--- title: "Visualize data sets and clustering results with `iSEE`" author: - name: Angelo Duò - name: Mark D Robinson - name: Charlotte Soneson date: "`r Sys.Date()`" package: DuoClustering2018 output: BiocStyle::html_document vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Visualize data sets and clustering results with iSEE} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} bibliography: duoclustering2018.bib editor_options: chunk_output_type: console --- # Introduction In this vignette we describe how to generate a `SingleCellExperiment` object combining observed values and clustering results for a data set from the `DuoClustering2018` package, and how the resulting object can be explored and visualized with the `iSEE` package [@Rue-Albrecht2018-wz]. # Load the necessary packages ```{r} suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(SingleCellExperiment) library(DuoClustering2018) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) }) ``` # Retrieve a data set The different ways of retrieving a data set from the package are described in the `plot_performance` vignette. Here, we will load a data set using the shortcut function provided in the package. ```{r} dat <- sce_filteredExpr10_Koh() ``` # Read a set of clustering results For this data set, we also load a set of clustering results obtained using different clustering methods. ```{r} res <- clustering_summary_filteredExpr10_Koh_v2() ``` # Merge data and clustering results We add the cluster labels for one run and for a set of different imposed number of clusters to the data set. ```{r} res <- res %>% dplyr::filter(run == 1 & k %in% c(3, 5, 9)) %>% dplyr::group_by(method, k) %>% dplyr::filter(is.na(resolution) | resolution == resolution[1]) %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% tidyr::unite(col = method_k, method, k, sep = "_", remove = TRUE) %>% dplyr::select(cell, method_k, cluster) %>% tidyr::spread(key = method_k, value = cluster) colData(dat) <- DataFrame( as.data.frame(colData(dat)) %>% dplyr::left_join(res, by = c("Run" = "cell")) ) head(colData(dat)) ``` # Visualize with `iSEE` The resulting `SingleCellExperiment` can be interactively explored using, e.g., the `iSEE` package. This can be useful to gain additional understanding of the partitions inferred by the different clustering methods, to visualize these in low-dimensional representations (PCA or t-SNE), and to investigate how well they agree with known or inferred groupings of the cells. ```{r, eval=FALSE} if (require(iSEE)) { iSEE(dat) } ``` # Session info ```{r} sessionInfo() ``` # References