@echo off :start SET PC=0 echo Install Tex compiler (Y/N)? %1:\resp YyNn if errorlevel 3 goto m4 :m0 echo What type of computer you use ? echo Press 1 for XT or 2 for AT-286 or 3 for AT-386(486) %1:\resp 123 if errorlevel 3 goto m1 if errorlevel 2 goto m2 if errorlevel 1 goto m3 goto m3 :m1 echo What type TeX compiler you use ? echo Press 1 for tex186.exe or 2 for tex386.exe %1:\resp 12 if errorlevel 2 goto m1_2 if errorlevel 1 goto m1_1 :m1_2 SET PC=4 goto m4 :m1_1 SET PC=3 goto m4 :m2 SET PC=2 goto m4 :m3 SET PC=1 :m4 SET LA=N echo Install LaTeX (Y/N)? %1:\resp YyNn if errorlevel 3 goto m5 SET LA=Y :m5 SET NF=N echo Install NFSS (Y/N)? %1:\resp YyNn if errorlevel 3 goto m6 SET NF=Y :m6 SET AM=N echo Install AMSTeX (Y/N)? %1:\resp YyNn if errorlevel 3 goto m7 SET AM=Y :m7 SET pause if %AM%.==. goto err if %PC% == 0 goto m9 echo *** echo *** CyrTUG package *** copy %2:toms.exe %1:\emtex %1:\unz -d -o %2:lhtexinp %1:\ @%1:\lhtinp_.ls %1:\unz -d -o %2:rustest %1:\ if NOT %PC% == 4 goto m8 echo *** echo *** CyrTUG (tex386,btex) *** %1:\unz -d -o %2:cyrtug %1:\ @%1:\cyrtug3.ls %1:\unz -d -o %2:batch386 %1:\ goto m9 :m8 echo *** echo *** CyrTUG fmt-files (tex,tex286,tex186) *** %1:\unz -d -o %2:cyrtug %1:\ @%1:\cyrtug_.ls %1:\unz -d -o %2:cyrfmt %1:\ if %PC% == 1 goto m9 %1:\unz -d -o %2:batch186 %1:\ :m9 if %LA% == N goto m10 echo *** echo *** LaTeX Russian styles & documents *** rem %1:\unz -d -o %2:russty %1:\ %1:\unz -d -o %2:lkypc %1:\ :m10 if %NF% == N goto m11 echo *** echo *** LaTeX2e package *** %1:\unz -d -o %2:lhtexinp %1:\lhtinp2e.ls :m11 if %AM% == N goto m20 echo *** echo *** AmSTeX package *** %1:\unz -d -o %2:amstex %1:\ %1:\unz -d -o %2:amstfm %1:\ goto m20 :err echo ************************************************************* echo You mast to quit the Norton Comander or yours Commands Shell echo and repeat INSTALL %1 %2 echo ************************************************************* pause goto m21 :m20 call %1:\ckd 00 %2 :m21 echo *** Deleting temporary files *** %2:delinst %1