pracma: Practical Numerical Math Functions

Provides a large number of functions from numerical analysis and linear algebra, numerical optimization, differential equations, time series, plus some well-known special mathematical functions. Uses 'MATLAB' function names where appropriate to simplify porting.

Version: 2.4.4
Depends: R (≥ 3.1.0)
Imports: graphics, grDevices, stats, utils
Suggests: NlcOptim, quadprog
Published: 2023-11-10
Author: Hans W. Borchers [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Hans W. Borchers <hwborchers at>
License: GPL (≥ 3)
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README NEWS
In views: DifferentialEquations, NumericalMathematics
CRAN checks: pracma results


Reference manual: pracma.pdf


Package source: pracma_2.4.4.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): pracma_2.4.4.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): pracma_2.4.4.tgz, r-release (x86_64): pracma_2.4.4.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): pracma_2.4.4.tgz
Old sources: pracma archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: arse, celestial, colorscience, CommonMean.Copula, compindexR, conicfit, crrcbcv, cryst, FAS, GORCure, GRCRegression, ICGOR, Lavash, MAZE, molaR, NonParRolCor, OBRE, PanelTM, pasadr, ReDirection, reslife, rid, RolWinMulCor, RpeakChrom, RVCompare, shinyKGode, smfishHmrf, smlmkalman, spselect, spsh, TapeR, TargetScore, Tex4exams
Reverse imports: abglasso, actilifecounts, adace, AdapSamp, AdaptGauss, adductomicsR, adept, adestr, admix, AFM, ahnr, airt, albatross, AmoudSurv, appRiori, ashapesampler, asm, ATACseqTFEA, autoMFA, AVGAS, AvInertia, batteryreduction, BayesMassBal, bccp, BFpack, bigmds, bikm1, BINCOR, binfunest, binsmooth, biometryassist, bioSNR, BMRMM, bndovb, bootCT, bqror, cape, carfima, CASCORE, cauphy, ccrtm, cdfquantreg, celltrackR, CEMiTool, centrifugeR, cgmanalysis, ch, cholera, ciuupi2, ClaimsProblems, clusterExperiment, Clustering, ClusterSignificance, CNVfilteR, complex, complexlm, CondIndTests, conf, ConsRankClass, control, copre, CopulaCenR, cosmiq, CoSMoS, CovTools, CoxAIPW, CoxBcv, cpop, CRABS, crandep, crqa, ctmm, CytoMDS, dacc, DAISIE, DanielBiostatistics10th, DataVisualizations, DChaos, DDoutlier, DeBoinR, DIAlignR, digiRhythm, DiSCos, DistributionOptimization, dobin, docore, DRAYL, drcarlate, dvmisc, dwp, EBCHS, ecpc, eemR, egcm, EMSC, EncompassTest, ePCR, ERPeq, eventstudyr, evoTS, ExGaussEstim, extrafrail, ExtremeRisks, factormodel, FamEvent, FCVAR, fdaACF, fdapace, fdarep, fdaSP, FDX, FeatSeekR, FedIRT, fHMM, findGSEP, fitConic, FitDynMix, flippant, fluspect, fmriqa, ForestFit, frechet, garma, gasmodel, gen5helper, GENMETA, genSEIR, geodiv, GeoModels, gluvarpro, gmoviz, gmvjoint, GPM, GramQuad, GregoryQuadrature, greybox, GRIDCOPULA, groupTesting, gsignal, GUILDS, GWnnegPCA, GWpcor, HDRFA, Hmsc, hwep, hydraulics, hypr, hySAINT, IALS, iemisc, imagefluency, impactr, inctools, intcensROC, IRISMustangMetrics, IRISSeismic, IsoCorrectoR, jage, JSparO, KFPCA, KGode, klovan, ks, lactater, latentgraph, lavacreg, LavaCvxr, less, likelihoodAsy, lillies, LMoFit, logKDE, LOMAR, lomb, LSE, lspartition, LSVAR, ltmix, ltsspca, MaOEA, maotai, MarZIC, MatrixCorrelation, MCARtest, MEPDF, MesKit, MetaIntegrator, MetaLonDA, meteorits, mfpp, microsynth, MIRES, mixlm, MixSemiRob, MLCOPULA, mlmts, MMLR, mnt, mombf, morpheus, MortalityTables, mosqcontrol, mousetrap, MSTest, MultiATSM, multiblock, MultiKink, multIntTestFunc, MutationalPatterns, mutSignatures, mvDFA, NAC, netcom, netcontrol, netDx, NetworkDistance, neutralitytestr, new.dist, nimble, nipalsMCIA, nn2poly, nomogramEx, nvctr, nvmix, opdisDownsampling, optimx, oreo, orthoDr, pCODE, peakPantheR, PEIP, PFIM, pGPx, PH1XBAR, phase, PoA, POCRE, porridge, poweRlaw, powerSurvEpi, PPMiss, pql, pressuRe, PScr, PSDistr, pvaluefunctions, Qindex, R2Addhaz, Radviz, randnet, Raquifer, ravetools, rbbnp, rbcc, RBE3, rcaiman, RchivalTag, RCSL, RCT, ref.ICAR, refreg, RegCombin, RespirAnalyzer, rfishnet2, RiemBase, RMLPCA, RMT4DS, robust2sls, robustbetareg, rocbc, rospca, RPANDA, rrcov3way, RSizeBiased, rSWeeP, SADISA, sampsizeval, saseR, sazedR, ScatterDensity, SCORNET, SDLfilter, sdrt, seeds, semds, sglg, shattering, shinyNORRRM, SHT, SIMLR, simode, sindyr, skedastic, slanter, SmCCNet, SMDIC, smooth, snSMART, soundecology, spant, sparseGAM, spathial, SpatialGraph, SPIAT, SSGL, ssmodels, stabilo, staRdom, stepdownfdp, stochLAB, stodom, stoppingrule, survivalsvm, SyScSelection, tacmagic, tagtools, takos, TCA, TCIU, TensorClustering, TensorComplete, TensorPreAve, tensorregress, tensorTS, TesiproV, TestGardener, TextForecast, tf, tpn, TrajectoryGeometry, treefit, TrendInTrend, TRES, ucie, ugomquantreg, Unico, VARDetect, VBJM, VBsparsePCA, vecsets, visualFields, visvow, vmeasur, WCM, workloopR, x3ptools, YAPSA, zeitgebr
Reverse suggests: baygel, bsitar, covid19br, DatabionicSwarm, DRquality, FCPS, fdaconcur, fsbrain, geostatsp, hesim, kyotil, L0Learn, metafor, mlr3learners, optimizeR, ProjectionBasedClustering, quantdr, robustrank, ROCaggregator, sensitivity, sfdep, signal, simstudy, SpatMCA, SpatPCA, symengine, viscomplexr, warbleR
Reverse enhances: Rmpfr


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