--- title: "Real data examples" author: "Nikos Ignatiadis" date: "`r doc_date()`" package: "`r pkg_ver('IHWpaper')`" output: BiocStyle::html_document vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{"NMeth paper: Real data examples"} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- In this vignette we will reproduce Figure 1 of the paper, which includes applications of IHW to RNASeq, proteomics and hQTL data. ```{r warning=F, message=F} library("IHW") library("dplyr") library("ggplot2") library("grid") library("tidyr") library("cowplot") library("RColorBrewer") library("scales") library("IHWpaper") ``` Define colors and names for methods we will be using throughout this vignette. ```{r} pretty_colors <- scales::hue_pal(h = c(0, 360) + 15, c = 100, l = 65, h.start = 0,direction = 1)(5) pretty_names <- c("IHW", "BH", "Indep. Filt. \n 10 kb", "Indep. Filt. \n 200 kb", "Indep. Filt. \n 1 Mb") ``` ```{r} rnaseq_file <- system.file("real_data_examples/result_files", "RNAseq_benchmark.Rds", package = "IHWpaper") rnaseq_data <- readRDS(file=rnaseq_file) panel_a_data <- group_by(rnaseq_data$alpha_df, alpha) %>% summarize(BH = max(bh_rejections), IHW=max(rejections)) %>% gather(method, rejections, BH, IHW) %>% mutate(method = factor(as.character(method), levels=pretty_names)) ``` #RNAseq example ## Panel a) ```{r} last_vals_a <- group_by(panel_a_data, method) %>% summarize(last_vals = max(rejections)) %>% mutate(label = method, colour = pretty_colors[match(label, pretty_names)]) panel_a <- ggplot(panel_a_data, aes(x=alpha,y=rejections,col=method)) + geom_line(size=1.2) + xlab(expression(bold(paste("Nominal ",alpha)))) + ylab("Discoveries") + scale_color_manual(values=pretty_colors)+ scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) + theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1, 7.5, 2, 1), "lines"))+ theme(axis.title = element_text(face="bold" )) panel_a <- pretty_legend(panel_a, last_vals_a, 0.102) panel_a ``` ## Panel b) ```{r} breaks <- rnaseq_data$breaks break_min <- rnaseq_data$break_min breaks_left <- c(break_min,breaks[-length(breaks)]) step_df <- mutate(rnaseq_data$alpha_df, baseMean_left = breaks_left[stratum], baseMean_right = breaks[stratum], baseMean_ratio = baseMean_right/baseMean_left , baseMean_left = baseMean_left * baseMean_ratio^.2, baseMean_right = baseMean_right *baseMean_ratio^(-.2)) stratum_fun <- function(df){ stratum <- df$stratum weight <- df$weight stratum_left <- stratum[stratum != length(stratum)] weight_left <- weight[stratum_left] baseMean_left <- df$baseMean_right[stratum_left] stratum_right <- stratum[stratum != 1] weight_right <- weight[stratum_right] baseMean_right <- df$baseMean_left[stratum_right] data.frame(stratum_left= stratum_left, weight_left= weight_left, stratum_right = stratum_right, weight_right = weight_right, baseMean_left = baseMean_left, baseMean_right = baseMean_right) } connect_df <- filter(step_df, alpha==0.1) %>% group_by(fold) %>% do(stratum_fun(.)) %>% mutate(dashed = factor(ifelse(abs(weight_left - weight_right) > 10^(-4) , TRUE, FALSE), levels=c(FALSE,TRUE))) panel_b <- ggplot(filter(step_df, alpha==0.1), aes(x=baseMean_left, xend=baseMean_right, y=weight, yend=weight, col=fold)) + geom_segment(size=0.8)+ geom_segment(data= connect_df, aes(x=baseMean_left, xend=baseMean_right, y=weight_left, yend=weight_right, linetype=dashed), size=0.8)+ scale_x_log10(breaks=c(1,10,100,1000,10000))+ xlab("Mean of normalized counts")+ ylab("Weight")+ theme(legend.position=c(0.8,0.4)) + theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1, 1, 2, 1), "lines")) + guides(linetype=FALSE)+ theme(axis.title = element_text(face="bold" )) panel_b ``` # Proteomics Example ```{r} proteomics_file <- system.file("real_data_examples/result_files", "proteomics_benchmark.Rds", package = "IHWpaper") proteomics_data <- readRDS(file=proteomics_file) panel_c_data <- group_by(proteomics_data$alpha_df, alpha) %>% summarize(BH = max(bh_rejections), IHW=max(rejections)) %>% gather(method, rejections, BH, IHW) %>% mutate(method = factor(as.character(method), levels=pretty_names)) ``` ## panel c) ```{r} last_vals_c <- group_by(panel_c_data, method) %>% summarize(last_vals = max(rejections)) %>% mutate(label = method, colour = pretty_colors[match(label, pretty_names)]) panel_c <- ggplot(panel_c_data, aes(x=alpha,y=rejections,col=method)) + geom_line(size=1.2) + xlab(expression(bold(paste("Nominal ",alpha)))) + ylab("Discoveries") + scale_color_manual(values=pretty_colors)+ scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0))+ theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1, 7.5, 2, 1), "lines"))+ theme(axis.title = element_text(face="bold" )) panel_c <- pretty_legend(panel_c, last_vals_c, 0.102) panel_c ``` ## Panel d) ```{r} breaks <- proteomics_data$breaks break_min <- proteomics_data$break_min breaks_left <- c(break_min,breaks[-length(breaks)]) step_df <- mutate(filter(proteomics_data$alpha_df , alpha==0.1), break_left = breaks_left[stratum], break_right = breaks[stratum], break_ratio = break_right/break_left , break_left =break_left * break_ratio^.1, break_right = break_right *break_ratio^(-.1)) stratum_fun <- function(df){ stratum <- df$stratum weight <- df$weight stratum_left <- stratum[stratum != length(stratum)] weight_left <- weight[stratum_left] break_left <- df$break_right[stratum_left] stratum_right <- stratum[stratum != 1] weight_right <- weight[stratum_right] break_right <- df$break_left[stratum_right] data.frame(stratum_left= stratum_left, weight_left= weight_left, stratum_right = stratum_right, weight_right = weight_right, break_left = break_left, break_right = break_right) } connecting_df <- step_df %>% group_by(fold) %>% do(stratum_fun(.)) %>% mutate(dashed = factor(ifelse(abs(weight_left - weight_right) > 10^(-5) , TRUE, FALSE), levels=c(FALSE,TRUE))) panel_d <- ggplot(step_df, aes(x=break_left, xend=break_right,y=weight, yend=weight, col=fold)) + geom_segment(size=0.8)+ geom_segment(data= connecting_df, aes(x=break_left, xend=break_right, y=weight_left, yend=weight_right, linetype=dashed), size=0.8)+ scale_x_log10(breaks=c(1, 10,100,400)) + xlab("Number of peptides quantified")+ ylab("Weight")+ theme(legend.position=c(0.8,0.4)) + theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1, 1, 2, 1), "lines"))+ guides(linetype=FALSE)+ theme(axis.title = element_text(face="bold" )) panel_d ``` # hQTL Example ## Load in data ```{r} hqtl_file <- system.file("real_data_examples/result_files", "hQTL_benchmark.Rds", package = "IHWpaper") hqtl_data <- readRDS(file=hqtl_file) hqtl_summary <- group_by(hqtl_data$alpha_df, alpha) %>% gather(method, rejections, 6:10) %>% select(alpha, method, rejections) # will use below later to convert to nicer names for our plot # see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7547597/dictionary-style-replace-multiple-items-in-r map <- setNames(pretty_names, c("rejections","bh_rejections","threshold:10000","threshold:2e+05", "threshold:1e+06")) ``` ## Panel e) ```{r} hqtl_summary <- mutate(hqtl_summary, method = map[method], method= factor(method, levels = pretty_names)) last_vals_e <- group_by(hqtl_summary, method) %>% summarize(last_vals = max(rejections)) %>% mutate(last_vals = last_vals + c(0,0, 250, 0, -350), # offset to make it look nice label = method, colour = pretty_colors[match(label, pretty_names)]) panel_e <- ggplot(hqtl_summary, aes(x=alpha,y=rejections,col=method)) + geom_line(size=1.2) + xlab(expression(bold(paste("Nominal ",alpha)))) + ylab("Discoveries") + scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0))+ scale_color_manual(values=pretty_colors)+ theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1, 7.5, 2, 1), "lines"))+ theme(axis.title = element_text(face="bold" )) panel_e <- pretty_legend(panel_e, last_vals_e, 0.102) panel_e ``` ## Panel f) ```{r} breaks <- hqtl_data$breaks breaks <- breaks[-1] break_min <- hqtl_data$break_min breaks_left <- c(break_min,breaks[-length(breaks)]) step_df <- mutate(filter(hqtl_data$alpha_df,alpha==0.1), break_left = breaks_left[stratum], break_right = breaks[stratum], break_ratio = break_right/break_left , break_left =break_left * break_ratio^.2, break_right = break_right *break_ratio^(-.2)) stratum_fun <- function(df){ stratum <- df$stratum weight <- df$weight stratum_left <- stratum[stratum != length(stratum)] weight_left <- weight[stratum_left] break_left <- df$break_right[stratum_left] stratum_right <- stratum[stratum != 1] weight_right <- weight[stratum_right] break_right <- df$break_left[stratum_right] data.frame(stratum_left= stratum_left, weight_left= weight_left, stratum_right = stratum_right, weight_right = weight_right, break_left = break_left, break_right = break_right) } connecting_df <- step_df %>% group_by(fold) %>% do(stratum_fun(.)) %>% mutate(dashed = factor(ifelse(abs(weight_left - weight_right) > 2 , TRUE, FALSE), levels=c(FALSE,TRUE))) panel_f <- ggplot(step_df, aes(x=break_left, xend=break_right,y=weight, yend=weight, col=fold)) + geom_segment(size=0.8)+ geom_segment(data= connecting_df, aes(x=break_left, xend=break_right, y=weight_left, yend=weight_right, linetype=dashed), size=0.8)+ scale_x_log10(breaks=c(10^4, 10^5,10^6,10^7), labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) + xlab("Genomic distance (bp)")+ ylab("Weight")+ theme(legend.position=c(0.8,0.4)) + theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1, 1, 2, 1), "lines"))+ theme(axis.title = element_text(face="bold" ))+ guides(linetype=FALSE) panel_f ``` # Put all panels together for main fig! ```{r fig.width=12, fig.height=10} full_fig <- plot_grid(panel_a, panel_c, panel_e, panel_f, labels= c("a)", "b)", "c)", "d)"), nrow=2) full_fig ``` ```{r eval=FALSE} ggsave(plot=full_fig, file="data_examples.pdf", width=12, height=10) ``` # Put all panels together for suppl fig. ```{r fig.width=12, fig.height=5} suppl_fig <- plot_grid(panel_b, panel_d, labels= c("a)", "b)"), nrow=1) suppl_fig ``` ```{r eval=FALSE} ggsave(plot=suppl_fig, file="data_examples_suppl.pdf", width=12, height=5) ```