## DoH Note regarding Trusted Recursive Resolver aka DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH): Due to privacy concerns (encrypting DNS might be a good thing, sending all DNS traffic to Cloudflare by default is not a good idea and applications should respect OS configured settings), "network.trr.mode" was set to 5 ("Off by choice") by default. You can enable DNS-over-HTTPS in Firefox's preferences. ## Normandy Upstream operates a service named Normandy which allows Mozilla to push changes for default settings or even install new add-ons remotely. While this can be useful to address problems like 'Armagadd-on 2.0' or revert previous decisions to disable TLS 1.0/1.1, privacy and security concerns prevail, which is why we have switched off the use of this service by default. To re-enable this service set the following in "about:config": app.normandy.enabled=true