%\iffalse % fmtcount.dtx generated using makedtx version 1.2 (c) Nicola Talbot % Command line args: % -doc "fmtcount-manual.tex" % -src "(.+)\.(sty|def)$=>\1.\2" % -author "Nicola Talbot and Vincent Belaïche" % fmtcount % Created on 2024/10/18 15:41 %\fi %\iffalse %<*package> %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| %% Right brace \} Tilde \~} % %\fi % \iffalse % Doc-Source file to use with LaTeX2e % Copyright (C) 2024 Nicola Talbot and Vincent Belaïche, all rights reserved. % \fi % \iffalse %<*driver> \documentclass{nlctdoc} \usepackage{color} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[french,english]{babel} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} \usepackage{tabularx,supertabular,multirow} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{cmap} \usepackage{fmtcount}% needed for \fc@iterate@on@languages \newcommand*\uref[1]{\href{#1}{#1}} \DeclareMathOperator{\intv}{..} \newcommand*\interface{} \makeatletter \newcommand*{\LanguagePackageOptionList}{{% \def\@tempf##1{\texttt{##1}}% how to format each option % we don't use \cs{newtoks} because anyway this is within a group \toks0{}% token in which we accumulate result % \toks1 token in which we place next dialect \count0 0 % to distinguish first and second iteration, we need to do tricks because we want to insert `and' % before the last item in the list. \def\@tempb##1{% \ifnum\count0=0 % \else\ifnum\count0=1 % \toks0\toks1 % \else \edef\@tempa{\the\toks0, \the\toks1}% \toks0\expandafter{\@tempa}% \fi\fi \toks1\expandafter{\@tempf{##1}}% \advance\count0 by 1 % }% \fc@iterate@on@languages\@tempb \edef\@tempa{\the\toks0, and \the\toks1}% \expandafter }\@tempa} \makeatother \usepackage[colorlinks, bookmarks, bookmarksopen, pdfauthor={Nicola L.C. Talbot}, pdftitle={fmtcount.sty: Displaying the Values of LaTeX Counters}, pdfkeywords={LaTeX,counter}]{hyperref} \CheckSum{10802} \doxitem{Option}{option}{options} \newlength{\tabcolwidth} \newlength{\coliwidth} \newcommand*\cnab{\centering\arraybackslash} \newcommand*\ColIRI[1]{} \csname @ifpackageloaded\endcsname{tex4ht}{% \newcommand*\ColIRII[1]{\parbox{\coliwidth}{\cnab #1}} }{% \newcommand*\ColIRII[1]{\multirow{-2}{\coliwidth}{\cnab #1}} } \begin{document} \DocInput{fmtcount.dtx} \end{document} % %\fi %\RecordChanges % % \title{fmtcount.sty: Displaying the Values of %\LaTeX\ Counters} % \author{Nicola L.C. Talbot\\ % \url{www.dickimaw-books.com} % \and % Vincent Bela\"iche} % \date{2024-10-18 (version 3.09)\relax %} % \maketitle % \tableofcontents % \section{Introduction} % %The \styfmt{fmtcount} package provides commands to display %the values of \LaTeX\ counters in a variety of formats. It also %provides equivalent commands for actual numbers rather than %counter names. Limited multilingual support is available. %Currently, there is only support for English, French (including %Belgian and Swiss variations), Spanish, Portuguese, German and %Italian. % %\section{Available Commands} % %The commands can be divided into two categories: those that %take the name of a counter as the argument, and those %that take a number as the argument. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\ordinal}] %\cs{ordinal}\marg{counter}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} %This will print the value of a \LaTeX\ counter \meta{counter} as an %ordinal, where the macro %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\fmtord}] %\cs{fmtord}\marg{text} %\end{definition} %is used to format the st, nd, rd, th bit. By default the ordinal is %formatted as a superscript, if the package option \pkgopt{level} is %used, it is level with the text. For example, if the current section %is \arabic{section}, then \verb"\ordinal{section}" will produce the output: %\ordinal{section}. Note that the optional argument \meta{gender} %occurs \emph{at the end}. This argument may only take one of %the following values: \texttt{m} (masculine), \texttt{f} %(feminine) or \texttt{n} (neuter.) If \meta{gender} is omitted, %or if the given gender has no meaning in the current language, %\texttt{m} is assumed. % %\textbf{Notes:} %\begin{enumerate} %\item the \cls{memoir} class also defines a command called %\cs{ordinal} which takes a number as an argument instead of a %counter. In order to overcome this incompatiblity, if you want %to use the \styfmt{fmtcount} package with the \cls{memoir} class %you should use %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\FCordinal}] %\cs{FCordinal} %\end{definition} %to access \styfmt{fmtcount}'s version of \cs{ordinal}, and use %\cs{ordinal} to use \cls{memoir}'s version of that command. %\item When the \oarg{gender} optional argument is omitted, no ignoring of spaces % following the final argument occurs. So both % \verb"\ordinal{section}"\textvisiblespace\verb"!" and % \verb"\ordinal{section}[m]"\textvisiblespace\verb"!" will produce: % \ordinal{section}\textvisiblespace!, where \textvisiblespace\ denotes a space. See % \S~\ref{sec:tailing-oarg}. %\end{enumerate} % %The commands below only work for numbers in the range 0~to~99999. %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\ordinalnum}] %\cs{ordinalnum}\marg{n}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} %This is like \cs{ordinal} but takes an actual number rather than a counter as the argument. For example: %\verb"\ordinalnum{"\texttt{\arabic{section}}\verb"}" will produce: \ordinal{section}. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\numberstring}] %\cs{numberstring}\marg{counter}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} %This will print the value of \meta{counter} as text. E.g.\ %\verb"\numberstring{section}" will produce: three. The optional %argument is the same as that for \cs{ordinal}. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\Numberstring}] %\cs{Numberstring}\marg{counter}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} %This does the same as \cs{numberstring}, but with initial letters in %uppercase. For example, \verb"\Numberstring{section}" will produce: %\Numberstring{section}. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\NUMBERstring}] %\cs{NUMBERstring}\marg{counter}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} %This does the same as \cs{numberstring}, but converts the string to %upper case. Note that %\verb"\MakeUppercase{\NUMBERstring{"\meta{counter}\verb'}}' doesn't %work, due to the way that \cs{MakeUppercase} expands its %argument\footnote{See all the various postings to %\texttt{comp.text.tex} about \cs{MakeUppercase}}. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\numberstringnum}] %\cs{numberstringnum}\marg{n}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\Numberstringnum}] %\cs{Numberstringnum}\marg{n}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\NUMBERstringnum}] %\cs{NUMBERstringnum}\marg{n}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} %Theses macros work like %\cs{numberstring}, \cs{Numberstring} and \cs{NUMBERstring}, %respectively, but take an actual number %rather than a counter as the argument. For example: %\verb'\Numberstringnum{105}' will produce: One Hundred and Five. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\ordinalstring}] %\cs{ordinalstring}\marg{counter}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} %This will print the value of \meta{counter} as a textual ordinal. %E.g.\ \verb"\ordinalstring{section}" will produce: third. The %optional argument is the same as that for \cs{ordinal}. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\Ordinalstring}] %\cs{Ordinalstring}\marg{counter}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} %This does the same as \cs{ordinalstring}, but with initial letters in %uppercase. For example, \verb"\Ordinalstring{section}" will produce: %\Ordinalstring{section}. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\ORDINALstring}] %\cs{ORDINALstring}\marg{counter}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} %This does the same as \cs{ordinalstring}, but with all words in upper %case (see previous note about \cs{MakeUppercase}). % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\ordinalstringnum}] %\cs{ordinalstringnum}\marg{n}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\Ordinalstringnum}] %\cs{Ordinalstringnum}\marg{n}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\ORDINALstringnum}] %\cs{ORDINALstringnum}\marg{n}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} %These macros work like \cs{ordinalstring}, \cs{Ordinalstring} and %\cs{ORDINALstring}, respectively, but take an actual number rather than a %counter as the argument. For example, %\verb"\ordinalstringnum{"\texttt{\arabic{section}}\verb"}" will produce: %\ordinalstring{section}. % %\changes{v.1.09}{21 Apr 2007}{store facility added} %As from version 1.09, textual representations can be stored for %later use. This overcomes the problems encountered when you %attempt to use one of the above commands in \cs{edef}. % %Each of the following commands takes a label as the first argument, %the other arguments are as the analogous commands above. These %commands do not display anything, but store the textual %representation. This can later be retrieved using % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\FMCuse}] %\cs{FMCuse}\marg{label} %\end{definition} % %\begin{important} %Note: with \cs{storeordinal} and \cs{storeordinalnum}, the %only bit that doesn't get expanded is \cs{fmtord}. So, for %example, \verb"\storeordinalnum{mylabel}{3}" will be stored as %\verb"3\relax \fmtord{rd}". %\end{important} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\storeordinal}] %\cs{storeordinal}\marg{label}\marg{counter}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\storeordinalstring}] %\cs{storeordinalstring}\marg{label}\marg{counter}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\storeOrdinalstring}] %\cs{storeOrdinalstring}\marg{label}\marg{counter}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} % % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\storeORDINALstring}] %\cs{storeORDINALstring}\marg{label}\marg{counter}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\storenumberstring}] %\cs{storenumberstring}\marg{label}\marg{counter}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\storeNumberstring}] %\cs{storeNumberstring}\marg{label}\marg{counter}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\storeNUMBERstring}] %\cs{storeNUMBERstring}\marg{label}\marg{counter}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\storeordinalnum}] %\cs{storeordinalnum}\marg{label}\marg{number}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\storeordinalstringnum}] %\cs{storeordinalstring}\marg{label}\marg{number}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\storeOrdinalstringnum}] %\cs{storeOrdinalstringnum}\marg{label}\marg{number}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\storeORDINALstringnum}] %\cs{storeORDINALstringnum}\marg{label}\marg{number}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\storenumberstringnum}] %\cs{storenumberstring}\marg{label}\marg{number}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\storeNumberstringnum}] %\cs{storeNumberstring}\marg{label}\marg{number}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\storeNUMBERstringnum}] %\cs{storeNUMBERstring}\marg{label}\marg{number}\oarg{gender} %\end{definition} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\binary}] %\cs{binary}\marg{counter} %\end{definition} %This will print the value of \meta{counter} as a binary number. E.g.\ %\verb"\binary{section}" will produce: \binary{section}. The declaration %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\padzeroes}] %\cs{padzeroes}\oarg{n} %\end{definition} %will ensure numbers are written to \meta{n} digits, padding with zeroes if %necessary. E.g.\ \verb"\padzeroes"\discretionary{}{}{}\verb"[8]\binary{section}" %will produce: \padzeroes[8]\binary{section}. The default value for \meta{n} is %17. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\binarynum}] %\cs{binary}\marg{n} %\end{definition} %This is like \cs{binary} but takes an actual number rather than a %counter as the argument. For example: \verb"\binarynum{5}" will %produce: 101. % %The octal commands only work for values in the range 0~to~32768. %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\octal}] %\cs{octal}\marg{counter} %\end{definition} %This will print the value of \meta{counter} as an octal number. For %example, if you have a counter called, say \texttt{mycounter}, and %you set the value to 125, then \verb"\octal{mycounter}" will produce: %177. Again, the number will be padded with zeroes if necessary, %depending on whether \cs{padzeroes} has been used. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\octalnum}] %\cs{octalnum}\marg{n} %\end{definition} %This is like \cs{octal} but takes an actual number rather than a %counter as the argument. For example: \verb"\octalnum{125}" will %produce: 177. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\hexadecimal}] %\cs{hexadecimal}\marg{counter} %\end{definition} %This will print the value of \meta{counter} as a hexadecimal number. %Going back to the counter used in the previous example, %\verb"\hexadecimal{mycounter}" will produce: 7d. Again, the number %will be padded with zeroes if necessary, depending on whether %\cs{padzeroes} has been used. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\HEXADecimal}] %\cs{HEXADecimal}\marg{counter} %\end{definition} %This does the same thing, but uses uppercase characters, e.g.\ %\verb"\HEXADecimal{mycounter}" will produce: 7D. % %\DescribeMacro{\Hexadecimal}The macro \cs{Hexadecimal} is a deprecated alias of %\cs{HEXADecimal}. Its name was confusing so it was %changed. See~\ref{sec:macro-naming}. % % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\hexadecimalnum}] %\cs{hexadecimalnum}\marg{n} %\end{definition} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\HEXADecimalnum}] %\cs{HEXADecimalnum}\marg{n} %\end{definition} %These are like \cs{hexadecimal} and \cs{Hexadecimal} %but take an actual number rather than a counter as the %argument. For example: \verb"\hexadecimalnum{125}" will %produce: 7d, and \verb"\HEXADecimalnum{125}" will %produce: 7D. % %\DescribeMacro{\Hexadecimalnum}The macro \cs{Hexadecimalnum} is a deprecated %alias of \cs{HEXADecimalnum}. Its name was confusing so it was changed. %See~\ref{sec:macro-naming}. % % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\decimal}] %\cs{decimal}\marg{counter} %\end{definition} %This is similar to \cs{arabic} but the number can be padded with zeroes %depending on whether \cs{padzeroes} has been used. For example: %\verb"\padzeroes[8]\decimal{section}" will produce: %\padzeroes[8]\decimal{section} still assuming current section is %section~\arabic{section}. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\decimalnum}] %\cs{decimalnum}\marg{n} %\end{definition} %This is like \cs{decimal} but takes an actual number rather than a %counter as the argument. For example: %\verb"\padzeroes[8]\decimalnum{5}" will produce: 00000005. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\aaalph}] %\cs{aaalph}\marg{counter} %\end{definition} %This will print the value of \meta{counter} as: a b \ldots\ z aa bb \ldots\ zz %etc. For example, \verb"\aaalpha"\discretionary{}{}{}\verb"{mycounter}" will %produce: uuuuu if \texttt{mycounter} is set to 125. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\AAAlph}] %\cs{AAAlph}\marg{counter} %\end{definition} %This does the same thing, but uses uppercase characters, e.g.\ %\verb"\AAAlph{mycounter}" will produce: UUUUU. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\aaalphnum}] %\cs{aaalphnum}\marg{n} %\end{definition} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\AAAlphnum}] %\cs{AAAlphnum}\marg{n} %\end{definition} %These macros are like \cs{aaalph} and \cs{AAAlph} %but take an actual number rather than a counter as the %argument. For example: \verb"\aaalphnum{125}" will %produce: uuuuu, and \verb"\AAAlphnum{125}" will %produce: UUUUU. % %The abalph commands described below only work for values in the %range 0~to~17576. %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\abalph}] %\cs{abalph}\marg{counter} %\end{definition} %This will print the value of \meta{counter} as: a b \ldots\ z aa ab %\ldots\ az etc. For example, \verb"\abalpha{mycounter}" will %produce: du if \texttt{mycounter} is set to 125. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\ABAlph}] %\cs{ABAlph}\marg{counter} %\end{definition} %This does the same thing, but uses uppercase characters, e.g.\ %\verb"\ABAlph{mycounter}" will produce: DU. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\abalphnum}] %\cs{abalphnum}\marg{n} %\end{definition} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\ABAlphnum}] %\cs{ABAlphnum}\marg{n} %\end{definition} %These macros are like \cs{abalph} and \cs{ABAlph} %but take an actual number rather than a counter as the %argument. For example: \verb"\abalphnum{125}" will %produce: du, and \verb"\ABAlphnum{125}" will %produce: DU. % %\section{Package Options} %\label{sec:package-options} % %The following options can be passed to this package: % %\begin{description} %\item[\meta{dialect}] load language \meta{dialect}, supported \meta{dialect} are the same as passed to % \cs{FCloadlang}, see~\ref{sec:multilingual-support} %\item[\pkgopt{raise}] make ordinal st,nd,rd,th appear as superscript %\item[\pkgopt{level}] make ordinal st,nd,rd,th appear level with rest of text %\end{description} % % %\noindent Options \pkgopt{raise} and \pkgopt{level} can also be set using the command: % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\fmtcountsetoptions}] %\cs{fmtcountsetoptions}\verb"{fmtord="\meta{type}\verb'}' %\end{definition} %where \meta{type} is either \texttt{level} or \texttt{raise}. Since version~3.01 of \sty{fmtcount}, it is also %possible to set \meta{type} on a language by language basis, see~\S~\ref{sec:multilingual-support}. % %\section{Multilingual Support} %\label{sec:multilingual-support} % %Version 1.02 of the \sty{fmtcount} package now has %limited multilingual support. The following languages are %implemented: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, French (Swiss) %and French (Belgian). German support was added in version %1.1.\footnote{Thanks to K. H. Fricke for supplying the information.} %Italian support was added in version 1.31.\footnote{Thanks to %Edoardo Pasca for supplying the information.} % %Actually, \sty{fmtcount} has two modes: %\begin{itemize} %\item a multilingual mode, in which the commands \cs{numberstring}, \cs{ordinalstring}, \cs{ordinal}, and % their variants will be formatted in the currently selected language, as per the \cs{languagename} macro set % by \sty{babel}, \sty{polyglossia} or suchlikes, and %\item a default mode for backward compatibility in which these commands are formatted in English irrespective % of \cs{languagename}, and to which \sty{fmtcount} falls back when it cannot detects packages such as % \sty{babel} or \sty{polyglossia} are loaded. %\end{itemize} % %For multilingual mode, \sty{fmtcount} needs to load correctly the language definition for document dialects. To %do this use %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\FCloadlang}] %\cs{FCloadlang}\marg{dialect} %\end{definition} %in the preamble --- this will both switch on multilingual mode, and load the \meta{dialect} definition. The %\meta{dialect} should match the options passed to \sty{babel} or \sty{polyglossia}. \sty{fmtcount} currently %supports the following \meta{dialect}'s: \LanguagePackageOptionList. % %If you don't use \cs{FCloadlang}, \sty{fmtcount} will attempt to detect the required dialects and call %\cs{FCloadlang} for you, but this isn't guaranteed to work. Notably, when \cs{FCloadlang} is not used and %\sty{fmtcount} has switched on multilingual mode, but without detecting the needed dialects in the preamble, %and \sty{fmtcount} has to format a number for a dialect for which definition has not been loaded (via %\cs{FCloadlang} above), then if \sty{fmtcount} detects a definition file for this dialect it will attempt to %load it, and cause an error otherwise. This loading in body has not been tested extensively, and may may cause %problems such as spurious spaces insertion before the first formatted number, so it's best to use %\cs{FCloadlang} explicitely in the preamble. % %If the French language is selected, the \texttt{french} option let you %configure the dialect and other aspects. The \texttt{abbr} also has %some influence with French. Please refer to \S~\ref %{sec:options-french}. % % %The male gender for all languages is used by default, however the %feminine or neuter forms can be obtained by passing \texttt{f} or %\texttt{n} as an optional argument to \cs{ordinal}, %\cs{ordinalnum} etc. For example: %\verb"\numberstring{section}[f]". Note that the optional argument %comes \emph{after} the compulsory argument. If a gender is %not defined in a given language, the masculine version will %be used instead. % %Let me know if you find any spelling mistakes (has been known %to happen in English, let alone other languages with which I'm not so %familiar.) If you want to add support for another language, %you will need to let me know how to form the numbers and ordinals %from~0 to~99999 in that language for each gender. % %\subsection{Options for setting ordinal ending position raise/level} %\label{sec:options-fmtord} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\fmtcountsetoptions}] %\cs{fmtcountsetoptions}\verb"{"\meta{language}\verb"={fmtord="\meta{type}\verb'}}' %\end{definition} %where \meta{language} is one of the supported language \meta{type} is either \texttt{level} or \texttt{raise} %or \texttt{undefine}. If the value is \texttt{level} or \texttt{raise}, then that will set the \texttt{fmtord} %option accordingly\footnote{see~\S~\ref{sec:package-options}} only for that language \meta{language}. If the %value is \texttt{undefine}, then the non-language specific behaviour is followed. % %Some \meta{language} are synonyms, here is a table: % %\begin{center} % \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline % \textbf{language}& \textbf{alias(es)}\\\hline % english& british\\\hline % french&frenchb\\\hline % &germanb\\ % german&ngerman\\ % &ngermanb\\\hline % USenglish&american\\\hline % \end{tabular} %\end{center} % %\subsection{Options for French} %\label{sec:options-french} % %This section is in French, as it is most useful to French speaking people. % %\selectlanguage{french} Il est possible de configurer plusieurs %aspects de la numérotation en français avec les options %\texttt{french} et \texttt{abbr}. Ces options n'ont d'effet que si le %langage \texttt{french} est chargé. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\fmtcountsetoptions}] %\cs{fmtcountsetoptions}\verb"{french="\marg{french options}\verb'}' %\end{definition} %L'argument \meta{french options} est une liste entre accolades et %séparée par des virgules de réglages de la forme %``\meta{clef}\texttt{=}\meta{valeur}'', chacun de ces réglages est %ci-après désigné par ``option française'' pour le distinguer des %``options générales'' telles que \texttt{french}. % %Le dialecte peut être sélectionné avec l'option française %\texttt{dialect} dont la valeur \meta{dialect} peut être %\texttt{france}, \texttt{belgian} ou \texttt{swiss}. %\begin{definition}[\DescribeOption{dialect}] %\cs{fmtcountsetoptions}\verb"{french={dialect="\marg{dialect}\verb'}}' %\end{definition} %\begin{definition}[\DescribeOption{french}] %\cs{fmtcountsetoptions}\verb"{french="\meta{dialect}\verb'}' %\end{definition} % %Pour alléger la notation et par souci de rétro-compatibilité %\texttt{france}, \texttt{belgian} ou \texttt{swiss} sont également des %\meta{clef}s pour \meta{french options} à utiliser sans \meta{valeur}. % %L'effet de l'option \texttt{dialect} est illustré ainsi:\newline %\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}lX@{}} % \pkgopt{france}& soixante-dix pour 70, quatre-vingts pour 80, et % quatre-vingts-dix pour 90,\\ % \pkgopt{belgian} & septante pour 70, quatre-vingts pour 80, et % nonante pour 90, \\ % \pkgopt{swiss} &septante pour 70, huitante\footnote{voir % \href{http://www.alain.be/Boece/huitante_octante.html}{Octante et % huitante} sur le site d'Alain Lassine} pour 80, et % nonante pour 90 %\end{tabularx} %Il est à noter que la variante \texttt{belgian} est parfaitement %correcte pour les francophones français\footnote{je précise que % l'auteur de ces lignes est français}, et qu'elle est également %utilisée en Suisse Romande hormis dans les cantons de Vaud, du Valais %et de Fribourg. En ce qui concerne le mot ``octante'', il n'est %actuellement pas pris en charge et n'est guère plus utilisé, ce qui %est sans doute dommage car il est sans doute plus acceptable que le %``huitante'' de certains de nos amis suisses. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeOption{abbr}] %\cs{fmtcountsetoptions}\verb"{abbr="\meta{boolean}\verb'}' %\end{definition} %L'option générale \texttt{abbr} permet de changer l'effet de %\cs{ordinal}. Selon \meta{boolean} on a:\newline %\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}lX@{}} % \pkgopt{true}& pour produire des ordinaux de la forme % {\def\languagename{french}\csname fmtord@abbrvtrue\endcsname\ordinalnum{2}} (par défaut), ou\\ % \pkgopt{false}& pour produire des ordinaux de la forme % {\def\languagename{french}\csname fmtord@abbrvfalse\endcsname\ordinalnum{2}} \\ %\end{tabularx} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeOption{vingt plural}] %\cs{fmtcountsetoptions}\verb"{french={vingt plural="\meta{french plural control}\verb'}}' %\end{definition} %\begin{definition}[\DescribeOption{cent plural}] %\cs{fmtcountsetoptions}\verb"{french={cent plural="\meta{french plural control}\verb'}}' %\end{definition} %\begin{definition}[\DescribeOption{mil plural}] %\cs{fmtcountsetoptions}\verb"{french={mil plural="\meta{french plural control}\verb'}}' %\end{definition} %\begin{definition}[\DescribeOption{n-illion plural}] %\cs{fmtcountsetoptions}\verb"{french={n-illion plural="\meta{french plural control}\verb'}}' %\end{definition} %\begin{definition}[\DescribeOption{n-illiard plural}] %\cs{fmtcountsetoptions}\verb"{french={n-illiard plural="\meta{french plural control}\verb'}}' %\end{definition} %\begin{definition}[\DescribeOption{all plural}] %\cs{fmtcountsetoptions}\verb"{french={all plural="\meta{french plural control}\verb'}}' %\end{definition} %Les options \texttt{vingt plural}, \texttt{cent plural}, \texttt{mil plural}, \texttt{n-illion plural}, et %\texttt{n-illiard plural}, permettent de contrôler très finement l'accord en nombre des mots respectivement %vingt, cent, mil, et des mots de la forme \meta{\(n\)}illion et \meta{\(n\)}illiard, où \meta{\(n\)} désigne %`m' pour 1, `b' pour 2, 'tr' pour 3, etc. L'option \texttt{all plural} est un raccourci permettant de %contrôler de concert l'accord en nombre de tous ces mots. Tous ces paramètres valent \texttt{reformed} par %défaut. % %Attention, comme on va l'expliquer, seules quelques combinaisons de configurations de ces options donnent un %orthographe correcte vis à vis des règles en vigueur. La raison d'être de ces options est la suivante~: %\begin{itemize} %\item la règle de l'accord en nombre des noms de nombre dans un numéral cardinal dépend de savoir s'il a % vraiment une valeur cardinale ou bien une valeur ordinale, ainsi on écrit \og aller à la page deux-cent % (sans s) d'un livre de deux-cents (avec s) pages\fg, il faut donc pouvoir changer la configuration pour % sélectionner le cas considéré, %\item un autre cas demandant quelque configurabilité est celui de \og mil\fg\ et \og mille\fg. Pour rappel \og % mille\fg\ est le pluriel irrégulier de \og mil\fg, mais l'alternance mil/mille est rare, voire pédante, car % aujourd'hui \og mille\fg\ n'est utilisé que comme un mot invariable, en effet le sort des pluriels étrangers % est systématiquement de finir par disparaître comme par exemple \og scénarii\fg\ aujourd'hui supplanté par % \og scénarios\fg. Pour continuer à pouvoir écrire \og mil\fg, il aurait fallu former le pluriel comme \og % mils\fg, ce qui n'est pas l'usage. Certaines personnes utilisent toutefois encore \og mil\fg\ dans les % dates, par exemple \og mil neuf cent quatre-vingt quatre\fg\ au lieu de \og mille neuf cent quatre-vingt % quatre\fg, %\item finalement les règles du français quoique bien définies ne sont pas très cohérentes et il est donc % inévitable qu'un jour ou l'autre on on les simplifie. Le paquetage \styfmt{fmtcount} est déjà prêt à cette % éventualité. %\end{itemize} % %Le paramètre \meta{french plural control} peut prendre les valeurs suivantes:\newline %\settowidth{\tabcolwidth}{\pkgopt{multiple lng-width}} %\begin{supertabular}{@{}p{\tabcolwidth}p{\dimexpr\linewidth-\tabcolwidth-2\tabcolsep}@{}} % \pkgopt{traditional}& pour sélectionner la règle en usage chez les adultes à la date de parution de ce % document, et dans le cas des numéraux cardinaux, lorsqu'ils ont une valeur cardinale,\\ % \pkgopt{reformed}& pour suivre toute nouvelle recommandation à la date de parution de ce document, , et % dans le cas des numéraux cardinaux, lorsqu'ils ont une valeur cardinale, l'idée des options % \texttt{traditional} et \texttt{reformed} est donc de pouvoir contenter à la fois les anciens et les % modernes, mais à dire vrai à la date où ce document est écrit elles ont exactement % le même effet,\\ % \pkgopt{traditional o}& pareil que \texttt{traditional} mais dans le cas des numéraux cardinaux, % lorsqu'ils % ont une valeur ordinale,\\ % \pkgopt{reformed o}& pareil que \texttt{reformed} mais dans le cas des numéraux cardinaux, lorsqu'ils ont % une valeur ordinale, de même que précédemment \texttt{reformed o} et \texttt{traditional o} ont % exactement le même effet,\\ % \pkgopt{always}& pour marquer toujours le pluriel, ceci n'est correct que pour \og mil\fg\ vis à vis des % règles en vigueur,\\ % \pkgopt{never}& pour ne jamais marquer le pluriel, ceci est incorrect vis à vis des règles d'orthographe % en vigueur,\\ % \pkgopt{multiple}& pour marquer le pluriel lorsque le nombre considéré est multiplié par au moins 2, ceci % est la règle en vigueur pour les nombres de la forme \meta{\(n\)}illion et \meta{\(n\)}illiard lorsque le % nombre a une valeur cardinale,\\ % \pkgopt{multiple g-last}& pour marquer le pluriel lorsque le nombre considéré est multiplié par au moins 2 % est est \emph{\textbf{g}lobalement} en dernière position, où ``globalement'' signifie qu'on considère le % nombre formaté en entier, ceci est incorrect vis à vis des règles d'orthographe % en vigueur,\\ % \pkgopt{multiple l-last}& pour marquer le pluriel lorsque le nombre considéré est multiplié par au moins 2 % et est \emph{\textbf{l}ocalement} en dernière position, où ``localement'' siginifie qu'on considère % seulement la portion du nombre qui multiplie soit l'unité, soit un \meta{\(n\)}illion ou un % \meta{\(n\)}illiard~; ceci est la convention en vigueur pour le pluriel de ``vingt'' et de ``cent'' % lorsque le nombre formaté a une valeur cardinale,\\ % \pkgopt{multiple lng-last}& pour marquer le pluriel lorsque le nombre considéré est multiplié par au moins % 2 et est \emph{\textbf{l}ocalement} mais \emph{\textbf{n}on \textbf{g}lobablement} en dernière position, % où ``localement'' et \emph{globablement} on la même siginification que pour les options \texttt{multiple % g-last} et \texttt{multiple l-last}~; ceci est la convention en vigueur pour le pluriel de ``vingt'' et % de ``cent'' lorsque le nombre formaté a une valeur ordinale,\\ % \pkgopt{multiple ng-last}& pour marquer le pluriel lorsque le nombre considéré est multiplié par au moins % 2, et \emph{\textbf{n}}'est pas \emph{\textbf{g}lobalement} en dernière position, où ``globalement'' a la % même signification que pour l'option \texttt{multiple g-last}~; ceci est la règle que j'infère être en % vigueur pour les nombres de la forme \meta{\(n\)}illion et \meta{\(n\)}illiard lorsque le nombre a une % valeur ordinale, mais à dire vrai pour des nombres aussi grands, par exemple \og deux millions\fg, je % pense qu'il n'est tout simplement pas d'usage de dire \og l'exemplaire deux million(s?)\fg\ pour \og le % deux millionième % exemplaire\fg.\\ %\end{supertabular} % %L'effet des paramètres \texttt{traditional}, \texttt{traditional o}, \texttt{reformed}, et \texttt{reformed % o}, est le suivant~: % %\setlength{\tabcolwidth}{\linewidth} %\addtolength{\tabcolwidth}{-10\tabcolsep} %\addtolength{\tabcolwidth}{-6\arrayrulewidth} %\setlength{\coliwidth}{0.398\tabcolwidth} %\addtolength{\coliwidth}{\arrayrulewidth} %\addtolength{\coliwidth}{2\tabcolsep} %\noindent\begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{|% % >{\centering\arraybackslash\ttfamily}p{\dimexpr0.204\tabcolwidth-\arrayrulewidth-\doublerulesep}||% % *{4}{>{\centering\arraybackslash\ttfamily}p{0.199\tabcolwidth}|}}\hline % \textrm{\meta{x} dans ``\meta{x} }plural\textrm{''}&traditional&reformed&traditional o&reformed o\\\hline % \hline % vingt&\multicolumn{2}{c|}{\ColIRI{multiple l-last}}&\multicolumn{2}{c|}{\ColIRI{multiple lng-last}}\\\cline{1-1} % cent&% % \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\ColIRII{multiple l-last}}&% % \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\ColIRII{multiple lng-last}}\\\hline % mil&\multicolumn{4}{c|}{always}\\\hline % n-illion&\multicolumn{2}{c|}{\ColIRI{multiple}}&% % \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\ColIRI{multiple ng-last}}\\\cline{1-1} % n-illiard&% % \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\ColIRII{multiple}}&% % \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\ColIRII{multiple ng-last}}\\\hline %\end{tabular*} % %Les configurations qui respectent les règles d'orthographe sont les suivantes~: %\begin{itemize} %\item \verb"\fmtcountsetoptions{french={all plural=reformed o}}" pour formater les numéraux cardinaux à % valeur ordinale, %\item \verb"\fmtcountsetoptions{french={mil plural=multiple}}" pour activer l'alternance mil/mille. %\item \verb"\fmtcountsetoptions{french={all plural=reformed}}" pour revenir dans la configuration par % défaut. %\end{itemize} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeOption{dash or space}] %\cs{fmtcountsetoptions}\verb"{french={dash or space="\meta{dash or space}\verb'}}' %\end{definition} %Avant la réforme de l'orthographe de 1990, on ne met des traits d'union qu'entre les dizaines et les unités, %et encore sauf quand le nombre \(n\) considéré est tel que \(n\mod10=1\), dans ce cas on écrit ``et un'' %sans trait d'union. Après la réforme de 1990, on recommande de mettre des traits d'union de partout sauf %autour de ``mille'', ``million'' et ``milliard'', et les mots analogues comme ``billion'', %``billiard''. Cette exception a toutefois été contestée par de nombreux auteurs, et on peut aussi mettre des %traits d'union de partout. Mettre l'option \meta{dash or space} à:\newline %\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{lX} % \pkgopt{traditional}& pour sélectionner la règle d'avant la réforme de 1990,\\ % \pkgopt{1990}& pour suivre la recommandation de la réforme de 1990, \\ % \pkgopt{reformed}& pour suivre la recommandation de la dernière % réforme pise en charge, actuellement l'effet est le même que \textrm{1990}, ou à\\ % \pkgopt{always}& pour mettre systématiquement des traits d'union de partout.\\ %\end{tabularx} %Par défaut, l'option vaut \texttt{reformed}. % % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeOption{scale}] %\cs{fmtcountsetoptions}\verb"{french={scale="\meta{scale}\verb'}}' %\end{definition} %L'option \texttt{scale} permet de configurer l'écriture des grands %nombres. Mettre \meta{scale} à:\newline %\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{lX} % \pkgopt{recursive}& dans ce cas \(10^{30}\) donne mille milliards de % milliards de milliards, pour \(10^n\), on écrit \(10^{n-9\times % \max\{(n\div 9)-1,0\}}\) suivi de la répétition \(\max\{(n\div % 9)-1,0\}\) fois de ``de milliards''\\ % \pkgopt{long}& \(10^{6\times n}\) donne un \meta{\(n\)}illion où % \meta{\(n\)} est remplacé par ``bi'' pour 2, ``tri'' pour 3, etc. et % \(10^{6\times n+3}\) donne un \meta{\(n\)}illiard avec la même % convention pour \meta{\(n\)}. L'option \texttt{long} est correcte en % Europe, par contre j'ignore l'usage au % Québec.\\ % \pkgopt{short}& \(10^{6\times n}\) donne un \meta{\(n\)}illion où % \meta{\(n\)} est remplacé par ``bi'' pour 2, ``tri'' pour 3, % etc. L'option \texttt{short} est incorrecte en Europe. %\end{tabularx} %Par défaut, l'option vaut \texttt{recursive}. % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeOption{n-illiard upto}] %\cs{fmtcountsetoptions}\verb"{french={n-illiard upto="\meta{n-illiard upto}\verb'}}' %\end{definition} %Cette option n'a de sens que si \texttt{scale} vaut %\texttt{long}. Certaines personnes préfèrent dire ``mille %\meta{$n$}illions'' qu'un ``\meta{$n$}illiard''. Mettre l'option %\texttt{n-illiard upto} à:\newline %\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{lX} % \pkgopt{infinity}& pour que \(10^{6\times n +3}\) donne % \meta{$n$}illiards pour tout \(n>0\),\\ % \pkgopt{infty}& même effet que \texttt{infinity}, \\ % \(k\)& où \(k\) est un entier quelconque strictement positif, dans % ce cas \(10^{6\times n +3}\) donne ``mille \meta{\(n\)}illions'' % lorsque \(n>k\), et donne ``\meta{\(n\)}illiard'' sinon\\ %\end{tabularx} % %\begin{definition}[\DescribeOption{mil plural mark}] %\cs{fmtcountsetoptions}\verb"{french={mil plural mark="\meta{any text}\verb'}}' %\end{definition} %La valeur par défaut de cette option est \og\texttt{le}\fg. Il s'agit de la terminaison ajoutée à \og %mil\fg\ pour former le pluriel, c'est à dire \og mille\fg, cette option ne sert pas à grand chose sauf dans %l'éventualité où ce pluriel serait francisé un jour --- à dire vrai si cela se produisait une alternance %mille/milles est plus vraisemblable, car \og mille\fg\ est plus fréquent que \og mil\fg\ et que les %pluriels francisés sont formés en ajoutant \og s\fg\ à la forme la plus fréquente, par exemple \og %blini/blinis\fg, alors que \og blini\fg\ veut dire \og crêpes\fg\ (au pluriel). % % %\selectlanguage{english} % %%\subsection{Prefixes} %%\label{sec:latin-prefixes} %% %%\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\latinnumeralstring}] %%\cs{latinnumeralstring}\marg{counter}\oarg{prefix options} %%\end{definition} %% %%\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\latinnumeralstringnum}] %%\cs{latinnumeralstringnum}\marg{number}\oarg{prefix options} %%\end{definition} % % %\section{Configuration File \texttt{fmtcount.cfg}} % %You can save your preferred default settings to a file called %\texttt{fmtcount.cfg}, and place it on the \TeX\ path. These %settings will then be loaded by the \sty{fmtcount} %package. % %Note that if you are using the \sty{datetime} package, %the \texttt{datetime.cfg} configuration file will override %the \texttt{fmtcount.cfg} configuration file. %For example, if \texttt{datetime.cfg} has the line: %\begin{verbatim} %\renewcommand{\fmtord}[1]{\textsuperscript{\underline{#1}}} %\end{verbatim} %and if \texttt{fmtcount.cfg} has the line: %\begin{verbatim} %\fmtcountsetoptions{fmtord=level} %\end{verbatim} %then the former definition of \cs{fmtord} will take %precedence. % %\section{LaTeX2HTML style} % %The \LaTeX2HTML\ style file \texttt{fmtcount.perl} is provided. %The following limitations apply: % %\begin{itemize} %\item \cs{padzeroes} only has an effect in the preamble. % %\item The configuration file %\texttt{fmtcount.cfg} is currently ignored. (This is because %I can't work out the correct code to do this. If you %know how to do this, please let me know.) You can however %do: %\begin{verbatim} %\usepackage{fmtcount} %\html{\input{fmtcount.cfg}} %\end{verbatim} %This, I agree, is an unpleasant cludge. % %\end{itemize} % %\section{Miscellaneous} %\label{sec:misc} % %\subsection{Handling of spaces with tailing optional argument} %\label{sec:tailing-oarg} % %Quite some of the commands in \styfmt{fmtcount} have a tailing optional argument, notably a \oarg{gender} %argument, which is due to historical reasons, and is a little unfortunate. % %When the tailing optional argument is omitted, then any subsequent space will: %\begin{itemize} %\item \texttt{not} be gobbled if the command make some typset output, like \cs{ordinal} or \cs{numbestring}, and %\item be gobbled if the command stores a number into a label like \cs{storeordinalnum} or % \cs{storenumberstring}, or make some other border effect like \cs{padzeroes} without any typeset output. %\end{itemize} % %So (where we use visible spaces ``\verb*! !'' to demonstrate the point): %\begin{itemize} %\item ``x\cs{odinalnum\{2\}}\verb*! !\texttt{x}'' will be typeset to ``x\ordinalnum{2}\textvisiblespace x'', while %\item ``x\cs{storeodinalnum\{mylabel\}\{2\}}\verb*! !\texttt{x}'' will be typeset to ``xx''. %\end{itemize} % %The reason for this design choice is that the commands like like \cs{ordinal} or \cs{numbestring} are usually %inserted in the flow of text, and one usually does not want subsequent spaces gobbled, while the commands like %\cs{storeordinalnum} or \cs{storenumberstring} usually stands on their own line, and one usually does not want %the tailing end-of-line to produce an extra-space. % %\subsection{Macro naming conventions} %\label{sec:macro-naming} % %Macros that refer to upper-casing have upper case only in the main part of their name. That is to say the %words ``store'', ``string'' or ``num'' are not upper-cased for instance in \cs{storeORDINALstringnum}, %\cs{storeOrdinalstringnum} or in \cs{NUMBERstringnum}. % %Furthermore, when upper-casing all the number letters is considered, the main part of the name is: %\begin{itemize} %\item all in upper-case when it consist of a single word that is not composed of a prefix+radix, for instance % ``ORDINAL'' or ``NUMBER'', and %\item with the prefix all in upper-case, and only the first letter of the radix in upper-case for words that % consist of a prefix+radix, for instance ``HEXADecimal'' or ``AAAlph'' because they can be considered as a % prefix+radix construct ``hexa+decimal'' or ``aa+alph''. %\end{itemize} % %Observance of this rule is the reason why macros \cs{Hexadecimal} and \cs{Hexadecimalnum} were respectively %renamed as \cs{HEXADecimal} and \cs{HEXADecimalnum} from v3.06. % % %\section{Acknowledgements} % %I would like to thank all the people who have provided translations and made bug reports. % %\section{Troubleshooting} % %There is a FAQ available at: %\url{http://theoval.cmp.uea.ac.uk/~nlct/latex/packages/faq/}. % %Bug reporting should be done via the Github issue manager at: %\url{https://github.com/nlct/fmtcount/issues/}. % % %% Local Variables: %% coding: utf-8 %% compile-command: "make -C ../dist fmtcount.pdf" %% End: % %\StopEventually{} %\section{The Code} %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-american.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsection{Language definition files} % \subsubsection{fc-american.def} % American English definitions % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{american}[2016/01/12]% % \end{macrocode} % Loaded fc-USenglish.def if not already loaded % \begin{macrocode} \FCloadlang{USenglish}% % \end{macrocode} % These are all just synonyms for the commands provided by % \styfmt{fc-USenglish.def}. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalMamerican\@ordinalMUSenglish \global\let\@ordinalFamerican\@ordinalMUSenglish \global\let\@ordinalNamerican\@ordinalMUSenglish \global\let\@numberstringMamerican\@numberstringMUSenglish \global\let\@numberstringFamerican\@numberstringMUSenglish \global\let\@numberstringNamerican\@numberstringMUSenglish \global\let\@NumberstringMamerican\@NumberstringMUSenglish \global\let\@NumberstringFamerican\@NumberstringMUSenglish \global\let\@NumberstringNamerican\@NumberstringMUSenglish \global\let\@ordinalstringMamerican\@ordinalstringMUSenglish \global\let\@ordinalstringFamerican\@ordinalstringMUSenglish \global\let\@ordinalstringNamerican\@ordinalstringMUSenglish \global\let\@OrdinalstringMamerican\@OrdinalstringMUSenglish \global\let\@OrdinalstringFamerican\@OrdinalstringMUSenglish \global\let\@OrdinalstringNamerican\@OrdinalstringMUSenglish % \end{macrocode} \iffalse Local variables: \fi \iffalse mode: docTeX \fi \iffalse End: \fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-brazilian.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-brazilian.def} % Brazilian definitions. % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{brazilian}[2017/12/26]% % \end{macrocode} % Load \sty{fc-portuges.def} if not already loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \FCloadlang{portuges}% % \end{macrocode} % Set |brazilian| to be equivalent to |portuges| for all the numeral ordinals, and string ordinals. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalMbrazilian=\@ordinalMportuges \global\let\@ordinalFbrazilian=\@ordinalFportuges \global\let\@ordinalNbrazilian=\@ordinalNportuges \global\let\@ordinalstringFbrazilian\@ordinalstringFportuges \global\let\@ordinalstringMbrazilian\@ordinalstringMportuges \global\let\@ordinalstringNbrazilian\@ordinalstringMportuges \global\let\@OrdinalstringMbrazilian\@OrdinalstringMportuges \global\let\@OrdinalstringFbrazilian\@OrdinalstringFportuges \global\let\@OrdinalstringNbrazilian\@OrdinalstringMportuges % \end{macrocode} % Convert a number to a textual representation. To make it easier, split it up into units, tens, teens and % hundreds. Units, tens, and hundreds are the same as for |portuges| and are not redefined, only the teens are % Brazilian specific.\\ % Teens (argument must be a number from 0 to 9): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@teenstringbrazilian[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax dez% \or onze% \or doze% \or treze% \or quatorze% \or quinze% \or dezesseis% \or dezessete% \or dezoito% \or dezenove% \fi }% \global\let\@@teenstringbrazilian\@@teenstringbrazilian % \end{macrocode} % Teens (with initial letter in upper case): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Teenstringbrazilian[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Dez% \or Onze% \or Doze% \or Treze% \or Quatorze% \or Quinze% \or Dezesseis% \or Dezessete% \or Dezoito% \or Dezenove% \fi }% \global\let\@@Teenstringbrazilian\@@Teenstringbrazilian % \end{macrocode} % This has changed in version 1.08, so that it now stores % the result in the second argument, but doesn't display % anything. Since it only affects internal macros, it shouldn't % affect documents created with older versions. (These internal % macros are not meant for use in documents.) % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/12}{Replace \cs{DeclareRobustCommand} by % \cs{newcommand*} as robustness is handled now at top level in % \texttt{fmtcount.sty}, and we don't need \cs{long} macros. Concerned macros % are \cs{@numberstringMbrazilian}, \cs{@numberstringFbrazilian}, % \cs{@NumberstringMbrazilian}, \cs{@NumberstringFbrazilian}, % \cs{@ordinalstringMbrazilian}, \cs{@ordinalstringFbrazilian}, % \cs{@OrdinalstringMbrazilian}, and \cs{@OrdinalstringFbrazilian}.} % \changes{3.03}{2017/07/21}{Fix bug % \#\href{https://github.com/nlct/fmtcount/issues/25}{25}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@numberstringMbrazilian}[2]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringportuges \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringbrazilian \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringportuges \let\@hundredstring=\@@hundredstringportuges \def\@hundred{cem}\def\@thousand{mil}% \def\@andname{e}% \@@numberstringportuges{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@numberstringMbrazilian\@numberstringMbrazilian % \end{macrocode} % As above, but feminine form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@numberstringFbrazilian}[2]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringFportuges \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringbrazilian \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringportuges \let\@hundredstring=\@@hundredstringFportuges \def\@hundred{cem}\def\@thousand{mil}% \def\@andname{e}% \@@numberstringportuges{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@numberstringFbrazilian\@numberstringFbrazilian % \end{macrocode} % Make neuter same as masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@numberstringNbrazilian\@numberstringMbrazilian % \end{macrocode} % As above, but initial letters in upper case: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@NumberstringMbrazilian}[2]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringportuges \let\@teenstring=\@@Teenstringbrazilian \let\@tenstring=\@@Tenstringportuges \let\@hundredstring=\@@hundredstringportuges \def\@hundred{Cem}\def\@thousand{Mil}% \def\@andname{e}% \@@numberstringportuges{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@NumberstringMbrazilian\@NumberstringMbrazilian % \end{macrocode} % As above, but feminine form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@NumberstringFbrazilian}[2]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@UnitstringFportuges \let\@teenstring=\@@Teenstringbrazilian \let\@tenstring=\@@Tenstringportuges \let\@hundredstring=\@@HundredstringFportuges \def\@hundred{Cem}\def\@thousand{Mil}% \def\@andname{e}% \@@numberstringportuges{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@NumberstringFbrazilian\@NumberstringFbrazilian % \end{macrocode} % Make neuter same as masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@NumberstringNbrazilian\@NumberstringMbrazilian % \end{macrocode} \iffalse Local variables: \fi \iffalse mode: docTeX \fi \iffalse End: \fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-british.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-british.def} % British definitions % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{british}[2013/08/17]% % \end{macrocode} % Load fc-english.def, if not already loaded % \begin{macrocode} \FCloadlang{english}% % \end{macrocode} % These are all just synonyms for the commands provided by % fc-english.def. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalMbritish\@ordinalMenglish \global\let\@ordinalFbritish\@ordinalMenglish \global\let\@ordinalNbritish\@ordinalMenglish \global\let\@numberstringMbritish\@numberstringMenglish \global\let\@numberstringFbritish\@numberstringMenglish \global\let\@numberstringNbritish\@numberstringMenglish \global\let\@NumberstringMbritish\@NumberstringMenglish \global\let\@NumberstringFbritish\@NumberstringMenglish \global\let\@NumberstringNbritish\@NumberstringMenglish \global\let\@ordinalstringMbritish\@ordinalstringMenglish \global\let\@ordinalstringFbritish\@ordinalstringMenglish \global\let\@ordinalstringNbritish\@ordinalstringMenglish \global\let\@OrdinalstringMbritish\@OrdinalstringMenglish \global\let\@OrdinalstringFbritish\@OrdinalstringMenglish \global\let\@OrdinalstringNbritish\@OrdinalstringMenglish % \end{macrocode} %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-dutch.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-dutch.def} % Dutch definitions, initially added by Erik Nijenhuis. % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{dutch}[2024/01/27]% % \end{macrocode} % Define macro that converts a number or count register (first % argument) to an ordinal, and stores the result in the % second argument, which should be a control sequence. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\@ordinalMdutch}[2]{\edef#2{\number#1\relax.}}% \global\let\@ordinalMdutch\@ordinalMdutch % \end{macrocode} % Like English, there is no gender difference in Dutch, % so make feminine and neuter the same as the masculine. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalFdutch\@ordinalMdutch \global\let\@ordinalNdutch\@ordinalMdutch % \end{macrocode} % Define the macro that prints the value of a \TeX\ count register % as text. To make it easier, break it up into units, teens and % tens. First, the units: the argument should be between 0 and 9 % inclusive. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@unitstringdutch[1]{% \ifcase#1% nul% \or een% één and \'e\'en not working atm \or twee% \or drie% \or vier% \or vijf% \or zes% \or zeven% \or acht% \or negen% \fi }% \global\let\@@unitstringdutch\@@unitstringdutch % \end{macrocode} % Next the tens, again the argument should be between 0 and 9 % inclusive. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@@unitstringdutch\@@unitstringdutch \newcommand*\@@tenstringdutch[1]{% \ifcase#1% \or tien% \or twintig% \or dertig% \or veertig% \or vijftig% \or zestig% \or zeventig% \or tachtig% \or negentig% \or honderd% \fi }% \global\let\@@tenstringdutch\@@tenstringdutch % \end{macrocode} % Finally the teens, again the argument should be between 0 and 9 % inclusive. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@teenstringdutch[1]{% \ifcase#1% tien% \or elf% \or twaalf% \or dertien% \or veertien% \or vijftien% \or zestien% \or zeventien% \or achttien% \or negentien% \fi }% \global\let\@@teenstringdutch\@@teenstringdutch % \end{macrocode} % Hunderd and thousand: % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*{\honderd}{honderd}% \providecommand*{\duizend}{duizend}% \global\let\honderd\honderd \global\let\duizend\duizend % \end{macrocode} % The numberstring implementation: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@numberstringdutch[2]{% \ifnum#1>99999\relax \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}% {This macro only works for values less than 100000}% \else \ifnum#1<0\relax \PackageError{fmtcount}{Negative numbers not permitted}% {This macro does not work for negative numbers, however you can try typing "minus" first, and then pass the modulus of this number}% \fi \fi \def#2{}% \@strctr=#1\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \ifnum\@strctr>1\relax \@@numberunderhundreddutch{\@strctr}{#2}% \appto#2{duizend}% \else \ifnum\@strctr=1\relax \eappto#2{\duizend}% \fi \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{1000}% \divide\@strctr by 100\relax \ifnum\@strctr>1\relax \eappto#2{\@unitstring{\@strctr}honderd}% \else \ifnum\@strctr=1\relax \ifnum#1>1000\relax \appto#2{honderd}% \else \eappto#2{\honderd}% \fi \fi \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{100}% \ifnum#1=0\relax \def#2{null}% \else \ifnum\@strctr=1\relax \appto#2{een}% één and \'e\'en not working atm \else \@@numberunderhundreddutch{\@strctr}{#2}% \fi \fi }% \global\let\@@numberstringdutch\@@numberstringdutch % \end{macrocode} % All lower case version, the second argument must be a control % sequence. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@numberstringMdutch}[2]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringdutch% \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringdutch% \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringdutch% \def\@hundred{honderd}\def\@thousand{duizend}% \@@numberstringdutch{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@numberstringMdutch\@numberstringMdutch % \end{macrocode} % There is no gender in Dutch, so make feminine and neuter the % same % as the masculine. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@numberstringFdutch=\@numberstringMdutch \global\let\@numberstringNdutch=\@numberstringMdutch % \end{macrocode} % This version makes the first letter of each word an uppercase % character (except ``and''). The second argument must be a control % sequence. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@NumberstringMdutch}[2]{% \@numberstringMdutch{#1}{\@@num@str}% \edef#2{\noexpand\MakeUppercase\expandonce\@@num@str}% }% \global\let\@NumberstringMdutch\@NumberstringMdutch % \end{macrocode} % There is no gender in Dutch, so make feminine and neuter the % same % as the masculine. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@NumberstringFdutch=\@NumberstringMdutch \global\let\@NumberstringNdutch=\@NumberstringMdutch % \end{macrocode} % Define a macro that produces an ordinal as a string. Again, break % it up into units, teens and tens. First the units: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@unitthstringdutch[1]{% \ifcase#1% nulde% \or eerste% éérste and \'e\'erste not working atm \or tweede% \or derde% \or vierde% \or vijfde% \or zesde% \or zevende% \or achtste% \or negende% \fi }% \global\let\@@unitthstringdutch\@@unitthstringdutch % \end{macrocode} % Next the tens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@tenthstringdutch[1]{% \ifcase#1% \or tiende% \or twintigste% \or dertigste% \or veertigste% \or vijftigste% \or zestigste% \or zeventigste% \or tachtigste% \or negentigste% \fi }% \global\let\@@tenthstringdutch\@@tenthstringdutch % \end{macrocode} % The teens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@teenthstringdutch[1]{% \ifcase#1% tiende% \or elfde% \or twaalfde% \or dertiende% \or veertiende% \or vijftiende% \or zestiende% \or zeventiende% \or achttiende% \or negentiende% \fi }% \global\let\@@teenthstringdutch\@@teenthstringdutch % \end{macrocode} % The ordinalstring implementation: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@ordinalstringdutch[2]{% \@orgargctr=#1\relax \ifnum\@orgargctr>99999\relax \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}% {This macro only works for values less than 100000}% \else \ifnum\@orgargctr<0\relax \PackageError{fmtcount}{Negative numbers not permitted}% {This macro does not work for negative numbers, however you can try typing "minus" first, and then pass the modulus of this number}% \fi \fi \def#2{}% \@strctr=\@orgargctr\divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \ifnum\@strctr>1\relax \@@numberunderhundreddutch{\@strctr}{#2}% \@tmpstrctr=\@orgargctr\@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{1000}% \ifnum\@tmpstrctr=0\relax \eappto#2{\@thousandth}% \else \appto#2{duizend}% \fi \else \ifnum\@strctr=1\relax \ifnum\@orgargctr=1000\relax \eappto#2{\@thousandth}% \else \eappto#2{\duizend}% \fi \fi \fi \@strctr=\@orgargctr% \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{1000}% \divide\@strctr by 100\relax \ifnum\@strctr>1\relax \@tmpstrctr=\@orgargctr \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{100}% \ifnum\@tmpstrctr=0\relax \ifnum\@strctr=1\relax \eappto#2{\@hundredth}% \else \eappto#2{\@unitstring{\@strctr}\@hundredth}% \fi \else \eappto#2{\@unitstring{\@strctr}honderd}% \fi \else \ifnum\@strctr=1\relax \@tmpstrctr=\@orgargctr \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{100}% \ifnum\@tmpstrctr=0\relax \eappto#2{\@hundredth}% \else \ifnum\@orgargctr>1000\relax \appto#2{honderd}% \else \eappto#2{\honderd}% \fi \fi \fi \fi \@strctr=\@orgargctr% \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{100}% \ifthenelse{\@strctr=0 \and \@orgargctr>0 }{}{% \@@numberunderhundredthdutch{\@strctr}{#2}% }% }% \global\let\@@ordinalstringdutch\@@ordinalstringdutch % \end{macrocode} % All lower case version. Again, the second argument must be a % control sequence in which the resulting text is stored. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@ordinalstringMdutch}[2]{% \let\@unitthstring=\@@unitthstringdutch% \let\@teenthstring=\@@teenthstringdutch% \let\@tenthstring=\@@tenthstringdutch% \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringdutch% \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringdutch% \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringdutch% \def\@thousandth{duizendste}% \def\@hundredth{honderdste}% \@@ordinalstringdutch{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@ordinalstringMdutch\@ordinalstringMdutch % \end{macrocode} % No gender in Dutch, so make feminine and neuter same as % masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalstringFdutch=\@ordinalstringMdutch \global\let\@ordinalstringNdutch=\@ordinalstringMdutch % \end{macrocode} % First letter of each word in upper case: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@OrdinalstringMdutch}[2]{% \@ordinalstringMdutch{#1}{\@@num@str}% \def\@hundred{Honderd}\def\@thousand{Duizend}% \def\@hundredth{Honderdste}\def\@thousandth{Duizendste}% \edef#2{\noexpand\MakeUppercase\expandonce\@@num@str}% }% \global\let\@OrdinalstringMdutch\@OrdinalstringMdutch % \end{macrocode} % No gender in Dutch, so make feminine and neuter same as % masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@OrdinalstringFdutch=\@OrdinalstringMdutch \global\let\@OrdinalstringNdutch=\@OrdinalstringMdutch % \end{macrocode} % For numbers under hunderd: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@@numberunderhundreddutch}[2]{% \ifnum#1<10\relax \ifnum#1>0\relax \eappto#2{\@unitstring{#1}}% \fi \else \@tmpstrctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{10}% \ifnum#1<20\relax \eappto#2{\@teenstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \else \ifnum\@tmpstrctr=0\relax \else % \end{macrocode} % For digits ending with an `e', a trema gets added for \cs{@andname}. % Take for example drieëntwintig or tweeënveertig. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\@tmpstrctr=2\relax\def\@andname{ën}% \else\ifnum\@tmpstrctr=3\relax\def\@andname{ën}% \else\def\@andname{en}% \fi\fi% \eappto#2{\@unitstring{\@tmpstrctr}\@andname}% \fi \@tmpstrctr=#1\relax \divide\@tmpstrctr by 10\relax \eappto#2{\@tenstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \fi \fi }% \global\let\@@numberunderhundreddutch\@@numberunderhundreddutch \newcommand*{\@@numberunderhundredthdutch}[2]{% \ifnum#1<10\relax \eappto#2{\@unitthstring{#1}}% \else \@tmpstrctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{10}% \ifnum#1<20\relax \eappto#2{\@teenthstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \else \ifnum\@tmpstrctr=0\relax \else % \end{macrocode} % Again, for digits ending with an `e', a trema gets added for \cs{@andname} (drieëntwintig or tweeënveertig). % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\@tmpstrctr=2\relax\def\@andname{ën}% \else\ifnum\@tmpstrctr=3\relax\def\@andname{ën}% \else\def\@andname{en}% \fi\fi% \eappto#2{\@unitstring{\@tmpstrctr}\@andname}% \fi \@tmpstrctr=#1\relax \divide\@tmpstrctr by 10\relax \eappto#2{\@tenthstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \fi \fi }% \global\let\@@numberunderhundredthdutch\@@numberunderhundredthdutch % \end{macrocode} \iffalse Local variables: \fi \iffalse mode: docTeX \fi \iffalse End: \fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-english.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-english.def} % English definitions % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{english}[2016/01/12]% % \end{macrocode} % Define macro that converts a number or count register (first % argument) to an ordinal, and stores the result in the % second argument, which should be a control sequence. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@ordinalMenglish[2]{% \def\@fc@ord{}% \@orgargctr=#1\relax \@ordinalctr=#1% \@FCmodulo{\@ordinalctr}{100}% \ifnum\@ordinalctr=11\relax \def\@fc@ord{th}% \else \ifnum\@ordinalctr=12\relax \def\@fc@ord{th}% \else \ifnum\@ordinalctr=13\relax \def\@fc@ord{th}% \else \@FCmodulo{\@ordinalctr}{10}% \ifcase\@ordinalctr \def\@fc@ord{th}% case 0 \or \def\@fc@ord{st}% case 1 \or \def\@fc@ord{nd}% case 2 \or \def\@fc@ord{rd}% case 3 \else \def\@fc@ord{th}% default case \fi \fi \fi \fi \edef#2{\number#1\relax\noexpand\fmtord{\@fc@ord}}% }% \global\let\@ordinalMenglish\@ordinalMenglish % \end{macrocode} % There is no gender difference in English, so make feminine and % neuter the same as the masculine. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalFenglish=\@ordinalMenglish \global\let\@ordinalNenglish=\@ordinalMenglish % \end{macrocode} % Define the macro that prints the value of a \TeX\ count register % as text. To make it easier, break it up into units, teens and % tens. First, the units: the argument should be between 0 and 9 % inclusive. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@unitstringenglish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax zero% \or one% \or two% \or three% \or four% \or five% \or six% \or seven% \or eight% \or nine% \fi }% \global\let\@@unitstringenglish\@@unitstringenglish % \end{macrocode} % Next the tens, again the argument should be between 0 and 9 % inclusive. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@tenstringenglish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or ten% \or twenty% \or thirty% \or forty% \or fifty% \or sixty% \or seventy% \or eighty% \or ninety% \fi }% \global\let\@@tenstringenglish\@@tenstringenglish % \end{macrocode} % Finally the teens, again the argument should be between 0 and 9 % inclusive. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@teenstringenglish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax ten% \or eleven% \or twelve% \or thirteen% \or fourteen% \or fifteen% \or sixteen% \or seventeen% \or eighteen% \or nineteen% \fi }% \global\let\@@teenstringenglish\@@teenstringenglish % \end{macrocode} % As above, but with the initial letter in uppercase. The units: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Unitstringenglish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Zero% \or One% \or Two% \or Three% \or Four% \or Five% \or Six% \or Seven% \or Eight% \or Nine% \fi }% \global\let\@@Unitstringenglish\@@Unitstringenglish % \end{macrocode} % The tens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Tenstringenglish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or Ten% \or Twenty% \or Thirty% \or Forty% \or Fifty% \or Sixty% \or Seventy% \or Eighty% \or Ninety% \fi }% \global\let\@@Tenstringenglish\@@Tenstringenglish % \end{macrocode} % The teens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Teenstringenglish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Ten% \or Eleven% \or Twelve% \or Thirteen% \or Fourteen% \or Fifteen% \or Sixteen% \or Seventeen% \or Eighteen% \or Nineteen% \fi }% \global\let\@@Teenstringenglish\@@Teenstringenglish % \end{macrocode} % This has changed in version 1.09, so that it now stores % the result in the second argument, but doesn't display anything. % Since it only affects internal macros, it shouldn't affect % documents created with older versions. (These internal macros are % not meant for use in documents.) % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@numberstringenglish[2]{% \ifnum#1>99999 \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}% {This macro only works for values less than 100000}% \else \ifnum#1<0 \PackageError{fmtcount}{Negative numbers not permitted}% {This macro does not work for negative numbers, however you can try typing "minus" first, and then pass the modulus of this number}% \fi \fi \def#2{}% \@strctr=#1\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \ifnum\@strctr>9 \divide\@strctr by 10 \ifnum\@strctr>1\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@tenstring{\@strctr}}% \@strctr=#1 \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr-\@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \else \@strctr=#1\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@teenstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\ \@thousand}% \else \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@unitstring{\@strctr}\ \@thousand}% \fi \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{1000}% \divide\@strctr by 100 \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \ifnum#1>1000\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\ }% \fi \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@unitstring{\@strctr}\ \@hundred}% \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{100}% \ifnum#1>100\relax \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\ \@andname\ }% \fi \fi \ifnum\@strctr>19\relax \divide\@strctr by 10\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@tenstring{\@strctr}}% \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr-\@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \else \ifnum\@strctr<10\relax \ifnum\@strctr=0\relax \ifnum#1<100\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \else \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \else \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@teenstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \fi }% \global\let\@@numberstringenglish\@@numberstringenglish % \end{macrocode} % All lower case version, the second argument must be a control % sequence.% % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/12}{Replace \cs{DeclareRobustCommand} by % \cs{newcommand*} as robustness is handled now at top level in % \texttt{fmtcount.sty}, and we don't need \cs{long} macros. Concerned % macros are \cs{@numberstringMenglish}, \cs{@ordinalstringMenglish}, % and \cs{@OrdinalstringMenglish}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@numberstringMenglish}[2]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringenglish \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringenglish \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringenglish \def\@hundred{hundred}\def\@thousand{thousand}% \def\@andname{and}% \@@numberstringenglish{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@numberstringMenglish\@numberstringMenglish % \end{macrocode} % There is no gender in English, so make feminine and neuter the % same % as the masculine. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@numberstringFenglish=\@numberstringMenglish \global\let\@numberstringNenglish=\@numberstringMenglish % \end{macrocode} % This version makes the first letter of each word an uppercase % character (except ``and''). The second argument must be a control % sequence. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@NumberstringMenglish[2]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@Unitstringenglish \let\@teenstring=\@@Teenstringenglish \let\@tenstring=\@@Tenstringenglish \def\@hundred{Hundred}\def\@thousand{Thousand}% \def\@andname{and}% \@@numberstringenglish{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@NumberstringMenglish\@NumberstringMenglish % \end{macrocode} % There is no gender in English, so make feminine and neuter the % same % as the masculine. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@NumberstringFenglish=\@NumberstringMenglish \global\let\@NumberstringNenglish=\@NumberstringMenglish % \end{macrocode} % Define a macro that produces an ordinal as a string. Again, break % it up into units, teens and tens. First the units: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@unitthstringenglish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax zeroth% \or first% \or second% \or third% \or fourth% \or fifth% \or sixth% \or seventh% \or eighth% \or ninth% \fi }% \global\let\@@unitthstringenglish\@@unitthstringenglish % \end{macrocode} % Next the tens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@tenthstringenglish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or tenth% \or twentieth% \or thirtieth% \or fortieth% \or fiftieth% \or sixtieth% \or seventieth% \or eightieth% \or ninetieth% \fi }% \global\let\@@tenthstringenglish\@@tenthstringenglish % \end{macrocode} % The teens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@teenthstringenglish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax tenth% \or eleventh% \or twelfth% \or thirteenth% \or fourteenth% \or fifteenth% \or sixteenth% \or seventeenth% \or eighteenth% \or nineteenth% \fi }% \global\let\@@teenthstringenglish\@@teenthstringenglish % \end{macrocode} % As before, but with the first letter in upper case. The units: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Unitthstringenglish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Zeroth% \or First% \or Second% \or Third% \or Fourth% \or Fifth% \or Sixth% \or Seventh% \or Eighth% \or Ninth% \fi }% \global\let\@@Unitthstringenglish\@@Unitthstringenglish % \end{macrocode} % The tens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Tenthstringenglish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or Tenth% \or Twentieth% \or Thirtieth% \or Fortieth% \or Fiftieth% \or Sixtieth% \or Seventieth% \or Eightieth% \or Ninetieth% \fi }% \global\let\@@Tenthstringenglish\@@Tenthstringenglish % \end{macrocode} % The teens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Teenthstringenglish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Tenth% \or Eleventh% \or Twelfth% \or Thirteenth% \or Fourteenth% \or Fifteenth% \or Sixteenth% \or Seventeenth% \or Eighteenth% \or Nineteenth% \fi }% \global\let\@@Teenthstringenglish\@@Teenthstringenglish % \end{macrocode} % Again, as from version 1.09, this has been changed to take two % arguments, where the second argument is a control sequence. % The resulting text is stored in the control sequence, and nothing % is displayed. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@ordinalstringenglish[2]{% \@strctr=#1\relax \ifnum#1>99999 \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}% {This macro only works for values less than 100000 (value given: \number\@strctr)}% \else \ifnum#1<0 \PackageError{fmtcount}{Negative numbers not permitted}% {This macro does not work for negative numbers, however you can try typing "minus" first, and then pass the modulus of this number}% \fi \def#2{}% \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \ifnum\@strctr>9\relax % \end{macrocode} % \#1 is greater or equal to 10000 % \begin{macrocode} \divide\@strctr by 10 \ifnum\@strctr>1\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@tenstring{\@strctr}}% \@strctr=#1\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr-\@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \else \@strctr=#1\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@teenstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{1000}% \ifnum\@strctr=0\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\ \@thousandth}% \else \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\ \@thousand}% \fi \else \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{1000}% \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \ifnum\@strctr=0\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\ \@thousandth}% \else \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\ \@thousand}% \fi \fi \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{1000}% \divide\@strctr by 100 \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \ifnum#1>1000\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\ }% \fi \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{100}% \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \ifnum\@strctr=0\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\ \@hundredth}% \else \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\ \@hundred}% \fi \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{100}% \ifnum#1>100\relax \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\ \@andname\ }% \fi \fi \ifnum\@strctr>19\relax \@tmpstrctr=\@strctr \divide\@strctr by 10\relax \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{10}% \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \ifnum\@tmpstrctr=0\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@tenthstring{\@strctr}}% \else \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@tenstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr-\@unitthstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \else \ifnum\@strctr<10\relax \ifnum\@strctr=0\relax \ifnum#1<100\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@unitthstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \else \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@unitthstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \else \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@teenthstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \fi }% \global\let\@@ordinalstringenglish\@@ordinalstringenglish % \end{macrocode} % All lower case version. Again, the second argument must be a % control sequence in which the resulting text is stored. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@ordinalstringMenglish}[2]{% \let\@unitthstring=\@@unitthstringenglish \let\@teenthstring=\@@teenthstringenglish \let\@tenthstring=\@@tenthstringenglish \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringenglish \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringenglish \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringenglish \def\@andname{and}% \def\@hundred{hundred}\def\@thousand{thousand}% \def\@hundredth{hundredth}\def\@thousandth{thousandth}% \@@ordinalstringenglish{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@ordinalstringMenglish\@ordinalstringMenglish % \end{macrocode} % No gender in English, so make feminine and neuter same as % masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalstringFenglish=\@ordinalstringMenglish \global\let\@ordinalstringNenglish=\@ordinalstringMenglish % \end{macrocode} % First letter of each word in upper case: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@OrdinalstringMenglish}[2]{% \let\@unitthstring=\@@Unitthstringenglish \let\@teenthstring=\@@Teenthstringenglish \let\@tenthstring=\@@Tenthstringenglish \let\@unitstring=\@@Unitstringenglish \let\@teenstring=\@@Teenstringenglish \let\@tenstring=\@@Tenstringenglish \def\@andname{and}% \def\@hundred{Hundred}\def\@thousand{Thousand}% \def\@hundredth{Hundredth}\def\@thousandth{Thousandth}% \@@ordinalstringenglish{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@OrdinalstringMenglish\@OrdinalstringMenglish % \end{macrocode} % No gender in English, so make feminine and neuter same as % masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@OrdinalstringFenglish=\@OrdinalstringMenglish \global\let\@OrdinalstringNenglish=\@OrdinalstringMenglish % \end{macrocode} \iffalse Local variables: \fi \iffalse mode: docTeX \fi \iffalse End: \fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-francais.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-francais.def} % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{francais}[2013/08/17]% \FCloadlang{french}% % \end{macrocode} % Set |francais| to be equivalent to |french|. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalMfrancais=\@ordinalMfrench \global\let\@ordinalFfrancais=\@ordinalFfrench \global\let\@ordinalNfrancais=\@ordinalNfrench \global\let\@numberstringMfrancais=\@numberstringMfrench \global\let\@numberstringFfrancais=\@numberstringFfrench \global\let\@numberstringNfrancais=\@numberstringNfrench \global\let\@NumberstringMfrancais=\@NumberstringMfrench \global\let\@NumberstringFfrancais=\@NumberstringFfrench \global\let\@NumberstringNfrancais=\@NumberstringNfrench \global\let\@ordinalstringMfrancais=\@ordinalstringMfrench \global\let\@ordinalstringFfrancais=\@ordinalstringFfrench \global\let\@ordinalstringNfrancais=\@ordinalstringNfrench \global\let\@OrdinalstringMfrancais=\@OrdinalstringMfrench \global\let\@OrdinalstringFfrancais=\@OrdinalstringFfrench \global\let\@OrdinalstringNfrancais=\@OrdinalstringNfrench % \end{macrocode} %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-french.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-french.def} % Definitions for French. % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{french}[2017/06/15]% % \end{macrocode} % Package \styfmt{fcprefix} is needed to format the prefix \meta{$n$} % in \meta{$n$}illion or \meta{$n$}illiard. Big numbers were % developped based on reference: \uref % {http://www.alain.be/boece/noms\_de\_nombre.html}. Package \styfmt % {fcprefix} is now loaded by \styfmt{fmtcount}. % % First of all we define two macros \cs{fc@gl@let} and \cs{fc@gl@def} % used in place of \cs{let} and \cs{def} within options setting % macros. This way we can control from outside these macros whether % the respective \cs{let} or \cs{def} is group-local or global. By % default they are defined to be group-local. % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/12}{First of all, make command definitions, as well as % options initial setting global. That is mainly a matter of: % \protect\begin{itemize} % \protect\item using \cs{gdef} instead of \cs{def}, % \protect\item using \cs{global}\cs{let} instead of \cs{let}, and % \protect\item following \cs{newcommand*}\cs{\meta{foo}} by \cs{global}\cs{let}\cs{\meta{foo}}\cs{\meta{foo}}. % \protect\item using \cs{fc@gl@let} and \cs{fc@gl@def} in place of \cs{let} % \protect\item and \cs{def} within options setting macros in order to make intial % \protect\item setting global. % \protect\end{itemize} % Second, replace any \cs{DeclareRobustCommand} by \cs{newcommand*} % } % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@gl@let}{\global\let\fc@gl@let\let}{\PackageError{fmtcount}{Command already defined}{Command \protect\fc@gl@let\space already defined.}} \ifcsundef{fc@gl@def}{\global\let\fc@gl@def\def}{\PackageError{fmtcount}{Command already defined}{Command \protect\fc@gl@def\space already defined.}} % \end{macrocode} % % Options for controlling plural mark. First of all we define some temporary macro \cs{fc@french@set@plural} % in order to factorize code that defines an plural mark option:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#1&key name,\\ % \#2&key value,\\ % \#3&configuration index for `\texttt{reformed}', \\ % \#4&configuration index for `\texttt{traditional}',\\ % \#5&configuration index for `\texttt{reformed o}', and\\ % \#6&configuration index for `\texttt{traditional o}'. % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\fc@french@set@plural#1#2#3#4#5#6{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{reformed}}{% \expandafter\fc@gl@def\csname fc@frenchoptions@#1@plural\endcsname{#3}% }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{traditional}}{% \expandafter\fc@gl@def\csname fc@frenchoptions@#1@plural\endcsname{#4}% }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{reformed o}}{% \expandafter\fc@gl@def\csname fc@frenchoptions@#1@plural\endcsname{#5}% }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{traditional o}}{% \expandafter\fc@gl@def\csname fc@frenchoptions@#1@plural\endcsname{#6}% }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{always}}{% \expandafter\fc@gl@def\csname fc@frenchoptions@#1@plural\endcsname{0}% }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{never}}{% \expandafter\fc@gl@def\csname fc@frenchoptions@#1@plural\endcsname{1}% }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{multiple}}{% \expandafter\fc@gl@def\csname fc@frenchoptions@#1@plural\endcsname{2}% }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{multiple g-last}}{% \expandafter\fc@gl@def\csname fc@frenchoptions@#1@plural\endcsname{3}% }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{multiple l-last}}{% \expandafter\fc@gl@def\csname fc@frenchoptions@#1@plural\endcsname{4}% }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{multiple lng-last}}{% \expandafter\fc@gl@def\csname fc@frenchoptions@#1@plural\endcsname{5}% }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{multiple ng-last}}{% \expandafter\fc@gl@def\csname fc@frenchoptions@#1@plural\endcsname{6}% }{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Unexpected argument}{% `#2' was unexpected: french option `#1 plural' expects `reformed', `traditional', `reformed o', `traditional o', `always', `never', `multiple', `multiple g-last', `multiple l-last', `multiple lng-last', or `multiple ng-last'.% }}}}}}}}}}}}}% % \end{macrocode} % Now a shorthand \cs{@tempa} is defined just to define all the options controlling plural mark. This % shorthand takes into account that `\texttt{reformed}' and `\texttt{traditional}' have the same effect, and % so do `\texttt{reformed o}' and `\texttt{traditional o}'. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempa#1#2#3{% \define@key{fcfrench}{#1 plural}[reformed]{% \fc@french@set@plural{#1}{##1}{#2}{#2}{#3}{#3}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Macro \cs{@tempb} takes a macro as argument, and makes its current % definition global. Like here it is useful when the macro name % contains non-letters, and we have to resort to the % \cs{csname}\ldots\cs{endcsname} construct. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\@tempb\csname KV@fcfrench@#1 plural\endcsname }% \def\@tempb#1{% \global\let#1#1 }% \@tempa{vingt}{4}{5} \@tempa{cent}{4}{5} \@tempa{mil}{0}{0} \@tempa{n-illion}{2}{6} \@tempa{n-illiard}{2}{6} % \end{macrocode} % For option `\texttt{all plural}' we cannot use the \cs{@tempa} shorthand, because `\texttt{all plural}' % is just a multiplexer. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{fcfrench}{all plural}[reformed]{% \csname KV@fcfrench@vingt plural\endcsname{#1}% \csname KV@fcfrench@cent plural\endcsname{#1}% \csname KV@fcfrench@mil plural\endcsname{#1}% \csname KV@fcfrench@n-illion plural\endcsname{#1}% \csname KV@fcfrench@n-illiard plural\endcsname{#1}% }% \expandafter\@tempb\csname KV@fcfrench@all plural\endcsname % \end{macrocode} % Now options `\texttt{dash or space}', we have three possible key values:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % traditional& use dash for numbers below 100, except when `et' is used, and space otherwise\\ % reformed& reform of 1990, use dash except with million \& milliard, and suchlikes, % i.e. \meta{$n$}illion and \meta{$n$}illiard,\\ % always& always use dashes to separate all words % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{fcfrench}{dash or space}[reformed]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{traditional}}{% \let\fc@frenchoptions@supermillion@dos\space% \let\fc@frenchoptions@submillion@dos\space }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{reformed}\or\equal{#1}{1990}}{% \let\fc@frenchoptions@supermillion@dos\space \def\fc@frenchoptions@submillion@dos{-}% }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{always}}{% \def\fc@frenchoptions@supermillion@dos{-}% \def\fc@frenchoptions@submillion@dos{-}% }{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Unexpected argument}{% French option `dash or space' expects `always', `reformed' or `traditional' } }% }% }% }% % \end{macrocode} % Option `\texttt{scale}', can take 3 possible values:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % long& for which \meta{\(n\)}illions \& \meta{\(n\)}illiards are used with \(10^{6\times n} = 1 % \textrm{\meta{$n$}}illion\), and \(10^{6\times n+3} = 1 \textrm{\meta{$n$}}illiard\)\\ % short& for which \meta{$n$}illions only are used with \(10^{3\times n+3} = 1 % \textrm{\meta{$n$}illion}\)\\ % recursive& for which \(10^{18} = \textrm{un milliard de milliards}\) % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{fcfrench}{scale}[recursive]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{long}}{% \let\fc@poweroften\fc@@pot@longscalefrench }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{recursive}}{% \let\fc@poweroften\fc@@pot@recursivefrench }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{short}}{% \let\fc@poweroften\fc@@pot@shortscalefrench }{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Unexpected argument}{% French option `scale' expects `long', `recursive' or `short' } }% }% }% }% % \end{macrocode} % Option `\texttt{n-illiard upto}' is ignored if `\texttt{scale}' is different from `\texttt{long}'. It can % take the following values:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % infinity&in that case \meta{$n$}illard are never disabled,\\ % infty&this is just a shorthand for `\texttt{infinity}', and\\ % \textrm{\(n\)}& any integer that is such that \(n>0\), and that \(\forall k\in\mathbb{N}, k\geq n\), % number \(10^{6\times k+3}\) will be formatted as ``mille \meta{$n$}illions'' % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{fcfrench}{n-illiard upto}[infinity]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{infinity}}{% \def\fc@longscale@nilliard@upto{0}% }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{infty}}{% \def\fc@longscale@nilliard@upto{0}% }{% \if Q\ifnum9<1#1Q\fi\else \PackageError{fmtcount}{Unexpected argument}{% French option `milliard threshold' expects `infinity', or equivalently `infty', or a non negative integer.}% \fi \def\fc@longscale@nilliard@upto{#1}% }}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Now, the options `\texttt{france}', `\texttt{swiss}' and `\texttt{belgian}' are defined to select the % dialect to use. Macro \cs{@tempa} is just a local shorthand to define each one of this option. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempa#1{% \define@key{fcfrench}{#1}[]{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Unexpected argument}{French option with key `#1' does not take any value}}% \csgdef{KV@fcfrench@#1@default}{% \fc@gl@def\fmtcount@french{#1}}% }% \@tempa{france}\@tempa{swiss}\@tempa{belgian}% % \end{macrocode} % Make `\texttt{france}' the default dialect for `\texttt{french}' language % \changes{3.01}{2014-12-18}{Move French specific stuff from \styfmt{fmtcount.sty} to \styfmt{fc-french.def}.} % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\fmtcount@french{france}% % \end{macrocode} % Now, option `\texttt{dialect}' is now defined so that `\texttt{france}', `\texttt{swiss}' and % `\texttt{belgian}' can also be used as key values, which is more conventional although less concise. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{fcfrench}{dialect}[france]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{france} \or\equal{#1}{swiss} \or\equal{#1}{belgian}}{% \def\fmtcount@french{#1}}{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Invalid value `#1' to french option dialect key} {Option `french' can only take the values `france', `belgian' or `swiss'}}}% \expandafter\@tempb\csname KV@fcfrench@dialect\endcsname % \end{macrocode} % The option \texttt{mil plural mark} allows to make the plural of \texttt{mil} to be regular, % i.e. \texttt{mils}, instead of \texttt{mille}. By default it is `\texttt{le}'. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{fcfrench}{mil plural mark}[le]{% \def\fc@frenchoptions@mil@plural@mark{#1}} \expandafter\@tempb\csname KV@fcfrench@mil plural mark\endcsname % \end{macrocode} % Definition of case handling macros. This should be moved somewhere else to be commonalized between all % languages.\newline % \DescribeMacro{\fc@UpperCaseFirstLetter}The macro \cs{fc@UpperCaseFirstLetter} is such that % \cs{fc@UpperCaseFirstLetter}\meta{word}\cs{@nil} expands to \cs{word} with first letter capitalized and % remainder unchanged. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\fc@UpperCaseFirstLetter#1#2\@nil{% \uppercase{#1}#2} % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@CaseIden}The macro \cs{fc@CaseIden} is such that \cs{fc@CaseIden}\meta{word}\cs{@nil} % expands to \cs{word} unchanged. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\fc@CaseIden#1\@nil{% #1% }% % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@UpperCaseAll}The macro \cs{fc@UpperCaseAll} is such that \cs{fc@UpperCaseAll}\meta{word}\cs{@nil} % expands to \cs{word} all capitalized. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\fc@UpperCaseAll#1\@nil{% \uppercase{#1}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@wcase}The macro \cs{fc@wcase} is the capitalizing macro for word-by-word % capitalization. By default we set it to identity, ie.\ no capitalization. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\fc@wcase\fc@CaseIden % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@gcase}The macro \cs{fc@gcase} is the capitalizing macro for global (the completed number) % capitalization. By default we set it to identity, ie.\ no capitalization. % \changes{3.02}{2017/06/15}{Create new macro \cs{fc@gcase} for solving % \uref{http://github.com/nlct/fmtcount/issues/24}{Issue \#24} about capitalization in French.} % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\fc@gcase\fc@CaseIden % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@apply@gcase}The macro \cs{fc@apply@gcase} simply applies \cs{fc@gcase} to \cs{@tempa}, % knowing that \cs{@tempa} is the macro containing the result of formatting. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\fc@apply@gcase{% % \end{macrocode} % First of all we expand whatever \cs{fc@wcase}\ldots\cs{@nil} found within \cs{@tempa}. % \begin{macrocode} \protected@edef\@tempa{\@tempa}% \protected@edef\@tempa{\expandafter\fc@gcase\@tempa\@nil}% } % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\@ordinalMfrench} % \changes{3.01}{2014-11-12}{Protect \cs{`}, for solving % \uref{http://github.com/nlct/fmtcount/issues/15}{Issue \#15}, and % correct non abbreviated ordinal finals} % \changes{3.01}{2014-11-20}{Add a package warning about non % abbreviated ordinals in French being incorrect. Change ``i\`eme'' % to ``\`eme'' which is the most frequent non abbreviated form.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@ordinalMfrench}[2]{% \iffmtord@abbrv \ifnum#1=1 % \edef#2{\number#1\relax\noexpand\fmtord{er}}% \else \edef#2{\number#1\relax\noexpand\fmtord{e}}% \fi \else \PackageWarning{fmtcount}{Non abbreviated ordinal finals (`eme) are considered incorrect in French.}% \ifnum#1=1 % \edef#2{\number#1\relax\noexpand\fmtord{er}}% \else \protected@edef#2{\number#1\relax\noexpand\fmtord{\protect\`eme}}% \fi \fi} \global\let\@ordinalMfrench\@ordinalMfrench % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\@ordinalFfrench} % \changes{3.01}{2014-11-10}{Protect \cs{`}, for solving % \uref{http://github.com/nlct/fmtcount/issues/15}{Issue \#15}} % \changes{3.01}{2014-11-20}{Add a package warning about non % abbreviated ordinals in French being incorrect. Change ``i\`eme'' % to ``\`eme'' which is the most frequent non abbreviated form.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@ordinalFfrench}[2]{% \iffmtord@abbrv \ifnum#1=1 % \edef#2{\number#1\relax\noexpand\fmtord{re}}% \else \edef#2{\number#1\relax\noexpand\fmtord{e}}% \fi \else \PackageWarning{fmtcount}{Non abbreviated ordinal finals (`eme) are considered incorrect in French.}% \ifnum#1=1 % \protected@edef#2{\number#1\relax\noexpand\fmtord{\protect\`ere}}% \else \protected@edef#2{\number#1\relax\noexpand\fmtord{\protect\`eme}}% \fi \fi} \global\let\@ordinalFfrench\@ordinalFfrench % \end{macrocode} % In French neutral gender and masculine gender are formally identical. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalNfrench\@ordinalMfrench % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\@@unitstringfrench} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@@unitstringfrench}[1]{% \noexpand\fc@wcase \ifcase#1 % z\'ero% \or un% \or deux% \or trois% \or quatre% \or cinq% \or six% \or sept% \or huit% \or neuf% \fi \noexpand\@nil }% \global\let\@@unitstringfrench\@@unitstringfrench % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\@@tenstringfrench} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@@tenstringfrench}[1]{% \noexpand\fc@wcase \ifcase#1 % \or dix% \or vingt% \or trente% \or quarante% \or cinquante% \or soixante% \or septante% \or huitante% \or nonante% \or cent% \fi \noexpand\@nil }% \global\let\@@tenstringfrench\@@tenstringfrench % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\@@teenstringfrench} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@@teenstringfrench}[1]{% \noexpand\fc@wcase \ifcase#1 % dix% \or onze% \or douze% \or treize% \or quatorze% \or quinze% \or seize% \or dix\noexpand\@nil-\noexpand\fc@wcase sept% \or dix\noexpand\@nil-\noexpand\fc@wcase huit% \or dix\noexpand\@nil-\noexpand\fc@wcase neuf% \fi \noexpand\@nil }% \global\let\@@teenstringfrench\@@teenstringfrench % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\@@seventiesfrench} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@@seventiesfrench}[1]{% \@tenstring{6}% \ifnum#1=1 % \fc@frenchoptions@submillion@dos\@andname\fc@frenchoptions@submillion@dos \else -% \fi \@teenstring{#1}% }% \global\let\@@seventiesfrench\@@seventiesfrench % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\@@eightiesfrench}Macro \cs{@@eightiesfrench} is used to format numbers in the interval % \([80\intv 89]\). Argument as follows:\newline % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#1&digit \(d_{w}\) such that the number to be formatted is \(80 + d_{w}\)\\ % \end{tabularx} % Implicit arguments as:\newline % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \cs{count0}&weight \(w\) of the number \(d_{w+1}d_{w}\) to be formatted\\ % \cs{count1}&same as \cs{\#1}\\ % \cs{count6}&input, counter giving the least weight of non zero digits in top level formatted number % integral part, with rounding down to a multiple of 3,\\ % \cs{count9}&input, counter giving the power type of the power of ten following the eighties to be % formatted; that is `1' for ``mil'' and `2' for ``\meta{$n$}illion\textbar \meta{$n$}illiard''. % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@eightiesfrench[1]{% \fc@wcase quatre\@nil-\noexpand\fc@wcase vingt% \ifnum#1>0 % \ifnum\fc@frenchoptions@vingt@plural=0 % vingt plural=always s% \fi \noexpand\@nil -\@unitstring{#1}% \else \ifcase\fc@frenchoptions@vingt@plural\space s% 0: always \or % 1: never \or s% 2: multiple \or % 3: multiple g-last \ifnum\count0=\count6\ifnum\count9=0 s\fi\fi \or % 4: multiple l-last \ifnum\count9=1 % \else s% \fi \or % 5: multiple lng-last \ifnum\count9=1 % \else \ifnum\count0>0 % s% \fi \fi \or % or 6: multiple ng-last \ifnum\count0>0 % s% \fi \fi \noexpand\@nil \fi }% \global\let\@@eightiesfrench\@@eightiesfrench \newcommand*{\@@ninetiesfrench}[1]{% \fc@wcase quatre\@nil-\noexpand\fc@wcase vingt% \ifnum\fc@frenchoptions@vingt@plural=0 % vingt plural=always s% \fi \noexpand\@nil -\@teenstring{#1}% }% \global\let\@@ninetiesfrench\@@ninetiesfrench \newcommand*{\@@seventiesfrenchswiss}[1]{% \@tenstring{7}% \ifnum#1=1\ \@andname\ \fi \ifnum#1>1-\fi \ifnum#1>0 \@unitstring{#1}\fi }% \global\let\@@seventiesfrenchswiss\@@seventiesfrenchswiss \newcommand*{\@@eightiesfrenchswiss}[1]{% \@tenstring{8}% \ifnum#1=1\ \@andname\ \fi \ifnum#1>1-\fi \ifnum#1>0 \@unitstring{#1}\fi }% \global\let\@@eightiesfrenchswiss\@@eightiesfrenchswiss \newcommand*{\@@ninetiesfrenchswiss}[1]{% \@tenstring{9}% \ifnum#1=1\ \@andname\ \fi \ifnum#1>1-\fi \ifnum#1>0 \@unitstring{#1}\fi }% \global\let\@@ninetiesfrenchswiss\@@ninetiesfrenchswiss % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@french@common}Macro \cs{fc@french@common} does all the preliminary settings common to all % French dialects \& formatting options. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\fc@french@common{% \let\fc@wcase\fc@CaseIden \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringfrench \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringfrench \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringfrench \def\@hundred{cent}% \def\@andname{et}% }% \global\let\fc@french@common\fc@french@common % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@numberstringMfrenchswiss}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@CaseIden \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrenchswiss \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrenchswiss \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrenchswiss \let\fc@nbrstr@preamble\@empty \let\fc@nbrstr@postamble\@empty \@@numberstringfrench{#1}{#2}} \global\let\@numberstringMfrenchswiss\@numberstringMfrenchswiss \newcommand*{\@numberstringMfrenchfrance}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@CaseIden \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrench \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrench \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrench \let\fc@nbrstr@preamble\@empty \let\fc@nbrstr@postamble\@empty \@@numberstringfrench{#1}{#2}} \global\let\@numberstringMfrenchfrance\@numberstringMfrenchfrance \newcommand*{\@numberstringMfrenchbelgian}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@CaseIden \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrenchswiss \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrench \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrench \let\fc@nbrstr@preamble\@empty \let\fc@nbrstr@postamble\@empty \@@numberstringfrench{#1}{#2}} \global\let\@numberstringMfrenchbelgian\@numberstringMfrenchbelgian \let\@numberstringMfrench=\@numberstringMfrenchfrance \newcommand*{\@numberstringFfrenchswiss}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@CaseIden \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrenchswiss \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrenchswiss \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrenchswiss \let\fc@nbrstr@preamble\fc@@nbrstr@Fpreamble \let\fc@nbrstr@postamble\@empty \@@numberstringfrench{#1}{#2}} \global\let\@numberstringFfrenchswiss\@numberstringFfrenchswiss \newcommand*{\@numberstringFfrenchfrance}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@CaseIden \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrench \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrench \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrench \let\fc@nbrstr@preamble\fc@@nbrstr@Fpreamble \let\fc@nbrstr@postamble\@empty \@@numberstringfrench{#1}{#2}} \global\let\@numberstringFfrenchfrance\@numberstringFfrenchfrance \newcommand*{\@numberstringFfrenchbelgian}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@CaseIden \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrenchswiss \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrench \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrench \let\fc@nbrstr@preamble\fc@@nbrstr@Fpreamble \let\fc@nbrstr@postamble\@empty \@@numberstringfrench{#1}{#2}} \global\let\@numberstringFfrenchbelgian\@numberstringFfrenchbelgian \global\let\@numberstringFfrench=\@numberstringFfrenchfrance \global\let\@ordinalstringNfrench\@ordinalstringMfrench \newcommand*{\@NumberstringMfrenchswiss}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@UpperCaseFirstLetter \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrenchswiss \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrenchswiss \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrenchswiss \let\fc@nbrstr@preamble\@empty \let\fc@nbrstr@postamble\fc@apply@gcase \@@numberstringfrench{#1}{#2}} \global\let\@NumberstringMfrenchswiss\@NumberstringMfrenchswiss \newcommand*{\@NumberstringMfrenchfrance}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@UpperCaseFirstLetter \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrench \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrench \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrench \let\fc@nbrstr@preamble\@empty \let\fc@nbrstr@postamble\fc@apply@gcase \@@numberstringfrench{#1}{#2}} \global\let\@NumberstringMfrenchfrance\@NumberstringMfrenchfrance \newcommand*{\@NumberstringMfrenchbelgian}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@UpperCaseFirstLetter \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrenchswiss \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrench \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrench \let\fc@nbrstr@preamble\@empty \let\fc@nbrstr@postamble\fc@apply@gcase \@@numberstringfrench{#1}{#2}} \global\let\@NumberstringMfrenchbelgian\@NumberstringMfrenchbelgian \global\let\@NumberstringMfrench=\@NumberstringMfrenchfrance \newcommand*{\@NumberstringFfrenchswiss}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@UpperCaseFirstLetter \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrenchswiss \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrenchswiss \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrenchswiss \let\fc@nbrstr@preamble\fc@@nbrstr@Fpreamble \let\fc@nbrstr@postamble\fc@apply@gcase \@@numberstringfrench{#1}{#2}} \global\let\@NumberstringFfrenchswiss\@NumberstringFfrenchswiss \newcommand*{\@NumberstringFfrenchfrance}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@UpperCaseFirstLetter \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrench \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrench \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrench \let\fc@nbrstr@preamble\fc@@nbrstr@Fpreamble \let\fc@nbrstr@postamble\fc@apply@gcase \@@numberstringfrench{#1}{#2}} \global\let\@NumberstringFfrenchfrance\@NumberstringFfrenchfrance \newcommand*{\@NumberstringFfrenchbelgian}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@UpperCaseFirstLetter \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrenchswiss \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrench \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrench \let\fc@nbrstr@preamble\fc@@nbrstr@Fpreamble \let\fc@nbrstr@postamble\fc@apply@gcase \@@numberstringfrench{#1}{#2}} \global\let\@NumberstringFfrenchbelgian\@NumberstringFfrenchbelgian \global\let\@NumberstringFfrench=\@NumberstringFfrenchfrance \global\let\@NumberstringNfrench\@NumberstringMfrench \newcommand*{\@ordinalstringMfrenchswiss}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@CaseIden \let\fc@first\fc@@firstfrench \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrenchswiss \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrenchswiss \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrenchswiss \@@ordinalstringfrench{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@ordinalstringMfrenchswiss\@ordinalstringMfrenchswiss \newcommand*\fc@@firstfrench{premier} \global\let\fc@@firstfrench\fc@@firstfrench % \end{macrocode} % \changes{3.01}{2014-11-10}{Protect \cs{`}, for solving % \uref{http://github.com/nlct/fmtcount/issues/15}{Issue \#15}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\fc@@firstFfrench{premi\protect\`ere} \global\let\fc@@firstFfrench\fc@@firstFfrench \newcommand*{\@ordinalstringMfrenchfrance}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@CaseIden \let\fc@first=\fc@@firstfrench \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrench \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrench \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrench \@@ordinalstringfrench{#1}{#2}} \global\let\@ordinalstringMfrenchfrance\@ordinalstringMfrenchfrance \newcommand*{\@ordinalstringMfrenchbelgian}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@CaseIden \let\fc@first=\fc@@firstfrench \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrench \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrench \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrench \@@ordinalstringfrench{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@ordinalstringMfrenchbelgian\@ordinalstringMfrenchbelgian \global\let\@ordinalstringMfrench=\@ordinalstringMfrenchfrance \newcommand*{\@ordinalstringFfrenchswiss}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@CaseIden \let\fc@first\fc@@firstFfrench \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrenchswiss \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrenchswiss \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrenchswiss \@@ordinalstringfrench{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@ordinalstringFfrenchswiss\@ordinalstringFfrenchswiss \newcommand*{\@ordinalstringFfrenchfrance}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@CaseIden \let\fc@first=\fc@@firstFfrench \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrench \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrench \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrench \@@ordinalstringfrench{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@ordinalstringFfrenchfrance\@ordinalstringFfrenchfrance \newcommand*{\@ordinalstringFfrenchbelgian}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@CaseIden \let\fc@first=\fc@@firstFfrench \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrench \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrench \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrench \@@ordinalstringfrench{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@ordinalstringFfrenchbelgian\@ordinalstringFfrenchbelgian \global\let\@ordinalstringFfrench=\@ordinalstringFfrenchfrance \global\let\@ordinalstringNfrench\@ordinalstringMfrench \newcommand*{\@OrdinalstringMfrenchswiss}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@UpperCaseFirstLetter \let\fc@first=\fc@@firstfrench \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrenchswiss \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrenchswiss \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrenchswiss \@@ordinalstringfrench{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@OrdinalstringMfrenchswiss\@OrdinalstringMfrenchswiss \newcommand*{\@OrdinalstringMfrenchfrance}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@UpperCaseFirstLetter \let\fc@first\fc@@firstfrench \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrench \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrench \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrench \@@ordinalstringfrench{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@OrdinalstringMfrenchfrance\@OrdinalstringMfrenchfrance \newcommand*{\@OrdinalstringMfrenchbelgian}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@UpperCaseFirstLetter \let\fc@first\fc@@firstfrench \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrench \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrench \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrench \@@ordinalstringfrench{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@OrdinalstringMfrenchbelgian\@OrdinalstringMfrenchbelgian \global\let\@OrdinalstringMfrench=\@OrdinalstringMfrenchfrance \newcommand*{\@OrdinalstringFfrenchswiss}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@UpperCaseFirstLetter \let\fc@first\fc@@firstfrench \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrenchswiss \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrenchswiss \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrenchswiss \@@ordinalstringfrench{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@OrdinalstringFfrenchswiss\@OrdinalstringFfrenchswiss \newcommand*{\@OrdinalstringFfrenchfrance}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@UpperCaseFirstLetter \let\fc@first\fc@@firstFfrench \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrench \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrench \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrench \@@ordinalstringfrench{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@OrdinalstringFfrenchfrance\@OrdinalstringFfrenchfrance \newcommand*{\@OrdinalstringFfrenchbelgian}[2]{% \fc@french@common \let\fc@gcase\fc@UpperCaseFirstLetter \let\fc@first\fc@@firstFfrench \let\@seventies=\@@seventiesfrench \let\@eighties=\@@eightiesfrench \let\@nineties=\@@ninetiesfrench \@@ordinalstringfrench{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@OrdinalstringFfrenchbelgian\@OrdinalstringFfrenchbelgian \global\let\@OrdinalstringFfrench=\@OrdinalstringFfrenchfrance \global\let\@OrdinalstringNfrench\@OrdinalstringMfrench % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@@do@plural@mark}Macro \cs{fc@@do@plural@mark} will expand to the plural mark of % \meta{$n$}illiard, \meta{$n$}illion, mil, cent or vingt, whichever is applicable. First check that the macro % is not yet defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@@do@plural@mark}{}% {\PackageError{fmtcount}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@@do@plural@mark'}} % \end{macrocode} % Arguments as follows:\newline % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#1&plural mark, `s' in general, but for mil it is \cs{fc@frenchoptions@mil@plural@mark}\\ % \end{tabularx} % Implicit arguments as follows:\newline % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \cs{count0}&input, counter giving the weight \(w\), this is expected to be multiple of 3,\\ % \cs{count1}&input, counter giving the plural value of multiplied object \meta{$n$}illiard, % \meta{$n$}illion, mil, cent or vingt, whichever is applicable, that is to say it is 1 when the considered % objet is not multiplied, and 2 or more when it is multiplied,\\ % \cs{count6}&input, counter giving the least weight of non zero digits in top level formatted number % integral part, with rounding down to a multiple of 3,\\ % \cs{count10}&input, counter giving the plural mark control option.\\ % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@@do@plural@mark#1{% \ifcase\count10 % #1% 0=always \or% 1=never \or% 2=multiple \ifnum\count1>1 % #1% \fi \or% 3= multiple g-last \ifnum\count1>1 % \ifnum\count0=\count6 % #1% \fi \fi \or% 4= multiple l-last \ifnum\count1>1 % \ifnum\count9=1 % \else #1% \fi \fi \or% 5= multiple lng-last \ifnum\count1>1 % \ifnum\count9=1 % \else \if\count0>\count6 % #1% \fi \fi \fi \or% 6= multiple ng-last \ifnum\count1>1 % \ifnum\count0>\count6 % #1% \fi \fi \fi }% \global\let\fc@@do@plural@mark\fc@@do@plural@mark % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@@nbrstr@Fpreamble}Macro \cs{fc@@nbrstr@Fpreamble} do the necessary preliminaries before % formatting a cardinal with feminine gender. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@@nbrstr@Fpreamble}{}{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@@nbrstr@Fpreamble'}} % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@@nbrstr@Fpreamble} % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@@nbrstr@Fpreamble{% \fc@read@unit{\count1}{0}% \ifnum\count1=1 % \let\fc@wcase@save\fc@wcase \def\fc@wcase{\noexpand\fc@wcase}% \def\@nil{\noexpand\@nil}% \let\fc@nbrstr@postamble\fc@@nbrstr@Fpostamble \fi }% \global\let\fc@@nbrstr@Fpreamble\fc@@nbrstr@Fpreamble % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@@nbrstr@Fpostamble} % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@@nbrstr@Fpostamble{% \let\fc@wcase\fc@wcase@save \expandafter\fc@get@last@word\expandafter{\@tempa}\@tempb\@tempc \def\@tempd{un}% \ifx\@tempc\@tempd \let\@tempc\@tempa \edef\@tempa{\@tempb\fc@wcase une\@nil}% \fi }% \global\let\fc@@nbrstr@Fpostamble\fc@@nbrstr@Fpostamble % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@@pot@longscalefrench}Macro \cs{fc@@pot@longscalefrench} is used to produce % powers of ten with long scale convention. The long scale convention is correct for French and elsewhere in % Europe. First we check that the macro is not yet defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@@pot@longscalefrench}{}{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@@pot@longscalefrench'}} % \end{macrocode} % Argument are as follows:\def\interface{\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#1&input, plural value of \(d\), that is to say: let \(d\) be the number multiplying the considered power % of ten, then the plural value \texttt{\#2} is expected to be \(0\) if \(d=0\), \(1\) if \(d=1\), or \(>1\) % if \(d>1\)\\ % \#2&output, counter, maybe \(0\) when power of ten is \(1\), \(1\) when power of ten starts with % ``mil(le)'', or \(2\) when power of ten is a ``\meta{$n$}illion(s)\textbar\meta{$n$}illiard(s)''\\ % \#3&output, macro into which to place the formatted power of ten % \end{tabularx} % Implicit arguments as follows:\newline % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \cs{count0}&input, counter giving the weight \(w\), this is expected to be multiple of 3\\ % \end{tabularx} % }\interface % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@@pot@longscalefrench#1#2#3{% {% % \end{macrocode} % First the input arguments are saved into local objects: \texttt{\#1} and \texttt{\#1} are respectively saved % into \cs{@tempa} and \cs{@tempb}. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@tempb{\number#1}% % \end{macrocode} % Let \cs{count1} be the plural value. % \begin{macrocode} \count1=\@tempb % \end{macrocode} % Let \(n\) and \(r\) the the quotient and remainder of division of weight \(w\) by \(6\), that is to say \(w % = n\times 6 + r\) and \(0\leq r < 6\), then \cs{count2} is set to \(n\) and \cs{count3} is set to \(r\). % \begin{macrocode} \count2\count0 % \divide\count2 by 6 % \count3\count2 % \multiply\count3 by 6 % \count3-\count3 % \advance\count3 by \count0 % \ifnum\count0>0 % % \end{macrocode} % If weight \(w\) (a.k.a. \cs{count0}) is such that \(w>0\), then \(w\geq 3\) because \(w\) is a multiple of % \(3\). So we \emph{may} have to append ``mil(le)'' or ``\meta{$n$}illion(s)'' or ``\meta{$n$}illiard(s)''. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\count1>0 % % \end{macrocode} % Plural value is \(>0\) so have at least one ``mil(le)'' or ``\meta{$n$}illion(s)'' or % ``\meta{$n$}illiard(s)''. We need to distinguish between the case of ``mil(le)'' and that of % ``\meta{$n$}illion(s)'' or ``\meta{$n$}illiard(s)'', so we \cs{def}ine \cs{@temph} to `\texttt{1}' for % ``mil(le)'', and to `\texttt{2}' otherwise. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@temph{% \ifnum\count2=0 % weight=3 % \end{macrocode} % Here \(n=0\), with \(n=w\div 6\),but we also know that \(w\geq 3\), so we have \(w=3\) which means we are in % the ``mil(le)'' case. % \begin{macrocode} 1% \else \ifnum\count3>2 % % \end{macrocode} % Here we are in the case of \(3\leq r < 6\), with \(r\) the remainder of division of weight \(w\) by \(6\), % we should have ``\meta{$n$}illiard(s)'', but that may also be ``mil(le)'' instead depending on % option `\texttt{n-illiard upto}', known as \cs{fc@longscale@nilliard@upto}. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\fc@longscale@nilliard@upto=0 % % \end{macrocode} % Here option `\texttt{n-illiard upto}' is `\texttt{infinity}', so we always use ``\meta{$n$}illiard(s)''. % \begin{macrocode} 2% \else % \end{macrocode} % Here option `\texttt{n-illiard upto}' indicate some threshold to which to compare \(n\) % (a.k.a. \cs{count2}). % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\count2>\fc@longscale@nilliard@upto 1% \else 2% \fi \fi \else 2% \fi \fi }% \ifnum\@temph=1 % % \end{macrocode} % Here \(10^w\) is formatted as ``mil(le)''. % \begin{macrocode} \count10=\fc@frenchoptions@mil@plural\space \edef\@tempe{% \noexpand\fc@wcase mil% \fc@@do@plural@mark\fc@frenchoptions@mil@plural@mark \noexpand\@nil }% \else % weight >= 6 \expandafter\fc@@latin@cardinal@pefix\expandafter{\the\count2}\@tempg % now form the xxx-illion(s) or xxx-illiard(s) word \ifnum\count3>2 % \toks10{illiard}% \count10=\csname fc@frenchoptions@n-illiard@plural\endcsname\space \else \toks10{illion}% \count10=\csname fc@frenchoptions@n-illion@plural\endcsname\space \fi \edef\@tempe{% \noexpand\fc@wcase \@tempg \the\toks10 % \fc@@do@plural@mark s% \noexpand\@nil }% \fi \else % \end{macrocode} % Here plural indicator of \(d\) indicates that \(d = 0\), so we have \(0\times10^{w}\), and it is not worth % to format \(10^{w}\), because there are none of them. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@tempe\@empty \def\@temph{0}% \fi \else % \end{macrocode} % Case of \(w=0\). % \begin{macrocode} \let\@tempe\@empty \def\@temph{0}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Now place into \@cs{@tempa} the assignment of results \cs{@temph} and \cs{@tempe} to \texttt{\#2} and % \texttt{\#3} for further propagation after closing brace. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\toks\expandafter1\expandafter{\@tempe}% \toks0{#2}% \edef\@tempa{\the\toks0 \@temph \def\noexpand#3{\the\toks1}}% \expandafter }\@tempa }% \global\let\fc@@pot@longscalefrench\fc@@pot@longscalefrench % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@@pot@shortscalefrench}Macro \cs{fc@@pot@shortscalefrench} is used to produce % powers of ten with short scale convention. This convention is the US convention and is not correct for % French and elsewhere in Europe. First we check that the macro is not yet defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@@pot@shortscalefrench}{}{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@@pot@shortscalefrench'}} % \end{macrocode} % Arguments as follows --- same interface as for \cs{fc@@pot@longscalefrench}:\interface % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@@pot@shortscalefrench#1#2#3{% {% % \end{macrocode} % First save input arguments \texttt{\#1}, \texttt{\#2}, and \texttt{\#3} into local macros % respectively \cs{@tempa}, \cs{@tempb}, \cs{@tempc} and \cs{@tempd}. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@tempb{\number#1}% % \end{macrocode} % And let \cs{count1} be the plural value. % \begin{macrocode} \count1=\@tempb % \end{macrocode} % Now, let \cs{count2} be the integer \(n\) generating the pseudo latin prefix, i.e. \(n\) is such that \(w = % 3\times n + 3\). % \begin{macrocode} \count2\count0 % \divide\count2 by 3 % \advance\count2 by -1 % % \end{macrocode} % Here is the real job, the formatted power of ten will go to \cs{@tempe}, and its power type will go to % \cs{@temph}. Please remember that the power type is an index in \([0\intv 2]\) indicating whether \(10^w\) % is formatted as \meta{nothing}, ``mil(le)'' or ``\meta{$n$}illion(s)\textbar\meta{$n$}illiard(s)''. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\count0>0 % If weight>=3, i.e we do have to append thousand or n-illion(s)/n-illiard(s) \ifnum\count1>0 % we have at least one thousand/n-illion/n-illiard \ifnum\count2=0 % \def\@temph{1}% \count1=\fc@frenchoptions@mil@plural\space \edef\@tempe{% mil% \fc@@do@plural@mark\fc@frenchoptions@mil@plural@mark }% \else \def\@temph{2}% % weight >= 6 \expandafter\fc@@latin@cardinal@pefix\expandafter{\the\count2}\@tempg \count10=\csname fc@frenchoptions@n-illion@plural\endcsname\space \edef\@tempe{% \noexpand\fc@wcase \@tempg illion% \fc@@do@plural@mark s% \noexpand\@nil }% \fi \else % \end{macrocode} % Here we have \(d=0\), so nothing is to be formatted for \(d\times 10^w\). % \begin{macrocode} \def\@temph{0}% \let\@tempe\@empty \fi \else % \end{macrocode} % Here \(w=0\). % \begin{macrocode} \def\@temph{0}% \let\@tempe\@empty \fi % now place into \@cs{@tempa} the assignment of results \cs{@temph} and \cs{@tempe} to to \texttt{\#2} and % \texttt{\#3} for further propagation after closing brace. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\toks\expandafter1\expandafter{\@tempe}% \toks0{#2}% \edef\@tempa{\the\toks0 \@temph \def\noexpand#3{\the\toks1}}% \expandafter }\@tempa }% \global\let\fc@@pot@shortscalefrench\fc@@pot@shortscalefrench % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@@pot@recursivefrench}Macro \cs{fc@@pot@recursivefrench} is used to produce % power of tens that are of the form ``million de milliards de milliards'' for \(10^{24}\). First we check % that the macro is not yet defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@@pot@recursivefrench}{}{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@@pot@recursivefrench'}} % \end{macrocode} % The arguments are as follows --- same interface as for \cs{fc@@pot@longscalefrench}:\interface % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@@pot@recursivefrench#1#2#3{% {% % \end{macrocode} % First the input arguments are saved into local objects: \texttt{\#1} and \texttt{\#1} are respectively saved % into \cs{@tempa} and \cs{@tempb}. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@tempb{\number#1}% \let\@tempa\@@tempa % \end{macrocode} % New get the inputs \texttt{\#1} and \texttt{\#1} into counters \cs{count0} and \cs{count1} as this is more % practical. % \begin{macrocode} \count1=\@tempb\space % \end{macrocode} % Now compute into \cs{count2} how many times ``de milliards'' has to be repeated. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\count1>0 % \count2\count0 % \divide\count2 by 9 % \advance\count2 by -1 % \let\@tempe\@empty \edef\@tempf{\fc@frenchoptions@supermillion@dos de\fc@frenchoptions@supermillion@dos\fc@wcase milliards\@nil}% \count11\count0 % \ifnum\count2>0 % \count3\count2 % \count3-\count3 % \multiply\count3 by 9 % \advance\count11 by \count3 % \loop % (\count2, \count3) <- (\count2 div 2, \count2 mod 2) \count3\count2 % \divide\count3 by 2 % \multiply\count3 by 2 % \count3-\count3 % \advance\count3 by \count2 % \divide\count2 by 2 % \ifnum\count3=1 % \let\@tempg\@tempe \edef\@tempe{\@tempg\@tempf}% \fi \let\@tempg\@tempf \edef\@tempf{\@tempg\@tempg}% \ifnum\count2>0 % \repeat \fi \divide\count11 by 3 % \ifcase\count11 % 0 .. 5 % 0 => d milliard(s) (de milliards)* \def\@temph{2}% \count10=\csname fc@frenchoptions@n-illiard@plural\endcsname\space \or % 1 => d mille milliard(s) (de milliards)* \def\@temph{1}% \count10=\fc@frenchoptions@mil@plural\space \or % 2 => d million(s) (de milliards)* \def\@temph{2}% \count10=\csname fc@frenchoptions@n-illion@plural\endcsname\space \or % 3 => d milliard(s) (de milliards)* \def\@temph{2}% \count10=\csname fc@frenchoptions@n-illiard@plural\endcsname\space \or % 4 => d mille milliards (de milliards)* \def\@temph{1}% \count10=\fc@frenchoptions@mil@plural\space \else % 5 => d million(s) (de milliards)* \def\@temph{2}% \count10=\csname fc@frenchoptions@n-illion@plural\endcsname\space \fi \let\@tempg\@tempe \edef\@tempf{% \ifcase\count11 % 0 .. 5 \or mil\fc@@do@plural@mark \fc@frenchoptions@mil@plural@mark \or million\fc@@do@plural@mark s% \or milliard\fc@@do@plural@mark s% \or mil\fc@@do@plural@mark\fc@frenchoptions@mil@plural@mark \noexpand\@nil\fc@frenchoptions@supermillion@dos \noexpand\fc@wcase milliards% 4 \or million\fc@@do@plural@mark s% \noexpand\@nil\fc@frenchoptions@supermillion@dos de\fc@frenchoptions@supermillion@dos\noexpand\fc@wcase milliards% 5 \fi }% \edef\@tempe{% \ifx\@tempf\@empty\else \expandafter\fc@wcase\@tempf\@nil \fi \@tempg }% \else \def\@temph{0}% \let\@tempe\@empty \fi % \end{macrocode} % Now place into \@cs{@tempa} the assignment of results \cs{@temph} and \cs{@tempe} to \texttt{\#2} and % \texttt{\#3} for further propagation after closing brace. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\toks\expandafter1\expandafter{\@tempe}% \toks0{#2}% \edef\@tempa{\the\toks0 \@temph \def\noexpand#3{\the\toks1}}% \expandafter }\@tempa }% \global\let\fc@@pot@recursivefrench\fc@@pot@recursivefrench % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@muladdfrench}Macro \cs{fc@muladdfrench} is used to format the sum of a number \(a\) and % the product of a number \(d\) by a power of ten \(10^w\). Number \(d\) is made of three consecutive digits % \(d_{w+2}d_{w+1}d_w\) of respective weights \(w+2\), \(w+1\), and \(w\), while number \(a\) is made of all % digits with weight \(w' > w+2\) that have already been formatted. First check that the macro is not yet % defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@muladdfrench}{}{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@muladdfrench'}} % \end{macrocode} % Arguments as follows:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#2&input, plural indicator for number \(d\)\\ % \#3&input, formatted number \(d\)\\ % \#5&input, formatted number \(10^w\), i.e. power of ten which is multiplied by \(d\)\\ % \end{tabularx} % Implicit arguments from context:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \cs{@tempa}&input, formatted number \(a\)\\ % &output, macro to which place the mul-add result\\ % \cs{count8}&input, power type indicator for \(10^{w'}\), where \(w'\) is a weight of \(a\), this is an % index in \([0\intv 2]\) that reflects whether \(10^{w'}\) is formatted by ``mil(le)'' --- for index \(=1\) % --- or by ``\meta{$n$}illion(s)\textbar\meta{$n$}illiard(s)'' --- for index \(=2\)\\ % \cs{count9}&input, power type indicator for \(10^w\), this is an index in \([0\intv 2]\) that reflect % whether the weight \(w\) of \(d\) is formatted by ``meta{nothing}'' --- for index \(=0\), ``mil(le)'' --- % for index % \(=1\) --- or by ``\meta{$n$}illion(s)\textbar \meta{$n$}illiard(s)'' --- for index \(=2\)\\ % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@muladdfrench#1#2#3{% {% % \end{macrocode} % First we save input arguments \texttt{\#1} -- \texttt{\#3} to local macros \cs{@tempc}, \cs{@tempd} and % \cs{@tempf}. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@@tempc{#1}% \edef\@@tempd{#2}% \edef\@tempf{#3}% \let\@tempc\@@tempc \let\@tempd\@@tempd % \end{macrocode} % First we want to do the ``multiplication'' of \(d \Rightarrow \cs{@tempd}\) and of \(10^w \Rightarrow % \cs{@tempf}\). So, prior to this we do some preprocessing of \(d \Rightarrow \cs{@tempd}\): we force % \cs{@tempd} to \meta{empty} if both \(d=1\) and \(10^w\Rightarrow\) ``mil(le)'', this is because we, % French, we do not say ``un mil'', but just ``mil''. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\@tempc=1 % \ifnum\count9=1 % \let\@tempd\@empty \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % Now we do the ``multiplication'' of \(d = \cs{@tempd}\) and of \(10^w = \cs{@tempf}\), and place the result % into \cs{@tempg}. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@tempg{% \@tempd \ifx\@tempd\@empty\else \ifx\@tempf\@empty\else \ifcase\count9 % \or \fc@frenchoptions@submillion@dos \or \fc@frenchoptions@supermillion@dos \fi \fi \fi \@tempf }% % \end{macrocode} % Now to the ``addition'' of \(a\Rightarrow \cs{@tempa}\) and \(d\times 10^w\Rightarrow \cs{@tempg}\), and % place the results into \cs{@temph}. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@temph{% \@tempa \ifx\@tempa\@empty\else \ifx\@tempg\@empty\else \ifcase\count8 % \or \fc@frenchoptions@submillion@dos \or \fc@frenchoptions@supermillion@dos \fi \fi \fi \@tempg }% % \end{macrocode} % Now propagate the result --- i.e. the expansion of \cs{@temph} --- into macro \cs{@tempa} after closing % brace. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempb##1{\def\@tempa{\def\@tempa{##1}}}% \expandafter\@tempb\expandafter{\@temph}% \expandafter }\@tempa }% \global\let\fc@muladdfrench\fc@muladdfrench % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@lthundredstringfrench}Macro \cs{fc@lthundredstringfrench} is used to format a number in % interval \([0 \intv 99]\). First we check that it is not already defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@lthundredstringfrench}{}{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@lthundredstringfrench'}} % \end{macrocode} % The number to format is not passed as an argument to this macro, instead each digits of it is in a % \cs{fc@digit@\meta{w}} macro after this number has been parsed. So the only thing that % \cs{fc@lthundredstringfrench} needs is to know \meta{w} which is passed as \cs{count0} for the less % significant digit.\newline % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#1&intput/output macro to which append the result % \end{tabularx} % Implicit input arguments as follows:\newline % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \cs{count0}&weight \(w\) of least significant digit \(d_{w}\). % \end{tabularx} % The formatted number is appended to the content of \#1, and the result is placed into \#1. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@lthundredstringfrench#1{% {% % \end{macrocode} % First save arguments into local temporary macro. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@tempc#1% % \end{macrocode} % Read units \(d_w\) to \cs{count1}. % \begin{macrocode} \fc@read@unit{\count1}{\count0}% % \end{macrocode} % Read tens \(d_{w+1}\) to \cs{count2}. % \begin{macrocode} \count3\count0 % \advance\count3 1 % \fc@read@unit{\count2}{\count3}% % \end{macrocode} % Now do the real job, set macro \cs{@tempa} to \texttt{\#1} followed by \(d_{w+1}d_w\) formatted. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@tempa{% \@tempc \ifnum\count2>1 % % 20 .. 99 \ifnum\count2>6 % % 70 .. 99 \ifnum\count2<8 % % 70 .. 79 \@seventies{\count1}% \else % 80..99 \ifnum\count2<9 % % 80 .. 89 \@eighties{\count1}% \else % 90 .. 99 \@nineties{\count1}% \fi \fi \else % 20..69 \@tenstring{\count2}% \ifnum\count1>0 % % x1 .. x0 \ifnum\count1=1 % % x1 \fc@frenchoptions@submillion@dos\@andname\fc@frenchoptions@submillion@dos \else % x2 .. x9 -% \fi \@unitstring{\count1}% \fi \fi \else % 0 .. 19 \ifnum\count2=0 % when tens = 0 % 0 .. 9 \ifnum\count1=0 % when units = 0 % \count3=1 when #1 = 0, i.e. only for the unit of the top level number \ifnum\count3=1 % \ifnum\fc@max@weight=0 % \@unitstring{0}% \fi \fi \else % 1 .. 9 \@unitstring{\count1}% \fi \else % 10 .. 19 \@teenstring{\count1}% \fi \fi }% % \end{macrocode} % Now propagate the expansion of \cs{@tempa} into \texttt{\#1} after closing brace. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempb##1{\def\@tempa{\def#1{##1}}}% \expandafter\@tempb\expandafter{\@tempa}% \expandafter }\@tempa }% \global\let\fc@lthundredstringfrench\fc@lthundredstringfrench % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@ltthousandstringfrench}Macro \cs{fc@ltthousandstringfrench} is used to format a number in % interval \([0 \intv 999]\). First we check that it is not already defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@ltthousandstringfrench}{}{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@ltthousandstringfrench'}} % \end{macrocode} % Output is empty for 0. Arguments as follows:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#2&output, macro, formatted number \(d = d_{w+2}d_{w+1}d_w\) % \end{tabularx} % Implicit input arguments as follows:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \cs{count0}&input weight \(10^{w}\) of number \(d_{w+2}d_{w+1}d_w\) to be formatted.\\ % \cs{count5}&least weight of formatted number with a non null digit.\\ % \cs{count9}&input, power type indicator of \(10^{w}\) \(0\Rightarrow\varnothing\), \(1\Rightarrow\textrm { % ``mil(le)''}\), \(2\Rightarrow\textrm {\meta{$n$}illion(s)\textbar\meta{$n$}illiard(s)}\)\\ % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@ltthousandstringfrench#1{% {% % \end{macrocode} % Set counter \cs{count2} to digit \(d_{w+2}\), i.e. hundreds. % \begin{macrocode} \count4\count0 % \advance\count4 by 2 % \fc@read@unit{\count2 }{\count4 }% % \end{macrocode} % Check that the two subsequent digits \(d_{w+1}d_w\) are non zero, place check-result into \cs{@tempa}. % \begin{macrocode} \advance\count4 by -1 % \count3\count4 % \advance\count3 by -1 % \fc@check@nonzeros{\count3 }{\count4 }\@tempa % \end{macrocode} % Compute plural mark of `cent' into \cs{@temps}. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@temps{% \ifcase\fc@frenchoptions@cent@plural\space % 0 => always s% \or % 1 => never \or % 2 => multiple \ifnum\count2>1s\fi \or % 3 => multiple g-last \ifnum\count2>1 \ifnum\@tempa=0 \ifnum\count0=\count6s\fi\fi\fi \or % 4 => multiple l-last \ifnum\count2>1 \ifnum\@tempa=0 \ifnum\count9=0s\else\ifnum\count9=2s\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi }% % compute spacing after cent(s?) into \@tempb \expandafter\let\expandafter\@tempb \ifnum\@tempa>0 \fc@frenchoptions@submillion@dos\else\@empty\fi % now place into \@tempa the hundreds \edef\@tempa{% \ifnum\count2=0 % \else \ifnum\count2=1 % \expandafter\fc@wcase\@hundred\@nil \else \@unitstring{\count2}\fc@frenchoptions@submillion@dos \noexpand\fc@wcase\@hundred\@temps\noexpand\@nil \fi \@tempb \fi }% % now append to \@tempa the ten and unit \fc@lthundredstringfrench\@tempa % \end{macrocode} % Propagate expansion of \cs{@tempa} into macro \texttt{\#1} after closing brace. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempb##1{\def\@tempa{\def#1{##1}}}% \expandafter\@tempb\expandafter{\@tempa}% \expandafter }\@tempa }% \global\let\fc@ltthousandstringfrench\fc@ltthousandstringfrench % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\@@numberstringfrench}Macro \cs{@@numberstringfrench} is the main engine for formatting % cadinal numbers in French. First we check that the control sequence is not yet defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{@@numberstringfrench}{}{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `@@numberstringfrench'}} % \end{macrocode} % Arguments are as follows:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#1&number to convert to string\\ % \#2¯o into which to place the result % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@@numberstringfrench#1#2{% {% % \end{macrocode} % First parse input number to be formatted and do some error handling. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@tempa{#1}% \expandafter\fc@number@parser\expandafter{\@tempa}% \ifnum\fc@min@weight<0 % \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}% {This macro does not work with fractional numbers}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % In the sequel, \cs{@tempa} is used to accumulate the formatted number. Please note that \cs{space} after % \cs{fc@sign@case} is eaten by preceding number collection. This \cs{space} is needed so that when % \cs{fc@sign@case} expands to `\texttt{0}', then \cs{@tempa} is defined to `' (i.e. empty) rather than to % `\cs{relax}'. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@tempa{\ifcase\fc@sign@case\space\or\fc@wcase plus\@nil\or\fc@wcase moins\@nil\fi}% \fc@nbrstr@preamble \fc@@nbrstrfrench@inner \fc@nbrstr@postamble % \end{macrocode} % Propagate the result --- i.e. expansion of \cs{@tempa} --- into macro \texttt{\#2} after closing brace. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempb##1{\def\@tempa{\def#2{##1}}}% \expandafter\@tempb\expandafter{\@tempa}% \expandafter }\@tempa }% \global\let\@@numberstringfrench\@@numberstringfrench % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@@nbrstrfrench@inner}Common part of \cs{@@numberstringfrench} and \cs % {@@ordinalstringfrench}. Arguments are as follows:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \cs{@tempa}&input/output, macro to which the result is to be aggregated, initially empty or contains the % sign indication.\\ % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@@nbrstrfrench@inner{% % \end{macrocode} % Now loop, first we compute starting weight as % \(3\times\left\lfloor\frac{\cs{fc@max@weight}}{3}\right\rfloor\) into \cs{count0}. % \begin{macrocode} \count0=\fc@max@weight \divide\count0 by 3 % \multiply\count0 by 3 % % \end{macrocode} % Now we compute final weight into \cs{count5}, and round down to multiple of \(3\) into % \cs{count6}. Warning: \cs{count6} is an implicit input argument to macro \cs{fc@ltthousandstringfrench}. % \begin{macrocode} \fc@intpart@find@last{\count5 }% \count6\count5 % \divide\count6 3 % \multiply\count6 3 % \count8=0 % \loop % \end{macrocode} % First we check whether digits in weight interval \([w \intv (w+2)]\) are all zero and place check result % into macro \cs{@tempt}. % \begin{macrocode} \count1\count0 % \advance\count1 by 2 % \fc@check@nonzeros{\count0 }{\count1 }\@tempt % \end{macrocode} % Now we generate the power of ten \(10^w\), formatted power of ten goes to \cs{@tempb}, while power type % indicator goes to \cs{count9}. % \begin{macrocode} \fc@poweroften\@tempt{\count9 }\@tempb % \end{macrocode} % Now we generate the formatted number \(d\) into macro \cs{@tempd} by which we need to multiply % \(10^w\). Implicit input argument is \cs{count9} for power type of \(10^9\), and \cs{count6} % \begin{macrocode} \fc@ltthousandstringfrench\@tempd % \end{macrocode} % Finally do the multiplication-addition. Implicit arguments are \cs{@tempa} for input/output growing % formatted number, \cs{count8} for input previous power type, i.e. power type of \(10^{w+3}\), \cs{count9} % for input current power type, i.e. power type of \(10^w\). % \begin{macrocode} \fc@muladdfrench\@tempt\@tempd\@tempb % \end{macrocode} % Then iterate. % \begin{macrocode} \count8\count9 % \advance\count0 by -3 % \ifnum\count6>\count0 \else \repeat }% \global\let\fc@@nbrstrfrench@inner\fc@@nbrstrfrench@inner % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\@@ordinalstringfrench}Macro \cs{@@ordinalstringfrench} is the main engine for formatting % ordinal numbers in French. First check it is not yet defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{@@ordinalstringfrench}{}{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `@@ordinalstringfrench'}} % \end{macrocode} % Arguments are as follows:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#1&number to convert to string\\ % \#2¯o into which to place the result % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@@ordinalstringfrench#1#2{% {% % \end{macrocode} % First parse input number to be formatted and do some error handling. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@tempa{#1}% \expandafter\fc@number@parser\expandafter{\@tempa}% \ifnum\fc@min@weight<0 % \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}% {This macro does not work with fractional numbers}% \fi \ifnum\fc@sign@case>0 % \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}% {This macro does with negative or explicitly marked as positive numbers}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Now handle the special case of first. We set \cs{count0} to \texttt{1} if we are in this case, and to % \texttt{0} otherwise % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\fc@max@weight=0 % \ifnum\csname fc@digit@0\endcsname=1 % \count0=1 % \else \count0=0 % \fi \else \count0=0 % \fi \ifnum\count0=1 % \expandafter\@firstoftwo \else \expandafter\@secondoftwo \fi % \end{macrocode} % \changes{3.01}{2014-11-10}{Protect \cs{`}, for solving % \uref{http://github.com/nlct/fmtcount/issues/15}{Issue \#15}} % \begin{macrocode} {% \protected@edef\@tempa{\expandafter\fc@wcase\fc@first\@nil}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Now we tamper a little bit with the plural handling options to ensure that there is no final plural mark. % \begin{macrocode} {% \def\@tempa##1{% \expandafter\edef\csname fc@frenchoptions@##1@plural\endcsname{% \ifcase\csname fc@frenchoptions@##1@plural\endcsname\space 0% 0: always => always \or 1% 1: never => never \or 6% 2: multiple => multiple ng-last \or 1% 3: multiple g-last => never \or 5% 4: multiple l-last => multiple lng-last \or 5% 5: multiple lng-last => multiple lng-last \or 6% 6: multiple ng-last => multiple ng-last \fi }% }% \@tempa{vingt}% \@tempa{cent}% \@tempa{mil}% \@tempa{n-illion}% \@tempa{n-illiard}% % \end{macrocode} % Now make \cs{fc@wcase} and \cs{@nil} non expandable % \begin{macrocode} \let\fc@wcase@save\fc@wcase \def\fc@wcase{\noexpand\fc@wcase}% \def\@nil{\noexpand\@nil}% % \end{macrocode} % In the sequel, \cs{@tempa} is used to accumulate the formatted number. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@tempa\@empty \fc@@nbrstrfrench@inner % \end{macrocode} % Now restore \cs{fc@wcase} % \begin{macrocode} \let\fc@wcase\fc@wcase@save % \end{macrocode} % Now we add the ``i\`eme'' ending % \changes{3.01}{2014-11-10}{Protect \cs{`}, for solving % \uref{http://github.com/nlct/fmtcount/issues/15}{Issue \#15}} % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\fc@get@last@word\expandafter{\@tempa}\@tempb\@tempc \expandafter\fc@get@last@letter\expandafter{\@tempc}\@tempd\@tempe \def\@tempf{e}% \ifx\@tempe\@tempf \protected@edef\@tempa{\@tempb\expandafter\fc@wcase\@tempd i\protect\`eme\@nil}% \else \def\@tempf{q}% \ifx\@tempe\@tempf \protected@edef\@tempa{\@tempb\expandafter\fc@wcase\@tempd qui\protect\`eme\@nil}% \else \def\@tempf{f}% \ifx\@tempe\@tempf \protected@edef\@tempa{\@tempb\expandafter\fc@wcase\@tempd vi\protect\`eme\@nil}% \else \protected@edef\@tempa{\@tempb\expandafter\fc@wcase\@tempc i\protect\`eme\@nil}% \fi \fi \fi }% % \end{macrocode} % Apply \cs{fc@gcase} to the result. % \begin{macrocode} \fc@apply@gcase % \end{macrocode} % Propagate the result --- i.e. expansion of \cs{@tempa} --- into macro \texttt{\#2} after closing brace. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempb##1{\def\@tempa{\def#2{##1}}}% \expandafter\@tempb\expandafter{\@tempa}% \expandafter }\@tempa }% \global\let\@@ordinalstringfrench\@@ordinalstringfrench % \end{macrocode} % Macro \cs{fc@frenchoptions@setdefaults} allows to set all options to default for the French. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\fc@frenchoptions@setdefaults{% \csname KV@fcfrench@all plural\endcsname{reformed}% \fc@gl@def\fc@frenchoptions@submillion@dos{-}% \fc@gl@let\fc@frenchoptions@supermillion@dos\space \fc@gl@let\fc@u@in@duo\@empty% Could be `u' % \fc@gl@let\fc@poweroften\fc@@pot@longscalefrench \fc@gl@let\fc@poweroften\fc@@pot@recursivefrench \fc@gl@def\fc@longscale@nilliard@upto{0}% infinity \fc@gl@def\fc@frenchoptions@mil@plural@mark{le}% }% \global\let\fc@frenchoptions@setdefaults\fc@frenchoptions@setdefaults {% \let\fc@gl@def\gdef \def\fc@gl@let{\global\let}% \fc@frenchoptions@setdefaults }% % \end{macrocode} % Make some indirection to call the current French dialect corresponding macro. % \changes{3.01}{2014-12-18}{Move French specific stuff from \styfmt{fmtcount.sty} to \styfmt{fc-french.def}.} % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\@ordinalstringMfrench{\csuse{@ordinalstringMfrench\fmtcount@french}}% \gdef\@ordinalstringFfrench{\csuse{@ordinalstringFfrench\fmtcount@french}}% \gdef\@OrdinalstringMfrench{\csuse{@OrdinalstringMfrench\fmtcount@french}}% \gdef\@OrdinalstringFfrench{\csuse{@OrdinalstringFfrench\fmtcount@french}}% \gdef\@numberstringMfrench{\csuse{@numberstringMfrench\fmtcount@french}}% \gdef\@numberstringFfrench{\csuse{@numberstringFfrench\fmtcount@french}}% \gdef\@NumberstringMfrench{\csuse{@NumberstringMfrench\fmtcount@french}}% \gdef\@NumberstringFfrench{\csuse{@NumberstringFfrench\fmtcount@french}}% % \end{macrocode} \iffalse Local variables: \fi \iffalse mode: docTeX \fi \iffalse End: \fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-frenchb.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-frenchb.def} % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{frenchb}[2013/08/17]% \FCloadlang{french}% % \end{macrocode} % Set |frenchb| to be equivalent to |french|. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalMfrenchb=\@ordinalMfrench \global\let\@ordinalFfrenchb=\@ordinalFfrench \global\let\@ordinalNfrenchb=\@ordinalNfrench \global\let\@numberstringMfrenchb=\@numberstringMfrench \global\let\@numberstringFfrenchb=\@numberstringFfrench \global\let\@numberstringNfrenchb=\@numberstringNfrench \global\let\@NumberstringMfrenchb=\@NumberstringMfrench \global\let\@NumberstringFfrenchb=\@NumberstringFfrench \global\let\@NumberstringNfrenchb=\@NumberstringNfrench \global\let\@ordinalstringMfrenchb=\@ordinalstringMfrench \global\let\@ordinalstringFfrenchb=\@ordinalstringFfrench \global\let\@ordinalstringNfrenchb=\@ordinalstringNfrench \global\let\@OrdinalstringMfrenchb=\@OrdinalstringMfrench \global\let\@OrdinalstringFfrenchb=\@OrdinalstringFfrench \global\let\@OrdinalstringNfrenchb=\@OrdinalstringNfrench % \end{macrocode} %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-german.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-german.def} % German definitions (thank you to K. H. Fricke for supplying % this information) % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{german}[2018/06/17]% % \end{macrocode} % Define macro that converts a number or count register (first % argument) to an ordinal, and stores the result in the % second argument, which must be a control sequence. % Masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\@ordinalMgerman}[2]{% \edef#2{\number#1\relax.}% }% \global\let\@ordinalMgerman\@ordinalMgerman % \end{macrocode} % Feminine: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\@ordinalFgerman}[2]{% \edef#2{\number#1\relax.}% }% \global\let\@ordinalFgerman\@ordinalFgerman % \end{macrocode} % Neuter: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\@ordinalNgerman}[2]{% \edef#2{\number#1\relax.}% }% \global\let\@ordinalNgerman\@ordinalNgerman % \end{macrocode} % Convert a number to text. The easiest way to do this is to % break it up into units, tens and teens. % Units (argument must be a number from 0 to 9, 1 on its own (eins) % is dealt with separately): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@unitstringgerman[1]{% \ifcase#1% null% \or ein% \or zwei% \or drei% \or vier% \or fünf% \or sechs% \or sieben% \or acht% \or neun% \fi }% \global\let\@@unitstringgerman\@@unitstringgerman % \end{macrocode} % Tens (argument must go from 1 to 10): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@tenstringgerman[1]{% \ifcase#1% \or zehn% \or zwanzig% \or dreißig% \or vierzig% \or fünfzig% \or sechzig% \or siebzig% \or achtzig% \or neunzig% \or einhundert% \fi }% \global\let\@@tenstringgerman\@@tenstringgerman % \end{macrocode} % \cs{einhundert} is set to |einhundert| by default, user can % redefine this command to just |hundert| if required, similarly % for \cs{eintausend}. % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*{\einhundert}{einhundert}% \providecommand*{\eintausend}{eintausend}% \global\let\einhundert\einhundert \global\let\eintausend\eintausend % \end{macrocode} % Teens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@teenstringgerman[1]{% \ifcase#1% zehn% \or elf% \or zwölf% \or dreizehn% \or vierzehn% \or fünfzehn% \or sechzehn% \or siebzehn% \or achtzehn% \or neunzehn% \fi }% \global\let\@@teenstringgerman\@@teenstringgerman % \end{macrocode} % The results are stored in the second argument, but doesn't display % anything.% % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/12}{Replace \cs{DeclareRobustCommand} by % \cs{newcommand*} as robustness is handled now at top level in % \texttt{fmtcount.sty}, and we don't need \cs{long} macros. Concerned % macros are \cs{@numberstringMgerman}, \cs{@NumberstringMgerman}, % \cs{@ordinalstringMgerman}, \cs{@ordinalstringFgerman}, % \cs{@ordinalstringNgerman}, \cs{@OrdinalstringMgerman}, % \cs{@OrdinalstringFgerman}, and \cs{@OrdinalstringNgerman}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@numberstringMgerman}[2]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringgerman \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringgerman \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringgerman \@@numberstringgerman{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@numberstringMgerman\@numberstringMgerman % \end{macrocode} % Feminine and neuter forms: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@numberstringFgerman=\@numberstringMgerman \global\let\@numberstringNgerman=\@numberstringMgerman % \end{macrocode} % As above, but initial letters in upper case: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@NumberstringMgerman}[2]{% \@numberstringMgerman{#1}{\@@num@str}% \edef#2{\noexpand\MakeUppercase\expandonce\@@num@str}% }% \global\let\@NumberstringMgerman\@NumberstringMgerman % \end{macrocode} % Feminine and neuter form: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@NumberstringFgerman=\@NumberstringMgerman \global\let\@NumberstringNgerman=\@NumberstringMgerman % \end{macrocode} % As above, but for ordinals. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@ordinalstringMgerman}[2]{% \let\@unitthstring=\@@unitthstringMgerman \let\@teenthstring=\@@teenthstringMgerman \let\@tenthstring=\@@tenthstringMgerman \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringgerman \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringgerman \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringgerman \def\@thousandth{tausendster}% \def\@hundredth{hundertster}% \@@ordinalstringgerman{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@ordinalstringMgerman\@ordinalstringMgerman % \end{macrocode} % Feminine form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@ordinalstringFgerman}[2]{% \let\@unitthstring=\@@unitthstringFgerman \let\@teenthstring=\@@teenthstringFgerman \let\@tenthstring=\@@tenthstringFgerman \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringgerman \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringgerman \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringgerman \def\@thousandth{tausendste}% \def\@hundredth{hundertste}% \@@ordinalstringgerman{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@ordinalstringFgerman\@ordinalstringFgerman % \end{macrocode} % Neuter form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@ordinalstringNgerman}[2]{% \let\@unitthstring=\@@unitthstringNgerman \let\@teenthstring=\@@teenthstringNgerman \let\@tenthstring=\@@tenthstringNgerman \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringgerman \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringgerman \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringgerman \def\@thousandth{tausendstes}% \def\@hundredth{hunderstes}% \@@ordinalstringgerman{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@ordinalstringNgerman\@ordinalstringNgerman % \end{macrocode} % As above, but with initial letters in upper case. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@OrdinalstringMgerman}[2]{% \@ordinalstringMgerman{#1}{\@@num@str}% \edef#2{\noexpand\MakeUppercase\expandonce\@@num@str}% }% \global\let\@OrdinalstringMgerman\@OrdinalstringMgerman % \end{macrocode} % Feminine form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@OrdinalstringFgerman}[2]{% \@ordinalstringFgerman{#1}{\@@num@str}% \edef#2{\noexpand\MakeUppercase\expandonce\@@num@str}% }% \global\let\@OrdinalstringFgerman\@OrdinalstringFgerman % \end{macrocode} % Neuter form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@OrdinalstringNgerman}[2]{% \@ordinalstringNgerman{#1}{\@@num@str}% \edef#2{\noexpand\MakeUppercase\expandonce\@@num@str}% }% \global\let\@OrdinalstringNgerman\@OrdinalstringNgerman % \end{macrocode} % Code for converting numbers into textual ordinals. As before, % it is easier to split it into units, tens and teens. % Units: %\changes{2.0}{2012-09-25}{fixed spelling mistake (correction %provided by Dominik Waß enhoven)} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@unitthstringMgerman[1]{% \ifcase#1% nullter% \or erster% \or zweiter% \or dritter% \or vierter% \or fünfter% \or sechster% \or siebter% \or achter% \or neunter% \fi }% \global\let\@@unitthstringMgerman\@@unitthstringMgerman % \end{macrocode} % Tens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@tenthstringMgerman[1]{% \ifcase#1% \or zehnter% \or zwanzigster% \or dreißigster% \or vierzigster% \or fünfzigster% \or sechzigster% \or siebzigster% \or achtzigster% \or neunzigster% \fi }% \global\let\@@tenthstringMgerman\@@tenthstringMgerman % \end{macrocode} % Teens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@teenthstringMgerman[1]{% \ifcase#1% zehnter% \or elfter% \or zwölfter% \or dreizehnter% \or vierzehnter% \or fünfzehnter% \or sechzehnter% \or siebzehnter% \or achtzehnter% \or neunzehnter% \fi }% \global\let\@@teenthstringMgerman\@@teenthstringMgerman % \end{macrocode} % Units (feminine): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@unitthstringFgerman[1]{% \ifcase#1% nullte% \or erste% \or zweite% \or dritte% \or vierte% \or fünfte% \or sechste% \or siebte% \or achte% \or neunte% \fi }% \global\let\@@unitthstringFgerman\@@unitthstringFgerman % \end{macrocode} % Tens (feminine): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@tenthstringFgerman[1]{% \ifcase#1% \or zehnte% \or zwanzigste% \or dreißigste% \or vierzigste% \or fünfzigste% \or sechzigste% \or siebzigste% \or achtzigste% \or neunzigste% \fi }% \global\let\@@tenthstringFgerman\@@tenthstringFgerman % \end{macrocode} % Teens (feminine) % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@teenthstringFgerman[1]{% \ifcase#1% zehnte% \or elfte% \or zwölfte% \or dreizehnte% \or vierzehnte% \or fünfzehnte% \or sechzehnte% \or siebzehnte% \or achtzehnte% \or neunzehnte% \fi }% \global\let\@@teenthstringFgerman\@@teenthstringFgerman % \end{macrocode} % Units (neuter): %\changes{2.0}{2012-09-25}{fixed spelling mistake (correction %provided by Dominik Wa\ss enhoven)} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@unitthstringNgerman[1]{% \ifcase#1% nulltes% \or erstes% \or zweites% \or drittes% \or viertes% \or fünftes% \or sechstes% \or siebtes% \or achtes% \or neuntes% \fi }% \global\let\@@unitthstringNgerman\@@unitthstringNgerman % \end{macrocode} % Tens (neuter): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@tenthstringNgerman[1]{% \ifcase#1% \or zehntes% \or zwanzigstes% \or dreißigstes% \or vierzigstes% \or fünfzigstes% \or sechzigstes% \or siebzigstes% \or achtzigstes% \or neunzigstes% \fi }% \global\let\@@tenthstringNgerman\@@tenthstringNgerman % \end{macrocode} % Teens (neuter) % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@teenthstringNgerman[1]{% \ifcase#1% zehntes% \or elftes% \or zwölftes% \or dreizehntes% \or vierzehntes% \or fünfzehntes% \or sechzehntes% \or siebzehntes% \or achtzehntes% \or neunzehntes% \fi }% \global\let\@@teenthstringNgerman\@@teenthstringNgerman % \end{macrocode} % This appends the results to |\#2| for number |\#2| (in range 0 to % 100.) % null and eins are dealt with separately in % |\@@numberstringgerman|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@numberunderhundredgerman[2]{% \ifnum#1<10\relax \ifnum#1>0\relax \eappto#2{\@unitstring{#1}}% \fi \else \@tmpstrctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{10}% \ifnum#1<20\relax \eappto#2{\@teenstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \else \ifnum\@tmpstrctr=0\relax \else \eappto#2{\@unitstring{\@tmpstrctr}und}% \fi \@tmpstrctr=#1\relax \divide\@tmpstrctr by 10\relax \eappto#2{\@tenstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \fi \fi }% \global\let\@@numberunderhundredgerman\@@numberunderhundredgerman % \end{macrocode} % This stores the results in the second argument % (which must be a control % sequence), but it doesn't display anything. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@numberstringgerman[2]{% \ifnum#1>99999\relax \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}% {This macro only works for values less than 100000}% \else \ifnum#1<0\relax \PackageError{fmtcount}{Negative numbers not permitted}% {This macro does not work for negative numbers, however you can try typing "minus" first, and then pass the modulus of this number}% \fi \fi \def#2{}% \@strctr=#1\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \ifnum\@strctr>1\relax % \end{macrocode} % \#1 is $\geq 2000$, \cs{@strctr} now contains the number of thousands % \begin{macrocode} \@@numberunderhundredgerman{\@strctr}{#2}% \appto#2{tausend}% \else % \end{macrocode} % \#1 lies in range [1000,1999] % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\@strctr=1\relax \eappto#2{\eintausend}% \fi \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{1000}% \divide\@strctr by 100\relax \ifnum\@strctr>1\relax % \end{macrocode} % now dealing with number in range [200,999] % \begin{macrocode} \eappto#2{\@unitstring{\@strctr}hundert}% \else \ifnum\@strctr=1\relax % \end{macrocode} % dealing with number in range [100,199] % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum#1>1000\relax % \end{macrocode} % if original number $> 1000$, use einhundert % \begin{macrocode} \appto#2{einhundert}% \else % \end{macrocode} % otherwise use \cs{einhundert} % \begin{macrocode} \eappto#2{\einhundert}% \fi \fi \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{100}% \ifnum#1=0\relax \def#2{null}% \else \ifnum\@strctr=1\relax \appto#2{eins}% \else \@@numberunderhundredgerman{\@strctr}{#2}% \fi \fi }% \global\let\@@numberstringgerman\@@numberstringgerman % \end{macrocode} % As above, but for ordinals % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@numberunderhundredthgerman[2]{% \ifnum#1<10\relax \eappto#2{\@unitthstring{#1}}% \else \@tmpstrctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{10}% \ifnum#1<20\relax \eappto#2{\@teenthstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \else \ifnum\@tmpstrctr=0\relax \else \eappto#2{\@unitstring{\@tmpstrctr}und}% \fi \@tmpstrctr=#1\relax \divide\@tmpstrctr by 10\relax \eappto#2{\@tenthstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \fi \fi }% \global\let\@@numberunderhundredthgerman\@@numberunderhundredthgerman % \end{macrocode} %\changes{3.06}{2018/06/17}{Use \cs{@orgargctr} counter in order to fix bug %\href{https://github.com/nlct/fmtcount/issues/33}{\#33}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@ordinalstringgerman[2]{% \@orgargctr=#1\relax \ifnum\@orgargctr>99999\relax \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}% {This macro only works for values less than 100000}% \else \ifnum\@orgargctr<0\relax \PackageError{fmtcount}{Negative numbers not permitted}% {This macro does not work for negative numbers, however you can try typing "minus" first, and then pass the modulus of this number}% \fi \fi \def#2{}% \@strctr=\@orgargctr\divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \ifnum\@strctr>1\relax % \end{macrocode} % \#1 is $\geq 2000$, \cs{@strctr} now contains the number of thousands % \begin{macrocode} \@@numberunderhundredgerman{\@strctr}{#2}% % \end{macrocode} % is that it, or is there more? % \begin{macrocode} \@tmpstrctr=\@orgargctr\@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{1000}% \ifnum\@tmpstrctr=0\relax \eappto#2{\@thousandth}% \else \appto#2{tausend}% \fi \else % \end{macrocode} % \#1 lies in range [1000,1999] % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\@strctr=1\relax \ifnum\@orgargctr=1000\relax \eappto#2{\@thousandth}% \else \eappto#2{\eintausend}% \fi \fi \fi \@strctr=\@orgargctr \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{1000}% \divide\@strctr by 100\relax \ifnum\@strctr>1\relax % \end{macrocode} % now dealing with number in range [200,999] % is that it, or is there more? % \begin{macrocode} \@tmpstrctr=\@orgargctr \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{100}% \ifnum\@tmpstrctr=0\relax \ifnum\@strctr=1\relax \eappto#2{\@hundredth}% \else \eappto#2{\@unitstring{\@strctr}\@hundredth}% \fi \else \eappto#2{\@unitstring{\@strctr}hundert}% \fi \else \ifnum\@strctr=1\relax % \end{macrocode} % dealing with number in range [100,199] % is that it, or is there more? % \begin{macrocode} \@tmpstrctr=\@orgargctr \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{100}% \ifnum\@tmpstrctr=0\relax \eappto#2{\@hundredth}% \else \ifnum\@orgargctr>1000\relax \appto#2{einhundert}% \else \eappto#2{\einhundert}% \fi \fi \fi \fi \@strctr=\@orgargctr \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{100}% \ifthenelse{\@strctr=0 \and \@orgargctr>0 }{}{% \@@numberunderhundredthgerman{\@strctr}{#2}% }% }% \global\let\@@ordinalstringgerman\@@ordinalstringgerman % \end{macrocode} % Load fc-germanb.def if not already loaded % \begin{macrocode} \FCloadlang{germanb}% % \end{macrocode} \iffalse Local variables: \fi \iffalse mode: docTeX \fi \iffalse End: \fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-germanb.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-germanb.def} % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{germanb}[2013/08/17]% % \end{macrocode} % Load fc-german.def if not already loaded % \begin{macrocode} \FCloadlang{german}% % \end{macrocode} % Set |germanb| to be equivalent to |german|. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalMgermanb=\@ordinalMgerman \global\let\@ordinalFgermanb=\@ordinalFgerman \global\let\@ordinalNgermanb=\@ordinalNgerman \global\let\@numberstringMgermanb=\@numberstringMgerman \global\let\@numberstringFgermanb=\@numberstringFgerman \global\let\@numberstringNgermanb=\@numberstringNgerman \global\let\@NumberstringMgermanb=\@NumberstringMgerman \global\let\@NumberstringFgermanb=\@NumberstringFgerman \global\let\@NumberstringNgermanb=\@NumberstringNgerman \global\let\@ordinalstringMgermanb=\@ordinalstringMgerman \global\let\@ordinalstringFgermanb=\@ordinalstringFgerman \global\let\@ordinalstringNgermanb=\@ordinalstringNgerman \global\let\@OrdinalstringMgermanb=\@OrdinalstringMgerman \global\let\@OrdinalstringFgermanb=\@OrdinalstringFgerman \global\let\@OrdinalstringNgermanb=\@OrdinalstringNgerman % \end{macrocode} %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-italian.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-italian} % Italian support is now handled by interfacing to Enrico Gregorio's % itnumpar package. % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{italian}[2013/08/17] \RequirePackage{itnumpar} \newcommand{\@numberstringMitalian}[2]{% \begingroup \def\np@oa{o}% \count@=#1 \edef\@tempa{\def\noexpand#2{\@numeroinparole{\count@}}}% \expandafter \endgroup\@tempa } \global\let\@numberstringMitalian\@numberstringMitalian \newcommand{\@numberstringFitalian}[2]{% \begingroup \def\np@oa{a}% \count@=#1 \edef\@tempa{\def\noexpand#2{\@numeroinparole{\count@}}}% \expandafter \endgroup\@tempa } \global\let\@numberstringFitalian\@numberstringFitalian \newcommand{\@NumberstringMitalian}[2]{% \begingroup \def\np@oa{o}% \count@=#1 \edef\@tempa{\def\noexpand#2{\@Numeroinparole{\count@}}}% \expandafter \endgroup\@tempa } \global\let\@NumberstringMitalian\@NumberstringMitalian \newcommand{\@NumberstringFitalian}[2]{% \begingroup \def\np@oa{a}% \count@=#1 \edef\@tempa{\def\noexpand#2{\@Numeroinparole{\count@}}}% \expandafter \endgroup\@tempa } \global\let\@NumberstringFitalian\@NumberstringFitalian \newcommand{\@ordinalstringMitalian}[2]{% \begingroup \count@=#1 \edef\@tempa{\def\noexpand#2{\@ordinalem{\count@}}}% \expandafter \endgroup\@tempa } \global\let\@ordinalstringMitalian\@ordinalstringMitalian \newcommand{\@ordinalstringFitalian}[2]{% \begingroup \count@=#1 \edef\@tempa{\def\noexpand#2{\@ordinalef{\count@}}}% \expandafter \endgroup\@tempa } \global\let\@ordinalstringFitalian\@ordinalstringFitalian \newcommand{\@OrdinalstringMitalian}[2]{% \begingroup \count@=#1 \edef\@tempa{\def\noexpand#2{\@Ordinalem{\count@}}}% \expandafter \endgroup\@tempa } \global\let\@OrdinalstringMitalian\@OrdinalstringMitalian \newcommand{\@OrdinalstringFitalian}[2]{% \begingroup \count@=#1 \edef\@tempa{\def\noexpand#2{\@Ordinalef{\count@}}}% \expandafter \endgroup\@tempa } \global\let\@OrdinalstringFitalian\@OrdinalstringFitalian \newcommand{\@ordinalMitalian}[2]{% \edef#2{#1\relax\noexpand\fmtord{o}}} \global\let\@ordinalMitalian\@ordinalMitalian \newcommand{\@ordinalFitalian}[2]{% \edef#2{#1\relax\noexpand\fmtord{a}}} \global\let\@ordinalFitalian\@ordinalFitalian % \end{macrocode} %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-ngerman.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-ngerman.def} % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{ngerman}[2012/06/18]% \FCloadlang{german}% \FCloadlang{ngermanb}% % \end{macrocode} % Set |ngerman| to be equivalent to |german|. Is it okay to do % this? (I don't know the difference between the two.) % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalMngerman=\@ordinalMgerman \global\let\@ordinalFngerman=\@ordinalFgerman \global\let\@ordinalNngerman=\@ordinalNgerman \global\let\@numberstringMngerman=\@numberstringMgerman \global\let\@numberstringFngerman=\@numberstringFgerman \global\let\@numberstringNngerman=\@numberstringNgerman \global\let\@NumberstringMngerman=\@NumberstringMgerman \global\let\@NumberstringFngerman=\@NumberstringFgerman \global\let\@NumberstringNngerman=\@NumberstringNgerman \global\let\@ordinalstringMngerman=\@ordinalstringMgerman \global\let\@ordinalstringFngerman=\@ordinalstringFgerman \global\let\@ordinalstringNngerman=\@ordinalstringNgerman \global\let\@OrdinalstringMngerman=\@OrdinalstringMgerman \global\let\@OrdinalstringFngerman=\@OrdinalstringFgerman \global\let\@OrdinalstringNngerman=\@OrdinalstringNgerman % \end{macrocode} %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-ngermanb.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-ngermanb.def} % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{ngermanb}[2013/08/17]% \FCloadlang{german}% % \end{macrocode} % Set |ngermanb| to be equivalent to |german|. Is it okay to do % this? (I don't know the difference between the two.) % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalMngermanb=\@ordinalMgerman \global\let\@ordinalFngermanb=\@ordinalFgerman \global\let\@ordinalNngermanb=\@ordinalNgerman \global\let\@numberstringMngermanb=\@numberstringMgerman \global\let\@numberstringFngermanb=\@numberstringFgerman \global\let\@numberstringNngermanb=\@numberstringNgerman \global\let\@NumberstringMngermanb=\@NumberstringMgerman \global\let\@NumberstringFngermanb=\@NumberstringFgerman \global\let\@NumberstringNngermanb=\@NumberstringNgerman \global\let\@ordinalstringMngermanb=\@ordinalstringMgerman \global\let\@ordinalstringFngermanb=\@ordinalstringFgerman \global\let\@ordinalstringNngermanb=\@ordinalstringNgerman \global\let\@OrdinalstringMngermanb=\@OrdinalstringMgerman \global\let\@OrdinalstringFngermanb=\@OrdinalstringFgerman \global\let\@OrdinalstringNngermanb=\@OrdinalstringNgerman % \end{macrocode} % Load fc-ngerman.def if not already loaded % \begin{macrocode} \FCloadlang{ngerman}% % \end{macrocode} %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-portuges.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-portuges.def} % Portuguese definitions % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{portuges}[2017/12/26]% % \end{macrocode} % Define macro that converts a number or count register (first % argument) to an ordinal, and stores the result in the second % argument, which should be a control sequence. Masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@ordinalMportuges[2]{% \ifnum#1=0\relax \edef#2{\number#1}% \else \edef#2{\number#1\relax\noexpand\fmtord{o}}% \fi }% \global\let\@ordinalMportuges\@ordinalMportuges % \end{macrocode} % Feminine: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@ordinalFportuges[2]{% \ifnum#1=0\relax \edef#2{\number#1}% \else \edef#2{\number#1\relax\noexpand\fmtord{a}}% \fi }% \global\let\@ordinalFportuges\@ordinalFportuges % \end{macrocode} % Make neuter same as masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalNportuges\@ordinalMportuges % \end{macrocode} % Convert a number to a textual representation. To make it easier, % split it up into units, tens, teens and hundreds. Units (argument % must % be a number from 0 to 9): %\changes{2.04}{2014-06-09}{Fixed bug that had incorrect number of %parameters specified} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@unitstringportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax zero% \or um% \or dois% \or tr\^es% \or quatro% \or cinco% \or seis% \or sete% \or oito% \or nove% \fi }% \global\let\@@unitstringportuges\@@unitstringportuges % \end{macrocode} % As above, but for feminine: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@unitstringFportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax zero% \or uma% \or duas% \or tr\^es% \or quatro% \or cinco% \or seis% \or sete% \or oito% \or nove% \fi }% \global\let\@@unitstringFportuges\@@unitstringFportuges % \end{macrocode} % Tens (argument must be a number from 0 to 10): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@tenstringportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or dez% \or vinte% \or trinta% \or quarenta% \or cinquenta% \or sessenta% \or setenta% \or oitenta% \or noventa% \or cem% \fi }% \global\let\@@tenstringportuges\@@tenstringportuges % \end{macrocode} % Teens (argument must be a number from 0 to 9): % \changes{3.05}{2017/12/26}{Take fix of teen contributed by \href{https://github.com/sant0s}{sant0s}, prior % definitions pushed to \sty{fc-brazilian.def}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@teenstringportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax dez% \or onze% \or doze% \or treze% \or catorze% \or quinze% \or dezasseis% \or dezassete% \or dezoito% \or dezanove% \fi }% \global\let\@@teenstringportuges\@@teenstringportuges % \end{macrocode} % Hundreds: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@hundredstringportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or cento% \or duzentos% \or trezentos% \or quatrocentos% \or quinhentos% \or seiscentos% \or setecentos% \or oitocentos% \or novecentos% \fi }% \global\let\@@hundredstringportuges\@@hundredstringportuges % \end{macrocode} % Hundreds (feminine): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@hundredstringFportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or cento% \or duzentas% \or trezentas% \or quatrocentas% \or quinhentas% \or seiscentas% \or setecentas% \or oitocentas% \or novecentas% \fi }% \global\let\@@hundredstringFportuges\@@hundredstringFportuges % \end{macrocode} % Units (initial letter in upper case): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Unitstringportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Zero% \or Um% \or Dois% \or Tr\^es% \or Quatro% \or Cinco% \or Seis% \or Sete% \or Oito% \or Nove% \fi }% \global\let\@@Unitstringportuges\@@Unitstringportuges % \end{macrocode} % As above, but feminine: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@UnitstringFportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Zera% \or Uma% \or Duas% \or Tr\^es% \or Quatro% \or Cinco% \or Seis% \or Sete% \or Oito% \or Nove% \fi }% \global\let\@@UnitstringFportuges\@@UnitstringFportuges % \end{macrocode} % Tens (with initial letter in upper case): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Tenstringportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or Dez% \or Vinte% \or Trinta% \or Quarenta% \or Cinquenta% \or Sessenta% \or Setenta% \or Oitenta% \or Noventa% \or Cem% \fi }% \global\let\@@Tenstringportuges\@@Tenstringportuges % \end{macrocode} % Teens (with initial letter in upper case): % \changes{3.05}{2017/12/26}{Take fix of teen contributed by \href{https://github.com/sant0s}{sant0s}, prior % definitions pushed to \sty{fc-brazilian.def}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Teenstringportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Dez% \or Onze% \or Doze% \or Treze% \or Catorze% \or Quinze% \or Dezasseis% \or Dezassete% \or Dezoito% \or Dezanove% \fi }% \global\let\@@Teenstringportuges\@@Teenstringportuges % \end{macrocode} % Hundreds (with initial letter in upper case): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Hundredstringportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or Cento% \or Duzentos% \or Trezentos% \or Quatrocentos% \or Quinhentos% \or Seiscentos% \or Setecentos% \or Oitocentos% \or Novecentos% \fi }% \global\let\@@Hundredstringportuges\@@Hundredstringportuges % \end{macrocode} % As above, but feminine: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@HundredstringFportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or Cento% \or Duzentas% \or Trezentas% \or Quatrocentas% \or Quinhentas% \or Seiscentas% \or Setecentas% \or Oitocentas% \or Novecentas% \fi }% \global\let\@@HundredstringFportuges\@@HundredstringFportuges % \end{macrocode} % This has changed in version 1.08, so that it now stores % the result in the second argument, but doesn't display % anything. Since it only affects internal macros, it shouldn't % affect documents created with older versions. (These internal % macros are not meant for use in documents.) % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/12}{Replace \cs{DeclareRobustCommand} by % \cs{newcommand*} as robustness is handled now at top level in % \texttt{fmtcount.sty}, and we don't need \cs{long} macros. Concerned macros % are \cs{@numberstringMportuges}, \cs{@numberstringFportuges}, % \cs{@NumberstringMportuges}, \cs{@NumberstringFportuges}, % \cs{@ordinalstringMportuges}, \cs{@ordinalstringFportuges}, % \cs{@OrdinalstringMportuges}, and \cs{@OrdinalstringFportuges}.} % \changes{3.03}{2017/07/21}{Fix bug % \#\href{https://github.com/nlct/fmtcount/issues/25}{25}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@numberstringMportuges}[2]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringportuges \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringportuges \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringportuges \let\@hundredstring=\@@hundredstringportuges \def\@hundred{cem}\def\@thousand{mil}% \def\@andname{e}% \@@numberstringportuges{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@numberstringMportuges\@numberstringMportuges % \end{macrocode} % As above, but feminine form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@numberstringFportuges}[2]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringFportuges \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringportuges \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringportuges \let\@hundredstring=\@@hundredstringFportuges \def\@hundred{cem}\def\@thousand{mil}% \def\@andname{e}% \@@numberstringportuges{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@numberstringFportuges\@numberstringFportuges % \end{macrocode} % Make neuter same as masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@numberstringNportuges\@numberstringMportuges % \end{macrocode} % As above, but initial letters in upper case: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@NumberstringMportuges}[2]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@Unitstringportuges \let\@teenstring=\@@Teenstringportuges \let\@tenstring=\@@Tenstringportuges \let\@hundredstring=\@@Hundredstringportuges \def\@hundred{Cem}\def\@thousand{Mil}% \def\@andname{e}% \@@numberstringportuges{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@NumberstringMportuges\@NumberstringMportuges % \end{macrocode} % As above, but feminine form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@NumberstringFportuges}[2]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@UnitstringFportuges \let\@teenstring=\@@Teenstringportuges \let\@tenstring=\@@Tenstringportuges \let\@hundredstring=\@@HundredstringFportuges \def\@hundred{Cem}\def\@thousand{Mil}% \def\@andname{e}% \@@numberstringportuges{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@NumberstringFportuges\@NumberstringFportuges % \end{macrocode} % Make neuter same as masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@NumberstringNportuges\@NumberstringMportuges % \end{macrocode} % As above, but for ordinals. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@ordinalstringMportuges}[2]{% \let\@unitthstring=\@@unitthstringportuges \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringportuges \let\@teenthstring=\@@teenthstringportuges \let\@tenthstring=\@@tenthstringportuges \let\@hundredthstring=\@@hundredthstringportuges \def\@thousandth{mil\'esimo}% \@@ordinalstringportuges{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@ordinalstringMportuges\@ordinalstringMportuges % \end{macrocode} % Feminine form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@ordinalstringFportuges}[2]{% \let\@unitthstring=\@@unitthstringFportuges \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringFportuges \let\@teenthstring=\@@teenthstringportuges \let\@tenthstring=\@@tenthstringFportuges \let\@hundredthstring=\@@hundredthstringFportuges \def\@thousandth{mil\'esima}% \@@ordinalstringportuges{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@ordinalstringFportuges\@ordinalstringFportuges % \end{macrocode} % Make neuter same as masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalstringNportuges\@ordinalstringMportuges % \end{macrocode} % As above, but initial letters in upper case (masculine): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@OrdinalstringMportuges}[2]{% \let\@unitthstring=\@@Unitthstringportuges \let\@unitstring=\@@Unitstringportuges \let\@teenthstring=\@@teenthstringportuges \let\@tenthstring=\@@Tenthstringportuges \let\@hundredthstring=\@@Hundredthstringportuges \def\@thousandth{Mil\'esimo}% \@@ordinalstringportuges{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@OrdinalstringMportuges\@OrdinalstringMportuges % \end{macrocode} % Feminine form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@OrdinalstringFportuges}[2]{% \let\@unitthstring=\@@UnitthstringFportuges \let\@unitstring=\@@UnitstringFportuges \let\@teenthstring=\@@teenthstringportuges \let\@tenthstring=\@@TenthstringFportuges \let\@hundredthstring=\@@HundredthstringFportuges \def\@thousandth{Mil\'esima}% \@@ordinalstringportuges{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@OrdinalstringFportuges\@OrdinalstringFportuges % \end{macrocode} % Make neuter same as masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@OrdinalstringNportuges\@OrdinalstringMportuges % \end{macrocode} % In order to do the ordinals, split into units, teens, tens % and hundreds. Units: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@unitthstringportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax zero% \or primeiro% \or segundo% \or terceiro% \or quarto% \or quinto% \or sexto% \or s\'etimo% \or oitavo% \or nono% \fi }% \global\let\@@unitthstringportuges\@@unitthstringportuges % \end{macrocode} % Tens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@tenthstringportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or d\'ecimo% \or vig\'esimo% \or trig\'esimo% \or quadrag\'esimo% \or quinquag\'esimo% \or sexag\'esimo% \or setuag\'esimo% \or octog\'esimo% \or nonag\'esimo% \fi }% \global\let\@@tenthstringportuges\@@tenthstringportuges % \end{macrocode} % Teens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@teenthstringportuges[1]{% \@tenthstring{1}% \ifnum#1>0\relax -\@unitthstring{#1}% \fi }% \global\let\@@teenthstringportuges\@@teenthstringportuges % \end{macrocode} % Hundreds: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@hundredthstringportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or cent\'esimo% \or ducent\'esimo% \or trecent\'esimo% \or quadringent\'esimo% \or quingent\'esimo% \or seiscent\'esimo% \or setingent\'esimo% \or octingent\'esimo% \or nongent\'esimo% \fi }% \global\let\@@hundredthstringportuges\@@hundredthstringportuges % \end{macrocode} % Units (feminine): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@unitthstringFportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax zero% \or primeira% \or segunda% \or terceira% \or quarta% \or quinta% \or sexta% \or s\'etima% \or oitava% \or nona% \fi }% \global\let\@@unitthstringFportuges\@@unitthstringFportuges % \end{macrocode} % Tens (feminine): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@tenthstringFportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or d\'ecima% \or vig\'esima% \or trig\'esima% \or quadrag\'esima% \or quinquag\'esima% \or sexag\'esima% \or setuag\'esima% \or octog\'esima% \or nonag\'esima% \fi }% \global\let\@@tenthstringFportuges\@@tenthstringFportuges % \end{macrocode} % Hundreds (feminine): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@hundredthstringFportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or cent\'esima% \or ducent\'esima% \or trecent\'esima% \or quadringent\'esima% \or quingent\'esima% \or seiscent\'esima% \or setingent\'esima% \or octingent\'esima% \or nongent\'esima% \fi }% \global\let\@@hundredthstringFportuges\@@hundredthstringFportuges % \end{macrocode} % As above, but with initial letter in upper case. Units: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Unitthstringportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Zero% \or Primeiro% \or Segundo% \or Terceiro% \or Quarto% \or Quinto% \or Sexto% \or S\'etimo% \or Oitavo% \or Nono% \fi }% \global\let\@@Unitthstringportuges\@@Unitthstringportuges % \end{macrocode} % Tens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Tenthstringportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or D\'ecimo% \or Vig\'esimo% \or Trig\'esimo% \or Quadrag\'esimo% \or Quinquag\'esimo% \or Sexag\'esimo% \or Setuag\'esimo% \or Octog\'esimo% \or Nonag\'esimo% \fi }% \global\let\@@Tenthstringportuges\@@Tenthstringportuges % \end{macrocode} % Hundreds: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Hundredthstringportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or Cent\'esimo% \or Ducent\'esimo% \or Trecent\'esimo% \or Quadringent\'esimo% \or Quingent\'esimo% \or Seiscent\'esimo% \or Setingent\'esimo% \or Octingent\'esimo% \or Nongent\'esimo% \fi }% \global\let\@@Hundredthstringportuges\@@Hundredthstringportuges % \end{macrocode} % As above, but feminine. Units: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@UnitthstringFportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Zera% \or Primeira% \or Segunda% \or Terceira% \or Quarta% \or Quinta% \or Sexta% \or S\'etima% \or Oitava% \or Nona% \fi }% \global\let\@@UnitthstringFportuges\@@UnitthstringFportuges % \end{macrocode} % Tens (feminine); % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@TenthstringFportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or D\'ecima% \or Vig\'esima% \or Trig\'esima% \or Quadrag\'esima% \or Quinquag\'esima% \or Sexag\'esima% \or Setuag\'esima% \or Octog\'esima% \or Nonag\'esima% \fi }% \global\let\@@TenthstringFportuges\@@TenthstringFportuges % \end{macrocode} % Hundreds (feminine): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@HundredthstringFportuges[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or Cent\'esima% \or Ducent\'esima% \or Trecent\'esima% \or Quadringent\'esima% \or Quingent\'esima% \or Seiscent\'esima% \or Setingent\'esima% \or Octingent\'esima% \or Nongent\'esima% \fi }% \global\let\@@HundredthstringFportuges\@@HundredthstringFportuges % \end{macrocode} % This has changed in version 1.09, so that it now stores % the result in the second argument (a control sequence), but it % doesn't display anything. Since it only affects internal macros, % it shouldn't affect documents created with older versions. % (These internal macros are not meant for use in documents.) % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@numberstringportuges[2]{% \ifnum#1>99999\relax \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}% {This macro only works for values less than 100000}% \else \ifnum#1<0\relax \PackageError{fmtcount}{Negative numbers not permitted}% {This macro does not work for negative numbers, however you can try typing "minus" first, and then pass the modulus of this number}% \fi \fi \def#2{}% \@strctr=#1\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \ifnum\@strctr>9\relax % \end{macrocode} % \#1 is greater or equal to 10000 % \begin{macrocode} \divide\@strctr by 10\relax \ifnum\@strctr>1\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@tenstring{\@strctr}}% \@strctr=#1 \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \ifnum\@strctr>0 \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\ \@andname\ \@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \else \@strctr=#1\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@teenstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\ \@thousand}% \else \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \ifnum\@strctr>1\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@unitstring{\@strctr}\ }% \fi \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@thousand}% \fi \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{1000}% \divide\@strctr by 100\relax \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \ifnum#1>1000 \relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\ \@andname\ }% \fi \@tmpstrctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{1000}% \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \ifnum\@tmpstrctr=100\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@tenstring{10}}% \else \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@hundredstring{\@strctr}}% \fi% \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{100}% \ifnum#1>100\relax \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\ \@andname\ }% \fi \fi \ifnum\@strctr>19\relax \divide\@strctr by 10\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@tenstring{\@strctr}}% \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \ifnum\@strctr>0 \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\ \@andname}% \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\ \@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \else \ifnum\@strctr<10\relax \ifnum\@strctr=0\relax \ifnum#1<100\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \else %(>0,<10) \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \else%>10 \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@teenstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \fi }% \global\let\@@numberstringportuges\@@numberstringportuges % \end{macrocode} % As above, but for ordinals. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@ordinalstringportuges[2]{% \@strctr=#1\relax \ifnum#1>99999 \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}% {This macro only works for values less than 100000}% \else \ifnum#1<0 \PackageError{fmtcount}{Negative numbers not permitted}% {This macro does not work for negative numbers, however you can try typing "minus" first, and then pass the modulus of this number}% \else \def#2{}% \ifnum\@strctr>999\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \ifnum\@strctr>1\relax \ifnum\@strctr>9\relax \@tmpstrctr=\@strctr \ifnum\@strctr<20 \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{10}% \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@teenthstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \else \divide\@tmpstrctr by 10\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@tenthstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \@tmpstrctr=\@strctr \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{10}% \ifnum\@tmpstrctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@unitthstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \fi \fi \else \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \fi \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@thousandth}% \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{1000}% \ifnum\@strctr>99\relax \@tmpstrctr=\@strctr \divide\@tmpstrctr by 100\relax \ifnum#1>1000\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr-}% \fi \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@hundredthstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \fi \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{100}% \ifnum#1>99\relax \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr-}% \fi \fi \ifnum\@strctr>9\relax \@tmpstrctr=\@strctr \divide\@tmpstrctr by 10\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@tenthstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \@tmpstrctr=\@strctr \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{10}% \ifnum\@tmpstrctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr-\@unitthstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \fi \else \ifnum\@strctr=0\relax \ifnum#1=0\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@unitstring{0}}% \fi \else \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \protected@edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@unitthstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \fi \fi \fi }% \global\let\@@ordinalstringportuges\@@ordinalstringportuges % \end{macrocode} \iffalse Local variables: \fi \iffalse mode: docTeX \fi \iffalse End: \fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-portuguese.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-portuguese.def} % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{portuguese}[2014/06/09]% % \end{macrocode} % Load \sty{fc-portuges.def} if not already loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \FCloadlang{portuges}% % \end{macrocode} % Set |portuguese| to be equivalent to |portuges|. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalMportuguese=\@ordinalMportuges \global\let\@ordinalFportuguese=\@ordinalFportuges \global\let\@ordinalNportuguese=\@ordinalNportuges \global\let\@numberstringMportuguese=\@numberstringMportuges \global\let\@numberstringFportuguese=\@numberstringFportuges \global\let\@numberstringNportuguese=\@numberstringNportuges \global\let\@NumberstringMportuguese=\@NumberstringMportuges \global\let\@NumberstringFportuguese=\@NumberstringFportuges \global\let\@NumberstringNportuguese=\@NumberstringNportuges \global\let\@ordinalstringMportuguese=\@ordinalstringMportuges \global\let\@ordinalstringFportuguese=\@ordinalstringFportuges \global\let\@ordinalstringNportuguese=\@ordinalstringNportuges \global\let\@OrdinalstringMportuguese=\@OrdinalstringMportuges \global\let\@OrdinalstringFportuguese=\@OrdinalstringFportuges \global\let\@OrdinalstringNportuguese=\@OrdinalstringNportuges % \end{macrocode} %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-spanish.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-spanish.def} % Spanish definitions % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{spanish}[2016/01/12]% % \end{macrocode} % Define macro that converts a number or count register (first % argument) to an ordinal, and stores the result in the % second argument, which must be a control sequence. % Masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@ordinalMspanish[2]{% \edef#2{\number#1\relax\noexpand\fmtord{o}}% }% \global\let\@ordinalMspanish\@ordinalMspanish % \end{macrocode} % Feminine: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\@ordinalFspanish}[2]{% \edef#2{\number#1\relax\noexpand\fmtord{a}}% }% \global\let\@ordinalFspanish\@ordinalFspanish % \end{macrocode} % Make neuter same as masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalNspanish\@ordinalMspanish % \end{macrocode} % Convert a number to text. The easiest way to do this is to % break it up into units, tens, teens, twenties and hundreds. % Units (argument must be a number from 0 to 9): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@unitstringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax cero% \or uno% \or dos% \or tres% \or cuatro% \or cinco% \or seis% \or siete% \or ocho% \or nueve% \fi }% \global\let\@@unitstringspanish\@@unitstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Feminine: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@unitstringFspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax cera% \or una% \or dos% \or tres% \or cuatro% \or cinco% \or seis% \or siete% \or ocho% \or nueve% \fi }% \global\let\@@unitstringFspanish\@@unitstringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % Tens (argument must go from 1 to 10): %\changes{2.0}{2012-06-18}{fixed spelling mistake (correction %provided by Fernando Maldonado)} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@tenstringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or diez% \or veinte% \or treinta% \or cuarenta% \or cincuenta% \or sesenta% \or setenta% \or ochenta% \or noventa% \or cien% \fi }% \global\let\@@tenstringspanish\@@tenstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Teens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@teenstringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax diez% \or once% \or doce% \or trece% \or catorce% \or quince% \or dieciséis% \or diecisiete% \or dieciocho% \or diecinueve% \fi }% \global\let\@@teenstringspanish\@@teenstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Twenties: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@twentystringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax veinte% \or veintiuno% \or veintidós% \or veintitrés% \or veinticuatro% \or veinticinco% \or veintiséis% \or veintisiete% \or veintiocho% \or veintinueve% \fi }% \global\let\@@twentystringspanish\@@twentystringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Feminine form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@twentystringFspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax veinte% \or veintiuna% \or veintidós% \or veintitrés% \or veinticuatro% \or veinticinco% \or veintiséis% \or veintisiete% \or veintiocho% \or veintinueve% \fi }% \global\let\@@twentystringFspanish\@@twentystringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % Hundreds: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@hundredstringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or ciento% \or doscientos% \or trescientos% \or cuatrocientos% \or quinientos% \or seiscientos% \or setecientos% \or ochocientos% \or novecientos% \fi }% \global\let\@@hundredstringspanish\@@hundredstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Feminine form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@hundredstringFspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or cienta% \or doscientas% \or trescientas% \or cuatrocientas% \or quinientas% \or seiscientas% \or setecientas% \or ochocientas% \or novecientas% \fi }% \global\let\@@hundredstringFspanish\@@hundredstringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % As above, but with initial letter uppercase: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Unitstringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Cero% \or Uno% \or Dos% \or Tres% \or Cuatro% \or Cinco% \or Seis% \or Siete% \or Ocho% \or Nueve% \fi }% \global\let\@@Unitstringspanish\@@Unitstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Feminine form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@UnitstringFspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Cera% \or Una% \or Dos% \or Tres% \or Cuatro% \or Cinco% \or Seis% \or Siete% \or Ocho% \or Nueve% \fi }% \global\let\@@UnitstringFspanish\@@UnitstringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % Tens: % \begin{macrocode} %\changes{2.0}{2012-06-18}{fixed spelling mistake (correction %provided by Fernando Maldonado)} \newcommand*\@@Tenstringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or Diez% \or Veinte% \or Treinta% \or Cuarenta% \or Cincuenta% \or Sesenta% \or Setenta% \or Ochenta% \or Noventa% \or Cien% \fi }% \global\let\@@Tenstringspanish\@@Tenstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Teens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Teenstringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Diez% \or Once% \or Doce% \or Trece% \or Catorce% \or Quince% \or Dieciséis% \or Diecisiete% \or Dieciocho% \or Diecinueve% \fi }% \global\let\@@Teenstringspanish\@@Teenstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Twenties: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Twentystringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Veinte% \or Veintiuno% \or Veintidós% \or Veintitrés% \or Veinticuatro% \or Veinticinco% \or Veintiséis% \or Veintisiete% \or Veintiocho% \or Veintinueve% \fi }% \global\let\@@Twentystringspanish\@@Twentystringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Feminine form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@TwentystringFspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Veinte% \or Veintiuna% \or Veintidós% \or Veintitrés% \or Veinticuatro% \or Veinticinco% \or Veintiséis% \or Veintisiete% \or Veintiocho% \or Veintinueve% \fi }% \global\let\@@TwentystringFspanish\@@TwentystringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % Hundreds: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Hundredstringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or Ciento% \or Doscientos% \or Trescientos% \or Cuatrocientos% \or Quinientos% \or Seiscientos% \or Setecientos% \or Ochocientos% \or Novecientos% \fi }% \global\let\@@Hundredstringspanish\@@Hundredstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Feminine form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@HundredstringFspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or Cienta% \or Doscientas% \or Trescientas% \or Cuatrocientas% \or Quinientas% \or Seiscientas% \or Setecientas% \or Ochocientas% \or Novecientas% \fi }% \global\let\@@HundredstringFspanish\@@HundredstringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % This has changed in version 1.09, so that it now stores the % result in the second argument, but doesn't display anything. % Since it only affects internal macros, it shouldn't affect % documents created with older versions. (These internal macros % are not meant for use in documents.) % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/12}{Replace \cs{DeclareRobustCommand} by % \cs{newcommand*} as robustness is handled now at top level in % \texttt{fmtcount.sty}, and we don't need \cs{long} macros. Concerned % macros as \cs{@numberstringMspanish}, \cs{@numberstringFspanish}, % \cs{@NumberstringFspanish}, \cs{@ordinalstringMspanish}, % \cs{@ordinalstringFspanish}, \cs{@OrdinalstringMspanish}, and % \cs{@OrdinalstringFspanish}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@numberstringMspanish}[2]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringspanish \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringspanish \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringspanish \let\@twentystring=\@@twentystringspanish \let\@hundredstring=\@@hundredstringspanish \def\@hundred{cien}\def\@thousand{mil}% \def\@andname{y}% \@@numberstringspanish{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@numberstringMspanish\@numberstringMspanish % \end{macrocode} % Feminine form: %\changes{2.0}{2012-06-18}{changed andname to `b' (correction %provided by Fernando Maldonado)} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@numberstringFspanish}[2]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringFspanish \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringspanish \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringspanish \let\@twentystring=\@@twentystringFspanish \let\@hundredstring=\@@hundredstringFspanish \def\@hundred{cien}\def\@thousand{mil}% \def\@andname{b}% \@@numberstringspanish{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@numberstringFspanish\@numberstringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % Make neuter same as masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@numberstringNspanish\@numberstringMspanish % \end{macrocode} % As above, but initial letters in upper case: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@NumberstringMspanish}[2]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@Unitstringspanish \let\@teenstring=\@@Teenstringspanish \let\@tenstring=\@@Tenstringspanish \let\@twentystring=\@@Twentystringspanish \let\@hundredstring=\@@Hundredstringspanish \def\@andname{y}% \def\@hundred{Cien}\def\@thousand{Mil}% \@@numberstringspanish{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@NumberstringMspanish\@NumberstringMspanish % \end{macrocode} % Feminine form: %\changes{2.0}{2012-06-18}{changed andname to `b' (correction %provided by Fernando Maldonado)} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@NumberstringFspanish}[2]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@UnitstringFspanish \let\@teenstring=\@@Teenstringspanish \let\@tenstring=\@@Tenstringspanish \let\@twentystring=\@@TwentystringFspanish \let\@hundredstring=\@@HundredstringFspanish \def\@andname{b}% \def\@hundred{Cien}\def\@thousand{Mil}% \@@numberstringspanish{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@NumberstringFspanish\@NumberstringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % Make neuter same as masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@NumberstringNspanish\@NumberstringMspanish % \end{macrocode} % As above, but for ordinals. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@ordinalstringMspanish}[2]{% \let\@unitthstring=\@@unitthstringspanish \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringspanish \let\@teenthstring=\@@teenthstringspanish \let\@tenthstring=\@@tenthstringspanish \let\@hundredthstring=\@@hundredthstringspanish \def\@thousandth{milésimo}% \@@ordinalstringspanish{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@ordinalstringMspanish\@ordinalstringMspanish % \end{macrocode} % Feminine form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@ordinalstringFspanish}[2]{% \let\@unitthstring=\@@unitthstringFspanish \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringFspanish \let\@teenthstring=\@@teenthstringFspanish \let\@tenthstring=\@@tenthstringFspanish \let\@hundredthstring=\@@hundredthstringFspanish \def\@thousandth{milésima}% \@@ordinalstringspanish{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@ordinalstringFspanish\@ordinalstringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % Make neuter same as masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalstringNspanish\@ordinalstringMspanish % \end{macrocode} % As above, but with initial letters in upper case. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@OrdinalstringMspanish}[2]{% \let\@unitthstring=\@@Unitthstringspanish \let\@unitstring=\@@Unitstringspanish \let\@teenthstring=\@@Teenthstringspanish \let\@tenthstring=\@@Tenthstringspanish \let\@hundredthstring=\@@Hundredthstringspanish \def\@thousandth{Milésimo}% \@@ordinalstringspanish{#1}{#2}% } \global\let\@OrdinalstringMspanish\@OrdinalstringMspanish % \end{macrocode} % Feminine form: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@OrdinalstringFspanish}[2]{% \let\@unitthstring=\@@UnitthstringFspanish \let\@unitstring=\@@UnitstringFspanish \let\@teenthstring=\@@TeenthstringFspanish \let\@tenthstring=\@@TenthstringFspanish \let\@hundredthstring=\@@HundredthstringFspanish \def\@thousandth{Milésima}% \@@ordinalstringspanish{#1}{#2}% }% \global\let\@OrdinalstringFspanish\@OrdinalstringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % Make neuter same as masculine: % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@OrdinalstringNspanish\@OrdinalstringMspanish % \end{macrocode} % Code for convert numbers into textual ordinals. As before, % it is easier to split it into units, tens, teens and hundreds. % Units: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@unitthstringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax cero% \or primero% \or segundo% \or tercero% \or cuarto% \or quinto% \or sexto% \or séptimo% \or octavo% \or noveno% \fi }% \global\let\@@unitthstringspanish\@@unitthstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Tens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@tenthstringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or décimo% \or vigésimo% \or trigésimo% \or cuadragésimo% \or quincuagésimo% \or sexagésimo% \or septuagésimo% \or octogésimo% \or nonagésimo% \fi }% \global\let\@@tenthstringspanish\@@tenthstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Teens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@teenthstringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax décimo% \or undécimo% \or duodécimo% \or decimotercero% \or decimocuarto% \or decimoquinto% \or decimosexto% \or decimoséptimo% \or decimoctavo% \or decimonoveno% \fi }% \global\let\@@teenthstringspanish\@@teenthstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Hundreds: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@hundredthstringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or centésimo% \or ducentésimo% \or tricentésimo% \or cuadringentésimo% \or quingentésimo% \or sexcentésimo% \or septingésimo% \or octingentésimo% \or noningentésimo% \fi }% \global\let\@@hundredthstringspanish\@@hundredthstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Units (feminine): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@unitthstringFspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax cera% \or primera% \or segunda% \or tercera% \or cuarta% \or quinta% \or sexta% \or séptima% \or octava% \or novena% \fi }% \global\let\@@unitthstringFspanish\@@unitthstringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % Tens (feminine): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@tenthstringFspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or décima% \or vigésima% \or trigésima% \or cuadragésima% \or quincuagésima% \or sexagésima% \or septuagésima% \or octogésima% \or nonagésima% \fi }% \global\let\@@tenthstringFspanish\@@tenthstringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % Teens (feminine) % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@teenthstringFspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax décima% \or undécima% \or duodécima% \or decimotercera% \or decimocuarta% \or decimoquinta% \or decimosexta% \or decimoséptima% \or decimoctava% \or decimonovena% \fi }% \global\let\@@teenthstringFspanish\@@teenthstringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % Hundreds (feminine) % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@hundredthstringFspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or centésima% \or ducentésima% \or tricentésima% \or cuadringentésima% \or quingentésima% \or sexcentésima% \or septingésima% \or octingentésima% \or noningentésima% \fi }% \global\let\@@hundredthstringFspanish\@@hundredthstringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % As above, but with initial letters in upper case % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Unitthstringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Cero% \or Primero% \or Segundo% \or Tercero% \or Cuarto% \or Quinto% \or Sexto% \or Séptimo% \or Octavo% \or Noveno% \fi }% \global\let\@@Unitthstringspanish\@@Unitthstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Tens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Tenthstringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or Décimo% \or Vigésimo% \or Trigésimo% \or Cuadragésimo% \or Quincuagésimo% \or Sexagésimo% \or Septuagésimo% \or Octogésimo% \or Nonagésimo% \fi }% \global\let\@@Tenthstringspanish\@@Tenthstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Teens: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Teenthstringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Décimo% \or Undécimo% \or Duodécimo% \or Decimotercero% \or Decimocuarto% \or Decimoquinto% \or Decimosexto% \or Decimoséptimo% \or Decimoctavo% \or Decimonoveno% \fi }% \global\let\@@Teenthstringspanish\@@Teenthstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % Hundreds % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@Hundredthstringspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or Centésimo% \or Ducentésimo% \or Tricentésimo% \or Cuadringentésimo% \or Quingentésimo% \or Sexcentésimo% \or Septingésimo% \or Octingentésimo% \or Noningentésimo% \fi }% \global\let\@@Hundredthstringspanish\@@Hundredthstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % As above, but feminine. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@UnitthstringFspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Cera% \or Primera% \or Segunda% \or Tercera% \or Cuarta% \or Quinta% \or Sexta% \or Séptima% \or Octava% \or Novena% \fi }% \global\let\@@UnitthstringFspanish\@@UnitthstringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % Tens (feminine) % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@TenthstringFspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or Décima% \or Vigésima% \or Trigésima% \or Cuadragésima% \or Quincuagésima% \or Sexagésima% \or Septuagésima% \or Octogésima% \or Nonagésima% \fi }% \global\let\@@TenthstringFspanish\@@TenthstringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % Teens (feminine): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@TeenthstringFspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Décima% \or Undécima% \or Duodécima% \or Decimotercera% \or Decimocuarta% \or Decimoquinta% \or Decimosexta% \or Decimoséptima% \or Decimoctava% \or Decimonovena% \fi }% \global\let\@@TeenthstringFspanish\@@TeenthstringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % Hundreds (feminine): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@HundredthstringFspanish[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or Centésima% \or Ducentésima% \or Tricentésima% \or Cuadringentésima% \or Quingentésima% \or Sexcentésima% \or Septingésima% \or Octingentésima% \or Noningentésima% \fi }% \global\let\@@HundredthstringFspanish\@@HundredthstringFspanish % \end{macrocode} % This has changed in version 1.09, so that it now stores the % results in the second argument (which must be a control % sequence), but it doesn't display anything. Since it only % affects internal macros, it shouldn't affect documnets created % with older versions. (These internal macros are not meant for % use in documents.) % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@numberstringspanish[2]{% \ifnum#1>99999 \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}% {This macro only works for values less than 100000}% \else \ifnum#1<0 \PackageError{fmtcount}{Negative numbers not permitted}% {This macro does not work for negative numbers, however you can try typing "minus" first, and then pass the modulus of this number}% \fi \fi \def#2{}% \@strctr=#1\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \ifnum\@strctr>9 % \end{macrocode} % \#1 is greater or equal to 10000 % \begin{macrocode} \divide\@strctr by 10 \ifnum\@strctr>1 \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@tenstring{\@strctr}}% \@strctr=#1 \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\ \@andname\ \@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \else \@strctr=#1\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@teenstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\ \@thousand}% \else \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \ifnum\@strctr>1\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@unitstring{\@strctr}\ }% \fi \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@thousand}% \fi \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{1000}% \divide\@strctr by 100\relax \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \ifnum#1>1000\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\ }% \fi \@tmpstrctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{1000}% \ifnum\@tmpstrctr=100\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@tenstring{10}}% \else \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@hundredstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{100}% \ifnum#1>100\relax \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax % \end{macrocode} %\changes{2.0}{2012-06-18}{removed andname (correction %provided by Fernando Maldonado)} % \begin{macrocode} \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\ }% \fi \fi \ifnum\@strctr>29\relax \divide\@strctr by 10\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@tenstring{\@strctr}}% \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\ \@andname\ \@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \else \ifnum\@strctr<10\relax \ifnum\@strctr=0\relax \ifnum#1<100\relax \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \else \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \else \ifnum\@strctr>19\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@twentystring{\@strctr}}% \else \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \let\@@fc@numstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@numstr\@teenstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \fi \fi }% \global\let\@@numberstringspanish\@@numberstringspanish % \end{macrocode} % As above, but for ordinals % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@@ordinalstringspanish[2]{% \@strctr=#1\relax \ifnum#1>99999 \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}% {This macro only works for values less than 100000}% \else \ifnum#1<0 \PackageError{fmtcount}{Negative numbers not permitted}% {This macro does not work for negative numbers, however you can try typing "minus" first, and then pass the modulus of this number}% \else \def#2{}% \ifnum\@strctr>999\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \ifnum\@strctr>1\relax \ifnum\@strctr>9\relax \@tmpstrctr=\@strctr \ifnum\@strctr<20 \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{10}% \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@teenthstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \else \divide\@tmpstrctr by 10\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@tenthstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \@tmpstrctr=\@strctr \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{10}% \ifnum\@tmpstrctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@unitthstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \fi \fi \else \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@unitstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \fi \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@thousandth}% \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{1000}% \ifnum\@strctr>99\relax \@tmpstrctr=\@strctr \divide\@tmpstrctr by 100\relax \ifnum#1>1000\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\ }% \fi \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@hundredthstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \fi \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{100}% \ifnum#1>99\relax \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\ }% \fi \fi \ifnum\@strctr>19\relax \@tmpstrctr=\@strctr \divide\@tmpstrctr by 10\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@tenthstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \@tmpstrctr=\@strctr \@FCmodulo{\@tmpstrctr}{10}% \ifnum\@tmpstrctr>0\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\ \@unitthstring{\@tmpstrctr}}% \fi \else \ifnum\@strctr>9\relax \@FCmodulo{\@strctr}{10}% \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@teenthstring{\@strctr}}% \else \ifnum\@strctr=0\relax \ifnum#1=0\relax \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@unitstring{0}}% \fi \else \let\@@fc@ordstr#2\relax \edef#2{\@@fc@ordstr\@unitthstring{\@strctr}}% \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi }% \global\let\@@ordinalstringspanish\@@ordinalstringspanish % \end{macrocode} \iffalse Local variables: \fi \iffalse mode: docTeX \fi \iffalse End: \fi%\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-UKenglish.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-UKenglish.def} % English definitions % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{UKenglish}[2013/08/17]% % \end{macrocode} % Loaded fc-english.def if not already loaded % \begin{macrocode} \FCloadlang{english}% % \end{macrocode} % These are all just synonyms for the commands provided by % fc-english.def. % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalMUKenglish\@ordinalMenglish \global\let\@ordinalFUKenglish\@ordinalMenglish \global\let\@ordinalNUKenglish\@ordinalMenglish \global\let\@numberstringMUKenglish\@numberstringMenglish \global\let\@numberstringFUKenglish\@numberstringMenglish \global\let\@numberstringNUKenglish\@numberstringMenglish \global\let\@NumberstringMUKenglish\@NumberstringMenglish \global\let\@NumberstringFUKenglish\@NumberstringMenglish \global\let\@NumberstringNUKenglish\@NumberstringMenglish \global\let\@ordinalstringMUKenglish\@ordinalstringMenglish \global\let\@ordinalstringFUKenglish\@ordinalstringMenglish \global\let\@ordinalstringNUKenglish\@ordinalstringMenglish \global\let\@OrdinalstringMUKenglish\@OrdinalstringMenglish \global\let\@OrdinalstringFUKenglish\@OrdinalstringMenglish \global\let\@OrdinalstringNUKenglish\@OrdinalstringMenglish % \end{macrocode} %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fc-USenglish.def> % \end{macrocode} %\fi % \subsubsection{fc-USenglish.def} % US English definitions % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesFCLanguage{USenglish}[2013/08/17]% % \end{macrocode} % Loaded fc-english.def if not already loaded % \begin{macrocode} \FCloadlang{english}% % \end{macrocode} % These are all just synonyms for the commands provided by % fc-english.def. (This needs fixing as there are some differences % between UK and US number strings.) % \begin{macrocode} \global\let\@ordinalMUSenglish\@ordinalMenglish \global\let\@ordinalFUSenglish\@ordinalMenglish \global\let\@ordinalNUSenglish\@ordinalMenglish \global\let\@numberstringMUSenglish\@numberstringMenglish \global\let\@numberstringFUSenglish\@numberstringMenglish \global\let\@numberstringNUSenglish\@numberstringMenglish \global\let\@NumberstringMUSenglish\@NumberstringMenglish \global\let\@NumberstringFUSenglish\@NumberstringMenglish \global\let\@NumberstringNUSenglish\@NumberstringMenglish \global\let\@ordinalstringMUSenglish\@ordinalstringMenglish \global\let\@ordinalstringFUSenglish\@ordinalstringMenglish \global\let\@ordinalstringNUSenglish\@ordinalstringMenglish \global\let\@OrdinalstringMUSenglish\@OrdinalstringMenglish \global\let\@OrdinalstringFUSenglish\@OrdinalstringMenglish \global\let\@OrdinalstringNUSenglish\@OrdinalstringMenglish % \end{macrocode} %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fcnumparser.sty> % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\subsection{fcnumparser.sty} % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{fcnumparser}[2017/06/15] % \end{macrocode} % \cs{fc@counter@parser} is just a shorthand to parse a number held in a counter. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@counter@parser#1{% \expandafter\fc@number@parser\expandafter{\the#1.}% } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\fc@digit@counter \def\fc@end@{\fc@end} % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@number@analysis} First of all we need to separate the number between integer and fractional % part. Number to be analysed is in `\texttt{\#1}'. Decimal separator may be . or , whichever first. At end of % this macro, integer part goes to \cs{fc@integer@part} and fractional part goes to \cs{fc@fractional@part}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@number@analysis#1\fc@nil{% % \end{macrocode} % First check for the presence of a decimal point in the number. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempb##1.##2\fc@nil{\def\fc@integer@part{##1}\def\@tempa{##2}}% \@tempb#1.\fc@end\fc@nil \ifx\@tempa\fc@end@ % \end{macrocode} % Here \cs{@tempa} is \cs{ifx}-equal to \cs{fc@end}, which means that the number does not contain any decimal % point. So we do the same trick to search for a comma. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempb##1,##2\fc@nil{\def\fc@integer@part{##1}\def\@tempa{##2}}% \@tempb#1,\fc@end\fc@nil \ifx\@tempa\fc@end@ % \end{macrocode} % No comma either, so fractional part is set empty. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@fractional@part{}% \else % \end{macrocode} % Comma has been found, so we just need to drop `\texttt{,}\cs{fc@end}' from the end of \cs{@tempa} to get the % fractional part. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempb##1,\fc@end{\def\fc@fractional@part{##1}}% \expandafter\@tempb\@tempa \fi \else % \end{macrocode} % Decimal point has been found, so we just need to drop `\texttt{.}\cs{fc@end}' from the end \cs{@tempa} to % get the fractional part. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempb##1.\fc@end{\def\fc@fractional@part{##1}}% \expandafter\@tempb\@tempa \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@number@parser} Macro \cs{fc@number@parser} is the main engine to parse a number. Argument % `\#1' is input and contains the number to be parsed. At end of this macro, each digit is stored separately % in a \cs{fc@digit@}\meta{$n$}, and macros \cs{fc@min@weight} and \cs{fc@max@weight} are set to the bounds % for \meta{$n$}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@number@parser#1{% % \end{macrocode} % First remove all the spaces in \texttt{\#1}, and place the result into \cs{@tempa}. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@tempa\@empty \def\@tempb##1##2\fc@nil{% \def\@tempc{##1}% \ifx\@tempc\space \else \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{\@tempa ##1}% \fi \def\@tempc{##2}% \ifx\@tempc\@empty \expandafter\@gobble \else \expandafter\@tempb \fi ##2\fc@nil }% \@tempb#1\fc@nil % \end{macrocode} % Get the sign into \cs{fc@sign} and the unsigned number part into \cs{fc@number}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempb##1##2\fc@nil{\def\fc@sign{##1}\def\fc@number{##2}}% \expandafter\@tempb\@tempa\fc@nil \expandafter\if\fc@sign+% \def\fc@sign@case{1}% \else \expandafter\if\fc@sign-% \def\fc@sign@case{2}% \else \def\fc@sign{}% \def\fc@sign@case{0}% \let\fc@number\@tempa \fi \fi \ifx\fc@number\@empty \PackageError{fcnumparser}{Invalid number}{Number must contain at least one non blank character after sign}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Now, split \cs{fc@number} into \cs{fc@integer@part} and \cs{fc@fractional@part}. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\fc@number@analysis\fc@number\fc@nil % \end{macrocode} % Now, split \cs{fc@integer@part} into a sequence of \cs{fc@digit@}\meta{$n$} with \meta{$n$} ranging from % \cs{fc@unit@weight} to \cs{fc@max@weight}. We will use macro \cs{fc@parse@integer@digits} for that, but that % will place the digits into \cs{fc@digit@}\meta{$n$} with \meta{$n$} ranging from % \(2\times\cs{fc@unit@weight}-\cs{fc@max@weight}\) upto \(\cs{fc@unit@weight}-1\). % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\fc@digit@counter\fc@unit@weight \expandafter\fc@parse@integer@digits\fc@integer@part\fc@end\fc@nil % \end{macrocode} % First we compute the weight of the most significant digit: after \cs{fc@parse@integer@digits}, % \cs{fc@digit@counter} is equal to \(\cs{fc@unit@weight} -\mathrm{mw} -1\) and we want to set % \cs{fc@max@weight} to \(\cs{fc@unit@weight} +\mathrm{mw}\) so we do: % \begin{equation*} % \cs{fc@max@weight}\leftarrow (-\cs{fc@digit@counter}) + 2\times\cs{fc@unit@weight} -1 % \end{equation*} % \begin{macrocode} \fc@digit@counter -\fc@digit@counter \advance\fc@digit@counter by \fc@unit@weight \advance\fc@digit@counter by \fc@unit@weight \advance\fc@digit@counter by -1 % \edef\fc@max@weight{\the\fc@digit@counter}% % \end{macrocode} % Now we loop for \(i = \cs{fc@unit@weight}\) to \cs{fc@max@weight} in order to copy all the digits from % \cs{fc@digit@}\meta{\(i + \mathrm{offset}\)} to \cs{fc@digit@}\meta{\(i\)}. First we compute % \(\mathrm{offset}\) into \cs{@tempi}. % \begin{macrocode} {% \count0 \fc@unit@weight\relax \count1 \fc@max@weight\relax \advance\count0 by -\count1 % \advance\count0 by -1 % \def\@tempa##1{\def\@tempb{\def\@tempi{##1}}}% \expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{\the\count0}% \expandafter }\@tempb % \end{macrocode} % Now we loop to copy the digits. To do that we define a macro \cs{@templ} for terminal recursion. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\fc@digit@counter\fc@unit@weight \def\@templ{% \ifnum\fc@digit@counter>\fc@max@weight \let\next\relax \else % \end{macrocode} % Here is the loop body: % \begin{macrocode} {% \count0 \@tempi \advance\count0 by \fc@digit@counter \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempd\expandafter{\csname fc@digit@\the\count0\endcsname}% \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempe\expandafter{\csname fc@digit@\the\fc@digit@counter\endcsname}% \def\@tempa####1####2{\def\@tempb{\let####1####2}}% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempa\expandafter\@tempe\@tempd \expandafter }\@tempb \advance\fc@digit@counter by 1 % \fi \next }% \let\next\@templ \@templ % \end{macrocode} % Split \cs{fc@fractional@part} into a sequence of \cs{fc@digit@}\meta{$n$} with \meta{$n$} ranging from % \(\cs{fc@unit@weight}-1\) to \cs{fc@min@weight} by step of \(-1\). This is much more simpler because we get % the digits with the final range of index, so no post-processing loop is needed. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\fc@digit@counter\fc@unit@weight \expandafter\fc@parse@integer@digits\fc@fractional@part\fc@end\fc@nil \edef\fc@min@weight{\the\fc@digit@counter}% } % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@parse@integer@digits} Macro \cs{fc@parse@integer@digits} is used to % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@parse@integer@digits}{}{% \PackageError{fcnumparser}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@parse@integer@digits'}} \def\fc@parse@integer@digits#1#2\fc@nil{% \def\@tempa{#1}% \ifx\@tempa\fc@end@ \def\next##1\fc@nil{}% \else \let\next\fc@parse@integer@digits \advance\fc@digit@counter by -1 \expandafter\def\csname fc@digit@\the\fc@digit@counter\endcsname{#1}% \fi \next#2\fc@nil } \newcommand*{\fc@unit@weight}{0} % \end{macrocode} % Now we have macros to read a few digits from the \cs{fc@digit@}\meta{$n$} array and form a correspoding % number.\newline \DescribeMacro{\fc@read@unit} \cs{fc@read@unit} just reads one digit and form an integer in % the range \([0 \intv 9]\). First we check that the macro is not yet defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@read@unit}{}{% \PackageError{fcnumparser}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@read@unit'}} % \end{macrocode} % Arguments as follows:\def\interface{\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#1&output counter: into which the read value is placed\\ % \#2&input number: unit weight at which reach the value is to be read % \end{tabularx}}\interface % \#2 does not need to be comprised between \cs{fc@min@weight} and {fc@min@weight}, if outside this interval, % then a zero is read. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@read@unit#1#2{% \ifnum#2>\fc@max@weight #1=0\relax \else \ifnum#2<\fc@min@weight #1=0\relax \else {% \edef\@tempa{\number#2}% \count0=\@tempa \edef\@tempa{\csname fc@digit@\the\count0\endcsname}% \def\@tempb##1{\def\@tempa{#1=##1\relax}}% \expandafter\@tempb\expandafter{\@tempa}% \expandafter }\@tempa \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@read@hundred} Macro \cs{fc@read@hundred} is used to read a pair of digits and form an % integer in the range \([0 \intv 99]\). First we check that the macro is not yet defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@read@hundred}{}{% \PackageError{fcnumparser}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@read@hundred'}} % \end{macrocode} % Arguments as follows --- same interface as \cs{fc@read@unit}:\interface % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@read@hundred#1#2{% {% \fc@read@unit{\count0}{#2}% \def\@tempa##1{\fc@read@unit{\count1}{##1}}% \count2=#2% \advance\count2 by 1 % \expandafter\@tempa{\the\count2}% \multiply\count1 by 10 % \advance\count1 by \count0 % \def\@tempa##1{\def\@tempb{#1=##1\relax}} \expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{\the\count1}% \expandafter }\@tempb } % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@read@thousand} Macro \cs{fc@read@thousand} is used to read a trio of digits and form an % integer in the range \([0 \intv 999]\). First we check that the macro is not yet defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@read@thousand}{}{% \PackageError{fcnumparser}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@read@thousand'}} % \end{macrocode} % Arguments as follows --- same interface as \cs{fc@read@unit}:\interface % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@read@thousand#1#2{% {% \fc@read@unit{\count0}{#2}% \def\@tempa##1{\fc@read@hundred{\count1}{##1}}% \count2=#2% \advance\count2 by 1 % \expandafter\@tempa{\the\count2}% \multiply\count1 by 10 % \advance\count1 by \count0 % \def\@tempa##1{\def\@tempb{#1=##1\relax}} \expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{\the\count1}% \expandafter }\@tempb } % \end{macrocode} % Note: one myriad is ten thousand. % \DescribeMacro{\fc@read@thousand} Macro \cs{fc@read@myriad} is used to read a quatuor of digits and form an % integer in the range \([0 \intv 9999]\). First we check that the macro is not yet defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@read@myriad}{}{% \PackageError{fcnumparser}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@read@myriad'}} % \end{macrocode} % Arguments as follows --- same interface as \cs{fc@read@unit}:\interface % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@read@myriad#1#2{% {% \fc@read@hundred{\count0}{#2}% \def\@tempa##1{\fc@read@hundred{\count1}{##1}}% \count2=#2 \advance\count2 by 2 \expandafter\@tempa{\the\count2}% \multiply\count1 by 100 % \advance\count1 by \count0 % \def\@tempa##1{\def\@tempb{#1=##1\relax}}% \expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{\the\count1}% \expandafter }\@tempb } % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@check@nonzeros} Macro \cs{fc@check@nonzeros} is used to check whether the number % represented by digits \cs{fc@digit@}\meta{$n$}, with \(n\) in some interval, is zero, one, or more than one. % First we check that the macro is not yet defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@check@nonzeros}{}{% \PackageError{fcnumparser}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@check@nonzeros'}} % \end{macrocode} % Arguments as follows:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#1&input number: minimum unit unit weight at which start to search the non-zeros\\ % \#2&input number: maximum unit weight at which end to seach the non-zeros\\ % \#3&output macro: let \(n\) be the number represented by digits the weight of which span from \texttt{\#1} % to \texttt{\#2}, then \texttt{\#3} is set to the number min(n,9).\\ % \end{tabularx} % Actually \cs{fc@check@nonzeros} is just a wrapper to collect arguments, and the real job is delegated to % \cs{fc@@check@nonzeros@inner} which is called inside a group. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@check@nonzeros#1#2#3{% {% % \end{macrocode} % So first we save inputs into local macros used by \cs{fc@@check@nonzeros@inner} as input arguments % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@@tempa{\number#1}% \edef\@tempb{\number#2}% \count0=\@@tempa \count1=\@tempb\relax % \end{macrocode} % Then we do the real job % \begin{macrocode} \fc@@check@nonzeros@inner % \end{macrocode} % And finally, we propagate the output after end of group --- i.e. closing brace. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempd##1{\def\@tempa{\def#3{##1}}}% \expandafter\@tempd\expandafter{\@tempc}% \expandafter }\@tempa } % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@@check@nonzeros@inner} Macro \cs{fc@@check@nonzeros@inner} Check wehther some part of the % parsed value contains some non-zero digit At the call of this macro we expect that:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}rX@{}} % \cs{@tempa}&input/output macro:\newline\noindent % \settowidth{\tabcolwidth}{output}% % \begin{tabular*}{\hsize}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\itshape}r% % p{\dimexpr\hsize-2\tabcolsep-\tabcolwidth}@{}} % input&minimum unit unit weight at which start to search the non-zeros\\ % output¯o may have been redefined % \end{tabular*}\\ % \cs{@tempb}&input/output macro:\newline\noindent % \settowidth{\tabcolwidth}{output}% % \begin{tabular*}{\hsize}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\itshape}r% % p{\dimexpr\hsize-2\tabcolsep-\tabcolwidth}@{}} % input&maximum unit weight at which end to seach the non-zeros\\ % output¯o may have been redefined % \end{tabular*}\\ % \cs{@tempc}&ouput macro: 0 if all-zeros, 1 if at least one zero is found\\ % \cs{count0}&output counter: \(\mathrm{weight}+1\) of the first found non zero starting from minimum % \(\mathrm{weight}\). % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@@check@nonzeros@inner{% \ifnum\count0<\fc@min@weight \count0=\fc@min@weight\relax \fi \ifnum\count1>\fc@max@weight\relax \count1=\fc@max@weight \fi \count2\count0 % \advance\count2 by 1 % \ifnum\count0>\count1 % \PackageError{fcnumparser}{Unexpected arguments}{Number in argument 2 of macro `fc@check@nonzeros' must be at least equal to number in argument 1}% \else \fc@@check@nonzeros@inner@loopbody \ifnum\@tempc>0 % \ifnum\@tempc<9 % \ifnum\count0>\count1 % \else \let\@tempd\@tempc \fc@@check@nonzeros@inner@loopbody \ifnum\@tempc=0 % \let\@tempc\@tempd \else \def\@tempc{9}% \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@@check@nonzeros@inner@loopbody{% % \@tempc <- digit of weight \count0 \expandafter\let\expandafter\@tempc\csname fc@digit@\the\count0\endcsname \advance\count0 by 1 % \ifnum\@tempc=0 % \ifnum\count0>\count1 % \let\next\relax \else \let\next\fc@@check@nonzeros@inner@loopbody \fi \else \ifnum\count0>\count2 % \def\@tempc{9}% \fi \let\next\relax \fi \next } % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@intpart@find@last} Macro \cs{fc@intpart@find@last} find the rightmost non zero digit in the % integer part. First check that the macro is not yet defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@intpart@find@last}{}{% \PackageError{fcnumparser}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@intpart@find@last'}} % \end{macrocode} % When macro is called, the number of interest is already parsed, that is to say each digit of weight \(w\) is % stored in macro \cs{fc@digit@}\meta{$w$}. Macro \cs{fc@intpart@find@last} takes one single argument which % is a counter to set to the result. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@intpart@find@last#1{% {% % \end{macrocode} % Counter \cs{count0} will hold the result. So we will loop on \cs{count0}, starting from % \(\min\{u,w_{\mathrm{min}}\}\), where \(u\triangleq\cs{fc@unit@weight}\), and % \(w_{\mathrm{min}}\triangleq\cs{fc@min@weight}\). So first set \cs{count0} to % \(\min\{u,w_{\mathrm{min}}\}\): % \begin{macrocode} \count0=\fc@unit@weight\space \ifnum\count0<\fc@min@weight\space \count0=\fc@min@weight\space \fi % \end{macrocode} % Now the loop. This is done by defining macro \cs{@templ} for final recursion. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@templ{% \ifnum\csname fc@digit@\the\count0\endcsname=0 % \advance\count0 by 1 % \ifnum\count0>\fc@max@weight\space \let\next\relax \fi \else \let\next\relax \fi \next }% \let\next\@templ \@templ % \end{macrocode} % Now propagate result after closing bracket into counter \texttt{\#1}. % \begin{macrocode} \toks0{#1}% \edef\@tempa{\the\toks0=\the\count0}% \expandafter }\@tempa\space } % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@get@last@word} Getting last word. Arguments as follows:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#1&input: full sequence\\ % \#2&output macro 1: all sequence without last word\\ % \#3&output macro 2: last word\\ % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@get@last@word}{}{\PackageError{fcnumparser}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@get@last@word'}}% \def\fc@get@last@word#1#2#3{% {% % \end{macrocode} % First we split \texttt{\#1} into two parts: everything that is upto \cs{fc@wcase} exclusive goes to % \cs{toks0}, and evrything from \cs{fc@wcase} exclusive upto the final \cs{@nil} exclusive goes to \cs{toks1}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempa##1\fc@wcase##2\@nil\fc@end{% \toks0{##1}% % \end{macrocode} % Actually a dummy \cs{fc@wcase} is appended to \cs{toks1}, because that makes easier further checking that it % does not contains any other \cs{fc@wcase}. % \begin{macrocode} \toks1{##2\fc@wcase}% }% \@tempa#1\fc@end % \end{macrocode} % Now leading part upto last word should be in \cs{toks0}, and last word should be in \cs{toks1}. However we % need to check that this is really the last word, i.e. we need to check that there is no \cs{fc@wcase} inside % \cs{toks1} other than the tailing dummy one. To that purpose we will loop while we find that \cs{toks1} % contains some \cs{fc@wcase}. First we define \cs{@tempa} to split \cs{the}\cs{toks1} between parts before and % after some potential \cs{fc@wcase}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempa##1\fc@wcase##2\fc@end{% \toks2{##1}% \def\@tempb{##2}% \toks3{##2}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \cs{@tempt} is just an aliases of \cs{toks0} to make its handling easier later on. % \begin{macrocode} \toksdef\@tempt0 % % \end{macrocode} % Now the loop itself, this is done by terminal recursion with macro \cs{@templ}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@templ{% \expandafter\@tempa\the\toks1 \fc@end \ifx\@tempb\@empty % \end{macrocode} % \cs{@tempb} empty means that the only \cs{fc@wcase} found in \cs{the}\cs{toks1} is the dummy one. So we end % the loop here, \cs{toks2} contains the last word. % \begin{macrocode} \let\next\relax \else % \end{macrocode} % \cs{@tempb} is not empty, first we use % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempt \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{% \expandafter\the\expandafter\@tempt \expandafter\fc@wcase\the\toks2}% \toks1\toks3 % \fi \next }% \let\next\@templ \@templ \edef\@tempa{\def\noexpand#2{\the\toks0}\def\noexpand#3{\the\toks2}}% \expandafter }\@tempa } % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@get@last@word} Getting last letter. Arguments as follows:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#1&input: full word\\ % \#2&output macro 1: all word without last letter\\ % \#3&output macro 2: last letter\\ % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@get@last@letter}{}{\PackageError{fcnumparser}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@get@last@letter'}}% \def\fc@get@last@letter#1#2#3{% {% % \end{macrocode} % First copy input to local \cs{toks1}. What we are going to to is to bubble one by one letters from % \cs{toks1} which initial contains the whole word, into \cs{toks0}. At the end of the macro \cs{toks0} will % therefore contain the whole work but the last letter, and the last letter will be in \cs{toks1}. % \begin{macrocode} \toks1{#1}% \toks0{}% \toksdef\@tempt0 % % \end{macrocode} % We define \cs{@tempa} in order to pop the first letter from the remaining of word. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempa##1##2\fc@nil{% \toks2{##1}% \toks3{##2}% \def\@tempb{##2}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Now we define \cs{@templ} to do the loop by terminal recursion. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@templ{% \expandafter\@tempa\the\toks1 \fc@nil \ifx\@tempb\@empty % \end{macrocode} % Stop loop, as \cs{toks1} has been detected to be one single letter. % \begin{macrocode} \let\next\relax \else % \end{macrocode} % Here we append to \cs{toks0} the content of \cs{toks2}, i.e. the next letter. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempt \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{% \expandafter\the\expandafter\@tempt \the\toks2}% % \end{macrocode} % And the remaining letters go to \cs{toks1} for the next iteration. % \begin{macrocode} \toks1\toks3 % \fi \next }% % \end{macrocode} % Here run the loop. % \begin{macrocode} \let\next\@templ \next % \end{macrocode} % Now propagate the results into macros \texttt{\#2} and \texttt{\#3} after closing brace. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@tempa{\def\noexpand#2{\the\toks0}\def\noexpand#3{\the\toks1}}% \expandafter }\@tempa }% % \end{macrocode} \iffalse Local variables: \fi \iffalse mode: docTeX \fi \iffalse End: \fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fcprefix.sty> % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\subsection{fcprefix.sty} % Pseudo-latin prefixes. % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{fcprefix}[2012/09/28] \RequirePackage{ifthen} \RequirePackage{keyval} \RequirePackage{fcnumparser} % \end{macrocode} % Option `\texttt{use duode and unde}' is to select whether \(18\) and suchlikes (\(\meta{x}8\), % \(\meta{x}9\)) writes like duodevicies, or like octodecies. For French it should be `\texttt{below % 20}'. Possible values are `\texttt{below 20}' and `\texttt{never}'. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{fcprefix}{use duode and unde}[below20]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{below20}}{% \def\fc@duodeandunde{2}% }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{never}}{% \def\fc@duodeandunde{0}% }{% \PackageError{fcprefix}{Unexpected option}{% Option `use duode and unde' expects `below 20' or `never' }% }% }% } % \end{macrocode} % Default is `\texttt{below 20}' like in French. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@duodeandunde{2} % \end{macrocode} % Option `\texttt{numeral u in duo}', this can be `\texttt{true}' or `\texttt{false}' and is used to select % whether 12 and suchlikes write like dodec\meta{xxx} or duodec\meta{xxx} for numerals. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{fcprefix}{numeral u in duo}[false]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{false}}{% \let\fc@u@in@duo\@empty }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{true}}{% \def\fc@u@in@duo{u}% }{% \PackageError{fcprefix}{Unexpected option}{% Option `numeral u in duo' expects `true' or `false' }% }% }% } % \end{macrocode} % Option `\texttt{e accute}', this can be `\texttt{true}' or `\texttt{false}' and is used to select whether % letter `\texttt{e}' has an accute accent when it pronounce [e] in French. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{fcprefix}{e accute}[false]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{false}}{% \let\fc@prefix@eaccute\@firstofone }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{true}}{% \let\fc@prefix@eaccute\'% }{% \PackageError{fcprefix}{Unexpected option}{% Option `e accute' expects `true' or `false' }% }% }% } % \end{macrocode} % Default is to set accute accent like in French. % \begin{macrocode} \let\fc@prefix@eaccute\'% % \end{macrocode} % Option `\texttt{power of millia}' tells how millia is raise to power n. It expects value:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % recursive&for which millia squared is noted as `milliamillia'\\ % arabic&for which millia squared is noted as `millia\^{}2'\\ % prefix&for which millia squared is noted as `bismillia' % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{fcprefix}{power of millia}[prefix]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{prefix}}{% \let\fc@power@of@millia@init\@gobbletwo \let\fc@power@of@millia\fc@@prefix@millia }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{arabic}}{% \let\fc@power@of@millia@init\@gobbletwo \let\fc@power@of@millia\fc@@arabic@millia }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{recursive}}{% \let\fc@power@of@millia@init\fc@@recurse@millia@init \let\fc@power@of@millia\fc@@recurse@millia }{% \PackageError{fcprefix}{Unexpected option}{% Option `power of millia' expects `recursive', `arabic', or `prefix' }% }% }% }% } % \end{macrocode} % Arguments as follows:\def\interface{\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#1& output macro\\ % \#2& number with current weight \(w\) % \end{tabularx}}\interface % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@@recurse@millia#1#2{% \let\@tempp#1% \edef#1{millia\@tempp}% } % \end{macrocode} % Arguments as follows --- same interface as \cs{fc@@recurse@millia}: \interface % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@@recurse@millia@init#1#2{% {% % \end{macrocode} % Save input argument current weight \(w\) into local macro \cs{@tempb}. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@tempb{\number#2}% % \end{macrocode} % Now main loop from 0 to \(w\). Final value of \cs{@tempa} will be the result. % \begin{macrocode} \count0=0 % \let\@tempa\@empty \loop \ifnum\count0<\@tempb \advance\count0 by 1 % \expandafter\def \expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{\@tempa millia}% \repeat % \end{macrocode} % Now propagate the expansion of \cs{@tempa} into \texttt{\#1} after closing bace. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@tempb{\def\noexpand#1{\@tempa}}% \expandafter }\@tempb } % \end{macrocode} % Arguments as follows --- same interface as \cs{fc@@recurse@millia}: \interface % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@@arabic@millia#1#2{% \ifnnum#2=0 % \let#1\@empty \else \edef#1{millia\^{}\the#2}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Arguments as follows --- same interface as \cs{fc@@recurse@millia}: \interface % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@@prefix@millia#1#2{% \fc@@latin@numeral@pefix{#2}{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % Default value of option `\texttt{power of millia}' is `\texttt{prefix}': % \begin{macrocode} \let\fc@power@of@millia@init\@gobbletwo \let\fc@power@of@millia\fc@@prefix@millia % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@@latin@cardinal@pefix} Compute a cardinal prefix for n-illion, like \(1 \Rightarrow % \textrm{`m'}\), \(2 \Rightarrow \textrm{`bi'}\), \(3 \Rightarrow \textrm{`tri'}\). The algorithm to derive % this prefix is that of Russ Rowlett I founds its documentation on Alain Lassine's site: % \url{http://www.alain.be/Boece/grands\_nombres.html}. First check that macro is not yet defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@@latin@cardinal@pefix}{}{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@@latin@cardinal@pefix'}} % \end{macrocode} % Arguments as follows:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#1&input number to be formated\\ % \#2&outut macro name into which to place the formatted result % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@@latin@cardinal@pefix#1#2{% {% % \end{macrocode} % First we put input argument into local macro @cs{@tempa} with full expansion. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@tempa{\number#1}% % \end{macrocode} % Now parse number from expanded input. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\fc@number@parser\expandafter{\@tempa}% \count2=0 % % \end{macrocode} % \cs{@tempt} will hold the optional final \texttt{t}, \cs{@tempu} is used to initialize \cs{@tempt} to `t' % when the firt non-zero 3digit group is met, which is the job made by \cs{@tempi}. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@tempt\@empty \def\@tempu{t}% % \end{macrocode} % \cs{@tempm} will hold the \texttt{millia\^}\(^{n\div 3}\) % \begin{macrocode} \let\@tempm\@empty % \end{macrocode} % Loop by means of terminal recursion of herinafter defined macro \cs{@templ}. We loop by group of 3 digits. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@templ{% \ifnum\count2>\fc@max@weight \let\next\relax \else % \end{macrocode} % Loop body. Here we read a group of 3 consecutive digits \(d_2d_1d_0\) and place them respectively into % \cs{count3}, \cs{count4}, and \cs{count5}. % \begin{macrocode} \fc@read@unit{\count3}{\count2}% \advance\count2 by 1 % \fc@read@unit{\count4}{\count2}% \advance\count2 by 1 % \fc@read@unit{\count5}{\count2}% \advance\count2 by 1 % % \end{macrocode} % If the 3 considered digits \(d_2d_1d_0\) are not all zero, then set \cs{@tempt} to `\texttt{t}' for the % first time this event is met. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@tempn{% \ifnum\count3=0\else 1\fi \ifnum\count4=0\else 1\fi \ifnum\count5=0\else 1\fi }% \ifx\@tempn\@empty\else \let\@tempt\@tempu \let\@tempu\@empty \fi % \end{macrocode} % Now process the current group \(d_2d_1d_0\) of 3 digits. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@tempp\@tempa \edef\@tempa{% % \end{macrocode} % Here we process \(d_{2}\) held by \cs{count5}, that is to say hundreds. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\count5 % \or cen% \or ducen% \or trecen% \or quadringen% \or quingen% \or sescen% \or septigen% \or octingen% \or nongen% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Here we process \(d_1d_0\) held by \cs{count4} \& \cs{count3}, that is to say tens and units. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\count4=0 % % x0(0..9) \ifnum\count2=3 % % Absolute weight zero \ifcase\count3 \@tempt \or m% \or b% \or tr% \or quadr% \or quin\@tempt \or sex\@tempt \or sep\@tempt \or oc\@tempt \or non% \fi \else % \end{macrocode} % Here the weight of \cs{count3} is \(3\times n\), with \(n>0\), i.e. this is followed by a % \texttt{millia\^}\(n\). % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\count3 % \or \ifnum\count2>\fc@max@weight\else un\fi \or d\fc@u@in@duo o% \or tre% \or quattuor% \or quin% \or sex% \or septen% \or octo% \or novem% \fi \fi \else % x(10..99) \ifcase\count3 % \or un% \or d\fc@u@in@duo o% \or tre% \or quattuor% \or quin% \or sex% \or septen% \or octo% \or novem% \fi \ifcase\count4 % \or dec% \or vigin\@tempt \or trigin\@tempt \or quadragin\@tempt \or quinquagin\@tempt \or sexagin\@tempt \or septuagin\@tempt \or octogin\@tempt \or nonagin\@tempt \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % Insert the \texttt{millia\^}\(^{(n\div 3)}\) only if \(d_2d_1d_0\not=0\), i.e. if one of \cs{count3} % \cs{count4} or \cs{count5} is non zero. % \begin{macrocode} \@tempm % \end{macrocode} % And append previous version of \cs{@tempa}. % \begin{macrocode} \@tempp }% % \end{macrocode} % ``Concatenate'' \texttt{millia} to \cs{@tempm}, so that \cs{@tempm} will expand to % \texttt{millia\^}\(^{(n\div 3)+1}\) at the next iteration. Actually whether this is a concatenation or some % \texttt{millia} prefixing depends of option `\texttt{power of millia}'. % \begin{macrocode} \fc@power@of@millia\@tempm{\count2}% \fi \next }% \let\@tempa\@empty \let\next\@templ \@templ % \end{macrocode} % Propagate expansion of \cs{@tempa} into \texttt{\#2} after closing bracket. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempb##1{\def\@tempa{\def#2{##1}}}% \expandafter\@tempb\expandafter{\@tempa}% \expandafter }\@tempa } % \end{macrocode} % \DescribeMacro{\fc@@latin@numeral@pefix} Compute a numeral prefix % like `s\'emel', `bis', `ter', `quater', % etc\ldots I found the algorithm to derive this prefix on Alain Lassine's site: % \url{http://www.alain.be/Boece/nombres\_gargantuesques.html}. First check that the macro is not yet defined. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{fc@@latin@numeral@pefix}{}{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@@latin@numeral@pefix'}} % \end{macrocode} % Arguments as follows:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#1& input number to be formatted,\\ % \#2& outut macro name into which to place the result % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@@latin@numeral@pefix#1#2{% {% \edef\@tempa{\number#1}% \def\fc@unit@weight{0}% \expandafter\fc@number@parser\expandafter{\@tempa}% \count2=0 % % \end{macrocode} % Macro \cs{@tempm} will hold the \texttt{millies\^}\(^{n\div 3}\). % \begin{macrocode} \let\@tempm\@empty % \end{macrocode} % Loop over digits. This is done by defining macro \cs{@templ} for terminal recursion. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@templ{% \ifnum\count2>\fc@max@weight \let\next\relax \else % \end{macrocode} % Loop body. Three consecutive digits \(d_{2}d_{1}d_{0}\) are read into counters \cs{count3}, \cs{count4}, and % \cs{count5}. % \begin{macrocode} \fc@read@unit{\count3}{\count2}% \advance\count2 by 1 % \fc@read@unit{\count4}{\count2}% \advance\count2 by 1 % \fc@read@unit{\count5}{\count2}% \advance\count2 by 1 % % \end{macrocode} % Check the use of \texttt{duodevicies} instead of \texttt{octodecies}. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@tempn\@secondoftwo \ifnum\count3>7 % \ifnum\count4<\fc@duodeandunde \ifnum\count4>0 % \let\@tempn\@firstoftwo \fi \fi \fi \@tempn {% use duodevicies for eighteen \advance\count4 by 1 % \let\@temps\@secondoftwo }{% do not use duodevicies for eighteen \let\@temps\@firstoftwo }% \let\@tempp\@tempa \edef\@tempa{% % hundreds \ifcase\count5 % \expandafter\@gobble \or c% \or duc% \or trec% \or quadring% \or quing% \or sesc% \or septing% \or octing% \or nong% \fi {enties}% \ifnum\count4=0 % % \end{macrocode} % Here \(d_{2}d_{1}d_{0}\) is such that \(d_{1} = 0\). % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\count3 % \or \ifnum\count2=3 % s\fc@prefix@eaccute emel% \else \ifnum\count2>\fc@max@weight\else un\fi \fi \or bis% \or ter% \or quater% \or quinquies% \or sexies% \or septies% \or octies% \or novies% \fi \else % \end{macrocode} % Here \(d_{2}d_{1}d_{0}\) is such that \(d_{1} \geq 1\). % \begin{macrocode} \ifcase\count3 % \or un% \or d\fc@u@in@duo o% \or ter% \or quater% \or quin% \or sex% \or septen% \or \@temps{octo}{duod\fc@prefix@eaccute e}% x8 = two before next (x+1)0 \or \@temps{novem}{und\fc@prefix@eaccute e}% x9 = one before next (x+1)0 \fi \ifcase\count4 % % can't get here \or d\fc@prefix@eaccute ec% \or vic% \or tric% \or quadrag% \or quinquag% \or sexag% \or septuag% \or octog% \or nonag% \fi ies% \fi % Insert the millies^(n/3) only if one of \count3 \count4 \count5 is non zero \@tempm % add up previous version of \@tempa \@tempp }% % \end{macrocode} % Concatenate \texttt{millies} to \cs{@tempm} so that it is equal to \texttt{millies\^}\(^{n\div 3}\) at the % next iteration. Here we just have plain concatenation, contrary to cardinal for which a prefix can be used % instead. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@tempp\@tempp \edef\@tempm{millies\@tempp}% \fi \next }% \let\@tempa\@empty \let\next\@templ \@templ % \end{macrocode} % Now propagate expansion of \@tempa into \texttt{\#2} after closing bracket. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempb##1{\def\@tempa{\def#2{##1}}}% \expandafter\@tempb\expandafter{\@tempa}% \expandafter }\@tempa } % \end{macrocode} % Stuff for calling macros. Construct \cs{fc@call}\meta{some macro} can be used to pass two arguments to % \meta{some macro} with a configurable calling convention: % \begin{itemize} % \item the calling convention is such that there is one mandatory argument \meta{marg} and an optional % argument \meta{oarg} % \item either \cs{fc@call} is \cs{let} to be equal to \cs{fc@call@opt@arg@second}, and then calling % convention is that the \meta{marg} is first and \meta{oarg} is second, % \item or \cs{fc@call} is \cs{let} to be equal to \cs{fc@call@opt@arg@first}, and then calling convention is % that the \meta{oarg} is first and \meta{aarg} is second, % \item if \meta{oarg} is absent, then it is by convention set empty, % \item \meta{some macro} is supposed to have two mandatory arguments of which \meta{oarg} is passed to the % first, and \meta{marg} is passed to the second, and % \item \meta{some macro} is called within a group. % \end{itemize} % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@call@opt@arg@second#1#2{% \def\@tempb{% \ifx[\@tempa \def\@tempc[####1]{% {#1{####1}{#2}}% }% \else \def\@tempc{{#1{}{#2}}}% \fi \@tempc }% \futurelet\@tempa \@tempb } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@call@opt@arg@first#1{% \def\@tempb{% \ifx[\@tempa \def\@tempc[####1]####2{{#1{####1}{####2}}}% \else \def\@tempc####1{{#1{}{####1}}}% \fi \@tempc }% \futurelet\@tempa \@tempb } \let\fc@call\fc@call@opt@arg@first % \end{macrocode} % User API. % % \DescribeMacro{\@latinnumeralstringnum} Macro \cs{@latinnumeralstringnum}. Arguments as % follows:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#1&local options\\ % \#2& input number % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@latinnumeralstringnum}[2]{% \setkeys{fcprefix}{#1}% \fc@@latin@numeral@pefix{#2}\@tempa \@tempa } % \end{macrocode} % Arguments as follows:\newline\noindent % \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash\ttfamily}rX@{}} % \#1&local options\\ % \#2&input counter % \end{tabularx} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@latinnumeralstring}[2]{% \setkeys{fcprefix}{#1}% \expandafter\let\expandafter \@tempa\expandafter\csname c@#2\endcsname \expandafter\fc@@latin@numeral@pefix\expandafter{\the\@tempa}\@tempa \@tempa } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\latinnumeralstring}{% \fc@call\@latinnumeralstring } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\latinnumeralstringnum}{% \fc@call\@latinnumeralstringnum } % \end{macrocode} \iffalse Local variables: \fi \iffalse mode: docTeX \fi \iffalse End: \fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} %<*fmtcount.sty> % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\subsection{fmtcount.sty} % This section deals with the code for |fmtcount.sty| % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{fmtcount}[2024/10/18 v3.09] \RequirePackage{ifthen} % \end{macrocode} % \changes{3.01}{2014/12/03}{Use \styfmt{xkeyval} instead of \styfmt{keyval}, so that we do not get in trouble % with bracket spurious removals} % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{xkeyval} \RequirePackage{etoolbox} \RequirePackage{fcprefix} % \end{macrocode} % \changes{3.00}{2014/07/3}{Add \cs{RequirePackage} for \texttt{ifxetex}} % \changes{3.05}{2017/12/24}{Stop using \cs{ifxetex} to trigger multilingual mode. Instead only packages are % tested for being loaded.} % \changes{1.3}{2007/7/19}{no longer using xspace package} %\changes{1.31}{2009/10/02}{amsgen now loaded (\cs{new@ifnextchar} % needed)} % Need to use \cs{new@ifnextchar} instead of \cs{@ifnextchar} in % commands that have a final optional argument (such as \cs{gls}) % so require \sty{amsgen}. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{amsgen} % \end{macrocode} % These commands need to be defined before the % configuration file is loaded. % % Define the macro to format the |st|, |nd|, |rd| or |th| of an % ordinal. % \changes{3.01}{2014/12/3}{Make \cs{fmtord} language dependent.} % \changes{3.01}{2014/12/3}{Substitute \cs{textsuperscript} for \cs{fc@textsuperscript}, and define % \cs{fc@textsuperscript} as \cs{fup} when defined at beginning of document, or as \cs{textsuperscript} % otherwise} %\begin{macro}{\fc@orddef@ult} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*{\fc@orddef@ult}[1]{\fc@textsuperscript{#1}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\fc@ord@multiling} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*{\fc@ord@multiling}[1]{% \ifcsundef{fc@\languagename @alias@of}{% % \end{macrocode} % Not a supported language, just use the default setting: % \begin{macrocode} \fc@orddef@ult{#1}}{% \expandafter\let\expandafter\@tempa\csname fc@\languagename @alias@of\endcsname \ifcsundef{fc@ord@\@tempa}{% % \end{macrocode} % Not language specfic setting, just use the default setting: % \begin{macrocode} \fc@orddef@ult{#1}}{% % \end{macrocode} % Language with specific setting, use that setting: % \begin{macrocode} \csname fc@ord@\@tempa\endcsname{#1}}}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\padzeroes} %\begin{definition} %\cs{padzeroes}\oarg{n} %\end{definition} % Specifies how many digits should be displayed for commands such as % \cs{decimal} and \cs{binary}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\c@padzeroesN \c@padzeroesN=1\relax \providecommand*{\padzeroes}[1][17]{\c@padzeroesN=#1} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\FCloadlang} %\changes{2.0}{2012/06/3}{new} %\changes{2.02}{2012/10/3}{ensured catcode for @ set to `letter' %before loading file} %\begin{definition} %\cs{FCloadlang}\marg{language} %\end{definition} % Load \styfmt{fmtcount} language file, % \texttt{fc-}\meta{language}\texttt{.def}, unless already loaded. % Unfortunately neither \styfmt{babel} nor \styfmt{polyglossia} keep a list of loaded % dialects, so we can't load all the necessary def files in the % preamble as we don't know which dialects the user requires. % Therefore the dialect definitions get loaded when a command such % as \cs{ordinalnum} is used, if they % haven't already been loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\fc@tmpcatcode \def\fc@languages{}% \def\fc@mainlang{}% \newcommand*{\FCloadlang}[1]{% \@FC@iflangloaded{#1}{}% {% \fc@tmpcatcode=\catcode`\@\relax \catcode `\@ 11\relax \InputIfFileExists{fc-#1.def}% {% \ifdefempty{\fc@languages}% {% \gdef\fc@languages{#1}% }% {% \gappto\fc@languages{,#1}% }% \gdef\fc@mainlang{#1}% }% {}% \catcode `\@ \fc@tmpcatcode\relax }% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@FC@iflangloaded} %\changes{2.0}{2012/06/3}{new} %\begin{definition} %\cs{@FC@iflangloaded}\marg{language}\marg{true}\marg{false} %\end{definition} %If fmtcount language definition file \texttt{fc-}\meta{language}\texttt{.def} has %been loaded, do \meta{true} otherwise do \meta{false} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\@FC@iflangloaded}[3]{% \ifcsundef{ver@fc-#1.def}{#3}{#2}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\ProvidesFCLanguage} %\changes{2.0}{2012/06/3}{new} % Declare fmtcount language definition file. Adapted from % \ics{ProvidesFile}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\ProvidesFCLanguage}[1]{% \ProvidesFile{fc-#1.def}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % % We need that flag to remember that a language has been loaded via package option, so that in the end we can % set \styfmt{fmtcount} in multiling % \begin{macrocode} \newif\iffmtcount@language@option \fmtcount@language@optionfalse % \end{macrocode} %\begin{macro}{\fc@supported@language@list} % Declare list of supported languages, as a comma separated list. No space, no empty items. Each item is a % language for which fmtcount is able to load language specific definitions. \texttt{Aliases but be % \textit{after} their meaning, for instance `american' being an alias of `USenglish', it has to appear % after it in the list}. The raison d'\^etre of this list is to commonalize iteration on languages for the % two following purposes: % \begin{itemize} % \item loading language definition as a result of the language being used by % \styfmt{babel}/\styfmt{polyglossia} % \item loading language definition as a result of package option % \end{itemize} % These two purposes cannot be handled in the same pass, we need two different passes otherwise there would % be some corner cases when a package would be required --- as a result of loading language definition for % one language --- between a \cs{DeclareOption} and a \cs{ProcessOption} which is forbidden by \LaTeXe. %\changes{3.00}{2014/07/3}{new} %\changes{3.05}{2017/12/26}{Add brazilian and portuguese.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\fc@supported@language@list{% english,% UKenglish,% brazilian,% british,% USenglish,% american,% spanish,% portuges,% portuguese,% french,% frenchb,% francais,% german,% germanb,% ngerman,% ngermanb,% italian,% dutch} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\fc@iterate@on@languages} %\begin{definition} %\cs{fc@iterate@on@languages}\marg{body} %\end{definition} % Now make some language iterator, note that for the following to work properly % \cs{fc@supported@language@list} must not be empty. \meta{body} is a macro that takes one argument, and % \cs{fc@iterate@on@languages} applies it iteratively : %\changes{3.00}{2014/07/03}{new} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\fc@iterate@on@languages[1]{% \ifx\fc@supported@language@list\@empty % \end{macrocode} % That case should never happen ! % \begin{macrocode} \PackageError{fmtcount}{Macro `\protect\@fc@iterate@on@languages' is empty}{You should never get here: Something is broken within \texttt{fmtcount}, please report the issue on \texttt{https://github.com/search?q=fmtcount\&ref=cmdform\&type=Issues}}% \else \let\fc@iterate@on@languages@body#1 \expandafter\@fc@iterate@on@languages\fc@supported@language@list,\@nil,% \fi } \def\@fc@iterate@on@languages#1,{% {% \def\@tempa{#1}% \ifx\@tempa\@nnil \let\@tempa\@empty \else \def\@tempa{% \fc@iterate@on@languages@body{#1}% \@fc@iterate@on@languages }% \fi \expandafter }\@tempa }% % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@fc@loadifbabelorpolyglossialdf} %\begin{definition} %\cs{@fc@loadifbabelorpolyglossialdf}\marg{language} %\end{definition} %Loads fmtcount language file, %\texttt{fc-}\meta{language}\texttt{.def}, % if one of the following condition is met: % \begin{itemize} % \item \styfmt{babel} language definition file \meta{language}\texttt{.ldf} has been loaded --- conditionally % to compilation with \texttt{latex}, not \texttt{xelatex}. % \item \styfmt{polyglossia} language definition file \texttt{gloss-}\meta{language}\texttt{.ldf} has been % loaded --- conditionally to compilation with \texttt{xelatex}, not \texttt{latex}. % \item \meta{language} option has been passed to package \styfmt{fmtcount}. % \end{itemize} % %\changes{2.03}{2012/11/03}{renamed \cs{@fc@loadifbabelldf} to % \cs{@fc@loadifbabelorpolyglossialdf}} %\changes{2.03}{2012/11/03}{added check for polyglossia language.} %\changes{3.00}{2014/07/03}{use \cs{ifxetex} to discriminate between \styfmt{babel} and \styfmt{polyglossia}.} %\changes{3.05}{2017/12/24}{Stop using \cs{ifxetex} to discriminate between \styfmt{babel} and % \styfmt{polyglossia}, instead just test which package is loaded.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@fc@loadifbabelldf[1]{\ifcsundef{ver@#1.ldf}{}{\FCloadlang{#1}}} \newcommand*{\@fc@loadifbabelorpolyglossialdf}[1]{} \@ifpackageloaded{polyglossia}{% \def\@fc@loadifbabelorpolyglossialdf#1{\IfFileExists{gloss-#1.ldf}{\ifcsundef{#1@loaded}{}{\FCloadlang{#1}}}{}% \@fc@loadifbabelldf{#1}% }% }{\@ifpackageloaded{babel}{% \let\@fc@loadifbabelorpolyglossialdf\@fc@loadifbabelldf }{}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % % Load appropriate language definition files: %\changes{1.1}{2007/06/14}{added check for UKenglish, % british and USenglish babel settings} %\changes{2.0}{2012/06/03}{changed check for \cs{l@}\meta{language} % to check for \cs{date}\meta{language}} %\changes{3.00}{2014/07/03}{use iterator rather than doing it flat on each language} %\changes{3.01}{2014/12/03}{Define language aliases to \cs{fmtord} % option dependent on ``true'' language .} % \begin{macrocode} \fc@iterate@on@languages\@fc@loadifbabelorpolyglossialdf % \end{macrocode} % By default all languages are unique --- i.e. aliases not yet defined. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@iterate@on@languages@body#1{% \expandafter\def\csname fc@#1@alias@of\endcsname{#1}} \expandafter\@fc@iterate@on@languages\fc@supported@language@list,\@nil,% % \end{macrocode} % Now define those languages that are aliases of another % language. This is done with: \cs{@tempa}\marg{alias}\marg{language} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@tempa#1#2{% \expandafter\def\csname fc@#1@alias@of\endcsname{#2}% }% \@tempa{frenchb}{french} \@tempa{francais}{french} \@tempa{germanb}{german} \@tempa{ngermanb}{german} \@tempa{ngerman}{german} \@tempa{british}{english} \@tempa{american}{USenglish} % \end{macrocode} % Now, thanks to the aliases, we are going to define one option for each language, so that each language can % have its own settings. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@iterate@on@languages@body#1{% \define@key{fmtcount}{#1}[]{% \@FC@iflangloaded{#1}% {% \setkeys{fc\csname fc@#1@alias@of\endcsname}{##1}% }{% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Language `#1' not defined}% {You need to load \ifxetex polyglossia\else babel\fi\space before loading fmtcount}% }% }% \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname fc@#1@alias@of\endcsname}{#1}}{% \define@key{fc\csname fc@#1@alias@of\endcsname}{fmtord}{% \ifthenelse{\equal{##1}{raise}\or\equal{##1}{level}}{% \expandafter\let\expandafter\@tempa\csname fc@set@ord@as@##1\endcsname \expandafter\@tempa\csname fc@ord@#1\endcsname }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{##1}{undefine}}{% \expandafter\let\csname fc@ord@#1\endcsname\undefined }{% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Invalid value `##1' to fmtord key}% {Option `fmtord' can only take the values `level', `raise' or `undefine'}% }} }% }{% % \end{macrocode} % When the language \texttt{\#1} is an alias, do the same as the language of which it is an alias: % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\let\expandafter\@tempa\csname KV@\csname fc@#1@alias@of\endcsname @fmtord\endcsname \expandafter\let\csname KV@#1@fmtord\endcsname\@tempa }% } \expandafter\@fc@iterate@on@languages\fc@supported@language@list,\@nil,% % \end{macrocode} %\begin{option}{fmtord} % Key to determine how to display the ordinal % \changes{3.01}{2014/12/03}{Apply option directly, rather than doing a border effect on \cs{fmtcount@fmtord}, % and then postprocessing depending on \cs{fmtcount@fmtord} at the end of \cs{fmtcountsetoptions}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@set@ord@as@level#1{% \def#1##1{##1}% } \def\fc@set@ord@as@raise#1{% \let#1\fc@textsuperscript } \define@key{fmtcount}{fmtord}{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{level} \or\equal{#1}{raise}}% {% \csname fc@set@ord@as@#1\endcsname\fc@orddef@ult \def\fmtcount@fmtord{#1}% }% {% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Invalid value `#1' to fmtord key}% {Option `fmtord' can only take the values `level' or `raise'}% }% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{option} %\begin{macro}{\iffmtord@abbrv} % Key to determine whether the ordinal superscript should be % abbreviated (language dependent, currently only affects French % ordinals, non-abbreviated French ordinals ending --- i.e. `ier' and % `i\`eme' --- are considered faulty.) % \begin{macrocode} \newif\iffmtord@abbrv % \end{macrocode} % \changes{3.01}{2014/11/03}{Make `true' the default for option % `abbr', as in French this is the correct behaviour, and currently % only French uses that} % \begin{macrocode} \fmtord@abbrvtrue \define@key{fmtcount}{abbrv}[true]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{true}\or\equal{#1}{false}}% {% \csname fmtord@abbrv#1\endcsname }% {% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Invalid value `#1' to fmtord key}% {Option `abbrv' can only take the values `true' or `false'}% }% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{option}{prefix} %\changes{2.0}{2012/06/03}{new} % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{fmtcount}{prefix}[scale=long]{% \RequirePackage{fmtprefix}% \fmtprefixsetoption{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{option} %\begin{macro}{\fmtcountsetoptions} % Define command to set options. % \changes{3.01}{2014/12/03}{Move French specific stuff to \styfmt{french.def}.} % \begin{macrocode} \def\fmtcountsetoptions{% \def\fmtcount@fmtord{}% \setkeys{fmtcount}}% % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % Load configuration file if it exists. This needs to be done % before the package options, to allow the user to override % the settings in the configuration file. %\changes{2.0}{2012/06/03}{Now no message if fmtcount.cfg not found} % \begin{macrocode} \InputIfFileExists{fmtcount.cfg}% {% \PackageInfo{fmtcount}{Using configuration file fmtcount.cfg}% }% {% } % \end{macrocode} %\begin{macro}{\fmtcount@loaded@by@option@lang@list} % \changes{3.01}{2014/10/03}{Declare language option so that actual loading happens after \cs{ProcessOptions}, % and the \cs{ProcessOption} only registers the language for loading.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\fmtcount@loaded@by@option@lang@list}{} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{option}{\meta{language}} %Option \meta{language} causes language \meta{language} to be registered for loading. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@fc@declare@language@option[1]{% \DeclareOption{#1}{% \ifx\fmtcount@loaded@by@option@lang@list\@empty \def\fmtcount@loaded@by@option@lang@list{#1}% \else \edef\fmtcount@loaded@by@option@lang@list{\fmtcount@loaded@by@option@lang@list,#1}% \fi }}% \fc@iterate@on@languages\@fc@declare@language@option % \end{macrocode} %\end{option} % %\begin{option}{level} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{level}{\def\fmtcount@fmtord{level}% \def\fc@orddef@ult#1{#1}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{option} %\begin{option}{raise} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{raise}{\def\fmtcount@fmtord{raise}% \def\fc@orddef@ult#1{\fc@textsuperscript{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{option} % Process package options % \changes{3.00}{2014/07/03}{Add \cs{relax} after \cs{ProcessOptions} like shown in \texttt{clsguide.pdf}} % \begin{macrocode} \ProcessOptions\relax % \end{macrocode} % \changes{3.01}{2014/10/03}{Load languages that have been registered for loading by package option.} % Now we do the loading of all languages that have been set by option to be loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\fmtcount@loaded@by@option@lang@list\@empty\else \def\fc@iterate@on@languages@body#1{% \@FC@iflangloaded{#1}{}{% \fmtcount@language@optiontrue \FCloadlang{#1}% }} \expandafter\@fc@iterate@on@languages\fmtcount@loaded@by@option@lang@list,\@nil,% \fi % \end{macrocode} %\begin{macro}{\@FCmodulo} %\begin{definition} %\cs{@FCmodulo}\marg{count reg}\marg{n} %\end{definition} %\changes{2.04}{2014/06/03}{renamed \cs{@modulo} to \cs{@FCmodulo}} % Sets the count register to be its value modulo \meta{n}. % This is used for the % date, time, ordinal and numberstring commands. (The % \styfmt{fmtcount} package was originally part of the % \sty{datetime} package.) % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\@DT@modctr \newcommand*{\@FCmodulo}[2]{% \@DT@modctr=#1\relax \divide \@DT@modctr by #2\relax \multiply \@DT@modctr by #2\relax \advance #1 by -\@DT@modctr } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % The following registers are needed by |\@ordinal| etc % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\@ordinalctr \newcount\@orgargctr \newcount\@strctr \newcount\@tmpstrctr % \end{macrocode} %Define commands that display numbers in different bases. % Define counters and conditionals needed. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@DT@padzeroes \newcount\@DT@loopN \newcount\@DT@X % \end{macrocode} %\begin{macro}{\binarynum} % Converts a decimal number to binary, and display. %\changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\@binary}[1]{% \@DT@padzeroestrue \@DT@loopN=17\relax \@strctr=\@DT@loopN \whiledo{\@strctr<\c@padzeroesN}{0\advance\@strctr by \@ne}% \@strctr=65536\relax \@DT@X=#1\relax \loop \@DT@modctr=\@DT@X \divide\@DT@modctr by \@strctr \ifthenelse{\boolean{@DT@padzeroes} \and \(\@DT@modctr=0\) \and \(\@DT@loopN>\c@padzeroesN\)}% {}% {\the\@DT@modctr}% \ifnum\@DT@modctr=0\else\@DT@padzeroesfalse\fi \multiply\@DT@modctr by \@strctr \advance\@DT@X by -\@DT@modctr \divide\@strctr by \tw@ \advance\@DT@loopN by \m@ne \ifnum\@strctr>\@ne \repeat \the\@DT@X } \let\binarynum=\@binary % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\octalnum} % Converts a decimal number to octal, and displays. %\changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\@octal}[1]{% \@DT@X=#1\relax \ifnum\@DT@X>32768 \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Value of counter too large for \protect\@octal} {Maximum value 32768} \else \@DT@padzeroestrue \@DT@loopN=6\relax \@strctr=\@DT@loopN \whiledo{\@strctr<\c@padzeroesN}{0\advance\@strctr by \@ne}% \@strctr=32768\relax \loop \@DT@modctr=\@DT@X \divide\@DT@modctr by \@strctr \ifthenelse{\boolean{@DT@padzeroes} \and \(\@DT@modctr=0\) \and \(\@DT@loopN>\c@padzeroesN\)}% {}{\the\@DT@modctr}% \ifnum\@DT@modctr=0\else\@DT@padzeroesfalse\fi \multiply\@DT@modctr by \@strctr \advance\@DT@X by -\@DT@modctr \divide\@strctr by \@viiipt \advance\@DT@loopN by \m@ne \ifnum\@strctr>\@ne \repeat \the\@DT@X \fi } \let\octalnum=\@octal % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@@hexadecimal} % Converts number from 0 to 15 into lowercase hexadecimal notation. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@@hexadecimal}[1]{% \ifcase#10\or1\or2\or3\or4\or5\or 6\or7\or8\or9\or a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or f\fi } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\hexadecimalnum} % Converts a decimal number to a lowercase hexadecimal number, % and displays it. %\changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} %\changes{3.06}{2018/06/27}{Rename \cs{Hexadecimalnum} to \cs{HEXADecimalnum} and \cs{Hexadecimal} to % \cs{HEXADecimal} and factorize the code between \cs{HEXADecimalnum} and \cs{hexadecimalnum}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\hexadecimalnum}{\@hexadecimalengine\@@hexadecimal} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@@Hexadecimal} % Converts number from 0 to 15 into uppercase hexadecimal notation. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\@@Hexadecimal}[1]{% \ifcase#10\or1\or2\or3\or4\or5\or6\or 7\or8\or9\or A\or B\or C\or D\or E\or F\fi } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\HEXADecimalnum} % Uppercase hexadecimal %\changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} %\changes{3.06}{2018/06/27}{Rename \cs{Hexadecimalnum} to \cs{HEXADecimalnum} and \cs{Hexadecimal} to % \cs{HEXADecimal} and factorize the code between \cs{HEXADecimalnum} and \cs{hexadecimalnum}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\HEXADecimalnum}{\@hexadecimalengine\@@Hexadecimal} \newcommand*{\@hexadecimalengine}[2]{% \@DT@padzeroestrue \@DT@loopN=\@vpt \@strctr=\@DT@loopN \whiledo{\@strctr<\c@padzeroesN}{0\advance\@strctr by \@ne}% \@strctr=65536\relax \@DT@X=#2\relax \loop \@DT@modctr=\@DT@X \divide\@DT@modctr by \@strctr \ifthenelse{\boolean{@DT@padzeroes} \and \(\@DT@modctr=0\) \and \(\@DT@loopN>\c@padzeroesN\)} {}{#1\@DT@modctr}% \ifnum\@DT@modctr=0\else\@DT@padzeroesfalse\fi \multiply\@DT@modctr by \@strctr \advance\@DT@X by -\@DT@modctr \divide\@strctr by 16\relax \advance\@DT@loopN by \m@ne \ifnum\@strctr>\@ne \repeat #1\@DT@X } \def\Hexadecimalnum{% \PackageWarning{fmtcount}{\string\Hexadecimalnum\space is deprecated, use \string\HEXADecimalnum\space instead. The \string\Hexadecimalnum\space control sequence name is confusing as it can mislead in thinking that only the 1st letter is upper-cased.}% \HEXADecimalnum} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\aaalphnum} % Lowercase alphabetical representation (a \ldots\ z aa \ldots\ zz) % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} % \changes{3.04}{2017/09/16}{Code optimization, use of \cs{@ne} and \cs{m@ne}, and assign \texttt{\#1} only % once. Factorize code with \cs{@AAAlph}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\@aaalph}{\fc@aaalph\@alph} \newcommand*\fc@aaalph[2]{% \@DT@loopN=#2\relax \@DT@X\@DT@loopN \advance\@DT@loopN by \m@ne \divide\@DT@loopN by 26\relax \@DT@modctr=\@DT@loopN \multiply\@DT@modctr by 26\relax \advance\@DT@X by \m@ne \advance\@DT@X by -\@DT@modctr \advance\@DT@loopN by \@ne \advance\@DT@X by \@ne \edef\@tempa{#1\@DT@X}% \loop \@tempa \advance\@DT@loopN by \m@ne \ifnum\@DT@loopN>0 \repeat } \let\aaalphnum=\@aaalph % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\AAAlphnum} % Uppercase alphabetical representation (a \ldots\ z aa \ldots\ zz) % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} % \changes{3.04}{2017/09/16}{Code optimization, factorize code with \@aaalph.} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\@AAAlph}{\fc@aaalph\@Alph}% \let\AAAlphnum=\@AAAlph % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\abalphnum} % Lowercase alphabetical representation %\changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} % \changes{3.04}{2017/09/16}{Code factorization with \cs{@ABAlph}. Code optimization, assign \texttt{\#1} only % once. Use \cs{@ne} and \cs{m@ne}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\@abalph}{\fc@abalph\@alph}% \newcommand*\fc@abalph[2]{% \@DT@X=#2\relax \ifnum\@DT@X>17576\relax \ifx#1\@alph\def\@tempa{\@abalph}% \else\def\@tempa{\@ABAlph}\fi \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Value of counter too large for \expandafter\protect\@tempa}% {Maximum value 17576}% \else \@DT@padzeroestrue \@strctr=17576\relax \advance\@DT@X by \m@ne \loop \@DT@modctr=\@DT@X \divide\@DT@modctr by \@strctr \ifthenelse{\boolean{@DT@padzeroes} \and \(\@DT@modctr=1\)}% {}{#1\@DT@modctr}% \ifnum\@DT@modctr=\@ne\else\@DT@padzeroesfalse\fi \multiply\@DT@modctr by \@strctr \advance\@DT@X by -\@DT@modctr \divide\@strctr by 26\relax \ifnum\@strctr>\@ne \repeat \advance\@DT@X by \@ne #1\@DT@X \fi } \let\abalphnum=\@abalph % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\ABAlphnum} % Uppercase alphabetical representation %\changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} %\changes{3.04}{2017/09/16}{Code optimization, factorize code with \cs{@abalph}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\@ABAlph}{\fc@abalph\@Alph}% \let\ABAlphnum=\@ABAlph % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@fmtc@count} % Recursive command to count number of characters in argument. % \cs{@strctr} should be set to zero before calling it. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@fmtc@count#1#2\relax{% \if\relax#1% \else \advance\@strctr by 1\relax \@fmtc@count#2\relax \fi } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@decimal} %\changes{1.31}{2009/10/02}{fixed unwanted space.} % Format number as a decimal, possibly padded with zeroes in front. %\changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\@decimal}[1]{% \@strctr=0\relax \expandafter\@fmtc@count\number#1\relax \@DT@loopN=\c@padzeroesN \advance\@DT@loopN by -\@strctr \ifnum\@DT@loopN>0\relax \@strctr=0\relax \whiledo{\@strctr < \@DT@loopN}{0\advance\@strctr by 1\relax}% \fi \number#1\relax } \let\decimalnum=\@decimal % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\FCordinal} %\begin{definition} %\cs{FCordinal}\marg{number} %\end{definition} % This is a bit cumbersome. Previously \cs{@ordinal} % was defined in a similar way to \cs{abalph} etc. % This ensured that the actual value of the counter was % written in the new label stuff in the .aux file. However % adding in an optional argument to determine the gender % for multilingual compatibility messed things up somewhat. % This was the only work around I could get to keep the % the cross-referencing stuff working, which is why % the optional argument comes \emph{after} the compulsory % argument, instead of the usual manner of placing it before. % Note however, that putting the optional argument means that % any spaces will be ignored after the command if the optional % argument is omitted. % Version 1.04 changed \cs{ordinal} to \cs{FCordinal} % to prevent it clashing with the memoir class. % \changes{3.02}{2015/08/01}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with % \cs{csname}. Do not use any longer \cs{protect} as \cs{ordinalnum} is made robust.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\FCordinal}[1]{% \ordinalnum{% \the\value{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\ordinal} % If \cs{ordinal} isn't defined make \cs{ordinal} a synonym % for \cs{FCordinal} to maintain compatibility with previous % versions. % \changes{3.00}{2014/07/03}{Use \cs{protect}, not \cs{string} in \cs{PackageWarning} to quote macros like % shown in \texttt{clsguide.pdf}} % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{ordinal} {\let\ordinal\FCordinal}% {% \PackageWarning{fmtcount}% {\protect\ordinal \space already defined use \protect\FCordinal \space instead.} } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\ordinalnum} % Display ordinal where value is given as a number or % count register instead of a counter: %\changes{1.31}{2009/10/02}{replaced \cs{@ifnextchar} with %\cs{new@ifnextchar}} % \changes{3.02}{2015/08/03}{Make \cs{ordinalnum} robust.} % \changes{3.04}{2017/09/03}{Use \texttt{etoobox}'s \cs{newrobustcmd*} instead of \LaTeX\ kernel % \cs{DeclareRobustcommand*} in order to make \cs{ordinalnum} robust. This is preferable, e.g. w.r.t. \TeX 4ht % compilation.} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\ordinalnum}[1]{% \new@ifnextchar[% {\@ordinalnum{#1}}% {\@ordinalnum{#1}[m]}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@ordinalnum} % Display ordinal according to gender (neuter added in v1.1, % \cs{xspace} added in v1.2, and removed in v1.3\footnote{I %couldn't get it to work consistently both with and without the %optional argument}): % \begin{macrocode} \def\@ordinalnum#1[#2]{% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{f}}% {% \protect\@ordinalF{#1}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{n}}% {% \protect\@ordinalN{#1}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{m}}% {}% {% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Invalid gender option `#2'}% {Available options are m, f or n}% }% \protect\@ordinalM{#1}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% }% \@fc@ordstr }% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\storeordinal} % Store the ordinal (first argument % is identifying name, second argument is a counter.) % \changes{3.02}{2015/08/03}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with % \cs{csname}. Do not use any longer \cs{protect} as \cs{storeordinalnum} is made robust.} % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#2\}} once before passing to \cs{storeordinalnum}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\storeordinal}[2]{% {% \toks0{\storeordinalnum{#1}}% \expandafter }\the\toks0\expandafter{% \the\value{#2}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\storeordinalnum} % Store ordinal (first argument % is identifying name, second argument is a number or % count register.) % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Make \cs{storeordinalnum} robust with etoolbox \cs{newrobustcmd}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\storeordinalnum}[2]{% \@ifnextchar[% {\@storeordinalnum{#1}{#2}}% {\@storeordinalnum{#1}{#2}[m]}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@storeordinalnum} % Store ordinal according to gender: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@storeordinalnum#1#2[#3]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{f}}% {% \protect\@ordinalF{#2}{\@fc@ord} }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{n}}% {% \protect\@ordinalN{#2}{\@fc@ord}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{m}}% {}% {% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Invalid gender option `#3'}% {Available options are m or f}% }% \protect\@ordinalM{#2}{\@fc@ord}% }% }% \expandafter\let\csname @fcs@#1\endcsname\@fc@ord } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\FMCuse} % Get stored information: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\FMCuse}[1]{\csname @fcs@#1\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\ordinalstring} % Display ordinal as a string (argument is a counter) % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use % any longer \cs{protect} as \cs{ordinalstringnum} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#1\}} once before % passing to \cs{ordinalstringnum}}% % \changes{3.03}{2017/09/14}{Suppress leading \cs{expandafter}'s, they are useless as \cs{ordinalstringnum} is % supposed to fully expand its argument, and place 3 \cs{expandafter}'s before \cs{the}\cs{value} for % compatibily with \texttt{glossaries}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\ordinalstring}[1]{% \ordinalstringnum{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \the\value{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\ordinalstringnum} % Display ordinal as a string (argument is a count register or % number.) %\changes{1.31}{2009/10/02}{replaced \cs{@ifnextchar} with %\cs{new@ifnextchar}} %\changes{1.33}{2009/10/15}{Made robust} %\changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\ordinalstringnum}[1]{% \new@ifnextchar[% {\@ordinal@string{#1}}% {\@ordinal@string{#1}[m]}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@ordinal@string} % Display ordinal as a string according to gender. % \changes{3.00}{2014/07/03}{Use \cs{protect}, not \cs{string} in \cs{PackageError} to quote macros like % shown in \texttt{clsguide.pdf}} % \changes{3.00}{2014/07/03}{Correct detailed error message, so `n' is one of available gender options} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@ordinal@string#1[#2]{% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{f}}% {% \protect\@ordinalstringF{#1}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{n}}% {% \protect\@ordinalstringN{#1}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{m}}% {}% {% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Invalid gender option `#2' to \protect\ordinalstring}% {Available options are m, f or n}% }% \protect\@ordinalstringM{#1}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% }% \@fc@ordstr }% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\storeordinalstring} % Store textual representation of number. First argument is % identifying name, second argument is the counter set to the % required number. % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{storeordinalstringnum} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#2\}} once before % passing to \cs{storeordinalstringnum}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\storeordinalstring}[2]{% {% \toks0{\storeordinalstringnum{#1}}% \expandafter }\the\toks0\expandafter{\the\value{#2}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\storeordinalstringnum} % Store textual representation of number. First argument is % identifying name, second argument is a count register or number. %\changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\storeordinalstringnum}[2]{% \@ifnextchar[% {\@store@ordinal@string{#1}{#2}}% {\@store@ordinal@string{#1}{#2}[m]}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@store@ordinal@string} % Store textual representation of number according to gender. % \changes{3.00}{2014/07/03}{Use \cs{protect}, not \cs{string} in \cs{PackageWarning} to quote macros like % shown in \texttt{clsguide.pdf}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@store@ordinal@string#1#2[#3]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{f}}% {% \protect\@ordinalstringF{#2}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{n}}% {% \protect\@ordinalstringN{#2}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{m}}% {}% {% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Invalid gender option `#3' to \protect\ordinalstring}% {Available options are m, f or n}% }% \protect\@ordinalstringM{#2}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% }% \expandafter\let\csname @fcs@#1\endcsname\@fc@ordstr } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\Ordinalstring} % Display ordinal as a string with initial letters in upper case % (argument is a counter) % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{Ordinalstringnum} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#1\}} once before % passing to \cs{Ordinalstringnum}} % \changes{3.03}{2017/09/14}{Suppress leading \cs{expandafter}'s, they are useless as \cs{Ordinalstringnum} is % supposed to fully expand its argument, and place 3 \cs{expandafter}'s before \cs{the}\cs{value} for % compatibily with \texttt{glossaries}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\Ordinalstring}[1]{% \Ordinalstringnum{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\the\value{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\Ordinalstringnum} % Display ordinal as a string with initial letters in upper case % (argument is a number or count register) %\changes{1.31}{2009/10/02}{replaced \cs{@ifnextchar} with %\cs{new@ifnextchar}} %\changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\Ordinalstringnum}[1]{% \new@ifnextchar[% {\@Ordinal@string{#1}}% {\@Ordinal@string{#1}[m]}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@Ordinal@string} % Display ordinal as a string with initial letters in upper case % according to gender % \begin{macrocode} \def\@Ordinal@string#1[#2]{% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{f}}% {% \protect\@OrdinalstringF{#1}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{n}}% {% \protect\@OrdinalstringN{#1}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{m}}% {}% {% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Invalid gender option `#2'}% {Available options are m, f or n}% }% \protect\@OrdinalstringM{#1}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% }% \@fc@ordstr }% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\storeOrdinalstring} % Store textual representation of number, with initial letters in % upper case. First argument is identifying name, second argument % is the counter set to the % required number. % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{storeOrdinalstringnum} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#1\}} once before % passing to \cs{storeOrdinalstringnum}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\storeOrdinalstring}[2]{% {% \toks0{\storeOrdinalstringnum{#1}}% \expandafter }\the\toks0\expandafter{\the\value{#2}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\storeOrdinalstringnum} % Store textual representation of number, with initial letters in % upper case. First argument is identifying name, second argument % is a count register or number. %\changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\storeOrdinalstringnum}[2]{% \@ifnextchar[% {\@store@Ordinal@string{#1}{#2}}% {\@store@Ordinal@string{#1}{#2}[m]}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@store@Ordinal@string} % Store textual representation of number according to gender, % with initial letters in upper case. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@store@Ordinal@string#1#2[#3]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{f}}% {% \protect\@OrdinalstringF{#2}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{n}}% {% \protect\@OrdinalstringN{#2}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{m}}% {}% {% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Invalid gender option `#3'}% {Available options are m or f}% }% \protect\@OrdinalstringM{#2}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% }% \expandafter\let\csname @fcs@#1\endcsname\@fc@ordstr } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\storeORDINALstring} % Store upper case textual representation of ordinal. The first % argument is identifying name, the second argument is a counter. % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{storeORDINALstringnum} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#2\}} once before % passing to \cs{storeORDINALstringnum}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\storeORDINALstring}[2]{% {% \toks0{\storeORDINALstringnum{#1}}% \expandafter }\the\toks0\expandafter{\the\value{#2}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\storeORDINALstringnum} % As above, but the second argument is a count register or a % number. %\changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\storeORDINALstringnum}[2]{% \@ifnextchar[% {\@store@ORDINAL@string{#1}{#2}}% {\@store@ORDINAL@string{#1}{#2}[m]}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@store@ORDINAL@string} % Gender is specified as an optional argument at the end. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@store@ORDINAL@string#1#2[#3]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{f}}% {% \protect\@ordinalstringF{#2}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{n}}% {% \protect\@ordinalstringN{#2}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{m}}% {}% {% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Invalid gender option `#3'}% {Available options are m or f}% }% \protect\@ordinalstringM{#2}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% }% % \end{macrocode} % \changes{3.01}{2014/11/03}{Protect \cs{`}.} % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\protected@edef\csname @fcs@#1\endcsname{% \noexpand\MakeUppercase{\@fc@ordstr}% }% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\ORDINALstring} % Display upper case textual representation of an ordinal. The % argument must be a counter. % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{ORDINALstringnum} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#1\}} once before % passing to \cs{ORDINALstringnum}} % \changes{3.03}{2017/09/14}{Suppress leading \cs{expandafter}'s, they are useless as \cs{ORDINALstringnum} is % supposed to fully expand its argument, and place 3 \cs{expandafter}'s before \cs{the}\cs{value} for % compatibily with \texttt{glossaries}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\ORDINALstring}[1]{% \ORDINALstringnum{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \the\value{#1}% }% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\ORDINALstringnum} % As above, but the argument is a count register or a number. %\changes{1.31}{2009/10/02}{replaced \cs{@ifnextchar} with %\cs{new@ifnextchar}} %\changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\ORDINALstringnum}[1]{% \new@ifnextchar[% {\@ORDINAL@string{#1}}% {\@ORDINAL@string{#1}[m]}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@ORDINAL@string} % Gender is specified as an optional argument at the end. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@ORDINAL@string#1[#2]{% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{f}}% {% \protect\@ordinalstringF{#1}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{n}}% {% \protect\@ordinalstringN{#1}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{m}}% {}% {% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Invalid gender option `#2'}% {Available options are m, f or n}% }% \protect\@ordinalstringM{#1}{\@fc@ordstr}% }% }% \MakeUppercase{\@fc@ordstr}% }% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\storenumberstring} % Convert number to textual respresentation, and store. First % argument is the identifying name, second argument is a counter % containing the number. % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{storenumberstringnum} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#2\}} once before % passing to \cs{storenumberstringnum}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\storenumberstring}[2]{% \expandafter\protect\expandafter\storenumberstringnum{#1}{% \expandafter\the\value{#2}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\storenumberstringnum} % As above, but second argument is a number or count register. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\storenumberstringnum}[2]{% \@ifnextchar[% {\@store@number@string{#1}{#2}}% {\@store@number@string{#1}{#2}[m]}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@store@number@string} % Gender is given as optional argument, \emph{at the end}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@store@number@string#1#2[#3]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{f}}% {% \protect\@numberstringF{#2}{\@fc@numstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{n}}% {% \protect\@numberstringN{#2}{\@fc@numstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{m}}% {}% {% \PackageError{fmtcount} {Invalid gender option `#3'}% {Available options are m, f or n}% }% \protect\@numberstringM{#2}{\@fc@numstr}% }% }% \expandafter\let\csname @fcs@#1\endcsname\@fc@numstr } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\numberstring} % Display textual representation of a number. The argument % must be a counter. % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{numberstringnum} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#1\}} once before % passing to \cs{numberstringnum}} % \changes{3.03}{2017/09/14}{Suppress leading \cs{expandafter}'s, they are useless as \cs{numberstringnum} is % supposed to fully expand its argument, and place 3 \cs{expandafter}'s before \cs{the}\cs{value} for % compatibily with \texttt{glossaries}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\numberstring}[1]{% \numberstringnum{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \the\value{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\numberstringnum} % As above, but the argument is a count register or a number. %\changes{1.31}{2009/10/02}{replaced \cs{@ifnextchar} with %\cs{new@ifnextchar}} %\changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\numberstringnum}[1]{% \new@ifnextchar[% {\@number@string{#1}}% {\@number@string{#1}[m]}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\@number@string} % Gender is specified as an optional argument \emph{at the end}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@number@string#1[#2]{% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{f}}% {% \protect\@numberstringF{#1}{\@fc@numstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{n}}% {% \protect\@numberstringN{#1}{\@fc@numstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{m}}% {}% {% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Invalid gender option `#2'}% {Available options are m, f or n}% }% \protect\@numberstringM{#1}{\@fc@numstr}% }% }% \@fc@numstr }% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\storeNumberstring} % Store textual representation of number. First argument is % identifying name, second argument is a counter. % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{storeNumberstringnum} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#2\}} once before % passing to \cs{storeNumberstringnum}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\storeNumberstring}[2]{% {% \toks0{\storeNumberstringnum{#1}}% \expandafter }\the\toks0\expandafter{\the\value{#2}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\storeNumberstringnum} % As above, but second argument is a count register or number. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\storeNumberstringnum}[2]{% \@ifnextchar[% {\@store@Number@string{#1}{#2}}% {\@store@Number@string{#1}{#2}[m]}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@store@Number@string} % Gender is specified as an optional argument \emph{at the end}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@store@Number@string#1#2[#3]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{f}}% {% \protect\@NumberstringF{#2}{\@fc@numstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{n}}% {% \protect\@NumberstringN{#2}{\@fc@numstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{m}}% {}% {% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Invalid gender option `#3'}% {Available options are m, f or n}% }% \protect\@NumberstringM{#2}{\@fc@numstr}% }% }% \expandafter\let\csname @fcs@#1\endcsname\@fc@numstr } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\Numberstring} % Display textual representation of number. The argument must be % a counter. % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{Numberstringnum} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#1\}} once before % passing to \cs{Numberstringnum}} % \changes{3.03}{2017/09/14}{Suppress leading \cs{expandafter}'s, they are useless as \cs{Numberstringnum} is % supposed to fully expand its argument, and place 3 \cs{expandafter}'s before \cs{the}\cs{value} for % compatibily with \texttt{glossaries}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\Numberstring}[1]{% \Numberstringnum{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \the\value{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\Numberstringnum} % As above, but the argument is a count register or number. %\changes{1.31}{2009/10/02}{replaced \cs{@ifnextchar} with %\cs{new@ifnextchar}} %\changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\Numberstringnum}[1]{% \new@ifnextchar[% {\@Number@string{#1}}% {\@Number@string{#1}[m]}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@Number@string} % Gender is specified as an optional argument at the end. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@Number@string#1[#2]{% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{f}}% {% \protect\@NumberstringF{#1}{\@fc@numstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{n}}% {% \protect\@NumberstringN{#1}{\@fc@numstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{m}}% {}% {% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Invalid gender option `#2'}% {Available options are m, f or n}% }% \protect\@NumberstringM{#1}{\@fc@numstr}% }% }% \@fc@numstr }% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\storeNUMBERstring} % Store upper case textual representation of number. The first % argument is identifying name, the second argument is a counter. % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{storeNUMBERstringnum} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#2\}} once before % passing to \cs{storeNUMBERstringnum}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\storeNUMBERstring}[2]{% {% \toks0{\storeNUMBERstringnum{#1}}% \expandafter }\the\toks0\expandafter{\the\value{#2}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\storeNUMBERstringnum} % As above, but the second argument is a count register or a % number. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\storeNUMBERstringnum}[2]{% \@ifnextchar[% {\@store@NUMBER@string{#1}{#2}}% {\@store@NUMBER@string{#1}{#2}[m]}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@store@NUMBER@string} % Gender is specified as an optional argument at the end. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@store@NUMBER@string#1#2[#3]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{f}}% {% \protect\@numberstringF{#2}{\@fc@numstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{n}}% {% \protect\@numberstringN{#2}{\@fc@numstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{m}}% {}% {% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Invalid gender option `#3'}% {Available options are m or f}% }% \protect\@numberstringM{#2}{\@fc@numstr}% }% }% \expandafter\edef\csname @fcs@#1\endcsname{% \noexpand\MakeUppercase{\@fc@numstr}% }% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\NUMBERstring} % Display upper case textual representation of a number. The % argument must be a counter. % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{NUMBERstringnum} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#1\}} once before % passing to \cs{NUMBERstringnum}.} % \changes{3.03}{2017/09/14}{Suppress leading \cs{expandafter}'s, they are useless as \cs{NUMBERstringnum} is % supposed to fully expand its argument, and place 3 \cs{expandafter}'s before \cs{the}\cs{value} for % compatibily with \texttt{glossaries}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\NUMBERstring}[1]{% \NUMBERstringnum{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \the\value{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\NUMBERstringnum} % As above, but the argument is a count register or a number. %\changes{1.31}{2009/10/02}{replaced \cs{@ifnextchar} with %\cs{new@ifnextchar}} %\changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Made robust using \texttt{etoolbox} \cs{newrobustcmd}} % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*{\NUMBERstringnum}[1]{% \new@ifnextchar[% {\@NUMBER@string{#1}}% {\@NUMBER@string{#1}[m]}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@NUMBER@string} % Gender is specified as an optional argument at the end. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@NUMBER@string#1[#2]{% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{f}}% {% \protect\@numberstringF{#1}{\@fc@numstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{n}}% {% \protect\@numberstringN{#1}{\@fc@numstr}% }% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{m}}% {}% {% \PackageError{fmtcount}% {Invalid gender option `#2'}% {Available options are m, f or n}% }% \protect\@numberstringM{#1}{\@fc@numstr}% }% }% \protect\MakeUppercase{\@fc@numstr}% }% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\binary} % Number representations in other bases. Binary: % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{@binary} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#1\}} once before % passing to \cs{@binary}} % \changes{3.03}{2017/09/14}{Suppress leading \cs{expandafter}'s, they are useless as \cs{@binary} is supposed % to fully expand its argument, and place 3 \cs{expandafter}'s before \cs{the}\cs{value} for compatibily with % \texttt{glossaries}.} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*{\binary}[1]{% \@binary{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \the\value{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\aaalph} % Like \ics{alph}, but goes beyond 26. % (a \ldots\ z aa \ldots zz \ldots) % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{@aaalph} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#1\}} once before % passing to \cs{@aaalph}.} % \changes{3.03}{2017/09/14}{Suppress leading \cs{expandafter}'s, they are useless as \cs{@aaalph} is supposed % to fully expand its argument, and place 3 \cs{expandafter}'s before \cs{the}\cs{value} for compatibily with % \texttt{glossaries}.} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*{\aaalph}[1]{% \@aaalph{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \the\value{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\AAAlph} % As before, but upper case. % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{@AAAlph} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#1\}} once before % passing to \cs{@AAAlph}.} % \changes{3.03}{2017/09/14}{Suppress leading \cs{expandafter}'s, they are useless as \cs{@AAAlph} is supposed % to fully expand its argument, and place 3 \cs{expandafter}'s before \cs{the}\cs{value} for compatibily with % \texttt{glossaries}.} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*{\AAAlph}[1]{% \@AAAlph{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \the\value{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\abalph} % Like \ics{alph}, but goes beyond 26. % (a \ldots\ z ab \ldots az \ldots) % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{@abalph} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#1\}} once before % passing to \cs{@abalph}.} % \changes{3.03}{2017/09/14}{Suppress leading \cs{expandafter}'s, they are useless as \cs{@abalph} is supposed % to fully expand its argument, and place 3 \cs{expandafter}'s before \cs{the}\cs{value} for compatibily with % \texttt{glossaries}.} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*{\abalph}[1]{% \@abalph{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \the\value{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\ABAlph} % As above, but upper case. % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{@ABAlph} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#1\}} once before % passing to \cs{@ABAlph}.} % \changes{3.03}{2017/09/14}{Suppress leading \cs{expandafter}'s, they are useless as \cs{@ABAlph} is supposed % to fully expand its argument, and place 3 \cs{expandafter}'s before \cs{the}\cs{value} for compatibily with % \texttt{glossaries}.} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*{\ABAlph}[1]{% \@ABAlph{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \the\value{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\hexadecimal} % Hexadecimal: % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{@hexadecimal} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#1\}} once before % passing to \cs{@hexadecimal}.} % \changes{3.03}{2017/09/14}{Suppress leading \cs{expandafter}'s, they are useless as \cs{@hexadecimal} is % supposed to fully expand its argument, and place 3 \cs{expandafter}'s before \cs{the}\cs{value} for % compatibily with \texttt{glossaries}.} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*{\hexadecimal}[1]{% \hexadecimalnum{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \the\value{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\HEXADecimal} % As above, but in upper case. % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{@Hexadecimal} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#1\}} once before % passing to \cs{@Hexadecimal}.} % \changes{3.03}{2017/09/14}{Suppress leading \cs{expandafter}'s, they are useless as \cs{@Hexadecimal} is % supposed to fully expand its argument, and place 3 \cs{expandafter}'s before \cs{the}\cs{value} for % compatibily with \texttt{glossaries}.} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*{\HEXADecimal}[1]{% \HEXADecimalnum{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \the\value{#1}}% } \newrobustcmd*\FC@Hexadecimal@warning{% \PackageWarning{fmtcount}{\string\Hexadecimal\space is deprecated, use \string\HEXADecimal\space instead. The \string\Hexadecimal\space control sequence name is confusing as it can mislead in thinking that only the 1st letter is upper-cased.}% } \def\Hexadecimal{% \FC@Hexadecimal@warning \HEXADecimal} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\octal} % Octal: % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{@octal} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#1\}} once before % passing to \cs{@octal}} % \changes{3.03}{2017/09/14}{Suppress leading \cs{expandafter}'s, they are useless as \cs{@octal} is supposed % to fully expand its argument, and place 3 \cs{expandafter}'s before \cs{the}\cs{value} for compatibily with % \texttt{glossaries}.} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*{\octal}[1]{% \@octal{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \the\value{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\decimal} % Decimal: % \changes{3.02}{2016/01/08}{Suppress useless \cs{expandafter}'s and % and use \cs{value} instead tweaking with \cs{csname}. Do not use any % longer \cs{protect} as \cs{@decimal} is made % robust. Expand \cs{the}\cs{value}\texttt{\{\#1\}} once before % passing to \cs{@decimal}} % \changes{3.03}{2017/09/14}{Suppress leading \cs{expandafter}'s, they are useless as \cs{@decimal} is supposed % to fully expand its argument, and place 3 \cs{expandafter}'s before \cs{the}\cs{value} for compatibily with % \texttt{glossaries}.} % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*{\decimal}[1]{% \@decimal{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \the\value{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\subsubsection{Multilinguage Definitions} % Flag \cs{fc@languagemode@detected} allows to stop scanning for multilingual mode trigger conditions. It is % initialized to \texttt{false} as no such scanning as taken place yet. %\changes{3.05}{2017/12/22}{New flag \cs{iffc@languagemode@detected}.} % \begin{macrocode} \newif\iffc@languagemode@detected \fc@languagemode@detectedfalse % \end{macrocode} %\begin{macro}{\@setdef@ultfmtcount} % If multilingual support is provided, make \cs{@numberstring} % etc use the correct language (if defined). % Otherwise use English definitions. \cs{@setdef@ultfmtcount} % sets the macros to use English. %\changes{3.05}{2017/12/22}{Set flag \cs{iffc@languagemode@detected}.} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@setdef@ultfmtcount{% \fc@languagemode@detectedtrue \ifcsundef{@ordinalMenglish}{\FCloadlang{english}}{}% \def\@ordinalstringM{\@ordinalstringMenglish}% \let\@ordinalstringF=\@ordinalstringMenglish \let\@ordinalstringN=\@ordinalstringMenglish \def\@OrdinalstringM{\@OrdinalstringMenglish}% \let\@OrdinalstringF=\@OrdinalstringMenglish \let\@OrdinalstringN=\@OrdinalstringMenglish \def\@numberstringM{\@numberstringMenglish}% \let\@numberstringF=\@numberstringMenglish \let\@numberstringN=\@numberstringMenglish \def\@NumberstringM{\@NumberstringMenglish}% \let\@NumberstringF=\@NumberstringMenglish \let\@NumberstringN=\@NumberstringMenglish \def\@ordinalM{\@ordinalMenglish}% \let\@ordinalF=\@ordinalM \let\@ordinalN=\@ordinalM \let\fmtord\fc@orddef@ult } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\fc@multiling} %\changes{2.02}{2012/10/03}{new} %\cs{fc@multiling}\marg{name}\marg{gender} %\changes{3.00}{2014/07/03}{Use \cs{protect}, not \cs{string} in \cs{PackageWarning} to quote macros like % shown in \texttt{clsguide.pdf}} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\fc@multiling}[2]{% \ifcsundef{@#1#2\languagename}% {% try loading it \FCloadlang{\languagename}% }% {% }% \ifcsundef{@#1#2\languagename}% {% \PackageWarning{fmtcount}% {No support for \expandafter\protect\csname #1\endcsname\space for language '\languagename'}% \ifthenelse{\equal{\languagename}{\fc@mainlang}}% {% \FCloadlang{english}% }% {% }% \ifcsdef{@#1#2\fc@mainlang}% {% \csuse{@#1#2\fc@mainlang}% }% {% \PackageWarningNoLine{fmtcount}% {No languages loaded at all! Loading english definitions}% \FCloadlang{english}% \def\fc@mainlang{english}% \csuse{@#1#2english}% }% }% {% \csuse{@#1#2\languagename}% }% } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@set@mulitling@fmtcount} % This defines the number and ordinal string macros to use % \cs{languagename}: %\changes{2.0}{2012/06/03}{changed errors to warnings for %unsupported languages} %\changes{3.05}{2017/12/22}{Set flag \cs{iffc@languagemode@detected}.} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@set@mulitling@fmtcount{% \fc@languagemode@detectedtrue % \end{macrocode} % The masculine version of \cs{numberstring}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@numberstringM{% \fc@multiling{numberstring}{M}% }% % \end{macrocode} % The feminine version of \cs{numberstring}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@numberstringF{% \fc@multiling{numberstring}{F}% }% % \end{macrocode} % The neuter version of \cs{numberstring}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@numberstringN{% \fc@multiling{numberstring}{N}% }% % \end{macrocode} % The masculine version of \cs{Numberstring}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@NumberstringM{% \fc@multiling{Numberstring}{M}% }% % \end{macrocode} % The feminine version of \cs{Numberstring}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@NumberstringF{% \fc@multiling{Numberstring}{F}% }% % \end{macrocode} % The neuter version of \cs{Numberstring}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@NumberstringN{% \fc@multiling{Numberstring}{N}% }% % \end{macrocode} % The masculine version of \cs{ordinal}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@ordinalM{% \fc@multiling{ordinal}{M}% }% % \end{macrocode} % The feminine version of \cs{ordinal}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@ordinalF{% \fc@multiling{ordinal}{F}% }% % \end{macrocode} % The neuter version of \cs{ordinal}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@ordinalN{% \fc@multiling{ordinal}{N}% }% % \end{macrocode} % The masculine version of \cs{ordinalstring}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@ordinalstringM{% \fc@multiling{ordinalstring}{M}% }% % \end{macrocode} % The feminine version of \cs{ordinalstring}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@ordinalstringF{% \fc@multiling{ordinalstring}{F}% }% % \end{macrocode} % The neuter version of \cs{ordinalstring}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@ordinalstringN{% \fc@multiling{ordinalstring}{N}% }% % \end{macrocode} % The masculine version of \cs{Ordinalstring}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@OrdinalstringM{% \fc@multiling{Ordinalstring}{M}% }% % \end{macrocode} % The feminine version of \cs{Ordinalstring}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@OrdinalstringF{% \fc@multiling{Ordinalstring}{F}% }% % \end{macrocode} % The neuter version of \cs{Ordinalstring}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\@OrdinalstringN{% \fc@multiling{Ordinalstring}{N}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Make \cs{fmtord} language dependent: % \changes{3.01}{2014/12/03}{Make \cs{fmtord} language dependent.} % \begin{macrocode} \let\fmtord\fc@ord@multiling } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\changes{3.05}{2017/12/22}{Change all the code about detecting multiling. \cs{ifxetex} is no longer used, % instead we loop on the list of packages of interest \styfmt{babel}, \styfmt{polyglossia}, \styfmt{mlp}, or % \styfmt{ngerman}, and set or not \cs{iffc@languagemode@detected} flag as a result.} % Check to see if \styfmt{babel}, \styfmt{polyglossia}, \styfmt{mlp}, or \styfmt{ngerman} packages have been % loaded, and if yes set \styfmt{fmtcount} in multiling. First we define some \cs{fc@check@for@multiling} % macro to do such action where \texttt{\#1} is the package name, and \texttt{\#2} is a callback. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@check@for@multiling#1:#2\@nil{% \@ifpackageloaded{#1}{% #2\@set@mulitling@fmtcount }{}% } % \end{macrocode} % Now we define \cs{fc@loop@on@multiling@pkg} as an iterator to scan whether any of \styfmt{babel}, % \styfmt{polyglossia}, \styfmt{mlp}, or \styfmt{ngerman} packages has been loaded, and if so set multilingual % mode. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fc@loop@on@multiling@pkg#1,{% \def\@tempb{#1}% \ifx\@tempb\@nnil % \end{macrocode} % We have reached the end of the loop, so stop here. % \begin{macrocode} \let\fc@loop@on@multiling@pkg\@empty \else % \end{macrocode} % Make the \cs{@ifpackageloaded} test and break the loop if it was positive. % \begin{macrocode} \fc@check@for@multiling#1\@nil \iffc@languagemode@detected \def\fc@loop@on@multiling@pkg##1\@nil,{}% \fi \fi \fc@loop@on@multiling@pkg } % \end{macrocode} % Now, do the loop itself, we do this at beginning of document not to constrain the order of loading % \styfmt{fmtcount} and the multilingual package \styfmt{babel}, \styfmt{polyglossia}, etc.: % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \fc@loop@on@multiling@pkg babel:,polyglossia:,ngerman:\FCloadlang{ngerman},\@nil, % \end{macrocode} % In the case that no multilingual package (such as % \styfmt{babel}/\styfmt{polyglossia}/\styfmt{ngerman}) has been loaded, then we go to multiling % if a language has been loaded by package option. % \begin{macrocode} \unless\iffc@languagemode@detected\iffmtcount@language@option % \end{macrocode} % If the multilingual mode has not been yet activated, but a language option has been passed to % \styfmt{fmtcount}, we should go to multilingual mode. However, first of, we do some sanity check, as this % may help the end user understand what is wrong: we check that macro \cs{languagename} is defined, and % activate the multilingual mode only then, and otherwise fall back to default legacy mode. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsundef{languagename}% {% \PackageWarning{fmtcount}{% `\protect\languagename' is undefined, you should use a language package such as babel/polyglossia when loading a language via package option. Reverting to default language. }% \@setdef@ultfmtcount }{% \@set@mulitling@fmtcount % \end{macrocode} % Now, some more checking, having activated multilingual mode after a language option has been passed to % \styfmt{fmtcount}, we check that the \styfmt{fmtcount} language definitions corresponding to % \cs{languagename} have been loaded, and otherwise fall \cs{languagename} back to the latest % \styfmt{fmtcount} language definition loaded. % \begin{macrocode} \@FC@iflangloaded{\languagename}{}{% % \end{macrocode} % The current \cs{languagename} is not a \styfmt{fmtcount} language that has been previously loaded. The % correction is to have \cs{languagename} let to \cs{fc@mainlang}. Please note that, as % \cs{iffmtcount@language@option} is true, we know that \texttt{fmtcount} has loaded some language. % \begin{macrocode} \PackageWarning{fmtcount}{% Setting `\protect\languagename' to `\fc@mainlang'.\MessageBreak Reason is that `\protect\languagename' was `\languagename',\MessageBreak but `\languagename' was not loaded by fmtcount,\MessageBreak whereas `\fc@mainlang' was the last language loaded by fmtcount ; }% \let\languagename\fc@mainlang }% }% \else \@setdef@ultfmtcount \fi\fi } % \end{macrocode} % \changes{3.01}{2014/12/03}{Substitute \cs{textsuperscript} for \cs{fc@textsuperscript}, and define % \cs{fc@textsuperscript} as \cs{fup} when defined at beginning of document, or as \cs{textsuperscript} % otherwise} % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \ifcsundef{FBsupR}{\let\fc@textsuperscript\textsuperscript}{\let\fc@textsuperscript\fup}% } % \end{macrocode} % Backwards compatibility: % \begin{macrocode} \let\@ordinal=\@ordinalM \let\@ordinalstring=\@ordinalstringM \let\@Ordinalstring=\@OrdinalstringM \let\@numberstring=\@numberstringM \let\@Numberstring=\@NumberstringM % \end{macrocode} \iffalse Local variables: \fi \iffalse mode: docTeX \fi \iffalse End: \fi %\iffalse % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} %\fi %\Finale \endinput