d@-̀\ `D$4 `tP|P`[̀ a.out%s: Flag option -%c has already been seen!%s: I expected a filename after -o. "%s" assumed.ersionUnknown -v option ignored%s: I don't understand '%c' flag! 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Integer 0 assumed.Expression too complex: forgetting %s - %sRelocation error. Absolute 0 assumed.Division by 0. 0 assumed.WVSt$,L$(L$VD$D$L$ 8uuD$P"Pu(h"IFFF ‹<u~ t|$ u F ~ u?A"~~:"PD$PhG"F FF |$ uEA"|$~:"PD$Phw"D$,D$ D$$D$( u%\$D$L$L$D$tD$ D$PRVLL$QVqËL$(QFPatuĦF Xu ^ Nt;t7t29t.FPPh"F F L$NV~ t|$ u#F ĦuF~ u|$ th"F C$%h&x&8&&&(&&&X&L$ N|$tYF|$VL$!NNL$N|$tF|$Fh"FFbL$fOL$~?L$1N/D$ FhhShtL$8"2F [^_,$u $._ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789hh%_  d'=d'tB:u  ;=tB:u=tB:u(B9BwR_t(P@ (RT$Rs_9tÐ T$; .file End of file in string: inserted '"'Unknown escape '\%c' in string: IgnoredEnd of file in string: '"' insertedEnd of file in '/' '*' string: */ insertedEnd-of-file after a ': inserted(%d)EOF in comment: Newline insertedEOF in Comment: Newline inserted.line End-of-File not at end of a lineWVSt$|$=u<8O4=ug։Ãt *u ։Ãt/t S׃ [^_Ð=։ÃCЃ ։Ãt u"uMj"((([^_Ð։Ã" u=uw։Ã"u"[^_Ð\u\[^_Ðh(j ׸"[^_Ð=։ÃbkJ750["R t_}\&enf Jrt,jn\[^_ÐSh)h;)"[^_Ð=u'։[^_Ð=u'։à u [^_Ð։ÍC< $-1000000000.0000000000000000000000.0/0000000000004/0000000000t00։Ãu[^_Ðuu =u u/t tSS׃=t =d [^_Ð։Ã*uW։à ut*u։Ãt/tS׃ѐh_)jj ׃/u=u/tS׻/tS׃/[^_Ð"[^_Ð։Ãuh)1ۃPh)h_ [^_Ð=t&=t S׃[^_Ð=։Ãuh) [^_ÐuӍCЃ v? t։Ãt uFh)4S)))[^_Ðt7։Ãt uh):=u=t=th)[^_Ð[^_Can't extend frag %d. charsWVSt$h+d9s}Rjw=XXh+d9s9sRj8Ґ=Xh+d9sVh2[^_UWVSd)+T$PX`9du dpp!‰d+\h+\9~ 5h5dq q=oXh+d&}j&hX _C &pp `9 du 5d5d+\h+\9~ 5h5d5d5` pj&Q_5u5w@[^_]S\$Sdd[UWVS\$t$|$ S-ddp T$Px T$(PT$,PT$0P@$@%S4[^_]VST$(L$,dt$p t$ pt$p t$pt$ pt$$pP$H%t$V؃[^D$@@@ S\$ jT$ Rjjjjj[ = %r{standard input}Can't open %s for readingO_APP PWVS\$`L$d p;t'h5Sl_ ا  < `ا5= u# اQh5*[^_PÐhh Q_ B9BwR^_t P@ # B9BwR_t P@N QjP\$S?_޿51t FO)ȃ u pj S_u Qj#_[^_PÐ Qj ސ uˋ Qj ɋ QRCan't read from %sCan't close %sWVS|$= u1[^_Ð=ptG (h(hD(tFKu)% RhjW\_}اRh71t [^_Ð Rl_tاRh7 1[^_ PjPh8_ S{standard input}S\$=%PS9;tأ@[input-scrub.cSource line too long. Please change file %s then rebuild assembler.Partial line at end of file ignoredVS=t0R@PR_j@Ph _@Pkƃtj^~ tK; uC@9wh9h9 )މ5jh S_jRh9_*=~ h9[^=% D$T$t| %s:%u:%s:unknown:=tj:t>u uPRh4;h `_ÐuRh;;h `_ VSt$ K; uVPC9s[^S\$T$ v(C9Cwj%ST$ c_T$%C€w+C9Cwj^ST$ 6_T$ ^C@C9CwPS _[ÐC[wFATAL: Can't create %sS\$;-u{u$ `[Ðh<S_$uSh<rj*_[FATAL: Can't close %s$R_uT$Rh=!j*r_$Failed to emit an object byteCan't continueWVS\$t$|$te$B9BwPR_ B $Q_tWho=oh= NCu[^_>>>>>>>>>u>t>differencebignum/flonumASSEMBLER-INTERNAL-LOGIC-ERROR!pass1absentunknownbssdatatextabsoluteVSh`hjhhX_Xh+d&}j&hX_C &XY9Y uI(Q QA!‰Q +QA+A9~qq q q *jjW55L[^D$T$ uЦÐ$UWVS|$T$T$9=u 8 =td)ЉBRsX`9du dpp!‰dd+\h+\9~ hdQ QD$PW9{ u T$8Ssk[t9{ ~t9{  T$8Sv~Xh+d}jhX_F Xq9q uI(Q QA!‰Q Q +QA+A9~QQ Q Qu^T$S{ C=ppXh+d&}j&hXt_F &Xq9q uI(Q QA!‰Q Q +QA+A9~QQ Q Q5=p@Kt A C[^_]̦(j h._jh,_ WVSD$@L€0ABCE,D$ D$ L$ t ׀0AuICu@[^_ D$fE,jP|P UWVSt$\$ \$\$$\$fl$(0׉89<sWh,_W8SV_ =8, 49 8u T8DD!‰8+0<+09~ <8^ ^Ͼ,<+8 }j h,4_F ,q9q uI(Q QA!‰Q +QA+A9~YY Y Y:\$Z\$Zfj\$,Z\$0ZBB=̦țP ̦[^_]Symbol "%s" is already defined as "%s"/%d.%d.%d.Symbol %s already defined.VSt$ =`tp`jj QjPPjt{u{t[uC` X tx tVƒBBu;zu5 Jd+B >B[^ÐJQBPBPB>H>PVhDJ[^ÐVh'E-[^Ð Qd)Pjj >PVR>[^Inserting "%s" into symbol table failed: %sS\$SR(R 8tPShF} [VSt$ V4Ãuh jjjjVS[^T$R(RGNU assembler version 1.38  (\(\(\(\(\(\(\(\d5;Nё\C9#J{/L F%u^)Ǻ'W]K<_ZX`]OSOJp?sa*VmBf)?`MMCua o"4o#xg63 ւR`i;.eNQG3ſt[Am-{t9SSz jd8n헧?O}JFVPr^2>#n>. 8Mc>]ҪYZZJ3&Nq*}q+n`W1oZ7oi'23UD~NXP 0LtrԽHm?9JuM4w}Ũ&jxMo_Sy!ewLD,s4C3o~rEl{Q-Hu=.3-!=- XH 龴0) ި|빣(_da䈴cO\I8P84cO8<9^@h g&RD7eEC15^+RASQ?O\&;t ?)β$Yd%0K_0%GGG+GGG+GGG+G$H$H+(HLHLH+RHrHrH+zHHH+HHH+HHH+I8I8I+vIIIx+I(J(J+GGG+GGG+GGG+&H&H&H+NHPHPH+tHxHxH+HHH+HHH+HII+:ItItI+IIIM+*JdJdJ+WVS|$t$WVG+yV[^_ÐF+9E})PPQ_]PRR_W V G+$F [^_Ð)ÍEPRPߴ_VV_ ^ [^_Ã$UWVST$8z-tz+u\$<{-t{+tT$@B[^_]$Ð\$8C-T$<8Bu+\$@KT$8B+D$0\$WQ_uH, 90sj h L_j ,QVr_ , ,K-(9-,u H,88!‰,+$0+$9~ 0 , , (+SW Qf t8tPWh^X貹 >j蒬á, 90sj h h_j ,QV莧_ ,  95q9v.S Q Q̭ t 8b 9whaV Q耯<h]V Qj8 9v.S Q QX t 89whhLҦ_hhLæ_hhL账_hhL襦_ hhL蓦_1ۃL `XuXttو^Xt:%9t `t"/u {/ w `Xu"XuXutSh_tL `Xu-ut `Xu_t .tXtt t utGFC[^_]invalid character %s in opcodeexpecting prefix; got nothingno such opcode prefix ('%s')same prefix used twice; you don't really want this!too many opcode prefixesexpecting opcode; got nothingno such 386 instruction: `%s'expecting string instruction after rep/repneinvalid character %s before %s operandunbalenced parenthesis in %s operand.invalid character %s in %s operandspurious operands; (%d operands/instruction max)expecting operand after ','; got nothingexpecting operand before ','; got nothingoperands given don't match any known 386 instructionno opcode suffix given; can't determine immediate sizeno opcode suffix given and no register operands; can't size instruction%d prefixes given and 'w' opcode suffix gives too many prefixesyou can't 'pop cs' on the 386.%d prefixes given and %s segment override gives too many prefixesloop/jecx only takes byte displacement; %d shortened to %dcan't handle non absolute segment in long call/jmp(UWVS\$][^_](Ð ll|$,tZ|$4xtKxltExnt?t=xt4xt+xt"xtxth\];L$4xxlvxnlfxYxLx?x2x%LpCLu;uމ1Ҁ;,tK;utAPh]LP;(uB;)uJCu;,u9tV==@=Gl lUo ll2|$0th*^;,uhS^n;,uC;tD$0;D$(111ۋ|$4?|$L$49yC=|$$ L$ |$|$|$$L$9y#Yu!%9D$ |$$|$$5L$#1td%9D$ uWtS%9u=Q|$"u ب ШL$fA#5#q%9D$ %9t,t$Q|$"u بt ШL$y|$(L$y=#ytt%9u^t%tQ"Qu بt Шt4tGt?|$"Wu Ȩt' ШuD$ D$ L$|$49OL$|$49Ouh}^j hp|$Wך_D$p =u>=t5t:tl:u w b~xt[tVtQ tL@tG=u h^>=bt'=wu @xtitdt_ tZ@tU=uh^=bt'=wu @5-Ct Ct Ct } |$(t|$G|$OOG=u|$Gtgh^=btIL$AtI=wu2=ujh1_fƀf= |$(t L$(|$ O|$G t Х ԥ|$Gt7=u.%P ̥<̥<̥ ̥L$At$ %̥@ Ak|$G t6Х@ G=wt =l@L$I3|$G@tFu ̥xuhq_̥@L$ A|$}&̥xOL$A=ЍZ ̥@t;@$%̥@$%3̥@$%̥@$%=-1ut 1إ9<ua=ܥuX% u%?% (إ98us=ܥuju u %?% =إf<% %?% $ =ܥtBܥ@$%%?=zy%ǀ  %?[=tG=إu>=ܥu5% %?$  إ@$%u%?=ܥ% إB$%ܥ@$%%?98uU=uL u%?tC<ǀǀǀǀ=$<u+% Ћ)% ЋL9tO=u,Pjh_ [^_](Ð@=ut1L$y t$̥@$%%̥@$%=u |$ tG $%L$yuxuA|$Gpx =w/jËL$I K[^_](Ð|$u#jjVCP[^_](jmL$IKjVCΐh+dw=WjjËL$I SVPuPjjj [^_](Ð|$G"G@thL$yw]h+dw=Wuj.d@9hsjhX轭_dL$Id&j=Ë|$GL$IKVÃx u8VUS =PUh_jxWHQPVC+P=W#[^_](ÐL$AjËL$I ĥx u"j@PCPs ;jxWHQPj%)ljP QN#x t h `j@PCP [^_](Ð"jjPSF9rً|$w\h+dw Qtj-d@9hsjhX輫_dL$Idh|$w3j0ËL$AL$IK4|$G jËL$I CP7Phy\̞ [^_](Ðh\#Uh\h\h]PPPh]?PPPh]jh]jÃL$I C|$GOK|$GjǾj Š% RS$<uN$x ucL$tjj5|$tjjj譽j@PS7j荽jHQxWPjC+P Q D$E9-D= D$|$9=D$L$9x u_Etjj7E tj׼jL$j轼j|$@PSUEt E tV~jL$xWHQPVC+P=Wv D$D$L$9 [^_](bad register name ('%s')bad memory operand after segment overrideonly 1 or 2 immediate operands are allowedmissing or invalid immediate expression '%s' taken as 0Unimplemented segment type %d in parse_operandmore than 1 memory reference in instructioncan't find base register name after '(%c'bad base register name ('%s')expecting ',' or ')' after base register in `%s'bad index register name ('%s')can't find a scale factor after ','%dcan't parse scale factor from '%s'expecting scale factor of 1, 2, 4, 8; got %dexpecting index register or scale factor after ','; got '%c'Ignoring junk '%s' after expressionmissing or invalid displacement '%s' taken as 0register size mismatch in (base,index,scale) expressionbase/index register must be 32 bit register%s may not be used as an index registerinvalid char %s begining %s operand '%s'UWVSt$$t$0Ѝ|1>*uF@ >%lV6ƒuVhx肗1[^_]ÐB~:zB${|(|8|H|X|h|,N>$.4<t$Lu3Lu*>(t%>*t)hx薖1[^_]Ð>*EF@ /@J ̥_>$=uhDxy=@F5Pj蹥D$|$ve|$ L$Qhox諕LJ$LJ LJLJ@ x|$@ to =vM v/=vw `7 @. h x #@ @L$Qhx(=uhx@  @ @_1Ҁ)u&K;)u@;(uHuC;%t;,uu |$P@ F9t KL$;,C `Bt CBuF9uj%hypl lVx إu Vh,y: ll<,t<)L$QhJy{%uYCދ `CBul lV ܥuVh{y ll;,S `PCCLu9uhyZl lD$PhyVf_ uVhy5 llD$t8t!_t+t6DdTD4L$Qhy=ܥu;,uCPhz|85@=-lL$ lL$Pj臠á8tPhNz荐 llL$=v\L$QhrzT@ 8dždždždžWs;@=w (  @ =إtK=ܥt.إܥ@"Buhz=إt إ@t=ܥܥ@uhzt\9<uTPh{V@PPiPh.{1[^_]Ð[^_]VS\$ sSC@9D$tX:u CjKQjKQjV) JCjKQjKQjFPSSDC C)[^i386.cCase value %d unexpected at line %d of file "%s" UWVS\$KCPSC)ŋC $h؅yAQfyrAfyZQy6yhhS Rh舍C tC u Q)PWs [^_]VSt$ \$+\$jhVjSFV[^UWVSt$D$l$ |$$=ŧtC+_jhVqjSFPejjjWjE%)ƉPUf4[^_]Ð+\$jhV*jSFP[^_]L$T$D$ t/ tVt+IÐAÐAAAÐhhPhUVSU ]C$)ĉt7t nt+Y$cЈ$D$HЈ$D$D$D$&hhSh;SMQVEy_ e[^]UVSU ]C$)ĉt7t nt+Y$cЈ$D$HЈ$D$D$D$&hhSh{SMQVx_ e[^]UVSU ]C$)ĉt7t nt+Y$cЈ$D$HЈ$D$D$D$&hh%Sh軉SMQVw_ e[^]S1ɋD$ H\$Ƀt KJu[UWVSl$\$ t$$jS|$WD$"D$!T$ €$‰$ˆT$#jUW!w_[^_]Bad call to md_atof () UWVS|$$l$(T$ 4$؋؋I9)E[^_] Ðt$VP Qs t؉Et0jPW KuhO[^_] '%c'(0x%x)T$ `PtRhRhh_ ST$BL$L\$ 9s-ABLuD$PS}[Ð1[VSt$ =du1[^Ð95`X`h#)Ɖ dtX)`hh# -`)`h#[^D$=du#hd`Ð`~#`hdÐ`cannot create floating-point numberS\$hGiffCfCfCfCfC [.WVS|$\$T$T$  Pj hDr_üÃ4-$  @@@@@@@@@0@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@0@@@@@ T D4$W*1[^_Ð h hhD$P|uSVWD$ [^_ UWVS|$ 9sH=+uf ft$$uPGPp_1[^_] Ð=uG|$$uffGffGfGfG1[^_] Ð=Pu'|$$uffGʐf.=Nu7|$$uffG뚐ffGfGfG{`  h 5)Ɖd1ېj%uC  ))؋T$(JDD$=+fD$>>dj]L$ىL$T$(t$L$,D1)‰T$|$$u |$(uD$+D$(9D$t$t$L$(L$f+t$(TD$$9|Wm1[^_] Ã|$$u6|$(u/ffL$L$D$f|$|$+D$Pf|$$uy|$(urf+f|$ufj~ff|$ufR+D$PAf)D$(D$)ƉPf f+L$$O9sjf9rj|$~p1T$f8u Mk#99f9st$nL$(ЅD$+\$(S*T$f f Ńf/_|$(u|$$ufGjfG_t$$w9sD$jf9\$wjt.9rft9sf3yf'1[^_] %ldError converting number to floating point (Exponent overflow?)ST$ Rh\$Sw_\$h hhD$Psvt h|[VSft$,<+8(}j(h,_C (,Y9Y uI(Q QA!‰Q Q +QA+A9~QQ Q QT$ T$SfsT$ST$S T$ ST$$SCCCC$C [^write.cCase value %d unexpected at line %d of file "%s" UWVSt@KL$QC Pjj轝 Q葝@[uúlt? 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Abandoning ship.hF2aAlignment too large: %d. assumed.Alignment negative. 0 assumed.SÃ~#jhz^` }h>`1ۃ8,u81t=Ħu PS  [Expected comma after symbol-name.COMMon length (%d.) <0! Ignored.Ignoring attempt to re-define symbolLength of .comm "%s" is already %d. Not changed to %d.WVS=KsD$ 58,th<+_* [^_%Å}Sh]^[^_ÐWےT$@thw^뚐xt*9Xt,SPRPhO^XH$[^_{%Pj肋Expected comma after name "%s"WVS=rD$ 5WCT$8,t,Wh]T$1W讑T$fXH[^_PtjPb!Expect comma after rep-size in .fillExpected comma after size in .fill.fill size clamped to %d.Size negative: .fill ignored.Repeat < 0, .fill ignoredVSD$ P!<,t* hµf\[^ÐD$P<,t hÐ|$~jh i\D$|$} h$|$ hB[D$ ?ƃ|$tN=ĦuEjT$RjjT$RT$Rj}ËT$$RSJ_$D$~PVS s[^VSoS蜏 H,u8 u ,t[^Expected comma after nameBSS length (%d.) <0! Ignored.Ignoring attempt to re-define symbol from %d. to %d.WVS=nD$ 8,th̷{Z[^_ƅ}VhPZ[^_ÐW{ŠL$ BuCzu B9t Bu,zu& JBBH5" QRRhY [^_ Pjρj j Bad expression: %sVS5mD$8,t*Vh(YL$ q[^ÐD$ Pj*iƒt%BvtH>Rhw"Y뮐h L$Qjj >PV4L$ [^Illegal segment "%s". 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