## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, fig.align = "center", crop = NULL ) library(BiocStyle) ## ----install-bioc,eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) { # install.packages("BiocManager") # } # # BiocManager::install("microbiomeMarker") ## ----install-gh,eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) { # install.packages("remotes") # } # remotes::install_github("yiluheihei/microbiomeMarker") ## ----load--------------------------------------------------------------------- library(microbiomeMarker) ## ----import-dada2------------------------------------------------------------- seq_tab <- readRDS( system.file( "extdata", "dada2_seqtab.rds", package = "microbiomeMarker" ) ) tax_tab <- readRDS( system.file( "extdata", "dada2_taxtab.rds", package = "microbiomeMarker" ) ) sam_tab <- read.table( system.file( "extdata", "dada2_samdata.txt", package = "microbiomeMarker" ), sep = "\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 1 ) ps <- import_dada2(seq_tab = seq_tab, tax_tab = tax_tab, sam_tab = sam_tab) ps ## ----import-qiime2,message=FALSE---------------------------------------------- otuqza_file <- system.file( "extdata", "table.qza", package = "microbiomeMarker" ) taxaqza_file <- system.file( "extdata", "taxonomy.qza", package = "microbiomeMarker" ) sample_file <- system.file( "extdata", "sample-metadata.tsv", package = "microbiomeMarker" ) treeqza_file <- system.file( "extdata", "tree.qza", package = "microbiomeMarker" ) ps <- import_qiime2( otu_qza = otuqza_file, taxa_qza = taxaqza_file, sam_tab = sample_file, tree_qza = treeqza_file ) ps ## ----norm--------------------------------------------------------------------- # take tss as example norm_tss(ps) normalize(ps, method = "TSS") ## ----norm-note,eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # data(kostic_crc) # mm_test <- normalize(kostic_crc, method = "CPM") %>% # run_lefse( # wilcoxon_cutoff = 0.01, # norm = "none", # must be "none" since the input has been normalized # group = "DIAGNOSIS", # kw_cutoff = 0.01, # multigrp_strat = TRUE, # lda_cutoff = 4 # ) # # equivalent to # run_lefse( # wilcoxon_cutoff = 0.01, # norm = "CPM", # group = "DIAGNOSIS", # kw_cutoff = 0.01, # multigrp_strat = TRUE, # lda_cutoff = 4 # ) ## ----two-group-test----------------------------------------------------------- data(enterotypes_arumugam) tg_welch <- run_test_two_groups( enterotypes_arumugam, group = "Gender", method = "welch.test" ) # three significantly differential genera (marker) tg_welch # details of result of the three markers head(marker_table(tg_welch)) ## ----multi-group-test--------------------------------------------------------- # three groups ps <- phyloseq::subset_samples( enterotypes_arumugam, Enterotype %in% c("Enterotype 3", "Enterotype 2", "Enterotype 1") ) mg_anova <- run_test_multiple_groups( ps, group = "Enterotype", method = "anova" ) # 24 markers mg_anova head(marker_table(mg_anova)) ## ----edger-------------------------------------------------------------------- # contrast must be specified for two groups comparison data(pediatric_ibd) mm_edger <- run_edger( pediatric_ibd, group = "Class", pvalue_cutoff = 0.1, p_adjust = "fdr" ) mm_edger # multiple groups data(cid_ying) cid <- phyloseq::subset_samples( cid_ying, Consistency %in% c("formed stool", "liquid", "semi-formed") ) mm_edger_mg <- run_edger( cid, group = "Consistency", method = "QLFT", pvalue_cutoff = 0.05, p_adjust = "fdr" ) mm_edger_mg ## ----lefse-------------------------------------------------------------------- data(kostic_crc) kostic_crc_small <- phyloseq::subset_taxa( kostic_crc, Phylum %in% c("Firmicutes") ) mm_lefse <- run_lefse( kostic_crc_small, wilcoxon_cutoff = 0.01, group = "DIAGNOSIS", kw_cutoff = 0.01, multigrp_strat = TRUE, lda_cutoff = 4 ) mm_lefse head(marker_table(mm_lefse)) ## ----rf----------------------------------------------------------------------- # must specify the importance para for random forest set.seed(2021) # small example phyloseq object for test ps_small <- phyloseq::subset_taxa( enterotypes_arumugam, Phylum %in% c("Firmicutes", "Bacteroidetes") ) mm_lr <- run_sl( ps_small, group = "Gender", nfolds = 2, nrepeats = 1, taxa_rank = "Genus", top_n = 15, norm = "TSS", method = "LR", ) marker_table(mm_lr) ## ----post-hoc-test------------------------------------------------------------ pht <- run_posthoc_test(ps, group = "Enterotype") pht # 24 significantly differential genera markers <- marker_table(mg_anova)$feature markers # take a marker "p__Bacteroidetes|g__Bacteroides" # for example, we will show "p__Bacteroidetes|g__Bacteroides" differ from # between Enterotype 2-Enterotype 1 and Enterotype 3-Enterotype 2. extract_posthoc_res(pht, "p__Bacteroidetes|g__Bacteroides")[[1]] ## ----pair-wise-linear--------------------------------------------------------- # comparison between Enterotype 3 and Enterotype 2 mm_lv_pair <- run_limma_voom( ps, "Enterotype", contrast = c("Enterotype 3", "Enterotype 2"), pvalue_cutoff = 0.05, p_adjust = "fdr" ) mm_lv_pair marker_table(mm_lv_pair) ## ----plot-abundance----------------------------------------------------------- p_abd <- plot_abundance(mm_lefse, group = "DIAGNOSIS") p_abd # customize the plot with ggplot2, modify the fill color manually library(ggplot2) p_abd + scale_fill_manual(values = c("Healthy" = "grey", "Tumor" = "red")) ## ----heatmap------------------------------------------------------------------ plot_heatmap(mm_edger, transform = "log10p", group = "Class") ## ----ef-plot------------------------------------------------------------------ # bar plot plot_ef_bar(mm_lefse) # dot plot plot_ef_dot(mm_lefse) ## ----ef-plot-diff------------------------------------------------------------- # set the x axis to log2 Fold Change automatically without manual intervention plot_ef_bar(mm_edger) ## ----cladogram,fig.width=7,fig.height=7--------------------------------------- plot_cladogram(mm_lefse, color = c(Healthy = "darkgreen", Tumor = "red")) + theme(plot.margin = margin(0, 0, 0, 0)) ## ----auc-roc------------------------------------------------------------------ set.seed(2021) plot_sl_roc(mm_lr, group = "Gender") ## ----plot-pht----------------------------------------------------------------- p_pht <- plot_postHocTest(pht, feature = "p__Bacteroidetes|g__Bacteroides") p_pht ## ----customize-p-pht---------------------------------------------------------- p_pht & theme_bw() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()