This is version 4.2 of a2ps, a program to format an ascii file for printing in a postcript printer. As the copyright indicates, this distribution can be freely redistributed. Initial version was a shell program written by evan@csli (Evan Kirshenbaum). It was very slow and contained many bugs. A new version was written in C for improve speed execution and portability. Many new features and improvements have been added since this first version. Many contributions (changes, fixes, ideas) were done by a2ps users in order to improve it. Current version is 4.2 and is quite different from early versions. Some notes on the distribution: Installation is done by modifying and executing Makefile included in this distribution. You must give a value to the following variable: - compiler compiler name, actually one of BSD, SYSV, ANSIC. Turbo C and Microsoft C are considered ANSIC compilers. You could also give your own values to following variables: a) Default physical page dimension. Dimensions must be real constants, specifying inch values. - HEIGHT sheet height - WIDTH sheet width Default values correspond to A4 format (11.64 x 8.27). In USA, you use use in general 11.0 x 8.5. b) Total lateral (left+right) or vertical (top+bottom) margins. It must be also a real constant, specifying inchs (by default 1.2). - MARGIN c) Directory separator (by default '/') - DIR_SEP char d) A boolean to choice if you want to automatically emit a print command. Only two values are accepted: TRUE, FALSE - LPR_PRINT e) Name of print command and options to pass to this command. They must be strings. - LPR_COMMAND - LPR_OPT f) Options to pass to the lpr command to print one or two-sided pages. - TWOSIDED - ONESIDED Be careful with quotes to set these values, they must be strings. If these variables are not defined, a2ps will consider that only one-sided pages can be printed, ignoring s1 and s2 options. g) A boolean to choice if you want to print by default two-sided pages. - TWOSIDED_DFLT a2ps has been successfully ported to Unix 4.3BSD, Unix SystemV and MSDOS. The a2ps distribution consists of the following files: README This message Makefile a2ps.c a2ps source a2ps.1 a troff manual (man file) Decide where you want to keep these files and move it there. Edit "Makefile" and change the definition of compiler name. To make a2ps do: make a2ps To install it, do: make install Format the manual entry using nroff -man a2ps.1 Please send problems and feedback to: or Miguel SANTANA Unite mixte Bull-Imag 2, Av. Vignate Z.I. Mayencin 38610 Gieres France