\chapter{Accidentals} \vspace*{-4ex} \enlargethispage*{2ex} Accidentals can be introduced in two ways. The first way, using explicit macros, consists for example in coding \keyindex{fl}\pitchp~to put a \ital{flat} at the pitch $p$, presumably right before a note at the same pitch. This is a non-spacing command and will automatically place the accidental an appropriate distance to the left of the anticipated note head. Naturals, sharps, double flats and double sharps are coded \keyindex{na}\pitchp, \keyindex{sh}\pitchp, \keyindex{dfl}\pitchp~and \keyindex{dsh}\pitchp~respectively. Thinner accidentals are available using the definitions enabled by extension library \keyindex{musixthacc} described in Section~\ref{musixthacc}. The alternate macros \keyindex{lfl}, \keyindex{lna}, \keyindex{lsh}, \keyindex{ldfl} and \keyindex{ldsh} place the same accidentals, but shifted one note head width to the left. These can be used if a note head has been shifted to the left, or to avoid collision with other accidentals in a chord. If you want to shift an accidental by some other amount for more precise positioning, you could use \keyindex{loffset} with the normal accidental macro as the second parameter. The second way of coding accidentals is to modify the parameter of a note command. Just put the symbol \verb|^| for a sharp, \verb|_| for a flat, \verb|=|~for a natural, \verb|>| for a double sharp, or \verb|<| for a double flat, right before the letter or number representing the pitch. For example, \verb|\qb{^g}| yields a $G\sharp$. This may be used effectively in collective coding, e.g. \verb|\qu{ac^d}|. There are two sizes of accidentals. By default they will be large unless there is not enough space between notes, in which case they will be made small. Either size can be forced locally by coding \keyindex{bigfl}, \keyindex{bigsh}, etc., or \keyindex{smallfl}, \keyindex{smallsh}, etc. If you want all accidentals to be large, then declare \keyindex{bigaccid} near the top of the input file. For exclusively small ones use \keyindex{smallaccid}; \keyindex{varaccid} will restore variable sizes. For editorial purposes, small accidentals can be placed \ital{above} note heads. This is done using \keyindex{uppersh}\pitchp, \keyindex{upperna}\pitchp, or \keyindex{upperfl}\pitchp: \begin{music}\nostartrule \startextract \NOtes\uppersh l\qa l\en \NOtes\upperna m\qa m\en \NOtes\upperfl l\qa l\en \zendextract \end{music} \vspace*{-2ex} It also possible to introduce \ital{\ixem{cautionary accidental}s}, i.e.,~small accidentals enclosed in parentheses. This is done by preceding the name of the accidental keyword with ``\verb|c|''\label{cautionary}. Available cautionary accidentals are \keyindex{csh}, \keyindex{cfl}, \keyindex{cna}, \keyindex{cdfl} and \keyindex{cdsh}, which give \begin{music}\nostartrule \startextract \NOtes\csh g\qa g\en \NOtes\cfl h\qa h\en \NOtes\cna i\qa i\en \NOtes\cdfl j\qa j\en \NOtes\cdsh k\qa k\en \zendextract \end{music} \vspace*{-2ex} \noindent The distance between notes and accidentals is controlled by \keyindex{accshift}\verb|=|\ital{any \TeX\ dimension}, where positive values shift to the left and negative to right, with a default of~\verb|0pt|. For ``big'' cautionary accidentals, use, for example, \verb|{|\keyindex{largenotesize}\verb|\csh|\pitchp\verb|}| or see Section~\ref{brapar}.