--- title: "yriMulti -- HapMap YRI population, multiassay interfaces" author: "Vincent J. Carey, stvjc at channing.harvard.edu" date: "May 2016" output: BiocStyle::pdf_document: toc: yes number_sections: yes BiocStyle::html_document: highlight: pygments number_sections: yes theme: united toc: yes vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{yriMulti -- HapMap YRI population, multiassay interfaces} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'} suppressMessages({ suppressWarnings({ suppressPackageStartupMessages({ BiocStyle::markdown() }) }) }) ``` ```{r bib, echo = FALSE, results = 'hide'} suppressMessages({ suppressWarnings({ suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(knitcitations) library(bibtex) library(yriMulti) library(dsQTL) library(geuvPack) library(erma) library(VariantAnnotation) library(gQTLstats) library(Homo.sapiens) }) }) }) allbib = read.bibtex("allbib.bib") ``` # Introduction The EBV-transformed B-cells from Yoruban donors are assayed for genotype and various genomic features in a number of prominent studies. This package helps work with relevant datasets and data structures as use cases for MultiAssayExperiment package development. A particular concern is accommodation of distributed genotype data, in this case, based on the 1000 genomes VCF files in an S3 bucket. # Basic data resources ## Expression data We will use the RNA-seq expression data in the `r Biocpkg("geuvPack")` package. ```{r fakeload1,echo=FALSE,results="hide"} if (!exists("geuFPKM")) data(geuFPKM) ``` ```{r lkexpr,eval=TRUE} library(geuvPack) data(geuFPKM) ```{r do1} geuFPKM ``` ## Methylation data We have added 450k data from `r citet(allbib[["Banovich2014"]])` paper to the yriMulti package. ```{r fakeload2,echo=FALSE,results="hide"} if (!exists("banovichSE")) data(banovichSE) ``` ```{r lkmul,eval=TRUE} library(yriMulti) data(banovichSE) ```{r do2} banovichSE ``` ## DnaseI hypersensitivity data ```{r lkdhsf,echo=FALSE,results="hide"} if (!exists("DHStop5_hg19")) data(DHStop5_hg19) ``` ```{r lkdhs,eval=TRUE} library(dsQTL) if (!exists("DHStop5_hg19")) data(DHStop5_hg19) ``` ```{r lkddd} DHStop5_hg19 ``` ## Genotype data We take advantage of a function (`gtpath`) that generates paths to S3-resident VCF from the 1000 genomes project. ```{r lkgeno,cache=TRUE} litvcf = readVcf(gtpath(20), param=ScanVcfParam(which=GRanges("20", IRanges(3.7e7,3.701e7))), genome="hg19") ``` ```{r outca} litvcf length(colnames(litvcf)) length(intersect(colnames(litvcf), colnames(banovichSE))) length(intersect(colnames(litvcf), colnames(geuFPKM))) length(intersect(colnames(litvcf), colnames(DHStop5_hg19))) ``` # Some computations focused on methylation-expression association The `yriMulti` package is currently a scratch-pad for some integrative infrastructure thoughts. ## Gene-centric selection With `mexGR`, a GRanges instance is formed with methylation scores for CpG near a gene. The assay data are placed in the mcols, with one range devoted to the expression measures. ```{r lkmex,cache=TRUE} m1 = mexGR(banovichSE, geuFPKM, symbol="ORMDL3") m1 mcols(m1)[1:4,1:4] table(mcols(m1)$type) ``` ## DNA-methylation association with expression `bindelms` computes the regressions of the selected gene's expression values on the methylation scores. We have options to transform the expression value (parameter `ytx` is a function) and can indicate the radius around the gene coding region to search for CpG (parameter `gradius`). We'll examine a region around gene BRCA2 for a CpG whose methylation score is negatively associated with BRCA2 expression. ```{r lkbi,cache=TRUE} b1 = bindelms(geuFPKM, banovichSE, symbol="BRCA2", ytx=log, gradius=20000) b1 mcols(b1)[1:3,] summary(mcols(b1)$t) mintind = which.min(mcols(b1)$t) mincpg = names(b1)[mintind] mincpg ``` ```{r lkevm,fig=TRUE} plotEvM(b1) ``` # Using the MultiAssayExperiment infrastructure ## Construction of the MultiAssayExperiment We will use a unified object design to reproduce the BRCA2 display just obtained. We need a list of relevant objects and a phenodata component. ```{r lkbcma, eval=TRUE} library(MultiAssayExperiment) myobs = list(geuvRNAseq=geuFPKM, yri450k=banovichSE, yriDHS=DHStop5_hg19) cold = colData(geuFPKM) suppressWarnings({ library(MultiAssayExperiment) mm = MultiAssayExperiment(myobs, as.data.frame(cold)) }) mm ``` ## Restriction by range We compute the BRCA2 'gene range'. ```{r lkbrc, eval=TRUE} library(erma) brr = range(genemodel("BRCA2")) brr ``` Subset the multiassay structure to features in the vicinity of this range. ```{r dorsub, eval=TRUE} .subsetByRanges = function(ma, r) { subsetByRow(ma,r) } newmm = .subsetByRanges(mm, brr+20000) newmm ``` We now have all the relevant features and samples. In fact we have more genes than we really wanted. But we will proceed with this selection. ## All pairwise regressions We will introduce a formula idiom to specify a collection of models of interest. ```{r makeco} library(doParallel) registerDoSEQ() allLM_pw = function(fmla, mae, xtx=force, ytx=force) { # # formula specifies dependent and independent assays # form all regressions of ytx(dep) on xtx(indep) for all # pairs of dependent and independent variables defined by # assays for samples held in common # lf = as.list(fmla) nms = lapply(lf, as.character) yel = experiments(mae)[[nms[[2]]]] xel = experiments(mae)[[nms[[3]]]] sy = colnames(yel) sx = colnames(xel) sb = intersect(sy,sx) yel = yel[,sb] xel = xel[,sb] vdf = as.matrix(expand.grid( rownames(yel), rownames(xel), stringsAsFactors=FALSE )) allf = apply(vdf, 1, function(x) as.formula(paste(x, collapse="~"))) alllm = foreach (i = 1:length(allf)) %dopar% { df = data.frame(ytx(assay(yel)[vdf[i,1],]), xtx(assay(xel)[vdf[i,2],])) names(df) = vdf[i,] lm(allf[[i]], data=df) } names(alllm) = apply(vdf,1,function(x) paste(x, collapse="~")) allts = lapply(alllm, function(x) summary(x)$coef[2, "t value"]) list(mods=alllm, tslopes=allts) } pwplot = function(fmla1, fmla2, mae, ytx=force, xtx=force, ...) { # # use fmla1 with assays as components to identify # two assays to regard as sources of y and x # fmla2 indicates which features to plot # lf = as.list(fmla1) nms = lapply(lf, as.character) yel = experiments(mae)[[nms[[2]]]] xel = experiments(mae)[[nms[[3]]]] sy = colnames(yel) sx = colnames(xel) sb = intersect(sy,sx) yel = yel[,sb] xel = xel[,sb] lf2 = lapply(as.list(fmla2), as.character) ndf = data.frame( ytx(assay(yel)[ lf2[[2]], ]), xtx(assay(xel)[ lf2[[3]], ]) ) names(ndf) = c(lf2[[2]], lf2[[3]]) plot(fmla2, ndf, ...) } ``` ```{r lkpwl, eval=TRUE} pp = allLM_pw(geuvRNAseq~yri450k, newmm, ytx=log) names(pp) summary(pp[[1]][[1]]) which.min(unlist(pp[[2]])) # not BRCA2 but FRY ``` The formula idiom can be used to isolate assays and features. ```{r lkf,fig=TRUE, eval=TRUE} pwplot(geuvRNAseq~yri450k, ENSG00000139618.9~cg20073910, newmm, ytx=log) ``` ## Integrating dense genotypes in a VcfStack instance We set up a reference to a collection of VCF. We'll use 1000 genomes VCF for chr21, and chr22. At present (16 Oct 2016) chrY must be kept out of the stack as it does not have the full set of samples for other chromosomes. ```{r redoVcfStackFunc,echo=FALSE,results="hide"} VcfStack2 <- function(files=NULL, seqinfo=NULL, colData=NULL) { if (is.null(files)) { files <- VcfFileList() header <- NULL } else { if (class(files) != "VcfFileList") files = VcfFileList(files) # files = indexVcf(files) header <- scanVcfHeader(files[[1]]) } if (is.null(seqinfo)) { seqinfo <- if (length(files)) { seqinfo(files) } else Seqinfo() } if (is.null(colData) && length(files)) { colData <- DataFrame(row.names=samples(header)) } else { colData <- as(colData, "DataFrame") } if (is.null(rownames(colData)) && length(files)) stop("specify rownames in 'colData'") new("VcfStack", files=files, colData=colData, seqinfo=seqinfo) } ``` ```{r mkvs, eval=TRUE} library(gQTLstats) library(VariantAnnotation) library(GenomicFiles) pa = paths1kg(paste0("chr", c(21:22))) #,"Y"))) sn = vcfSamples(scanVcfHeader(TabixFile(pa[1]))) library(Homo.sapiens) # necessary? stopifnot(requireNamespace("GenomeInfoDb")) # indexVcf with S3 bucket? -> ob = RangedVcfStack(VcfStack2(pa, seqinfo(Homo.sapiens))) cd = DataFrame(id1kg=sn) rownames(cd) = sn colData(ob) = cd ``` Now we set up a region of interest and bind it to the stack. This yields an instance of `RangedVcfStack`, for which we have `samples`, `features`, and `assay` methods defined in gQTLstats. ```{r mkrvs, eval=TRUE} myr = GRanges("chr22", IRanges(20e6,20.01e6)) rowRanges(ob) = myr colData(ob) = DataFrame(colData(ob), zz=runif(nrow(colData(ob)))) hasInternetConnectivity = function() !is.null(nsl("www.r-project.org")) #if (hasInternetConnectivity()) lka = assay(ob) myobs = list(geuvRNAseq=geuFPKM, yri450k=banovichSE, yriDHS=DHStop5_hg19, yriGeno=ob) suppressWarnings({ mm = MultiAssayExperiment(myobs) }) mm ```


```{r results='asis',echo=FALSE} bibliography() #style="markdown") ```