--- title: "gDRtestData" author: "gDR team" output: BiocStyle::html_document vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{gDRtestData} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ```{r, echo=FALSE} library(gDRtestData) ``` # Overview The `gDRtestData` package is intended to store and generate example data that can be used through the `gDR` suite. # Use Cases ## Synthetic data generation Since gDR is a computational suite for drug response data from any experiment, a synthetic dataset is also needed for testing and exploration. The basis of this package are two functions to generate the synthetic sets of cell lines and drugs. ```{r} cell_lines <- create_synthetic_cell_lines() drugs <- create_synthetic_drugs() ``` These base objects can be extended with additional information. 1. Replicates ```{r eval=FALSE} cl_rep <- add_data_replicates(cell_lines) head(cl_rep) ``` 2. Concentration ```{r eval=FALSE} cl_conc <- add_concentration(cell_lines) head(cl_conc) ``` Or the user can do both with one function: ```{r eval=FALSE} df_layout <- prepareData(cell_lines, drugs) head(df_layout) ``` Additionally, the user may fill in the full response data with the day 0 part. ```{r eval=FALSE} df_layout_small <- prepareData(cell_lines[seq_len(2), ], drugs[seq_len(4), ]) df_layout_small$Duration <- 72 df_layout_small$ReadoutValue <- 0 df_layout_small_with_Day0 <- add_day0_data(df_layout_small) head(df_layout_small_with_Day0) ``` In a further step, the user may generate a set of synthetic results: 1. Hill coefficient ```{r} hill <- generate_hill_coef(cell_lines, drugs) ``` 2. EC50 metric ```{r} ec50_met <- generate_ec50(cell_lines, drugs) ``` 3. E inf metric ```{r} einf_met <- generate_e_inf(cell_lines, drugs) ``` Or the user can create full response data with one function (for single-agent): ```{r eval=FALSE} response_data <- prepareMergedData(cell_lines, drugs) head(response_data) ``` **SUMMARY** | Step | Function | Output (`data.table`) | | :--: | :----------- | :-------------------- | | 0 | create_synthetic_cell_lines() | synthetic cell lines | | 0 | create_synthetic_drugs() | synthetic drugs | | 1 | prepareData() | cell lines and drug merged with replicates and concentration | | 2 | prepareMergedData() | full response data for single-agent | | 2 | prepareComboMergedData() | full response data for combo | | 2 | prepareCodilutionData () | full response data for co-dilution | ## Synthetic object of gDR data model The gDR data model is built on the MultiAssayExperiments (MAE) structure. A detailed description of the gDR data model can be found in `gDRcore` package vignette. In `inst/testdata` the user may find a set of `qs` files that are examples of gDR data model for different data types. In the file `synthetic_list.yml` one can find a list of these datasets. Currently available are: ```{r echo=FALSE} yml_path <- system.file(package = "gDRtestData", "testdata", "synthetic_list.yml") cat(paste0("* ", names(yaml::read_yaml(yml_path)), collapse = ", \n"), ".") ``` The script `generate_example_data.R` which shows how to generate and process above-mentioned datasets is in `inst/scripts` dir. All key functions can be found in package `gDRcore` in script `generate_wrappers.R`. ## Annotation data In `inst/annotation_data` the user can find `CSV` files used in `gDRcore` for testing annotation functions. ## Other Other files which were not mentioned above are used for testing gDR suite functionality. # SessionInfo {-} ```{r sessionInfo} sessionInfo() ```