d ?x-̀\ `-@D$4 `P`[̀r~UMʀ9tB<|85 `Ft( \BA9| Vu9~uyt1ۉ؍e[^_UWVSu0҉щME؋} щuR`ǃtVW `u ;P `1e[^_.UWVSuV 9u:H8/u9w)xGuP`ÃtWVS `1e[^_UWVS] EE0ҋ}щJ1;tKRu3Ur ` Uu';0щH9t'}uuEF;u}u E e[^_patch: invalidambiguous %s `%s' US]hEh ``u hMhUh `_u uh_h `_]neversimplenilexistingtnumberedversion control typeUS]t;u1h S| (PSh0j_]U WVSuE0ҋ}щN} щO7 9E9Eujh:$`]Eju `‹Eu79u EP2`.99u]|3.u ]D3D3r]ED0e[^_U=tL= t5 V_=t 5?_ Ð5H_H5$_5(_($PL0ABPatching file %s using Plan %s... US]Su S& =ʀt!j=tPShMd](Creating file %s...) ,vRCS/%s%sRCS/%s%s%sco %sco -l %srcsdiff %s > /dev/nullRCSs.SCCS/%s%sget %sget -e %sget -p %s | diff - %s >/dev/nullSCCScan't find %s file %s seems to be locked by somebody else under %s Comparing file %s to default %s version... can't check out file %s: differs from default %s version Checking out file %s from %s... can't check out file %s from %s %s is not a normal file--can't patch can't open file %sWarning: this file doesn't appear to be the %s version--patching anyway. this file doesn't appear to be the %s version--aborting. This file doesn't appear to be the %s version--patch anyway? [n] aborted Good. This file appears to be the %s version. UTWVS5u`hu`tb=tP=ʀtjjuh\'ajuFdhu_P_hu.`u6t 9ؙDžuT+MQuSC`hshvWm` VS`tKjhWC`VSa`t'hshW`VS:`usu"ff3%3 tHutPhl`uhP`DžhhWz`VS`t'hhWM`VSk`uDStPhl`uShP`Džtjjuh_umtjuh^=ʀtjuh>z^P`tjuhj^=ʀtjuh.^hlm`uhuA`tjuh%^ %=tjjuh] =t(1uPs_u1juf_Ã}jjuh ]55Sg_ 9tS_zS_=t| t  1ҋ;t; uBC;uuP_ u5_1 H;t; u BAC;uJ@=5u~=Ȁt!=ʀjj5h o=ɀtjj5hi +\Rjj5h \=lyt1jjjh [=ʀtjj5h [[^_rout of memory can't write temp filecan't reopen file %sUWVS}=EhW_ƃujjWh [h5ԙ_H}jj5ԙh Q[Vhhlp_ tA=t}uhl tEl0щO9~멐=}u}=Ȁt =ʀjj5h n=ɀtjj5hi WZRjj5h Z=lyt4jjjh $Z=ʀtjj5h YjjV_,0 h_$h_(ujjjhY=,u3h5$5H_ =jjjh"YVCP=,$P_ tG뗐H@=,t3h5$5Hq_ =jjjh"3YV_5HS_j5ԙ_H}jj5ԙh8Xe[^_error reading tmp file %sUVSM] ~9 @} 2=t ș=,։)9Lu1b9PuRLj=, P5H_h4$5H_}jj5ԙh3X0$e[^UWS]=tAE0ҋ}ҍzWuS_E uL `Pt== `Pt'W5CP_ uT; `PuC;u1e[_TMPDIR/tmp/patchoXXXXXX/patchiXXXXXX/patchrXXXXXX/patchpXXXXXXSIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX.origVERSION_CONTROLNot enough memory to try swapped hunk! Assuming unswapped. lost hunk on alloc error! Ignoring previously applied (or reversed) patch. AssumingIgnoringRUnr%seversed (or previously applied) patch detected! %s -R.AssumeIgnore%seversed (or previously applied) patch detected! %s -R? [y] Apply anyway? [n] Hunk #%d ignored at %ld. Hunk #%d failed at %ld. Hunk #%d succeeded at %ld with fuzz %lds (offset %ld line%s). Ran out of memory using Plan A--trying again... hunkpatch.c%s:%u: failed assertion `%s' Removing %s (empty after patching). .rej%d out of %d hunks ignored--saving rejects to %s %d out of %d hunks failed--saving rejects to %s UPWVS^[EhЕh `_=}_%ؙh[_ƃu0ЍX؅uPA_ЙVP_h5Й_5Й_؅uP_ԙVP|_h5ԙL_5ԙI_؅uP_LVP>_h5L_5L _؅uP_VP_h5_5_h;_t h_PUȔU Ĕ& jT5<k =u5oQ=؀u =J=̀u5Й5LB=̀u51EE.3F1gI9Ā}Ā=̀WEE ȀEujjjh/P=ˀˀWEu4sEujjjhlP=ˀˀE=̀tK6EujjjhlP=ˀˀjjjhWP̀=ɀtG=ʀj=ˀtP=ˀtPhOj=ˀt P=ˀtPhP=lnu^jjjhXP=lyuE ̀E=ˀˀDujjjhlO=̀u}u#G95y_G=̀t&E=ʀjSVhk}u"E=ʀYjSVh~u`=ʀ4jSVhNtjjWhN=t)j=uP5hVNjjjhCN=to=tfH `jjjh N=t57_=t5_zuhhWhh#7_=̀uP=̀S5ЙH}Й5S 55_=t@EPS]_u/}u)=ʀtjjShAMSf_}5,_}UU=lu$5hl._j#hfhlI=̀thlVuhkhlVuhqLhl5LG}jNE8ue[^_you may not change to a different patch file Us@D=t!=u5_=t5_؀=t5b_ˀ̀E=~jjjhxTK-b:B:cd:D:eEfF:lnNo:p::r:RsStuvV:x:suffixprefixcontextdirectoryifdefedremove-empty-filesforcefuzzignore-whitespacenormalforwardoutputstripreject-filereversequietsilentskipbatchunifiedversionversion-controldebug+too many file arguments can't cd to %sargument to -D is not an identifier #ifdef %s #ifndef %s #endif /* %s */ Usage: %s [options] [origfile [patchfile]] [+ [options] [origfile]]... Options: [-ceEflnNRsStuv] [-b backup-ext] [-B backup-prefix] [-d directory] [-D symbol] [-F max-fuzz] [-o out-file] [-p[strip-count]] [-r rej-name] [-V {numbered,existing,simple}] [--context] [--prefix=backup-prefix] [--suffix=backup-ext] [--ifdef=symbol] [--directory=directory] [--ed] [--fuzz=max-fuzz] [--force] [--batch] [--ignore-whitespace] [--forward] [--reverse] [--output=out-file] [--strip[=strip-count]] [--normal] [--reject-file=rej-name] [--skip] [--remove-empty-files] [--quiet] [--silent] [--unified] [--version] [--version-control={numbered,existing,simple}] UWVSlH `H `9Ȕ~jh55Ĕ5Ȕ_u]5D `q!2=ujjjhs!F5D `Et68$|%p&(&X't'((((((('((( (D(((x((((((((((((X&&&H'h'((((('('''((8(P(\(l(((5D `Dl5D `DT؀E5D `}_.jj5D `h!ZE܀ D ` `Pu9_tjjjh!D5D `h!hP_5D `h!h,_5D `h!h̔r_$؀uȀhj j5D `%_Ā LԀ@؀1̀$5D `mC =D `tj j5D `_Ѐ Ѐ5D `hl_ˀʀ̀ɀ؀q+Jf5D `yLj j5D ` _ 0Ĕ0h!h `_h0"h `_h#h `_j! H `9Ȕ~[=ujjjhs!BH `Ĕ4BH `@H `9Ȕe[^_Offset changing from %ld to %ld UWVS9=9á@))@E9+DDEt%9}|OM9=@|ujW t 9]9]MtAuSWU Ut*tjS5h`)bA;W}t>uVW< t1tjV5h`)A5)u1CZe[^_ **** ---- -----*************** *** 0%s *** %ld%s *** %ld,%ld%s --- 0%s --- %ld%s --- %ld,%ld%s %s%c %sfatal internal error in abort_hunk UWVSJ8E8=858D8E8D0EE=؀~E*E*=؀~E*h*5_1ۃ9]S73$+\----------------------x-x---------,x--x-----------------9}} uh*>9}uuWh*5_uuWh*J9u}uh*5l_ 9uuuVh*5K_uuuVh+51_[Sz6Ph+5_?S^6PSC6Ph+5_jjjh+$>C9]e[^_Out-of-sync patch, lines %ld,%ld--mangled text or line numbers, maybe? oldchar = '%c', newchar = '%c' pch_char(new) == ' 'UWVS5EFE܀U&5EMVF5<=tV95< FߐW"5<-u{UDP}tY}u5h,_E}u5h݀_E5W4P_DG9uV4<+urUDPU}t@}u5h݀._E}u5hP_E5V<4P_F{V4W 48tWj 4P4Ph-;jV3PW3Ph.; jV3 U@WVSEEEEEEEEEE=ˆUj5P5_TJ UUUUUU5_EE5hhl_u'}^UX\1l=l t=l t=lXu;; u#M܃E܅}$U)‰)MEC; tπ; tπ;Xtʼn `Pu;,uA `Pu9,tE `Pt<v9auE}}}tUUUU܉L}u'jhs<S_ uCP,Ejhx<S_ uCP,Ejh}<S_ uCP[,Ejh<Ss_ uCP3,Ejh<SK_ usKC5 `Ft AFuQ+9t 5 `FuA9t Ft8uP&_=؀t =؀u}|޿<=؀t =؀uXjh<S_ uDj jCP_ uU܉LUX\jh<S+_ ˆU=؀wo}tijhs<S_ uUj jCP8_ u C; uU܉LUXJ\{*uxq=؀t =؀Z}Pjh<S{_ tjh<Sg_ $UXJ\U܉L}}tP5Ѐu.Ẽ }tP5Ѐu.Eȃ }tP5Ѐuv.Eă }tj}t\0}J}H9s.uNU܉LUXU\3u u}tu }tu)=t5j_=t 5}tj5Ѐu- }tj5Ѐun-Eȃ }tj5ЀuR-Eă }t:}t,0}J}H9suu }tu&(}t u_}t uw_}t uf_}t uU_}t uD_}tu3_e[^_UE UPTp_base <= file_posThe text leading up to this was: -------------------------- ret != Nullch|%s-------------------------- US]9P~hChh7h7_=ʀ9Pj5P5U_jjjhC)'5W_9}H5hhl諿_uhChh7h7v_jjhlhC롐jjjhC&jS5ƿ_U J]malformed patch at line %ld: %sUjhl5h E&p_end == -1 unexpected end of file in patch p_end < hunkmaxunexpected end of hunk at line %ld unexpected *** at line %ld: %s0,0duplicate "---" at line %ld--check line numbers at line %ld PrematureOverdue%s "---" at line %ld--check line numbers at line %ld hunk too large (%ld lines) at line %ld: %s no --- found in patch at line %ld the new style...)the telltale extra asterisks on the *** line that usually indicate(Fascinating--this is really a new-style context diff but without%s %s %s replacement text or line numbers mangled in hunk at line %ld fillsrc %ld, filldst %ld, rb %ld, e+1 %ld fillsrc==p_end+1 || fillsrc==repl_beginningfilldst==p_end+1 || filldst==repl_beginning*** %ld,%ld **** --- %ld,%ld ---- *** %ld,%ld unexpected end of file in patch at line %ld < expected at line %ld of patch --- expected at line %ld of patch --- %ld,%ld > expected at line %ld of patch Not enough memory to swap next hunk! %3d %c %c %sUDWVSE=|<9u 4W_Hyǃ=thHEhh7h7赶_==H=؀t =؀> 5#_EEEEEEE5hhlEtjh<hlC_ t 5d@` 9 H5}_5hhl EuCH+=TE=l%}t }#jjjhXE!@9hyEhh7h7A_l =lЃ$F$@KPP|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|QDQP|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|QKP|QMjh<hl{_ u'}t }jj5hE=t*}t }jhl5hEEhl =zl=lt(l `BuC;tBt;u{jhES_ u CPSQ_j jS_8  `Bt CBu;,uA `BXuC;tBt;uj jSu_+8@@ ,=8t@@8@H9CH9~ H=m-_}u%@Bx uB9=u#=@G=FE@E_}t&}jE`P5hE,5`5F9@| FRhFn M5__E=}hlEċ=7=l=lt(l `BuC;tBt;u/j jS衿_<  `Bt CBu;,uA `BXuC;tBt;uj jSI_+<@D ,=<tDD<DH~#hl5RhUF H9~E9D=u =DE}E=m u#=Ԁtf Ff mFom `Pu=m>t=m0щMfEfHfrF 5} t}~M9 ~ E}9=@*95G5E_5hhlE5F5tl `PuVS1j jhl観_8l l `Bt CBu;,u5j jCSj_+8@@  `Bt CBu;aEĈ @Etjj5hH] hn ¡=^0ΉfJfX  +C9J=ˀthujjjhH tT19|J 9@u^4PPShHh `F_h `Ԥ_C9}@9~D^e[^_UWVSuu u赤_1҃ =Lt^tZl9L~:; t ; t ;Xu+; uBEпE)ЉBC9LƁlt Shl_e[^_p_Char[0] == '='tp_char[0] == '*'i == p_ptrn_lines + 1UWVSE8=<=8< M=} M)=t=t =u^=u5ʣ_}==u j讣_M =uj蒣_}=1=@BM< uEB=|&9)ЍX19|Y}4WM M𐐐}?<M <+u-f>ff,t0l `Pt<v>auty=̀uShlq_>dQ5hhl; 0=̀uShl*_l<u5W=̀uohdSٞ_hdSΞ_S`_S_55Й }55Й 55_j5e[^_-Moving %s to stdout. internal error, can't reopen %swrite failedout of memory Moving %s to %s. Can't backup %s, output is in %s: %s Can't create %s, output is in %s: %s UWVSE ftjjuhfju苢_}jjuh4fhhl胣_à ~"Shljթ_ tjjjhTfŚ_=t#5Su_u SL_=u 輘ÃujjjhafSP3_S赜_ hu ե_If5f5t9/uyA9uhP{_u|ff95ul95u^?tC `BuA9t.Bt9t 9t `냐GPWJ_nS"_}tjPu hpfPu _}5< `_Puu hfru _}tju uhpf2u u_hu ؘ_ǃ}'5< `茤_Puu hfju֟_}jjuh4f,hhlϠ_à ~"ShlW"_ 9tjjjhTf빐_W _u_1[^_can't create %swrite to %s failedUWVS]hu ڗ_ǃ}jju h]jljS_ƃ}jjSh4fIhhlV_à ~#ShlWC_ 9tjju hmj뼐V6_W0_e[^_OopsUVS]u(kڐBu)uP<_ƃu'=t #jjjhafP򐐊CBue[^Uuuu uh `˘_h `Y_patch: **** UWVS} u]hkh `蒘_SVWuh `肘_je[^_: %s UWVSu]=< `hkh `K_SVu uh `9_W_Phlh `#_,je[^_/dev/ttyUWVS} u]j/_EEESVWuhl_h `d_0ҿlщHPhlja_(}thhljߝ_à j轚_t>h `_lEщHPhlj_hhljjhwlL_ƃ|KV]_t>lEщHPhlV譣_hhlV5_V襔_`j_tFh< `X_0lHPhljW_hhljޜ_Ãl  l ƃl}ujjjhlge[^_U}u@jj_dt d5jj_ht h55djž_5hj赞_Ujj褞_jj蛞_mkdirUWVSEU 18t 8/u@G @C8utO n lf nf pl19]lpPln_t(=< `u;tC;u ClS芞_/F9~lt hl6_`[^_fetchname %s %d %d /dev/null,vRCS/%s%sRCS/%s%s%ss.SCCS/%s%sUWVS]} tM `Bt CBu=}uu ShoPj hoS_ u 1SÉډރ>t<  `0Au'0:/uOxrB:t0At} u59t1;/t,FhS_uff%f=@uF/V%S蕓_hV躜_}V4)SV8W_ho4hoSG_ hWa_j4hoS_hW5_ho4hoS_hW_t^4hohoS_hWۛ_t34hohoS薛_hW谛_tVs_1$[^_out of memoryUSEuP._Ãu hDr[؋]2.1Patch version %s Uhrhrh `Ց_jNSu1҃=tB8uЅtЃu[S=t Ѓ;uhrf_[=ulibc.so.4DLL Jump 4.4pl1/usr/lib//lib//ts~ssS\$̀[̀}أ̂Ð%1̀}أ̂Ð%/̀}أ̂Ð%2̀}أ̂Ð%SV\$̀} أ̂[S\$L$ T$̀} أ̂[WVT$ t$1Ou^_WVSt$\$T$t%1IQRVu Su[^_' : can't load library 'Incompatible version. Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. Corrupt fixup table. VSt$ F8tU8t'jhujhxD PK}[^UWVS\$S|$99t"jhujdh 3x|$WD PN}S:ltT19u~M||$?t8L$1ې|$u|$D;)|$D;9uF9u[^_]VSt$ F88t#jhujh+xD PK}1| tD L CN9C#TDN9[^LD_LIBRARY_PATH). : incompatible minor version numbers (: Warning: ) ( U4WVS}EDžft%_f9uf9t Džw1IU:tH߾wAItuu1 r؅u<=:u1҃t ti:`Dž1ۀ:t*9:uC>u݋\$)ĉ Ђω4)Dž<$Dž:tb㋕8:u%/BB B>u8/D19Ђ~ds :>C9Ђ*@{DžsЂDž܂=܂6~1ۋƅ QCV?PVVM9~ =̂t̂jh uQh$uu 6Vj$t{{$|{$|$|$|$|$||$|$|$|$||$|$|$|$|$|$|$|$|{jh;uNjhRu>jhgu.jhyujhujhuj hU?_ ف9u9ttQjhx6~WhxPh/xM Qh2xj$Ijh uVh$u} ?Wjjh;uj hr8hDž܂=܂t=jh