Changes in version 2.0.0 - Major changes to plot_agg_regions(). - Features of plot_agg_regions() and plot_agg_regions_sample_grouped() merged into one interface. - Regions now specified using single table. - Changed plot_regions() default window proportion to 0. - Changed default theme from theme_bw() to theme_tufte(). - Added Megalodon data import instructions to "Importing Data" vignette. - Added scico palette defaults for heatmaps. These are colourblind friendly. - Added check for 0 length queries which would cause program to hang indefinitely. - Added setters for NanoMethResult attributes methy, samples and exons. - Added MDS and PCA plots. - Added vignette for using external annotation and dimensionality reduction. - Added binary thresholding for plot_gene(), plot_region() and plot_agg_regions(). - Added regions argument to bsseq_to_edger() to calculate aggregate counts over features rather than per site. Changes in version 1.1.4 - Added palette argument to aggregate plots - Added exons_to_genes() function to convert exon annotation to gene annotation - Added plot_granges_heatmap() function to use GRanges for plotting heatmaps Changes in version 1.1.3 - Fixed group handling for list region input in plot_agg_regions() - Fixed unused window size argument in plot_region_heatmap() - Fixed error when reads overlap in name and position for internal function StatLM() Changes in version 1.1.2 - Changed example dataset exon annotations from all genomic exons to just those contained in data. - Fixed methylation heatmap to no longer be hard coded for Peg3. - Added plot_region_heatmap() as analogue to plot_region(). - Fixed plot_agg_regions_sample_grouped() to use group column of NanoMethViz::samples(x) rather than haplotype. - Added unit tests. Changes in version 1.1.1 - Added methylation heatmap via plot_gene_heatmap(). - Fixed gene_anno() in plot_gene() for argument so FALSE actually turns off gene annotation. - Added warning for cpp11 versions <0.2.5 which may cause memory crashes when trying to import methylation data. - Added cpp11 version dependency to address tidyverse/readr#1145. - Added query methylation by gene using query_methy_gene(). Changes in version 1.0.0 - Initial Bioconductor release.