## ----echo = FALSE, warning=FALSE, message = FALSE, results = 'hide'----------- cat("this will be hidden; use for general initializations.\n") library(superb) library(ggplot2) options(superb.feedback = 'none') ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- superb:::is.superbPlot.function("superbPlot.line") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- testdata <- GRD( RenameDV = "score", SubjectsPerGroup = 25, BSFactors = "Difficulty(3)", WSFactors = "Day(day1, day2)", Population = list(mean = 65,stddev = 12,rho = 0.5), Effects = list("Day" = slope(-5), "Difficulty" = slope(3) ) ) head(testdata) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mp <- function(data, style, ...) { superbPlot(data, WSFactors = "Day(2)", BSFactors = "Difficulty", variables = c("score.day1", "score.day2"), adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CA"), plotStyle = style, ... )+labs(title = paste("Layout is ''",style,"''",sep="")) } ## ----fig.width= 7, fig.height = 7, fig.cap = "**Figure 1a**. Look of the six built-in layouts on the same random dataset"---- p1 <- mp(testdata, "bar") p2 <- mp(testdata, "point") p3 <- mp(testdata, "line") p4 <- mp(testdata, "pointjitter" ) p5 <- mp(testdata, "pointjitterviolin") p6 <- mp(testdata, "pointindividualline") library(gridExtra) grid.arrange(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,ncol=2) ## ----fig.width =7, fig.height = 3.5, fig.cap = "**Figure 1b**. The seventh layout, the raincloud"---- mp(testdata, "raincloud") + coord_flip() ## ----fig.width= 5, fig.height = 3, fig.cap = "**Figure 1c**. Box plot of the data"---- mp(testdata, "boxplot", statistic = "median", pointParams = list(color="orange")) ## ----fig.width= 7, fig.height = 7, fig.cap = "**Figure 2a**. The six built-in template with ornamental styling added."---- ornate = list( scale_colour_manual( name = "Difference", labels = c("Easy", "Hard", "Unthinkable"), values = c("blue", "black", "purple")) , scale_fill_manual( name = "Difference", labels = c("Easy", "Hard", "Unthinkable"), values = c("blue", "black", "purple")) , scale_shape_manual( name = "Difference", labels = c("Easy", "Hard", "Unthinkable") , values = c(0, 10, 13)) , theme_bw(base_size = 9) , labs(x = "Days of test", y = "Score in points" ), scale_x_discrete(labels=c("1" = "Former day", "2" = "Latter day")) ) library(gridExtra) grid.arrange( p1+ornate, p2+ornate, p3+ornate, p4+ornate, p5+ornate, p6+ornate, ncol=2) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- superbPlot.foo <- function( summarydata, xfactor, groupingfactor, addfactors, rawdata # any optional argument you wish ) { plot <- ggplot() ## ggplot instructions... return(plot) } ## ----message=FALSE, echo=FALSE, fig.height=3, fig.width=4, fig.cap="**Figure 3**. Mean score with 95% confidence interval using the ``simple`` plot layout."---- superbPlot.simple <- function( summarydata, xfactor, groupingfactor, addfactors, rawdata ) { plot <- ggplot( data = summarydata, mapping = aes( x = !!sym(xfactor), y = center, group= !!sym(groupingfactor)) ) + geom_point( ) + geom_errorbar( mapping = aes(ymin = center + lowerwidth, ymax = center + upperwidth) )+ facet_grid( addfactors ) return(plot) } superbPlot(TMB1964r, WSFactors = "T(7)", BSFactors = "Condition", variables = c("T1","T2","T3","T4","T5","T6","T7"), plotStyle = "simple" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- superbPlot.simple <- function( summarydata, xfactor, groupingfactor, addfactors, rawdata ) { plot <- ggplot( data = summarydata, mapping = aes( x = !!sym(xfactor), y = center, group = !!sym(groupingfactor) ) ) + geom_point( ) + geom_errorbar( mapping = aes(ymin = center + lowerwidth, ymax = center + upperwidth) )+ facet_grid( addfactors ) return(plot) } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- superb:::is.superbPlot.function("superbPlot.simple") ## ----message=FALSE, echo=TRUE, results='hide', fig.show='hide'---------------- superbPlot(TMB1964r, WSFactors = "T(7)", BSFactors = "Condition", variables = c("T1","T2","T3","T4","T5","T6","T7"), plotStyle = "simple" ) ## ----eval = FALSE, message=FALSE, echo=TRUE, error=FALSE, results='hide'------ # do.call( geom_point, modifyList( # list( size= 3 ##etc., the default directives## # ), myownParams # )) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- superbPlot.simpleWithOptions <- function( summarydata, xfactor, groupingfactor, addfactors, rawdata, myownParams = list() ## will be used to add the optional arguments to the function ) { plot <- ggplot( data = summarydata, mapping = aes( x = !!sym(xfactor), y = center, group=Condition) ) + do.call( geom_point, modifyList( list( color ="black" ), myownParams )) + do.call( geom_errorbar, modifyList( list( mapping = aes(ymin = center + lowerwidth, ymax = center + upperwidth) ), myownParams )) + facet_grid( addfactors ) return(plot) } superb:::is.superbPlot.function("superbPlot.simpleWithOptions") ## ----message=FALSE, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE, results='hide', fig.show='show', fig.cap="**Figure 4**. A simple figure with optional arguments"---- # superbPlot(TMB1964r, # WSFactors = "T(7)", # BSFactors = "Condition", # variables = c("T1","T2","T3","T4","T5","T6","T7"), # plotStyle = "simpleWithOptions", # ## here goes the optional arguments # myownParams = list(size=1, color="purple", position = position_dodge(width = 0.3) ) # ) ## ----eval=TRUE, message=TRUE, echo=TRUE--------------------------------------- options(superb.feedback = 'all') runDebug( 'where are we?', "Text to show when we get there", c("variable1", "variable2", "etc"), list( "var1InTheFct", "var2InTheFct", "varetcInTheFct") ) ## ----eval=TRUE, message=TRUE, echo=TRUE, fig.show='hide'---------------------- superbPlot.empty <- function( summarydata, xfactor, groupingfactor, addfactors, rawdata ) { runDebug( 'inempty', "Dumping the two dataframes", c("summary","raw"), list(summarydata, rawdata)) plot <- ggplot() # an empty plot return(plot) } options(superb.feedback = 'inempty') ## turn on feedback when reaching 'inempty' superbPlot(TMB1964r, WSFactors = "T(7)", BSFactors = "Condition", variables = c("T1","T2","T3","T4","T5","T6","T7"), plotStyle = "empty" ) ## ----message=FALSE, echo=TRUE, results='hide', fig.show='hide'---------------- superbPlot.simple(summary, "T", "Condition", ".~.", raw) ## ----message=FALSE, echo=TRUE, warning=FALSE---------------------------------- # install.packages("emojifont") library(emojifont) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- superbPlot.smiley <- function( summarydata, xfactor, groupingfactor, addfactors, rawdata ) { # the early part bears on summary data with variable "center" plot <- ggplot( data = summarydata, mapping = aes( x = !!sym(xfactor), y = center, fill = !!sym(groupingfactor), shape = !!sym(groupingfactor), colour = !!sym(groupingfactor) ) ) + geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = .95)) + geom_errorbar( width = .6, position = position_dodge(.95), mapping = aes(ymin = center + lowerwidth, ymax = center + upperwidth) )+ # this part bears on the rawdata only with variable "DV" geom_text(data = rawdata, position = position_jitter(0.5), family = "EmojiOne", label = emoji("smile"), size = 6, mapping = aes(x = !!sym(xfactor), y = DV, group = !!sym(groupingfactor) ) ) + facet_grid( addfactors ) return(plot) } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- superb:::is.superbPlot.function("superbPlot.smiley") ## ----fig.width= 4, fig.height = 3, fig.cap = "**Figure 5**. smile!"----------- superbPlot(TMB1964r, WSFactors = "T(7)", BSFactors = "Condition", variables = c("T1","T2","T3","T4","T5","T6","T7"), plotStyle = "smiley" )