ctype ?-failindex var? class string ctype determines whether all characters in string are of the specified class. It returns 1 if they are all of class, and 0 if they are not, or if the string is empty. This command also provides another method (besides format and scan) of con- verting between an ASCII character and its numeric value. The following ctype commands are available: ctype ?-failindex var? alnum string Tests that all characters are alphabetic or numeric characters as defined by the character set. ctype ?-failindex var? alpha string Tests that all characters are alphabetic char- acters as defined by the character set. ctype ?-failindex var? ascii string Tests that all characters are an ASCII charac- ter (a non-negative number less than 0200). ctype char number Converts the numeric value, string, to an ASCII character. Number must be in the range 0 through 255. ctype ?-failindex var? cntrl string Tests that all characters are ``control char- acters'' as defined by the character set. ctype ?-failindex var? digit string Tests that all characters are valid decimal digits, i.e. 0 through 9. ctype ?-failindex var? graph string Tests that all characters within are any char- acter for which ctype print is true, except for space characters. ctype ?-failindex var? lower string Tests that all characters are lowercase let- ters as defined by the character set. ctype ord character Convert a character into its decimal numeric value. The first character of the string is converted. ctype ?-failindex var? space string Tests that all characters are either a space, horizontal-tab, carriage return, newline, ver- tical-tab, or form-feed. ctype ?-failindex var? print string Tests that all characters are a space or any character for which ctype alnum or ctype punct is true or other ``printing character'' as defined by the character set. ctype ?-failindex var? punct string Tests that all characters are made up of any of the characters other than the ones for which alnum, cntrl, or space is true. ctype ?-failindex var? upper string Tests that all characters are uppercase let- ters as defined by the character set. ctype ?-failindex var? xdigit string Tests that all characters are valid hexadeci- mal digits, that is 0 through 9, a through f or A through F. If -failindex is specified, then the index into string of the first character that did not match the class is returned in var. This command is provided by Extended Tcl.