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Junk at end of expressionNo breakpoint number %d.UWVS}u h uuEPUNj0 9{{DtsDV CD{Lt sLV U:u4CDCL} WhHM>U0ЃPRO/CLjsVPuV8CDE8t/hj(#&Wh(e[^_]Can't use the "commands" command among a breakpoint's commands.Unexpected extra arguments following breakpoint number.Type commands for when breakpoint %d is hit, one per line. End with a line saying just "end". UWVS} =, t h'UUEP?Ã}tE8t h^'50 tK9^u?ttShOc<ÍFu&VV F@ PR < QIU uG8v u΀8tOQh!w`t^ V ޅuG`1e[^_]ÐU0 t @8u]ÐUVS0 tP3C8{ u S1{ u S1Cv Cw{Xt S0믐e[^]ÐUU0 t'xt9Pu]Ðu1]ÐUM0 t6z u*B@9u#B9ArA9Br]Ðu1]ÐUS]M Q蜍0 t,zt9Zuzlt9Bluu1]]ÐUWVS}t0t$3{ t C PG S> ue[^_]ÐUWVS]1Eu1FjU2%ljUuE ‹uEe[^_]ÐUEU u#1]Ð]Ð9Ptu1]ÐUU:u1]ÐHtA]Ð]ÐUS]t'C{ tC P C uڋ]]ÐU, ]ÐUWVS}, jh(ƃܐ t7)CPCjR =ܐ uŃ{uۋu, Ve[^_] Breakpoint %d, Old value = New value = Value = US]{tFSzv ztBvzu&Cxw*C@PLC@Ph921{ xt xtxutC@PLKQh1jjhx K QgLh1 jjhx C@\PELhf1K Q  C BSBw/RLh~1jjhx C@\PKhf_1]]ÐUS]t%SCЃ};t搐1]]ÐUVS]CSP虺V4؍e[^]ÐUVSu] jZ!p@@ @e[^]Watchpoint %d deleted because the program has left the block in which its expression is valid. U WVS} U U_{XtShRPjPy%EG@TPVS\RVA u3V荺URS\W s\URURyeUR׹URURbyAG@Ph[/{dt SdR-*S$*URURye[^_]ÐU1]ÐU]Watchpoint %d deleted. Error in testing breakpoint condition: silentU|WVSE}}M9O}0 TMM{9CvCv{t}9{{u M9KCvCv }Cp}WS;E@@KQh( }W~/ CjWMQhht~At1}GxzMAAT{Whn-{dt KdQ@(S7(}GxCE{@tM 9K@u<{DtFjPvjhKDQh}{Dtt}G{$~K$MAl{ uCK<}O{ tG}t5OMQ8u"׹u}}OG}tu MA}MMt>}tM}QY}uWBvzu Ex[^_]ÐUWVSU11L1z3Jy A$x#########$($8$X$h$x$zzztz{1vcSzt?8 #!<؉e[^_]ÐU0 t*xuxu]Ðu1]call dummywatchpoint scopestep resumelongjmp resumelongjmpacc watchpointread watchpointhw watchpointwatchpointfinishuntilhw breakpointbreakpointkeepdisdelNum Type Disp Enb Address What %-3d %-14s %-4s %-3c 08l%s in at :%d stop only in stack frame at stop only if breakpoint already hit %d times ignore next %d hits No breakpoints or watchpoints. No breakpoint or watchpoint number %d. U\WVSEE0 UU}t U9S} u!{v{tCv {E}BjBh%4&jBh%#&jBh%&jBh%& =܉ tjBh%%jBh%%BBjxBSRh%%jcBCX Ph%%jGBC  Ph%v%$j(BC Ph%W%}% =܉ th&URI { C$(((((((((((((((jAhx STR藐 =܉ t#jXAh&SR薨Ph&$j5ASU{Rƃtnhx h&!hx = t.~ u~u ~ u~t~ t1~ uFP!UR{hx h&!hx SR!SRh"&#)h&& Rhx UR[hf#{@t.jA@h(&{#hx jS@R]hfa#{Dt,j @hF&G#hx SDRhf/#= t{ptSpRhU&#{$tj?S$Rhw&" s2>21111>2>2>2>2>2>2SRh0.SRh0SRh0SRh0hx STRp5SRh 1SRh1^tG=܉ u{u#h&9hx jSRyU{tSR[Sh91 hfe[^]No default breakpoint address now.ifthreadJunk after thread keyword.Unknown thread %d Junk at end of arguments.No hardware breakpoint support in the target.Hardware breakpoints used exceeds limit.Multiple breakpoints were set. Use the "delete" command to delete unwanted breakpoints. UPWVSE EEEEEEEMEEEEEEE}tE8iu}xfuwx tx uk= tRj E؋ 0 M M  M  MHMHMH Eyh2cMMȃ= t1=4 tt$9+t9-uEP Q  QEPjjjMQ药E؉U܃MMă}DMQh- "E}tJMQh- jhd7E19}~#E<tPh- G9}E19}oEM؉MMQEE58,EE@E8 t8 t] C; t ; t;u+uVh2MQ( u=C]Љ]jE؋MDPPEPgEԋMM̃ Vh2MQն uZC]jEPS螙 E 9]u h2MQnu/MQh2h2r}t E8EEG9}}t4}t MQ19}E؋ MLMLMT U}t MQMQMQMQMQá4 @P 4 K}KMԉKDMKl}tE<tCH*}tE+EPMQCH}tE+EPMQCLC}u C  C SG9}}~hh32h3(MQe[^_]No line %d in file "%s".UVS]{u1;t,SRR聡ƃu@PSRh8se[^]ÐUE PjEP]ÐUE PjEP]ÐUE PjEP~]ÐUE PjEP^]Junk at end of command.Expression cannot be implemented with read/access watchpoint.Target does not have this type of hardware watchpoint support.Target resources have been allocated for other types of watchpoints.UTWVSu EEEEEEܓ MMjjUR-EԋMMܓ U&EȋMQ誹EP衝Ùz*t RE E@E8 t8 t] C; t ; t;u+E~6Ph2MQ, u C]]jjEP}EUU E8t hn9uuMQEut&h9EPWURMQURMQnơ4 @Pp4 VF MԉNTUЉVXE+EPMQFPỦV\MND}tE+EPURFL FLMQ@ÃtSqEċ^h Fh}t~ ~ F=ܓ tt}tnMQEEEURPjjrá4 @Pt 4 KC CC UċS@MQeC^dURÚV-e[^_]ÐUU1Ʌt5:t:t$zu1]ÐBx wAR uˉȉ]ÐUE PjEP]ÐUE PjEP]ÐUE PjEPn]Couldn't get information on specified line.UWVS  Q9= tj Q  Q jjjjMQ?Éփt h=؋MHMHMH MPS E8t h2uVj  QMQMQMQMQhPhxHyE$t@WjKQV[]jWMQSMQMQ$$PhxH2jj-jx9MQKe[^_]No selected frame.No symbol table info available. blockvector blotchblockvector botchdefaultUPWVSEE= u hS?5 VE  Q@EEE}u hf?=EPuFPKEM$)ĉe̋1VjMQ }uuMquȍEPV9Et h?EuM9tt h?M MċE@E9:uDM9Hs$Eu9uEMDu9prߋM9MUuDM9Hù<2MTUruE9uMuLM8?u ֿ?u }uHEu~ u8MЉ $jvVMQTusMKus MK]ЃEu9uwEMEu9u}UMDu9p}u#}t}uMyuq u?}tyEEАEuMM؋EPEE}tAEuЋv4MЋILuЋv tMЋIL uЋ6uEuċEԋU؍e[^_]catch NAME not implementedU$WVSEEEEE}tE8iu&xfu x tx uj}EUhB}MMEM9M1u萐V"}ttE8tl8iuGxfuAx tx u5jEDPVPEMQE h2r}tE8uMME܋M9MbEM9M}1 7ML7ML7ML7 M}t MQMQMQMQMQá4 @P 4 KCMKDC} u C C SE܋M9M^}~hh3h3MQ e[^_]ÐUE PjEP]No source file specified.No breakpoint at %s.No breakpoint at this line.Deleted breakpoint%s %d UWVS}t!jMQvEUgjeÉ] M  ME= u h.EaM MKMKMK EEUE MLMLMT U1=0 tw}t0 @9EtHa0 xtK}tEXEP8u6RSI u(0 @9Eu0 0 ;߃=0 u50 ~Y}t B9Et7\xtT}tNXEP8u?RS̥ u1@9Eu' ;߃>tBv Bw6u݅u'}tMQhHEh]E?tE } t+?t+PhyEt+} tOQhEW߃u؃} t j _EM9M!MQ e[^_]ÐUS]t%{tCx u{t Pu܋]]ÐUWVS}8t W{9=0 u0 0 t9;uuWRA8~Gvstm0 tcK9OuT{9uN{tH S(RQ@8Љƃt, @HЋSRhhȊ SRV襏C8uGS1e[^_]_longjmpsiglongjmpUDWVS50 }t(VRh Ww jWVhJ֐h+%VhkMLhtMBj;e[^_]Will stop next time breakpoint %d is reached.Will ignore next crossing of breakpoint %d.Will ignore next %d crossings of breakpoint %d.USMU ]}1ҡ0 tj9Hu_P$tiuQhMuQh%NQRhQN uQhK]]ÐU0 t @$u]a breakpoint numberSecond argument (specified ignore-count) is missing.USEEu hEO襾EPiËE8u hYOU RURP)PPShf]]one or more breakpoint numbersNo breakpoint number %d. UVSu ]uuhPf]EP蔼0 t-9BuZdRփt&SփuPh7P];ue[^]Cannot enable watchpoint %d because the block in which its expression is valid is not currently in scope. Cannot enable watchpoint %d because target watch resources have been allocated for other watchpoints. UWVS]E{umCSRCvC{XtOShR輹u%SRhPSC U5 jPES\Ry XNjSTRݡC\PԅC\ x*t P"Cv{uEPSR[\Sh | VURDWe[^_]ÐUSEu50 t6Cv wr SuhQP]]ÐUS]{ tCO[S]]ÐUSEu50 t6Cv wr SuhXSP]]ÐUWVS]E{uMCC SRCvC{XtHShR蕷uSRhP,C U5 jPBS\RY 8NjSTR轟C\P贃C\ x*t PCv{uEPSR[\SH | VURBWނe[^_]ÐUhSEP/]ÐUE@@ @Pf]ÐUh8UEP]Empty line specification.Junk at end of line specification: %sUVS] }u h}U= tj Q  QjjjSMQ萎ÉփE8t PhU2؉e[^]Set ignore-count of breakpoint number N to COUNT. Usage is `ignore N COUNT'.ignoreSet commands to be executed when a breakpoint is hit. Give breakpoint number as argument after "commands". With no argument, the targeted breakpoint is the last one set. The commands themselves follow starting on the next line. Type a line containing "end" to indicate the end of them. Give "silent" as the first line to make the breakpoint silent; then no output is printed when it is hit, except what the commands print.commandsSpecify breakpoint number N to break only if COND is true. Usage is `condition N COND', where N is an integer and COND is an expression to be evaluated whenever breakpoint N is reached. conditionSet a temporary breakpoint. Args like "break" command. Like "break" except the breakpoint is only temporary, so it will be deleted when hit. Equivalent to "break" followed by using "enable delete" on the breakpoint number.tbreakSet a hardware assisted breakpoint. Args like "break" command. Like "break" except the breakpoint requires hardware support, some target hardware may not have this support.hbreakSet a temporary hardware assisted breakpoint. Args like "break" command. Like "hbreak" except the breakpoint is only temporary, so it will be deleted when hit.thbreakenable Enable some breakpoints. Give breakpoint numbers (separated by spaces) as arguments. With no subcommand, breakpoints are enabled until you command otherwise. This is used to cancel the effect of the "disable" command. With a subcommand you can enable temporarily.enableenable breakpoints Enable some breakpoints. Give breakpoint numbers (separated by spaces) as arguments. This is used to cancel the effect of the "disable" command. May be abbreviated to simply "enable". breakpointsEnable breakpoints for one hit. Give breakpoint numbers. If a breakpoint is hit while enabled in this fashion, it becomes disabled.onceEnable breakpoints and delete when hit. Give breakpoint numbers. If a breakpoint is hit while enabled in this fashion, it is deleted.deletedisable Disable some breakpoints. Arguments are breakpoint numbers with spaces in between. To disable all breakpoints, give no argument. A disabled breakpoint is not forgotten, but has no effect until reenabled.disabledisaDisable some breakpoints. Arguments are breakpoint numbers with spaces in between. To disable all breakpoints, give no argument. A disabled breakpoint is not forgotten, but has no effect until reenabled. This command may be abbreviated "disable".delete Delete some breakpoints or auto-display expressions. Arguments are breakpoint numbers with spaces in between. To delete all breakpoints, give no argument. Also a prefix command for deletion of other GDB objects. The "unset" command is also an alias for "delete".dDelete some breakpoints or auto-display expressions. Arguments are breakpoint numbers with spaces in between. To delete all breakpoints, give no argument. This command may be abbreviated "delete".Clear breakpoint at specified line or function. Argument may be line number, function name, or "*" and an address. If line number is specified, all breakpoints in that line are cleared. If function is specified, breakpoints at beginning of function are cleared. If an address is specified, breakpoints at that address are cleared. With no argument, clears all breakpoints in the line that the selected frame is executing in. See also the "delete" command which clears breakpoints by number.clearSet breakpoint at specified line or function. Argument may be line number, function name, or "*" and an address. If line number is specified, break at start of code for that line. If function is specified, break at start of code for that function. If an address is specified, break at that exact address. With no arg, uses current execution address of selected stack frame. This is useful for breaking on return to a stack frame. Multiple breakpoints at one place are permitted, and useful if conditional. Do "help breakpoints" for info on other commands dealing with breakpoints.breakbbrbrebreaStatus of user-settable breakpoints, or breakpoint number NUMBER. The "Type" column indicates one of: breakpoint - normal breakpoint watchpoint - watchpoint The "Disp" column contains one of "keep", "del", or "dis" to indicate the disposition of the breakpoint after it gets hit. "dis" means that the breakpoint will be disabled. The "Address" and "What" columns indicate the address and file/line number respectively. Convenience variable "$_" and default examine address for "x" are set to the address of the last breakpoint listed. Convenience variable "$bpnum" contains the number of the last breakpoint set.Status of all breakpoints, or breakpoint number NUMBER. The "Type" column indicates one of: breakpoint - normal breakpoint watchpoint - watchpoint longjmp - internal breakpoint used to step through longjmp() longjmp resume - internal breakpoint at the target of longjmp() until - internal breakpoint used by the "until" command finish - internal breakpoint used by the "finish" command The "Disp" column contains one of "keep", "del", or "dis" to indicate the disposition of the breakpoint after it gets hit. "dis" means that the breakpoint will be disabled. The "Address" and "What" columns indicate the address and file/line number respectively. Convenience variable "$_" and default examine address for "x" are set to the address of the last breakpoint listed. Convenience variable "$bpnum" contains the number of the last breakpoint set.Set breakpoints to catch exceptions that are raised. Argument may be a single exception to catch, multiple exceptions to catch, or the default exception "default". If no arguments are given, breakpoints are set at all exception handlers catch clauses within the current scope. A condition specified for the catch applies to all breakpoints set with this command Do "help breakpoints" for info on other commands dealing with breakpoints.catchSet a watchpoint for an expression. A watchpoint stops execution of your program whenever the value of an expression changes.watchSet a read watchpoint for an expression. A watchpoint stops execution of your program whenever the value of an expression is read.rwatchSet a watchpoint for an expression. A watchpoint stops execution of your program whenever the value of an expression is either read or written.awatchSynonym for ``info breakpoints''.watchpointsU0 4 h?VhOjhVhVhjh:X͝ hCXhjhX贝h Yh9jhY螝 hYh89jhZ腝hZhX9jhF[o hĔ jhN[h hV[hRjh^\}/ h jhe\h hy\hRjh2]/ h h>]hUjh]-h h]hhUjhO^-(h h]hhUjhO^-h h>]hUjh]-(hĔ jhV^hH h_^hSjh+_. jjh+_h%虜jjh+_h3_膜 hH h8_hSjh2] -hĔ jh/`hĐ h7`hJjhO^I.4jjhO^h?a+hĐ hAahJjh2],$hbhEjhcǛhch8jh@f豛 jjh@fhFf˛jjh@fhHf踛 jjh@fhKf袛jjh@fhOf菛 hTfhh+h2]h| hhh+j h2], h;lhEjhmhmh=jhwn h}nh=jhohoh=jhoϚ hohh+hoX]That operation is not available on integers of more than %d bytes.UVSE ]ƃv jh4sFN9r I9se[^]ÐUVSE ]ƃv jh4sp1N9r I9se[^]ÐUU RUR]ÐUEUM 9s @9r]ÐUEUM 9s @9r]ÐUEPE PEP]Can't deal with a floating point number of %d bytes.U UE uUE]Ðu MRUE]ÐPht%]ÐUUE uE]M ]ÃuM MJ]ÐPht]ÐU@WVS} 11}u 1X=H tSÃt39]t.S܎URP袑 |tċt뾐e[^_]ÐUWVSUE }utWMQUTÃUtHtu)t SjR,}tMMBt(jRSbttRW}tMe[^_]ÐUEU u= t PjR1]jP  QjEPRE]ÐUS]EPS REPEPEPtCwԐ RV4 PI_UP,UUPfX(UP+]]ÐU 1ƀp @9|]ÐU1ƀp @9|]ÐUS] 9< t < 1p u j@$Ѓ@9|ׅtE MQPSD] ]]ÐUVS]u 9< t<  p u S@$Ћ e[^]ÐU 9< t<  j@jjE URU RP\ j@(Љ]ÐUS] 9< tg<  p u S@$Ѓj P]]ÐUSUE 9< t< < R}< Rj]]ÐUWVS 9< t<  U RjS; Up t4 ߹t5 @,ЋU jSPj[ UƂp  R@(Ѝe[^_]ÐUSMU E9< u RQD< < RQ.< ]]ÐUVS]u 9< t<  ƃp 64 e[^]ÐU< Rj]ÐUURjb]ÐU< PEPj]ÐUE PEPj]ÐUj]ÐUEPj2]ÐUjv]ÐUEPj]ÐUEx@$|d|d|d|T|T|T|T|T|T|d|d|d|d|T|T|T|d|]Ð1]Ð]Cannot look up value of a typedefCannot look up value of a botched symbol.U WVSu URURYMI Mu5 UBH$$}d}}~}}~~$~d~}t~}$~4~4~~MIQURG,PMIQURG,P rG,MQURRPW RMY?VhVΆyMYjS;\V螆tZ$jMA"PVjj]SjSËUZh}|MAGu 1VUzu.VJQURNPPbAVMIQURo0G+h|V_G*e[^_]value_from_register: Value not stored anywhere!U0WVS]SrWƋ[ ]1fM fN(~Hy؃@ /EEEEEE$)ĉe] 9}~vEPSUREPEPEP(9] uMM؃}uE/E1}t9] tU9UuEMM܃C9}}t}u }t/}uUVM N@U؉V/}tM؉Nh!UV+F,MQUR9EPM QUREPEP]S3MN+UMNF,^ URSPT e[^_]Address of "%s" is unknown.Address requested for identifier "%s" which is in a register.Can't take address of "%s" which isn't an lvalue.UWVS]{U RS ƃuQ= t8{ u{u*{ u{t{ t1{ uCPhC~*u?u%vVWOKPltuT= t;{ u{u-{ u{t{ t1{ uCPh;N= t7{ u{u){ u{t{ t1{ uCPhyc1e[^_]ÐUEP RPRPRP1]UVS] uURqE]uEjh0EPh in ?? () at %s:%d U$WVSu] EEV赓tFvV%!P|Sh/hJ~tJvV%!Pa|Shh҃}1~ tV zuR%PNQWRNQ=ǃ tLNQE܃t)W@9s1M܋ MM܋I M5MO MNQt M@ E}} }UNQ%!P\|Sh=܉ t5F9Eu}u'hx jNQh4jMQEuPhx h8hx h }tu}jh0EPh]rh,}tbExtY!hh8E@PhbhMQhh }}11ۃ}} F9E؃= tNQSMQMQ5ƒuA=܉ t!thx jNQh ?jE@PMQMQ6  M) }  }tMQMQvVj&hx `e[^_]Too many args in frame specificationNo selected frame.UWVS]E; xC; tp}~ h·߀;t; t G?t? u)PSNSh- SjMDAMV? uG? t;u}t}t3= u h聯 MMEPyPkƒ}tjsyRzƒt#9EutRzƒt9Et}ujMQUyh·e[^_]No stack.Invalid frame specified.Stack level %d, frame at : Stack frame at %s = (%s:%d); saved %s (FRAMELESS), called by frame at , caller of frame at source language %s. Arglist at unknown address. Arglist at args: no args. 1 arg: %d args: Locals at unknown address, Locals at Previous frame's sp is Saved registers: %s at UdWVSEE u h5URÃu hSqyƍ}1~ tN MyuQo%PVRWwKS|ENQJE}t!UUMI M)VR t M@ ESwǃ}uD= |; Rh~hx j Qhe2hĉJhx jRh1 l\Qhԉhx jVR]h胻}t!hjMQURhx ,hO}tMQE@Phۉ hhl\Rhhx jjP MPh b Vwt hHth7hx jQx~ tt hh脺~ t%hhx jF P/~ ut h 8}tUR,RJPh0訿 uhF蕿[hdzhx jShchqƿhx jVMQrh 訿uh%0h hx jSMhEPVxhܾhx jURh ¾11ۃL\|tRtMuh؊hhQhphx jTRFC|t h 贾e[^_](More stack frames follow...) UWVS] u hrEEtjSxcƃ}`ދ]=H t覫SsÃt7Nu݅t-=H t~MQsESsEuԾ= t\]tU~tM=H t2Spt‹RR:tx0u P|SYsÃtOu1]@=H t֪StjjEPRJGSsÃtNut} t hZ衼e[^_] = UWVS}EURU19UU\CtwuwEW= t:{ u{u,{ u{t{ t1{ uCP茹Wh聹WU RS h WK$F9uREe[^_]default in file %s, line %d UWVSEMIME9MUM\38u#uU :{ EjKQPjDEUR= t.{ u{u { u{t{ t1{ uCP\=܉ t hMQ"URj[SMQE@PhUREM9M Ee[^_]No symbol table info available. No locals. UWVS} UR&t1uhL9WURSU t{u[ u܅u hmWAe[^_]blockvector blotchblockvector botchNo catches. UWVS]SsEESp@Eu hLEPGPtË$)ĉe QjMQW OMEPQs9t h謣E9|t h薣3E@E9}l E9u}bEDM9Hr=M< u*MQEPTR tEEME9u}UDM9Hr}u7}t} u+u  '}u} uhMQ蝷e[^_]No frame selected.U= u h螢hx  P]ÐU= u hnhx j P]No arguments. U WVS} UR#rEu hL@EPU19UU\C t"w EW= t6{ u{u({ u{t{ t1{ uCP\WhQjjjURS5$WURPh WF9u=}u hWe[^_]ÐU= u hhx  P]ÐUE M t8P*m@P>ƒt R,9Ptt= uR\6]ÐUSUM = t  1 ]]ÐU塰 u1]Ð= t Rco]Ðo]ÐUVSu] ;~VRkt ƃ;;}}VBktxe[^]ÐUWVS1 u h脟UR$1itjFSjÃt9uu1VW_e[^_]ÐUE PEPj P P]Initial frame selected; you cannot go up.UWVSut VYÃ] t = u h萞EP Rǃ}tu hWd +EPWke[^_]ÐUE PEP`j P P]Bottom (i.e., innermost) frame selected; you cannot go down.UWVS}t WXۃ] t = u h莝EP Rƃ}tu hGb +EPVie[^_]ÐUE PEPPj P P]Make %s return now? Not confirmed.Make selected stack frame return now? 0UWVS}1= u h蓜 Rxlá UPh@EtWWƃ~*t V~} }tY= t0{ u {u"{ u{t{ t1{ uCPhWh{ڣuhlɛeU9uPhU9Ptܐt VS} t jhu h< Rhԧ t4SR< RPSRh"WV Su̍e[^_]Please specify a thread ID listError parsing %sUnknown thread %d.U WVSut>u hAu>t. BuEM9tBtM9u h < Qhԧ9uj EPV& ǃ 9uuVhҨ軎uF> t> t>-uPFj EPVk& E 9uuVhҨ}u> t > ~F> t> tp}`WZÃuWhf5KQ' < QCP[Sh",M QMQ3QG9}}9ue[^_]Please specify a thread ID. Use the "info threads" command to see the IDs of currently known threads.Thread ID %d not known. Use the "info threads" command to see the IDs of currently known threads.[Switching to %s] UVS]u hڌSI" SƃuSh赌vV< R Ph[¡j R RYe[^]IDs of currently known threads.threadsthread Use this command to switch between threads. The new thread ID must be currently known.threadapply Apply a command to a list of threads.applyApply a command to all threads.alltUhhh_hĔ jhh h htjhw,h jh~h hhjh h hh4jhѬfjjhwhլ`]Ðmain.hInternal: select_source_symtab: readin pst found and no symtabs.Can't find a default source fileU WVS]Et4  =4 jjjjhEtujh@EUMMEIME@EMI MEPl M 4 E@+ }  =4 :  ̓ \EX tJs0щʃ~!D8utt4 uM Mu=4 ̓ Et`MYtGs0щʃ~!D8utt]uM Mu}t~uVU ƃF>/t+>$t&jVh R ƃ)PV腋ƃVh- >$tyEPV }L$ hhȊ ǙSV0G5 4C&fEf%f=@tVh׃0Ӊ߃U WVSh9 u2<t<:u&E 9sKڋM +9UD;PSJ" j:S8 ÃtC뫐E:fEfE}tmMU MEjVMQP虈 ÊUEMjPhS{ EU 0։U S6y /j/V 6 E8.ux/uEU:.uz/t0щM}щMUT UUE$)ĉE6j:S5 Et)!0щσux;$us{cum{wug{dua 0щM}щM}UL AEU9~E$)ĉSV +WSV 7 O7~|>/th}W|4 URVr4 EPV1 E}"1ۃ}]C}}}Un>/u+0ɉщʃRVE>jV 0й|/uQS EUEe[^_]$cdirUWVS= Ex4t>jH4Q-0 ƃZE@4PMI8P't MA4Exh  Q Ã9t{:u{:t{us E0ҋ}։uExҍT2$)ĉ+ SMQW E@PVi  SV2 M4MQjjE@PjW9ƃ}3MIQ蜂 ÃE9XtMQjjSjWƃ|%EX4SH8PEMA4SXs e[^_]Source file is more recent than executable. UPWVSu EhUB8P膂EEPV }MIQ~= t% Rt9E~ h8]ŜEPh- zESMQV}URR}~}ߋ]M9tPC< u9tE9uu+UPMQUB8PE +UMF볐MQzUr$PMQB8P要UB(e[^_]ÐUWVSU} 1RUÃU}t16tJ4z(ut SRAS e[^_]ÐUVS]u {(u jSg{4t>9s$|9URURC(DPVS4Rk5 5@ 5< 4 1e[^]%s:%dLine number %d out of range; %s has %d lines.r%d ^%c^?%cUWVS}u+u =4 M @ WsÃ}Z}}0ۋ}Ӊڃf)ԉE PMQh/S< $ RS|I(u SW} ~E 9G$}S` O$QWRE Ph5&zjM W(LQS E }S$ W{hcSE W5 W à < P heʎCv tC@Phi-uhm葎Shpu tW7 Ã}NSW e[^_]file: "%s", line number: %d UVSu19^~'LQ@PhQ C9^ڍe[^]No symbol table is loaded. Use the "file" command.+No default source file yet. Do "help list".-Junk at end of line specification.Specified start and end are in different files.Two empty args do not say what lines to list.No source file for address %s. is in (%s:%d). is at %s:%d. No line number known for %s.U@WVSEEEuXu h&w=4 u}t M9+t9-u j}t!M8uJuu6=4 u hvj  P Q 4 M8uSuu?=4 u hlvj @ Q+ }P 4 MM܀9,uEojjjjEPS"EԉU؃}~}~EPMEԋMHMHMH MPPk U B9Ut< v9U E܋E܀8 t8 tE܀8,EE܋E܀8 t8 tE܀8uE}t jjj jMQMQjEP_!ẺUЃ}}~"EP MQj mE̋MHMHMH MPPj E܀8t ht}u!}u!}uE9Et h;t}t}t hkktM9*}uMQU PhBt MQEÃhx jMQh?hx = t1{ u {u#{ u{t{ t1{ uCP訆MQE@Ph$6hx jMQMQE@Ph諈u}uMQh`s} tM}t;}u h;sjE@P+ }PM}uhs}}t:j  EP  M)ȃ}P)j}tE E@PMQMQe[^_]No line number information available for address Line %d of "%s" is at address but contains no code. starts at address and ends at . Line number %d is out of range for "%s". UWVSEu@ 4 M < MjRwƋMMHMHMH jP輎Ɖ719 MLMLMT U}uhh>}t5h+h#血hx MQhfh!Y}6EPEPMQMQMQMQE9EuVE@PMQh&葅h#h6}hx MQ߿h# hFXlE@PMQh&;h#h^'hx MQ艿h# hrhx MQdhMQ讼MA < = t@u;MQjMQMQ#E@PMQh苄 C9Vd e[^_]Expression not foundExpression not found UWVS=< GMQ|t Pn=4 u jd 4 QuÃ}4 @P^p4 x(u SP~ 4 9x$}S h%xnj4 @(DPS }Sw 4 @PohcS S C9CwSH tCC ЈF t/C9CwS tCC }P~QS~ jGPW 4 Q  )lj= }; /Gh:fS~ [^_]ÐUWVS=< OMQt Pl=4 u jt 4 QÃ}4 @Pnn4 x(u SP)~ 4 9x$}S h%lj4 @(DPS }S 4 @PnhcS} S #C9CwSO tCCЈF t/C9CwS tCC }P~QS| jGPW 4 Q  )lj= }k _Oj4 @(DPSJ S| 4 @Plh:6S{ [^_]Add directory DIR to beginning of search path for source files. Forget cached info on source file locations and line positions. DIR can also be $cwd for the current working directory, or $cdir for the directory in which the source file was compiled into object code. With no argument, reset the search path to $cdir:$cwd, the default.directoryCurrent search path for finding source files. $cwd in the path means the current working directory. $cdir in the path means the compilation directory of the source file.directoriesInformation about the current source file.sourceCore addresses of the code for a source line. Line can be specified as LINENUM, to list around that line in current file, FILE:LINENUM, to list around that line in that file, FUNCTION, to list around beginning of that function, FILE:FUNCTION, to distinguish among like-named static functions. Default is to describe the last source line that was listed. This sets the default address for "x" to the line's first instruction so that "x/i" suffices to start examining the machine code. The address is also stored as the value of "$_".lineSearch for regular expression (see regex(3)) from last line listed.forward-searchsearchSearch backward for regular expression (see regex(3)) from last line listed.reverse-searchList specified function or line. With no argument, lists ten more lines after or around previous listing. "list -" lists the ten lines before a previous ten-line listing. One argument specifies a line, and ten lines are listed around that line. Two arguments with comma between specify starting and ending lines to list. Lines can be specified in these ways: LINENUM, to list around that line in current file, FILE:LINENUM, to list around that line in that file, FUNCTION, to list around beginning of that function, FILE:FUNCTION, to distinguish among like-named static functions. *ADDRESS, to list around the line containing that address. With two args if one is empty it stands for ten lines away from the other arg.listlSet number of source lines gdb will list by default.listsizeU4 johĔ hqh4jh@$hh@ hh$jht,hhĵhg6hhhS6hhTjh7(jjhh(7h/hDjh|q7 hhjhdX7jjhdhiu7 h@ h hkh jjhPo]ÐUS]SCC 4PCgL P L X@@@ @@f@$f@&f@(@*@+@]]ÐUVS]u C 4PfL P L X@@@ @@f@$fp&f@(@*@+e[^]ÐUL ]ÐUVSuL X PU ؅t9uL e[^]ÐUSL tX PU ؅uL ]]ÐUU9L u"R L ]ÐR P ]ÐL t9P tߋ@ u]ÐUML …t&9J u L B ]ÐR uL ]ÐUWVSuVf~$tF&PR/ÃRà NKN K NKNKfN(fK(N*K*NK{*u({,N,MFP f~$tF&RMQW ؍e[^_]ÐUVSuF8u=EP~*t V@F,PNQ؃ }t}H <Uu-hdhjCP, D D D Et~*t Vf@FVH H e[^]The history is empty.There is only one value in the history.History does not go back to $$%d.History has not yet reached $%d.U WVS]مPH Fuhuh]Ph\9H }Sh\K D 5H N<Eؙu)ƅ~ Nؿ<֋tV?EEe[^_]ÐUS=D t=1ېD Dt PQ C;~D PQ D uH ]]$%d = UWVS}t#?+ut'W H  =   5 9VJVhCpjjhx SBhJp F 9}95H } } t t+Ge[^_]ÐUVSuP tS8uVR t=uj `jV_ C Ԑ Q_CP P P ؍e[^]ÐUVSuVROÃ{*tS<s؍e[^]ÐUWVSu}]Fx*t P<E ,Fƅt WMQSPVk){*t S<S,C@ PRV\ e[^_]ÐUVSuU RÃ{*t S><VR^O ^Se[^]UE@]ÐUS=P t4P P CPO CP O SO =P uϋ]]$%s = No debugger convenience variables now defined. Convenience variables have names starting with "$"; use "set" as in "set $foo = 5" to define them. UVS1P t?uSRhmjjhx SR7hJmuąu hme[^]ÐUS]C8tz8u.{*t S:C,PSRpPC@P3:Ãf{$uC8u SDÃC8u SDÃC8uS R6Ã{*t S:C,P[S]]Invalid floating value found in program.U S]EP{*t S9C,P[S] }t h,WE]]ÐUUR]not implemented: member types in unpack_longValue can't be converted to integer.USEM P fX$H$88X888t RQ葑lRQ5`RQ蕒}U Um$Xm8RQ蕑 hXUhU1]]UWVS]} Es fK$u VW2uWSP$WS1RP,$e[^_]ÐUU RUR]ÐUWVS]}WW(L2M2}E |2tbS}*t W27E,PMQ? P}W ËMA(0Ѕ}B$)‰S}G(t0sFMQÃ}*t C*S,M }D,MI QPR }?;M9u}{} My { ؍e[^_]ÐUEPRU RjP]ÐUWVSU E|jjjjPÃu1[W ƋCF~}t1MM9Ht$P@PMQP2PhAMe[^_]I'm confused: virtual function table has bad typeUWVSU2UU DP4 REU D uUB,PÃC9FtV?PS1P@ƃ^{0} SS,R[0SjV[P@URP`ËC8u>jSVPF ~*u F*V4jS/ǃ%8u h!RUU DPGU2e[^_]suspicious *could not find type declaration for `%s'UWVS]EEs,V=UU9tRVP0Ev0VMQ]?PDPN?EPR±t)8t#$u?_uVuTtNvuttBj8VÉߋMqj h9WCUZETMQ>jSPWP%E9NV4 RcPMQ^ËC8u(jSdPP܂9E|E]F9u}}uGG E)‰PC9|] MQWSMQu'C9]}e[^_]ÐU WVSUB(] DE}t MUz4M GEE U-Mq&?9URSMQ URƋMy(}EP\S@ËUR RN,MQS込^t8}t UVCVA }tM9}tU2~*tVi.EyC9/] MQURMQSURuHC9|ރ}t M10}t UMA(}Ee[^_]ÐUWVSMA(}8t8j؅}CE P輆‰؅}$)É؉~3w.X!ڋMA(D8@$u1؅t ‰Ѝe[^_]Value does not fit in %d bits.UWVS} u]wtShpJjMQ貅ƒw H!‰ RjMQ;e[^_]Unexpected type encountered for integer constant.UWVS]} S~ƋS Hw~$xWRF,PqWRF,P hrIe[^_]Unexpected type encountered for floating constant.UVS]SƋC ;uuu PF,P hHe[^]Function return value unknownUWVSu} }tu h}HSVd*VÍC,v VWP ؍e[^_]Function return type unknown.UVSuu h3HCvu*1҃}uF Hv~ t ~ t1e[^]GDB does not support specifying a struct or union return value.U VSuFu hGCw hsxGu$V]F@ PE"VEF@ PEPj衇e[^]Debugger convenience ("$foo") variables. These variables are created when you assign them values; thus, "print $foo=1" gives "$foo" the value 1. Values may be any type. A few convenience variables are given values automatically: "$_"holds the last address examined with "x" or "info lines", "$__" holds the contents of the last address examined with "x".convenienceElements of value history around item number IDX (or last ten).valuesUh@ h<hjh身h@ hhXjh蟫]ÐUVSUREEPhD7 CƋURPV!C؍e[^]ÐUVSjjUR+EEPhD7BƋURPVB؍e[^]ÐUVSUROEEPhD7jBƋURcVB؍e[^]UVSjjUREEPhD7&BƋURVCB؍e[^]ÐUEjEPURj]ÐUEjEPURjR]There is no field named %ssupport for OP_BITSTRING unimplementedvirtual function at index %d not foundstructurestructure pointerExpression of type other than "Function returning ..." used as functionnot implemented: pointer-to-method in pointer-to-member constructnon-pointer-to-member value used in pointer-to-member constructcannot subscript something of type `%s'Non-integral right operand for "@" operator.Attempt to take contents of a non-pointer value.Attempt to use a type name as an expressionGDB does not (yet) know how to evaluated that kind of expressionUWVSE11UU]M LMHN#$Xx888888888x    8   Xx eeee(eeeehe8h8hh8HH H HxeeeeeeeeeeeehHXU] TRDrl]lȉUR]M t VTRjDP+EǃVh_?]MU LQ]\EMU] ttLQ%U}}]M tFH wc$1!PvVtU] TRMLQ)KU]M \SpP'MU] TRnpP|]MU LQ R]MU LQU] TRpl] ȉ}elR]M DPD3Wh(U]M \SoEMU LQ{o+E@E)ĉeDžlU9l},]SMQU R l]9l|փ}MQWUR1]SMQU Rj Wbt.j]SM QjEUR]SM QjjSU Rj]M DEUTRWn@E]M}}u"URQ] S$ƃ %MQUR] SjƃMQUR] SjW Pm<%EG@@,EFM9HtVQFPMƃUB,@4l@HEl[|@tt|L MA~KtLIlx8pp]D9Et8쉕ply׃tMyMQhY:VZ(EjURlSMQEPNjURB'ƃG@P$GE]M \SUl@EM MU] \S7lMЉ}}Ku]SQM Qƃ !UR]SM QjƃDžl,U] TRkEDžl])ĉe9lGl pUR]SM Qp pl]9l~ʋlUEur]M DP}W U:u1u-}Ku#PEPWEPEP7]EHH Q@PTP ƋUr}t-UZMUEwMq9}}u*U@@tP8h?7EP]SM Q)U] TRjl] ȉURS] Sjǃ}S}u#jjMDPW }h#jU] DPjEMU LQtilU؉MQRU Rjhǃ}}u#jj]M DPWK  }h-jU] DPjEP5MQUR] Sǃ MQUR] SjǃMQUR] Sjƃ}F8u~@E8u h5M9u^WQ,RPWslVgllP][SPuP#hr5MQUR] SRNjMQURSBƃ}MVW]SDE tjG VWP,MQUR] SjNjMQURS_SƋEH VWMQD  jUR]MQSU Rj:Nj]SMQU R_S#ƋEH MU LMVWQhD tURjh}u VW>}uVW@ƃ ]SVWaRƃ MQUR] SNjMQURSƃ} VW]SC tjVWE> MQUR] SoNjMQURS_ƃ}j VW]SaC tjdVW?L MQUR] SjNjMQURSjƃ } VW]SB t j}u*Ev}ujW MQVWQ UR]SM QNjURS] Soƃ}z }u;GHMt?WQg @Ph .2VWUR0B 1VW~@% MQUR] S NjMQURS ƃ} VW_ ]MU LQ.dEURS] S MQUR] So ƃ }u}o }u;GHMt?WQER@Ph 1VWUR A tj]SVW|BǃVWU?ǃEMF MQUR] SjMǃ}ujMQUlj]SM QjƋlVW]Sk@t(MQUR] SjjMQVWUlluEPUR] Sj1luVU%P 4 Q UR]SM Qj]ǃ}ujSU R]ljMQU Rj$ƋMVWUR~?t]SMQU RjiWTlltEPMQU Rj1lt VTuW4  MQUR] Sj}NjMQURS_Siƃ }VWMQ> tjURVWEUlP4 MQUR] SjNjMQURS_Sƃ }DVWMQ;> tjUR;VWTl%P4 MQUR] SjmNjMQURS_SYƃ }VWMQ= tjURVWVlP4 yMQUR] SjNjMQURS_Sƃ }4VWMQ+= tjUR+WV%VlP4 MQUR] SjmNjMQURS_SYƃ }VWMQ< tjURDžlWVUuVWSt DžllS 4 QPUR]SM QjNjURS] SOQƃ }VWUR; tj]SVWW=DžlVWTuVWmRt DžllQ4 R]SMQU Rj S]SM Qjƃ }VF8t h16+}u!VP]PW .VP]PWmUR]SM Qj}URS] SjmMQUR] SjMǃ}WMQ;t URWV]SMQU RjǃYWj6:tj6WV=]SMQU Rjǃ W]Sa:WOP 4 Q}tU:uZ]MQUR] SMQGǃ}}u_G8t 8t8u jG@P 8uj4 R `h^2)W=@]M DE}uDNu/UT Rv[] ȉjUR] SMQ2UR]SM Q/}ujUR] Sj)MQU R]MQSU R]Sǃ}CWMU LQX;U]SRM QURǃu%j]M \SC WPMU LQ UR]SM QUR;NjEHW]S7 j T QFPW 2^UR]SM QURNjEHSW]S7j T QPW3VW6 UR]SM QUR{NjEHW]S+7uPj T QPWO1fUR]SM QUR+NjEHW]S6tSW->wj T Q"PW2VWr WUj0*h&h%j0 S`[^_]Attempt to take address of register or constant.Attempt to take address of non-lvalUWVSu >UD3t9w*tb7URVURjURVURjPU|W/P6U\C8tq}uHSRƋCt t tu h$jVU|WPSmm}uGjVURj 8u$j@PyP1h2$URVURjP=e[^_]ÐUWVSuM |*uK\C8u? @w/TRPSmPC@P޸P}WQVjCe[^_]ÐUVS]U D3t*w*t3A7u;jRSj@@4D%D@jRSj@@ P54 Ve[^]Internal error in eval_type.UVSu F$)ĉ$(D$VURP D3)D30D3StÃ{2t h_"Ce[^]Ðmalloc"malloc" exists in this program but is not a function.evaluation of this expression requires the program to have a function "malloc".No memory available to program.UVSjjjjhֵÃt-{ t h!jS ƃXjhĀÃt+T RP蹷Ps[SP)ƃh&2!UR4 REEPjV$VFt hv Ve[^]Invalid cast.UWVS] C8tz8u.{*t S C,PKQPC@PÃf{$uC8u S ÃC8u SA ÃC8uS QwÃM1C8EGvuEu4u/Myt&jKQjSMQ踻Pu/}t)Sc$MQ tu&}uuSEPMQkSMA 9B uru]uXqB>uM8uH~tBjPjSW PVPTtPG MHmMKT;uCC PMQ 7 th1j Ԑ Qe[^_]ÐUVS]SƋ[ Sj~*t VF,Pn U e[^]Attempt to dereference a generic pointer.UWVSu} > u hV|Ëv VC,PW{؍e[^_]ÐUS]; u hS1U P@*]]ÐUS]SS Cx t@ PC,PR|C*1]]Left operand of assignment is not a modifiable lvalue.Can't handle bitfields which don't fit in a %d bit word.Can't handle bitfields in registers larger than %d bits.Can't handle bitfield which doesn't fit in a single register.Value being assigned to is no longer active.Attempt to assign to a value that was optimized out.Attempt to assign to an unmodifiable value.Left operand of assignment is not an lvalue.U4WVS}u hU B8u8z*t RE ,P} WPU B@PE } f$uG8uU RE } G8u W E U B8uR= W>E UB8u8z*t RQE,P}W+PUB@PE}}U:t} WURE }H2$X8( U R}WPU R}WURR} WURR蛿}twGUBp}pvj h0V]S}GG PɺWRWU RhPSVS}GG P-(B1҅tjEP}GG 2UR R} *t WE ,PUBB PѺ }tgGUB ~ h j]S}GG PXWRWU RPS jS}GG P6Y(W1҅tjEP}GG 2UR R} *t WE ,PUBB PX iE}u UR U}G E؉U܋E $)ĉeAE}WwEЃtU9Bu}u hEѸ)Eu؋Ur19]~#jV}WjjEP^UF9]ދUzt-zWRR} W,PEEPV1҅tUU܍EjPR2]]܋} *t WE ,UR RPS` u؋}w19]UԉU̐EPV}WEPEPjT}t h }u jUR}WA 9}ujUR}WV hBrEF9]n hnRUw } }UR褴Ëu s,U z*t RpE ,} WPVE US؍e[^_]Only values in memory can be extended with '@'.Invalid number %d of repetitions.UWVS}u ?t h"qVh"_VWRFËCp PC,PGG P:WW S؍e[^_]No frame is currently executing in block %s.No frame is currently executing in specified blockAddress of symbol "%s" is unknown.UWVS]} u1YWƃu>SWt1tG8tPhI#5hv#"VSXƃuP= t:{ u{u,{ u{t{ t1{ uCPh#e[^_]Attempt to take address of value not located in memory.US];t h$VC8t8 u P‹CC PRQP]]ÐUS];t h$CC P[SP]]ÐUVS]s>u SjËvVߧC`f{$u>uS.D>u Se+;t h$mCC PV聧P8e[^]not implemented: member types in value_indAttempt to take contents of a non-pointer value.US]C8u.{*t S5C,PSRPC@PÃf{$uC8u S.ÃC8u SkÃC8uS RÃC8u h&VC8uSP4 R =8thD&1 SPC@P]]ÐUVS]U RjuVLjVSZ؍e[^]ÐUSE])PU RS)؋]]UVSu F@ ])P~*t VF,PS؍e[^]ÐUVSUB8uR5 Vcƒfz$uB8u RƒB8u RƒJ9u4 A 9C w9u& A 9C vRSЍe[^]ÐUS]U RPPS ]]Invalid data type for function to be called.UWVSUZtuzsZuRNjC8t8u.p;u+{ uR/P R誶Nj54 h(M 1e[^_]at %sThe program being debugged stopped while in a function called from GDB. When the function (%s) is done executing, GDB will silently stop (instead of continuing to evaluate the expression containing the function call).UWVSu uBxj0SkSh8 Pǃ,PV-P11҃txtR,QQV$1ې QjVAI vjM)Ȉ%&'(|j$PQct,+x ] KxM4QWǃKy쀽tj PW  WO1QFt= tfx t2>Qlt?= t4x uxu&x uxtx t1x up0u3 @hPh)S" İ拍QSVz" S|Qx$t&Q t|]K:u#B9uS0RI:uHv9tuP9u7EE?t8 u]u <u%12E+E1]u<t@e[^_]Internal error: could not find physical static variable named %sthere is no field named %svirtual baseclass botchU WVSMQ莪}uF&XF4MA(T8 u8VR MA(<8uNT8jjjjRUiÃUuRh0.[SuF(|8WÃMQSuVM QޱÃuuVhT0`KMA49.uF4X8E}t1MA(|8 t$T8 u8uRV %EMA4@؃szjEPu ~*t VMu D,PSMQ}u ho0}tEuVMA(D8PjuM}tuVSMQu V訰3MQuF(L8Q8}EPu VMQu K1e[^_]__optypecannot resolve overloaded method `%s'UTWVSEURMA4@HEUU@EMA4@Ujh2SԹ t(jh2S tjh2S謹 u)jMQSQ ujURS> t]M8QS UB4@MtN|E~}uURh2)DtVMQUR裧 MQD@4PD=%P+ uJD4D=u}t UMQURVWM Q赯NhEMwUB4HEMA4U@EEMs4URM QURMQ轴Ãu&ho0UB(0}MA(D0PUREPMQU RMQttNEME}u'1(URMQVWU Rme[^_]not implemented: member type in value_struct_eltAttempt to extract a component of a value that is not a %s.Cannot get value of destructorCannot take address of a methodThere is no member or method named %s.There is no member named %s.could not find destructor function named %s.destructor should not have any argumentArgument list of %s mismatch with component in the structure.Structure has no component named %s.UWVSuB8u_z*t4R)QP::u4x*t P,P@P袩P@@Pcfz$uB8u RB8u RB8uR Q&X;S;J;u h6vMQh86}t M} jSjQMQǃdSMQt ht6WSMQjjVMQǃuh6-C4fxtMQh6MQh6SMQt_M yuFjjC4@HQ@PjݪǃMQh67h$7SMQjM QVMQ+ǃu!MQhL7O(u(jSj6VMQKǃuMQh7e[^_]name of destructor must equal name of classUS];~uDM Q{ƒ8CuCPR5 th`: 1]]ÐUWVSu} F&X0V(T t8uWRñ tKF49}VWJtsF4@X|,[F4@8uWRb tyދF4X|WF(TR5uKy1e[^_]not implemented: member type in check_fieldInternal error: `this' is not an aggregateUS]C8u.{*t SuC,PSRUPC@PÃf{$uC8u SnÃC8u SÃC8uS RÃ[ [;t;t;u h;v h<iU RS]]Internal error: non-aggregate type to value_struct_elt_for_referencepointers to bitfield members not allowedmember pointers to destructors not implemented yetnon-unique member `%s' requires type instantiationno member function matches that type instantiationULWVSMMv h=)MA&xMA(T M8QRu MA(<u>tjjjjV܍ÃuVh0KQ[Sh|t hT={MQ(E PMQ\SOMA49.MQMQat h}=}tM9uMIMt9tMA4@xMM4MA4@0jh2S语 t(jh2S蛭 tjh2S臭 u)jMQS, ujMQS t]+M8QS׬  MA4@\0T0}u%~`MQh=U UGKtM9Lt Ku} h=UU 1ۍ4D2tSWMQU? UD2~-PMQt2VP0PGjjjj42VojP;ORMA4x|hMA4@s1MA(}MQMQMA(DPE PMQkuOy1e[^_]thisno frame selectedno `this' in nameless contextno args, no `this'current stack frame not in method`this' argument at unknown addressUVSu= utghA RÃutAhA[{t'hAjhASà uu13hB RS9Ãut h0B[؍e[^]UWVSu] F8u.~*t VF,PNQqPF@P4ƃf~$uF8u VƃF8u VƃF8uV QƃC8u.{*t SC,PKQPC@PÃf{$uC8u S ÃC8u SJÃC8uS QÃV:tC8ug:tC8uZ:u]߉uG@p uW觛ËMQ蜛SW轩jSV'e[^_]First argument of `-' is a pointer and second argument is neither an integer nor a pointer of the same type.UWVS}u G8u4*t WO,QGPqEP}OQ.ǃf$uG8u WǃG8u WǃG8uW PǃF8u4~*t VN,QFPEPvuNQƃf~$uF8u VƃF8u V?ƃF8uV PvƃW:F8u)WיVϙOQB )SQl9VuKW詙V衙E)‹}OM1q S 0 Q訧EE"hDjVWe[^_]UVS]u C8u.{*t SC,PSR赚PC@PxÃC8t8 uM@(@@(tP4 R PVƃ;tVSN$SÃVSPe[^]no such vector elementUWVSuFXS UU RSP!#}F9x w hG~SÃ{*t SS,U~*t VD>,URPUR芍 >uVS~ { US؍e[^_]ÐUE U}u1]Ð1ɋ@8t"R:t8u@8t :u B8uȉ]ÐUE }8u1]Ð1ҋ@8t 8u @8uЉ]Can't do that binary op on that typeoperator__+-*/%<<>>&|^&&||?=+=-=*=/=%=&=|=^=Invalid binary operation specified.[]==!=<>>=<=structuremember function %s not foundUWVS] UB8u8z*t RE,PE@P蛗PE@@P[EC8u.{*t SC,PKQaPC@P$ÃUB8u8z*t RHE,PE@P"PE@@PEUB8uR QEC8u.{*t SC,PKQʖPC@PÃC8uS QÃE@8t hI5MQHG_G ;IM ?IMf CIfM EIMEUJ$KL$L4LDLTLOdLLLLLLLNO$O4OdODOOTMONOM4MOOOOdMf FIfnf HIf^f JIfNf LIf>f NIf.f PIf RIHf SIf UIHf VIff XIff ZIff \If ^IHf _If aIHf bIf dIHef eIf gIHEf hIf.UJ $MMMN$NDNOOOOOdNNNf jIf lIHf mIf oIHf pIf rIHuf sIf uIHUf vIf xIH5f yIf {IHf |If ~IHf If IHf If IHf If IHf If IHxf Ifaf IfQf If IH8f If IHhIhIEP]SwVMQ t0}tGGP+EP?WShIue[^_]Can't do that unary op on that type__++!~U$WVSUB8u8z*t RtE,PE@PNPE@@PEUB8uR QEE@8t hOMQCC ;IM ?IMf CIfM EIMEf PfM PMU ̃$$QQtQQQQTQTQTQTQf Pf "PHHf #Pf1f %Pf!f HIfhIhIEPuV{WMQt0}tCCP+EPSVhIU1e[^_]unimplemented support for bitstring/boolean repeatscan't repeat values of that typeStrings can only be concatenated with other strings.Bitstrings or booleans can only be concatenated with other bitstrings or booleans.unimplemented support for bitstring/boolean concatenation.illegal operands for concatenation.UWVS}U B8u ׋C8G8 t 8SmP;EWJ M$)ĉe:uB*t WG,PWʍ1ۃ9]~UM C9]G19]~2O,M搀*t WMQMQVs uC9]׋EE%8 t8uhRQhOR;8 t 8G8 t8t hpRSr G@ ED0$)ĉe:u){*t SC,P[SM#{*t SC,VPMQ蓀 G8u(*t WG,PWpM&]*t WcG,MQPS> EPMQB8 t8u&G8 t8t hRhR h3Se[^_]Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.Integer-only operation on floating point number.Invalid operation on booleans.Second operand of MOD must be greater than zero.Invalid binary operation on numbers.U4WVS]S:u4{*t SK,QCPĊEP[]SRÃC8uS QwÃE @8u>U z*t RM ,QE @PbEPU RJQE E @8uU R QE CE܃8t8t8t 8t8 u"U RU܃:t!:t:t:t: t hUKM9tE @E܃8SU R}m}t;w }t# }t:}tDN]F]6]&]hV Q;~uuC@ PS,R5M9E܃8S6ËU R+ǃ} t,w } tB} t*8!7 '1hEV  Q{}VC@ PS,RzsF$uM IA$G~ wE @x 1SoËU Rdƃ}O$YDZZTZdZtZZZZ4[T[[[$[[[[[[[[[[[[t[[]Sމ]B1E/1U xu M Q者E hdVu]1Eu)]]]!] ]1]vEtb%ESEut>E5]9v&u!]9suhV P,{ËURKI QC,P(S>ƋU R3ÃMIM܃$\t\\\\\\$]4]t]]D]T]d]]]]]]]]]]]]]]T)D3! xu hdVuljU܅}tOlj)! w1g1tWM1utC<9~'#9}hV0 PxWSR RK,QU؍e[^_]ÐUVS]C8u.{*t S証C,PKQ舃PC@PKÃf{$uC8u SÃC8u SÃC8uS QÃC8u#SaE@%6p {*tSS,BuNye[^]Invalid type combination in equality test.UWVSu} F8u.~*t V聻F,PVRaPF@P$ƃf~$uF8u VzƃF8u VƃF8uV RƃG8u.*t WG,PWRPG@P觺ǃf$uG8u WǃG8u W:ǃG8uW RpǃFGuuV[Aw8Cw0V莀]W腀EE@%uuV褀Wlu+u&VTW|9%x9u\FX G9X uN~*t Vƹ,*tW费O,AF8uKyh^1e[^_]Invalid type combination in ordering comparison.U WVS]u C8u.{*t SC,P{WPC@P贸Ãf{$uC8u S ÃC8u SGÃC8uS= W}ÃF8u.~*t V蔸F,P~WtPF@P7ƃf~$uF8u VƃF8u VƃF8uV= WƃC~}uEu@@$uG$tSR}S>}V6}9%Aw8Bw0S}]V}]E%u;uS~>uS}V|#u+u&S|V}9%hZa1e[^_]Argument to negate operation not a number.UVS]C8u.{*t S踶C,PSR}PC@P[ÃC8uS RQÃs>u S|$VЊ9>thc1S~{PV襉e[^]Argument to complement operation not an integer.US]C8u.{*t SɵC,PSR|PC@PlÃC8uS RbÃC8t hdSzP[S]]ÐUVSEu ]@(@8 t}@(@9|9~f)@)ӃV = V H "؅}C$)Å}P Q{e[^]Second argument of 'IN' has wrong typeFirst argument of 'IN' has wrong typeFirst argument of 'IN' not in rangeUVSu] C8 t hfF8t8t8t8t hAfV:yP{*t SݳC,P[SyÃ} hgfVS4 R*e[^]ÐU]ÐUWVS}u]$u =x ؃=H tWsG$u2 SU RURURVURU RW@,"hUUuhgd1]Ðz+u* MQMQM QR@0Љ]Ðhh1]UWVS]M }{ vkC$tUS Ή8u JHv 9swjV PjjuGRV[ SQW$QSxPjdC$tuPW/e[^_]l%ld%lu%lx%lo02l04l08l016lUS]MEU žT$|iljjijjj|jjjjjjj%.9g%.17gUWVS}  }u9j}WvÉ1...U WVSEURUB EUJ 1uEEPU(RE9E(U9| E EE萃}(tC=\ t)hlUREPUR&hlEPjUR~EPE](CE9]vYUӋE(Eu Ƌ} ׋Mu8E(EE EEE EEEEC9]vu}MtU9 sfE$PU BREPUREPjU(UU REP UREPhlURK]( E=U$RE @PUREPURjE(EE PUR EE(E9E(sU9| xE9E(shmUR e[^_]U WVSUEJ&MB@ EE9MM9 | }thlM QUUh!oUzMAMEUM9MshEE,EEEX,z*tRUU߀z*tRUЪUu֋MuE]EM9MrM9 ssMQjjMQM Q]]BPz*tRUsUD,PJQU MQhlM QMIM M OMQjjMQM Q]]BPz*tRUUD,PJQU}E UEM9Ms%M9 | nM9MshmM Q e[^_]
UWVSEEE} tM M9 | s | MMM} u vE1=H tE)]9v߃}uWFEu"MQWMQEE)ރ MQh- ;EEPSVMQ6Ã} t&]5E9sEF~t9r}u9}v} -~#} u;9us0~t*jEPMQ5 u*}t+"} t}u +E9E vE=H t}}t9us9=܉ tMQh"q MQ+URMQMQ@ Ѓ}ts}u5h$qMQMQjMQph/qMQ=h?qMQMQjMQ;MQPhXqMQc$MQWMQ+Ee[^_]ÐUE@,PU R{]Nonsense input radix ``decimal %u''; input radix unchanged.Input radix now set to decimal %u, hex %x, octal %o. US] wSht }t SSShAt]]ÐUE@,PU R]Unsupported output radix ``decimal %u''; output radix unchanged.Output radix now set to decimal %u, hex %x, octal %o. US] t4wt=Ku; x= " oSht }t SSShu]]Input and output radices now set to decimal %u, hex %x, octal %o. USEtP| SjSj } t SSShu ]]Input and output radices set to decimal %u, hex %x, octal %o. Input radix set to decimal %u, hex %x, octal %o. Output radix set to decimal %u, hex %x, octal %o. U} tG 9 uPPPhv5]ÐPPPhv RRRhv]"set print" must be followed by the name of a print subcommand. set print Uhwhx jhw P,]ÐUh!oE P, P}<]Generic command for setting how things print.printpprshow print Generic command for showing print settings.Set limit on string chars or array elements to print. "set print elements 0" causes there to be no limit.elementsSet printing of char arrays to stop at first null char.null-stopSet threshold for repeated print elements. "set print repeats 0" causes all elements to be individually printed.repeatsSet prettyprinting of structures.prettySet printing of unions interior to structures.unionSet prettyprinting of arrays.arraySet printing of addresses.addressSet default input radix for entering numbers.input-radixSet default output radix for printing of values.output-radixSet default input and output number radices. Use 'set input-radix' or 'set output-radix' to independently set each. Without an argument, sets both radices back to the default value of 10.radixShow the default input and output number radices. Use 'show input-radix' or 'show output-radix' to independently show each.USh jhwh h'xhwjhUx# h jjhUxh[x"h jjhUxh]x"(h@ jh`xh, hlxh xjhUxl# h@ jjhUxh[x"h@ jjhUxh]x"(h, h hxh| jjhy#P+$h, h h yh jjhCy#P$h, h hMyh jjhy^#P#h, h hyhx jjhy3#P# h, h hyh jjhz#P|#h, h h$zh\ jjhBz"PQ#h, h hHzh܉ jjhcz"P&#h hkzh jjhz"Ã0h@ S"C sh hzh jjhzU"à h@ S"C th hzh t> t]M}?uBEft >0t>uN @UWVSE1MQdƃtiF8}t= tS~ t%+= t7= t.~ u~u ~ u~t~ t1ۃ~ u^URtp9xwus1Ex}t= tJx t"= t7= t.x uxu x uxtx t1ۃx uXu 9Ev9M QUR@M Qh2U RS(9}tE)PhM Q = t~EjURPO}tMQE@P(}tHt&f~ tF PMIQhU R}tMIQhU Re M Qhte[^_]ÐUEPjjxEPT] UVSu] SjVh PSVe[^]ÐUWVSu] }u hS-=܉ tSjV~h hWSVCe[^_]: UWVS1] ]E EuM T stiuEb}bu=h :}hu =l }wu =p }gu=t E}wuE}guE}st }iEhx T Sh%MM ~M~Ih T X T QW蕐\ URURPMN}~hhx Gle[^_]Size letters are meaningless in "%s" command.Item count other than 1 is meaningless in "%s" command.Format letter "%c" is meaningless in "%s" command.UWVSu} ]ftSh謭tSh 虭itsuSPhXse[^_]print(gdb-makebuffer "%s" %d '("$%d = ") )UWVS} EEE= }tFE8/u>Ej PMQxEUhRPMM EEe}txE8tpPn9EEPhD7艪EEMQzhƋF= tA8t8u7Pw*RV\tjNƃ}u~F8 VNMÃ|NQScNQt SMQh |Sh|EPEPVh| t h&}t MQk e[^_]ÐUjjEP]ÐUj PEP]ÐUjjEP]outputUVSE}t3E8/u+EjjMQ&EUhRPMMMQF7EEPhD7aƋMQZfËKQEPEPS VXe[^]ÐUSUR6EEPhD7ËUReS]]Argument required.Symbol "" is a field of the local class variable `this' " is at in a file compiled without debugging. No symbol "%s" in current context." is constanta label at address a variable in register %sstatic storage at address an argument in register %saddress of an argument in register %san argument at offset %ldan argument at frame offset %lda local variable at frame offset %lda reference argument at offset %lda variable at offset %ld from register %san argument at offset %ld from register %sa typedefa function at address optimized outof unknown (botched) type. UWVSuu hVjEPjPVc;Ã}t,hRj @PVhx 茽hdjVLÃtOhj @PVhx Ohڎhx j[S5$h Vh 蕦h趻j @P;Whx ;Wh.葻CK"SJ$$dĒԒdttd4Dh4Kh=hx j[SL\PhQwhkhx j[SL\PhGL\Ph7PhǏ.PhPhPh&u L\QPhI L\QPhs= ehNhhx jCPT,hhֹ͐hɹe[^_]__U WVSM] M] e EE}E8/u%E P P]SEU }E8P0E} tEEPhD7סNjMQ_‹B 8u R͑ƒB8u:uRT RnLT W謡T SuuEf M =\ tLX S\ @PT8P YPhYGPI \ QhՓGPHe[^_]ÐUWVS}uE8/uXEjj]S8Ɖ׉f tuxΉ߉itsu-b0ۉΉ߁1ܓ ]S/Ej‹MJܓ Z ` d d Zr zB` } t t Rge[^_]ÐUS]CP@S:]]ÐUS#CP` S ` u݋]]No display number %d.UVSu=` uVh4` 9pu'` PF$Ã;uVh9pt␐e[^]Delete all auto-display expressions? Arguments must be display numbers.UVSuuhjtsl C< v;t; t; t hV5 Pރ F> t> t>uee[^]%d: x/%c /%c = UVSu~~tVR[Pg V !VRh藴Nh舴 ~bhl~ tV RhUFPhC~it~stFPh%h?hx VRl ~ thhVRZPGÃfSvv v~tFPh薳hx VR`hqFPFPvV-ZPphF hx Į e[^]ÐUS` tSu]]No display number %d. UU` t9Pu @]ËuRhϲ]Disabling display %d to avoid infinite recursion. U= |  Py PhhȊ  ]There are no auto-display expressions now. Auto-display expressions now in effect: Num Enb Expression ny%d: %c /%d%c%c (cannot be evaluated in the current context)US=` uh^艱hV` CƛPSRhɛ+ {t"CPCPS Rhԛ {tCPhhx SR{t#SRTPcu hݛ豰h褰hx *I]]ÐUVS]` Buފ F< v>t> t> t hޚSM0 ` t9BuBuPh C; t; t;le[^]ÐUVSuu` t{@ui C< v;t; t; t hV}/ POރ F> t> t>ue[^]ÐUS]U RUR,jjSPi]], =???UWVSEEEEEt @EHM1M9M=H tfM\C $DttCP CЃ$}t9E}EBE8tjjjMQP,xtÅuhMQUh8jK Q= t4u{u'{ u{t{ t1{ uCPMQ贮MQhM QSÃ$1tCPt"EE8 t8 uEM9 t9 tu>,t>t hE8,uEM9 t9 uEu> t> t0҉߈у4M)ee}҉փ)ĉeE]ԋ}Ԁ?eG<%1ېPh5E t?lt?LuCGݐge}4%tY*t:Xnt8suFN8hHƐh{蹐1~Gt6+]SMQuVU/ Fu}ԋUEEEЃ ? M9u󐐋E9Eu]MMQuVEEEMQK‹uEM؃iE9Et h蟏MMEu9ulEEȋM؉MĐuċt:w E̋MP8E1=H t*jMQuV/ }tGՐG$)ĉWSMQ/SuVvE̋MP57$MQ£JhޢvűE4V6EPEP臣 hF0ҋ}҉UUEE̋u9uEP>MQ5e[^_]No frame selected. No function contains program counter for selected frame. No function contains specified address. Dump of assembler code for function %s: from to : : End of assembler dump. U VSuEuJ= u hi R \ÍEPEPEPS(^uxh}=j V8A Ãu?VGÍEPEPEPS]u9h蔌*VKGECP?GEh苡}t"URhtSh Vhx jURh<hx jUR| h]9]vL=H thx Skhhghx SȗhР9]wh辠hx De[^]Describe where variable VAR is stored.addressExamine memory: x/FMT ADDRESS. ADDRESS is an expression for the memory address to examine. FMT is a repeat count followed by a format letter and a size letter. Format letters are o(octal), x(hex), d(decimal), u(unsigned decimal), t(binary), f(float), a(address), i(instruction), c(char) and s(string). Size letters are b(byte), h(halfword), w(word), g(giant, 8 bytes). The specified number of objects of the specified size are printed according to the format. Defaults for format and size letters are those previously used. Default count is 1. Default address is following last thing printed with this command or "print".xDisassemble a specified section of memory. Default is the function surrounding the pc of the selected frame. With a single argument, the function surrounding that address is dumped. Two arguments are taken as a range of memory to dump.disassembleExpressions to display when program stops, with code numbers.displayCancel some expressions to be displayed when program stops. Arguments are the code numbers of the expressions to stop displaying. No argument means cancel all automatic-display expressions. "delete display" has the same effect as this command. Do "info display" to see current list of code numbers.undisplayPrint value of expression EXP each time the program stops. /FMT may be used before EXP as in the "print" command. /FMT "i" or "s" or including a size-letter is allowed, as in the "x" command, and then EXP is used to get the address to examine and examining is done as in the "x" command. With no argument, display all currently requested auto-display expressions. Use "undisplay" to cancel display requests previously made.Enable some expressions to be displayed when program stops. Arguments are the code numbers of the expressions to resume displaying. No argument means enable all automatic-display expressions. Do "info display" to see current list of code numbers.Disable some expressions to be displayed when program stops. Arguments are the code numbers of the expressions to stop displaying. No argument means disable all automatic-display expressions. Do "info display" to see current list of code numbers.Cancel some expressions to be displayed when program stops. Arguments are the code numbers of the expressions to stop displaying. No argument means cancel all automatic-display expressions. Do "info display" to see current list of code numbers.printf "printf format string", arg1, arg2, arg3, ..., argn This is useful for formatted output in user-defined commands.printfLike "print" but don't put in value history and don't print newline. This is useful in user-defined commands.set Evaluate expression EXP and assign result to variable VAR, using assignment syntax appropriate for the current language (VAR = EXP or VAR := EXP for example). VAR may be a debugger "convenience" variable (names starting with $), a register (a few standard names starting with $), or an actual variable in the program being debugged. EXP is any valid expression. Use "set variable" for variables with names identical to set subcommands. With a subcommand, this command modifies parts of the gdb environment. You can see these environment settings with the "show" command.setCall a function in the program. The argument is the function name and arguments, in the notation of the current working language. The result is printed and saved in the value history, if it is not void.callEvaluate expression EXP and assign result to variable VAR, using assignment syntax appropriate for the current language (VAR = EXP or VAR := EXP for example). VAR may be a debugger "convenience" variable (names starting with $), a register (a few standard names starting with $), or an actual variable in the program being debugged. EXP is any valid expression. This may usually be abbreviated to simply "set".variable EXP may be preceded with /FMT, where FMT is a format letter but no count or size letter (see "x" command). {TYPE}ADREXP refers to a datum of data type TYPE, located at address ADREXP. @ is a binary operator for treating consecutive data objects anywhere in memory as an array. FOO@NUM gives an array whose first element is FOO, whose second element is stored in the space following where FOO is stored, etc. FOO must be an expression whose value resides in memory. Print value of expression EXP. Variables accessible are those of the lexical environment of the selected stack frame, plus all those whose scope is global or an entire file. $NUM gets previous value number NUM. $ and $$ are the last two values. $$NUM refers to NUM'th value back from the last one. Names starting with $ refer to registers (with the values they would have if the program were to return to the stack frame now selected, restoring all registers saved by frames farther in) or else to debugger "convenience" variables (any such name not a known register). Use assignment expressions to give values to convenience variables. pSame as "print" command, except that if you are running in the epoch environment, the value is printed in its own window.inspectSet the largest offset that will be printed in form.max-symbolic-offsetSet printing of source filename and line number with .symbol-filenameU hhhJhhjhKhh4jhxK,hhh°`JhĔ hʰhjh hhjh°Kh hhjh°Y$hH hhjh°;hĐ hhjh° (hh$jhKh hjh K hĔ jhyh h~hTjh hhjhJh hhTjh.$jh7hh yPhDjhJ jjhhJhhdjh TJ h, h hh jjhTP~h, h hhh jjhPSjjjjj,h $jjjjjl jjjjjp (jjjjjt ]ÐHint: try '%s or '%s (Note leading single quote.) UEPPhHhj]Internal: readin %s pst for `%s' found when no symtab found.UWVS=̓ t2_ t%SM8uRQ' u܋?uj/MQ' uL=̓ tB_ t3sj/Va( tpM8uQV' tau΋?uMQƃu1A~<tMQNQhr ^0uVPGÅ؍e[^_]ÐUURu1]Ð]ÐUWVS=̓ t._t!SM8uRQ& t^u?uj/MQc& u\=̓ tR_tCsj/V%' tpM8uQVG& uu?u1e[^_]CV__ct__dt__%s%s____%s%s%dNo mangling for "%s"U@WVS]U K4IRu4|U7uS EE>_u~$u ~_uEGtEEGtE}t0}ЃE E1ۋE8_u"x_uP5 Vu&xQt xttjhEPQ% Eȃ uEu&}t'Eu8uVEP$ EȃuE}ujhuV$ Eȃ tt20ҋ}щMQuËuVS }uJEPuVh]Sd ڿ1t FO)ȃu+E%uVEPuVhEP 0ҍ}щ΃u}щ˃}u"}щȃu̍\3EE\u>ou~~pux~$urjP1~EuVhn0ҋ}щ΃SktjEPS CuVS" ;S6tÃ}tEPSR EPS" }t uVSn" EPSa" ؍e[^_]ÐUM̓ tBt9Hw9Hwuu1]ÐUWVS]1uM QÅsNS )KE{$~?EUzuz uM 9Jw 9rvr}EE+E9C$NjS()KE{,~?EUzuz uM 9Jw 9rvr}EE+E9C,NjCH9t 1e[^_]Internal: global symbol `%s' found in %s psymtab but not in symtabInternal: static symbol `%s' found in %s psymtab but not in symtabInternal: mangled static symbol `%s' found in %s psymtab but not in symtabUWVS} 1MQMQWE t`=d }" ̓ 6Mq t^S9r B96uM Mu }}uat] ̓ NMq t<^[9r(C9s!jMQSeE t d g6uƋM Mu}t8jtMt!MQPntMH ̓ SMq t<^{MQMQWE t=d 6uƋM Mu}uhjMQ}ǃtTOQƃtB^jQKQaE jj?W[SEET ̓ Mytl<u^MQjMQWntGw0u WB>Ƌ^MQMQ[SE WMQh?uM Mz ̓ ;Mq t*^{MQMQWpE 6u؋M Mu ̓ Mytl<u^MQjMQWtGw0u Wb=Ƌ^MQMQ[SE WMQh?uM Mz} ̓ ?Mq t(^{jMQWE 6uڋM Mu‹ ̓ Myt|<unjjMQWtYw0u Wt<Ƌ^jMQ[SE uWMQh:g}tM1E0?uM Mj}t M1e[^_]ÐU WVSu]t N$ N,ME}t%VN )#VN()EE}M)ȍ\9))Ѝ49r}u ~ uEM 8uQR }"M )x댐~u9tSM 8u%QR^ uM9Ktσڐ}uM)ȍ9szǍ^M9K u`M 8uQR tC{u;u:{u*;t%M Q{t1{uPG|u 9r1e[^_]mainUVS5̓ t=^t/jjh^Stuҋ6u1e[^]ÐUWVSEEMy'y EIM1FM\}u { uEM 84M 8|@M 8uQP |)M )yuE)pxMIM9}YM\ MM )u1MM 8uQMQ ƅuM9Ku G9}}MIM19M\M9KM 8uQR tJ{ u{ub{ uN{tHM Q{ t1{ uCPyu&]{t{ tCv {t{u G9}ZEe[^_]ÐUE @ xux u@](Internal error: pc 0x%lx in read in psymtab, but not in symtab.) UWVSE1 ̓ t;Y t.CP}9:w9zvt B+9sr+2]uӋ uŃ}tEG1ۋ}Wƃt#~<tWh`^0uV36É؍e[^_]ÐU0WVSEEEEE}tM } WÅu,EE}Eusu쐐C8}ЅEPu 9pv}t @}9GvU܉]19M~u 9rw UA9M}t6}t}ԋGu9Fs"}ԉ}]9M~}tu9rsRUt }9{V}uX}u"EEu uE}؉}u܋>O}uF@E}܋}vuu}?}uvu}t#}t u}9wv}}6}tu܋vu}G@E}u>}~}~}~ Ee[^_]UWVSURUEPM QRE |&}U|E]1 ̓ oUr tZMIM^8u@SQK u2^EPU RSC |}ut9|} |E]6uM Mu}} 15}tUM}tMU }tMU e[^_]ÐUUu1]ÐjEPEPM QRtՋUMD]ÐUVS]uUuM QMQƒu10EjRP4E9E t M M M Me[^]ÐUWVS} 1Ʌ~}u#V]?]]19}!]T9:t~ t9 } @9E]e[^_]ÐUVS] uEjURPSUU}%e[^]ÐUWVSuM A}t S8eÃ}jSW9]t M Q9ErE9Bv jSW]MMNMNMN e[^_]operator`operator ()' must be specified without whitespace in `()'`operator ?:' must be specified without whitespace in `?:'`operator []' must be specified without whitespace in `[]'`operator %s' not supportedUWVS]u jhYS u  Pu;_t ;$t;u C; t; t Pu ;_t;$uMKS P u{_t {$uA P u9_t9$t@]${=tj{h{=tZC8tS{Q{>{)t*hb{:th{]t h\X{>ShAXe[^_]optype(Cannot find method - possibly inlined.) U`WVSEURjjjjPEHMA4@HEUU@EMA4@UTUMjhSV t(jh8SB tjh;S. u)jURSb ujMQSb t]U 8SR MA4@UtN<MU MUD:tVMQURD M9;_u {$u{_tZjjjURRSMt ME0hx h@-ijjShx lhx hUi NjEM}uJ1ۋUB49E}:MUPM QUR(DPE CMA49|ɋEe[^_]%s:%s%s:%dUWVS]u>jJ[E_} t=0щM} EP[NjU RSh.0ЃPZNjuvVShWk U:e[^_]non-matching '<' and '>' in commandoperator the class `%s' does not have destructor defined the class %s does not have any method named %s can't find class, struct, or union named "%s" No source file named %s.Unmatched single quote.Line number not known for symbol "%s"Function "%s" not defined.UTWVS}?}}u 4 M= }M9*u_}WjGYEEEjSPEԋM}xMH}x XMQjP E}P x Q %EEj(}?W^ EЃtj)PL EЃ%EM;tT;uhuR;:t; t; tC;u C; t; t;:}}t}{:]M9t{ uK}9t{ t؋M+P)ԉP9WVO ؋M+0]} t u C; t; tMjjjjVEȃd@S}P x Q t?W?ËM-} C;t; t; t ;,t;:uڋM+B$)ĉR9WVx ؋M+0+DP=x Wt t؋M+DC; t; t}EMȋQB4@)ĉeRVURUtqB4xth@P@H8_u x$ux_t8_u x$ux_tjjj}ȋWP|Mċ}tAMMQVREEă }ui}?}tM uGjUEEEM QWPhEԋ}8MH}xMH <E'}~}WM Q}WMQ >ouS~puM~$uGV0։Ѓ $)ĉ  $=|$f fL$RV N>~un= tE}ȃ u u4Mȃy u'yt!}ȃ uG1Mȃy u A}ȋPh dnV= tFMȃy u yu5}ȃ u't!Mȃy uA1}ȃ u GMȋPhc }Wj-+MVhlcMQWj]}9t{ uKM9t{ t؋}+P)ԉPQV? +0VrẼu-#uu h MVh3M]C} t u C; t; tM};-t;+uC< vM9d;t; t; t ;,L1}%E}u"}uj=4 } M}8+u 8-u M}?WZEt rZt$SM9uE}u=}}5M9uE}u }+}}EC; t; tM}u}}̋M̉MEjREԋ}8MH}xMH E}}WjMQcq}t*}?WÃ{'t4hLK%}t ]CM QuÃ؋}+P)ԉPQV +09t7+8Du+P=x Wt؋M+DFC; t; t}EPjj}tM̋A@ ӪPV4Ex |jPÉ]ԍE} WMQPO};MK}{MK E }E܋@jV@P }WVMQ}f t6j;PEEjjMQTEԋ}܉8MI HVhd1JjVztSEE@E} tEPREjOEԋ}8MH}xMH E3uu9u h IVhIEԋU؍e[^_]Empty line specification.Junk at end of line specification: %sUVS}u h'Ij Q 4 QM QMQKÉ֋E8t PhH؉e[^][0] cancel [1] all [%d] %s at %s:%d ?HERE PS2>%s overload-choiceone or more choice numbersArguments must be choice numbers.cancelledNo choice number %d. duplicate request for %d ignored. UPWVSuEM M)̉eQMEEPh- EEԃ t2} SMEPh- ESjEPMЉEh\} 9}u]u;z EMQRP}MEED>ML>ED> L>Q}?GP= tCz u zu3z u*zt$z tz uR1RE؃Ph\h[EE؋M 9MhƒuRh[hx WhjjÃt;u h*E;}}̐]܊E܋E܊< vM܀9t9 t9 t hESQÃuhEu{}tO} ~IuЋU} <}ȃ>u*]0уQSUKUă9uƋUE PMQR } }EPE 9~ShM̃|1}tD}]Sh- B]0҉ЃPS+KEM؋}ЉUEEM̋ 1 }̋|7|E̋L0EL}̋|7 | E؋ED0Sh(Y]C; t; t;M؉M}WBEUe[^_], UWVSu} ?t.=< u @ PI< x < x 9s48uVR9 x < 9r̡x 9@ u" @ P < QII< x < 4x ?t hKRXhRhx VUe[^_]Source files for which symbols have been read in: Source files for which symbols will be read in on demand: UWVS u艠u h WBhdzWE5̓ t'}^ tWSRu6uh5Wh+WE5̓ t*}^t{<u WSRu6uhVe[^_]methodfunctionvariable operator%.*s%sInvalid regexp (%s): %sAll %ss matching regular expression "%s": All defined %ss: :'' File : static ; Non-debugging symbols: %08lx %s UTWVSEEU T U؋M d MԋU t UЋM M̃}EPURNǃ?tf Pu ?_t?$u u u u1|&E) $)ĉWhVhSV ]MQ艬tURPh? ̓ MUrE~<jN V )MUMN$)ȋUEȋN(V()MUMN,)ȋUEċ}ȋ]9r89}~,N()ËU}=H tB}tV Q(uG{ u{u{ up{tj{ t1{ uCPtL} u { t{ u$} u{ t} u{ t } u{ u~0u VE}6{UU[}  ̓ U>^M9KtU9StM9KtU9Sul}tPQuA{u{uI{u:{t4{t1{uCP豪tRNuE>eM M1}u&URM D Q(tPDR ̓ MI 1URUM9EUMTUz'~zt MQEN=H t?UMt}tXR螩uI~ u ~u~ ~~ t1~ uFPY} u~ t ~ t~u,} u~ t } u~ t} ~ }|} MIM0}Ӊ]>ЍD$)ĉURSh:SQSh=S URS;8u2hx h?Nhx MIQNhx hFM} u~t,hx VvV }u hI P} ~ } u}~uwjhx ~ tN= t5~ u~u'~ u~t~ t1~ uFPvVEhQOEUM9QE}eUUM M/UU}u } q1 ̓ YUB>3^M9KtU9StM9Kt U9S}tXQΦuI{u {u{{{t1{uCP艦} uRjjjjQAumuhT8N= t;{u{u-{u{t{t1{uCPRhmM >M Me[^_]ÐUE PjjEP]ÐUE PjjEPl]ÐUE PjjEPL]ÐUE PjjEP,]ÐUSM] tu1 1ҋ9w A9CЉЋ]]ÐUWVSuMQM QV -19 ~) 8uRVC9 ׋M 9Mu#0ЃP=V1M 9Mv80ЃP<NjE+E PW D0Ћ] +]DP<SMQW7;VW 9| }$|  | P Q<  < e[^_]ÐUWVSE10U:t8t 8u 0&:\u8BuB:'t:"uB:u<'uC]=<"u 19Us# BC u z_tzuJ9UrU0}ЃE| d h\; ̓ MMy<O )ƋMO$)ȍ9^=H t.8{u ;u5{u*;t%M QMQMQMQ{t1{uPM QMQMQMQQO )MO$)ȍ9`O()ƋMO,)ȍ9^=H tZ7{u;u1{u*;t%M QMQMQMQ{t1{uPM QMQMQMQQ(O()MO,)ȍ9d?FM M& ̓ M>t{^=H tn6{u ;u5{u*;t%M QMQMQMQ{t1{uPM QMQMQMQQ8>uM MZ荒EMy uM1M\{ u{u;{ u*{t$M QMQMQMQ{ t1{ uCPM QMQMQMQ Q{ uTswGF47V(| tM QMQMQMQD P7CF&9|GM9y.MI M ̓ Mq =H t4F@E19x~vM\{ u{u;{ u*{t$M QMQMQMQ{ t1{ uCPM QMQMQMQShGM9y6bM MB ̓ Mq =H t3F@EM9tv19x~oM\{ u {u3{ u*{t$M QMQMQMQ{ t1{ uCPM QMQMQMQSGM9y6bM MB e[^_]All global and static variable names, or those matching REGEXP.variablesAll function names, or those matching REGEXP.functionsAll type names, or those matching REGEXP.typesSource files in the program.sourcesSet a breakpoint for all functions matching REGEXP.rbreakUhEhh hhhhh(h$hhh h hHjhP jhW jjjB ]ÐReplacing old symbols for `%s'Empty symbol table found for `%s'UEU 8t)Љ]ÐRQ]ÐUEU 8uu)Љ]ÐA8BuuAR)Љ]ÐA8BtR)Љ]ÐBPAP]ÐUSEh jX$SHX )RP]]ÐUEh@ jPRP&]ÐUWVSEt)x719}Dx'~xu PC9|e[^_]UWVS]ߋu FC+C 9}VS pC(us C(t1Bs9s uK(S SC!‰S +SC+C9~KK O OU] 9t BF9uM e[^_]ÐUWVS]u 0҉U}ҋ}ЋM|C+C 9} WS2oC(u{ C(t15{9{ uK(S SC!‰S +SC+C9~KK K KVWxMQWMQWe[^_]ÐUS]{0u {<uSC4ЋC0]]ÐUEPB8tRL]Ðǀǀǀ]ÐU=L tL ]Ð1].textno loadable sections found in added symbol-file %sLowest section in %s is %s at 0x%lx(no debugging symbols found)...UWVS}WWWhȑ'E}tQjhP%'=L t5L V%L }W@ЃE ~h uvV;Ãu}Wh (?;t 8u ׹tsV;WuvVh h(t[)] }W@ЋuVj} WuV@Љt79v)B8):u 28)xp0u9w܋}uVQW@ 賆 u*׆u!h#%8h$=h#8 =T Wv@5Ԑ Vc@}OuV&e[^_]ÐU} tEL  =EPj]Load new symbol table from "%s"? Not confirmed.Mapped symbols for %s...Reading symbols from %s...expanding to full symbols...done. UWVS]} S菅u St)}t#tSh/u h'URV ƃFtIFtCu = t"Sh;h#u6hx {7VVXDu = t"Sh;h#26hx 87WURURVR}u = tGu = t!hm;h#5hx 6 ^tSuu = th&;hx 6WURVe[^_]Discard symbol table from `%s'? No symbol file now. -mapped-readnowunknown option `%s'no symbol file name was specifiedUWVS]EEEEuobu )t-} t'L @Ph,u h$L } bh:SSF'Ãu j)Sh: "E;8u ֿu E8u$ֿ uE8-uPh$|Ej/PAƒt B UEPR菗}te}uMQMQjjMQMQjMQM QMQ5=;}u he#MQ!e[^_]ÐUS1=t/xt@P ÃuSڸ  ]]PATH"%s": can't open to read symbols: %s."%s": can't read symbols: %s.UWVSURÍEPjjSjheP蒠ƃ}Sh- n S$ S]V RS躬ǃu+Vc Sh- 4 跖PіPShj"G jWKu(WʮSh- vP萖PSh!e[^_]ÐUE P ]aixcoff-rs6000apolloI'm sorry, Dave, I can't do that. Symbol format `%s' unknown.UWVSMA@X8uֿu8ujhR u t%9uM*@u݋MA@Ph e[^_]ÐU塰 U RUR@XЉ]"%s" is not an object file: %sLoading section %s, size 0x%lx vma UWVS]u jà QSשEu S!URh0EjMQ(udP~PShUzDG ltw toVW%Sh- zEOMVRh4hx jMQn$hv4VjSWURVSMQ%$URQ[MILQaUR.e[^_]add-symbol-file takes a file name and an addressadd-symbol-file takes a file nameDon't know how to get text start location for this fileadd symbol table from file "%s" at text_addr = %s? UWVS]EEEu hpS'Sh-  ; Bt CBu];t* BuC;tBt;tCM9-tM}=-u'uuEKM8u#u uEMQh;t }}u hMQEPh-  ;tSE#EPMQo}u hMQ萵PMQhy$u hhMQMQjMQjMQe[^_]This command is not available in this configuration of GDB.Uh"]`%s' has disappeared; keeping its symbols. `%s' has changed; re-reading symbols. Can't close BFD for %s.Can't open %s to read symbols.Can't read symbols from %s: %s.Can't find the file sections in `%s': %s(no debugging symbols found) UPWVS1̓ 3{EPKQ豕 tKQhq/MM9KKQh/Shȑ|EjhP%mKQ0uKQhO QKQCuKQh$jKQVu蒎P謎PKQhMx)ĉeWQMQ tQQǃǃǃtQQǃǃǃS 19C$s9C0vC(C,PR^SL19CPs9C\vCTCXPRe^Sx19C|s,9v$ǃǃPR%^ǃC CCǃǃǃtS@Ѓǃh- h4>jjs VlZh- h4>jjCLPUZ(h- h4>jjCxP;ZS!otyP蓌PKQhC0+C,9} WV@[CHu {,CHt1Cs(9s,uKHS,S8C8!‰S,+S$C0+C$9~K0K,K,K(WMQV讴 M9L uS@ЃS@jjjQS@ 0uu*Tuu!h#&hD,h#& KjjMQ0MK te[^_].mod.c.s.cc.C.cxx.cpp.ch.c186.c286UWVEj.P…n8!u$ֿ!uI8!u&ֿ!u8!u&ֿ!u8!uֿ!tQ8!uֿ!t68!uֿ!t8!u%ֿ!um8!uֿ!t68!uֿ!t8!u ֿ!u 1e^_]ÐUWVS] SLC\+CX<} j19}LQUR8R_C9|VMA8PUztJQB8PUz tJ QB8PUz(tJ(QB8PUz4tJ4QB8PhURB8PRe[^_] Object file %s: Objfile at , bfd at , %d minsyms Psymtabs: %s at , NOT ON CHAIN! Symtabs: UVSuFPh<+!hO+!hx Vh[+!hx FP Phe+!~tlht+v!^tKCPh+^!hx Sh+I!9st h+7!h+uh+!~ tkh+!^ tMCPh+ hx S?h+ 9s8t h+ h+6uh+ e[^] Object file %s: No minimal symbols found. [%2d] %c %#10lx %s %s internal error: minimal symbol count %d != %dUWVSMIQh,U R Muh -U R1M>Z^{C$-.$.D.T.d.4.t...uT~SnD^BNA>t.db?RKQPWh(-U Rd{u ;u1{u';t"{t1{uPh;-M Q& U Rh@-5G>M9tWRhB-e h@-M Qe[^_] Partial symtab for source file %s (object ) Read from object file %s () Full symtab was read (at by function at Relocate symbols by Symbols cover text addresses - Depends on %d other partial symtabs. %d %s GlobalStaticUWVS} uWRhZ/Vh~/VVWch/V$MIQh/VVUR9h/V~<t;h/VJVO0Qh/V5VW4R h/Vh/V1ۃ7th+Vh/VjG PVCG9h@-Vh/VVjOQdVh0V$VjWRJVh@-VOQh0Vp1ۃ 9_~9Sh>0VXVGPG@PhF0V6 C9_Ƀ$~+VhK0W$RO )UP ,~+VhR0O,QW()MP h@-Ve[^_] Symtab for file %s Read from object file %s (Language: %s Line table: line %d at Blockvector: block #%03d (object ) [..] (under ) %s gcc%d compiledError printing symbol: U WVS]} WRhn2MQSRh2MQURS  h/MQW,RAPh2MQwtmh2URrME9M}KUL3Qh2UR?MQj\3SSh@-UR! EM9M|h2UR}ME9MUUMUtVEMQPQ URh2MQURVu  h2MQh2URMQjR8Sh2MQj$URjNQSh2URJ~ t,h2MQ3URN Q h3UR~tcFPh3MQF x uxu;x u.xt(Fx tx u@1Ph3UR ~tFPh3MQ h@-UR~1ۃ9}3LMUBUMMjh3URh$9C9|EM9MTh@-UR&e[^_]/dev/ttyArguments missing: an output file name and an optional symbol file namewUWVS16}uh6"MQoÃu jSh: E;t 3{t{VVh- hY6VEu VMQhLI TX 5̓ t>^ t0tS8uRW踵uMQSV uы6u X MQ$e[^_]label %s at structunionenum%s %s = ; typedef ; %s const %ld (0x%lx),const %u hex bytes: %02x,static at register %ld,arg at offset 0x%lx,arg at offset 0x%lx from fp,reference arg at 0x%lx,parameter register %ld,address parameter register %ld,local at offset 0x%lx,local at 0x%lx from register %darg at 0x%lx from register %d,label at block (object ) starting at optimized outbotched symbol class %xUWVSE0XxWSx~u_= t6~ u~u(~ u~t~ t1~ uFPhz7WWjvVFN~Vzt SjWh7R@(ЃOQ:t7:u7 7Ph7W SjWh7vV@(Ѓ$h7~ uh7W~tv SF8%PW= t6~ u~u(~ u~t~ t1~ uFPNQB(h7WiU= t7~ u~u)~ u~t~ t1~ uFPh7W FH$4;t;;<<4<D<T<d<&=<<;$<t<<=NQQh7F@ Ph7W1ۃ FPh7Wm CF9X wh7<h7WEWjvVKh7W.(vVh7 vVh7vVh8vVh08vVhH8vVh`8vVh8F"PvVh8F"PvVh8Wh8WuWjvV)Kfh8WUWNQh8W@WjFPJ$h7 h8WvVh 9W h@-We[^_]print-psymbols takes an output file name and optional symbol file nameUWVS16}uh@="MQ?Ãu jSh: yE;t 3{t{VuVh- PhY6V Eu VMQhLI $X 5̓ t>^t0tS8uRW舮uMQSV uы6u X MQe[^_] %s partial symbols: `%s' `%s'undefined namespace, struct namespace, label namespace, , undefinedconstant intstaticregisterpass by valuepass by referenceregister parameterregister address parameterstack parametertypelabelfunctionconstant bytesshuffled arg0x%lx UWVS} ]MQh>S  OcuURh>S  ~u~u:~u&~t ~t1~uFPh>S  Sh+ FtLr tt"0Sh>.Sh>Sh>Sh ?e ~XF$ATAdAtAAAAAAAAABB$BDBDB4BSh"?Sh,?Sh9?Sh@?ShI?ShW?Shi?Sh|?~Sh?nSh?^Sh?NSh?>Sh?.Sh?Sh8Sh?Sh+Qh?S EOe[^_]print-msymbols takes an output file name and optional symbol file nameUWVS61?}uhBk"MQÃu jGSh: 9E;t 3{t{V5Vh- hY6VEu VMQhLI X ̓ t/tS8uRWPu MQSu X h+MQN MQe[^_]ÐUS+X ̓ tSu X ]]Static symbol `' only found in psymtab Global symbol `Psymtab covers bad range - covers but symtab covers only U WVS̓ UNMy.G0uW3 @EPUO()ƋW_,MNQRMQ蔎 u2h,DORhV = thVVtL}hwVShVEPÃuA=ē t*ē RZPē RZPhVh} u hVU]] = Environment variable "" not defined. UVS]tdS@ Rqƃt.S`hFXVVPhHFahJX.S(haX9@ R qÃ;tRhH;ue[^]environment variable and valueenvironment variable to setSetting environment variable "%s" to null value. UWVSE}u h*Y蜴j=UR j URƃt,t.9v*> u F> t9v^t9]u hIY7t{u.EuP0}Ѓ]5s{ t{ uF> t> t{ t{ uK9]u+EPUR'Ã}t$SheYhYS@ RoVS@ Ro Se[^_]Delete all environment variables? UEu6} thZ.t,@ R{mFm@ ]ÐP@ R+p]PATHExecutable and object file path: Uhr[[hm[@ RZnPDhH:]ÐUVS]u 9hm[@ RnP.EEPSUURhm[@ Rln URtVjYe[^]\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\gsfsesdssscspseipediesiebpespebxedxecxeaxInvalid register contents (raw 0x%02x)0x UWVS1۾}uJtw Ԑ R`p4 8u} 9]hx \\Rhx 0<\\к)‰P$EPS:t h\TUUtw Ԑ Ro4 8jjjjhx jEPtwԐ Reo 4 P% h\P1D/Ph\8G~h\%jjjjxhx jEPtwԐ Rn4 P h\jjjjhx jEPtwԐ Rn4 PU$hHFCe[^_]The program has no registers now.%.*s: invalid registerUWVS] u h,_uE PjZ;$uC];t; t; tEE8t 8 t8 u1ҋE)؉EL\EPPSUdE Uu>0щȃEE9Et;B|< w Smƒ|SE)PhN_U  UE PR] C; t; t;e[^_]ÐUjEP]ÐUjEP]A program is being debugged already. Kill it? Not killed.U t7h`8t @Th` U RUR@С @@С @D_P k)]ÐUVSu] lSV Je[^]No floating point info available for this processor. Uha{]"unset" must be followed by the name of an unset subcommand. unset Uhbhx jh[bD P B]Set terminal for future runs of program being debugged.ttySet arguments to give program being debugged when it is started. Follow this command with any number of args, to be passed to the program.argsThe environment to give the program, or one variable's value. With an argument VAR, prints the value of environment variable VAR to give the program being debugged. With no arguments, prints the entire environment to be given to the program.environmentComplement to certain "set" commandsunsetCancel environment variable VAR for the program. This does not affect the program until the next "run" command.Set environment variable value to give the program. Arguments are VAR VALUE where VAR is variable name and VALUE is value. VALUES of environment variables are uninterpreted strings. This does not affect the program until the next "run" command.Add directory DIR(s) to beginning of search path for object files. $cwd in the path means the current working directory. This path is equivalent to the $PATH shell variable. It is a list of directories, separated by colons. These directories are searched to find fully linked executable files and separately compiled object files as needed.pathCurrent search path for finding object files. $cwd in the path means the current working directory. This path is equivalent to the $PATH shell variable. It is a list of directories, separated by colons. These directories are searched to find fully linked executable files and separately compiled object files as needed.pathsAttach to a process or file outside of GDB. This command attaches to another target, of the same type as your last `target' command (`info files' will show your target stack). The command may take as argument a process id or a device file. For a process id, you must have permission to send the process a signal, and it must have the same effective uid as the debugger. When using "attach", you should use the "file" command to specify the program running in the process, and to load its symbol table.attachDetach a process or file previously attached. If a process, it is no longer traced, and it continues its execution. If you were debugging a file, the file is closed and gdb no longer accesses it.detachContinue program giving it signal number SIGNUMBER.signalStep one instruction exactly. Argument N means do this N times (or till program stops for another reason).stepisiStep one instruction, but proceed through subroutine calls. Argument N means do this N times (or till program stops for another reason).nextiniExecute until selected stack frame returns. Upon return, the value returned is printed and put in the value history.finishStep program, proceeding through subroutine calls. Like the "step" command as long as subroutine calls do not happen; when they do, the call is treated as one instruction. Argument N means do this N times (or till program stops for another reason).nextnStep program until it reaches a different source line. Argument N means do this N times (or till program stops for another reason).stepsExecute until the program reaches a source line greater than the current or a specified line or address or function (same args as break command). Execution will also stop upon exit from the current stack frame.untiluContinue program being debugged at specified line or address. Give as argument either LINENUM or *ADDR, where ADDR is an expression for an address to start at.jumpContinue program being debugged, after signal or breakpoint. If proceeding from breakpoint, a number N may be used as an argument, which means to set the ignore count of that breakpoint to N - 1 (so that the breakpoint won't break until the Nth time it is reached).continuecontcfgStart debugged program. You may specify arguments to give it. Args may include "*", or "[...]"; they are expanded using "sh". Input and output redirection with ">", "<", or ">>" are also allowed. With no arguments, uses arguments last specified (with "run" or "set args"). To cancel previous arguments and run with no arguments, use "set args" without arguments.runrList of integer registers and their contents, for selected stack frame. Register name as argument means describe only that register.registersList of all registers and their contents, for selected stack frame. Register name as argument means describe only that register.all-registersExecution status of the program.programPrint the status of the floating point unit floatUhbh,Hjhb蓙h@ h hbh jjh[cI,P,h@ h`ch|XjhSd5*@$X,hĔ jh[bhD h_dhlbjhdT+ hD hdh[jhSd)@$Xh hdhYjhSd)@$X(heh[jhFg輘h@ hKgh[jhh)@$X$hhh ajhj聘hjhajhUkk h\khLPjhkRhkhlKjhl< jjhlhlVh lhKjhl jjhlhl*hlh\Tjhm hmhLKjhn˗jjhnhn hnh,Kjhn蟗jjhnhn輗 hnh,Sjhwosjjhwoh}o萗 hoh|NjhpGh$ph\Jjh.q1 jjh7qhq8 hAqhHjhrjjhrhr  hrh`h9sehCsh`hsQhsh,Whs=$hsh bh(t&jhYV Q@ PQ]ÐUx]ÐUSjhw輾Ã=H t @DС U RURj@S]]ÐU 0    x P  ܐ h 9]ptraceCannot insert breakpoints. The same program may be running in another process.UWVS]}1~5Ps } x u(P譞tS&= t t : tPhSxHhZx  } -tM ē  ē <u ē  ē Q1ۅu u tS!e[^_]ÐU(P  j]ÐU    ē   œē ]ÐUE8tP][New %s] Program exited with code 0%o. Program exited normally. Program terminated with signal %s, . The program no longer exists. Program received signal %s, %s. [Switching to %s] Program received signal _sigtrampU`WVSEEEEEEEPhz蛺EEPhz芺Ej SP[]]]] URj@ Љ9=< tEW)u8Wf<PhzhȊ W( jjj@Ѓ 뛐}E$||}H}||= t b譖jj jj @LЋ]S}t]Shzhzhx  @d m  ]ē @L @Thzē Sm5Ph{h{ē S"5Ph{ h {h{hx 9 ]ē W\ =ē |= tsHP|te1W\ HPuT\ HP> jjW@Ћ EPWB jjW@Ѓ$g9=< ]EtR ē <tAE @HЋē S3Pē S4Ph-{hx !=ē tY ē <uH}t @DЋ ē <u ē ē SjW@Ѓ =< W(9PhO{t }t]SE}t]SE   0   E\ SP蠂PzjcPU< S5L  =< W@lЃ} t&U1ۃ.}u<3t S}C.|}W'e[^_]Signal number out of bounds. Use the "handle" command to change these tables. UVSut?V=Ã,u%V9]Ã-wCԃw hwISEhb1ۃ=H t>Cԃv t SC-~h)e[^]ÐUWVS]u ē \ S S S S S S0 S  S$ S( S,x S4P S8 S  Rˁ ܐ  {D j@PjC@Pt5S@U[<]jhEPhi_u j+iPe[^_]What debugger does when program gets various signals. Specify a signal number as argument to print info on that signal only.signalshandleSpecify how to handle a signal. Args are signal numbers and actions to apply to those signals. Signal numbers may be numeric (ex. 11) or symbolic (ex. SIGSEGV). Numeric ranges may be specified with the form LOW-HIGH (ex. 14-21). The special arg "all" is recognized to mean all signals except those used by the debugger, typically SIGTRAP and SIGINT. Recognized actions include "stop", "nostop", "print", "noprint", "pass", "nopass", "ignore", or "noignore". Stop means reenter debugger if this signal happens (implies print). Print means print a message if this signal happens. Pass means let program see this signal; otherwise program doesn't know. Ignore is a synonym for nopass and noignore is a synonym for pass. Pass and Stop may be combined.There is no `stop' command, but you can set a hook on `stop'. This allows you to set a list of commands to be run each time execution of the program stops.UShmhؕhnjhhnhhjh!p(hĔ hhjh͎ .j.> j.2 j.& 1Ґ   B9|ࡔ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @! @! @ @]]ÐUWVS}uj@QVW{U SUS USCCC CC8C<C!C(C$C,C0C4؍e[^_]UWVSU u0Ѓ$)ĉeRP6jjhaQEPI Ãt@VKQK QMQMQKHKHK H MH!X<VMQ1e[^_]ÐUVS]uU$RURURU RURXpU P e[^]ÐUVS]uU$RURURU RURLXpU P @!e[^]ÐU]ÐU]ÐUVS]uURURjU RUR@(X0p,@ e[^]Show GDB internal error: Bad docstring for set command UWVSj@ÉߋuU RKQwC(UB 8Su2xeu,xtu&x u jBPhmChhȊ 腫M U ؍e[^_]ÐUWVS}u >P8u3WRJu%x8t @8@PNjuƒ>tLCP8u5WRJu'x8t @8@P6>ue[^_] This command has a hook defined: %s UVSu }u"VjhaĔ RjjhaĔ RURÃVSR$Vh{u{ u`hVߩ{tVjSRCPP{ uVSRhaĔ R1{tC@PhV芩e[^] subList of classes of %scommands: List of %scommands: Type "help%s" followed by a class name for a list of commands in that class. Type "help%s" followed by %scommand name for full documentation. Command name abbreviations are allowed if unambiguous. UWVS0} ЉǃG$)ĉe$G$)ĉ$tCU _SU RE@P2USU RV2PP}u VhVhɣURէ UREPU RURUR@}uURhߣUR虧 VURh-UR胧e[^_]ÐUWVSu = uȓ PjPa >t'> t">.t>,t@8t8 t 8.t8,u)ȓ H9~){=ȓ = Wȇ=ȓ W SV= W~1   Pt9u  }W= W认e[^_]%s%s -- UWVS} u]t{{!uFtu{ t 9{u1{ t+SRURhV,SRVVh7 }t"{t{!uVjSRWCP{ue[^_]ÐUWVSM}8 t8 tM1>t" B u >-t>_uF>u}97}+Mȃ$)ĉe19}KMEС Pt#%E9t }EM C9]}M91E] tD}WKQ}WUE Uu}t{ tEBM<tu}u1E}~#}t }M1z<tRFuEPE QEPCEEe[^_]on1yesoff0no"on" or "off" expected.UWVSutk>tf0ЉÃK| t| tSh(V> t&Sh+V> tSh-V> uFSh1Vp> t0Sh5V]> tSh7VJ> t h:A1e[^_]filename to set it to.integer to set it to.integer %u out of rangegdb internal error: bad var_type in do_setshow_command is "unlimited%u%d. gdb internal error: bad cmd_type in do_setshow_commandUWVSuMy(wy0]A0$@`P`ua0@P贍lju)\uE8t"EPt~CEEuC)PW膍NjMA,8t P}MA,8uaMA,8t P|0ЃPV苍MQ,4u h/\MA,8t P|VVMQ,VMQ,u hF\VqAMQ,A,8u hFZ\V1Aƒu MA,\vRh\!2MA, u hF[V@MQ,htMy(APhx hx hwh=My0YA0$г pp۳hx hMA,;tj"hx P脑 C;uhx hhx hŗhx MA,P貗hx h裗hx MA,18t(R;MA,8t#MA,Ph=MA,8u"hx h7;Phįhx  hthx hǯhʯMQM QjMA Ѝe[^_]: UWVS]u }tc{t{!uCPVCP {(u4hx W]hx SROhx h@SVj$ue[^_]SHELL/bin/sh-cCannot execute %s: %s Fork failedUWVSh mǃu&j/W38ƃu F&Åud}ujVW jURh.VW$ R裃PWh1hȊ RhȊ (j5tuV29tuhH*e[^_]makemake UWVSuuDG0ЃP談ËIfMfSVCP U RSe[^_]User command : UWVS}u _4tNVhVVWLVhͶAVCP2Vh'uVhe[^_]Not a user command.US}tFjjhaĔ RURÃ{ t h;܀hx S:.Ĕ t{ uhx Su]]Execute the rest of the line as a shell command. With no arguments, run an inferior shell.shellRun the ``make'' program using the rest of the line as arguments.Show definitions of user defined commands. Argument is the name of the user defined command. With no argument, show definitions of all user defined commands.userUhͷh`jh*Th0hPjhDT h@ hrhPjhc]ÐUEjU REPUR]::$%d$%sTRUEFALSE%s (, )support for OP_BITSTRING unimplemented {}( ? : .->[]++--) {} ???Invalid expressionthis [VAL(,CAPCHRORDABSFLOATHIGHMAXMINODDTRUNCprint_subexp: Not implemented. %s= %s %s UWVSEEEEUpxM 9TUЃ7 $t$Tt$t$Dtt4Tt44TĻMQUTRSPfMQhXUTRƋM FЉMQUD P M jjURMLQU|W2.M jjURMtt|W2 P蜫y U M\{= tHCx uxu7x u*xt$Cx t x xuC8ttUR= tKCx uxu:x u*xt$Cx tx u@1CPՍMQhǍUR= tWMDx u xuBx u:xt4UDx tx u@%1MDP U M|WPhOM U|WŬL\WU M|W襬tShUR轎 M U|W! 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Preamble The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the software. Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors' reputations. Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.) These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Program. In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License. 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it. 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License. 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License. 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. UX h$h$h$h$hU$h$h$h$ h$h$h#$hd$h~$ht$h8j$hu`$ hS$hI$hL?$h5$ha+$h!$h$h5 $ h|$h#h#h#hH#h#h#h# h#hV#h#h#h(#h{#h1q#h{g# hZ#hP#hF#h1<#ht2#h(#h#hP# h#hg"h"h"h6"h}"h"h" h"h"h"h"h"hb"hx"hn" h7a"h~W"hM"hC"hM9"h/"h%"h" h"h^"h!h!h)!h!ha!h! h!h*!hl!h!h!h!h!hYu! hh!h^!hT!h(J!hl@!h6!h,!h"! h!h2 !hz!h h h h4 hz  h h hB h h h hX h|  ho he h [ h_ Q h G h = h, 3 hs )  h  h  h hH h h h h h? h h h hh0 hv h  hvhlhKbhXhNhDh%:hi0 h#hh6hhjhhh6 h|hhhh:hhh  hJ}hshih_hUh=KhAh7 h*hC hh} hhhFh hhhh>hhhhS hhzhphfhB\hRhHh> hQ1h'hhh h5h{h hhHhhhhbhh hh"hiwhmhchYhOhFE h8h.h $hM h h h!ha! hhv!h!hh!h1"hx"h" h#hF#h#~hth#jh$`h]$Vh$L h?h$5h%+h[%!h%h% h7&h& hh&h&h$'hk'h'h'hI( h X ] NO WARRANTY 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. UX h3hh3uhe3kh3ah3WhC4Mh4C h46h5,hf5"hh}5h5h6h[6 h6h6h=7h7h7h X ]Conditions for redistributing copies of GDB.copyingVarious kinds of warranty you do not have.warrantyUh@ h8h(jh9Zeh@ h"9h7jhM9?e(h8h(h9h"9h7hM9]US]̓ Г ̓ ؓ ܓ jhԓ Г Rh t)=ܓ ujHؓ ԓ 4 ܓ =ܓ ujzؓ ԓ ؓ %]]ÐUS]̓ ܓ j ܓ =ܓ uj ؓ Г ؓ 9uˋ]]ÐUWVS}19] ~9~ ܓ =ܓ u jؓ ԓ ؓ C9] Ǎe[^_]ÐUVS5Г 5ؓ 1ۃ=ܓ ujjt RSWhQURv|9v pz1e[^_]ÐUWVSu] Dz߉}E,}tELE}9vHJ 92w(}9ysP9qv!Y)S+P} WyW QE9s}9w9EvD)Ɖ@S+P} WzWR R}ׅ%! 1e[^_] `%s', file type %s. Entry point: 08l %s - %s @ %s is %s in %sUWVS} RhTSh\SLGPheS9= u'htShx jWLR3hSU9^ hSRk}PhSXhSSRR}PhS? = thSC@t9SPh8`hȊ oG,'95< pURW.We[^_]process-id to attachI refuse to debug myself!Attaching to program `%s', %s Attaching to %s UVS]u ha躬S5lP9u h/a} tQjyvÃt VVPShIaVVPhha hx V5< hX =De[^]Detaching from program: %s %s UWVS}1} t:juÃu8b< RVPSh9bhx t W/kƃVl< hX @De[^_]ÐU]attachedchild Using the running image of %s %s. U< RuUPb=ؓ tbPhbn]Use the "run" command to start a Unix child process.UhJc]ÐUjjjj<]ÐUhX Bj]ÐUjhchcEPE PEPjjj]ÐUhX B< RI]ÐU]Unix child process (started by the "run" command).Unix child processUhX <]ÐSHELLexec ''\'' vforksetpgrp failed in child-cCannot exec %s: %s. U WVSuu j%sƃ}uhdPEuE 0҉щȃE} ҋET$)ĉe$hdEP> 9$egffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffChdEPօ;t-;'uhdEP蹅jSEP4p C;uhdVEP芅hdEPyE PEPlo E Phx hȊ = tKJ;JÅ} hds= t PZ$ u hd88EЋE jEPhdEPPF$ PsEPEPhdhȊ (hȊ j范E << SEЍe[^_]ÐUVSuo1P =ē tē R-u @@С @DлNtjj릐P e[^]ÐRegister %s not found in core file.UWVS}1ېWSe9E w }EPSZC|х|4L\Vhhe[^_]Invalid register number %d.US]vShiSU R]]ÐUE  E]ÐUE URURPPUR]ÐUWVS}M]1 8t F~~؃k ‰Uu1u+tSjPYu+tSj )SQWU RURx EK      PhURjfWSURjS< 1e[^_]ÐUWVS}1~jU_Ћ@ MQSMQM QMQ7ƃtSM QMQ0])߅e[^_]ÐUWVS}1ۺ u 92uٸ! C~ً5 VhWjY~jhWjJ~1e[^_]ÐUVS]jhSj~jhSj ~1Ҹ s B~1e[^]U< = tO P RAX = t  R  ].reg/UWVSu }jh)mR u!P`S7F<9G/t!jVhm RVӾރVh- 3j= %PVzÃ} VS RVcSà u VjSEu%Sh0N=Ph=PVhmWh I7 Shlgh h  Rt!<P =P PhmNh I6W RCtPhnB RCÃ~SdPSh7np4h_n R[Ph0m R^tR j@$E P PPǑj谑P&j R RM @Phdne[^_]Too many argumentsNo core file now. U}t hqh 5} t h0q ].reg/%dCouldn't fetch registers from core file: %s .reg2Couldn't fetch register set 2 from core file: %s U WVS=< t< RhqEP _nUcnUEP RYÃtU{lt^Zs F$)ĉVjWS R]t[SjVW(7:PQ:PhqhȊ Yhq R=YÃtv{ltYs F$)ĉVjWS R]t[SjVW(9P9PhqhȊ e[^_]ÐU PEP&]ÐU1]Use a core file as a target. Specify the filename of the core file.Local core dump filecoreUh /-]ÐU= t  P ]qOffsetsRemote failure reply: %sText=%lx;Data=%lx;Bss=%lxMalformed response to offset query, %sUVSh9tjpS} ppEuShBtdPhPlPh[tS,tShut==L tU L P)ĉRQSV` l3hshsS5L V\[^]+?UX  PjhuPBhuX ]To open a remote debug connection, you need to specify what serial device is attached to the remote system (e.g. /dev/ttya).Remote debugging using Couldn't establish connection to remote target UVS]u u huV4h( ,0hhԁ) S" u S=d t1 P d QPB8Ѓt  QS PPB$С PPBЃthjvShv~ h( . jhvjhuu/e[^]Argument given to "detach" when remotely debugging.Ending remote debugging. U}t hw==/} t hw]Reply contains invalid hex digitUUBЃ vBw B]ÐhCxֿ]ÐUE ~W]Ð0]Can't send signals to a remote system. %s not sent. scUS]t( @HS9Phxd @DЃ  R/x} txPpS]S l]remote_interrupt called UhyMQl=h t hvy PjhyPBЉ]ÐUS] RS4lghyS$l]]Interrupted while waiting for the program. Give up (and stop debugging it)? U塰 @Lhzt @dj} @DЉ]Remote sent badly formed register number: %s Packet: '%s' Malformed packet (missing colon): %s Packet: '%s' Remote sent bad register number %d: %s Packet: '%s' Remote reply is too short: %sRemote register badly formatted: %sInvalid remote reply: %sUWVSU BpdhyjTj jdRY  Rj3jp$$|t|$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~$~~$~$~$~}|$~$~}dRhBtssjlPVS` 9ludRVhzʺ lF<:tdRVhz診 `~dRV`Rh{胺1>t~udRhG{`PFP؈/hG~F<;tdRhe{hP`R>U U qPrP{ËU Z1Lhx qP/dRh{oT[^_]gBad register packet; fetching a new packet Remote reply is of odd length: %sUWVShQ~pSgS=j@j0Pm)=h t hS~jSB p< v p<wǍp1?tTu!pPh~`FPGP؈.0F?~95 t5 10SVF~퍥$[^_]ÐUj@jj2]P%x=UWVSu= VhpS0ЃÍ< PJCP<CFG9~pPpub ƅpGq19= ~2 PCPCFG9= pP!d[^_]M%lx,%x:UWVSURURhpS0Ѓƃ}~2] %P8FP*FCEE 9|pSjSpEt E$ 1d[^_]m%lx,%xUWVS}~ JURURhpSSajS)pEu$ 1T19}~:>t2~t,PFP؋U G9}ɉd[^_]ÐUWVS}u ]E~?؁~}t PVW# PVW t )EċEe[^_]Debugging a target over a serial line. Uh ]Remote connection closedRemote communication errorUS PMQPBЉÃt7t7t)hU膴hn) ؃]]ÐUS]ScjS+ ;Eu ShBt8]]Sending packet: %s...putpkt: write failedAck putpkt: Junk: U(WVSU0ۉ׈уv!Hƅp$q~ѐGB9|#G%PG؃PGp1=h t!Ph3}hx   J+PPRIщ thI蔴 PÃ=h t,$tt+ut j 1$t6?I+u;=h trh^fjP2j=h Suhcp؃P)[^_]Timeout in mid-packet, retrying Saw new packet start in middle of old one Bad checksum, sentsum=0x%x, csum=0x%x, buf=Repeat count %d too large for buffer: Remote packet too long: UWVS}E5 V@#tvt/:$t;*=h @hq1=h  h5 VP{Ë5 VPgƒ8UuEPPh]5 VDMΉuJ9s%QCPSc] Qh-9sȈCMh3W-hv#1e[^_]Timed out. Packet received: %s -Ignoring packet error, continuing... UWVS}} t5 Vt6$uWu9=h tXWhhȊ  C=h t h= PjhPBЃ C ~h PjhuPBЍe[^_]kUhS @dЉ]ÐUh( #]ÐUS]jU RSU u jh$ S]]ÐUjU RUR]Use a remote computer via a serial line, using a gdb-specific protocol. Specify the serial device it is connected to (e.g. /dev/ttya).Remote serial target in gdb-specific protocolremoteUh( ]ÐUWVSu= ~-^$F$9t#VUǐSURSh ^$9ue[^_]ÐUUM u = u@]ÐB$$9t𐐐9Htۋ9u1]ÐUUE u = u @D ]ÐUWVSu= uU@^ߍF9u^(SWS SF$PSq؍e[^_]ÐUWVS}= ujEPU RЋE`U RWƃu;WWX jF P] S X ^VG$PVU RVe[^_]ÐUWVS}= ujEPU RGU RW6ƃuÃE9Eu8txPVd j EPMQC>à E9Eu8tGPVh MME BtEEBuE8tPVje[^]Uh[ @P]Remote debugging using `%s' at baud rate of %d UWVS]} uWSFPNQ&5 NQNQ = t j= ujFP Q u Q=d t7 P d QPB8Ѓt Q褺 Q耦 PPB$С PPBЃ= u   x u@ t> Qh{褹=d t d Qh臹hzvVF @С @ Ѝe[^_]Timeout reading from remote system.%cUS P QPBЉÃu hDˣ=h ~ Shh؃]]US PjPBЉÃu1ۃ=h ~!tShh蠸h莸؃]]ÐUVS]X 9t𐐐C;uX e[^]sr_write: Error writing to remoteUWVS}u PVWPBЃ t h;=h ~19};Phh蹷C9|e[^_] UWU0ЃPRojh c}]ÐUWVS}u 19}t;C9|؍e[^_]Invalid hex digit from remote system.US]BЃ vYBwBLBwB3 uu @P)hG뢐]]ÐUVS]jqjeˆe[^]ÐUVS11ې%P4ƃC~މe[^]Remote device not openUS]= u h~t S)jh @P/]]ÐU @ Ѓ= t R ]Argument given to "detach" when remotely debugging.Ending remote debugging. U}t hL赟= t @ } t h*] Attached to %sat %d baud and running program %s using the %s protocol. US] RhޘP=d td Rh3h&= t PhSh]]ÐU @ С @PE @]ÐU]Can't pass arguments to remote process.No exec file specifiedUSE t8t h}t = u h  XL= u hT @ @xjjS]]ÐU WVSE1ۋu>t(U:0у9~˃E:uރ}u ]ރ)eeEE)ĉe19}~M12G9} E=H tE19}~\EEM]9Et:?u18}u EuFuE G9}}v} t4}u9shx P莯G9}whx EPwuu1e[^_]ÐU]ÐUUR PX]ÐUU RUR P]It doesn't seem to be an object file. %s : 0x%4x .. 0x%4x *U WVS]hREjS3%E u SMQh0VE=H tbjURwu h&MYDC CC PSR Qh&hx 蔭1kC )9vƃ=H tڝVWURSMQr2VURCP hŜ软hx +9{ v =H th蒯[t =H 3MQҏURLRMQ&UR蔘e[^_]Set device for remote serial I/O. This device is used as the serial port when debugging using remote targets.remotedeviceSend a command to the remote monitor.remote Uh@ h hJh jjhPhŞh̗jhn]US]jU RSe u jh S ]]ÐUjU RUR ]ÐNoneArgument required (target name). Try `help target' Uhx hf]Magic number of %s target struct wrong target Connect to a target machine or process. The first argument is the type or protocol of the target machine. Remaining arguments are interpreted by the target protocol. For more information on the arguments for a particular protocol, type `help target ' followed by the protocol name.targetUS]tShhȊ ^+= u j(讜 ` 9 w'  P Q蚜 ` ` S= u*hĔ jh h hh̟jh- h KQK QjS]]ÐU]ÐU$ 1]You can't do that when your target is `%s'U塰 Ph_Õ]You can't do that without a process to debugUh{]ÐU]No saved terminal information. Uh{]You are already running a program: Kill it? Killing the program did not help.Program not killed.U塰 t\h= P@4ha舜 t) @TС t#hk_]ÐhNn]ÐUVSu] So SV@Ѝe[^]ÐUWVS}u ]j: SVW@`Ѝe[^_]ÐUEtPhhȊ 蔨(x u@ xu@<xu@,xu@<xu@ܢx u@ ܢx$u@$<x(u@(ܢx,u@,ܢx0u@0Lx4u@4<x8u@8Dx<u@jCЋStVtGދ[tuʉe[^_]ÐU塰 j@С @t ]U WVSEEEj胖E}}uu䐐E)9Ew ] ËuujjMQE$PrEup+U9E} euVMQUEU׃19]}(EEG8uut2uB9|])]]}H}tuM1} tuM 1Ee[^_]ÐUjURU RUR]ÐUWVS} ]jSWURu911~ jjWGURBUUFK~ttN}tUe[^_]ÐUjURU RUR ]ÐUWVS}$ PMQWM QMQ@0Ѓ9ul~t t1SMQVM QMQC0ЃBt1҃{xuStӅuυ'}u WjM Q=B=$ t$ EE )Dž1e[^_]Symbols from "%s". While running this, GDB does not access memory from... %s: UVS1=L tL @PhT t8{p~+t hhĢSRh賢SC4Ћsx [tuȍe[^]A program is being debugged already. Kill it? UR tJht @Th辌 t]ÐU塰 U RUR@Љ]rombugUnable to link to %s and get relocation in rombugUWVS 8uHοu5U RURC\ЃU :u&URhU e[^_]Don't know how to %s. Try "help target".UWVS11 ` 9s)@hЅt;F`  9r؃tURh9e[^_]attachUVSu] h7kSV@Ѝe[^]runUWVS}u ]hq7SVW@`Ѝe[^_]ÐU1]ÐUWVS11ۋ =` 9szpuC9r%!e[^_]ÐU< ؓ i(1V= u]TARGET_SIGNAL_MAGICInternal error: printing TARGET_SIGNAL_DEFAULTUnknown signalSecure attentionSIGSAKSound completedSIGSOUNDMonitor mode data availableSIGMSGNeed to relinguish monitor modeSIGRETRACTMonitor mode grantedSIGGRANTSwap space dangerously lowSIGDANGERSignal LWPSIGLWPProcess's LWPs are blockedSIGWAITINGSIGPHONESIGWINDPollable event occurredSIGPOLLPower fail/restartSIGPWRUser defined signal 2SIGUSR2User defined signal 1SIGUSR1Resource lostSIGLOSTWindow size changedSIGWINCHProfiling timer expiredSIGPROFVirtual timer expiredSIGVTALRMFile size limit exceededSIGXFSZCPU time limit exceededSIGXCPUI/O possibleSIGIOStopped (tty output)SIGTTOUStopped (tty input)SIGTTINChild status changedSIGCHLDContinuedSIGCONTStopped (user)SIGTSTPStopped (signal)SIGSTOPUrgent I/O conditionSIGURGTerminatedSIGTERMAlarm clockSIGALRMBroken pipeSIGPIPEBad system callSIGSYSSegmentation faultSIGSEGVBus errorSIGBUSKilledSIGKILLArithmetic exceptionSIGFPEEmulation trapSIGEMTAbortedSIGABRTTrace/breakpoint trapSIGTRAPIllegal instructionSIGILLQuitSIGQUITInterruptSIGINTHangupSIGHUPSignal 00UM D]?UE,t ]Ð]ÐUWVS}= t2 8uRW9uF;uӸ,e[^_]ÐUEu1]Ãu ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ð u ]Ðu ]Ð u ]Ð u ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ð u ]Ð u ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ðu ]Ðt ,]Ð]Signal %s does not exist on this system. 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Use the "file" command.No symbol "%s" in current context.intlongshortparse errorUdWVSpDžDžDž<  nffˋD9)p'~h<*'~ Dž')܉WQRz )ĉVQRO ||D 9 M6= u  = 1 1= )w  YUT9 U}qىS= t  P  T OX W \ O t MU~1) TLD }$hh (8Xhx 8Xx (8HXhx(h (HH (   (8HXx (8H h8XxHXx 8hjOٿRqjOkjKj7;j8+j4j5 j6j9j;j:j<j=jL w7߿jLj8j[jkjKɾw7蟿jKqj8詾jj+jj.y贽Pξj.k $  $ kH j1 jbQZj1j3WR耾j3zj2ɽOQ`j2Zj;j+jj jjjjjjjjj~jnj ^j Nj >j .j j&ji" jYWRPjj(9OQмR舼j(PjOQR j(Q蘼RLj(=j)ٻ Qmw7Cj)j+詻Rj+>j,艻Qj,j-iR!j-Z  j(I 4 QݻG@ P葻j(7_0j( T R蝻PFSj(Kj(ۺ T Qoj(j(j1躺jWR j1裺 \ jM艺jM肺; tG@ w7FP t@@w7PhjjjOQw7P#Ãt{ tw7ʼPh7[ojjjWRw7茼PÃuw7pPh97j*[ d Q_vSRh^A7jNS赹w7_ЋvKQh^7S78uVSPqtRSPh6 G$)ĉOA~@WRQP jNPSjN2w7jjjjVFÃjVaÃt4 RR>;u LVh5h_tiS/yt/=ܓ t ܓ Qd Rt d ܓ j*Vj菷Sij*B tj=ܓ tܓ R d Q.t d ܓ jMjMjLw7輷jLնw7趹jPÃt% 4 QQPS޸ Gu'貒uh4w7FPhW4WRw^OQgNWRW>j)jjjjOSRj:QjDžjiDžWDžOQ(DžWR 4 QpWs `0 @ |  | ̐  ̐   H ` Rw7P^ Qw7_Pv> Rw7?P Qw7PvG@P. 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Use the "file" command.No symbol "%s" in current context.U WVS  Bt Bu <;}<,W<(ot;u'Ruh,z  MQh`z 8.uu  Bt BuoEu.6*. yx Ce[^_]errorA %s in expression, near `%s'.U REuPh]Ðinner block not inside outer block in %sinner block not inside outer blockblock at 0x%lx out of orderUS] ;txdu3= t  h: @PML@]]ÐUWVS}UtF_7D0M 8u!RQVUl Uu <2uD Ky͋?u1e[^_]ÐUS tPL؅u 8 tP؅u  tP؅u ]]ÐUWVS}u 1ۅt ZuWL MG\+GX9} QR}Gtu uwXGtt E;OTM9OXuOtWXWdGd!‰WX+WPG\+GP9~w\wXOXOTuu^M t+BKLuLHyu׋MuMNF N}tMqNuFM t5 2 …uM E8 9]Sz u9w B9F}tl= tCMy u yu2u~ u'~t!My uA1u~ u FMPh 8xh xCu60CMIHCup ]9]2WLG\+GX}jR|Gtu GXGtt1A_T9_XuOtWXWdGd!‰WX+WPG\+GP9~O\OXwXwTMK}tu63M58 38 e[^_]ÐUWVSu8 1ۅtCuVL<F\+FX9} WRFtu ~XFtt19~T9~XuNtVXVdFd!‰VX+VPF\+FP9~N\NXNXNT8 tKHLu8 >~39~*~T9sRh ovC9܉e[^_]UWVSuh t"S8uVRfujË h h  t'0ЃPVqC C} tC0} ЃPM Q9C$ ~CC KQ9Cu ;t@C{t+KQuh txu@u{u;txuCe[^_]ÐUWVS]u te{u_{tYS0щM| /u>SщȃPV/ECP_ECu ;t@Ce[^_]ÐUjZ   = t  zuDRP]ÐUS uDX P裥؋]]ÐUVS]u tf{ uChL誵C C @9CCK PK Q虵C S 0MHe[^]ÐUMU A9Bv]Ð9Br +]Ð]ÐUS]8 U    =4 u@ h賴4  h  U RS/]]Context stack not empty in end_symtabUWVSE= ~X   @4 UR}WP RxWh @P= ~h q } tG=8 t>8 U 1t)}_QU9v WYM uڅuG}WdK=8 u(= u= uEYUR}W Rjh j#}WUR= Wjh j0URE5h I1E}~ t)F  }thjPF PD}WVRE}x~ MLUB\+BX9} SQ!}Gtu _XGtt1OUJT9JXuJt}WXWdGd!ЉGXWX+WPG\+GP9~R\WX}WXWT}OSV RQI }G}Uz ~ULU0^ӋUB\+BX9} S}WLUBtu ZXBtt 1J}OT9OXuOtUzXzdBd!BXzX+zPB\+BP9~׋\zXUzXzTUJ~WQqIUB}GG VW,G~t ~W譠~t VR蛠~ t ~ W艠V~ޅ}t UB8  Ee[^_]ÐU 9@ u!У@ P 4 Qg4  @4  MH  8 HM H @ ]ÐUVS]KtK…t C…}оЍe[^]ÐU   8 ]ÐU]ÐU]ÐUVSE ]@ xlt=x thE]EHMUxlt=P US C,9C0s jRCHujK,QEPEC,e[^]ÐUVS]ǃSh؎sV?CHt 1:K(9K,uKHS,S8C8!‰S,+S$C0+C$9~s0s,s,s(ȉ1e[^]this version of gdb does not support mapped symbol tables.Can't find the file sections in `%s': %sUVSuE  th h舭hjS[ǃh- h4>jjC P$h- h4>jjCLPh- h4>jjCxP(s{tSRR[RR9CVCS;tPPSRhM̓ ̓ ؍e[^]ÐUU̓ =̓ t#9u ]Ð8u݉]ÐUVSutV@Ѓ~tFP73SVkw~tNQQVtQQ7tQQV 19F$s9F0vF(F,PR=VL19FPs9F\vFTFXPR Vx19F|s,9v$dždžPRVVee[^]US̓ tP]]ÐUWVS])ĉe11ҋ}9~9eM ]9+<]tEB}9υ][ }Wt192~]C }DF92]{tv{}197~j]\]}G ]]G }C19K~2]Tz tzufz| B}BA]9KF}97]]L}Gt]X}?xu]9v#fz| B}B]9wދ}9v#fz| B]B}9wދ]:tfz| B}B:u1ҋ]9~M }B9L 9vmƍQB@ t}?9]>Bt}9][t}9][9w}t ]}t]}}}t]}}}t]}}e[^_]ÐU̓ txt]Ðu1]ÐU̓ tx t]Ðu1]ÐU̓ tt ]Ðu1]ÐUM̓ t*9v9w9Hw9wu1].pltUWVS1ۋURt,@ 8t$8XuοXu؍e[^_]ÐUWVS1EE=̓ } t 9} M8uQRTtE{ u{uk{ u\{tVMQ{ t1{ uCP%u4Ctv(w#] }u ]ރt ;tZ?t$t'}t E}u 1 Ee[^_]ÐUWVSE=̓ EIu9s)9tvNUʉ)Ћu9ts9UuU)ȋu9tw|N)|u Ix5|t|*}t)ȋuV9Tv)ȍE?Ee[^_]ÐU` X \ ]ÐUUBwb$Xxxx11MQPjRM QMQ6]gcc_compiled.gcc2_compiled.__gnu_compiledUWVSE}uqU:gu0uƚuԚM@@EU8BuA8ujhQQ =\ u$h 覢\ X X \ )ӍX UC jjCPPU SfUfSUSUS\ ` e[^_]ÐUEU @9Bv]Ð9Br 1]Ð]ÐUS=X tX PX u]]ÐUWVSE uu])D9sdUC9C u4;S8u)RWPu{4uKK4}EuMD9r}؉EE+Ee[^_]ÐU$WVS=` ` M@E΃L )ӋEH\+HX9} RV1E@tuXXEMAtuATEMt.)EPMQEP7 MME@HAE X MEE9\ ~fME)MUʋ]EE䐐}ߋuED M8uEEEM9 \ \ EEnhjMQEP0MQEPEuLMI)ʍ)ЍӋMA\+AX9} RVMAtu YXAtt1TEXT9XXuHtMQXQdAd!‰QXQX+QPMA\+AP9~ MA\AXMAXAT]ME)M D D D D jjDPL EMEHE} 1;t;u_jM Q跨ƃtBELP0҉ЃPVakCV蜍Cu\;t;u]M QGƃt7ELP0҉ЃPVjCV1C;uEEMe[^_]ÐUURtxt1]ÐUWVS}WEtb5̓ tXtG;t<{u. }8u!RQzKuC;uċ6u1e[^_]Ð"maintenance" must be followed by the name of a maintenance command. maintenance Uh蓫hx jh Px]Should GDB dump core? Uh<tjjCjP>]"maintenance demangle" takes an argument to demangle. %s Can't demangle "%s" UVSut>uhŪ>jVإÃtSh褪SފVh腪e[^]"maintenance info" must be followed by the name of an info command. maintenance info Uh8hx jh}| P]08l %s->%s at %s: %s ALLOC LOAD RELOC READONLY CODE DATA ROM CONSTRUCTOR HAS_CONTENTS NEVER_LOAD COFF_SHARED_LIBRARY IS_COMMON UVS] s hSR/-PhhC{lt9(C P,Phǣ hS($= tNh  Phhd @PhϦjhT R']"maintenance print" must be followed by the name of a print command. maintenance print Uhܦchx jh"ȓ PH]Commands for use by GDB maintainers. Includes commands to dump specific internal GDB structures in a human readable form, to cause GDB to deliberately dump core, to test internal functions such as the C++ demangler, etc.maintenancemtCommands for showing internal info about the program being debugged.infoList the BFD sections of the exec and core files.sectionsMaintenance command for printing GDB internal state.printGet fatal error; make debugger dump its core. GDB sets it's handling of SIGQUIT back to SIG_DFL and then sends itself a SIGQUIT signal.dump-meDemangle a C++ mangled name. Call internal GDB demangler routine to demangle a C++ link name and prints the result.demanglePrint a type chain for a given symbol. For each node in a type chain, print the raw data for each member of the type structure, and the interpretation of the data.typePrint dump of current symbol definitions. Entries in the full symbol table are dumped to file OUTFILE. If a SOURCE file is specified, dump only that file's symbols.symbolsPrint dump of current minimal symbol definitions. Entries in the minimal symbol table are dumped to file OUTFILE. If a SOURCE file is specified, dump only that file's minimal symbols.msymbolsPrint dump of current partial symbol definitions. Entries in the partial symbol table are dumped to file OUTFILE. If a SOURCE file is specified, dump only that file's partial symbols.psymbolsPrint dump of current object file definitions.objfilesCheck consistency of psymtabs and symtabs.check-symtabsUhĔ jhh hlhj hI jj hIhUd`h jh}h| hXhj hE0h| hh$j hԨh jh"hȓ hݨhDj h4h hhTj hh hhԢj hw(hȓ h%hj hɪYhȓ hΪhd6j hs>(hȓ h{hBj h3 hȓ h<h=j h(hȓ hhCj h,h h5hDj h`]ǯz]YDARM style demanglingarmLucid (lcc) style demanglinglucidGNU (g++) style demanglinggnuAutomatic selection based on executableautoUnknown demangling style `%s'. The currently understood settings are: %-10s %s `%s' style demangling chosen as the default. UWS=t; d 8uRQs<u C ;uЃ;d :tRh̯h=t`CPPhÜ C9 u6d P|E}0҃REP藍d ;u= uB  0ҋ=҃RPOEd Phe[_]ÐUWS]=d td R?|0ЃPSd jjxe[_]Set the current C++ demangling style. Use `set demangle-style' without arguments for a list of demangling styles.demangle-styleUSh hhd jjh['h@ SC X hǯj$]]bad block start address patchedbad string table offset in symbol %dunknown symbol type %sunknown symbol descriptor `%c'block start larger than block endunmatched N_LBRAC before symtab pos %dN_LBRAC/N_RBRAC symbol mismatch at symtab pos %d"repeated" header file not previously seen, at symtab pos %d"repeated" header file not previously seen, named %sUS=T tN19P ~!T PyC9P  T QxyT P =L t L QLyL H D ]]ÐUP H h;T D j(%L ]U@ 9D u D P L QL @ L M @ ]ÐUWVS=T 195P ~F1ۋM8u,QRe7uM 9LuVo8F95P  QhT cFMQh` UFe[^_]ÐUWVS]P 9H u" H P T Q,T 5P P 0ЃPSnT M LD j(躇T Dj(jP5Ve[^_]__DYNAMICUWVSEkIW$9t{ tT ttk=tI11UzCu#8u} uMUB@EU8BuAy$u9_uyVuyTtyvyytoe 1۸tuU 9 v URPjSU RELP0}ЃPUR%S Pde[^_].o.nlmelfsomcoffnlmUWVS]0{ЃEstEsu  1jhC@P+4 tTjhC@P4 t8jhC@P3 tjhC@P3 u5 j@PSR,E } SRU}ut u S@x @| 8 jhO|jhX<|xltP R@PSU R SU RSV!|e[^_]ÐU+>].textCan't find .text section in symbol fileridiculous string table size (%d bytes).U WVS]{MjQz@hW8u h}Gx@ BOPHGxO<HJGxO<HȅtEjPW>ƒ } MQh~jjuV0WjjVƒ.u"@ @GV@PЋB ~ vW}9F ~@ Ph̺)|MS q C0+C,9} VR~CHu s,CHt19s(9s,uKHS,S8C8!‰S,+S$C0+C$9~K0K,K,K(MqjGxO<HPWƒ } MQ;}WjH Q@P‹9P t MQ }e[^_]ÐUEtRPJp]Premature end of file reading symbol tableUVSuVjhh Ã} 6Vq|u hFz15x U U e[^]USU 9U u t Q t PU @ PBPЋU R t @¢ R@\ЋU RfDt @¤ R@PЋU RDU   U ]]ÐUS]tQQntQQn@ @)PQ_~)PQ4~]]ÐUEU @PR} ]ÐUWVSu=  9 rc + ع É <}R QFP} []  qEAU  e[^_]ÐUWVSu}  9 v19{u8uRVp,u C 9 w1e[^_]ÐUE RPl ]ÐU WVSu vuFxF8@VFV$ЃP|EPh- uEFMQV(ЉEfMyP]19}3uFVP@ tM=@ @tuV@ t+MQuF t M QPRuvVG9}vMAQ,ЃP{Sh- !tMAuVSQ0ЉE}MQq1]9}~buSMQuVUUtu,C 8u$ C 8uM QjR@PqGE9}uVse[^_]string table offset backs up at %dInvalid symbol data: "repeated" header file not previously seen, at symtab pos %d.UpWVSEEE  U BU EEExeEExeЋ} WjWhdrE8  Wt GEU U 8 ؽ U9W! E E=H t wU 9U u }WU R EU D}PWP҉ E@}WP\҉Ef}EfxURPBPЉE}G  )$(fD(88ffHHHHHHHfffffffff8HHfHHHHfHHHHHfHHHHHfHHHfHHHfHHfHfHfHfHHHHHfHHHfHHHHHHHHHHHfHfHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHfHfHfHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHfHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHfHfHfHHHfHHHHHHH(ff8HHHHHHfUUBExExU E 9Y w+= Wh 2EY]U RE@P}WURE8Ex U 9Y w Ph O2E Y]}?-ult*]0у| o| .U E9PvU} 9r@}t^}tX}OU9JwJEP}WQ x REP}WUREEEEE@E}W}WKExQ } 9Y w Rh 0EY] }WUR@\ЉE}wUW= E8E= = P 9  PhY}_}E J9l tO h }t?}WURS x P}WUREPEEE= =l U25 E 9q w+= Wh /Equj/UR!t y}E P} Wh x RSEP}WU R>EQE } 9Y w' Rh .EY]EPTtu = t }WUREP } U 9Y w7 Ph g.E!Y]}WStu = t }t'UJE8uQ}WE19]~0uܐU8uQEPEiC9]ԃE}ԋU܉G}ԋU9E܉E׉}؍)ԉe܋EEP}WURE } 9Y w' Rh &-EY]j:EPEăPʃL$hf(((((((fffffffffff(((((((((((h((((((((((((f((((((((((((h(((((((((((((((xExExU E )<U 9rR°RdvE  }+}Cx0U +z,9} SQ跪U BHu Z,BHt1UE H(9H,uHH} W,W8G8!‰W,W,+W$UW0E +P$9U~ E x0x,U B,B(]+]S}WQ FFE@F= ~ 1ۃtuTjRvÃt:F EP]0щʃRS9FS[ F~ t ~ PÃhExExU E )<U 9rR¤RtE  }+}Cx0U +z,9} SQU BHu Z,BHt1UE H(9H,uHH} W,W8G8!‰W,W,+W$UW0E +P$9U~ E x0x,U B,B(]+]S}WQN FFE@F= ~ 1ۃt jR+uÃ8mE9E} U )׍} 9rWǰWDsU у E+ECB0} +G,9} SQ藧} GHu _,GHt1UU J(9J,uJHE x,x8P8!׉x,x,+x$}x0U +z$9}~ U B0B,} W,W(]+]SEPQ >;FF URV F 1ۃtuUj>WsÃt;F UR]0щʃRS{6FSX Fu\~ t~ u]PÃt8F }W]0щʃRS6FSSX F~ uF EĀxt} U )׍} 9rWǰWOqU у E+ECB0} +G,9} SQ袥} GHu _,GHt 1PU J(9J,uJHE x,x8P8!׉x,x,+x$}x0U +z$9}~ U B0B,} W,W(]+]SEPQ >;FF URV F 1ۃtuUj>WqÃt;F UR]0щʃRS4FSV Fu\~ t~ u]P Ãt8F }W]0щʃRS(4FScV F~ uF E= E } )E 9rPPTo}  U+UCW0E +P,9} SQ解E @Hu X,@Ht1U} O(9O,uOHU B,B8z8!B,B,+B$EB0} +G$9E~ } W0W,E x,x(]+]SURQ FF }~ V 1ۃtuTjPoÃt:F }W]0щʃRS2FST F~ t ~ PÃE9E} U )׍} 9rWǰWmU у E+ECB0} +G,9} SQ} GHu _,GHt1UU J(9J,uJHE x,x8P8!׉x,x,+x$}x0U +z$9}~ U B0B,} W,W(]+]SEPQ> >;FF URV F 1ۃtuUj>W nÃt;F UR]0щʃRS0FSS Fu\~ t~ u]PI Ãt8F }W]0щʃRSh0FSR F~ uF EEĊ< v}Ā?(t?,t ?)t?=u)EċUĊЀ vEĀ8(t8,t8)tހ8=tًUĊEĀeEĀ88;8,|}Ā?\t ??uu 8 ЉEċUĉU:t::tEE8t8:u} U )׍} 9rWǰWjU у E+EĉCB0} +G,9} SQ?} GHu _,GHt1MU J(9J,uJHE x,x8P8!׉x,x,+x$}x0U +z$9}~ U B0B,} W,W(]+]SEPQ >;FFF V 1ۃtuVjPkÃtU BHu Z,BHt1LE H(9H,uHH} W,W8G8!‰W,W,+W$UW0E +P$9U~ E x0x,U B,B(]+]S}WQ FF E@F= ~ 1ۃtuTjRfÃt:F EP]0щʃRS*)FSeK Ful~ t ~ PÃtDF }W]0щʃRS(FSJF~ MF AE@Ph$ $} U 9Y w' Ph EY]}WURƃ9utx19]~"EЉE}̍ U92U9|E̋}Љ4@E̋U9|q}ЉEȍ<)eЋUUREP}W? 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US]{<t[ShzhȊ ahC8xu{tS= tSRhbhx ] 8 ؽS-[S|= t ha]]gcc_compiled.gcc2_compiled.__gnu_compiledgnuFirst symbol in segment of executable not a source symbolU0WVSMIME@8HME@EMA+AEI ME𣐋  AU 8 MIM t U U = {9x oj+x URQEPU [ U MIVAPЉ MQFPR\U҉EfMfNEPNQRPU҉F  E9S w Qh S ~ӊ8u ֿu  (8uֿu t P8BuC8ujhSI u = t6 t-h[jRt P U 9U u MQU @< dt hIE15x E 9 {=H tLU 9U u MQU [ U E@VHPщ EPNQR\U҉EfEfFMQFPRPU҉F M  E 9S w# Qh  SEt'EPMQRFPvuVMQm}ud8u ֿu  (8uֿu  t hy E9  = u M jEPjjMMQwEЋMA0Ye[^_]ÐUWVS]}u= ul =8 u }dE=\$((((((((((((((((((?(((((((((((?(?((((((H(((?(((h(((?(((((((((((((((((((((?(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((?(($(((((((((((((((((((((((((((?(8(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((X((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((?= tl  SU R= tl    @54 U 9Vt RhH  = ~D69^ vh0 ^ URSV RvVh j薌 p =8 t3= duW RmjURjjS?SjW)賑SWԿ @PW譏Z @PڑP蔏ASW .l SU R RURWUR= u'j:WtxSuu}(t*}&t},t*^B^2^ "UR;Ph  Kj:Wu1@Ft fUp = tl  = ~7   @54 URSV RVRh vVG= t Rh< BSj迕ƋURURU RWSJFwURURU RWS%UtF8u2u  th p U e[^_]ridiculous string table 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Really redefine built-in command "%s"? Command "%s" not redefined.hook-Your new `%s' command does not hook any existing command.Proceed? Not confirmed.Type commands for definition of "%s". End with a line saying just "end". User-defined.UWVS]E]Stjjho Ĕ QEP蓙ƃt^V8uRSrt1tA~ t~u EE7NQMQ/uNQh_'jh{S{ uy{}jjho Ĕ QEPEt%PC8uRWtE}u+Shc&jh/u h'0ЃPSI-É];t3E Pt9u  EEE8u̓} tSh;hx N7 :Džt~ u F4PUhĔ t~ uFj h,Phj S蛌x4}t MAH8e[^_]Command "%s" is built-in.Type documentation for "%s". End with a line saying just "end". U WVS]]SjjhoĔ PEPƃ~ tShQi%} tShk:E~t FP1ҋ]t{0щMʋuBP*F]t-CPFP7;thjFP!uԍEPe[^_]GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it under certain conditions; type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB; type "show warranty" for details. Uh9]GDB %s (%s --target %s), Copyright 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.UVS]5 V5 VhS8   8uRQt5 VhS7 hS7ho2hS7e[^]ÐUX hx Xhj7 X ]ÐU0n Ph7hx _3]The program is running. Quit anyway (and detach it)? 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USURU REP6 }uhȊ hK(jՁURh- 2ËURURURSI]]ÐUjEPE PEPz]ÐUSURU REP5 }uhȊ hKjEURh- ËURURkS]]ÐUjE PEPhx ]ÐUE PEPhx []ÐUEPU RUR]ÐUEPU RUR]ÐUWVS] u}SEPGVWSe[^_]ÐUE PURhx ]ÐUE PURhx ]ÐUVS]u hx EPSVhx [e[^]ÐUhx EP/]ÐUhx EP]ÐUS]9n }T=n tn RCPn n 9n tH 9n un n n n )؋]]ÐUU RURpPg]ÐUWVS}u Et{= uWV=it t&4URVÃ!VÃ1W؅uPtSe[^_]ÐUVSUM :tH9tC5 BFuCt ACu8ut BA:t9u1:t:(u9te[^]Set number of characters gdb thinks are in a line.widthSet number of lines gdb thinks are in a page.heightTERMlicoSet demangling of encoded C++ names when displaying symbols.demangleSet printing of 8-bit characters in strings as \nnn.sevenbit-stringsSet demangling of C++ names in disassembly listings.asm-demangleUSh hOhn jjh.PUOh@ SOC 4F h@ h h4Phn jjhbPOPOn n PhiPd tRPP8~>hnP3| n n hqP3|n hx SPYu n Sjjh, h htPh jjhPONPNh, h hPh jjhP$NPNh, h hQh jjh5QMPpN]Ðbbaudttycddirectoryxversioncommandccoreeexecssymbolssehelpannotateffullnameepochbatchnnxsilentqquietmmappedrreadnowwarning: could not set baud rate to `%s'. Use `%s --help' for a complete list of options. ...Excess command line arguments ignored. (%s%s) This is the GNU debugger. Usage: gdb [options] [executable-file [core-file or process-id]] Options: --help Print this message. --quiet Do not print version number on startup. --fullname Output information used by emacs-GDB interface. --epoch Output information used by epoch emacs-GDB interface. --batch Exit after processing options. --nx Do not read .gdbinit file. --tty=TTY Use TTY for input/output by the program being debugged. --cd=DIR Change current directory to DIR. --directory=DIR Search for source files in DIR. --command=FILE Execute GDB commands from FILE. --symbols=SYMFILE Read symbols from SYMFILE. --exec=EXECFILE Use EXECFILE as the executable. --se=FILE Use FILE as symbol file and executable file. --core=COREFILE Analyze the core dump COREFILE. -b BAUDRATE Set serial port baud rate used for remote debugging. --mapped Use mapped symbol files if supported on this system. --readnow Fully read symbol files on first access. For more information, type "help" from within GDB, or consult the GDB manual (available as on-line info or a printed manual). .. warning: HOME/warning: UWVS>DžtDžpDžlDžhDždjh Dn u  =n t jYtj`Dž\jpXDžTH ` QJD t ( hhH W H |Rh hmSE PMQRgǃ u|@ |u| xw$|Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Zl\\\ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ZL^ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z]]|]\\ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z] Z\] Z Z Z,] ( tp( h( P%q \ E ( t3( p( l( \`A\9 QR` ( TX BT9ۍRPXb( dD 5jxQ( R;rǃ u2x@9( uPhnShȊ  =d M QhShȊ jo1ۋU9, CtFttK, M tp] , U lBEHS9, umSV, E RhShȊ %, E9, I= t  9=n t4hx 膵hmShSjsn=n tGhx IhmSkhShx hTzhx h_Xkjn= u?螴hx tt hXhmShx  X XhXUP<hXUD0ۋD։@L ӉDT )ԉLhX.UDPLPuhXLQڋhL LRɋ=X u]jLPPDuBh 4n u,  =n ujLQj=j@juVj@j]SVLRQ$ShL QhtBh 誌n u,  =n ujhPajDžHT9H}_h Fn u5  =n ujHXRNHT9H|XQj&ptpt8PpQJDuqh 臋n   =n = PpQzjtRptNh n u8  =n u= QpRttBh 越n u,  =n ujtPUj= u hS S Xlh 3n u7  =n u= RlPNr`l  JtNh щn u8  =n u= QlRPjdtNh pn u8  =n u= QdRjm  XPtu}@t\=X uSjhL Ku@h ͈n u*  =n ujhL 趴jDžHh fn uz  =n u_H`;-u{uh( ,= QH`R j+H\9HX`QdC= t jHgh 薇n u꿸  =n uj/=t ( %Pj2롐U]ÐUU R(H]U]ÐUU RUR]*-UURythPg]ÐhRg] breakpoints-invalid U= ~ @Lhg] breakpoint %d U= ~EPhgz] watchpoint %d U= ~EPhhJ] starting U= ~ hNh] stopped U= ~ hzh] exited %d U= ~EPhh] signalled U= ~ hh] signal-name U= ~ h i^] signal-name-end U= ~ h:i.] signal-string U= ~ hji] signal-string-end U= ~ hi] signal U= ~ hi] breakpoints-headers U= ~ hi^] field %d U= ~EPh:j*] breakpoints-table U= ~ hnj] record U= ~ hj] breakpoints-table-end U= ~ hj~] frames-invalid U= ~ @Lhkd] field-begin U= ~hTkEPhdk] field-name-end U= ~ hk] field-value U= ~ hk] field-end U= ~ hkn] quit U= ~ h*l>] error U= ~ hZl] error-begin U= ~hlhȊ i] value-history-begin %d U= ~!EPhlE P]hdk] value-begin U= ~hmNEPhdk;] value-history-value U= ~ h]m] value-history-end U= ~ hm] value-end U= ~ hm] display-begin U= ~ hmn] display-number-end U= ~ h*n.] display-format U= ~ hjn] display-expression U= ~ hn] display-expression-end U= ~ hn~] display-value U= ~ hoN] display-end U= ~ hJo] arg-begin U= ~ hzo] arg-name-end U= ~ ho] arg-value U= ~hoEPQhdk{] arg-end U= ~ hpN] source middlebeg%s:%d:%d:%s:U= ~hJphUp_p}tXpPURU RURhcphx jUR hdk] frame-begin %d U= ~(EPhpzhx jE Phdk`] function-call U= ~ h8q.] signal-handler-caller U= ~ hjq] frame-address U= ~ hq] frame-address-end U= ~ hq] frame-function-name U= ~ h rN] frame-args U= ~ hJr] frame-source-begin U= ~ hzr] frame-source-file U= ~ hr] frame-source-file-end U= ~ hrn] frame-source-line U= ~ h*s>] frame-source-end U= ~ hZs] frame-where U= ~ hs] frame-end U= ~ hs] array-section-begin %d U= ~!EPhsjE P-hdkW] elt-rep %u U= ~EPhAt*] elt-rep-end U= ~ hnt] elt U= ~ ht] array-section-end U= ~ ht]ÐU塘 t#rt,]Ð1]Ðjjjsn  j‰n t+BR@(Уn t jM = %]Ð1]ÐU8tA=n t n Qn PPB(Уn < n ]fcntl F_SETFL[%s failed in terminal_inferior: %s] setting tty statetcsetpgrpU=n  =n  n Qjjnr n Qjj^ru$ $ Q"`Ph vhvhȊ en P n QPB,Ѓu$ $ Q_PhAvhvhȊ $= u(jjnn jjnn = t@ QjL=ؓ u&u! $ Qm_PhSvhvhȊ n ]ÐUj]ÐUj]ÐUS=n  =n n = tjjnÃ=n t n Qǵn PPB(Уn jJ n P n Q n QPB4Ѓ= t. 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