/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the Qt Quick Controls module of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:LGPL3$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements ** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in ** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be ** met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html. ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0 import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0 as Private import QtQuick.Window 2.1 /*! \qmltype SplitView \inqmlmodule QtQuick.Controls \since 5.1 \ingroup views \ingroup controls \brief Lays out items with a draggable splitter between each item. \image splitview.png SplitView is a control that lays out items horizontally or vertically with a draggable splitter between each item. There will always be one (and only one) item in the SplitView that has \l{Layout::fillWidth}{Layout.fillWidth} set to \c true (or \l{Layout::fillHeight}{Layout.fillHeight}, if orientation is Qt.Vertical). This means that the item will get all leftover space when other items have been laid out. By default, the last visible child of the SplitView will have this set, but it can be changed by explicitly setting fillWidth to \c true on another item. As the fillWidth item will automatically be resized to fit the extra space, explicit assignments to width and height will be ignored (but \l{Layout::minimumWidth}{Layout.minimumWidth} and \l{Layout::maximumWidth}{Layout.maximumWidth} will still be respected). A handle can belong to the item either on the left or top side, or on the right or bottom side: \list \li If the fillWidth item is to the right: the handle belongs to the left item. \li if the fillWidth item is on the left: the handle belongs to the right item. \endlist This will again control which item gets resized when the user drags a handle, and which handle gets hidden when an item is told to hide. SplitView supports setting attached Layout properties on child items, which means that you can set the following attached properties for each child: \list \li \l{Layout::minimumWidth}{Layout.minimumWidth} \li \l{Layout::minimumHeight}{Layout.minimumHeight} \li \l{Layout::maximumWidth}{Layout.maximumWidth} \li \l{Layout::maximumHeight}{Layout.maximumHeight} \li \l{Layout::fillWidth}{Layout.fillWidth} (\c true for only one child) \li \l{Layout::fillHeight}{Layout.fillHeight} (\c true for only one child) \endlist \note import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0 in your QML file in order to use the Layout attached properties inside SplitView. Example: To create a SplitView with three items, and let the center item get superfluous space, one could do the following: \qml SplitView { anchors.fill: parent orientation: Qt.Horizontal Rectangle { width: 200 Layout.maximumWidth: 400 color: "lightblue" Text { text: "View 1" anchors.centerIn: parent } } Rectangle { id: centerItem Layout.minimumWidth: 50 Layout.fillWidth: true color: "lightgray" Text { text: "View 2" anchors.centerIn: parent } } Rectangle { width: 200 color: "lightgreen" Text { text: "View 3" anchors.centerIn: parent } } } \endqml */ Item { id: root /*! \qmlproperty enumeration SplitView::orientation This property holds the orientation of the SplitView. The value can be either \c Qt.Horizontal or \c Qt.Vertical. The default value is \c Qt.Horizontal. */ property int orientation: Qt.Horizontal /*! This property holds the delegate that will be instantiated between each child item. Inside the delegate the following properties are available: \table \row \li readonly property bool styleData.index \li Specifies the index of the splitter handle. The handle between the first and the second item will get index 0, the next handle index 1 etc. \row \li readonly property bool styleData.hovered \li The handle is being hovered. \row \li readonly property bool styleData.pressed \li The handle is being pressed. \row \li readonly property bool styleData.resizing \li The handle is being dragged. \endtable */ property Component handleDelegate: Rectangle { width: 1 height: 1 color: Qt.darker(pal.window, 1.5) } /*! This propery is \c true when the user is resizing any of the items by dragging on the splitter handles. */ property bool resizing: false /*! \internal */ default property alias __contents: contents.data /*! \internal */ property alias __items: splitterItems.children /*! \internal */ property alias __handles: splitterHandles.children clip: true Component.onCompleted: d.init() onWidthChanged: d.updateLayout() onHeightChanged: d.updateLayout() onOrientationChanged: d.changeOrientation() /*! \qmlmethod void SplitView::addItem(Item item) Add an item to the end of the view. \since QtQuick.Controls 1.3 */ function addItem(item) { d.updateLayoutGuard = true d.addItem_impl(item) d.calculateImplicitSize() d.updateLayoutGuard = false d.updateFillIndex() } /*! \qmlmethod void SplitView::removeItem(Item item) Remove \a item from the view. \since QtQuick.Controls 1.4 */ function removeItem(item) { d.updateLayoutGuard = true var result = d.removeItem_impl(item) if (result !== null) { d.calculateImplicitSize() d.updateLayoutGuard = false d.updateFillIndex() } else { d.updateLayoutGuard = false } } SystemPalette { id: pal } QtObject { id: d readonly property string leftMargin: horizontal ? "leftMargin" : "topMargin" readonly property string topMargin: horizontal ? "topMargin" : "leftMargin" readonly property string rightMargin: horizontal ? "rightMargin" : "bottomMargin" property bool horizontal: orientation == Qt.Horizontal readonly property string minimum: horizontal ? "minimumWidth" : "minimumHeight" readonly property string maximum: horizontal ? "maximumWidth" : "maximumHeight" readonly property string otherMinimum: horizontal ? "minimumHeight" : "minimumWidth" readonly property string otherMaximum: horizontal ? "maximumHeight" : "maximumWidth" readonly property string offset: horizontal ? "x" : "y" readonly property string otherOffset: horizontal ? "y" : "x" readonly property string size: horizontal ? "width" : "height" readonly property string otherSize: horizontal ? "height" : "width" readonly property string implicitSize: horizontal ? "implicitWidth" : "implicitHeight" readonly property string implicitOtherSize: horizontal ? "implicitHeight" : "implicitWidth" property int fillIndex: -1 property bool updateLayoutGuard: true function extraMarginSize(item, other) { if (typeof(other) === 'undefined') other = false; if (other === horizontal) // vertical return item.Layout.topMargin + item.Layout.bottomMargin return item.Layout.leftMargin + item.Layout.rightMargin } function addItem_impl(item) { // temporarily set fillIndex to new item fillIndex = __items.length if (splitterItems.children.length > 0) handleLoader.createObject(splitterHandles, {"__handleIndex":splitterItems.children.length - 1}) item.parent = splitterItems d.initItemConnections(item) } function initItemConnections(item) { // should match disconnections in terminateItemConnections item.widthChanged.connect(d.updateLayout) item.heightChanged.connect(d.updateLayout) item.Layout.maximumWidthChanged.connect(d.updateLayout) item.Layout.minimumWidthChanged.connect(d.updateLayout) item.Layout.maximumHeightChanged.connect(d.updateLayout) item.Layout.minimumHeightChanged.connect(d.updateLayout) item.Layout.leftMarginChanged.connect(d.updateLayout) item.Layout.topMarginChanged.connect(d.updateLayout) item.Layout.rightMarginChanged.connect(d.updateLayout) item.Layout.bottomMarginChanged.connect(d.updateLayout) item.visibleChanged.connect(d.updateFillIndex) item.Layout.fillWidthChanged.connect(d.updateFillIndex) item.Layout.fillHeightChanged.connect(d.updateFillIndex) } function terminateItemConnections(item) { // should match connections in initItemConnections item.widthChanged.disconnect(d.updateLayout) item.heightChanged.disconnect(d.updateLayout) item.Layout.maximumWidthChanged.disconnect(d.updateLayout) item.Layout.minimumWidthChanged.disconnect(d.updateLayout) item.Layout.maximumHeightChanged.disconnect(d.updateLayout) item.Layout.minimumHeightChanged.disconnect(d.updateLayout) item.visibleChanged.disconnect(d.updateFillIndex) item.Layout.fillWidthChanged.disconnect(d.updateFillIndex) item.Layout.fillHeightChanged.disconnect(d.updateFillIndex) } function removeItem_impl(item) { var pos = itemPos(item) // Check pos range if (pos < 0 || pos >= __items.length) return null // Temporary unset the fillIndex fillIndex = __items.length - 1 // Remove the handle at the left/right of the item that // is going to be removed var handlePos = -1 var hasPrevious = pos > 0 var hasNext = (pos + 1) < __items.length if (hasPrevious) handlePos = pos-1 else if (hasNext) handlePos = pos if (handlePos >= 0) { var handle = __handles[handlePos] handle.visible = false handle.parent = null handle.destroy() for (var i = handlePos; i < __handles.length; ++i) __handles[i].__handleIndex = i } // Remove the item. // Disconnect the item to be removed terminateItemConnections(item) item.parent = null return item } function itemPos(item) { for (var i = 0; i < __items.length; ++i) if (item === __items[i]) return i return -1 } function init() { for (var i=0; i<__contents.length; ++i) { var item = __contents[i]; if (!item.hasOwnProperty("x")) continue addItem_impl(item) i-- // item was removed from list } d.calculateImplicitSize() d.updateLayoutGuard = false d.updateFillIndex() } function updateFillIndex() { if (lastItem.visible !== root.visible) return var policy = (root.orientation === Qt.Horizontal) ? "fillWidth" : "fillHeight" for (var i=0; i<__items.length-1; ++i) { if (__items[i].Layout[policy] === true) break; } d.fillIndex = i d.updateLayout() } function changeOrientation() { if (__items.length == 0) return; d.updateLayoutGuard = true // Swap width/height for items and handles: for (var i=0; i<__items.length; ++i) { var item = __items[i] var tmp = item.x item.x = item.y item.y = tmp tmp = item.width item.width = item.height item.height = tmp var handle = __handles[i] if (handle) { tmp = handle.x handle.x = handle.y handle.y = handle.x tmp = handle.width handle.width = handle.height handle.height = tmp } } // Change d.horizontal explicit, since the binding will change too late: d.horizontal = orientation == Qt.Horizontal d.updateLayoutGuard = false d.updateFillIndex() } function calculateImplicitSize() { var implicitSize = 0 var implicitOtherSize = 0 for (var i=0; i<__items.length; ++i) { var item = __items[i]; implicitSize += clampedMinMax(item[d.size], item.Layout[minimum], item.Layout[maximum]) + extraMarginSize(item) var os = clampedMinMax(item[otherSize], item.Layout[otherMinimum], item.Layout[otherMaximum]) + extraMarginSize(item, true) implicitOtherSize = Math.max(implicitOtherSize, os) var handle = __handles[i] if (handle) implicitSize += handle[d.size] //### Can handles have margins?? } root[d.implicitSize] = implicitSize root[d.implicitOtherSize] = implicitOtherSize } function clampedMinMax(value, minimum, maximum) { if (value < minimum) value = minimum if (value > maximum) value = maximum return value } function accumulatedSize(firstIndex, lastIndex, includeFillItemMinimum) { // Go through items and handles, and // calculate their accummulated width. var w = 0 for (var i=firstIndex; i __handleIndex) visible: __items[__handleIndex + (resizeLeftItem ? 0 : 1)].visible sourceComponent: handleDelegate onWidthChanged: d.updateLayout() onHeightChanged: d.updateLayout() onXChanged: moveHandle() onYChanged: moveHandle() MouseArea { id: mouseArea anchors.fill: parent property real defaultMargin: Private.Settings.hasTouchScreen ? Screen.pixelDensity * 3.5 : 2 anchors.leftMargin: (parent.width <= 1) ? -defaultMargin : 0 anchors.rightMargin: (parent.width <= 1) ? -defaultMargin : 0 anchors.topMargin: (parent.height <= 1) ? -defaultMargin : 0 anchors.bottomMargin: (parent.height <= 1) ? -defaultMargin : 0 hoverEnabled: Private.Settings.hoverEnabled drag.threshold: 0 drag.target: parent drag.axis: root.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? Drag.XAxis : Drag.YAxis cursorShape: root.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? Qt.SplitHCursor : Qt.SplitVCursor } function moveHandle() { // Moving the handle means resizing an item. Which one, // left or right, depends on where the fillItem is. // 'updateLayout' will be overridden in case new width violates max/min. // 'updateLayout' will be triggered when an item changes width. if (d.updateLayoutGuard) return var leftHandle, leftItem, rightItem, rightHandle var leftEdge, rightEdge, newWidth, leftStopX, rightStopX var i if (resizeLeftItem) { // Ensure that the handle is not crossing other handles. So // find the first visible handle to the left to determine the left edge: leftEdge = 0 for (i=__handleIndex-1; i>=0; --i) { leftHandle = __handles[i] if (leftHandle.visible) { leftEdge = leftHandle[d.offset] + leftHandle[d.size] break; } } // Ensure: leftStopX >= itemHandle[d.offset] >= rightStopX var min = d.accumulatedSize(__handleIndex+1, __items.length, true) rightStopX = root[d.size] - min - itemHandle[d.size] leftStopX = Math.max(leftEdge, itemHandle[d.offset]) itemHandle[d.offset] = Math.min(rightStopX, Math.max(leftStopX, itemHandle[d.offset])) newWidth = itemHandle[d.offset] - leftEdge leftItem = __items[__handleIndex] // The next line will trigger 'updateLayout': leftItem[d.size] = newWidth } else { // Resize item to the right. // Ensure that the handle is not crossing other handles. So // find the first visible handle to the right to determine the right edge: rightEdge = root[d.size] for (i=__handleIndex+1; i<__handles.length; ++i) { rightHandle = __handles[i] if (rightHandle.visible) { rightEdge = rightHandle[d.offset] break; } } // Ensure: leftStopX <= itemHandle[d.offset] <= rightStopX min = d.accumulatedSize(0, __handleIndex+1, true) leftStopX = min - itemHandle[d.size] rightStopX = Math.min((rightEdge - itemHandle[d.size]), itemHandle[d.offset]) itemHandle[d.offset] = Math.max(leftStopX, Math.min(itemHandle[d.offset], rightStopX)) newWidth = rightEdge - (itemHandle[d.offset] + itemHandle[d.size]) rightItem = __items[__handleIndex+1] // The next line will trigger 'updateLayout': rightItem[d.size] = newWidth } } } } Item { id: contents visible: false anchors.fill: parent } Item { id: splitterItems anchors.fill: parent } Item { id: splitterHandles anchors.fill: parent } Item { id: lastItem onVisibleChanged: d.updateFillIndex() } Component.onDestruction: { for (var i=0; i