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Premature end of stream ###########.fdt.fdx../3rdparty/clucene/src/CLucene/util/subinputstream.hlength >= -1Field stream is invalidCLucene does not directly support compressed fields. Write a compressed byte array insteadNo values are set for the fieldIndex is closedIndex@commit.locksegmentsIndexReader out of date and no longer valid for delete, undelete, or setNorm operationswrite.lockIndex locked for writesegments.newdeletable.cfs.tii.tis.del.tvx.tvd.tvf.tvp.f/segmentsdeleteable.newRAMIndex locked for write or no write access..tmpMultiTermEnumadd is out of bounds.attempt to access a deleted document.s.s%1SegmentTermEnumTermPositions does not support processing multiple documents in one call. Use TermDocs instead.Field is still open while writing documentTrying to write positions that are NULL!Trying to write offsets that are NULL!Unknown error while closing tvxUnknown error while closing tvdUnknown error while closing tvfCannot open field when no document is open.Cannot add terms when document is not openCannot add terms when field is not openNo query given.MultiPhraseQuery NOT Implementedvector::_M_emplace_back_auxvector::_M_insert_auxToo Many ClausesUnsupportedOperationException: BooleanScorer::skipToUnsupportedOperationException: BooleanScorer::explainMore than 32 required/prohibited clauses in query.User chain logic not implemented by superclassUnsupportedOperationException: ConjunctionScorer::explainno terms in fieldno terms in field there are more terms than documents in fieldno terms in field - cannot determine sort typefield does not appear to be indexedFieldDocSortedHitQueue cannot use an AUTO SortFieldinvalid SortField typeunknown data type in fieldunknown field typeFuzzyTermEnumminimumSimilarity > 1minimumSimilarity < 0prefixLength >= term.textLength()Attempted to access empty hitqueue::topAt least one term must be non-nullBoth terms must be for the same fieldUnsupportedOperationException: Query::_createWeightUnsupportedOperationException: Query::combineInvalid field cache auto typeWildcardTermEnumFile IO Write errorFSLock@FSDirectory@other handle is nullInvalid directory pathlucene-Couldn't create directory: %s not a directoryCouldn't delete file Cannot read lock directoryCannot create temp directory is not a directoryFound regular file where directory expectedInvalid directoryCouldn't create lock directory: An error occurred when reading from the fileAn error occurred when writing to the file.The file could not be opened.The operation was aborted.A timeout occurred.An unspecified error occurred.The file could not be removed.The file could not be renamed.The position in the file could not be changed.The file could not be resized.eThe file could not be accessed.The file could not be copied.A fatal error occurred.Cannot overwrite: IO Error while touching fileCould not rename: %1 to %2!!!!File IO Seek errorread errorIO Argument Error. Value must be a positive value.IndexInput read past EOF../3rdparty/clucene/src/CLucene/util/bufferedstream.hStreamBase::status != EofStream is longer than specified.Lock obtain timed outLockFile@RAMRAMDirectory[RAMDirectory::open] The requested file does not exist.cannot rename %s, file does not existMust resolve previous transaction before starting another.File submitted for unarchival was not archived.There is no open transaction..lockTransactionalRAMDirectory disallows renameFile during a transaction.warning : FileReader.GetNext : Read TCHAR over EOS.Unexpected reset() resulterror : No character can be UnGetCould not close file ''.Could not read from file 'rbCould not read file '': Error in gettimeofday call.%s%s%s%s%d%1%2%3Invalid multibyte sequence.Unexpected encodingstream ends on incomplete characterASCIIUTF-8UCS-2LEUnsupported encoding, use jstreams iconv based instead[StringBuffer::grow] un-owned buffer could not be grownToo many digits...(,word,type=),posIncr=AETHaessthOEoeaanandareasatbebutbyforifinintoisitnonotofonorssuchtthatthetheirthentherethesetheythistowaswillwith(null)Document< >storedindexedtokenizedtermVectortermVectorOffsetstermVectorPositionbinary,omitNormsReaderStreamNULLNon-zero remainder length after copying: %d (id: %s, length: %d, buffer size: %d)Difference in the output file offsets %d does not match the original file length %dIndexing a huge number of tokens from a single field ("%s", in this case) can cause CLucene to use memory excessively. By default, CLucene will accept only %s tokens tokens from a single field before forcing the client programmer to specify a threshold at which to truncate the token stream. You should set this threshold via IndexReader::maxFieldLength (set to LUCENE_INT32_MAX to disable truncation, or a value to specify maximum number of fields).Unknown format version: %d: :Incompatible format version: expected or less\+-!():^[]{}"~*Unrecognized escape sequence at %d %d::%dUnterminated inclusive range! %d %d::%dUnterminated exclusive range! %d %d::%dUnterminated string! %d %d::%dAND&&OR||NOTUnrecognized TCHAR %d at %d::%d.BooleanQueryError: Unexpected end of programError: Unexpected QueryToken: %d, expected: %dClause cannot be both required and prohibitedTOWeight-+)^match prohibitedsum of:product of:coord(/boolean(CachingWrapperFilter(%s)XORUSERANDNOTChainedFilter: [ConjunctionScorer%s: [%s-%s] = <ul> <li></li> </ul> 0123456789 +-0123456789 Ee.+-FuzzyQuery~Not a valid hit number: %dPhraseQueryweight(PhraseQuery)All phrase terms must be in the same field: %s"^weight(%s in %d), product of:idf(%s: %s)queryWeight(%s), product of:boostqueryNormfieldWeight(%s:%s in %d), product of:fieldNorm(field=%s, doc=%d)tf(phraseFreq=scorer(PrefixQuery*QueryFilter(%s)RangeQuery[{]} TO <score><doc><custom:"": TermQueryweight(%s)idf(docFreq=%d)fieldWeight(%s in %d), product of:scorer(%s)tf(termFreq(%s)=%d)WildcardQuery.0's.0123456789<EOF><UNKNOWN><ALPHANUM><APOSTROPHE><ACRONYM><COMPANY><EMAIL><HOST><NUM><CJK>N6lucene5debug10LuceneBaseEN6lucene8analysis11TokenStreamEN6lucene8analysis5TokenEN6lucene8analysis8AnalyzerEN6lucene8analysis9TokenizerEN6lucene8analysis11TokenFilterESt3setIPKwN6lucene4util7Compare5TCharESaIS1_EESt3mapIPKwPN6lucene8analysis8AnalyzerENS2_4util7Compare5TCharESaISt4pairIKS1_S5_EEEN6lucene4util8__CLListIPKwSt3setIS3_NS0_7Compare5TCharESaIS3_EENS0_7Deletor5DummyEEEN6lucene4util9CLSetListIPKwNS0_7Compare5TCharENS0_7Deletor5DummyEEEN6lucene4util7__CLMapIPKwPNS_8analysis8AnalyzerESt3mapIS3_S6_NS0_7Compare5TCharESaISt4pairIKS3_S6_EEENS0_7Deletor7tcArrayENSF_4VoidIS5_EEEEN6lucene4util9CLHashMapIPKwPNS_8analysis8AnalyzerENS0_7Compare5TCharENS0_6Equals5TCharENS0_7Deletor7tcArrayENSB_4VoidIS5_EEEEN6lucene8analysis13CharTokenizerEN6lucene8analysis15LetterTokenizerEN6lucene8analysis18LowerCaseTokenizerEN6lucene8analysis19WhitespaceTokenizerEN6lucene8analysis18WhitespaceAnalyzerEN6lucene8analysis14SimpleAnalyzerEN6lucene8analysis15LowerCaseFilterEN6lucene8analysis10StopFilterEN6lucene8analysis12StopAnalyzerEN6lucene8analysis23PerFieldAnalyzerWrapperEN6lucene8analysis21ISOLatin1AccentFilterEN6lucene8analysis16KeywordTokenizerEN6lucene8analysis15KeywordAnalyzerEN6lucene8analysis12LengthFilterE' '''')' !*'")'#''$%&'(*'''''''''''''''''''''''''')'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''*''''+'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-.'/0123'45'''6'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''78'9:;<=''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''>'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           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int64_t) [with T = char; int64_t = long long int]N6lucene5index12FieldsReader18FieldsStreamHolderEN6lucene5index12FieldsReaderEN6lucene5index12FieldsWriterEN6lucene5index13IndexModifierESt12_Vector_baseIPwSaIS0_EESt3mapIPFvPN6lucene5index11IndexReaderEPvES4_NS2_20CloseCallbackCompareESaISt4pairIKS6_S4_EEESt6vectorIPwSaIS0_EEN6lucene4util7__CLMapIPFvPNS_5index11IndexReaderEPvES5_St3mapIS7_S5_NS3_20CloseCallbackCompareESaISt4pairIKS7_S5_EEES9_NS0_7Deletor5DummyEEEN6lucene4util5CLSetIPFvPNS_5index11IndexReaderEPvES5_NS3_20CloseCallbackCompareES8_NS0_7Deletor5DummyEEEN6lucene5store14LuceneLockWithIPNS_5index11IndexReaderEEEN6lucene5store14LuceneLockWithIvEEN6lucene4util8__CLListIPwSt6vectorIS2_SaIS2_EENS0_7Deletor7tcArrayEEEN6lucene4util8CLVectorIPwNS0_7Deletor7tcArrayEEEN6lucene5index11IndexReader8LockWithEN6lucene5index11IndexReader14CommitLockWithEN6lucene5index11IndexReaderESt12_Vector_baseIPN6lucene5index13SegmentReaderESaIS3_EESt6vectorIPN6lucene5index13SegmentReaderESaIS3_EEN6lucene4util8__CLListIPNS_5index13SegmentReaderESt6vectorIS4_SaIS4_EENS0_7Deletor5DummyEEEN6lucene4util8CLVectorIPNS_5index13SegmentReaderENS0_7Deletor5DummyEEEN6lucene5index11IndexWriter9LockWith2EN6lucene5index11IndexWriter11LockWithCFSEN6lucene5index11IndexWriterESt3mapIPKwPhN6lucene4util7Compare5TCharESaISt4pairIKS1_S2_EEESt3setIPwN6lucene4util7Compare5TCharESaIS0_EEN6lucene5index8TermDocsEN6lucene5index8TermEnumEN6lucene5index13TermPositionsEN6lucene4util7__CLMapIPKwPhSt3mapIS3_S4_NS0_7Compare5TCharESaISt4pairIKS3_S4_EEENS0_7Deletor7tcArrayENSD_5ArrayIhEEEEN6lucene4util9CLHashMapIPKwPhNS0_7Compare5TCharENS0_6Equals5TCharENS0_7Deletor7tcArrayENS9_5ArrayIhEEEEN6lucene4util8__CLListIPwSt3setIS2_NS0_7Compare5TCharESaIS2_EENS0_7Deletor5DummyEEEN6lucene4util9CLSetListIPwNS0_7Compare5TCharENS0_7Deletor5DummyEEEN6lucene5index13MultiTermDocsEN6lucene5index13MultiTermEnumEN6lucene5index18MultiTermPositionsEN6lucene5index11MultiReaderEN6lucene5index11SegmentInfoEN6lucene5index12SegmentInfosEN6lucene5index16SegmentMergeInfoEN6lucene4util13PriorityQueueIPNS_5index16SegmentMergeInfoENS0_7Deletor6ObjectIS3_EEEEN6lucene5index17SegmentMergeQueueESt12_Vector_baseIPN6lucene5index11IndexReaderESaIS3_EESt6vectorIPN6lucene5index11IndexReaderESaIS3_EEN6lucene4util8__CLListIPNS_5index11IndexReaderESt6vectorIS4_SaIS4_EENS0_7Deletor6ObjectIS3_EEEEN6lucene4util8CLVectorIPNS_5index11IndexReaderENS0_7Deletor6ObjectIS3_EEEE5ArrayIPN6lucene5index14TermFreqVectorEEN6lucene5index13SegmentMergerEtvxtvdtvffnmfrqprxfdxfdttiitisSt3mapIPKwPN6lucene5index13SegmentReader4NormENS2_4util7Compare5TCharESaISt4pairIKS1_S6_EEESt3mapIlPN6lucene5index17TermVectorsReaderENS0_4util22CLuceneThreadIdCompareESaISt4pairIKlS3_EEEN6lucene4util7__CLMapIPKwPNS_5index13SegmentReader4NormESt3mapIS3_S7_NS0_7Compare5TCharESaISt4pairIKS3_S7_EEENS0_7Deletor5DummyESH_EEN6lucene4util9CLHashMapIPKwPNS_5index13SegmentReader4NormENS0_7Compare5TCharENS0_6Equals5TCharENS0_7Deletor5DummyESD_EEN6lucene4util7__CLMapIlPNS_5index17TermVectorsReaderESt3mapIlS4_NS0_22CLuceneThreadIdCompareESaISt4pairIKlS4_EEENS0_7Deletor12ConstNullValIlEENSC_6ObjectIS3_EEEEN6lucene4util5CLSetIlPNS_5index17TermVectorsReaderENS0_22CLuceneThreadIdCompareENS0_7Deletor12ConstNullValIlEENS6_6ObjectIS3_EEEEN6lucene4util11ThreadLocalIPNS_5index17TermVectorsReaderENS0_7Deletor6ObjectIS3_EEEEN6lucene5index13SegmentReader4NormEN6lucene5index13SegmentReaderEN6lucene5index15SegmentTermDocsEN6lucene5index15SegmentTermEnumEN6lucene5index20SegmentTermPositionsEN6lucene5index14TermFreqVectorEN6lucene5index18TermPositionVectorEN6lucene5index17SegmentTermVectorEN6lucene5index25SegmentTermPositionVectorEN6lucene5index4TermEN6lucene5index8TermInfoESt3mapIlPN6lucene5index15SegmentTermEnumENS0_4util22CLuceneThreadIdCompareESaISt4pairIKlS3_EEEN6lucene4util7__CLMapIlPNS_5index15SegmentTermEnumESt3mapIlS4_NS0_22CLuceneThreadIdCompareESaISt4pairIKlS4_EEENS0_7Deletor12ConstNullValIlEENSC_6ObjectIS3_EEEEN6lucene4util5CLSetIlPNS_5index15SegmentTermEnumENS0_22CLuceneThreadIdCompareENS0_7Deletor12ConstNullValIlEENS6_6ObjectIS3_EEEEN6lucene4util11ThreadLocalIPNS_5index15SegmentTermEnumENS0_7Deletor6ObjectIS3_EEEEN6lucene5index15TermInfosReaderEN6lucene5index15TermInfosWriterE5ArrayIS_IiEE5ArrayIS_IN6lucene5index20TermVectorOffsetInfoEEEN6lucene5index17TermVectorsReaderESt12_Vector_baseIPN6lucene5index17TermVectorsWriter7TVFieldESaIS4_EESt12_Vector_baseIPN6lucene5index17TermVectorsWriter6TVTermESaIS4_EESt6vectorIPN6lucene5index17TermVectorsWriter7TVFieldESaIS4_EESt6vectorIPN6lucene5index17TermVectorsWriter6TVTermESaIS4_EEN6lucene5index17TermVectorsWriter7TVFieldEN6lucene4util8__CLListIPNS_5index17TermVectorsWriter7TVFieldESt6vectorIS5_SaIS5_EENS0_7Deletor6ObjectIS4_EEEEN6lucene4util8CLVectorIPNS_5index17TermVectorsWriter7TVFieldENS0_7Deletor6ObjectIS4_EEEEN6lucene4util8__CLListIPNS_5index17TermVectorsWriter6TVTermESt6vectorIS5_SaIS5_EENS0_7Deletor6ObjectIS4_EEEEN6lucene4util8CLVectorIPNS_5index17TermVectorsWriter6TVTermENS0_7Deletor6ObjectIS4_EEEEN6lucene5index17TermVectorsWriter6TVTermEN6lucene5ind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