d4 O1-̀\ `-:D$4 `JP`[̀r-/dev/stdoutOutput file '%s' exists. Replace (Yes/No/Change_name) ? Enter new file name: Will not replace file '%s'. UWVSu"} u@hBuzh8u ``h< `.`P`&}< `} uhNh `!` 5D `95@ `rh< `f_t@ `@ ` tD t?5D `95@ `rh< `(_t@ `@ ` t uË `<Y<Cuvhh `y`h< `ju/` 0}H~u| t| uuDuuhh ``1e[^_Illegal: %s ('/' must follow user name). Unknown user: %s. File name '%s/%s' is too long. /UWVSU:%j/u:`ƅuuhh `_` j`F}GW6`ÅuWhh `-` jk`0SzH=~ Vshh ``j"#`sSa `hS3 `VS) `Su= `[^_UWVS}u 1?u>tF8] ` 0MMM8tMM8v@@<8u<0u1e[^_Invalid EBCDIC <--> ASCII translation table UU= 9uA< 9<F4=<uh[h `_j#_}x <PÐ1Warning: %d character codes lost in ASCII->EBCDIC table US]=<u=9uej(91ҋ <fE9B~1Ҹ9;f8uB9~~Rhh `_}x ]91]USfE] M#ffU1%fUf3Er6CIu%]Options '-b' and '-t' are exclusive. '-t' is ignored. Name of selected file missing. Options '-b' and '-t' are exclusive. '-b' is ignored. Invalid option '%c'. Use '-h' for help. Output file name too long. ???xxdecoderNo begin line beginpartThis is not the first part of a splitted file. begin %o %sFile: '%s' (%03o) tablexbtoaBegin%o %sEnter file name of output file: File '%s' (BTOA encoded) Unnamed file (BTOA encoded) Input file is BTOA encoded. TableFileMode%oIncomplete output file name. Binary mode forced Text mode forced Decoding file '%s' wbwUWVS'}~U Zh;?u<>E<;DžxDž|9EHE x;ƃll:-yDždzd pp6$\ 8 H H d H H t H H H H H H  H  H H H < H H H H H H H H H 8 H H d H H t H H H H H H  H  H H H < =<th*h `8_<</<Edp@;pzuhah `_j_dG0щpdT dnEc=<thh `\_<9>,6pd3Phh `_ j\_dd< |ulh;s`Dž|;exuWl0щJvhh `_j_lh?`Džx?]E 9} >] 30щʃdx񐋝d< /txdy0HOwkVEP`Džd}tWd|(.t|( udD*4dd|+udE 0F낐UhEPu >xtxh=`>h `_P}_u"B=F=J=|to|dh |_E}u|6_j_hj(_ ;t@hjQu!_+h< `b_P_t  E< `TDžd=<t<CujRh\;_ u*duh h `_jX_jQ_@\;0щσx\;9 t9 uIOyhh\;h!hb;uh&h `_j+_EAhAEPhVh\;_NjMM=<tQhAhbh `3_Ef@fA=;hA5;}_Azhuh\;uh>u]h{h\;=<t=As=<NhIhhb;u uhhb;u1\;0щJ ~Ehg;hAW_h hb;B\;0щJ &EPhhg;_ e===A=0щp=/A@tAB uOhh `_j*_hh `_ehAhh `_ HhAh=h<0_P_Ph=hA_=<uuuhA tA=Azdu,=<~h3=<}hGh `_AB thAhYh `_ hA;AB tA@t =Au E `=<~fmf]oE$=<}fpfU fpf]EPhA+_E}uhA_jk_hj|_ ;thjQuu_}uhAB_j _uhAk_=>?h>uuW =AtaAB tLu_?uu=At AB t u_%>Addhc_UWƂ>Jy=>t! >B_~8?C104%4E>B40щH9rغƂ@Jy!߈@Bu~}Input file%s: too short (probably some data lost) include%s: no 'begin' line. %s: invalid 'begin' line. %s: part %d is '%s'. %s: out of sequence. %s: first character invalid in line %d. %s: invalid character '%02X' (hex) in line %d, column %d %s: line %d is empty %s: line %d is too short %s: line %d is too short ... Input errorOutput errorendNo end line bytesByte count and CRC data not available %lu bytes were read instead of %lu. crcCRC data not available %04XCRC check failed (%04X instead of %04X) U(WVSDžDžDžfDž5!f%f' ujQh\;_ u"h(h `_ j _@=\;ihQh\;1d;t-d; t$d;/AG9t 9 t~Ƅ/0щσ Ƅ/O/ u}uh &_ uL_j,*_1@ujQh\;_ u"hYh `_ j _@huh\;uuu hh\;]zh!hb;Ct hoh `#_ j-a_h;=h; uC; t0щσO< t< tSS_t(Shh `_j._g; `B$tT=h; uK0щNg;8.tZhh `A_ j/_j jhg;F_ 9thh `_ j/D_1\;9 t9 uAGO~=\;u\; ];\;u0?- }&5@hh `{_j$_1 Ⱦ9}=\;tv\;; t; t t ; t;uO U<u#GP5@Qhh `_CG9};u;\;0щKu(5@hh `_Dže Ⱦ9 5@h/ u5@hIh `_\;0щO ȾP~ DžP9~ Ƈ\; GϐƂ\;ߐKP~P9} Ƈ\; G名Puu h];E thg_j_=ASE  Ehs_ja_ujRh\;_ u\;hh\;thh `_j_ujRh\;_ u\;hh\;t<hj jhb;_ 9t*j jhb;}_ Phh `D_ujRh\;_ u\;hh\;t<hh `_KPhh`;"_ 9tQhh `_<[^_UWVS1}}M}8?A8? ҉M}GM? EEG? ˆ ;FM ;F ;FEE}uuh ;}P= f=<t#19u~ ;PCF9u=A} ;=<uB; u P;)=P;t; uP;>P;;t-M y9yrPu 6_M A } GCE ;9we[^_USMU 19u:tc8tL<t< t< t < t< u<t5< t/< t)< t#< t 8 ~@@<u<u1]Character table (line %d) is too short. Character table line %d, column %d: invalid character '%02X' (hex). Warning: character table line %d, column %d: non-standard character. character %c used more than once Input file is XX encoded. Warning: %d modified character(s) in table U|WVSE1ujP\(S_ U$ t hg~_0߹HwFPh "h `_ j1_F~E1D+9tuu}`t } tE|+R؅}C$)‰@P؅}C@Ph5"h `_D+PhZ"h `j_ j _|+}E؅}C$)‰@P؅}C@Ph{"h `)_h"h `_19}cT.8T+uR؅}C$)‰@P؅}C@Ph5"h `_D.Ph"h `_ j _F9|t+}U C?}t8h4EP_uh"h `b_uh"h `N_@x[^_Decode (Version 1.0): restore UU, XX, or BA encoded files. Usage: decode [-option] [infile [outfile]] [-option] Options: '-b' for binary output mode, %s '-e' to force translation from EBCDIC to ASCII after decoding,'-l' to list output file name(s) without decoding,'-n' for no replacement of existing files,'-o' to decode only file ,'-r' to replace existing files without query,'-t' for text output mode,'-x' to use XX decoding scheme if no table present.Options may be concatenated like '-bx'. In case of exclusive options (e.g. '-b' and '-t'), last one is used. UhL%h `_h%h `_h%h `_h%h%h `_ h%h%h `|_ h2&h%h `e_ he&h%h `N_ h&h%h `7_ h&h%h ` _ h&h%h ` _ h'h%h `_ h6'h `_h_'h `_j _Error in AtoB decoding. Encoded input file is corrupted. k=%c (%d), c=%d, DE(c)=%d UVS]}x~h(h `A_j_@r!zuO=8th(h ` _jI_jQjGj=j3&@@T=8u88=87 88@88 8У88P8Pw8Pg8PW889h(h `_@PSVVh(h `_j_e[^USM1 t8 x8x8=|8}%|8|8%|8 |8=8~898}?=<t QFT;Z9ZrPR1_ BB8]Error reading input file. btoa End N %ld %lx E %lx S %lx R %lx Missing or bad 'End' line. Inconsistent file length or checksums not correct. U WVS]} =T;81{9{rS_tCCu*$$ thw+h `_jM_ t t txtL=AtF}$)ȈT(l}F$)ljD(P@HEPEPEPEPEPh+S_th+h `n_j_}=8=A^7؅}C$)ljD(P؅}C$)ljD(C}9=8}F9~=AtC}9}u!=t89}u=x89}u =|89}th+h `_j_e[^_Error in BTOA encoding table at position %d. Modified BTOA encoding table used. BTOA encoding table corrupted. UWVSuƃ@Ky1E1ېN9NrV^_tFF} u Mt u xtzu CPh-h `_ j_ uG tC!9tE@CTe}th .h `\_N9NrV_t FFzu,N9NrV_t FFxth..h `_j1_e[^_UVS;u1҃<;t;B8uӅt4;ЃKue[^US;=;tЃ;uh/v_]U=8u8Ð88SL$ T$\$̀} أ8[ÐVSt$ \$T$t'Ѐ:t@8u)PRV Su[^' : can't load library 'Incompatible version. Too many libraries. No such library. Permission denied. Exec format error. Unspecified error. ) ( UWVSl$|$8=8PV>̀} ى 88jh00h0uj9$1<2x2T2x2x2x2x2x2l2x2x2x2x2`2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2H2jh0:jh0.jh0"jh 1jh!1 jh51j̀򐐋H %t 93D$ځ%9u 9}D$T$t;jh00h0ujujh0jd̀򐐃>L[^_]þ8=8t.jhI1phL10hO1j>u֐1۸̀[^_]/lib/libc.so.4Jump table 4.188888888888888888888888+-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz    .<(+|&!$*);^-/,%_>?`:#@'="abcdefghijklmnopqr~stuvwxyz[]{ABCDEFGHI}JKLMNOPQR\STUVWXYZ0123456789@(#)decode.c 1.0 (Bernlohr) 02-Mar-1991@AAŁ@ Aρ@ ʁ@  AAہ@ށ@Aԁ@AAс@01A3@26@754A<@=?>A:;A9@8(@)+*A./A-@,$%A'@&"@#! A`aAc@bf@gedAl@monAjkAi@hx@y{zA~A}@|tuAw@vr@sqpAP@QSRAVWAU@T\]A_@^Z@[YXAHIAK@JN@OMLAD@EGFABCAA@@833`48