signal action siglist ?command? Specify the action to take when a Unix signal is received by Extended Tcl, or a program that embeds it. Siglist is a list of either the symbolic or numeric Unix signal (the SIG prefix is optional). Action is one of the following actions to be per- formed on receipt of the signal. To specify all modifiable signals, use `*' (this will not include SIGKILL and SIGSTOP, as they can not be modified). default - Perform system default action when signal is received (see signal system call documentation). ignore - Ignore the signal. error - Generate a catchable Tcl error. It will be as if the command that was running returned an error. The error code will be in the form: POSIX SIG signame For the death of child signal, signame will always be SIGCHLD, rather than SIGCLD, to allow writing portable code. trap - When the signal occurs, execute command and continue execution if an error is not returned by command. The command will be executed in the global context. The command will be edited before execution, replacing occurrences of "%S" with the signal name. Occurrences of "%%" result in a sin- gle "%". This editing occurs just before the trap command is evaluated. If an error is returned, then follow the standard Tcl error mechanism. Often command will just do an exit. get - Retrieve the current settings of the speci- fied signals. A keyed list will be returned were the keys are one of the specified signals and the values are a list cosisting of the action associ- ated with the signal, a 0 if the signal may be delivered (not block) and a 1 if it is blocked. The actions maybe one of `default',`ignore', `error' or `trap. If the action is trap, the third element is the command associated with the action. The action `unknown' is returned if a non-Tcl signal handler has been associated with the signal. set - Set signals from a keyed list in the format returned by the get. For this action, siglist is the keyed list of signal state. Signals with an action of `unknown' are not modified. block - Block the specified signals from being received. (Posix systems only). unblock - Allow the specified signal to be received. Pending signals will not occur. (Posix systems only). The signal action will remain enabled after the specified signal has occurred. The exception to this is SIGCHLD on systems without Posix signals. For these systems, SIGCHLD is not be automatically reenabled. After a SIGCHLD signal is received, a call to wait must be performed to retrieve the exit status of the child process before issuing another signal SIGCHLD ... command. For code that is to be portable between both types of systems, use this approach. Signals are not processed until after the comple- tion of the Tcl command that is executing when the signal is received. If an interactive Tcl shell is running, then the SIGINT will be set to error, non- interactive Tcl sessions leave SIGINT unchanged from when the process started (normally default for foreground processes and ignore for processes in the background). This command is provided by Extended Tcl.