## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------- library(knitr) library(kableExtra) knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", error = FALSE ) library(GAPGOM) ## ----eval=F-------------------------------------------------------------- # ### NEEDED (depends, suggests) # # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager")) # install.packages("BiocManager") # BiocManager::install("GAPGOM", dependencies = TRUE) ## ----f5, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------ # # download the fantom5 data file # fantom_file <- fantom_download("./", organism = "mouse", # noprompt = TRUE) # saves filename # # load the file (use fantom_file variable if doing all at once) # ft5 <- fantom_load_raw("./mm9.cage_peak_phase1and2combined_tpm_ann.osc.txt", # verbose = TRUE) # # remove first two rows from fantom5 data (these are seperate statistis, # # we just need expressionvalues) # ft5$df <- ft5$df[3:nrow(ft5$df),] # # # convert the raw fantom table to an ExpressionSet # expset <- fantom_to_expset(ft5, verbose = TRUE) ## ----randvals------------------------------------------------------------ # select x random IDs x_entries <- 1000 go_data <- GAPGOM::set_go_data("human", "BP", computeIC = FALSE) random_ids <- unique(sample(go_data@geneAnno$ENTREZID, x_entries)) # and only keep # uniques # make general dataframe. expressions <- data.frame(random_ids) colnames(expressions) <- "ENTREZID" expressions$ID # n expression values depending on the amount of unique IDs that are present expressionvalues <- abs(rnorm(length(random_ids)*6))*x_entries expressions[,2:7] <- expressionvalues head(expressions) ## ----expset-------------------------------------------------------------- expression_matrix <- as.matrix(expressions[,2:ncol(expressions)]) rownames(expression_matrix) <- expressions$ENTREZID featuredat <- as.data.frame(expressions$ENTREZID) # And everything else besides expressionvalues (preferably you don't even need to include the IDs themselves here!) rownames(featuredat) <- expressions$ENTREZID # because they will be the rownames anyway. expset <- ExpressionSet(expression_matrix, featureData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=featuredat)) # To see how it is structured; head(expset) head(assayData(expset)[["exprs"]]) # where expressionvalues are stored. head(pData(featureData(expset))) # where other information is stored. ## ----lncRNApred---------------------------------------------------------- # Example with default dataset, take a look at the data documentation # to fully grasp what's going on with the making of the filter etc. (Biobase # ExpressionSet) # keep everything that is a protein coding gene (for annotation) filter_vector <- fData(GAPGOM::expset)[( fData(GAPGOM::expset)$GeneType=="protein_coding"),]$GeneID # set gid and run. gid <- "ENSG00000228630" result <- GAPGOM::expression_prediction(gid, GAPGOM::expset, "human", "BP", id_translation_df = GAPGOM::id_translation_df, id_select_vector = filter_vector, method = "combine", verbose = TRUE, filter_pvals = TRUE) kable(result) %>% kable_styling() %>% scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "500px") ## ----lncrnapredscoreonly------------------------------------------------- # Example with default dataset, take a look at the data documentation # to fully grasp what's going on with making of the filter etc. (Biobase # ExpressionSet) # set an artbitrary gene you want to find similarities for. (5th row in this # case) gid <- "ENSG00000228630" result <- GAPGOM::expression_semantic_scoring(gid, GAPGOM::expset) kable(result[1:100,]) %>% kable_styling() %>% scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "500px") ## ----TopoICSim----------------------------------------------------------- result <- GAPGOM::topo_ic_sim_genes("human", "MF", "218", "501", progress_bar = FALSE) kable(result$AllGoPairs) %>% kable_styling() %>% scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "500px") result$GeneSim # genelist mode list1 <- c("126133","221","218","216","8854","220","219","160428","224", "222","8659","501","64577","223","217","4329","10840","7915","5832") # ONLY A PART OF THE GENELIST IS USED BECAUSE OF R CHECK TIME CONTRAINTS result <- GAPGOM::topo_ic_sim_genes("human", "MF", list1[1:3], list1[1:3], progress_bar = FALSE) kable(result$AllGoPairs) %>% kable_styling() %>% scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "500px") kable(result$GeneSim) %>% kable_styling() %>% scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "500px") mean(result$GeneSim) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ custom <- list(cus1=c("GO:0016787", "GO:0042802", "GO:0005524")) result <- GAPGOM::topo_ic_sim_genes("human", "MF", "218", "501", custom_genes1 = custom, drop = NULL, verbose = TRUE, progress_bar = FALSE) result ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sessionInfo()