% ***** tbcv05.tex ***** % % This file will produce tables of contents for TUGboat volumes 1-5. \input tbcont.def % definitions of logos used in contents % \AMSTeX -- macro name changed to \AmSTeX to agree with Spivak's usage \let\AMSTeX=\AmSTeX % tags are used as follows: % % \sec Section< % \subsec Author\\Title\\page< % \subsecnn Title\\page< % no author name % \subsub Title< % no author or page number % \subsite Computer< % % use \\ to split multiple lines for \sec and \subsite \onenarrow % 1#1 short; try to stretch it \input tb0180.cnt % 1980: 1#1 \onecol % but all others are long \input tb0281.cnt % 1981: 2#1, #2, #3 \input tb0382.cnt % 1982: 3#1, #2 \input tb0483.cnt % 1983: 4#1, #2 \input tb0584.cnt % 1984: 5#1, #2 \end