{AnyApplication} 1.0.0 true preview.qt.tools.qt3dstudioruntime.android_arm64_v8a Android ARM64-v8a Qt 3D Studio Runtime 2.2.0.<br><br>This component is available under commercial licenses from The Qt Company, or under GPL v3. For open source use, please note the additional requirements compared to LGPL v3 2.2.0-0-201812051017 2018-12-05 qt.qt5.5120.android_arm64_v8a false 511 qt3d-runtime.7z 54573573b9e393ce6003870026fc5895842b2836 preview.qt.tools.qt3dstudioruntime.android_armv7 Android ARMv7 Qt 3D Studio Runtime 2.2.0.<br><br>This component is available under commercial licenses from The Qt Company, or under GPL v3. For open source use, please note the additional requirements compared to LGPL v3 2.2.0-0-201812051017 2018-12-05 qt.qt5.5120.android_armv7 false 511 qt3d-runtime.7z 0b8b88676fb40a7a80a4d1804b6412b3fc7f4797 preview.qt.tools.qt3dstudioruntime.android_x86 Android x86 Qt 3D Studio Runtime 2.2.0.<br><br>This component is available under commercial licenses from The Qt Company, or under GPL v3. For open source use, please note the additional requirements compared to LGPL v3 2.2.0-0-201812051017 2018-12-05 qt.qt5.5120.android_x86 false 511 qt3d-runtime.7z a20ed0d17eac3774eeca4def1b417ac5617a6383