{{Title|title=Testers Wanted!}} {{Header}} {{#seo: |description=New Security Features Looking for Testers |image=Testschecklist.png }} [[File:Testschecklist.png|thumb|250px]] {{intro| New Security Features Looking for Testers }} = Introduction = {{project_name_long}} needs more people to test new {{project_name_long}} security features. Please [[contribute]] by becoming a tester. This is a volunteer task. [[Reasons for Freedom Software|{{project_name_short}} is Freedom Software]] / Open Source. All [https://www.{{project_clearnet}}/#security existing] and [[#New Security Features Looking for Testers|new]] security features and underlying concepts are available free of charge for any purpose, provided the respective license agreements are honored. [https://forums.whonix.org/t/lets-call-it-freedom-software-rather-than-free-software-or-open-source/6961 Freedom Software] [[{{project_name_short}}:Copyrights#License|licensed]]. {{Testers-only}} = New Security Features Looking for Testers = The following security features are currently available in {{project_name_short}} but are still disabled by default. After potential bugs are ironed out, these features are planned for enabling by default in a future {{project_name_short}} upgrade and release. The ordering below reflects developer views on their "production-ready" status -- from most to least ready. # [[Security-misc#Reduce_Kernel_Information_Leaks|Reduce Kernel Information Leaks]] → [https://forums.whonix.org/t/restrict-hardware-information-to-root-testers-wanted/8618 Restrict Hardware Information to Root - Testers Wanted!] # [[Security-misc#hidepid|hidepid]] # [[Security-misc#Remount_Secure|Remount Secure]] # [[Kernel|Install Newer Kernel Versions]] = Upgrade Package Repository Testing = {{Test}} = Additional Testing = The most active testers are recommended to: * [[Stay Tuned]] * Check forum tag testers-wanted, see: https://forums.{{project_clearnet}}/tag/testers-wanted ** If a {{project_name_short}} release is still tagged testers-wanted, first check if there is already a corresponding {{project_name_short}} stable release of that version. To find out, check [[Stay Tuned]]. If there is already a release of that version, then no extra testing is required anymore. That would mean that removal of the testers-wanted forum tag has been forgotten. = See Also = * [[contribute|Ways to Contribute]] * [[Website_Tests|Website Tests / Server Tests]] = Footnotes = {{reflist|close=1}} {{Footer}} [[Category:Development]] [[Category:Design]] [[Category:Documentation]]