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It lacks the ability to position the cursor. If that is not the actual type of terminal you have, use the C-shell command `setenv TERM ...' to specify the correct type. It may be necessary to do `unsetenv TERMCAP' as well.The screen size has not been specified.UWVS/ =.uX+URV~r_Ã} hguURhR0ЃPZu (d_Sh;r_Sh>r_ShAq_ShDq_- ShGq_ShJq_ShMq_ShPq_- ShSq_-ShVq_-ShYyq_Sh\iq_ Sh_Vq_-ShbFq_She6q_Shh&q_ Shkq_Shnq_Shqp_Shtp_ Shwp_-Shzp_ Sh}p_Shp_ Shp_Sh}p_Shmp_Sh]p_- ShJp_-Sh:p_-uSh#p_-hp_t-Sho_-=-uPho_-Sho_ Sho_$Sho_(Sho_, Shso_0Shco_4ShSo_-ShCo_8 Sh0o_<Sh o_-Sho_@ShĚo_D Shǚn_HShʚn_LSh͚n_-ShКn_- ShӚn_-Sh֚n_-Shٚn_PShܚzn_T hߚ`n_thIn_$%..h0n_hh!n_Xhn_1hn_uhm_thm_\hm_`hm_dhm_$%..hm_lh}m_h,0P,4P(, x4hQm_,B4,x0h 0m_,B0h m_P+h m_phl_. =u =,u -,= t 0 `=.} .=0u8hߚl_pShܚxl_(Shٚhl_0=ht2-0p--uuh .jh"URj_ tu&=Lu4<@8t"ƿ+u8t L0<RR/j_h?Ri_<0=<9t8%u x+u@C@9u衰,P0-P4-@0, uURhC輔,x0~x4 hZ螔1=t)=t RR8i_%x1=0t)=(t (R0Rh_%|=p~,p)P41'%t =.؈$%..1=-t =Lu=u =t*1=u =t=u$=u=*t=,t=4t*1= u=u=u =t=u =t,=ƒ/=t x-%[^_]ÐU0]ÐUS]=tRS^_ `9 `w#%Ph `Y_ `]]ÐU=-t40h`j-Rh_ 0'.=-t-0h`j-Rh_ 0 ' .=-t-0h`j-RHh_ 0 '.=-t-0h`j-Rh_ 0 '.=-t-0h`j-Rg_ 0 '.=-t-0h`j-Rg_ 0 '.=-t-0h`j-RHg_ 0 ' .=.t==-t40h`j-Rf_ 0'$.=-t=jj-R葬 t&0h`jPf_ 0 ',.=-t=jj-RA t&0h`jPWf_ 0 '0.=-t=jj-R t&0h`jPf_0 '4.]OOPSUWVS-9-E]+]tZy5-.5- .'~ӉU}thpjV[e_ Ky]+] +=$.'.E =.ډЙ=.ƍ~.E.E9-1t$.E+E.'t'$.E+E.'9} ыEE'C.9}6M}t'"hpj-PFd_ NyEE ]+] tm~5-.5-.ہ'u}t hީ*^_')E}thpjVc_ KyEe[^_]UWVSM9 -uM 9 -=-s=-fjM QMQ -Q -Q1.'jM QMQjjaÃ9}޿ .'jM QMQj-HP+Ã9}޿.'Z.t4-@9-': Arm()\n ,: Activate() Disarm()\n (2+): MultiArm()\n (2+): MultiActivate()\n : Activate() Disarm()\n osfSelect: ArmAndActivate()\n osfActivate: ArmAndActivate()\n osfHelp: Help()\n ~Shift ~Meta ~Alt Return: ArmAndActivate()\n : Enter()\n : Leave()\nEmacs*XmTextField.translations: #override\n !osfBackSpace: delete-previous-character()\n !osfDelete: delete-previous-character()\n !Ctrlh: delete-previous-character()\n !Ctrld: delete-next-character()\n !MetaosfDelete: delete-previous-word()\n !MetaosfBackSpace: delete-previous-word()\n !Metad: delete-next-word()\n !Ctrlk: delete-to-end-of-line()\n !Ctrlg: process-cancel()\n !Ctrlb: backward-character()\n !osfLeft: backward-character()\n !Ctrlf: forward-character()\n !osfRight: forward-character()\n !Metab: backward-word()\n !MetaosfLeft: backward-word()\n !Metaf: forward-word()\n !MetaosfRight: forward-word()\n !Ctrle: end-of-line()\n !Ctrla: beginning-of-line()\n !Ctrlw: cut-clipboard()\n !Metaw: copy-clipboard()\n : copy-primary()\nEmacs*dialog*button1.accelerators:#overrideReturn: ArmAndActivate()\nKP_Enter: ArmAndActivate()\nCtrlm: ArmAndActivate()\nEmacs*XmList*FontList: -*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*Emacs*XmText*FontList: -*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*Emacs*XmTextField*FontList: -*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*Emacs*XmDialogShell*FontList: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*Emacs*popup*Font: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*Emacs*menubar*Font: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*Emacs*dialog*XmList*Background: WhiteSmokeEmacs*dialog*XmText*Background: WhiteSmokeEmacs*dialog*XmTextField*Background: WhiteSmokeEmacs*dialog*Background: #A5C0C1Emacs*dialog*Foreground: BlackEmacs*popup*Background: Gray75Emacs*popup*Foreground: BlackEmacs*menubar*Background: Gray75Emacs*menubar*Foreground: Gray30Emacs*pointerColor: BlackEmacs*cursorColor: Red3Emacs*Background: WhiteSmokeEmacs*Foreground: BlackUVSu^%t*t!P@P@P<ƒ ,K0  {$u,CL%9u 9uSO C$ yG_e[^]ÐU`/%P-]ÐUSMQ z$u9,uBL%9u R , *SH` yF_ yF_]]ÐU`/%P]]ÐUE@$PP( P!  *R$H` ydF_ yKF_]ÐUWVS}u]=*! =,tBU US(US,{$u Su  E_S9ACP%Pw*9$jR*9+SDRjR)%PK9@tH @u EffURUBuPjEPURRC$U US(US,S  sD_U9S,U9S(t:jR(9+t!jR(%@ 9+t#jV(%@ 9+trU {$t Sa  *RdE` yC_ C_{$u S U US(US,{$t S *RD` yC_ yB_e[^_]ÐUS]9,u S URURU RURSDR/=,u9,u {$tS/]]ÐUWVS]}u9+t&VWURU RS(%X9+uۍe[^_]MU$WVS] MUuu܋~}~$~0}~(~,}F9+u}܋G9+tRuVQSPN}܋G49+uA_,u%,%8u}u9~Pu9F9M=Ћu9F$-9]$U9V(~$}9}Muu9~E}܋(}9}]uu9~U}܋$}uV[F 9+ueV49+u.}G`9+tG`!~0y9[KuV&[jh}%@PJ` ؋Ujhu%@PJ` }܋G 9+uKW49+uF`9+t)F` U U9UE+EP9E}E+EPuV}Wu@ @%@PVP~puFt9PtQuA}pu8Wtzt/jE+EPrV}WjRRfD(`P5*V&?`}W$à CS9Ef{ufufsf{K t9KtPAQ9E9Kt<ʅt#9KtA9E|t9St B9E}jjRQS}W K  t9K$tPAQ9E9K$t<ʅt#9K$tA9E|t9S$t B9E}jjRQSuVH tCS )9Eu}9wP}W#tuW #ÃtfK t9KtMAQ9E9Kt9ʅt#9KtA9E|t9St B9E}jjRQSuVe[^_]ÐUWVSuM At{F 9F$t V$fAf9Bfj}W!9+ZWMQEu} ?%؃PFPF PFPM APj}Wj] Ct^ M At,CSy}9}tCS9EM AtV}? 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fielddefault-mode-line-formatdefault-abbrev-modedefault-ctl-arrowdefault-truncate-linesdefault-fill-columndefault-left-margindefault-tab-widthdefault-use-left-overflowdefault-case-fold-searchmode-line-formatdefault-major-modemajor-modemode-nameabbrev-modecase-fold-searchfill-columnleft-marginuse-left-overflowtab-widthctl-arrowtruncate-linesauto-fill-functionbuffer-file-truenamebuffer-auto-save-file-namebuffer-read-onlybuffer-backed-upbuffer-saved-sizeselective-displayselective-display-ellipseslocal-abbrev-tableoverwrite-modefind-file-compare-truenamesfind-file-use-truenamesundo-thresholdundo-high-thresholdinhibit-read-onlykill-buffer-query-functionsdelete-auto-save-filesUh =h4=h =ht=h/=h/=h;hp+& hFhl/h\hhmhh}h+ hhp hh hh hh hhhhhh,0xh h(-i hfhL+Whh,HR+R"PD/R+R\$h51P,R+Rl\j h hY< j h hr( j h h j h h j h h j h h j h h j h h j h h h hj h( h-v h4 h@`h@ hKNhL hU<hX ha*hd hrhp h~h| hh hh hh hh h h hh hh hvh hdh hRh h@h h$.h  h6h hH h$ hch0 hvj h< h ,j hH h *j hT hh 9+ j h` hph ~9+ j hl 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T` lh 3| Active processes exist; kill them and exit anyway? ؛$ 0ķ @ ̸ . 0 indent-line-function indent-to-left-margin(  l؛ 0, @P  d insert-tab | =  l؛p 0 @ Jȹ  c i T_j< <؛ 0 @ $ @>8 b  bny`W `w`|l  \]")y]ljlj ) r p |T 0l@DȺ  ؛, 0 @ x 0 epos#  Uy`w`| j`)` W b)T P 0\  ؛ 04 @ indent-region-function  Ļ  b  b !` W!nl cyg*  " b  bny` Wnl yl ˉ)! b  bny` W`w`|l"yf ˉ)l r PL| ̬l 0l  ؛ 0p @ ` 0 indent-relative-maybe indent-relative4 !؛( 0< @d Z x unindented-ok start-column q  iy#y`) !i V!! w w` Ui)) `x`| "`Vb‰) *@ P,  0D 0Ⱦ 0ؾ 0|Ğld ^[^ ] [ ]Ծ ^   ؛ 0D @  4 0  tab-stop-list4 edit-tab-stops-mapT edit-tab-stops-note-changes| edit-tab-stops-buffer edit-tab-stops tabstп p!!!!!! @"cAn)cW\ccTkcVcSq)!ceb4 0\t<DlDl:F 0 0 0 0 *Tab Stops*  0123456789!  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Name of user's primary mail file.H gnus-startup-file h ~/.newsrck The file listing groups to which user is subscribed. Will use `gnus-startup-file'-SERVER instead if exists. rmail-spool-directory  unisoft-unix8 rtuH irix\ netbsdp /usr/spool/mail/b Name of directory used by system mailer for delivering new mail. Its name should end with a slash. sendmail-program /usr/lib/sendmail@ Program used to send messages.l term-file-prefix term/ If non-nil, Emacs startup does (load (concat term-file-prefix (getenv "TERM"))) You may set this variable to nil in your `.emacs' file if you do not wish the terminal-initialization file to be loaded.x manual-program /usr/bin/man" Program to run to print man pages. ~/.abbrev_defs+ *Default name of file to read abbrevs from.4 directory-abbrev-alist X \`/tmp_mnt/p command-line-do-help sunpro era-version command-switch-alist 5 ! @! @G\ Ao Y  W! Tr) T 0Ld 0`  p  ؛ 0, @  undocumented@ ! !! !!!!˪!!!!@@@Aԉ9N!ܝ"OቔO"ቔO"@=@"#!! -AC*!!!)+lܸl\ 0,l 0<| 0 0 0 0 0t D@- / l\ | 0 0 0T 0 0L 0 0th  x   XEmacs Lucid EmacsH  accepts all standard X Toolkit command line options. In addition, the  The ; following options are processed in the order encountered: d l 0x  (undocumented)  \(<.*>\) ?\'  +\' Same as %s.    +N Start displaying at line N. These options are processed only if they appear before all other options: -batch Execute noninteractively (messages go to stderr.) This option must be first in the list. -nw Inhibit the use of any window-system-specific display code: use the current tty. -unmapped Do not map the initial screen. -no-site-file Do not load the site-specific init file (site-run.el). -no-init-file Do not load the user-specific init file (~/.emacs). -q Same as -no-init-file. -user Load user's init file instead of your own. -u Same as -user.  Anything else is considered a file name, and is placed into a buffer for editing. Emacs has an online tutorial and manuals. Type ^Ht (Control-h t) after starting emacs to run the tutorial. Type ^Hi to enter the manual browser. ؛ 0 @  abbreviated-home-dir < hack-homedirT \ hp  @@ " @A ĕOP Ah)!!!Q) "ĕU HUGSH=Ѫ ϔϕO ĕOR <D̡, 0@ 0|P 0` 0/5 0x 08 $fooL \`\ ~ l \(/\|\'\) ؛d 0 @L  normal-top-level command-line-processed startup-message-timeout inhibit-startup-message< inhibit-default-init` before-init-hook after-init-hook term-setup-hook keyboard-type window-setup-hook initial-major-mode lisp-interaction-mode8 init-file-userT site-start-file p site-start init-file-debug init-file-had-error initial-screen-unmapped-p command-line-do-funcall command-line-args-left@ <  @! A )| /؛0 0L @( ( command-line-do-funcall-1 command-line-do-eval form@ @A !!)D؛ 0 @ |8 command-line-do-load@d @ !! ! #)Ad|؛X 0 @P  command-line-do-insert@  @! A؛ 0 @ 4 command-line-do-kill@` !t؛T 0h @L W command-line-do-version@  P"! 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Type \[help-with-tutorial] for a tutorial on using Emacs. Type \[info] to enter Info, which you can use to read documentation. GNU Emacs comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type \[describe-no-warranty] for full details. You may give out copies of Emacs; type \[describe-copying] to see the conditions. Type \[describe-distribution] for information on getting the latest version.(  *8 For customization examples, see the files p sample.emacs  and  sample.Xdefaults .  \`-- \`\+[0-9]+\' --؛ 0 @, insert-xemacs-logo-indentT insert-xemacs-logo-real x xemacs-logo make-face-bold make-face-largerV !!!!! ""!я)j`c`"")4Dt 0 0 0, 0|$$Ld |F 0D( -*-palatino-bold-i-*-*-*-600-*-*-*-*-*-*) -*-helvetica-bold-o-*-*-*-600-*-*-*-*-*-*( -*-palatino-bold-i-*-*-*-400-*-*-*-*-*-*)8 -*-helvetica-bold-o-*-*-*-400-*-*-*-*-*-*l t 0  !!!! @ d4 T XEmacs؛ 0$ @ insert-xemacs-logo 4 < D TL T \ d 0x p jc @  0 XEmacs؛ 0$ @ !eb#ɔɕ""meb#ɔɕ""meb#ɔɕ""eb#ɔɕ""#ɔɕ""ebc! cjcc``""cjcc*$ 0D0 0P 0t 0 0 0ܸl| 0 04 0 0, \b\(C-[xh]\( \([CM]-\)?.\)?\|M-x [-a-z]+\)\b< ^Copyright[^ ]+$\ ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY Energize Programming System [-A-Za-z_]+@lucid\.com   (also known as Lucid Emacs)    $ (also known as XEmacs)؛ 0x @d startup-make-version-dir version"  " ÔÕO " ÔÕOQ P) 0, 00 0@ 0 \`[^0-9]*\([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\) (beta *\([0-9]+\))< -b L lib/lemacs-؛ 0 @ find-emacs-root-internal ver-dir  ! "! "! "! "!" "! "! " P" "!# "!" "!! ") P" "!# "!" "!! ") ! "!),| 0 0L 0( 0< 0T 0ܦd 0 0 0 0Ħ lisp/prim lib-src  ../lisp/prim4 ../%s H ../lib-src` ../ p %s/lisp/prim %s/%s %s/lib-src ../../؛ 0 @  root lisp  site-lisp( lib-src< etcL lock-directoryh lock| files Info-directory-list superlock-path set-default-load-path-warning3  ! ! " "!) "!) "!) "!) "!) "!!) !!! "!!) "!!) "!!) "!C"% !!@ ❬ "   !C!A!R*   C" % !!@ 㝬  "   !C!A!R*$ "$!$$$%%$C"%& "&!&!'((!(''(C"'''C"'!)))!!") .-Ħ| 0  0, 0$ 0L<0 0T 04̔l$ 0< 0\ 0|X 0,dl  $ <ļ 0 lemacs/site-lisp ../lemacs/site-lisp 0 lemacs/lockH ../lemacs/lockd ^[^-.]t 0  RCS 0  CVS 0 SCCS 0  RCS 0  CVS 0 SCCS !!!SuperLock!!!؛ 0, @H guess\ warningst ! É;!   ?!q p!B B B BAA#A#@" ޱ   @"ቔO$!Q " " ቔO  "   $ "  11!! "   "cc ! "@!AB@ed")ebCDE"CF E" ),G̔l$,$<|4 0@ 0HP 0TP 08; 0< 0X 0p 0 0 0 0P 0p 0 0 0L 0 0| 0T 0t 0 0 0$ 08 00 0 L 0 0 0 0 0 0X 0x 0Ħ 0 0L 0d,  *warning-tmp*H %s, %s, and %s d %s and %s | variable %s% couldn't find an obvious default for = , and there were no defaults specified in paths.h when emacs 9 was built. Perhaps some directories don't exist, or the \ emacs executable, |  is in a strange place? /[^/]+\' /bin/ /?\'* /\(bin\|src\|lib-src\|etc\|lisp\)[^/]*/?\'8  Without both exec-directory and load-path, emacs will ` be very broken. % Consider making a symbolic link from >  to wherever the appropriate emacs exec-directory directory is"  Consider making a symbolic link 0 , and D from 4X  to wherever the appropriate emacs data-directory is Consider making a symbolic link 2  to wherever the appropriate emacs lisp library is .8  Without lock-directory set, file locking won't work. d Consider creating  ../lemacs/lock5  as a directory or symbolic link for use as the lock 7 directory. (This directory must be globally writable.) (  WARNING: ؛h 0 @X t ` 0Tl -help|   0T -version   0 -funcall   0 -f   0ģ -e  (  0ܣ  -eval0 L 8 0 D -loadT l \ 0 h -lt  | 0$ -insert   0$ -i  0< -kill defun-prompt-regexp parens-require-spaces $ buffer-end8 @L `"!bW t _p@d؛@ 0x @0  h 0 @  [! _p@؛ 0 @  s 0@8  #@؛, 0@ @$ p 0 0 @ `#!b _p@d؛ 0 @x   0 @  [!( _p@؛ 0, @ X  0l inc@% VªU?` #!b Zh) _p@|d؛x 0 @p  B 0  up-list@(  [!@؛ 00 @ X 0 0@%t VªU?` #!b Zh) _p@|d؛h 0 @`   0@  ` !`")Ğ@`؛ 0 @ D 0 0@`  [!ģ@؛T 0h @L  x0 0 @% Wu R$yˇ _p @ 4  04 0D 0X 04, ^\s(\|@ \(P \)\s(d ^\s(؛ 0 @  3 0@  Vde@؛ 0 @  npos @ UV`dW` u!ou!!w!y`XS*S=W`!!y`Y!!w!yeb)TG) _p@Ecc=!c gz>c), P @d 0Lt  0() p  w| _ )  w _ (؛ 00 @    0  before-paren !u` ` U* ou l<ܦ؛ 0  @\  p buffer-syntax emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table A  ! ! !̔ A؛ 0 @   ` Î !!gzUuu`* {  Sf=̪ #=! 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If the mouse is clicked while while not over a highlighted completion, then the gl<ld be bound to a mouse button in `mode-line-map'." "e"]) (byte-code "M" [("Window Commands" ["Delete Window" delete-window t] ["Delete Other Windows" delete-other-windows t] ["Split Window" split-window-vertically t] ["Split Window Horizontally" split-window-horizontally t] ["Balance Windows" balance-windows t]) mode-line-menu #[(event) "\n!\n!\n!D\"\n!!= ! !\n! !!\"AB!*" [locate-window-from-coordinates event-screen event event-x event-y window minibuffer-window previous-window select-window t popup-menu-titles popup-menu format gettext "Window Commands for %S:" buffer-name window-buffer mode-line-menu] 7 nil "e"]] 2) ow window mouse-down screen-height 1 3 window-edges "can't drag bottommost modeline" next-event motion-event-p 0 event-y-pixel 20 999 next-vertical-window "BLAT FOOP" window-height window-min-height "BLAT" "FOOP" select-window enlarge-window sit-for button-release-event-p key-press-event-p "" dispatch-event] 7 "\ Resize the window by dragging the modeline. T8emacs-" emacs-version))) (while (string-match "[^-+_.a-zA-Z0-9]+" name) (setq name (concat (downcase (substring name 0 (match-beginning 0))) "-" (substring name (match-end 0))))) (if (string-match "-+\\'" name) (setq name (substring name 0 (match-beginning 0)))) (add-name-to-file "xemacs" name t)) (kill-emacs))) (if (or (equal (nth 3 command-line-args) "run-temacs") (equal (nth 4 command-line-args) "run-temacs")) (progn ;; purify-flag is nil if called from loadup-el.el. (if purify-flag (progn (princ (gettext "\nSnarfing doc...\n") #'external-debugging-output) (Snarf-documentation "DOC") (Verify-documentation))) (princ (gettext "\nBootstrapping from temacs...\n") #'external-debugging-output) (setq purify-flag nil) (apply #'run-emacs-from-temacs (nthcdr (if (equal (nth 3 command-line-args) "run-temacs") 4 5) command-line-args)) ;; run-emacs-from-teH( @l( @(lܴ @) ( @) ($ @T(@ @l(\*\ @<(<| @( @( (е @@(D @@(,\ @@(l @@( @ (0 @@(D @@($ @̸ (< @@(  @t ( @@( @x D# (4 @Ⱥ \$ (IĹ @ ^ ( @@^ ( @L ^ ($ @@(8 @@( @@(  @@( @@(( @@(@ @@(<X @@( @t ( @\  ( @@(X @ ( @0 (ؾ \^ @tZ (T @@(d @ (C @ ( @T (x @ ( @$ (* @@( @@(, @@(JH @` ( @ (4 @ (4` @@(dK @@(  @@( @@( @T# ( @ ( @@( @@(|C@ @ (` @@(t @@( @@( @@( @@(tE @@( @D($  @X (M @@( 0 @@( @ (4< @@(P @@( @` (  @@( | @F(| @ (E @@( @@(l @@(t @@(| @ ((4 @ (T @@(T @@(( @,] \ ( ` @] ] ( @P ^ (< @@( @@( @@(̪ @@( @@(d @@(4 @@( )T @@(t @@( @@( @@(ȫ @@(- @@(d @@( @@(l8 @@(` @@( @@( @@(Ĭ @@( @@( @@( @@(0 @@( H @@(4d @@(l @@(L @@( @@(Э @@(t @@( @@(4 @@(X @@( @@( @@( @@(ܮ @@( @@( @@(4 @@(KP @@(t @@( @@(T  @@(ȯ @@( @@( @@(| @@(0 @| ( @0 (K @@(Ȱ @@(L @` (h @@(L| @@(<) @@( @@(̱ @@(| @\( @t(H @|(IJ @($ز @($ @( @$ ( @4(8 @(P @(*h @ (̗ @( @@ ( @( @<(d. @t( @( @\(4 @L(<L @\(\ @L(4p @d( @|0P0P0P0(P04P0@P0LP0XP0dP0pP0z|P0P0P0P0P0P0P0P0P0P0Q0 Q0Q0$Q00Q0X =X <X ;X :X 9X 8X 7X 6X 5X 4X 3Y 2 Y 1Y 0Y _4,Y /$Y . 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Cut buffers are considered obsolete; you should use selections instead.font] index]", or it may be the name of a bitmap file acceptable to XmuLocateBitmapFile(). If it is a bitmap file, and if a bitmap file whose name is the name of the cursor with "msk" exists, then it is used as the mask. For example, a pair of files may be named "cursor.xbm" and "cursor.xbmmsk".p or bottom of the window, you can select pieces of text which are larger than the visible part of the buffer; the buffer will scroll as necessary. The selected text becomes the current X Selection, and is also copied to the top of the kill ring. The point will be left at the position at which you released the button, and the mark will be left at the initial click position. See also the `mouse-track-adjust' command, on \[mouse-track-adjust].#"ā"Ɓ"ȁ"ʁ"́"΁"Ё"ҁ"ԁ"ց"؁"ځ"܁"ށ"""""""""""""""""@"B"D"F"H"J"L"N"P"R"T"V"X"Z"\"^"`"b"d"f"h"j"l"n"p"r"t"v"x"z"|"~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""######################### # # # # ################ #!"###$%#&'! one line summary of each message. \[rmail-summary-by-labels] Summarize only messages with particular label(s). \[rmail-summary-by-recipients] Summarize only messages with particular recipient(s). \[rmail-summary-by-regexp] Summarize only messages with particular regexp(s). \[rmail-summary-by-topic] Summarize only messages with subject line regexp(s). \[rmail-toggle-header] Toggle display of complete header. back to binary format while saving. You can use \[hexl-find-file] to visit a file in hexl-mode. \[describe-bindings] for advanced commands. are: `brace-else-brace', `empty-defun-braces', `defun-close-semi'. c++-comment-only-line-offset Extra indentation for a line containing only a C or C++ style comment. Can be an integer or list, specifying the various styles of comment-only line special indentations. c++-continued-member-init-offset Extra indentation for continuation lines of member initializations; nil means to align with previous initializations rather than with the colon. c++-default-macroize-column Column to insert backslashes when macroizing a region. c++-delete-function Function called by `c++-electric-delete' when deleting a single char. c++-electric-pound-behavior List of behaviors for electric pound insertion. c++-empty-arglist-indent Extra indentation to apply to a line following an empty argument list. nil means to line it up with the left paren. c++-friend-offset Offset of C++ friend class declarations relative to member declarations. c++-hanging-braces Controls open brace hanging behavior when using auto-newline feature. nil says no braces hang, t says all open braces hang. non-nil-or-t means top-level open braces don't hang, all others do. c++-hanging-member-init-colon Defines how colons which introduce member initialization lists are formatted. t means no newlines are inserted either before or after the colon. nil means newlines are inserted both before and after the colon. `before' inserts newlines only before the colon, and `after' inserts newlines only after colon. c++-member-init-indent Indentation level of member initializations in function declarations, if they are on a separate line beginning with a colon. c++-paren-as-block-close-p If non-nil, treat a parenthesis which is the first non-whitespace on a line as a paren which closes a block (i.e. treat it similar to right curly brace). c++-relative-offset-p Control the calculation for indentation. When non-nil (the default), indentation is calculated relative to the first statement in the block. When nil, the indentation is calculated without regard to how the first statement is indented. Useful when using a `c++-special-indent-hook'. c++-special-indent-hook Hook for user defined special indentation adjustments. You can use this hook, which gets called after a line is indented by the mode, to customize indentations of the line. c++-tab-always-indent Controls the operation of the TAB key. t means always just indent the current line. nil means indent the current line only if point is at the left margin or in the line's indentation; otherwise insert a tab. If not-nil-or-t, then tab is inserted only within literals (comments and strings) and inside preprocessor directives, but the line is always reindented. Default is value for `c-tab-always-indent'. c++-untame-characters When non-nil, inserts backslash escapes before certain untamed characters in comment regions. It is recommended that you keep the default setting to workaround a nasty Emacs bug, unless you are running a patched Emacs. Auto-newlining is no longer an all or nothing proposition. In my opinion, I don't believe it is possible to implement a perfect auto-newline algorithm. Sometimes you want it and sometimes you don't. So now auto-newline (and its companion feature, hungry-delete-key) can be toggled on and off on the fly. Hungry-delete-key is the optional behavior of the delete key so that, when enabled, hitting the delete key once consumes all preceding whitespace, unless point is within a literal (defined as a C or C++ comment, or string). Inside literals, and with hungry-delete-key disabled, the delete key just calls the function in variable `c++-delete-function'. Selection and toggling of these features is controlled by the variables `c++-auto-hungry-initial-state' and `c++-auto-hungry-toggle'. Legal values for both variables are: `none' (or nil) -- no auto-newline or hungry-delete-key. `auto-only' -- function affects only auto-newline feature. `hungry-only' -- function affects only hungry-delete-key feature. `auto-hungry' (or t) -- function affects both features. Thus if `c++-auto-hungry-initial-state' is `hungry-only', then only hungry-delete-key feature is turned on when the buffer is first visited. If `c++-auto-hungry-toggle' is `auto-hungry', and both auto-newline and hungry-delete-key features are on, then hitting `\[c++-toggle-auto-hungry-state]' will toggle both features. Hitting `\[c++-toggle-hungry-state]' will always toggle hungry-delete-key feature and hitting `\[c++-toggle-auto-state]' will always toggle auto-newline feature, regardless of the value of `c++-auto-hungry-toggle'. Settings for K&R, BSD, and Stroustrup indentation styles are c-indent-level 5 8 4 c-continued-statement-offset 5 8 4 c-continued-brace-offset 0 c-brace-offset -5 -8 0 c-brace-imaginary-offset 0 c-argdecl-indent 0 8 4 c-label-offset -5 -8 -4 c++-access-specifier-offset -5 -8 -4 c++-empty-arglist-indent 4 c++-friend-offset 0 Turning on C++ mode calls the value of the variable `c++-mode-hook' with no args, if that value is non-nil.x@@@@0@@stw3о0|@autoloadxc@ @@ 0L@0@00@@nil`0\@@@w3-fetch@X,% @\\ 0c<@@@4] 0@@$@@auto] 0`@@@\ 0c@@  @x@@@@ $  t$ @ectx @@@x@@@x`@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@x`@@@x@@@x@@@@x@@@x @@@x@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@x @@@x@@@x`@@@x@@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@@x@@@x@@@@\ 0Ԋ`@d#`@\ 0c@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@x @@@x@@@@x`@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@@x@@@x@@@x @@@x@@@x` @@@x @@@x @@@x@h@@@p\ 04@@x@@@x@@@x@@@@x@@@x@y@@x@@@x@@@x @@@x@@@x@@@@x@@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@@x`@@@ x@@@x@@@x@@@x @@@x`@@@@x@@@@@ x@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@@x@@@x@@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@x @@@x@@@x @@@x@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@x`@t@@x@@@x@@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@x@@@@x@@@x@@@x`@@@x@@@x@@y@@x@z@@x@@~@@x@@@@c@x@8!argj@-other-window(@BSwitch to buffe(@,get-screix@ťmake-scrix@switch-to-buffer )@@name0 !@ )@fsetDx@ctfilenamexD@find-fileX@@r-window@@d file read-onlyix@e-other-screenix@ernate-file8(@ied-pyes-(@tedbuffer-f@@lobuf`@@buffer-file-name<i@ronamei<@ %+Cdbuffq@rectoryread@(< @Ø  !) @<(@-file-not-true-dq@! !! 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