--- title: "spatialDmelxsim" author: "Michael Love" output: BiocStyle::html_document date: "`r doc_date()`" package: "`r pkg_ver('spatialDmelxsim')`" vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{spatialDmelxsim} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- # Allelic counts of D melanogaster x D simulans cross This package contains data of allelic expression counts of spatial slices of a fly embryo, which is a *D melanogaster* x *D simulans* cross. The experiment is a reciprocal cross (see `strain`), with three replicates of one parental arrangement and two of another, which was sufficient to ensure at least one embryo of each sex for each parental arrangement. Data was downloaded from `GSE102233` as described in the publication: > Combs PA, Fraser HB (2018) > Spatially varying cis-regulatory divergence in Drosophila embryos > elucidates cis-regulatory logic. > *PLOS Genetics* 14(11): e1007631. > https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1007631 The scripts for creating the *SummarizedExperiment* object can be found in `inst/scripts/make-data.R`. We can find the resource via *ExperimentHub*: ```{r} library(ExperimentHub) eh <- ExperimentHub() query(eh, "spatialDmelxsim") ``` Or load directly with a function defined within this package: ```{r} suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(SummarizedExperiment)) library(spatialDmelxsim) se <- spatialDmelxsim() ``` The rownames of the *SummarizedExperiment* are Ensembl IDs. For simplicity of code for plotting individual genes, we will change the rownames to gene symbols (those used in the paper). We check first that all genes have a symbol, because rownames cannot contain an NA. ```{r} table(is.na(mcols(se)$paper_symbol)) rownames(se) <- mcols(se)$paper_symbol ``` Note we use the following annotation of alleles: * a1: *D simulans* * a2: *D melanogaster* Then we calculate the allelic ratio for *D simulans* allele: ```{r} assay(se, "total") <- assay(se, "a1") + assay(se, "a2") assay(se, "ratio") <- assay(se, "a1") / assay(se, "total") ``` We plot the ratio over the slice, using the `normSlice` column of metadata. This is the original `slice` number, scaled up to 27 (rep2 had 26 slices and rep4 had 25 slices). ```{r} plotGene <- function(gene) { x <- se$normSlice y <- assay(se, "ratio")[gene,] col <- as.integer(se$rep) plot(x, y, xlab="normSlice", ylab="sim / total ratio", ylim=c(0,1), main=gene, col=col) lw <- loess(y ~ x, data=data.frame(x,y=unname(y))) lines(sort(lw$x), lw$fitted[order(lw$x)], col="red", lwd=2) abline(h=0.5, col="grey") } ``` An example of a gene with global bias toward the *simulans* allele. ```{r DOR} plotGene("DOR") ``` Example of some genes with spatial patterning of allelic expression: ```{r uif} plotGene("uif") ``` ```{r bmm} plotGene("bmm") ``` ```{r hb} plotGene("hb") ``` ```{r CG4500} plotGene("CG4500") ``` Other interesting spatial genes can be found by consulting the Combs and Fraser (2018) paper, in Supplementary Figure 6 "Complete heatmap of ASE for genes with svASE." Other species-specific genes are found in Supplementary Figure 7 "Genes with species-specific expression, regardless of parent of origin." Note that the SF6 spatially varying ASE genes are labelled in `mcols(se)$scASE`. # Additional details As said above, the file `inst/scripts/make-data.R` provides the script that was used to construct the *SummarizedExperiment* object from the data available on GEO. Here are some additional details: * The original allelic counts on GEO were assembled for 2,959 of the genes (labelled in `mcols(se)$matchDm557`). When compiling the data I noticed that other genes, where the genomic locations of dm5.57 and dm6 were not a match, had missing allelic counts. The current dataset is provided with respect to dm6. * For those genes with missing allelic counts, I instead used the FPKM data on GEO and the allelic counts that were not missing, to predict the total allelic count from abundance, per sample (with ~82% r2). * Finally I used an ASE file on GEO to impute the allelic counts from the allelic ratio and predicted total allelic count. These 5,673 genes are labelled in `mcols(se)$predicted`. * There are two symbol columns in `mcols(se)`. One is the SYMBOL that matches the Ensembl `gene_id` according to `org.Dm.eg.db`. The other is the symbol that I obtained from the per-sample FPKM matrices which have both Ensembl and gene symbols. The `paper_symbol` column is therefore better for matching genes according to their ID in the paper figures. ```{r} sessionInfo() ```