--- title: "seqFISH Mouse Visual Cortex" author: "Dario Righelli" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" output: BiocStyle::html_document: toc_float: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{seqFISH Mouse Visual Cortex} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} Package: SingleCellMultiModal bibliography: ../inst/REFERENCES.bib editor_options: chunk_output_type: console --- # Installation ```{r,eval=FALSE} if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("SingleCellMultiModal") ``` ## Load packages ```{r,include=TRUE, results="hide", message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(MultiAssayExperiment) library(SpatialExperiment) library(SingleCellMultiModal) ``` # seq-FISH dataset The dataset consists of two data types, seq-FISH data was provided by @Zhu2018identification, while scRNA-seq data was provided by @Tasic2016adult. Data have been retrievedas part of the [Hackathon](https://github.com/BIRSBiointegration/Hackathon/tree/master/seqFISH) in the [Mathematical Frameworks for Integrative Analysis of Emerging Biological DataTypes](https://www.birs.ca/events/2020/5-day-workshops/20w5197) workshop. ## Downloading datasets The user can see the available dataset by using the default options ```{r} seqFISH( DataType="mouse_visual_cortex", modes="*", dry.run=TRUE, version="2.0.0" ) ``` Or simply by running: ```{r} seqfish <- seqFISH( DataType="mouse_visual_cortex", modes="*", dry.run=FALSE, version="2.0.0" ) seqfish ``` Extract the list of experiments _without_ the associated colData. ```{r} experiments(seqfish) ``` ## Exploring the data structure Check row annotations for all experiments: ```{r} rownames(seqfish) ``` Take a peek at the `sampleMap` (graph representation of assays, cells, and barcodes): ```{r} sampleMap(seqfish) ``` ## Visualize matching cell identifiers across assays ```{r} upsetSamples(seqfish) ``` This shows that about 1597 cells match across both modalities / assays. ## scRNA-seq data The scRNA-seq data are accessible with `$scRNAseq`, which returns a *SingleCellExperiment* class object, with all its associated methods. ```{r} seqfish[["scRNAseq"]] ``` Otherwhise the `assay` function can be used to access the *scRNAseq* assay stored in the `seqfish` *MultiAssayExperiment* object. ```{r} head(assay(seqfish, "scRNAseq"))[,1:4] ``` ## seq-FISH data The seq-FISH data are accessible with `$seqFISH`, which returns a **SpatialExperiment** class object. ```{r} seqfish[["seqFISH"]] ``` Otherwhise the `assay` function can be used to access the *seqFISH* assay stored in the `seqfish` *MultiAssayExperiment* object. ```{r} head(assay(seqfish, "seqFISH"))[,1:4] ``` Spatial data can be retrieved with `spatialData` function on the *SpatialExperiment* object. ```{r} (sd <- spatialData(seqfish[["seqFISH"]])) ``` Spatial coordinates within the spatial data can be retrieved in matrix form with `spatialCoords` function on the *SpatialExperiment* object. ```{r} head(sc <- spatialCoords(seqfish[["seqFISH"]])) ``` Direct access to the colnames of the spacial coordinates with `spatialCoordsNames` function. ```{r} spatialCoordsNames(seqfish[["seqFISH"]]) ``` ## Other data version The provided seqFISH dataset comes out in two different versions: * 1.0.0 - provides the same seqFISH data as shown in the rest of this vignette, but it returns the full normalized scRNA-seq data matrix (with labels), as released from the original authors on the GEO database. * 2.0.0 - provides the same seqFISH data as shown in the rest of this vignette, but it returns a processed subset of the original scRNA-seq data, providing only the same genes present in the seqFISH data matrix. ### Data version 1.0.0 The full scRNA-seq data matrix is 24057 rows x 1809 columns. To access the v1.0.0 simply run ```{r} seqFISH( DataType="mouse_visual_cortex", modes="*", dry.run=FALSE, version="1.0.0" ) ``` # Session Info ```{r, tidy=TRUE} sessionInfo() ```