Title: languageONE.tcz Description: The newest, yet oldest of programming languages Version: 1.17 Author: Author(s) Roger Tunnicliffe Original-site: http://www.languageONE.com.au Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: 792K Extension_by: Your nickname Tags: ? Comments: languageONE is a collection of NASM macros that disguise the calls to routines in statically linked object modules. The linked routines themselves provide 64bit services to the application programmer. It includes macros that are used to ensure data is structured in a way that these routines may easily manipulate that data. The macros are built in such a way that the application programmer would feel that they are programming in a higher level language NOTE:- The languageONE translator and the languageONE GUI make utility are languageONE programs themselves. GUI-makeONE will need to be Translated/Assembled and linked before it can be used. ie. makeONE.sh GUI-makeONE Change-log: 2015/01/01 First version, 0.01 Initial: 2016/10/01 V1.16, Packaged for CorePure64 Current: 2016/10/05 V1.17, Repackage as per TinyCore team's request