/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:LGPL21$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. 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These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.0 import QtMultimedia 5.0 /*! \qmltype Video \inherits Item \ingroup multimedia_qml \ingroup multimedia_video_qml \inqmlmodule QtMultimedia \brief A convenience type for showing a specified video. \c Video is a convenience type combining the functionality of a \l MediaPlayer and a \l VideoOutput into one. It provides simple video playback functionality without having to declare multiple types. \qml Video { id: video width : 800 height : 600 source: "video.avi" MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { video.play() } } focus: true Keys.onSpacePressed: video.playbackState == MediaPlayer.PlayingState ? video.pause() : video.play() Keys.onLeftPressed: video.seek(video.position - 5000) Keys.onRightPressed: video.seek(video.position + 5000) } \endqml \c Video supports untransformed, stretched, and uniformly scaled video presentation. For a description of stretched uniformly scaled presentation, see the \l fillMode property description. \sa MediaPlayer, VideoOutput \omit \section1 Screen Saver If it is likely that an application will be playing video for an extended period of time without user interaction, it may be necessary to disable the platform's screen saver. The \l ScreenSaver (from \l QtSystemInfo) may be used to disable the screensaver in this fashion: \qml import QtSystemInfo 5.0 ScreenSaver { screenSaverEnabled: false } \endqml \endomit */ // TODO: Restore Qt System Info docs when the module is released Item { id: video /*** Properties of VideoOutput ***/ /*! \qmlproperty enumeration Video::fillMode Set this property to define how the video is scaled to fit the target area. \list \li VideoOutput.Stretch - the video is scaled to fit \li VideoOutput.PreserveAspectFit - the video is scaled uniformly to fit without cropping \li VideoOutput.PreserveAspectCrop - the video is scaled uniformly to fill, cropping if necessary \endlist Because this type is for convenience in QML, it does not support enumerations directly, so enumerations from \c VideoOutput are used to access the available fill modes. The default fill mode is preserveAspectFit. */ property alias fillMode: videoOut.fillMode /*! \qmlproperty int Video::orientation The orientation of the \c Video in degrees. Only multiples of 90 degrees is supported, that is 0, 90, 180, 270, 360, etc. */ property alias orientation: videoOut.orientation /*** Properties of MediaPlayer ***/ /*! \qmlproperty enumeration Video::playbackState This read only property indicates the playback state of the media. \list \li MediaPlayer.PlayingState - the media is playing \li MediaPlayer.PausedState - the media is paused \li MediaPlayer.StoppedState - the media is stopped \endlist The default state is MediaPlayer.StoppedState. */ property alias playbackState: player.playbackState /*! \qmlproperty bool Video::autoLoad This property indicates if loading of media should begin immediately. Defaults to true, if false media will not be loaded until playback is started. */ property alias autoLoad: player.autoLoad /*! \qmlproperty real Video::bufferProgress This property holds how much of the data buffer is currently filled, from 0.0 (empty) to 1.0 (full). */ property alias bufferProgress: player.bufferProgress /*! \qmlproperty int Video::duration This property holds the duration of the media in milliseconds. If the media doesn't have a fixed duration (a live stream for example) this will be 0. */ property alias duration: player.duration /*! \qmlproperty enumeration Video::error This property holds the error state of the video. It can be one of: \list \li MediaPlayer.NoError - there is no current error. \li MediaPlayer.ResourceError - the video cannot be played due to a problem allocating resources. \li MediaPlayer.FormatError - the video format is not supported. \li MediaPlayer.NetworkError - the video cannot be played due to network issues. \li MediaPlayer.AccessDenied - the video cannot be played due to insufficient permissions. \li MediaPlayer.ServiceMissing - the video cannot be played because the media service could not be instantiated. \endlist */ property alias error: player.error /*! \qmlproperty string Video::errorString This property holds a string describing the current error condition in more detail. */ property alias errorString: player.errorString /*! \qmlproperty enumeration Video::availability Returns the availability state of the video instance. This is one of: \table \header \li Value \li Description \row \li MediaPlayer.Available \li The video player is available to use. \row \li MediaPlayer.Busy \li The video player is usually available, but some other process is utilizing the hardware necessary to play media. \row \li MediaPlayer.Unavailable \li There are no supported video playback facilities. \row \li MediaPlayer.ResourceMissing \li There is one or more resources missing, so the video player cannot be used. It may be possible to try again at a later time. \endtable */ property alias availability: player.availability /*! \qmlproperty bool Video::hasAudio This property holds whether the current media has audio content. */ property alias hasAudio: player.hasAudio /*! \qmlproperty bool Video::hasVideo This property holds whether the current media has video content. */ property alias hasVideo: player.hasVideo /*! \qmlproperty object Video::metaData This property holds the meta data for the current media. See \l{MediaPlayer::metaData}{MediaPlayer.metaData} for details about each meta data key. \sa {QMediaMetaData} */ property alias metaData: player.metaData /*! \qmlproperty bool Video::muted This property holds whether the audio output is muted. */ property alias muted: player.muted /*! \qmlproperty real Video::playbackRate This property holds the rate at which video is played at as a multiple of the normal rate. */ property alias playbackRate: player.playbackRate /*! \qmlproperty int Video::position This property holds the current playback position in milliseconds. To change this position, use the \l seek() method. \sa seek() */ property alias position: player.position /*! \qmlproperty bool Video::seekable This property holds whether the playback position of the video can be changed. If true, calling the \l seek() method will cause playback to seek to the new position. */ property alias seekable: player.seekable /*! \qmlproperty url Video::source This property holds the source URL of the media. */ property alias source: player.source /*! \qmlproperty enumeration Video::status This property holds the status of media loading. It can be one of: \list \li MediaPlayer.NoMedia - no media has been set. \li MediaPlayer.Loading - the media is currently being loaded. \li MediaPlayer.Loaded - the media has been loaded. \li MediaPlayer.Buffering - the media is buffering data. \li MediaPlayer.Stalled - playback has been interrupted while the media is buffering data. \li MediaPlayer.Buffered - the media has buffered data. \li MediaPlayer.EndOfMedia - the media has played to the end. \li MediaPlayer.InvalidMedia - the media cannot be played. \li MediaPlayer.UnknownStatus - the status of the media cannot be determined. \endlist */ property alias status: player.status /*! \qmlproperty real Video::volume This property holds the volume of the audio output, from 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (maximum volume). */ property alias volume: player.volume /*! \qmlproperty bool Video::autoPlay This property determines whether the media should begin playback automatically. Setting to \c true also sets \l autoLoad to \c true. The default is \c false. */ property alias autoPlay: player.autoPlay /*! \qmlsignal Video::paused() This signal is emitted when playback is paused. The corresponding handler is \c onPaused. */ signal paused /*! \qmlsignal Video::stopped() This signal is emitted when playback is stopped. The corresponding handler is \c onStopped. */ signal stopped /*! \qmlsignal Video::playing() This signal is emitted when playback is started or continued. The corresponding handler is \c onPlaying. */ signal playing VideoOutput { id: videoOut anchors.fill: video source: player } MediaPlayer { id: player onPaused: video.paused() onStopped: video.stopped() onPlaying: video.playing() } /*! \qmlmethod Video::play() Starts playback of the media. */ function play() { player.play(); } /*! \qmlmethod Video::pause() Pauses playback of the media. */ function pause() { player.pause(); } /*! \qmlmethod Video::stop() Stops playback of the media. */ function stop() { player.stop(); } /*! \qmlmethod Video::seek(offset) If the \l seekable property is true, seeks the current playback position to \a offset. Seeking may be asynchronous, so the \l position property may not be updated immediately. \sa seekable, position */ function seek(offset) { player.seek(offset); } }