/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ** ** This file is part of the Qt Quick Controls module of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ** ** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ** met: ** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ** distribution. ** * Neither the name of Digia Plc and its Subsidiary(-ies) nor the names ** of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived ** from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ** "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0 /*! \qmltype ComboBox \inqmlmodule QtQuick.Controls \since 5.1 \ingroup controls \brief Provides a drop-down list functionality. Add items to the comboBox by assigning it a ListModel, or a list of strings to the \l model property. \qml ComboBox { width: 200 model: [ "Banana", "Apple", "Coconut" ] } \endqml In this example we are demonstrating how to use a ListModel with a combo box. \qml ComboBox { currentIndex: 2 model: ListModel { id: cbItems ListElement { text: "Banana"; color: "Yellow" } ListElement { text: "Apple"; color: "Green" } ListElement { text: "Coconut"; color: "Brown" } } width: 200 onCurrentIndexChanged: console.debug(cbItems.get(currentIndex).text + ", " + cbItems.get(currentIndex).color) } \endqml You can make a combo box editable by setting the \l editable property. An editable combo box will autocomplete its text based on what is available in the model. In the next example we demonstrate how you can append content to an editable combo box by reacting to the \l accepted signal. Note that you have to explicitly prevent duplicates. \qml ComboBox { editable: true model: ListModel { id: model ListElement { text: "Banana"; color: "Yellow" } ListElement { text: "Apple"; color: "Green" } ListElement { text: "Coconut"; color: "Brown" } } onAccepted: { if (editableCombo.find(currentText) === -1) { model.append({text: editText}) currentIndex = editableCombo.find(editText) } } } \endqml You can create a custom appearance for a ComboBox by assigning a \l {QtQuick.Controls.Styles::ComboBoxStyle}{ComboBoxStyle}. */ Control { id: comboBox /*! \qmlproperty model ComboBox::model The model to populate the ComboBox from. Changing the model after initialization will reset \l currentIndex to \c 0. */ property alias model: popupItems.model /*! The model role used for populating the ComboBox. */ property string textRole: "" /*! \qmlproperty int ComboBox::currentIndex The index of the currently selected item in the ComboBox. Setting currentIndex to \c -1 will reset the selection and clear the text label. If \l editable is \c true, you may also need to manually clear \l editText. \sa model */ property alias currentIndex: popup.__selectedIndex /*! \qmlproperty string ComboBox::currentText The text of the currently selected item in the ComboBox. \note Since \c currentText depends on \c currentIndex, there's no way to ensure \c currentText will be up to date whenever a \c onCurrentIndexChanged handler is called. */ readonly property alias currentText: popup.currentText /*! This property holds whether the combo box can be edited by the user. The default value is \c false. \since QtQuick.Controls 1.1 */ property bool editable: false /*! \qmlproperty string ComboBox::editText \since QtQuick.Controls 1.1 This property specifies text being manipulated by the user for an editable combo box. */ property alias editText: input.text /*! This property specifies whether the combobox should gain active focus when pressed. The default value is \c false. */ property bool activeFocusOnPress: false /*! \qmlproperty bool ComboBox::pressed This property holds whether the button is being pressed. */ readonly property bool pressed: mouseArea.pressed && mouseArea.containsMouse || popup.__popupVisible /*! \qmlproperty bool ComboBox::hovered This property indicates whether the control is being hovered. */ readonly property alias hovered: mouseArea.containsMouse /*! \qmlproperty int ComboBox::count \since QtQuick.Controls 1.1 This property holds the number of items in the combo box. */ readonly property alias count: popupItems.count /*! Returns the text for a given \a index. If an invalid index is provided, \c null is returned \since QtQuick.Controls 1.1 */ function textAt (index) { if (index >= count || index < 0) return null; return popupItems.objectAt(index).text; } /*! Finds and returns the index of a given \a text If no match is found, \c -1 is returned. The search is case sensitive. \since QtQuick.Controls 1.1 */ function find (text) { return input.find(text, Qt.MatchExactly) } /*! \qmlproperty Validator ComboBox::validator \since QtQuick.Controls 1.1 Allows you to set a text validator for an editable ComboBox. When a validator is set, the text field will only accept input which leaves the text property in an intermediate state. The accepted signal will only be sent if the text is in an acceptable state when enter is pressed. Currently supported validators are \l{QtQuick::}{IntValidator}, \l{QtQuick::}{DoubleValidator}, and \l{QtQuick::}{RegExpValidator}. An example of using validators is shown below, which allows input of integers between 11 and 31 into the text field: \note This property is only applied when \l editable is \c true \qml import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 ComboBox { editable: true model: 10 validator: IntValidator {bottom: 0; top: 10;} focus: true } \endqml \sa acceptableInput, accepted, editable */ property alias validator: input.validator /*! \qmlproperty bool ComboBox::acceptableInput \since QtQuick.Controls 1.1 Returns \c true if the combo box contains acceptable text in the editable text field. If a validator was set, this property will return \c true if the current text satisfies the validator or mask as a final string (not as an intermediate string). \sa validator, accepted */ readonly property alias acceptableInput: input.acceptableInput /*! \qmlsignal ComboBox::accepted() \since QtQuick.Controls 1.1 This signal is emitted when the Return or Enter key is pressed on an \l editable combo box. If the confirmed string is not currently in the model, the currentIndex will be set to -1 and the \l currentText will be updated accordingly. \note If there is a \l validator set on the combobox, the signal will only be emitted if the input is in an acceptable state. The corresponding handler is \c onAccepted. */ signal accepted /*! \qmlsignal ComboBox::activated(int index) \since QtQuick.Controls 1.1 \a index is the triggered model index or -1 if a new string is accepted This signal is similar to currentIndex changed, but will only be emitted if the combo box index was changed by the user and not when set programatically. The corresponding handler is \c onActivated. */ signal activated(int index) /*! \qmlmethod ComboBox::selectAll() \since QtQuick.Controls 1.1 Causes all \l editText to be selected. */ function selectAll() { input.selectAll() } /*! \internal */ function __selectPrevItem() { input.blockUpdate = true if (currentIndex > 0) { currentIndex--; input.text = popup.currentText; activated(currentIndex); } input.blockUpdate = false; } /*! \internal */ function __selectNextItem() { input.blockUpdate = true; if (currentIndex < popupItems.count - 1) { currentIndex++; input.text = popup.currentText; activated(currentIndex); } input.blockUpdate = false; } /*! \internal */ property var __popup: popup style: Qt.createComponent(Settings.style + "/ComboBoxStyle.qml", comboBox) activeFocusOnTab: true Accessible.name: editable ? editText : currentText Accessible.role: Accessible.ComboBox Accessible.editable: editable MouseArea { id: mouseArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true onPressed: { if (comboBox.activeFocusOnPress) forceActiveFocus() popup.show() } onWheel: { if (wheel.angleDelta.y > 0) { __selectPrevItem(); } else if (wheel.angleDelta.y < 0){ __selectNextItem(); } } } Component.onCompleted: { if (currentIndex === -1) currentIndex = 0 popup.ready = true popup.resolveTextValue(textRole) } Keys.onPressed: { // Perform one-character based lookup for non-editable combo box if (!editable && event.text.length > 0) { var index = input.find(event.text, Qt.MatchStartsWith); if (index >= 0 && index !== currentIndex) { currentIndex = index; activated(currentIndex); } } } TextInput { id: input visible: editable enabled: editable focus: true clip: contentWidth > width anchors.fill: parent anchors.leftMargin: 8 anchors.rightMargin: __style.dropDownButtonWidth verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter renderType: __style ? __style.renderType : Text.NativeRendering selectByMouse: true color: __style.__syspal.text selectionColor: __style.__syspal.highlight selectedTextColor: __style.__syspal.highlightedText onAccepted: { var idx = input.find(editText, Qt.MatchFixedString) if (idx > -1) { editTextMatches = true; currentIndex = idx; editText = textAt(idx); } else { editTextMatches = false; currentIndex = -1; popup.currentText = editText; } comboBox.accepted(); } property bool blockUpdate: false property string prevText property bool editTextMatches: true function find (text, searchType) { for (var i = 0 ; i < popupItems.count ; ++i) { var currentString = popupItems.objectAt(i).text if (searchType === Qt.MatchExactly) { if (text === currentString) return i; } else if (searchType === Qt.CaseSensitive) { if (currentString.indexOf(text) === 0) return i; } else if (searchType === Qt.MatchFixedString) { if (currentString.toLowerCase().indexOf(text.toLowerCase()) === 0 && currentString.length === text.length) return i; } else if (currentString.toLowerCase().indexOf(text.toLowerCase()) === 0) { return i } } return -1; } // Finds first entry and shortest entry. Used by editable combo function tryComplete (inputText) { var candidate = ""; var shortestString = ""; for (var i = 0 ; i < popupItems.count ; ++i) { var currentString = popupItems.objectAt(i).text; if (currentString.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputText.toLowerCase()) === 0) { if (candidate.length) { // Find smallest possible match var cmp = 0; // We try to complete the shortest string that matches our search if (currentString.length < candidate.length) candidate = currentString while (cmp < Math.min(currentString.length, shortestString.length) && shortestString[cmp].toLowerCase() === currentString[cmp].toLowerCase()) cmp++; shortestString = shortestString.substring(0, cmp); } else { // First match, select as current index and find other matches candidate = currentString; shortestString = currentString; } } } if (candidate.length) return inputText + candidate.substring(inputText.length, candidate.length); return inputText; } property bool allowComplete: false Keys.forwardTo: comboBox Keys.onPressed: allowComplete = (event.key !== Qt.Key_Backspace && event.key !== Qt.Key_Delete); onTextChanged: { if (editable && !blockUpdate && allowComplete && text.length > 0) { var completed = input.tryComplete(text) if (completed.length > text.length) { var oldtext = input.text; input.text = completed; input.select(text.length, oldtext.length); } } prevText = text } } Binding { target: input property: "text" value: popup.currentText when: input.editTextMatches } onTextRoleChanged: popup.resolveTextValue(textRole) Menu { id: popup objectName: "popup" style: isPopup ? __style.__popupStyle : __style.__dropDownStyle property string currentText: selectedText onSelectedTextChanged: if (selectedText) popup.currentText = selectedText property string selectedText on__SelectedIndexChanged: { if (__selectedIndex === -1) popup.currentText = "" else updateSelectedText() } property string textRole: "" property bool ready: false property bool isPopup: !editable && !!__panel && __panel.popup property int y: isPopup ? (comboBox.__panel.height - comboBox.__panel.implicitHeight) / 2.0 : comboBox.__panel.height __minimumWidth: comboBox.width __visualItem: comboBox property ExclusiveGroup eg: ExclusiveGroup { id: eg } property bool modelIsArray: false Instantiator { id: popupItems active: false property bool updatingModel: false onModelChanged: { popup.modelIsArray = !!model ? model.constructor === Array : false if (active) { if (updatingModel && popup.__selectedIndex === 0) { // We still want to update the currentText popup.updateSelectedText() } else { updatingModel = true popup.__selectedIndex = 0 } } popup.resolveTextValue(comboBox.textRole) } MenuItem { text: popup.textRole === '' ? modelData : ((popup.modelIsArray ? modelData[popup.textRole] : model[popup.textRole]) || '') onTriggered: { if (index !== currentIndex) activated(index) comboBox.editText = text } checkable: true exclusiveGroup: eg } onObjectAdded: { popup.insertItem(index, object) if (!updatingModel && index === popup.__selectedIndex) popup.selectedText = object["text"] } onObjectRemoved: popup.removeItem(object) } function resolveTextValue(initialTextRole) { if (!ready || !model) { popupItems.active = false return; } var get = model['get']; if (!get && popup.modelIsArray && !!model[0]) { if (model[0].constructor !== String && model[0].constructor !== Number) get = function(i) { return model[i]; } } var modelMayHaveRoles = get !== undefined textRole = initialTextRole if (textRole === "" && modelMayHaveRoles && get(0)) { // No text role set, check whether model has a suitable role // If 'text' is found, or there's only one role, pick that. var listElement = get(0) var roleName = "" var roleCount = 0 for (var role in listElement) { if (listElement[role].constructor === Function) continue; if (role === "text") { roleName = role break } else if (!roleName) { roleName = role } ++roleCount } if (roleCount > 1 && roleName !== "text") { console.warn("No suitable 'textRole' found for ComboBox.") } else { textRole = roleName } } if (!popupItems.active) popupItems.active = true else updateSelectedText() } function show() { if (items[__selectedIndex]) items[__selectedIndex].checked = true __currentIndex = comboBox.currentIndex if (Qt.application.layoutDirection === Qt.RightToLeft) __popup(comboBox.width, y, isPopup ? __selectedIndex : 0) else __popup(0, y, isPopup ? __selectedIndex : 0) } function updateSelectedText() { var selectedItem; if (__selectedIndex !== -1 && (selectedItem = items[__selectedIndex])) { input.editTextMatches = true selectedText = selectedItem.text } } } // The key bindings below will only be in use when popup is // not visible. Otherwise, native popup key handling will take place: Keys.onSpacePressed: { if (!popup.popupVisible) popup.show() } Keys.onUpPressed: __selectPrevItem() Keys.onDownPressed: __selectNextItem() }