2024-09-05 * Version 3.3.3 * Dropped simultaneous model fit and predictions due to adjust the requirements by CRAN for not saving *.txt files from *.C back-end code. * For simultaneous model fit and predictions - use spTimer version 3.3.2 * Also updated the CRAN new layout format in "Authors@R - DESCRIPTION" and "bibentry() - CITATION". 2022-10-25 * Version 3.3.2 * Fixed issues related to Wstrict-prototypes in C asked by CRAN team. 2018-11-07 * Version 3.3.1 * Fixed issues related to NAMESPACE asked by CRAN team. * Fixed a bug in Formula.matrix argument. * Dropped "model.frame.spT","model.matrix.spT","as.forecast.object", and exportClasses("spT") from NAMESPACE. * Fixed bugs in *.C code related to saving text file in drive. 2018-11-07 * Version 3.3 * Bugs fixed: spT.check.locations with one prediction location. 2018-10-24 * Version 3.2 * Bugs fixed: AR model prediction, inside function spT.check.locations with one prediction location for distance calculation method other than the "geodetic:km" option. * Bugs fixed: spT.validation function for MAPE. * Added function: spT.validation2 for validating predicted values based on threshold. 2018-06-29 * Version 3.1 * Bugs fixed: Truncated GP model. * Added truncated/censored (only left-sided) Gaussian approach for AR model with spatial and temporal predictions. * Example files are updated. 2017-10-19 * Version 3.0-1 * Bugs fixed: Truncated GPP model with spatial and temporal predictions. * Example files are updated. 2017-10-15 * Version 3.0-0 * Added truncated/censored (only left-sided) Gaussian approach for GP and GPP models with spatial and temporal predictions. * Created an option that will return the fitted values and sd on the original scale. Use fitted.values="ORIGINAL" to get it. * Added more flexibility for chosing hyper-parameters of the prior distributions for each coefficients of the model. 2015-08-19 * Version 2.0-1 * Fixed a bug on MH sampling for spatial decay parameter. 2015-01-15 * Version 2.0 * See, spTimer paper in the Journal of Statistical Software, 63(15), 1-32: (2015). 2014-06-24 * Version 1.0-2 * Fixed a bug in the GPP based model 2014-03-04 * Version 1.0-1 * Changed arguments for spT.decay and spT.prior * Replaced spT.data.selection function by spT.subset * Added unequal length time-series, i.e., lengths of T_1, T_2, ..., T_r, can be different. Earlier versions assumed T_1=T_2=...=T_r=T. 2014-02-20 * Version 1.0 2014-01-28 * Version 0.9-1 * Fixed bug for tol.dist. * Added Summary option in prediction. 2013-12-05 * Version 0.9 * Changed a number of utility functions, see the manual. * Added spacetime and sp classes. 2013-07-01 * Version 0.8 * Added ChangeLog. 2013-05-23 * Version 0.7 * Added forecast class.