\documentclass{article} \usepackage{bangla} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{float} \newcommand{\com}[2]{\textcolor{blue}{\textbackslash\texttt{#1}}\texttt{#2}} \begin{document} \title{The \texttt{bangla} Package} \author{Nahid Hossain \\Assistant Professor, United International University\\Bangladesh\\nahid@cse.uiu.ac.bd\\mailbox.nahid@gmail.com\\ \textbf{Version 2.1}} \date{February 2, 2023} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{Introduction} \subsection{About \texttt{bangla} Package} The \texttt{bangla} package is a programming tool geared primarily towards LaTeX document authors. It provides all necessary LaTeX frontends for Bangla language. \subsection{Licence} Copyright © 2021 Nahid Hossain. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this software under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c or later. \section{Commands} \subsection{Use Package} The basic command to use the package is-\\ \\ \com{usepackage}{\{bangla\}} \subsection{Font Selection} The default font of the \texttt{bangla} package is \texttt{\textbf{Kalpurush}}. If you do not mention any font name in the parameter, the Kalpurush will be your default font. However, an author can easily change the font using the parameter of the \texttt{usepackage} command. \\ \\ \com{usepackage}{[]\{bangla\}} \\ For example, if an author wants \texttt{Noto Serif Bengali} as the font for the whole article, he can write- \\ \\ \com{usepackage}{[notoserifbengali]\{bangla\}} \\ The following SIL Open Font Licence(OFL) Bangla fonts are currently associated with the \texttt{bangla} package- \begin{table}[H] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline \textbf{Font Name} & \textbf{Command Keyword} & \textbf{Licence} \\ \hline Kalpurush & \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{kalpurush}} & SIL OFL\\ \hline Shimanto & \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{shimanto}} & SIL OFL \\ \hline Noto Sans Bengali & \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{notosansbengali}} & SIL OFL\\ \hline Noto Serif Bengali & \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{notoserifbengali}} & SIL OFL\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \subsection{With Parameter Definitions} In this subsection, we have demonstrated the commands that requires parameters(at least one or more). \subsubsection{\com{banglatext}{\{\}}} \texttt{banglatext} displays any Bangla texts provided inside the parameter. Insert Bangla text in the parameter.\\ \begin{table}[H] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline \textbf{Command} & \textbf{Output} \\ \hline \texttt{\com{banglatext}{\{\banglatext{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\}}} & \banglatext{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \subsubsection{\com{banglabold}{\{\}}} \texttt{banglabold} bolds the Bangla texts provided inside the parameter. It can make texts bold automatically of any font that has no bold fonts available.\\ \begin{table}[H] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline \textbf{Command} & \textbf{Output} \\ \hline \texttt{\com{banglabold}{\{\banglatext{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\}}} & \banglabold{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \subsubsection{\com{banglaitalic}{\{\}}} \texttt{banglaitalic} makes the Bangla texts italic provided inside the parameter. It can make texts italic automatically of any font that has no italic fonts available.\\ \begin{table}[H] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline \textbf{Command} & \textbf{Output} \\ \hline \texttt{\com{banglaitalic}{\{\banglatext{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\}}} & \banglaitalic{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \subsubsection{\com{banglatranslit}{\{\}}} \texttt{banglatranslit} generates a comprehensive and sophisticated transliteration of Bangla into Latin based on ISO 15919. \texttt{banglatranslit} works on character, word, and sentences as well.\\ \begin{table}[H] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline \textbf{Command} & \textbf{Output} \\ \hline \texttt{\com{banglatranslit}{\{\banglatext{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\}}} & \banglatranslit{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \subsubsection{\com{banglaipa}{\{\}}} \texttt{banglaipa} generates equivalent International Phonetic Alphabets(IPA) symbols for Bangla alphabets. \texttt{banglaipa} works on character, word, and sentences as well.\\ \begin{table}[H] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline \textbf{Command} & \textbf{Output} \\ \hline \texttt{\com{banglaipa}{\{\banglatext{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\}}} & \banglaipa{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \subsection{Without Parameter Definitions} In this subsection, we have demonstrated the commands that require no parameter at all. \subsubsection{\com{banglapage}{}} \texttt{banglapage} produces bangla page numbering. \texttt{banglapage} does not need any parameters. Put \texttt{banglapage} command before \textbackslash begin\{document\} command. Such as:\\ \com{banglapage}{} \subsubsection{\com{banglasection}{}} \texttt{banglasection} produces bangla numbering for all sections in the article including all subsections and subsubsections. \texttt{banglasection} does not need any parameters. Put \texttt{banglasection} command before \textbackslash begin\{document\} command. Such as:\\ \com{banglasection}{} \subsubsection{\com{banglaenumerate}{}} \texttt{banglaenumerate} produces level-2 bangla numbering for enumerate or the list in latex for the whole article. \texttt{banglaenumerate} does not need any parameters. Put \texttt{banglaenumerate} command before \textbackslash begin\{document\} command or anywhere above the enumerate. Such as:\\ \com{banglaenumerate}{} \subsubsection{\com{banglaequation}{}} \texttt{banglaequation} produces bangla numbering for all equations in the whole article. \texttt{banglaequation} does not need any parameters. Put \texttt{banglaequation} command before \textbackslash begin\{document\} command or anywhere above the equations. Such as:\\ \com{banglaequation}{} \subsubsection{\com{banglatable}{}} \texttt{banglatable} produces bangla numbering for all tables in the whole article. \texttt{banglatable} does not need any parameters. Put \texttt{banglatable} command before \textbackslash begin\{document\} command or anywhere above the tables. Such as:\\ \com{banglatable}{} \subsubsection{\com{banglafigure}{}} \texttt{banglafigure} produces bangla numbering for all figures/images in the whole article. \texttt{banglafigure} does not need any parameters. Put \texttt{banglafigure} command before \textbackslash begin\{document\} command or anywhere above the figures. Such as:\\ \com{banglafigure}{} \subsubsection{\com{banglaallcounters}{}} \texttt{banglaallcounters} produces bangla numbering for everything in the whole article. \texttt{banglaallcounters} does not need any parameters. Put \texttt{banglaallcounters} command before \textbackslash begin\{document\} command. Such as:\\ \com{banglaallcounters}{} \section{Reporting issues} To report any error or issue please send an email at nahid@cse.uiu.ac.bd or mailbox.nahid@gmail.com. \section{Revision History} Version 2.1 minor bug fixes.\\ Version 2.0 bug fixes.\\ Version 1.9 new command added. minor bug fixes.\\ Version 1.8 bug fixes.\\ Version 1.7 bug fixes.\\ Version 1.6 a new OFL SIL font added. bug fixes.\\ Version 1.5 solved font licence issues and bug fixes.\\ Version 1.0 primary version.\\ \end{document}