When Extended Tcl is installed, the standard runtime files are places in the Tcl master directory, which is config- ured when Tcl is built. This master directory normally contains the Tcl initialization file (TclInit.tcl), the standard Tcl library file (tcl.tlib) and the help files. The Tcl master directory is named after the version of Tcl it is associated with, e.g. /usr/local/tclX/7.0a. The path to the Tcl master directory is available from the info library command. The location of the Tcl master directory can be overridden with the TCL_LIBRARY environ- ment variable. The first step in initializing the Tcl shell is to locate the Tcl initialization file, normally TclInit.tcl. If an environment variable TCLINIT exists, it contains the path to the Tcl initialization file. If the TCLINIT environ- ment variable is not set, the file TclInit.tcl is used from the default Tcl master directory. Tcl then evaulates the Tcl initialization file. The auto_path variable is initialized to the Tcl master direc- tory and may be augmented by the intialization file or the application. Other procedures and variables used by the Extended Tcl shell are also defined by this file. If the Tcl is invoked interactively, it will source a file named .tclrc in the user's home directory, if it exists. Tcl is viewed primarily as a programming language, not an interactive shell, so the .tclrc is intended for use for loading development utilities, not to support applica- tions, which should not have to rely on the user's envi- ronment in such a manner. The Extended Tcl Tk shell, wishx, has an additional master directory and initialization file. It use the environment variable TK_LIBRARY to override the default location of the Tk master directory. This functionallity is provided by Extended Tcl.