--[[ luaunit.lua Description: A unit testing framework Homepage: https://github.com/bluebird75/luaunit Development by Philippe Fremy Based on initial work of Ryu, Gwang (http://www.gpgstudy.com/gpgiki/LuaUnit) License: BSD License, see LICENSE.txt Version: 3.2 ]]-- require("math") local M={} -- private exported functions (for testing) M.private = {} M.VERSION='3.2' M._VERSION=M.VERSION -- For LuaUnit v2 compatibility --[[ Some people like assertEquals( actual, expected ) and some people prefer assertEquals( expected, actual ). ]]-- M.ORDER_ACTUAL_EXPECTED = true M.PRINT_TABLE_REF_IN_ERROR_MSG = false M.TABLE_EQUALS_KEYBYCONTENT = true M.LINE_LENGTH = 80 M.TABLE_DIFF_ANALYSIS_THRESHOLD = 10 -- display deep analysis for more than 10 items M.LIST_DIFF_ANALYSIS_THRESHOLD = 10 -- display deep analysis for more than 10 items --[[ M.EPSILON is meant to help with Lua's floating point math in simple corner cases like almostEquals(1.1-0.1, 1), which may not work as-is (e.g. on numbers with rational binary representation) if the user doesn't provide some explicit error margin. The default margin used by almostEquals() in such cases is M.EPSILON; and since Lua may be compiled with different numeric precisions (single vs. double), we try to select a useful default for it dynamically. Note: If the initial value is not acceptable, it can be changed by the user to better suit specific needs. See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_epsilon ]] M.EPSILON = 2^-52 -- = machine epsilon for "double", ~2.22E-16 if math.abs(1.1 - 1 - 0.1) > M.EPSILON then -- rounding error is above EPSILON, assume single precision M.EPSILON = 2^-23 -- = machine epsilon for "float", ~1.19E-07 end -- set this to false to debug luaunit local STRIP_LUAUNIT_FROM_STACKTRACE = true M.VERBOSITY_DEFAULT = 10 M.VERBOSITY_LOW = 1 M.VERBOSITY_QUIET = 0 M.VERBOSITY_VERBOSE = 20 M.DEFAULT_DEEP_ANALYSIS = nil M.FORCE_DEEP_ANALYSIS = true M.DISABLE_DEEP_ANALYSIS = false -- set EXPORT_ASSERT_TO_GLOBALS to have all asserts visible as global values -- EXPORT_ASSERT_TO_GLOBALS = true -- we need to keep a copy of the script args before it is overriden local cmdline_argv = rawget(_G, "arg") M.FAILURE_PREFIX = 'LuaUnit test FAILURE: ' -- prefix string for failed tests M.USAGE=[[Usage: lua [options] [testname1 [testname2] ... ] Options: -h, --help: Print this help --version: Print version information -v, --verbose: Increase verbosity -q, --quiet: Set verbosity to minimum -e, --error: Stop on first error -f, --failure: Stop on first failure or error -r, --random Run tests in random order -o, --output OUTPUT: Set output type to OUTPUT Possible values: text, tap, junit, nil -n, --name NAME: For junit only, mandatory name of xml file -c, --count NUM: Execute all tests NUM times, e.g. to trig the JIT -p, --pattern PATTERN: Execute all test names matching the Lua PATTERN May be repeated to include severals patterns Make sure you escape magic chars like +? with % -x, --exclude PATTERN: Exclude all test names matching the Lua PATTERN May be repeated to include severals patterns Make sure you escape magic chars like +? with % testname1, testname2, ... : tests to run in the form of testFunction, TestClass or TestClass.testMethod ]] local is_equal -- defined here to allow calling from mismatchFormattingPureList ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- general utility functions -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- local function pcall_or_abort(func, ...) -- unpack is a global function for Lua 5.1, otherwise use table.unpack local unpack = rawget(_G, "unpack") or table.unpack local result = {pcall(func, ...)} if not result[1] then -- an error occurred print(result[2]) -- error message print() print(M.USAGE) os.exit(-1) end return unpack(result, 2) end local crossTypeOrdering = { number = 1, boolean = 2, string = 3, table = 4, other = 5 } local crossTypeComparison = { number = function(a, b) return a < b end, string = function(a, b) return a < b end, other = function(a, b) return tostring(a) < tostring(b) end, } local function crossTypeSort(a, b) local type_a, type_b = type(a), type(b) if type_a == type_b then local func = crossTypeComparison[type_a] or crossTypeComparison.other return func(a, b) end type_a = crossTypeOrdering[type_a] or crossTypeOrdering.other type_b = crossTypeOrdering[type_b] or crossTypeOrdering.other return type_a < type_b end local function __genSortedIndex( t ) -- Returns a sequence consisting of t's keys, sorted. local sortedIndex = {} for key,_ in pairs(t) do table.insert(sortedIndex, key) end table.sort(sortedIndex, crossTypeSort) return sortedIndex end M.private.__genSortedIndex = __genSortedIndex local function sortedNext(state, control) -- Equivalent of the next() function of table iteration, but returns the -- keys in sorted order (see __genSortedIndex and crossTypeSort). -- The state is a temporary variable during iteration and contains the -- sorted key table (state.sortedIdx). It also stores the last index (into -- the keys) used by the iteration, to find the next one quickly. local key --print("sortedNext: control = "..tostring(control) ) if control == nil then -- start of iteration state.count = #state.sortedIdx state.lastIdx = 1 key = state.sortedIdx[1] return key, state.t[key] end -- normally, we expect the control variable to match the last key used if control ~= state.sortedIdx[state.lastIdx] then -- strange, we have to find the next value by ourselves -- the key table is sorted in crossTypeSort() order! -> use bisection local lower, upper = 1, state.count repeat state.lastIdx = math.modf((lower + upper) / 2) key = state.sortedIdx[state.lastIdx] if key == control then break -- key found (and thus prev index) end if crossTypeSort(key, control) then -- key < control, continue search "right" (towards upper bound) lower = state.lastIdx + 1 else -- key > control, continue search "left" (towards lower bound) upper = state.lastIdx - 1 end until lower > upper if lower > upper then -- only true if the key wasn't found, ... state.lastIdx = state.count -- ... so ensure no match in code below end end -- proceed by retrieving the next value (or nil) from the sorted keys state.lastIdx = state.lastIdx + 1 key = state.sortedIdx[state.lastIdx] if key then return key, state.t[key] end -- getting here means returning `nil`, which will end the iteration end local function sortedPairs(tbl) -- Equivalent of the pairs() function on tables. Allows to iterate in -- sorted order. As required by "generic for" loops, this will return the -- iterator (function), an "invariant state", and the initial control value. -- (see http://www.lua.org/pil/7.2.html) return sortedNext, {t = tbl, sortedIdx = __genSortedIndex(tbl)}, nil end M.private.sortedPairs = sortedPairs -- seed the random with a strongly varying seed math.randomseed(os.clock()*1E11) local function randomizeTable( t ) -- randomize the item orders of the table t for i = #t, 2, -1 do local j = math.random(i) if i ~= j then t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i] end end end M.private.randomizeTable = randomizeTable local function strsplit(delimiter, text) -- Split text into a list consisting of the strings in text, separated -- by strings matching delimiter (which may _NOT_ be a pattern). -- Example: strsplit(", ", "Anna, Bob, Charlie, Dolores") if delimiter == "" then -- this would result in endless loops error("delimiter matches empty string!") end local list, pos, first, last = {}, 1 while true do first, last = text:find(delimiter, pos, true) if first then -- found? table.insert(list, text:sub(pos, first - 1)) pos = last + 1 else table.insert(list, text:sub(pos)) break end end return list end M.private.strsplit = strsplit local function hasNewLine( s ) -- return true if s has a newline return (string.find(s, '\n', 1, true) ~= nil) end M.private.hasNewLine = hasNewLine local function prefixString( prefix, s ) -- Prefix all the lines of s with prefix return prefix .. string.gsub(s, '\n', '\n' .. prefix) end M.private.prefixString = prefixString local function strMatch(s, pattern, start, final ) -- return true if s matches completely the pattern from index start to index end -- return false in every other cases -- if start is nil, matches from the beginning of the string -- if final is nil, matches to the end of the string start = start or 1 final = final or string.len(s) local foundStart, foundEnd = string.find(s, pattern, start, false) return foundStart == start and foundEnd == final end M.private.strMatch = strMatch local function patternFilter(patterns, expr, nil_result) -- Check if any of `patterns` is contained in `expr`. If so, return `true`. -- Return `false` if none of the patterns are contained in expr. If patterns -- is `nil` (= unset), return default value passed in `nil_result`. if patterns ~= nil then for _, pattern in ipairs(patterns) do if string.find(expr, pattern) then return true end end return false -- no match from patterns end return nil_result end M.private.patternFilter = patternFilter local function xmlEscape( s ) -- Return s escaped for XML attributes -- escapes table: -- " " -- ' ' -- < < -- > > -- & & return string.gsub( s, '.', { ['&'] = "&", ['"'] = """, ["'"] = "'", ['<'] = "<", ['>'] = ">", } ) end M.private.xmlEscape = xmlEscape local function xmlCDataEscape( s ) -- Return s escaped for CData section, escapes: "]]>" return string.gsub( s, ']]>', ']]>' ) end M.private.xmlCDataEscape = xmlCDataEscape local function stripLuaunitTrace( stackTrace ) --[[ -- Example of a traceback: < [C]: in function 'xpcall' ./luaunit.lua:1449: in function 'protectedCall' ./luaunit.lua:1508: in function 'execOneFunction' ./luaunit.lua:1596: in function 'runSuiteByInstances' ./luaunit.lua:1660: in function 'runSuiteByNames' ./luaunit.lua:1736: in function 'runSuite' example_with_luaunit.lua:140: in main chunk [C]: in ?>> Other example: < [C]: in function 'xpcall' ./luaunit.lua:1517: in function 'protectedCall' ./luaunit.lua:1578: in function 'execOneFunction' ./luaunit.lua:1677: in function 'runSuiteByInstances' ./luaunit.lua:1730: in function 'runSuiteByNames' ./luaunit.lua:1806: in function 'runSuite' example_with_luaunit.lua:140: in main chunk [C]: in ?>> < [C]: in function 'xpcall' luaunit2/luaunit.lua:1532: in function 'protectedCall' luaunit2/luaunit.lua:1591: in function 'execOneFunction' luaunit2/luaunit.lua:1679: in function 'runSuiteByInstances' luaunit2/luaunit.lua:1743: in function 'runSuiteByNames' luaunit2/luaunit.lua:1819: in function 'runSuite' luaunit2/example_with_luaunit.lua:140: in main chunk [C]: in ?>> -- first line is "stack traceback": KEEP -- next line may be luaunit line: REMOVE -- next lines are call in the program under testOk: REMOVE -- next lines are calls from luaunit to call the program under test: KEEP -- Strategy: -- keep first line -- remove lines that are part of luaunit -- kepp lines until we hit a luaunit line ]] local function isLuaunitInternalLine( s ) -- return true if line of stack trace comes from inside luaunit return s:find('[/\\]luaunit%.lua:%d+: ') ~= nil end -- print( '<<'..stackTrace..'>>' ) local t = strsplit( '\n', stackTrace ) -- print( prettystr(t) ) local idx = 2 -- remove lines that are still part of luaunit while t[idx] and isLuaunitInternalLine( t[idx] ) do -- print('Removing : '..t[idx] ) table.remove(t, idx) end -- keep lines until we hit luaunit again while t[idx] and (not isLuaunitInternalLine(t[idx])) do -- print('Keeping : '..t[idx] ) idx = idx + 1 end -- remove remaining luaunit lines while t[idx] do -- print('Removing : '..t[idx] ) table.remove(t, idx) end -- print( prettystr(t) ) return table.concat( t, '\n') end M.private.stripLuaunitTrace = stripLuaunitTrace local function prettystr_sub(v, indentLevel, keeponeline, printTableRefs, recursionTable ) local type_v = type(v) if "string" == type_v then if keeponeline then v = v:gsub("\n", "\\n") -- escape newline(s) end -- use clever delimiters according to content: -- enclose with single quotes if string contains ", but no ' if v:find('"', 1, true) and not v:find("'", 1, true) then return "'" .. v .. "'" end -- use double quotes otherwise, escape embedded " return '"' .. v:gsub('"', '\\"') .. '"' elseif "table" == type_v then --if v.__class__ then -- return string.gsub( tostring(v), 'table', v.__class__ ) --end return M.private._table_tostring(v, indentLevel, keeponeline, printTableRefs, recursionTable) elseif "number" == type_v then -- eliminate differences in formatting between various Lua versions if v ~= v then return "#NaN" -- "not a number" end if v == math.huge then return "#Inf" -- "infinite" end if v == -math.huge then return "-#Inf" end if _VERSION == "Lua 5.3" then local i = math.tointeger(v) if i then return tostring(i) end end end return tostring(v) end local function prettystr( v, keeponeline ) --[[ Better string conversion, to display nice variable content: For strings, if keeponeline is set to true, string is displayed on one line, with visible \n * string are enclosed with " by default, or with ' if string contains a " * if table is a class, display class name * tables are expanded ]]-- local recursionTable = {} local s = prettystr_sub(v, 1, keeponeline, M.PRINT_TABLE_REF_IN_ERROR_MSG, recursionTable) if recursionTable.recursionDetected and not M.PRINT_TABLE_REF_IN_ERROR_MSG then -- some table contain recursive references, -- so we must recompute the value by including all table references -- else the result looks like crap recursionTable = {} s = prettystr_sub(v, 1, keeponeline, true, recursionTable) end return s end M.prettystr = prettystr local function tryMismatchFormatting( table_a, table_b, doDeepAnalysis ) --[[ Prepares a nice error message when comparing tables, performing a deeper analysis. Arguments: * table_a, table_b: tables to be compared * doDeepAnalysis: M.DEFAULT_DEEP_ANALYSIS: (the default if not specified) perform deep analysis only for big lists and big dictionnaries M.FORCE_DEEP_ANALYSIS : always perform deep analysis M.DISABLE_DEEP_ANALYSIS: never perform deep analysis Returns: {success, result} * success: false if deep analysis could not be performed in this case, just use standard assertion message * result: if success is true, a multi-line string with deep analysis of the two lists ]] -- check if table_a & table_b are suitable for deep analysis if type(table_a) ~= 'table' or type(table_b) ~= 'table' then return false end if doDeepAnalysis == M.DISABLE_DEEP_ANALYSIS then return false end local len_a, len_b, isPureList = #table_a, #table_b, true for k1, v1 in pairs(table_a) do if type(k1) ~= 'number' or k1 > len_a then -- this table a mapping isPureList = false break end end if isPureList then for k2, v2 in pairs(table_b) do if type(k2) ~= 'number' or k2 > len_b then -- this table a mapping isPureList = false break end end end if isPureList and math.min(len_a, len_b) < M.LIST_DIFF_ANALYSIS_THRESHOLD then if not (doDeepAnalysis == M.FORCE_DEEP_ANALYSIS) then return false end end if isPureList then return M.private.mismatchFormattingPureList( table_a, table_b ) else -- only work on mapping for the moment -- return M.private.mismatchFormattingMapping( table_a, table_b, doDeepAnalysis ) return false end end M.private.tryMismatchFormatting = tryMismatchFormatting local function getTaTbDescr() if not M.ORDER_ACTUAL_EXPECTED then return 'expected', 'actual' end return 'actual', 'expected' end local function extendWithStrFmt( res, ... ) table.insert( res, string.format( ... ) ) end local function mismatchFormattingMapping( table_a, table_b, doDeepAnalysis ) --[[ Prepares a nice error message when comparing tables which are not pure lists, performing a deeper analysis. Returns: {success, result} * success: false if deep analysis could not be performed in this case, just use standard assertion message * result: if success is true, a multi-line string with deep analysis of the two lists ]] -- disable for the moment --[[ local result = {} local descrTa, descrTb = getTaTbDescr() local keysCommon = {} local keysOnlyTa = {} local keysOnlyTb = {} local keysDiffTaTb = {} local k, v for k,v in pairs( table_a ) do if is_equal( v, table_b[k] ) then table.insert( keysCommon, k ) else if table_b[k] == nil then table.insert( keysOnlyTa, k ) else table.insert( keysDiffTaTb, k ) end end end for k,v in pairs( table_b ) do if not is_equal( v, table_a[k] ) and table_a[k] == nil then table.insert( keysOnlyTb, k ) end end local len_a = #keysCommon + #keysDiffTaTb + #keysOnlyTa local len_b = #keysCommon + #keysDiffTaTb + #keysOnlyTb local limited_display = (len_a < 5 or len_b < 5) if math.min(len_a, len_b) < M.TABLE_DIFF_ANALYSIS_THRESHOLD then return false end if not limited_display then if len_a == len_b then extendWithStrFmt( result, 'Table A (%s) and B (%s) both have %d items', descrTa, descrTb, len_a ) else extendWithStrFmt( result, 'Table A (%s) has %d items and table B (%s) has %d items', descrTa, len_a, descrTb, len_b ) end if #keysCommon == 0 and #keysDiffTaTb == 0 then table.insert( result, 'Table A and B have no keys in common, they are totally different') else local s_other = 'other ' if #keysCommon then extendWithStrFmt( result, 'Table A and B have %d identical items', #keysCommon ) else table.insert( result, 'Table A and B have no identical items' ) s_other = '' end if #keysDiffTaTb ~= 0 then result[#result] = string.format( '%s and %d items differing present in both tables', result[#result], #keysDiffTaTb) else result[#result] = string.format( '%s and no %sitems differing present in both tables', result[#result], s_other, #keysDiffTaTb) end end extendWithStrFmt( result, 'Table A has %d keys not present in table B and table B has %d keys not present in table A', #keysOnlyTa, #keysOnlyTb ) end local function keytostring(k) if "string" == type(k) and k:match("^[_%a][_%w]*$") then return k end return prettystr(k) end if #keysDiffTaTb ~= 0 then table.insert( result, 'Items differing in A and B:') for k,v in sortedPairs( keysDiffTaTb ) do extendWithStrFmt( result, ' - A[%s]: %s', keytostring(v), prettystr(table_a[v]) ) extendWithStrFmt( result, ' + B[%s]: %s', keytostring(v), prettystr(table_b[v]) ) end end if #keysOnlyTa ~= 0 then table.insert( result, 'Items only in table A:' ) for k,v in sortedPairs( keysOnlyTa ) do extendWithStrFmt( result, ' - A[%s]: %s', keytostring(v), prettystr(table_a[v]) ) end end if #keysOnlyTb ~= 0 then table.insert( result, 'Items only in table B:' ) for k,v in sortedPairs( keysOnlyTb ) do extendWithStrFmt( result, ' + B[%s]: %s', keytostring(v), prettystr(table_b[v]) ) end end if #keysCommon ~= 0 then table.insert( result, 'Items common to A and B:') for k,v in sortedPairs( keysCommon ) do extendWithStrFmt( result, ' = A and B [%s]: %s', keytostring(v), prettystr(table_a[v]) ) end end return true, table.concat( result, '\n') ]] end M.private.mismatchFormattingMapping = mismatchFormattingMapping local function mismatchFormattingPureList( table_a, table_b ) --[[ Prepares a nice error message when comparing tables which are lists, performing a deeper analysis. Returns: {success, result} * success: false if deep analysis could not be performed in this case, just use standard assertion message * result: if success is true, a multi-line string with deep analysis of the two lists ]] local result, descrTa, descrTb = {}, getTaTbDescr() local len_a, len_b, refa, refb = #table_a, #table_b, '', '' if M.PRINT_TABLE_REF_IN_ERROR_MSG then refa, refb = string.format( '<%s> ', tostring(table_a)), string.format('<%s> ', tostring(table_b) ) end local longest, shortest = math.max(len_a, len_b), math.min(len_a, len_b) local deltalv = longest - shortest local commonUntil = longest for i = 1, longest do if not is_equal(table_a[i], table_b[i]) then commonUntil = i - 1 break end end local commonBackTo = shortest - 1 for i = 0, shortest - 1 do if not is_equal(table_a[len_a-i], table_b[len_b-i]) then commonBackTo = i - 1 break end end table.insert( result, 'List difference analysis:' ) if len_a == len_b then -- TODO: handle expected/actual naming extendWithStrFmt( result, '* lists %sA (%s) and %sB (%s) have the same size', refa, descrTa, refb, descrTb ) else extendWithStrFmt( result, '* list sizes differ: list %sA (%s) has %d items, list %sB (%s) has %d items', refa, descrTa, len_a, refb, descrTb, len_b ) end extendWithStrFmt( result, '* lists A and B start differing at index %d', commonUntil+1 ) if commonBackTo >= 0 then if deltalv > 0 then extendWithStrFmt( result, '* lists A and B are equal again from index %d for A, %d for B', len_a-commonBackTo, len_b-commonBackTo ) else extendWithStrFmt( result, '* lists A and B are equal again from index %d', len_a-commonBackTo ) end end local function insertABValue(ai, bi) bi = bi or ai if is_equal( table_a[ai], table_b[bi]) then return extendWithStrFmt( result, ' = A[%d], B[%d]: %s', ai, bi, prettystr(table_a[ai]) ) else extendWithStrFmt( result, ' - A[%d]: %s', ai, prettystr(table_a[ai])) extendWithStrFmt( result, ' + B[%d]: %s', bi, prettystr(table_b[bi])) end end -- common parts to list A & B, at the beginning if commonUntil > 0 then table.insert( result, '* Common parts:' ) for i = 1, commonUntil do insertABValue( i ) end end -- diffing parts to list A & B if commonUntil < shortest - commonBackTo - 1 then table.insert( result, '* Differing parts:' ) for i = commonUntil + 1, shortest - commonBackTo - 1 do insertABValue( i ) end end -- display indexes of one list, with no match on other list if shortest - commonBackTo <= longest - commonBackTo - 1 then table.insert( result, '* Present only in one list:' ) for i = shortest - commonBackTo, longest - commonBackTo - 1 do if len_a > len_b then extendWithStrFmt( result, ' - A[%d]: %s', i, prettystr(table_a[i]) ) -- table.insert( result, '+ (no matching B index)') else -- table.insert( result, '- no matching A index') extendWithStrFmt( result, ' + B[%d]: %s', i, prettystr(table_b[i]) ) end end end -- common parts to list A & B, at the end if commonBackTo >= 0 then table.insert( result, '* Common parts at the end of the lists' ) for i = longest - commonBackTo, longest do if len_a > len_b then insertABValue( i, i-deltalv ) else insertABValue( i-deltalv, i ) end end end return true, table.concat( result, '\n') end M.private.mismatchFormattingPureList = mismatchFormattingPureList local function prettystrPairs(value1, value2, suffix_a, suffix_b) --[[ This function helps with the recurring task of constructing the "expected vs. actual" error messages. It takes two arbitrary values and formats corresponding strings with prettystr(). To keep the (possibly complex) output more readable in case the resulting strings contain line breaks, they get automatically prefixed with additional newlines. Both suffixes are optional (default to empty strings), and get appended to the "value1" string. "suffix_a" is used if line breaks were encountered, "suffix_b" otherwise. Returns the two formatted strings (including padding/newlines). ]] local str1, str2 = prettystr(value1), prettystr(value2) if hasNewLine(str1) or hasNewLine(str2) then -- line break(s) detected, add padding return "\n" .. str1 .. (suffix_a or ""), "\n" .. str2 end return str1 .. (suffix_b or ""), str2 end M.private.prettystrPairs = prettystrPairs local TABLE_TOSTRING_SEP = ", " local TABLE_TOSTRING_SEP_LEN = string.len(TABLE_TOSTRING_SEP) local function _table_tostring( tbl, indentLevel, keeponeline, printTableRefs, recursionTable ) printTableRefs = printTableRefs or M.PRINT_TABLE_REF_IN_ERROR_MSG recursionTable = recursionTable or {} recursionTable[tbl] = true local result, dispOnMultLines = {}, false -- like prettystr but do not enclose with "" if the string is just alphanumerical -- this is better for displaying table keys who are often simple strings local function keytostring(k) if "string" == type(k) and k:match("^[_%a][_%w]*$") then return k end return prettystr_sub(k, indentLevel+1, true, printTableRefs, recursionTable) end local entry, count, seq_index = nil, 0, 1 for k, v in sortedPairs( tbl ) do if k == seq_index then -- for the sequential part of tables, we'll skip the "=" output entry = '' seq_index = seq_index + 1 elseif recursionTable[k] then -- recursion in the key detected recursionTable.recursionDetected = true entry = "<"..tostring(k)..">=" else entry = keytostring(k) .. "=" end if recursionTable[v] then -- recursion in the value detected! recursionTable.recursionDetected = true entry = entry .. "<"..tostring(v)..">" else entry = entry .. prettystr_sub( v, indentLevel+1, keeponeline, printTableRefs, recursionTable ) end count = count + 1 result[count] = entry end if not keeponeline then -- set dispOnMultLines if the maximum LINE_LENGTH would be exceeded local totalLength = 0 for k, v in ipairs( result ) do totalLength = totalLength + string.len( v ) if totalLength >= M.LINE_LENGTH then dispOnMultLines = true break end end if not dispOnMultLines then -- adjust with length of separator(s): -- two items need 1 sep, three items two seps, ... plus len of '{}' if count > 0 then totalLength = totalLength + TABLE_TOSTRING_SEP_LEN * (count - 1) end dispOnMultLines = totalLength + 2 >= M.LINE_LENGTH end end -- now reformat the result table (currently holding element strings) if dispOnMultLines then local indentString = string.rep(" ", indentLevel - 1) result = {"{\n ", indentString, table.concat(result, ",\n " .. indentString), "\n", indentString, "}"} else result = {"{", table.concat(result, TABLE_TOSTRING_SEP), "}"} end if printTableRefs then table.insert(result, 1, "<"..tostring(tbl).."> ") -- prepend table ref end return table.concat(result) end M.private._table_tostring = _table_tostring -- prettystr_sub() needs it local function _table_contains(t, element) if type(t) == "table" then local type_e = type(element) for _, value in pairs(t) do if type(value) == type_e then if value == element then return true end if type_e == 'table' then -- if we wanted recursive items content comparison, we could use -- _is_table_items_equals(v, expected) but one level of just comparing -- items is sufficient if M.private._is_table_equals( value, element ) then return true end end end end end return false end local function _is_table_items_equals(actual, expected ) local type_a, type_e = type(actual), type(expected) if (type_a == 'table') and (type_e == 'table') then for k, v in pairs(actual) do if not _table_contains(expected, v) then return false end end for k, v in pairs(expected) do if not _table_contains(actual, v) then return false end end return true elseif type_a ~= type_e then return false elseif actual ~= expected then return false end return true end --[[ This is a specialized metatable to help with the bookkeeping of recursions in _is_table_equals(). It provides an __index table that implements utility functions for easier management of the table. The "cached" method queries the state of a specific (actual,expected) pair; and the "store" method sets this state to the given value. The state of pairs not "seen" / visited is assumed to be `nil`. ]] local _recursion_cache_MT = { __index = { -- Return the cached value for an (actual,expected) pair (or `nil`) cached = function(t, actual, expected) local subtable = t[actual] or {} return subtable[expected] end, -- Store cached value for a specific (actual,expected) pair. -- Returns the value, so it's easy to use for a "tailcall" (return ...). store = function(t, actual, expected, value, asymmetric) local subtable = t[actual] if not subtable then subtable = {} t[actual] = subtable end subtable[expected] = value -- Unless explicitly marked "asymmetric": Consider the recursion -- on (expected,actual) to be equivalent to (actual,expected) by -- default, and thus cache the value for both. if not asymmetric then t:store(expected, actual, value, true) end return value end } } local function _is_table_equals(actual, expected, recursions) local type_a, type_e = type(actual), type(expected) recursions = recursions or setmetatable({}, _recursion_cache_MT) if type_a ~= type_e then return false -- different types won't match end if (type_a == 'table') --[[ and (type_e == 'table') ]] then if actual == expected then -- Both reference the same table, so they are actually identical return recursions:store(actual, expected, true) end -- If we've tested this (actual,expected) pair before: return cached value local previous = recursions:cached(actual, expected) if previous ~= nil then return previous end -- Mark this (actual,expected) pair, so we won't recurse it again. For -- now, assume a "false" result, which we might adjust later if needed. recursions:store(actual, expected, false) -- Tables must have identical element count, or they can't match. if (#actual ~= #expected) then return false end local actualKeysMatched, actualTableKeys = {}, {} for k, v in pairs(actual) do if M.TABLE_EQUALS_KEYBYCONTENT and type(k) == "table" then -- If the keys are tables, things get a bit tricky here as we -- can have _is_table_equals(t[k1], t[k2]) despite k1 ~= k2. So -- we first collect table keys from "actual", and then later try -- to match each table key from "expected" to actualTableKeys. table.insert(actualTableKeys, k) else if not _is_table_equals(v, expected[k], recursions) then return false -- Mismatch on value, tables can't be equal end actualKeysMatched[k] = true -- Keep track of matched keys end end for k, v in pairs(expected) do if M.TABLE_EQUALS_KEYBYCONTENT and type(k) == "table" then local found = false -- Note: DON'T use ipairs() here, table may be non-sequential! for i, candidate in pairs(actualTableKeys) do if _is_table_equals(candidate, k, recursions) then if _is_table_equals(actual[candidate], v, recursions) then found = true -- Remove the candidate we matched against from the list -- of table keys, so each key in actual can only match -- one key in expected. actualTableKeys[i] = nil break end -- keys match but values don't, keep searching end end if not found then return false -- no matching (key,value) pair end else if not actualKeysMatched[k] then -- Found a key that we did not see in "actual" -> mismatch return false end -- Otherwise actual[k] was already matched against v = expected[k]. end end if next(actualTableKeys) then -- If there is any key left in actualTableKeys, then that is -- a table-type key in actual with no matching counterpart -- (in expected), and so the tables aren't equal. return false end -- The tables are actually considered equal, update cache and return result return recursions:store(actual, expected, true) elseif actual ~= expected then return false end return true end M.private._is_table_equals = _is_table_equals is_equal = _is_table_equals local function failure(msg, level) -- raise an error indicating a test failure -- for error() compatibility we adjust "level" here (by +1), to report the -- calling context error(M.FAILURE_PREFIX .. msg, (level or 1) + 1) end local function fail_fmt(level, ...) -- failure with printf-style formatted message and given error level failure(string.format(...), (level or 1) + 1) end M.private.fail_fmt = fail_fmt local function error_fmt(level, ...) -- printf-style error() error(string.format(...), (level or 1) + 1) end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- assertions -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- local function errorMsgEquality(actual, expected, doDeepAnalysis) if not M.ORDER_ACTUAL_EXPECTED then expected, actual = actual, expected end if type(expected) == 'string' or type(expected) == 'table' then local strExpected, strActual = prettystrPairs(expected, actual) local result = string.format("expected: %s\nactual: %s", strExpected, strActual) -- extend with mismatch analysis if possible: local success, mismatchResult success, mismatchResult = tryMismatchFormatting( actual, expected, doDeepAnalysis ) if success then result = table.concat( { result, mismatchResult }, '\n' ) end return result end return string.format("expected: %s, actual: %s", prettystr(expected), prettystr(actual)) end function M.assertError(f, ...) -- assert that calling f with the arguments will raise an error -- example: assertError( f, 1, 2 ) => f(1,2) should generate an error if pcall( f, ... ) then failure( "Expected an error when calling function but no error generated", 2 ) end end function M.assertEvalToTrue(value) if not value then failure("expected: a value evaluating to true, actual: " ..prettystr(value), 2) end end function M.assertEvalToFalse(value) if value then failure("expected: false or nil, actual: " ..prettystr(value), 2) end end function M.assertIsTrue(value) if value ~= true then failure("expected: true, actual: " ..prettystr(value), 2) end end function M.assertNotIsTrue(value) if value == true then failure("expected: anything but true, actual: " ..prettystr(value), 2) end end function M.assertIsFalse(value) if value ~= false then failure("expected: false, actual: " ..prettystr(value), 2) end end function M.assertNotIsFalse(value) if value == false then failure("expected: anything but false, actual: " ..prettystr(value), 2) end end function M.assertIsNil(value) if value ~= nil then failure("expected: nil, actual: " ..prettystr(value), 2) end end function M.assertNotIsNil(value) if value == nil then failure("expected non nil value, received nil", 2) end end function M.assertIsNaN(value) if type(value) ~= "number" or value == value then failure("expected: nan, actual: " ..prettystr(value), 2) end end function M.assertNotIsNaN(value) if type(value) == "number" and value ~= value then failure("expected non nan value, received nan", 2) end end function M.assertIsInf(value) if type(value) ~= "number" or math.abs(value) ~= math.huge then failure("expected: inf, actual: " ..prettystr(value), 2) end end function M.assertNotIsInf(value) if type(value) == "number" and math.abs(value) == math.huge then failure("expected non inf value, received ±inf", 2) end end function M.assertEquals(actual, expected, doDeepAnalysis) if type(actual) == 'table' and type(expected) == 'table' then if not _is_table_equals(actual, expected) then failure( errorMsgEquality(actual, expected, doDeepAnalysis), 2 ) end elseif type(actual) ~= type(expected) then failure( errorMsgEquality(actual, expected), 2 ) elseif actual ~= expected then failure( errorMsgEquality(actual, expected), 2 ) end end function M.almostEquals( actual, expected, margin, margin_boost ) if type(actual) ~= 'number' or type(expected) ~= 'number' or type(margin) ~= 'number' then error_fmt(3, 'almostEquals: must supply only number arguments.\nArguments supplied: %s, %s, %s', prettystr(actual), prettystr(expected), prettystr(margin)) end if margin < 0 then error('almostEquals: margin must not be negative, current value is ' .. margin, 3) end local realmargin = margin + (margin_boost or M.EPSILON) return math.abs(expected - actual) <= realmargin end function M.assertAlmostEquals( actual, expected, margin ) -- check that two floats are close by margin if not M.almostEquals(actual, expected, margin) then if not M.ORDER_ACTUAL_EXPECTED then expected, actual = actual, expected end fail_fmt(2, 'Values are not almost equal\nExpected: %s with margin of %s, received: %s', expected, margin, actual) end end function M.assertNotEquals(actual, expected) if type(actual) ~= type(expected) then return end if type(actual) == 'table' and type(expected) == 'table' then if not _is_table_equals(actual, expected) then return end elseif actual ~= expected then return end fail_fmt(2, 'Received the not expected value: %s', prettystr(actual)) end function M.assertNotAlmostEquals( actual, expected, margin ) -- check that two floats are not close by margin if M.almostEquals(actual, expected, margin) then if not M.ORDER_ACTUAL_EXPECTED then expected, actual = actual, expected end fail_fmt(2, 'Values are almost equal\nExpected: %s with a difference above margin of %s, received: %s', expected, margin, actual) end end function M.assertStrContains( str, sub, useRe ) -- this relies on lua string.find function -- a string always contains the empty string if not string.find(str, sub, 1, not useRe) then sub, str = prettystrPairs(sub, str, '\n') fail_fmt(2, 'Error, %s %s was not found in string %s', useRe and 'regexp' or 'substring', sub, str) end end function M.assertStrIContains( str, sub ) -- this relies on lua string.find function -- a string always contains the empty string if not string.find(str:lower(), sub:lower(), 1, true) then sub, str = prettystrPairs(sub, str, '\n') fail_fmt(2, 'Error, substring %s was not found (case insensitively) in string %s', sub, str) end end function M.assertNotStrContains( str, sub, useRe ) -- this relies on lua string.find function -- a string always contains the empty string if string.find(str, sub, 1, not useRe) then sub, str = prettystrPairs(sub, str, '\n') fail_fmt(2, 'Error, %s %s was found in string %s', useRe and 'regexp' or 'substring', sub, str) end end function M.assertNotStrIContains( str, sub ) -- this relies on lua string.find function -- a string always contains the empty string if string.find(str:lower(), sub:lower(), 1, true) then sub, str = prettystrPairs(sub, str, '\n') fail_fmt(2, 'Error, substring %s was found (case insensitively) in string %s', sub, str) end end function M.assertStrMatches( str, pattern, start, final ) -- Verify a full match for the string -- for a partial match, simply use assertStrContains with useRe set to true if not strMatch( str, pattern, start, final ) then pattern, str = prettystrPairs(pattern, str, '\n') fail_fmt(2, 'Error, pattern %s was not matched by string %s', pattern, str) end end function M.assertErrorMsgEquals( expectedMsg, func, ... ) -- assert that calling f with the arguments will raise an error -- example: assertError( f, 1, 2 ) => f(1,2) should generate an error local no_error, error_msg = pcall( func, ... ) if no_error then failure( 'No error generated when calling function but expected error: "'..expectedMsg..'"', 2 ) end if error_msg ~= expectedMsg then error_msg, expectedMsg = prettystrPairs(error_msg, expectedMsg) fail_fmt(2, 'Exact error message expected: %s\nError message received: %s\n', expectedMsg, error_msg) end end function M.assertErrorMsgContains( partialMsg, func, ... ) -- assert that calling f with the arguments will raise an error -- example: assertError( f, 1, 2 ) => f(1,2) should generate an error local no_error, error_msg = pcall( func, ... ) if no_error then failure( 'No error generated when calling function but expected error containing: '..prettystr(partialMsg), 2 ) end if not string.find( error_msg, partialMsg, nil, true ) then error_msg, partialMsg = prettystrPairs(error_msg, partialMsg) fail_fmt(2, 'Error message does not contain: %s\nError message received: %s\n', partialMsg, error_msg) end end function M.assertErrorMsgMatches( expectedMsg, func, ... ) -- assert that calling f with the arguments will raise an error -- example: assertError( f, 1, 2 ) => f(1,2) should generate an error local no_error, error_msg = pcall( func, ... ) if no_error then failure( 'No error generated when calling function but expected error matching: "'..expectedMsg..'"', 2 ) end if not strMatch( error_msg, expectedMsg ) then expectedMsg, error_msg = prettystrPairs(expectedMsg, error_msg) fail_fmt(2, 'Error message does not match: %s\nError message received: %s\n', expectedMsg, error_msg) end end --[[ Add type assertion functions to the module table M. Each of these functions takes a single parameter "value", and checks that its Lua type matches the expected string (derived from the function name): M.assertIsXxx(value) -> ensure that type(value) conforms to "xxx" ]] for _, funcName in ipairs( {'assertIsNumber', 'assertIsString', 'assertIsTable', 'assertIsBoolean', 'assertIsFunction', 'assertIsUserdata', 'assertIsThread'} ) do local typeExpected = funcName:match("^assertIs([A-Z]%a*)$") -- Lua type() always returns lowercase, also make sure the match() succeeded typeExpected = typeExpected and typeExpected:lower() or error("bad function name '"..funcName.."' for type assertion") M[funcName] = function(value) if type(value) ~= typeExpected then fail_fmt(2, 'Expected: a %s value, actual: type %s, value %s', typeExpected, type(value), prettystrPairs(value)) end end end --[[ Add shortcuts for verifying type of a variable, without failure (luaunit v2 compatibility) M.isXxx(value) -> returns true if type(value) conforms to "xxx" ]] for _, typeExpected in ipairs( {'Number', 'String', 'Table', 'Boolean', 'Function', 'Userdata', 'Thread', 'Nil' } ) do local typeExpectedLower = typeExpected:lower() local isType = function(value) return (type(value) == typeExpectedLower) end M['is'..typeExpected] = isType M['is_'..typeExpectedLower] = isType end --[[ Add non-type assertion functions to the module table M. Each of these functions takes a single parameter "value", and checks that its Lua type differs from the expected string (derived from the function name): M.assertNotIsXxx(value) -> ensure that type(value) is not "xxx" ]] for _, funcName in ipairs( {'assertNotIsNumber', 'assertNotIsString', 'assertNotIsTable', 'assertNotIsBoolean', 'assertNotIsFunction', 'assertNotIsUserdata', 'assertNotIsThread'} ) do local typeUnexpected = funcName:match("^assertNotIs([A-Z]%a*)$") -- Lua type() always returns lowercase, also make sure the match() succeeded typeUnexpected = typeUnexpected and typeUnexpected:lower() or error("bad function name '"..funcName.."' for type assertion") M[funcName] = function(value) if type(value) == typeUnexpected then fail_fmt(2, 'Not expected: a %s type, actual: value %s', typeUnexpected, prettystrPairs(value)) end end end function M.assertIs(actual, expected) if actual ~= expected then if not M.ORDER_ACTUAL_EXPECTED then actual, expected = expected, actual end expected, actual = prettystrPairs(expected, actual, '\n', ', ') fail_fmt(2, 'Expected object and actual object are not the same\nExpected: %sactual: %s', expected, actual) end end function M.assertNotIs(actual, expected) if actual == expected then if not M.ORDER_ACTUAL_EXPECTED then expected = actual end fail_fmt(2, 'Expected object and actual object are the same object: %s', prettystrPairs(expected)) end end function M.assertItemsEquals(actual, expected) -- checks that the items of table expected -- are contained in table actual. Warning, this function -- is at least O(n^2) if not _is_table_items_equals(actual, expected ) then expected, actual = prettystrPairs(expected, actual) fail_fmt(2, 'Contents of the tables are not identical:\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s', expected, actual) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Compatibility layer ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- for compatibility with LuaUnit v2.x function M.wrapFunctions() -- In LuaUnit version <= 2.1 , this function was necessary to include -- a test function inside the global test suite. Nowadays, the functions -- are simply run directly as part of the test discovery process. -- so just do nothing ! io.stderr:write[[Use of WrapFunctions() is no longer needed. Just prefix your test function names with "test" or "Test" and they will be picked up and run by LuaUnit. ]] end local list_of_funcs = { -- { official function name , alias } -- general assertions { 'assertEquals' , 'assert_equals' }, { 'assertItemsEquals' , 'assert_items_equals' }, { 'assertNotEquals' , 'assert_not_equals' }, { 'assertAlmostEquals' , 'assert_almost_equals' }, { 'assertNotAlmostEquals' , 'assert_not_almost_equals' }, { 'assertEvalToTrue' , 'assert_eval_to_true' }, { 'assertEvalToFalse' , 'assert_eval_to_false' }, { 'assertStrContains' , 'assert_str_contains' }, { 'assertStrIContains' , 'assert_str_icontains' }, { 'assertNotStrContains' , 'assert_not_str_contains' }, { 'assertNotStrIContains' , 'assert_not_str_icontains' }, { 'assertStrMatches' , 'assert_str_matches' }, { 'assertError' , 'assert_error' }, { 'assertErrorMsgEquals' , 'assert_error_msg_equals' }, { 'assertErrorMsgContains' , 'assert_error_msg_contains' }, { 'assertErrorMsgMatches' , 'assert_error_msg_matches' }, { 'assertIs' , 'assert_is' }, { 'assertNotIs' , 'assert_not_is' }, { 'wrapFunctions' , 'WrapFunctions' }, { 'wrapFunctions' , 'wrap_functions' }, -- type assertions: assertIsXXX -> assert_is_xxx { 'assertIsNumber' , 'assert_is_number' }, { 'assertIsString' , 'assert_is_string' }, { 'assertIsTable' , 'assert_is_table' }, { 'assertIsBoolean' , 'assert_is_boolean' }, { 'assertIsNil' , 'assert_is_nil' }, { 'assertIsTrue' , 'assert_is_true' }, { 'assertIsFalse' , 'assert_is_false' }, { 'assertIsNaN' , 'assert_is_nan' }, { 'assertIsInf' , 'assert_is_inf' }, { 'assertIsFunction' , 'assert_is_function' }, { 'assertIsThread' , 'assert_is_thread' }, { 'assertIsUserdata' , 'assert_is_userdata' }, -- type assertions: assertIsXXX -> assertXxx { 'assertIsNumber' , 'assertNumber' }, { 'assertIsString' , 'assertString' }, { 'assertIsTable' , 'assertTable' }, { 'assertIsBoolean' , 'assertBoolean' }, { 'assertIsNil' , 'assertNil' }, { 'assertIsTrue' , 'assertTrue' }, { 'assertIsFalse' , 'assertFalse' }, { 'assertIsNaN' , 'assertNaN' }, { 'assertIsInf' , 'assertInf' }, { 'assertIsFunction' , 'assertFunction' }, { 'assertIsThread' , 'assertThread' }, { 'assertIsUserdata' , 'assertUserdata' }, -- type assertions: assertIsXXX -> assert_xxx (luaunit v2 compat) { 'assertIsNumber' , 'assert_number' }, { 'assertIsString' , 'assert_string' }, { 'assertIsTable' , 'assert_table' }, { 'assertIsBoolean' , 'assert_boolean' }, { 'assertIsNil' , 'assert_nil' }, { 'assertIsTrue' , 'assert_true' }, { 'assertIsFalse' , 'assert_false' }, { 'assertIsNaN' , 'assert_nan' }, { 'assertIsInf' , 'assert_inf' }, { 'assertIsFunction' , 'assert_function' }, { 'assertIsThread' , 'assert_thread' }, { 'assertIsUserdata' , 'assert_userdata' }, -- type assertions: assertNotIsXXX -> assert_not_is_xxx { 'assertNotIsNumber' , 'assert_not_is_number' }, { 'assertNotIsString' , 'assert_not_is_string' }, { 'assertNotIsTable' , 'assert_not_is_table' }, { 'assertNotIsBoolean' , 'assert_not_is_boolean' }, { 'assertNotIsNil' , 'assert_not_is_nil' }, { 'assertNotIsTrue' , 'assert_not_is_true' }, { 'assertNotIsFalse' , 'assert_not_is_false' }, { 'assertNotIsNaN' , 'assert_not_is_nan' }, { 'assertNotIsInf' , 'assert_not_is_inf' }, { 'assertNotIsFunction' , 'assert_not_is_function' }, { 'assertNotIsThread' , 'assert_not_is_thread' }, { 'assertNotIsUserdata' , 'assert_not_is_userdata' }, -- type assertions: assertNotIsXXX -> assertNotXxx (luaunit v2 compat) { 'assertNotIsNumber' , 'assertNotNumber' }, { 'assertNotIsString' , 'assertNotString' }, { 'assertNotIsTable' , 'assertNotTable' }, { 'assertNotIsBoolean' , 'assertNotBoolean' }, { 'assertNotIsNil' , 'assertNotNil' }, { 'assertNotIsTrue' , 'assertNotTrue' }, { 'assertNotIsFalse' , 'assertNotFalse' }, { 'assertNotIsNaN' , 'assertNotNaN' }, { 'assertNotIsInf' , 'assertNotInf' }, { 'assertNotIsFunction' , 'assertNotFunction' }, { 'assertNotIsThread' , 'assertNotThread' }, { 'assertNotIsUserdata' , 'assertNotUserdata' }, -- type assertions: assertNotIsXXX -> assert_not_xxx { 'assertNotIsNumber' , 'assert_not_number' }, { 'assertNotIsString' , 'assert_not_string' }, { 'assertNotIsTable' , 'assert_not_table' }, { 'assertNotIsBoolean' , 'assert_not_boolean' }, { 'assertNotIsNil' , 'assert_not_nil' }, { 'assertNotIsTrue' , 'assert_not_true' }, { 'assertNotIsFalse' , 'assert_not_false' }, { 'assertNotIsNaN' , 'assert_not_nan' }, { 'assertNotIsInf' , 'assert_not_inf' }, { 'assertNotIsFunction' , 'assert_not_function' }, { 'assertNotIsThread' , 'assert_not_thread' }, { 'assertNotIsUserdata' , 'assert_not_userdata' }, -- all assertions with Coroutine duplicate Thread assertions { 'assertIsThread' , 'assertIsCoroutine' }, { 'assertIsThread' , 'assertCoroutine' }, { 'assertIsThread' , 'assert_is_coroutine' }, { 'assertIsThread' , 'assert_coroutine' }, { 'assertNotIsThread' , 'assertNotIsCoroutine' }, { 'assertNotIsThread' , 'assertNotCoroutine' }, { 'assertNotIsThread' , 'assert_not_is_coroutine' }, { 'assertNotIsThread' , 'assert_not_coroutine' }, } -- Create all aliases in M for _,v in ipairs( list_of_funcs ) do local funcname, alias = v[1], v[2] M[alias] = M[funcname] if EXPORT_ASSERT_TO_GLOBALS then _G[funcname] = M[funcname] _G[alias] = M[funcname] end end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Outputters -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- A common "base" class for outputters -- For concepts involved (class inheritance) see http://www.lua.org/pil/16.2.html local genericOutput = { __class__ = 'genericOutput' } -- class local genericOutput_MT = { __index = genericOutput } -- metatable M.genericOutput = genericOutput -- publish, so that custom classes may derive from it function genericOutput.new(runner, default_verbosity) -- runner is the "parent" object controlling the output, usually a LuaUnit instance local t = { runner = runner } if runner then t.result = runner.result t.verbosity = runner.verbosity or default_verbosity t.fname = runner.fname else t.verbosity = default_verbosity end return setmetatable( t, genericOutput_MT) end -- abstract ("empty") methods function genericOutput:startSuite() end function genericOutput:startClass(className) end function genericOutput:startTest(testName) end function genericOutput:addStatus(node) end function genericOutput:endTest(node) end function genericOutput:endClass() end function genericOutput:endSuite() end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- class TapOutput ---------------------------------------------------------------- local TapOutput = genericOutput.new() -- derived class local TapOutput_MT = { __index = TapOutput } -- metatable TapOutput.__class__ = 'TapOutput' -- For a good reference for TAP format, check: http://testanything.org/tap-specification.html function TapOutput.new(runner) local t = genericOutput.new(runner, M.VERBOSITY_LOW) return setmetatable( t, TapOutput_MT) end function TapOutput:startSuite() print("1.."..self.result.testCount) print('# Started on '..self.result.startDate) end function TapOutput:startClass(className) if className ~= '[TestFunctions]' then print('# Starting class: '..className) end end function TapOutput:addStatus( node ) io.stdout:write("not ok ", self.result.currentTestNumber, "\t", node.testName, "\n") if self.verbosity > M.VERBOSITY_LOW then print( prefixString( ' ', node.msg ) ) end if self.verbosity > M.VERBOSITY_DEFAULT then print( prefixString( ' ', node.stackTrace ) ) end end function TapOutput:endTest( node ) if node:isPassed() then io.stdout:write("ok ", self.result.currentTestNumber, "\t", node.testName, "\n") end end function TapOutput:endSuite() print( '# '..M.LuaUnit.statusLine( self.result ) ) return self.result.notPassedCount end -- class TapOutput end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- class JUnitOutput ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- See directory junitxml for more information about the junit format local JUnitOutput = genericOutput.new() -- derived class local JUnitOutput_MT = { __index = JUnitOutput } -- metatable JUnitOutput.__class__ = 'JUnitOutput' function JUnitOutput.new(runner) local t = genericOutput.new(runner, M.VERBOSITY_LOW) t.testList = {} return setmetatable( t, JUnitOutput_MT ) end function JUnitOutput:startSuite() -- open xml file early to deal with errors if self.fname == nil then error('With Junit, an output filename must be supplied with --name!') end if string.sub(self.fname,-4) ~= '.xml' then self.fname = self.fname..'.xml' end self.fd = io.open(self.fname, "w") if self.fd == nil then error("Could not open file for writing: "..self.fname) end print('# XML output to '..self.fname) print('# Started on '..self.result.startDate) end function JUnitOutput:startClass(className) if className ~= '[TestFunctions]' then print('# Starting class: '..className) end end function JUnitOutput:startTest(testName) print('# Starting test: '..testName) end function JUnitOutput:addStatus( node ) if node:isFailure() then print('# Failure: ' .. node.msg) -- print('# ' .. node.stackTrace) elseif node:isError() then print('# Error: ' .. node.msg) -- print('# ' .. node.stackTrace) end end function JUnitOutput:endSuite() print( '# '..M.LuaUnit.statusLine(self.result)) -- XML file writing self.fd:write('\n') self.fd:write('\n') self.fd:write(string.format( ' \n', self.result.runCount, self.result.startIsodate, self.result.duration, self.result.errorCount, self.result.failureCount )) self.fd:write(" \n") self.fd:write(string.format(' \n', _VERSION ) ) self.fd:write(string.format(' \n', M.VERSION) ) -- XXX please include system name and version if possible self.fd:write(" \n") for i,node in ipairs(self.result.tests) do self.fd:write(string.format(' \n', node.className, node.testName, node.duration ) ) if node:isNotPassed() then self.fd:write(node:statusXML()) end self.fd:write(' \n') end -- Next two lines are needed to validate junit ANT xsd, but really not useful in general: self.fd:write(' \n') self.fd:write(' \n') self.fd:write(' \n') self.fd:write('\n') self.fd:close() return self.result.notPassedCount end -- class TapOutput end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- class TextOutput ---------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ -- Python Non verbose: For each test: . or F or E If some failed tests: ============== ERROR / FAILURE: TestName (testfile.testclass) --------- Stack trace then -------------- then "Ran x tests in 0.000s" then OK or FAILED (failures=1, error=1) -- Python Verbose: testname (filename.classname) ... ok testname (filename.classname) ... FAIL testname (filename.classname) ... ERROR then -------------- then "Ran x tests in 0.000s" then OK or FAILED (failures=1, error=1) -- Ruby: Started . Finished in 0.002695 seconds. 1 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors -- Ruby: >> ruby tc_simple_number2.rb Loaded suite tc_simple_number2 Started F.. Finished in 0.038617 seconds. 1) Failure: test_failure(TestSimpleNumber) [tc_simple_number2.rb:16]: Adding doesn't work. <3> expected but was <4>. 3 tests, 4 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors -- Java Junit .......F. Time: 0,003 There was 1 failure: 1) testCapacity(junit.samples.VectorTest)junit.framework.AssertionFailedError at junit.samples.VectorTest.testCapacity(VectorTest.java:87) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) FAILURES!!! Tests run: 8, Failures: 1, Errors: 0 -- Maven # mvn test ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Running math.AdditionTest Tests run: 2, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.03 sec <<< FAILURE! Results : Failed tests: testLireSymbole(math.AdditionTest) Tests run: 2, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0 -- LuaUnit ---- non verbose * display . or F or E when running tests ---- verbose * display test name + ok/fail ---- * blank line * number) ERROR or FAILURE: TestName Stack trace * blank line * number) ERROR or FAILURE: TestName Stack trace then -------------- then "Ran x tests in 0.000s (%d not selected, %d skipped)" then OK or FAILED (failures=1, error=1) ]] local TextOutput = genericOutput.new() -- derived class local TextOutput_MT = { __index = TextOutput } -- metatable TextOutput.__class__ = 'TextOutput' function TextOutput.new(runner) local t = genericOutput.new(runner, M.VERBOSITY_DEFAULT) t.errorList = {} return setmetatable( t, TextOutput_MT ) end function TextOutput:startSuite() if self.verbosity > M.VERBOSITY_DEFAULT then print( 'Started on '.. self.result.startDate ) end end function TextOutput:startTest(testName) if self.verbosity > M.VERBOSITY_DEFAULT then io.stdout:write( " ", self.result.currentNode.testName, " ... " ) end end function TextOutput:endTest( node ) if node:isPassed() then if self.verbosity > M.VERBOSITY_DEFAULT then io.stdout:write("Ok\n") else io.stdout:write(".") end else if self.verbosity > M.VERBOSITY_DEFAULT then print( node.status ) print( node.msg ) --[[ -- find out when to do this: if self.verbosity > M.VERBOSITY_DEFAULT then print( node.stackTrace ) end ]] else -- write only the first character of status io.stdout:write(string.sub(node.status, 1, 1)) end end end function TextOutput:displayOneFailedTest( index, fail ) print(index..") "..fail.testName ) print( fail.msg ) print( fail.stackTrace ) print() end function TextOutput:displayFailedTests() if self.result.notPassedCount ~= 0 then print("Failed tests:") print("-------------") for i, v in ipairs(self.result.notPassed) do self:displayOneFailedTest(i, v) end end end function TextOutput:endSuite() if self.verbosity > M.VERBOSITY_DEFAULT then print("=========================================================") else print() end self:displayFailedTests() print( M.LuaUnit.statusLine( self.result ) ) if self.result.notPassedCount == 0 then print('OK') end end -- class TextOutput end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- class NilOutput ---------------------------------------------------------------- local function nopCallable() --print(42) return nopCallable end local NilOutput = { __class__ = 'NilOuptut' } -- class local NilOutput_MT = { __index = nopCallable } -- metatable function NilOutput.new(runner) return setmetatable( { __class__ = 'NilOutput' }, NilOutput_MT ) end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- class LuaUnit -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- M.LuaUnit = { outputType = TextOutput, verbosity = M.VERBOSITY_DEFAULT, __class__ = 'LuaUnit' } local LuaUnit_MT = { __index = M.LuaUnit } if EXPORT_ASSERT_TO_GLOBALS then LuaUnit = M.LuaUnit end function M.LuaUnit.new() return setmetatable( {}, LuaUnit_MT ) end -----------------[[ Utility methods ]]--------------------- function M.LuaUnit.asFunction(aObject) -- return "aObject" if it is a function, and nil otherwise if 'function' == type(aObject) then return aObject end end function M.LuaUnit.splitClassMethod(someName) --[[ Return a pair of className, methodName strings for a name in the form "class.method". If no class part (or separator) is found, will return nil, someName instead (the latter being unchanged). This convention thus also replaces the older isClassMethod() test: You just have to check for a non-nil className (return) value. ]] local separator = string.find(someName, '.', 1, true) if separator then return someName:sub(1, separator - 1), someName:sub(separator + 1) end return nil, someName end function M.LuaUnit.isMethodTestName( s ) -- return true is the name matches the name of a test method -- default rule is that is starts with 'Test' or with 'test' return string.sub(s, 1, 4):lower() == 'test' end function M.LuaUnit.isTestName( s ) -- return true is the name matches the name of a test -- default rule is that is starts with 'Test' or with 'test' return string.sub(s, 1, 4):lower() == 'test' end function M.LuaUnit.collectTests() -- return a list of all test names in the global namespace -- that match LuaUnit.isTestName local testNames = {} for k, _ in pairs(_G) do if type(k) == "string" and M.LuaUnit.isTestName( k ) then table.insert( testNames , k ) end end table.sort( testNames ) return testNames end function M.LuaUnit.parseCmdLine( cmdLine ) -- parse the command line -- Supported command line parameters: -- --verbose, -v: increase verbosity -- --quiet, -q: silence output -- --error, -e: treat errors as fatal (quit program) -- --output, -o, + name: select output type -- --pattern, -p, + pattern: run test matching pattern, may be repeated -- --exclude, -x, + pattern: run test not matching pattern, may be repeated -- --random, -r, : run tests in random order -- --name, -n, + fname: name of output file for junit, default to stdout -- --count, -c, + num: number of times to execute each test -- [testnames, ...]: run selected test names -- -- Returns a table with the following fields: -- verbosity: nil, M.VERBOSITY_DEFAULT, M.VERBOSITY_QUIET, M.VERBOSITY_VERBOSE -- output: nil, 'tap', 'junit', 'text', 'nil' -- testNames: nil or a list of test names to run -- exeCount: num or 1 -- pattern: nil or a list of patterns -- exclude: nil or a list of patterns local result, state = {}, nil local SET_OUTPUT = 1 local SET_PATTERN = 2 local SET_EXCLUDE = 3 local SET_FNAME = 4 local SET_XCOUNT = 5 if cmdLine == nil then return result end local function parseOption( option ) if option == '--help' or option == '-h' then result['help'] = true return elseif option == '--version' then result['version'] = true return elseif option == '--verbose' or option == '-v' then result['verbosity'] = M.VERBOSITY_VERBOSE return elseif option == '--quiet' or option == '-q' then result['verbosity'] = M.VERBOSITY_QUIET return elseif option == '--error' or option == '-e' then result['quitOnError'] = true return elseif option == '--failure' or option == '-f' then result['quitOnFailure'] = true return elseif option == '--random' or option == '-r' then result['randomize'] = true return elseif option == '--output' or option == '-o' then state = SET_OUTPUT return state elseif option == '--name' or option == '-n' then state = SET_FNAME return state elseif option == '--count' or option == '-c' then state = SET_XCOUNT return state elseif option == '--pattern' or option == '-p' then state = SET_PATTERN return state elseif option == '--exclude' or option == '-x' then state = SET_EXCLUDE return state end error('Unknown option: '..option,3) end local function setArg( cmdArg, state ) if state == SET_OUTPUT then result['output'] = cmdArg return elseif state == SET_FNAME then result['fname'] = cmdArg return elseif state == SET_XCOUNT then result['exeCount'] = tonumber(cmdArg) or error('Malformed -c argument: '..cmdArg) return elseif state == SET_PATTERN then if result['pattern'] then table.insert( result['pattern'], cmdArg ) else result['pattern'] = { cmdArg } end return elseif state == SET_EXCLUDE then if result['exclude'] then table.insert( result['exclude'], cmdArg ) else result['exclude'] = { cmdArg } end return end error('Unknown parse state: '.. state) end for i, cmdArg in ipairs(cmdLine) do if state ~= nil then setArg( cmdArg, state, result ) state = nil else if cmdArg:sub(1,1) == '-' then state = parseOption( cmdArg ) else if result['testNames'] then table.insert( result['testNames'], cmdArg ) else result['testNames'] = { cmdArg } end end end end if result['help'] then M.LuaUnit.help() end if result['version'] then M.LuaUnit.version() end if state ~= nil then error('Missing argument after '..cmdLine[ #cmdLine ],2 ) end return result end function M.LuaUnit.help() print(M.USAGE) os.exit(0) end function M.LuaUnit.version() print('LuaUnit v'..M.VERSION..' by Philippe Fremy ') os.exit(0) end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- class NodeStatus ---------------------------------------------------------------- local NodeStatus = { __class__ = 'NodeStatus' } -- class local NodeStatus_MT = { __index = NodeStatus } -- metatable M.NodeStatus = NodeStatus -- values of status NodeStatus.PASS = 'PASS' NodeStatus.FAIL = 'FAIL' NodeStatus.ERROR = 'ERROR' function NodeStatus.new( number, testName, className ) local t = { number = number, testName = testName, className = className } setmetatable( t, NodeStatus_MT ) t:pass() return t end function NodeStatus:pass() self.status = self.PASS -- useless but we know it's the field we want to use self.msg = nil self.stackTrace = nil end function NodeStatus:fail(msg, stackTrace) self.status = self.FAIL self.msg = msg self.stackTrace = stackTrace end function NodeStatus:error(msg, stackTrace) self.status = self.ERROR self.msg = msg self.stackTrace = stackTrace end function NodeStatus:isPassed() return self.status == NodeStatus.PASS end function NodeStatus:isNotPassed() -- print('hasFailure: '..prettystr(self)) return self.status ~= NodeStatus.PASS end function NodeStatus:isFailure() return self.status == NodeStatus.FAIL end function NodeStatus:isError() return self.status == NodeStatus.ERROR end function NodeStatus:statusXML() if self:isError() then return table.concat( {' \n', ' \n'}) elseif self:isFailure() then return table.concat( {' \n', ' \n'}) end return ' \n' -- (not XSD-compliant! normally shouldn't get here) end --------------[[ Output methods ]]------------------------- local function conditional_plural(number, singular) -- returns a grammatically well-formed string "%d " local suffix = '' if number ~= 1 then -- use plural suffix = (singular:sub(-2) == 'ss') and 'es' or 's' end return string.format('%d %s%s', number, singular, suffix) end function M.LuaUnit.statusLine(result) -- return status line string according to results local s = { string.format('Ran %d tests in %0.3f seconds', result.runCount, result.duration), conditional_plural(result.passedCount, 'success'), } if result.notPassedCount > 0 then if result.failureCount > 0 then table.insert(s, conditional_plural(result.failureCount, 'failure')) end if result.errorCount > 0 then table.insert(s, conditional_plural(result.errorCount, 'error')) end else table.insert(s, '0 failures') end if result.nonSelectedCount > 0 then table.insert(s, string.format("%d non-selected", result.nonSelectedCount)) end return table.concat(s, ', ') end function M.LuaUnit:startSuite(testCount, nonSelectedCount) self.result = { testCount = testCount, nonSelectedCount = nonSelectedCount, passedCount = 0, runCount = 0, currentTestNumber = 0, currentClassName = "", currentNode = nil, suiteStarted = true, startTime = os.clock(), startDate = os.date(os.getenv('LUAUNIT_DATEFMT')), startIsodate = os.date('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), patternIncludeFilter = self.patternIncludeFilter, patternExcludeFilter = self.patternExcludeFilter, tests = {}, failures = {}, errors = {}, notPassed = {}, } self.outputType = self.outputType or TextOutput self.output = self.outputType.new(self) self.output:startSuite() end function M.LuaUnit:startClass( className ) self.result.currentClassName = className self.output:startClass( className ) end function M.LuaUnit:startTest( testName ) self.result.currentTestNumber = self.result.currentTestNumber + 1 self.result.runCount = self.result.runCount + 1 self.result.currentNode = NodeStatus.new( self.result.currentTestNumber, testName, self.result.currentClassName ) self.result.currentNode.startTime = os.clock() table.insert( self.result.tests, self.result.currentNode ) self.output:startTest( testName ) end function M.LuaUnit:addStatus( err ) -- "err" is expected to be a table / result from protectedCall() if err.status == NodeStatus.PASS then return end local node = self.result.currentNode --[[ As a first approach, we will report only one error or one failure for one test. However, we can have the case where the test is in failure, and the teardown is in error. In such case, it's a good idea to report both a failure and an error in the test suite. This is what Python unittest does for example. However, it mixes up counts so need to be handled carefully: for example, there could be more (failures + errors) count that tests. What happens to the current node ? We will do this more intelligent version later. ]] -- if the node is already in failure/error, just don't report the new error (see above) if node.status ~= NodeStatus.PASS then return end if err.status == NodeStatus.FAIL then node:fail( err.msg, err.trace ) table.insert( self.result.failures, node ) elseif err.status == NodeStatus.ERROR then node:error( err.msg, err.trace ) table.insert( self.result.errors, node ) end if node:isFailure() or node:isError() then -- add to the list of failed tests (gets printed separately) table.insert( self.result.notPassed, node ) end self.output:addStatus( node ) end function M.LuaUnit:endTest() local node = self.result.currentNode -- print( 'endTest() '..prettystr(node)) -- print( 'endTest() '..prettystr(node:isNotPassed())) node.duration = os.clock() - node.startTime node.startTime = nil self.output:endTest( node ) if node:isPassed() then self.result.passedCount = self.result.passedCount + 1 elseif node:isError() then if self.quitOnError or self.quitOnFailure then -- Runtime error - abort test execution as requested by -- "--error" option. This is done by setting a special -- flag that gets handled in runSuiteByInstances(). print("\nERROR during LuaUnit test execution:\n" .. node.msg) self.result.aborted = true end elseif node:isFailure() then if self.quitOnFailure then -- Failure - abort test execution as requested by -- "--failure" option. This is done by setting a special -- flag that gets handled in runSuiteByInstances(). print("\nFailure during LuaUnit test execution:\n" .. node.msg) self.result.aborted = true end end self.result.currentNode = nil end function M.LuaUnit:endClass() self.output:endClass() end function M.LuaUnit:endSuite() if self.result.suiteStarted == false then error('LuaUnit:endSuite() -- suite was already ended' ) end self.result.duration = os.clock()-self.result.startTime self.result.suiteStarted = false -- Expose test counts for outputter's endSuite(). This could be managed -- internally instead, but unit tests (and existing use cases) might -- rely on these fields being present. self.result.notPassedCount = #self.result.notPassed self.result.failureCount = #self.result.failures self.result.errorCount = #self.result.errors self.output:endSuite() end function M.LuaUnit:setOutputType(outputType) -- default to text -- tap produces results according to TAP format if outputType:upper() == "NIL" then self.outputType = NilOutput return end if outputType:upper() == "TAP" then self.outputType = TapOutput return end if outputType:upper() == "JUNIT" then self.outputType = JUnitOutput return end if outputType:upper() == "TEXT" then self.outputType = TextOutput return end error( 'No such format: '..outputType,2) end --------------[[ Runner ]]----------------- function M.LuaUnit:protectedCall(classInstance, methodInstance, prettyFuncName) -- if classInstance is nil, this is just a function call -- else, it's method of a class being called. local function err_handler(e) -- transform error into a table, adding the traceback information return { status = NodeStatus.ERROR, msg = e, trace = string.sub(debug.traceback("", 3), 2) } end local ok, err if classInstance then -- stupid Lua < 5.2 does not allow xpcall with arguments so let's use a workaround ok, err = xpcall( function () methodInstance(classInstance) end, err_handler ) else ok, err = xpcall( function () methodInstance() end, err_handler ) end if ok then return {status = NodeStatus.PASS} end -- determine if the error was a failed test: -- We do this by stripping the failure prefix from the error message, -- while keeping track of the gsub() count. A non-zero value -> failure local failed, iter_msg iter_msg = self.exeCount and 'iteration: '..self.currentCount..', ' err.msg, failed = err.msg:gsub(M.FAILURE_PREFIX, iter_msg or '', 1) if failed > 0 then err.status = NodeStatus.FAIL end -- reformat / improve the stack trace if prettyFuncName then -- we do have the real method name err.trace = err.trace:gsub("in (%a+) 'methodInstance'", "in %1 '"..prettyFuncName.."'") end if STRIP_LUAUNIT_FROM_STACKTRACE then err.trace = stripLuaunitTrace(err.trace) end return err -- return the error "object" (table) end function M.LuaUnit:execOneFunction(className, methodName, classInstance, methodInstance) -- When executing a test function, className and classInstance must be nil -- When executing a class method, all parameters must be set if type(methodInstance) ~= 'function' then error( tostring(methodName)..' must be a function, not '..type(methodInstance)) end local prettyFuncName if className == nil then className = '[TestFunctions]' prettyFuncName = methodName else prettyFuncName = className..'.'..methodName end if self.lastClassName ~= className then if self.lastClassName ~= nil then self:endClass() end self:startClass( className ) self.lastClassName = className end self:startTest(prettyFuncName) local node = self.result.currentNode for iter_n = 1, self.exeCount or 1 do if node:isNotPassed() then break end self.currentCount = iter_n -- run setUp first (if any) if classInstance then local func = self.asFunction( classInstance.setUp ) or self.asFunction( classInstance.Setup ) or self.asFunction( classInstance.setup ) or self.asFunction( classInstance.SetUp ) if func then self:addStatus(self:protectedCall(classInstance, func, className..'.setUp')) end end -- run testMethod() if node:isPassed() then self:addStatus(self:protectedCall(classInstance, methodInstance, prettyFuncName)) end -- lastly, run tearDown (if any) if classInstance then local func = self.asFunction( classInstance.tearDown ) or self.asFunction( classInstance.TearDown ) or self.asFunction( classInstance.teardown ) or self.asFunction( classInstance.Teardown ) if func then self:addStatus(self:protectedCall(classInstance, func, className..'.tearDown')) end end end self:endTest() end function M.LuaUnit.expandOneClass( result, className, classInstance ) --[[ Input: a list of { name, instance }, a class name, a class instance Ouptut: modify result to add all test method instance in the form: { className.methodName, classInstance } ]] for methodName, methodInstance in sortedPairs(classInstance) do if M.LuaUnit.asFunction(methodInstance) and M.LuaUnit.isMethodTestName( methodName ) then table.insert( result, { className..'.'..methodName, classInstance } ) end end end function M.LuaUnit.expandClasses( listOfNameAndInst ) --[[ -- expand all classes (provided as {className, classInstance}) to a list of {className.methodName, classInstance} -- functions and methods remain untouched Input: a list of { name, instance } Output: * { function name, function instance } : do nothing * { class.method name, class instance }: do nothing * { class name, class instance } : add all method names in the form of (className.methodName, classInstance) ]] local result = {} for i,v in ipairs( listOfNameAndInst ) do local name, instance = v[1], v[2] if M.LuaUnit.asFunction(instance) then table.insert( result, { name, instance } ) else if type(instance) ~= 'table' then error( 'Instance must be a table or a function, not a '..type(instance)..', value '..prettystr(instance)) end local className, methodName = M.LuaUnit.splitClassMethod( name ) if className then local methodInstance = instance[methodName] if methodInstance == nil then error( "Could not find method in class "..tostring(className).." for method "..tostring(methodName) ) end table.insert( result, { name, instance } ) else M.LuaUnit.expandOneClass( result, name, instance ) end end end return result end function M.LuaUnit.applyPatternFilter( patternIncFilter, patternExcFilter, listOfNameAndInst ) local included, excluded = {}, {} for i, v in ipairs( listOfNameAndInst ) do -- local name, instance = v[1], v[2] if patternFilter( patternIncFilter, v[1], true ) and not patternFilter( patternExcFilter, v[1], false ) then table.insert( included, v ) else table.insert( excluded, v ) end end return included, excluded end function M.LuaUnit:runSuiteByInstances( listOfNameAndInst ) --[[ Run an explicit list of tests. All test instances and names must be supplied. each test must be one of: * { function name, function instance } * { class name, class instance } * { class.method name, class instance } ]] local expandedList = self.expandClasses( listOfNameAndInst ) if self.randomize then randomizeTable( expandedList ) end local filteredList, filteredOutList = self.applyPatternFilter( self.patternIncludeFilter, self.patternExcludeFilter, expandedList ) self:startSuite( #filteredList, #filteredOutList ) for i,v in ipairs( filteredList ) do local name, instance = v[1], v[2] if M.LuaUnit.asFunction(instance) then self:execOneFunction( nil, name, nil, instance ) else -- expandClasses() should have already taken care of sanitizing the input assert( type(instance) == 'table' ) local className, methodName = M.LuaUnit.splitClassMethod( name ) assert( className ~= nil ) local methodInstance = instance[methodName] assert(methodInstance ~= nil) self:execOneFunction( className, methodName, instance, methodInstance ) end if self.result.aborted then break -- "--error" or "--failure" option triggered end end if self.lastClassName ~= nil then self:endClass() end self:endSuite() if self.result.aborted then print("LuaUnit ABORTED (as requested by --error or --failure option)") os.exit(-2) end end function M.LuaUnit:runSuiteByNames( listOfName ) --[[ Run LuaUnit with a list of generic names, coming either from command-line or from global namespace analysis. Convert the list into a list of (name, valid instances (table or function)) and calls runSuiteByInstances. ]] local instanceName, instance local listOfNameAndInst = {} for i,name in ipairs( listOfName ) do local className, methodName = M.LuaUnit.splitClassMethod( name ) if className then instanceName = className instance = _G[instanceName] if instance == nil then error( "No such name in global space: "..instanceName ) end if type(instance) ~= 'table' then error( 'Instance of '..instanceName..' must be a table, not '..type(instance)) end local methodInstance = instance[methodName] if methodInstance == nil then error( "Could not find method in class "..tostring(className).." for method "..tostring(methodName) ) end else -- for functions and classes instanceName = name instance = _G[instanceName] end if instance == nil then error( "No such name in global space: "..instanceName ) end if (type(instance) ~= 'table' and type(instance) ~= 'function') then error( 'Name must match a function or a table: '..instanceName ) end table.insert( listOfNameAndInst, { name, instance } ) end self:runSuiteByInstances( listOfNameAndInst ) end function M.LuaUnit.run(...) -- Run some specific test classes. -- If no arguments are passed, run the class names specified on the -- command line. If no class name is specified on the command line -- run all classes whose name starts with 'Test' -- -- If arguments are passed, they must be strings of the class names -- that you want to run or generic command line arguments (-o, -p, -v, ...) local runner = M.LuaUnit.new() return runner:runSuite(...) end function M.LuaUnit:runSuite( ... ) local args = {...} if type(args[1]) == 'table' and args[1].__class__ == 'LuaUnit' then -- run was called with the syntax M.LuaUnit:runSuite() -- we support both M.LuaUnit.run() and M.LuaUnit:run() -- strip out the first argument table.remove(args,1) end if #args == 0 then args = cmdline_argv end local options = pcall_or_abort( M.LuaUnit.parseCmdLine, args ) -- We expect these option fields to be either `nil` or contain -- valid values, so it's safe to always copy them directly. self.verbosity = options.verbosity self.quitOnError = options.quitOnError self.quitOnFailure = options.quitOnFailure self.fname = options.fname self.exeCount = options.exeCount self.patternIncludeFilter = options.pattern self.patternExcludeFilter = options.exclude self.randomize = options.randomize if options.output then if options.output:lower() == 'junit' and options.fname == nil then print('With junit output, a filename must be supplied with -n or --name') os.exit(-1) end pcall_or_abort(self.setOutputType, self, options.output) end self:runSuiteByNames( options.testNames or M.LuaUnit.collectTests() ) return self.result.notPassedCount end -- class LuaUnit -- For compatbility with LuaUnit v2 M.run = M.LuaUnit.run M.Run = M.LuaUnit.run function M:setVerbosity( verbosity ) M.LuaUnit.verbosity = verbosity end M.set_verbosity = M.setVerbosity M.SetVerbosity = M.setVerbosity return M