `  uh(vjj j` D4à u hSyj& jST`  }  ` uh(vjj j` D4Ë` 4ƃtu hyjz DžLDLPVj) uL` qLt`  ` F G ` @ t`|WP1ft` xt @@`u.` Pf ` * ` @  ` D4hw]Sz_h#wS` ^V`0` Wn 貳V `  } ` uh(vjjDj` ` Pft` xt @@`u&` Pfu` *u hyj>` @ tX|OPgft` xt @@`u&` P;fu` *u` @ t hyj` Ãuh zj` ujP'2PAzu@zPShCzhSx_` jjjxjyS},n_xujjܽL` D7hazjjj` PK h `n_` rkDgtX` 9~0ڋ9t A9` 9~ &` ` ǀ` Dhdzjj迿"h `n_` ~_P0P` Azu@zR` Phgzjjjw` ǀ` P#0PhzjX` |MPft` xt @@`u&` Pgfu` *u zzP` h{j9` ǀ` i` 1ۀ|MPft` xt @@`u&` Pfu` *uSXPD@P` 8Xt6~` 8DXt` ƅ S` |MP ft` xt @@`u&` Pfu` *u *{5{PF<{t@zPhP{8s_jjjxjy8x<( [%s] : SAVE to folder [%s] : Error reading folder nameSave message cancelledNo folder named; save message cancelled...Message %s copied to "%.15s%s" in <%.15s%s>Message %s copied to folder "%.27s%s" and marked deletedUDWVSDžDž} u hz` p5u` @` jM 1 ƒ ~` tz tB FzB6` tztBz VB ztB@*` @Dž@`t=` Ǭ0ۋ׈Ӊރ<!tE~@Phs~t NN<>!tF9|T) ; `Pt  8C9})ƀ@` t=0t&=0f` PtB`uRpu1ۍ` @tVD DC` @tT>D DCDž ` @t DD  D ĜC` tcDž @t |D ԜD؜CDŽ+E1,` @xpt&hphk_hhk_ jVPjjj@juEPÃ(uT` XEPPj5` h` X' u1҅u u7` RpuS9B`u䉕܃ uG` @pu {@`9u u+EP0ajjXPGt}u =t u}u hMK]SuSiu0}u hS EPh&j_]Sjft"p\S4ƒt RSi_uu uVSÃ` @xpVf0ҋq҉H@zvvRp0}H@zvvREPumPhzhP h_mhjjjh5jjj8h10}H@zvvREPuPhhP Sh_` tv@ tY|PPft` zt B@`u&` Pfu1` *u#` @ uh̝hP h_hP jjjEg؍[^_Problem creating space for message text.Folder "%.15s%s" in <%.15s%s> doesn't exist. CreateFolder "%.40s" doesn't exist. CreateU4WVSu]jjjẺE؃ uhjjj}f13` Zƒt'Rut3` ƒuEP1-Ru;jjuETuE0ҋ}̈щHPuEPEPTС` (PVPrE̅u` X|` SE 0EЃ(u%` 9BltrlSE 0{EЃ ` 1EPSuЋE 0FEԃF ` BxptrSftdE x0щH@zvvRE p0щH@zvvRSh>hP d_ShrhP d_ jjjnjyhP iyu?SSu uv EPE 0)Ẽ t*EjUR@Ѓh5jjjd` EPEԍe[^_Can't export message. Error accessing mail folderPine demo can't export messages to filesFile (in home directory) to save message text in: Export message cancelled%s in file nameError expanding file name: "%s" unknown userFile "%s" already exists. Append message to itError opening file "%s" to export message: %s@%s%s%sthe-concourse-on-high %sFrom %s Error exporting to file "%s" : %sMessage %s exported to file "%s"UWVS` M PSS`  t uh_jjja` thjjjaDžƅjjhjjhjuVMÃ(u1ut뻐VrmVmt uhjjja{VWa_V6 t Ph6~uKhWȯuWj/W-qtWhjjjajxwbj`_/tV` WA jPDuQPhG(S`_jjjnjySe jjjYEjTZjX_X[^_ToFldrs [%s] GOTO %s in <%.20s> %s%s: GOTO folder %s: Open Folder cancelledOpen folder cancelledUWVSDžƅ@Dž` (P` P-d%` t%}t}?t 7` @ ` @1ɍ} t ` @tS C} t D  D } t  @zA} t D D@z` Bxp @t DD DA ` @t \D DĜA` tR  @t DD ԜD؜ADŽ($} tkxtNt ǃ5` (h PU_Dž Džƅ` @xptM@ztPPp5{@`t*{RhlPU_1@ztPPh/lPT_jPlPjjj@juh@>(uV` X!h@Pj5` 豑,` Xpiu1uH u+` PRpzpt Bp9u쉕 u#@pu` @ u/h@jjǘh@]_h@^=@u/u hWd=@uh@S_h@SS_Sit5}7@%hjjjh@jjjR1[^_postponed-mailCan't open "%s". To continue postponed mail, give compose commandinterrupted-mailTo continue interrupted mail, give compose command. (Can't open %s.)Can't find Incoming Folder %s.Opened folder "INBOX" with %s message%sOpening "%s"...no_mailbox>Folder "%s" reopenedNo folder opened READONLYNews groupFolder%s "%s" opened with %s message%s%sUWVS] Dž` 9Xu"tPuQ_C uպuhպhu'uh'h8Dž` (Pu\t` p|uQ_u Džt` ZzltBl9 uPP_uvteuftUs\uu3Cbt=s\u}+uh~jjjP1 PPWP_` zlwPt ` plHtǀǀǀǀǀߡ` ` ` ` 0Ҁ@` Pǭ ft'` HH` ¬R@PKO_` (P` P/O_` ppB&>` ppP蠻` @ztAzP` nPhjjjNwuP舛u 1[DžDž` P_h` pFh` (P` P'N_u0` HtPp0 ` P` 5uPhƻjjjyMjxN` t` }t` @| Pj1t uPd` }t3jjjj@jq)Bu[^_UWVS} }j` 4u` 4u@ 1 9}79]~;j` 4u<` 4utb@ t^)~;j` 4u` 4uSt@ tF)m>9Ea1e[^_Word to search for [%s] : Search cancelledWord not found. Search wrapped to beginningWord found%sUWVSu }h4h1hP>_1ƅ jSjhPjjjdjuPMj(u1ѐt˃tu>=4uhLjjj >1uh4P>_Ph4>_^9 h4S!PLuIC9~9}#h4S!PLuC9|h^jjj="n9~@zPhjjj=؍[^_message %ld Error printing messageU$VSuVh]Sr=_S耯u^EP` 4{h@juP` 4Y? uh jjj<1 e[^Sort by ,[size]Reverse,Reverse (type %s or R): safdzrU8WVSDža 8 < @Dž` ƒ484-PV%9u `th2<_` 094uh<_[C` 4f,P;_1t FO)ȃ u,%9t `*%9t ` CG;_` 094u!h;_K]C` 4ThTDŽh8Q:_Ph0ЋDP,:_jhjxPhju?< $lX0D` ǀ0` ǀ0s` ǀ0_` ǀ0K` ǀ07` 4jj~j` Pl[^_Enter attachment number to view or save (%s - %s) : No such attachment number "%s". Must be in displayed listUWVS` {@t @{@uCP` PhEP 8_ƅ8Dž48j4jEPjjjdjuWacƃ(uDž4ːt 8uhvjjj671uWnCWC` ;tCPW7_t@;u;u*Wh jjje7jx8j7_?3؍([^_Unable to access body part %sFormatting error: %sUWVSEu]URVP` ǃu(Vhh6_}MuuoM Aw<$TlthhX3vt;uM f9u hWjuWEPYuutPhh5_1}tM1=t 1e[^_nameFile (in home directory) to save attachment in: Save attachment cancelledPine demo can't save attachmentsFile "%s" already exists. Overwrite itSave of attachment cancelledError opening destination %s: %s)(decoded from linesPart %s, %s%s written to "%s"%s%s%s%s: Error writing attachment to "%s"UWVSMQf:%Zt9h3l@t[ut{tsP4_ƅ1jWjhjjhjuVf_(u1utːt uh8jjtVS4_Sn?S?VjtPhjjj:~uKhSuWj/S]CtShjjjN3jx4j3_$/tV` Sq ` thSjjjx2jSN~uNShu0S2_jjjnjnS7 nuhjjj#2P4_jSj u$5< `ՇPShjjj2q ,Pj,(PEPMqu ƒ (OPhS!_jS!_jS!_jWhhh"_,j<"_jj+_jj+_jj+_ǃS._ƒt t9ujs+_Wjk+_j^+_P:wu j|+_1hS>"_tS-_hS!_ tHC0щƄ tShjjj'+F롐-!_uu hjjj*jxQ,|[^_Xxx %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %04dUUB %PB ?PfBf?PBPB PfB fP;PhhF*_?HelpOOTHER CMDSMMain MenuV[ViewMsg]PPrevMsgNNextMsg-PrevPageSpcNextPageDDeleteUUndeleteRReplyFForwardQQuitCComposeLListFldrsGGotoFldrZZoomWWhereIsYPrintTTakeAddrSSaveEExportX&unXcludeAApply$SortIndexJJumpTabNextNewHHdrModeBBounce*Flag|PipeFwd EmailFOLDER INDEXeXcludeeXpungeUVSu}tf}t jj` jjh} djhEP#_` t ,` } d` ue` ue` |e` ue` ue` ue` |MP莆ft` xt @@`u&` Pbfu` *u ej5|jj` pEPSz|t[e[^No folder is currently openError calculating index position%c %c>Already on first page.Already on last pagePine suspension not enabled - see help textUWVSxEuEEE|u#h}jjj%F _MEyEutMttu 1Puj'UEE }Mu9+u}$~dž}EE9EM9tn}| 9}Ëu|9}}|9]}]=|9}} h覔=| 9E}EM~2}|MMǁudžMu~ u9Et |^t Mutjjjj2Mu9t'aS6=|^M u5 Mu9t9~U9~УxMuM9` ttV 8+u+RhjE+EPku[-8+u+RhjM+EPk MuPjE+EPjcuPj+EPj cM uu>EM싶u` @Mt%uEPjjjuMWV#juP_Llj ! `xt%9u  `<}u w}u w WYǃoi(* / @+-}!tx:t`WtD;8t|59P` twou螏|Mu9u~M+MuhjjjOEEu9| hjjj#/utSMuhjjj;{u\uEMEPSjW7M9u8'E+EP` u4L MA e[^_USE] } tH@]UWVS` 8W5Ã9~)9jFPu\`i9 |{9u` u_SPjFPdf9uB` t/S-8+u+RhjFPf_CF9Yh `S_e[^_%ldU WVS}u Vh]S_SW觺VWLPá` u^jEPh[Sne` u^h `_e[^_ %-3ld[ No Message Text Available ] %-3ld %-*.*s%c %s %-3ld %s %2d %*.*sTo: %-*.*s %-*.*s(%s) %-*.*s(%sK) (****)%s%s%s%sUtWVSup8j` M4wƋ` M4ȸtuuhb_>~~~ ~~~u{~uu~ uo~$ui~(uc~,u]~0uWhl} ~q ƒ1R` ~ T ƒ1RuhB_Pv-ƅ ^t*5` SNtƅ+[t t,Pu诽PPh]S_0H` @y Dž~ t5` v MtqVu.V u'hhEP_ojR$LPPPhEP_P|8 3 ` E4MQ1E0}H` @8*xwVpf6Rh׈։)P׈҉)PhsxwqPй1S5Rh0ۉ׈։)P׈҉)PhMQs_&E MEE E0}ЍP` pP}P++)V` M4S!0҉߈҉|9s. 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Use the "V" command to view or save this part] [Can not display this part. Use the "V" command to save in a file] [Unable to print this part]UWVSu ]hf>u#Pf>u v$  v(|PjvvPOP*~uPFuP~uPuhh.hP _0P O E,tt ^t?VhR:h]Sjf>tf>thSPhh]S6hS+P e[^_MMain MenuEExit Help-PrevPageSpcNextPageYPrintWWhereIs?HelpOOTHER CMDSVViewAttchPPrevMsgNNextMsgDDeleteUUndeleteRReplyFForwardQQuitCComposeLListFldrsGGotoFldrIIndexTTakeAddrSSaveExportJJumpTABNextNewHHdrModeBBounce*Flag|PipeFwd EmailExit ViewerNo help text currently availableAlready in HelpHELP FOR ATTACHMENT TEXT VIEWHELP FOR MESSAGE TEXT VIEWAlready at start of helpAlready at start of textAlready at start of messageAlready at end of helpAlready at end of textAlready at end of messageHelp ScreenAttachment Text ScreenMessage View ScreenNo default command in %sSearch wrapped to start. %sFound on line %s on screenSearch cancelledWord not foundPine suspension not enabled - see help textattachment help text F1Command "%s" not defined for this screen. Use %s for helpUPWVSEx` E` ` ` E1EEEE}ЉUЃ}t EE8tE؋U؋Eti3UhU;uJuCt?jjV_O VSjhP Z_tƀP hP FUՐOS1e[^Word to search for [%s] : UVSuh,hr/hP_1ƅ jSjhPjjjdjVP_ (u1u\ȃtÃt=,uu+tPh,_h,u J [^UWV e^_UWV  e^_UVSE UM]u5 e[^UVSb=t 511\jP&39~6P9}P34jP"$C` +9|h `-_e[^US19~C=u#<tP1 C9=u?=t65~_=t5_h]U=thhUWVS` 9C[} =uIh URjP_ MP=U E=5>fMfM9}wՉ+ E PhbUPhJ=] EZ=g5>@71E>tw> tr> tm>u!VtHHtDFHu9> uH9}CuFu<wF> uFuFC9}tuf+Uf U9}wv+EPh) MPh=]E> u~ u > t > F+` +@919~*<tP~C9֡` +@Ph Pj5_UPh1&<u5~C` +9~ƍ=V5e[^_UWVSUujj;jP5_5jjEP_ju5_ 1ۡ` +9=<t{554_ t`<0щMfufNf4ZC` 0+59|=t<tC` +9|͍e[^_piw+bUS1E=uC=uh7j"'h75._u1jj5Y_ jj5G_5jjEPt_55hP _ t'5(_E5jjEP2_Cjj5_؋]UWVSu} ` +95ua=u Vu9) 9}++ 9}HP58t595j=u+) 9~3P9}P4jHP95|bjI =u )P9}P4j595h `_e[^_U塨UWVS` +P1=u=GuF95TL=uP9~ W)P=~P)4L3_X =~Ƅ(Uu Lu F95m95=u 1j/19uTH=uP9~ W)P=~P)4Hg_X =~Ƅ(Uu H-u F9up9ut<[^_%-*s: %s UWVS}u P E]tJ0҃;t;I19MvM;t;I1ɉM[u} ~E P ]tISuRuRuhW<V_0щMt[uP e[^_* UWVS1ۋ=` j_ut +}tu} u$O} u+9|C  }t}u 1P,uotk hH=jjj` P~ h `_u|ouhJ=jjh `_}t utyltsu9wltkhH=jj>j` P h `l_wlnuhJ=jj[h `9_` ~<5P19GltR` ~UE` A9?Ëu9}Љ` P` P}` +C9|ʋC9}` tNPE` 9|,uu쐐ʋuC9}EԼ}t>` Ѓ~Q9|S‹u94t,C` 9}3` ~ǀ` ǀ}t7` 9|#uu쐉ʋu9u C9}䃿}u E$` 9}+uK]}t EP ` 0u @t蚿t:Gl9t/x~)` Px@xwtRjwlstULJLJ` ǀЍe[^_regardingconcerningaboutas toas regardsas respectsin rererespectingin point ofwith regard tosubject:%ld new messages!New mail!%ld messages saved to folder "%s"Mail saved to folder "%s" Most recent from %s Most recent from %s@%s%s%s From %s From %s@%s with no subject %s %.199s%s%s%sUWVS} ]juugƃ u8~ ShgBQ yBL }BPf BfT5~WShBLP _WhBLP_ ~vtF~ t@F 8t0hBP_ 'F p phBP_ƅPLPhBjjjtH~ tBF 8t0hBPO_ )F p phBP._ƅt~u8C-v_ 14 hC8P_8PPLPh#Cjjj;@[^_** UWVS}` j@ Z=<Mt0u $ tuH=Duj_Dj_+D9H}) HɉMHЉ9~ UHt,<[9}jo_+@9h Ejjj` PWh `ѽ_` ig<j_@ hEjjJh `苽_1e[^_U=Duj_D<@<uj_@j_+D~!jr_+DH HЉ HM9}Sj,_+D~!j_+DH HЉ HMHj_DU<j_@UMAIL FOLDER "%s" CLOSED DUE TO ACCESS ERRORUS11ɋ` $(<u$ ` 9Blu` $<uu/t ` ( ` P,~PhGjjj؋]Enter password to LOCK keyboard : Lock keyboard cancelledReally lock keyboard with entered passwordPassword to UNLOCK doesn't match password used to LOCKEnter password to UNLOCK keyboard : Keyboard UnlockedUVS5` 1ƅ`)FKEjSjhHjjjjjEPO(u1אt%}ttjjjnjyhHythHjjj@ u#IP@(u-IPFL`VEP_tk`t!h7Ijjjjxj_1ېjSjhoIjjjjjVf(u1uhϐt념hIjjj@1X[^KEYBOARD LOCKYou may lock this keyboard so that no one else can access your mailwhile you are away. The screen will be locked after entering the password to be used for unlocking the keyboard when you return.UjjjjjhKeh&Kjj $hjKjj hKjj h `ݷ_UE U [This keyboard is locked by %s <%s>.To unlock, enter password used to lock the keyboard.U<jjjjjhKd55 hcLjj ,hLjjh `_ Welcome to Pine... a Program for Internet News and Email. Pine offers the ability to: -Access local and remote message folders using a simple user-interface -Send documents, graphics, etc (via the MIME standard for attachments)COMMANDS IN PINE: The last two lines on the screen tell you whatcommands are available for the current situation. Usually thereare more commands than can be shown on two lines, so use the "O"key to see what OTHER COMMANDS are available. The "O" is optional;it is not necessary for a command to be visible before using it(except when Pine is used in function-key mode; then F2 is required.)PINE CONFIGURATION: Pine will create a default configuration file,.pinerc, in your home directory. You may edit this file to selectvarious options. It will also create a "mail" subdirectory for yoursaved-message folders. PLEASE type "?" from the Main Menu for help. This is a new version of Pine! Your Pine configuration file shows that you have not used Pine 3.89 before. There are a small number of visible changes since Pine 3.88, but this is primarily a "bug fix" release. Details of changes in this, and previous, versions of Pine can be found in the Release Notes ("R" command off Main Menu). This message will appear only once.?HelpOOTHER CMDSPPrevCmdNNextCmdRRelNotesKKBLockQQuitCComposeLListFldrsGGotoFldrIIndexSSetupAAddrBook3.89HOMECan't access terminal or input is not a terminal. Redirection of standard input is not allowed. For example "pine < file" doesn't work. Terminal type (envronment variable TERM) not set. TERMTerminal type "%s", is unknown. Can't open termcap file; check TERMCAP variable and/or system manager. Your terminal, of type "%s", is lacking functions needed to run pine. INBOX Executing initial-keystroke-list......news messagesmail folder Please wait, opening %s......folder Unable to open %s "%s". Pine finished interrupted-mailUse compose command to continue composing last message. It was interrupted., Bad address: %s UWVS]hvhjVc_5` džFldžƆ` @@@$j` ǂǂ,ߡ` ǀǀ4ǀ8ǀ<ǀ@ǀDǀHj@` ǂߡ` ` ߡ` ` ` ` ǀP`_P_ E Pu SVáR R hRi_thRR_P( t  PhNh FhFhFhhFhFhػFVV} } j_V&}j_VE 8u} jҫ_3V%t&hRh `g_hSh `X_j虫_Pƒtwt2t;QtuFhMShS_PhS"hSr_hS_PhSW_ h5TJ_Vj _@$u }8jjjV thh$P7TF(f;TfF,oE 8džFltWhPjjV h=TjjhPjjV t>߃t @t @ jjjjP}T}oTRhTjj h `n_tpvSaojxYj躲_@PVD}ST}oTRhTڮ_j裨_vF(Pat|t` u }hTS |"jSuhTjjj腱$_t >u_VЃ됐] Dž;t0ҋ;);u担P] ;t4:thAUR~_3n_;uύPhP p t%hP DPjP Pq@PV/ uhDUh `__j蠦_j虦_ %s HELP - Get help using Pine %s COMPOSE MESSAGE - Compose and send a message %s FOLDER INDEX - View messages in current folder %s FOLDER LIST - Select a folder to view %s ADDRESS BOOK - Update address book %s SETUP - Configure or update Pine %s QUIT - Exit the Pine programHELP FOR MAIN MENUAlready at top of listAlready at bottom of listNEWS ABOUT PINEUse "L" to list FoldersAlready in MainPine suspension not enabled - see help textF1Command "%s" not defined for this screen. Use %s for helpU WVSu5` EhExF_Fe u tu 1Pjj( |thPuuVEESɮj~1Pwlj! `xt%9u  `=Qu w t tuW@thpht! `Xtڈ%9u  `qt S,Ãsvfq82 .?la3cm31igk'lRipno\Fqr-^<z tF2ZHdS10tZ)5 jh^h|louEc=hv h"h^jjju=h w'h=QuE h^jjj5jh_hTv ` >mTvaUtIh_jjj` @EEPjjP uPW`  jP` 8_zh1_jjj tOuhB_jjjV袦5袛9R@to_PW.Phr_jjjbVe[^_U` hPjj5` MAIN MENU]%sUWVS]} t<uuttjjjjjhe>Ktu [jhEP(_` te$[%hlD W @th$_heh$_G @($` @ththtcPheh0D_G @$0jujj` pEPWEHe[^_Copyright 1989-1993. PINE is a trademark of the University of Washington.UWVS` @P9TVl}t9Lth9PuFt<NP^lW_` @Ƅ(Th 9uMWjVVh 9uNF` 91 h L}u hgj` P h `_D[^_PrinterNewpasswordOptionsUpdateExitSETUP (Printer,Newpassword,Options,Update,[Exit]; type PNOU or E): pnoueUPWVUEǾsijhjxjehPhijRP葩$xujjee^_Connecting to update server*{pine.cac.washington.edu/anonymous}updatesNo options screen yetPassword change unavailable in restricted demo version of Pine.UE$jkkkkkkkkk`kLkkkkkkkhjjjj$jh4jQ` Ðh`jjjjÐ` t"hvjjjjΡjx諣j _Ð{f` cN` SELECT PRINTEREnter printer number from above (1-3): Invalid number entered. Use only digits 0-9Printer number %s must be greater than 0Printer number must be %s or lessPrinter selection cancelledattached-to-ansiCommand for custom printer: Can select custom printer in Pine demoPrinter set to "%s"; configuration savedUWVSjjjjjhkD` @rjP9 jxȡE1jVjhkjjjOjjEPÃ(u1uDʐ}MU `Pu}-uA `Pu9-t9thkjjjKDj jEP蓠_ PBPh$l9~LW.PhNljjj艟Ej۠j<_hqlj$uhlu#` j;Ã` tuNPLP8_1jVjhljjjcjjLP0Ã(u 1uPƍCv` thljjjYuhqljjjALSjrSjjÃu!` Xhljjj(@[^_1. Printer attached to IBM PC or compatible, MacIntoshThis may not work with all attached printers, and will depend on theterminal emulation/communications software in use. It is known to workwith Kermit and the latest UW version of NCSA telnet on Macs and PCs,Versaterm Pro on Macs, and WRQ Reflections on PCs.Command:2. Standard UNIX print commandUsing this option may require setting your "PRINTER" or "LPDEST"environment variable using the standard UNIX utilities.Command: 3. Personally selected print commandThe text to be printed will be piped into the command given here. Someexamples are: "prt", "lpr", "lp", or "enscript". The command may be givenwith options, for example "enscript -2 -r" or "lpr -Plpacc170". Thecommands and options on your system may be different from these examples.UWVSEhojjhojjh/pjj$hvpjjhpjjhpj j` Xl1t FO)ȃ$u EhljSC7` Xl1t FO)ȃ ugChpjSChqjSChXqjSC$hqj S`  t$Xܙ_u E` uNPjSCe`  tX}_uChqjSC"hqjSChrjSC$hPrjSChrjSChqj S$}u` tuNPjS }uh `_e[^_PINE is a trademark of the University of Washington.Type any character to continue : UVSu|t$tjS C` 9|hGuj ` Ph|uj` Pjxve[^Really quit pine Pine finished USE|Du;jhtjxjyh-vFytxu jjDEHCUBl9؉PQUBzltuJlE(PrltQE@PutWEtPEtPEtPEtPϴEtP赴EtP蛴MQ菴h>v!_j_]%ld:%ldUWVSu1~u1` 9u#}` N9VvvRhw]SP_SVA219^v!CPV1t@ tGC9^we[^_UWVSu1~u1` 9u#}` N9VvvRhw]S謔_SV119^v$CPV21t @$0<uGC9^w߉e[^_UVSu` 9u }` N9VvvRhw]S_SV 19^r,` 4V0t@0tC9^s9^s^؍e[^UWVSu}t` 9u"}` N9VvvRhw]Sh_SVY0] 9^rN` 4V/t!@ u}u@ut C9^s9^vFe[^_USM] u 09~9XtB9~ 9uЋ]UWVS}` 9u#}` O9WvwRhw]ST_SWE/19_r&` 4W.@uFC9_s܉e[^_UWVS} tuGtn8{t 8*udx{u^E8{t 8*uQx{uKjV7P$t3jS7w$tSVPu1[^_UE8{uxtx}tj}P誑_u 0Ð1UWVS}u ]Sft'8{uxtx}tj}P]_u(Fl.;{u#{t{}tj}CP8_tSZe[^_Remember: the "O" command is always optionalUh` u }hu =h ~huh|jjjُ Bug in Pine detected: "%s". Exiting pine. ffoUj` HP=` t` @1P5` E uhu}h `z_j軅_Pine paniced. (Reason for panic is too long to tell)UWSU0H=v h~u RS _S [_No printer has been chosen. Use SETUP on main menu to make choice./tmp/pine-print-output-%dattached-to-ansiPrint %susing "%s"Print cancelledPrint %susing command "%s"Printing with command "%s"Printing to attached desktop printer...-csh/bin/shwError opening printer: %sUS]` Xuh~jjj;_Ph~h8裍_h~` X輙uQE` X؅uPh8SO_jjjnjySY$nG` X؅uPh48S_jjjnjyS $nuh$jjjx` XEP&_` XhOjjj赌jx }u>hjjjjjxjL_j h裈_4 `0Px__`uwhh8؀_jS薁_jS莁_4蛀_j0v_$0耀_j` Xhhh詁_jҁ_=`u4<_01_0#_h4Á_4 u#5< `Phjjjk d1, rerrorresultPrint %s: %sPrinting completeUWVS1=4 `u&h$_h `:_jo !54_jjT_jjE_jj6_ǃSj_t t9`uj_Wj_j_hh8_ h8r_hS藀_ tHC0ƄS=dtPhjjjF_uhjjj"jx[^_UU=dt1Ð 4A9Aw%PQ |_4H@u d=d%U=du54u_u dU=duu u54_} dU=du"uu u54h_} dU=du%uuu u545_} dError fetching message %s. Can't reply to it.Include original message in ReplyMessage cancelledUse "Reply to:" address instead of "From:" addressReply to all recipientsRe: your mailRe: > Error allocating message text . Text not included1Error including all message partsCOMPOSE MESSAGE REPLYUWVS}u!u 虦Phdjjj7Ejjjxjnhƃxy%EMq{ǃt^Mq gÃtJsw賒us w 衒t&jjjxjyhDžlƃyu MqMq 聕UBxMAEt'uu艹t E@Eu}u*MA uuYt E@EuE@ }jjjxjnh跊ƃyuhMytqДUB My tEEx uq 譔UB )E@ E@ExuMq 肔UBxuhjjj贄E@ EEuuqt^EU9B u'@B EE@EP;9MM;UEHJ@EP9E@EMME@E}wExt7up߷t%Ex tP8EH H@ Myt0yȃu hMA `Pt%9t ` MAru^MAP `Pt%9t ` MA@euMAx:uP۝UBH0MyЃP菡UB  $HMqEp{_ E@@$@@uP[UB(BuP:UB,E}%jjjmƃu$h(jjj<EPKVEP}!` u;E8tPVEP hGVhGVtf?u^2EfpuPV` }Suur hISuh]u W f?Wj‰UttGf8ukBpuPVF` }Suu hISuh]u w9 jjuu M,/2ËEHK4XsjjPu M h_jjj腀1Ef.2ËEXfs2C45` PC WSjjjBCtvC(Ph]u MtUPs1Efp}tuVEP ju jhEPuDEPwEP3e[^_%sDate: %s%s%sFrom: (Sender of message unknown)%s@%sFrom: %s <%s%s%s>%s%sFrom:%s%s%s%sTo: Cc: %sSubject: %s%sUWVS]} uut,{t&hGsVhhP :_WhP P { u/` hGVh͍hP ~_C 8tDhG@ uPC x tRC p0VhhP ~_ ChGC @ uPC x tRC pVhhP e~_WhP '{tWVsh3{ tWVs h$hGCuPVh)hP ~_WhP WV$WhGe[^_, On %s%s%d %s %d, it was written:On %s%s%d %s %d, %s wrote:On %s%s%d %s %d %s%s%s wrote:U4S]EPsޏ{ uYuu芎Puظ֏}uP}tu脎PhُhP }_C 8tT0uu'Puظ֏}uP}t u!PhhP |_ nC p x tRC puu踍Puظ֏}uP}tu貍PhhP ?|_(hGhP }|_hGhP n|_P ]---------- Forwarded message ----------U帜Forwarded mail....(fwd) (fwd)Forward message as a MIME attachmentForwarded message '%s' SEND MESSAGEFORWARD MESSAGEError fetching message contents. Can't forwarded messageUWVS]EM/+ES6 EPYEUB,Ext0ҋxʃuhΑ$UB0ҋEx҉ЃPϘEUBMqPz_EpS ` uXu^߈Iv+҉FƃthEpXz_jjjƃ u h(}É]G;tRVEPoVEP` jjjxjnh~Eyo:*EEf*EUBfRUr*EEPMJ4@p4f5` Y EP|F Myt0ҋy҃R)FEPuRhvx_FFjjjhF$ u u/Ã;Sv<0҉HF(h*vu u;Ã;Sv0҉HF(}xuhjjjwDtf?uv(Efp` u5hGVyPVmhGVbhuu$hIhuh]u W`ef?Wj‰UGf8u}Bp` u5hGV9PVhGVhuu$hIhuh]u wjjuu u,,'(ËMAC4YsjjQu uEO'Ef'ËEXfs'C45` P賐C WSjjjCC(Ph]u uhƒtwRs` tjjEPu7.jjj` :}-REPu:EPqmEP1)hJjjj(uѐe[^_%s%s [Formatting error: %s]%s [ERROR fetching text of message]richtext%s: message number %ldUWVS]u1ju ` u ` wu ` ƒt[j0HPREPVutUhGPhGhGh4hP et_VhP (VhG!VhUVhG VhGC%1E{t)hzs8ujDGu0DDEPVEPuSu <tu PhjjjsEe[^_Can't include nested multipart sections. They will be omitted%dexternal-bodyError fetching message parts %d,UWVSDžT\Dž\EXDžXiE쉅LE9X;f;u3TuhjjjBrDžT[4_4{ u5` PՌC X+EPhZLUr_ f;ulCC{tLh]s_~t8jjjC tbC(PLu uFƒtDODžPVjjjC tC(PLu uƒu XRsWDžPߋ[4XPu \H9hk$S9q_0Ѝ\H\t36hSq_0щD\ >uC$Pjjjfp18[^_UWVS] u1}ua!E} { ts ߊMA {tsȊMA{ts豊MAshMA1ۃf9u;qtDu!ËMY o!C4VSGv4uMf9uAEe[^_UWVSEu1I11Åt:u lj F3sF[uȉe[^_UVS]u1(ƃ;t 3證1{ts~1F{t s}1F{ t s Q~1F {t s9~1F{t s!~1F{t s1F{t s}1F{ t s }1F {$t s$}1F${(t s(轈1F({,t s,襈1F,e[^%.100sUEtx,u1p,h~hhn_hUVSujo_EEPfh_)f_PԢP3ss C@Psh hhtm_=ԢZu Ԣa(=Ԣzu ԢAԢԢԢe[^UE@tx t, UWVS]Dž} uuuS}0щJщt U RE @ƅP[0ɋщKuDžnU z tuhFDL~5uhGuuuhtuht3L9vq `PtV)ʉ)Љ)ƒKE9sPU҃C9ruhG6uh)uW O9w9uuE PU uuhG[^_Error "%s" reading signature file "%s"U WS1` @$@::/uRPj_[` @:~uRSj_hS'` @P蝶 jS蠵StL0҉ψщȃ PfGfhGWj_W j_Pc'P5< `&Phjjjiu hӃ‰Ѝ[_F%dU@WVSMIMԍI ME` HM؃8EE} ~` @EMMU MEEԍ@EċMԍ IM̍EEȐuMMQ虦脳1ۋEEEЍ @ƋMq EčA 9}t#MMEH )ʉй E܋UЅ}E }Ѕ}}}+}n>eV9UX9}EPEEPԥj F)P„Pį ,}tuhLug_ 6uh_}0҉UVEDM9v )D(u\V}0щӃ9]~ jj cvug_}0҉UDM9r )y1D*u~0Fƒ}t} ~Z!Z>0Ӊ]\EEԍ@ EH 9E}h `\_e[^_UVS]u 5VS(VCSh `\_e[^UHWVS]Mu UB:u'uvAEE1u׋uVu EUBuNDN9uQPu S  ` @t @u0` @u URuf\VFPu VBURU܍4RE܋` @UfEEu|uPu~OO EfLEؾEfUfEfTEE}~uv E܍@fDPfD}t EM܅}u 1M܅}MM+Ms1Ex U܍R<t0ɋ<щK1ۋMAyM܃U  uFu}y E܃EU)׉}s/u܍4vUJ y t0ҋy I19vVM܅}U M܅}MM+Mu~ E܍@<tr0ɋ<TMAyM܃u  1]Cy]܃$)s7E܍@ыuN y t0ۋy щJU Eu܍4vEUB EЋu r uEEU܍Bsu[uV U؋E@V Uԉم}Ku <1م}KM+MsE؃8uUTUUUruvuȍK}KE  {}}{$})sGUЃ:t?}tEH~uȃ,EȃE$UЋ:0щUȉUuFuK}KE <SUM}suE$)Ms#UЃztz0щUUuFuم}KE  ߅}{}+}sEU؃:t=}t}~ },}#u؋>0щMU| }utuM}9}MM}E <M}MM+MsUԃ:uutuuuE@EċMyMU  }}y}$})sKũ>tC}t!EH~ EăE0UăU$ű>0щUĉUuFuMyME <UUMy uuE$)Ms#Ũztz0щUUuFuM}E  }}}}+}sFUԃ:t>}t}~ }-}#uԋ>0щMU| }utuM}9}MEEU9}Uم}Ku  1߅}$)sIE؃8tA}t}~ M1M(U؋:0щJUfMf+MfMufNEEU9}UM}u  1]}$])sIEԃ8tA}t}~ M1M(Uԋ:0щJUfMf+MfMufNE؉EЉuE} e[^_UWVSu] }u uuSVuWSVJ5=E f[fe[^_U=t55Ðjj55` ph 5NUS]M` } L LNt^CuX` |JP莻ft` xt @@`u#` Pbfu` *uL {}LAC tLDL]UWVXe^_UWVhzhzXe^_inboxUWVSEu]5T` tu@ P=t hGz` PPu=t hz` xtEPft2` @xpt$h5Tgt ` @phbu}1ۅtD~@j` 4` 4Zƒ1҃t9 ttg` 4}=,}=08` 4 tsB uaz}@Q}=,}=08` 4 t3B u!z|B%؃ }=$}=(Ã} tSjj財h `O_؍e[^_UؚPjj聡h `O_PINE %s(READONLY)(CLOSED)MsgMessagePage %d of %d s%s %s%sNEW ANSDEL%s %s of %s %s%s %s of %s %3d%% %s<%*.*s> %s%sFolder: %s%sUtWVShj hPS_` @ =~ DžƃP@<DH0ҋ=щKh h`EPX_=P=Pup` |b` P袶ft` zt B@`u5` Pufu` *tDžhDž Džs0ҋщK=щH}̈щK 9}D9~C+y1҉9~Q5PDžt Dž|0ЍpT tO(SH5$5(hhP 4V_=4 ~+=4c~=4=4uR54rPhhP U_g=8 ~+=8c~=8=4 ~*=4c~=4 B=8~B=4~Bt2 )Ӊ<@58%rP]SYU_  u{` |e` Puft` zt B@`u8` PHfu` *t t R54kqPEPhhP "T_$=8 ~+=8c~=8=4 ~*=4c~=4 B=8~B=4~Bt2@D)У<58{pP]SS_  uy` |c` P˱ft` zt B@`u6` P螱fu` *t tR,=,t0R91Q54oPEPhhP QR_(EPhRR_D 9}S5N+PR_HD<@ƅ=T)‹0щK0I؋\9}9})55)‰PPdȉ9lj))S5QQhִP`P_z\9}5AD9}2+)PhPO_0щK5UPUP_P 0щKShP N)P(P_t'L)PO_P[^_%s of %s %3d%% %s%s%s of %s %s%sU,WVS=<ulPuuVMO_58kP]S8O_0}҉Љ)uV5<j論 =Tj y1PSkP  ut` |^Pft` xt @@`u7` PǬfu` *t tP,=,t0R91P54jPEPh5<j(=@|@=DDj y1P4jP  uu` |_Pԫft` xt @@`u8` P訫fu` *t t P54iPEPh5<j$=@|@h `B_u58e[^_%3dUVSM=D|,=,tIэ4;1۾,=,t0R>1 09t'CSh]5Dj蔔Kh `)B_e[^Update_titlebar_page with wrong style%s%s of %s U S]=Tt hW9((譌 ~$c~=( ~*=(c~=(9tSjPh$5Hj莓3SjjP]SK_5$UjPSh'5Hj艓$ h `@_]UEt=@|@ t t71Ðx} t"鐐@u tՐ= t@ u!x|@%؃  M  us` |]Pvft` xt @@`u6` PJfu` *t tP5@jaĊh `?_Can't happen in savebits() UVS]u UtFtntt2`%؃ 0 LMTʈT<u M0ʈLL hne[^Can't happen in equalbits() UWVSu} EtHtttt6h%؉1Ҋ189uD$T8Љ>u1ۊ19$8uD8D؉ hA讷e[^_UE` Pjminterrupted-mailContinue interrupted composition (answering "n" won't erase it)postponed-mailContinue postponed composition (answering "No" won't erase it)Message cancelledrError "%s" reading postponed composition in "%s" Problem creating space for message text.Decoding Error "%s"Error "%s" unlinking postponed composition in "%s"COMPOSE MESSAGEUWVSuDžlDžpDžxDžhƅDž` 1hW) u+jW.ujjjxjyh.JÃnuƅuUhn` Wˑ u+jWАujjjxjyh}GJÃnuƅxuhjj%hS;_ƃu%S5< `aPhjjjEhP VhSH;_ t!jhSDE_ t ;tC;u̍PV3hhP D_hP ^tDžTjhSTЃ hP ` S0tHPtPPB8PjA]Sth,jjjzx uhjjjECV9_J藱xP腰jjV|PԯPVK h覱fxu hfxu hXu|tBPh0jjjCjxvDxPPn PvtPtaV8_fxHDžlWD_ W5< `PhEjjjBpt` VPI 5` MPs\B,jjj賨Buhjjj{Apt#8tPpupP]` f` @lhhxSNPS9\[^_Attachment-file:Attachment-description:Fcc:UWVSU U2vt~u];C; u { 1jhgS,N ;t1;  `PtC;t; Au; uj^U j^FƃF hZhZFF߃;t,; t' `PuC;t; t AtUWNZFjhxS;M u|;t4;   `PtC;t; Au; C;t; uUWYUjhSL ;t,; t' `PtC;t; t AuM EH9s?;t:; t5 `Pu'ϐCA9s;t; t `PtC; uC;e[^_Internal problem encounteredNo addressee! No e-mail sent.Send cancelledForward as e-mail to : UWVSuMM1ۃ~uhP [hP fXF~uhPXFEu` P,XE~ upGF ` p XV F @` p(WV B` WV B F @F @ v LF}@EPEPEPEPWM 1VhW[$jjjhbjjhjjuuh@($lhrE8tLuuuPu V=V' tjx>jb<_EM 1Vu t/h2jjj;ChRjjj;CEPZEPZEPZEPZj}=e[^_Message CancelledAttachments won't be included in message. Postpone anywayContinuing composition; message not postponed or sentComposition postponed. Select Compose to resume.No recipients specified!%ld\ANSWEREDU$WVSuE ` Utd` ߋ` t ` @t@hjjj` E Uu` RTE0ҋ}щK~uhTF~ upF ` p ^TV F @` p(jjjnjnh;n] CX4]@4E P] 5 5jRVhn‹E f9t IM]Y4})hjjj5jxf7j5_Ejjj`5 t,5 5jE 0VhY1~uF~ u@~$u:=t 8u'hojjj4jx6j-5_Vtjx6j 5_] 3V5{E a}` tv@ tY|PP~ft` zt B@`u&` PQfub` *uT` @ uCuh]SY4_hS` 6mu5` 4Pz'$u5` ` hR5 jq5e[^_Restricted demo version of Pine. You may only send mail to yourselfmailer-daemonReally send this message to the MAILER-DAEMONUVSu` t^Pvft6~ t5` v ft~$t-5` v$fuhjjj2^th s?tT[u^ th s>t0[u^$t9h s>t [ujjjnjnh7nt1e[^Sending mail.....Folder "%.20s" in <%.30s> doesn't exist. CreateFolder "%.40s" doesn't exist. CreateFcc of message rejectedProblem creating space for Fcc.MAILMail not sent. Transfer protocol error: %.40sMail not sent: %.60sError connecting to mail server: %.60sFcc Failed!. No message saved.Can't send message. No recipients specified!Fcc to "%s" FAILED!!!Error appending %.20s in %.40s"copied to "NOT and sentMessage %s%s%s%s%s%s%s.UWVSuDžpDžlDžhDždDž`hTjjj/jx1E x,u&5` Q\PqJXM A,VPu SD }E8` p`u` @`u`fu`Q`q\u\` @xpt!`puhfhP 6/_uhhP /_ jjjnjyhP !4ythjjj.1ۃ$u`ql1Y\ u1`c1ujuhhP ._jjjnjyhP 3 ythjj uܜǃu=` u(ǃu!` 9BltrluǃuW9u 1jjj虔D uhjjj|E xux u x$+d` ``?8j` p`t` tVu htOtQuRhEP,_1M Y tUu{tBG:ptpjjj\,sPh*V,_p[uE X tRu{tBG:ptpjjj,sPh*VM,_p[uM Y$tRu{tBG:ptpjjj+s%Ph*V+_p[upu Ept` Ph@]S+_p XVu pD=Dt#jjVu hP 9"hhhjjj*16pt#pjjj*Džl=Djj5D舕ET5D6\0ҋ\҉HP5D \PxQTЋ ` u`0CÃ(u)` 9Bltrlu`1à xPuS`1hu/uhjjj=*`0uhMQ*_$E=DtR=DtUR=DtR=DthuRdt=DtRdtRdtluRh ]SJ)_$Sjjj(=Dt hDU1҃lt hЉЍL[^_pinesend-oi -oem -t/usr/lib/sendmail( ( %s %s ; /bin/rm -f %s ) < %s & )Error starting mailer process: %sUS]{u{ u {$hjyjjju SP? }05< `}Phh)(_PF=hhhS'_SGPF1-csh/bin/shError creating mailer process: %sUVSjj?'_Ejj3'_Ejj''_E7_Ãu"juhhh=_j_u#5< `|PhjjjC':uV *_t t9uuj&_uj&_uj&_1e[^USM `Pt ACu `Pt ACuhQhB'_]Can't compose message with first type %s[%s]Can't compose message of MIME type %s UWVS] uf;usWdf;BCf8tPEPh7u CpU :t 2sECp4}ujCU  jCUBE~uhv?UjvvP+!0ЃPdCUBSh`P%_UfB v(CP\?UB~ u5` PExt P>Ext P>Ex t P>EP>]u]UWVS}11ɉ}U 9s;} E8 u)؉9}ދ]U:| u HAE9}rˁ~+u1#I Mș} ù ȍe[^_UVS]u >tT> u'~ u!C9Cw j S_ C CF"C9CwPS_ CCF>ue[^One message already postponed. Overwrite itwError opening folder "%s", %sAttachment-file: %s%sAttachment-description: %s%sFcc: %s%s Error "%s" writing "%s"U WVSuuS^_S0k %Pii~$}ujjjnjnh"nh(RO_Ãu25< `sPPh*jjj}uhP_Sd_}wztOFuAhvhIS_ǃh6h_S_ǃvu}t!huh|S_ǃuu uu hP d hP f(hhP _ =Dt#hP 5Dh5D hP St0Sh_ShuǃtSD_1ۃuPt S._< `P_uPSXqPhjjj 1[^_UWVSu 0]{,҉ЍDP9ljS, BA:t:@u-A8t@A8u BA:uE,P9]{,e[^_UE`dhlptxP2dd~ dhh~ hll~ lpp~ ptt~ txx~ x5`FP5d5l5p5x5t5hUVSuwl$Hdt|ld@h8l0t(p x^tS[4uf>t v(5`e[^UE 0Ã#WÐ=~.ÃUU1ɅtЉAuGIFJFIFJPEGMMIITIFFPostScript.sndBasicAPPLEFILEZIPoctet-streamPLAINcharsetUS-ASCIIU$WVS}EEEEEOMfEh /6Ejjut1uEP&t FvEof?jhuF_ ufh- vCE8u;xu5xu/xu)jhP_ ufhjh"u_ tjh%u_ ufh(E8%ux!tE8ux%ux!ufh-{jh8um_ ufh=Wv[E8uxuxuxu fhC*v/E8u'xu!xKuxPufhM0Gf?t*f?u"fhQ0Gfu fGft f?]]u; uE+E9E}E]EN<v;uM9;|/u0f?ufhQ0GfEf?uIfEEu1+EEuEP~t Fvu]CNQft f?}~4f?ufhQz/Gf}tfEf?ufE}uf?uff}ucfE[MI}Mf?uff}t.fE&Mf?ufhQ.GfEf?h^.G}` usGhd.__hd3D t {t[␐hd3$ t$Chd5.{t CPu2}~hl` -CfufMfOEP02e[^_No recipients specifiedRSETFROM:<>One or more recipients failedDATASMTP connection went away!.U WVS}uDž~u~ u~$u h<jhTW{Yf]f_vSh`S_Su W1(=uq~tPvWi ~ tPv WP ~$tPv$W7 t#jhTWhbh*W1cjhW =buhhW17huVP tjhW\=؉؍[^_NewsgroupsDateFromSenderReply-ToSubjectToccbccIn-Reply-ToMessage-IDMIME-Version: 1.0 UWVS] u;t30H~ | uD3u]_Es0Sh MQsSh+MQ s Sh0MQsSh5MQ sSh<MQrsShEMQl sShMMQKs ShPMQ9 s$ShSMQ$s(ShWMQ s,ShcMQ t;uhnuD_VMQe[^_%ld-%ld-%ld:#%ldBOUNDARYUWVS}u twf>uq~uT)_Pja_P_P#_PhSx_Fh)VS)VB ^SW}[4u[^_UWVSu] }WSRWSV=DtV5Dx1ۃ}tVuU҃ttuuWt؍e[^_U=Ht7=|thP 5|Ѓ=DthP 5D9xHUHUP HHƀP =H@vM=DthP 5DwH=|thP 5|ÐÐ- This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. --%s --%s--Encoding Error "%s"U WVSuDžf>q^Ft/0 u P@t tԃu DžhuU ҃heV _SPd=DtV5Dv} tVuU ҃[uu S D[4uhlP _ =Dt$5Duh5Du} t.1uU ҃thuU ҅U |U}y~vPLxjjvu f>t9f>u hyFtt hh}byhD ztPhsjjj jxd 1Ivv=Dth5Dwt} thuU [^_Content-Type: %s/%s; %s=; charset=US-ASCIIContent-Transfer-Encoding: %s Content-ID: %s Content-Description: %s UWVSuU Z4\h$0ɋ>щJR _E HuRQh50>HP _tB3h9>0щJRn _5s6[uE f8uh?6 _0ɋ>щJffBU fztQ|fztfztB |  1hR0>HP_ U z t(r hr0ɋ>щJR_ E xt(ph0ɋ>щJRU_ h6_e[^_US];t 3 S&]US]{t CP&CPV{ t C P&{t CP&f;u CP {tCPoC]US];t3u4PS4&]Uhj_hj _hj_hj_ hj_hj _hj_h`j_ h j_hx j_h j_hP j _ jj _jjz_Error resetting signals: %s UjjL_}%5< `\Phh `R_j_jj_jj_jj_jj_ jj_jj _jj_jj_ jj_jj_Received abort signalUhuPine emergency exit. REALLY ABORT PINE RIGHT NOWType ^L (control-L) to repaint the screen and continue with Pine Pine aborting and dumping core UjhjnjnhP nu,hjjjjxmÐh:h `_,YU` xlt+PlB u"9u ǀ` pl` t9PltB u RʟrA` @Pn/5` $ Pine finished. Received hang up signal UDhK v_j?_ Pine finished. Received terminate signal Uh *_j_Another pine access to Inbox. Session now Read-Only.Another pine access to folder. Session now Read-Only.Uj:` xlt:PlB u1B<{t(<*t$J ` plh jjj` tB9Plt7B u1B<{t(<*t$J ` ʢh jjjZU` ?=Ĥt jhX i_ Pine suspended. Give the "fg" command to come back. Warning: Your IMAP connection will be closed if Pine is suspended for more than 30 minutes Suspended for too long, IMAP connection brokenUVSuW` PS_SNjI_@Pn,V!S>h, _{u hb _Vj__=V!@P+ {u'` uh jjj[^Ujj_ jj v_ jjh_ jjZ_ U5 j@_5 j 3_5 j&_5 j_UVS] uhu@)R_@)¹Ƅ@)=e[^UWVS}u ]uuhP _hP SVWPe[^_UWVS}u ]uuuhP _hP SVWe[^_UWVS}u ]u uuuhP O_hP SVWe[^_UWVS}u ]u$u uuuhP _hP SVWe[^_UWVS}u ]u0u,u(u$u uuuhP _$hP SVWSe[^_UģU=~hu 1UWVu=` ` 8j_= uhZxj_tuplph)ƒM=~Z-hjZ_p==htj` P,;H=~S-h-j_p=~;=ht0 t =ģt j` P:uGģh `_e^_UWV<-Qhj_p5h _ ` 8~ =e^_UWVS19~*[)8-C9 e[^_[]UWVS` 0~jV9jF<` t xPPffPhuS_Ƅ/OhS_SVEÃ$<h `_؍D[^_YesNo/^C%.*s? 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The search then takes place. When the characters or words that you entered are found, the buffer will be redisplayed with the cursor at the beginning of the selected text. The most recent string for which a search was made is displayed in the "Search" prompt between the square brackets. This string is the default search prompt.~ Hitting only ~R~e~t~u~r~n or at the prompt will cause the search to be made with the default value. The text search is not case sensitive, and will examine the entire message. Should the search fail, a message will be displayed.End of Search Help.UMU @@uAwBw9%Get Help,CancelGC0000000000SearchHelp for SearchingSearch Cancelledtopbottom"%s" not foundSearch WrappedUWVS] Džu 1hhɂ=,u Lhւƃt Lt6L=,t,jh݂px@@jh݂h jjFj H%ujh?4 H%= \uR! u jj+8 ! ujj181 t3 PH A 9})D P PtFjj7K~&jh Wƃ t Ku#j2Sh tSh "uh u h*e[^_ [] : UdWSu]S谈_= t:hPSy_j(0ЍDPh hSSM_hU}W<_jjPWW}ÃuWh <_u= t؍e[_UWVS} P f@f9B u0EE MM表 9P( x}}@ EE M9Hu }MM}}A 9u ME }MT G}} PRMMu6}G 9uM1 }T FRPetBC;uă}u MH fp }x fMfH H%}9}uM9Mt }1e[^_US]E M] u<@N@L@>@2~u^@@%u%@%@@I $@1Cu]Spell Check Help The spell checker examines all words in the text. It then offers each misspelled word for correction while simultaneously highlighting it in the text. To leave a word unchanged simply~ hit ~R~e~t~u~r~n at the edit prompt. If a word has been corrected, each occurrence of the incorrect word is offered for replacement.~ Spell checking can be cancelled at any time by typing ~^~C (~F~3) after exiting help.End of Spell Check Help hit Return at the edit prompt. If a word has been corrected, Spell checking can be cancelled at any time by typing ^C (F3)Checking spelling...Can't write temp file for spell checkerSPELL/usr/bin/spell( %s ) < %sCan't fork spell checkerGet Help,CancelGC0000000000Replace %s with %sEdit a replacement: Spell Checking CancelledHelp with Spelling CheckerHuh?Done checking spellingUWVSjj7hP-jj uheShy_uPhh`[ _h`[ & u!*_hDžDžhVx_ j V賁_tV赁_jj0=,u LuhNJh׊vGtV7[bj$jV-j$V_t)Vhh`[ 蟀_jh`[ Ãjhhà H%jVtBt/ttGLtwV蘳jh Dž1p=,t,jh%h@@jh%hH 1Dž!|h@jn_jjJ 貁_jj15 H%=,u Lt hE[^_UWS] j0}HP PCj;u H%e[_UWVSE HMH M@HjuEP uj}ud p XtT `Pu30}Ѝ\T  `PtF 9u~ >u9jj<,냐 @p}u" MH fMfHEϐ H%Ee[^_~F~1,~F~3,~F~5,~F~7,~ ~F~9,~F~1~1,~F~2,~F~4,~F~6,~F~8,~F~1~0,~F~1~2, ~^~G,~^~C,~^~R,~^~Y,~^~K,~^~O,~^~X,~^~T,~^~W,~^~V,~^~U,~^~D, TERMEnvironment variable TERM not defined!Unknown terminal type %s!pcclcmceupsesodlalcsicimeidcdmedsfsrtiteIncomplete termcap entry kPkNkhkukdklkrOPOQOROSOpOqOrOsOtOuOvOw[4J[3J[2J[N[=a[=b[=c[=d[=e[=f[=g[=h[=i[=j[=k[=lOAOBODOC[A[B[D[CABDC[215z[221z[217z[219zTerminal description too big! 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A  @9Bufytjjuɡ f@@  ֋@9Bt7 Q fz t&A| t| tRQ A @9FukujjuKP H%e[^UVSu Pu B 9AtPfBB B B 9At:  Q fz t"A| t| t Q A 9Cuu. A  @9Bufytjj\uɡ P fR fPNJ H%e[^UWVSu11f~ t3~ L ڃ u~uBB9 |@9uэe[^_UVSU] u X#)"}PR @#؉ޡ PKt 9Pt Kt9Qu P f@H% 9PtI P=,t=Tt+Tj9k=<t)HPj5 躚e[^UWVSU] u X#(!}PR @#؉ߡ pKt! ыF9BtvKtF9Au pp f@H%=,tI F9Bu=Tujj9p)Ã)؍P A#9}.=<t%RjQ=<t)HPj5 =,t+ F9Bu=Tujij5T}e[^_Mark SetMark UNsetU xuP PfPfPjh|j5 @jhєNo mark in this windowUS xu=,u hv1, P HXX fXfXPfHH%]U P PfPfP Programmer botch! No mark in this windowUS xu=,u hm1, P HXX fX fXPfH H%] Pico Help Text Pico is designed to be a simple, easy-to-use text editor with a layout very similar to the pine mailer. The status line at the top of the display shows pico's version, the current file being edited and whether or not there are outstanding modifications that have not been saved. The third line from the bottom is used to report informational messages and for additional command input. The bottom two lines list the available editing commands. Each character typed is automatically inserted into the buffer at the current cursor position. Editing commands and cursor movement (besides arrow keys) are given to pico by typing special control-key sequences. A caret, '^', is used to denote~ the control key, sometimes marked "CTRL", so the ~C~T~R~L~-~q key~ combination is written as ~^~Q. The following functions are available in pico (where applicable, corresponding function key commands are in parentheses).~ ~^~G (~F~1) Display this help text.~ ~^~F move Forward a character.~ ~^~B move Backward a character.~ ~^~P move to the Previous line.~ ~^~N move to the Next line.~ ~^~A move to the beginning of the current line.~ ~^~E move to the End of the current line.~ ~^~V (~F~8) move forward a page of text.~ ~^~Y (~F~7) move backward a page of text.~ ~^~W (~F~6) Search for (where is) text, neglecting case.~ ~^~L Refresh the display.~ ~^~D Delete the character at the cursor position.~ ~^~^ Mark cursor position as beginning of selected text. Note: Setting mark when already set unselects text.~ ~^~K (~F~9) Cut selected text (displayed in inverse characters). Note: The selected text's boundary on the cursor side ends at the left edge of the cursor. So, with selected text to the left of the cursor, the character under the cursor is not selected.~ ~^~U (~F~1~0) Uncut (paste) last cut text inserting it at the current cursor position.~ ~^~I Insert a tab at the current cursor position.~ ~^~J (~F~4) Format (justify) the current paragraph. Note: paragraphs delimited by blank lines or indentation.~ ~^~T (~F~1~2) To invoke the spelling checker~ ~^~C (~F~1~1) Report current cursor position~ ~^~R (~F~5) Insert an external file at the current cursor position.~ ~^~O (~F~3) Output the current buffer to a file, saving it.~ ~^~X (~F~2) Exit pico, saving buffer. Pine and Pico are trademarks of the University of Washington. No commercial use of these trademarks may be made without prior written permission of the University of Washington. End of Help.UM1҉B<uHelp on the Pine ComposerU=,t$,jhm@@С H% h0&Exit Help,Next Pg000000X00V00Prev Pg,Exit Help,Next Pg000Y00X00V00Exit Help000000X00000Prev Pg,Exit Help000Y00X00000Unknown Command.UWVS1U +UJU919]~NjuVW螒;9E~*U8~u@j~PjV舔jP@C9]jEEP u9utu hh&hhu hh h+h=J=VS =N=L=P==X=Yt)=t=~=t1s+E~+}pt 1YtU|:Kt GA~O9 /5 {ohJB Ѓ1҅e[^_UWVS]u }1ɉ u9u59u D3|t$@t uݐt׸  A ~؍e[^_UMU =,t 9HuPxuHelp for Browse Command Pico's file browser is used to select a file from the file system for inclusion in the edited text.~ Both directories and files are displayed. Press ~S~ or ~R~e~t~u~r~n to select a file or directory. When a file is selected during the "Read File" command, it is inserted into edited text. Answering "yes" to the verification question after a directory is selected causes the contents of that directory to be displayed for selection. The file named ".." is special, and means the "parent" of the directory being displayed. Select this directory to move upward in the directory tree.End of Browser Help.Can't read %s in restricted modeYou may possibly have new mail.Unknown command '%c'Can't delete a directoryDelete not allowed in restricted mode%s%c%swFile is write protected! OVERRIDEDelete file "%s"File CANNOT be UNdeleted! Really deleteDelete CancelledFile Not DeletedDelete Failed: %sHelp for BrowsingGet Help,CancelGC0000000000Directory to go to: No help yet!CancelledInvalid Directory: %sRestricted mode browsing limited to home directoryNot a directory: "%s"Can't copy a directoryCopy not allowed in restricted modeMake Copy CancelledNo destination, file not copiedCan't copy file on to itself!File "%s" exists! OVERWRITEMake Copy CancelledFile Not RenamedFile copied to %sProblems refiguring browser/Name of new copy: ..Can't rename ".."Rename not allowed in restricted modeCancelledNot RenamedRename Failed: %sRename file to: A directory is selected, enter itCan't visit parent in restricted modeCan't move up a directoryProblem finding dir "%s"xCommand line : Program selected, run it Program to use on file : "%s" not foundFile name to findUnknown command: '%c'Unknown command: ^%cUnknown commandU WVSƅ=},uȳtuh ~j 4_1u, u j5, jPw覩Ã=,t ,%؃PjPB\Ѓ |v,S@Du =jPС,@Hdjh5 }$svjhK|=t)t .t葽tjh|=t~ujh`S[ =@WpE1-  ? 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