#PinguyBuilder Global Configuration File # This is the temporary working directory and won't be included on the cd/dvd WORKDIR="/home/PinguyBuilder" # Here you can add any other files or directories to be excluded from the live filesystem # Separate each entry with a space EXCLUDES="/windows /dos /swapfile" # Here you can change the livecd/dvd username LIVEUSER="pinkos" # Here you can change the name of the livecd/dvd label LIVECDLABEL="pinkos" # Here you can change the name of the ISO file that is created CUSTOMISO="pinkos.iso" # Here you can change the mksquashfs options SQUASHFSOPTS="-no-recovery -always-use-fragments -b 1M -comp xz -no-duplicates" # Here you can prevent the Install icon from showing up on the desktop in backup mode. 0 - to not show 1 - to show BACKUPSHOWINSTALL="1" # Here you can change the url for the usb-creator info LIVECDURL="https://ja.osdn.net/projects/pinkos-official/" # Here you can change the sources list for the current linux distro (default ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS) SOURCESLIST="" # Here you can add custom command to run in ubiquity success command SUCCESSCOMMAND="" # Here you can add custom commands to run in PinguyBuilder-firstboot service FIRSTBOOTCOMMANDS=""