%\VignetteIndexEntry{erccdashboard examples} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fullpage} \begin{document} \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} \SweaveOpts{keep.source=TRUE, split=FALSE} \SweaveOpts{width=7, height=7} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Sinput}{Verbatim} {xleftmargin=1em} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Soutput}{Verbatim}{xleftmargin=1em} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Scode}{Verbatim}{xleftmargin=1em} \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.png,.pdf,.jpg} \fvset{listparameters={\setlength{\topsep}{0pt}}} \renewenvironment{Schunk}{\vspace{\topsep}}{\vspace{\topsep}} <>= options(width=60, continue = " ") #options(SweaveHooks=list(fig=function() # par(mar=c(5.1,4.1,1.1,2.1)))) library( "erccdashboard" ) @ \title{{\tt erccdashboard} Package Vignette} \author{Sarah A. Munro} \maketitle This vignette describes the use of the erccdashboard R package to analyze External RNA Controls Consortium (ERCC) spike-in control ratio mixtures in gene expression experiments. If you use this package for method validation of your gene expression experiments please cite our manuscript that describes this R package using citation("erccdashboard"). In this vignette we demonstrate analysis of two types of gene expression experiments from the SEQC project that used ERCC control ratio mixture spike-ins: \begin{itemize} \item Rat toxicogenomics methimazole-treated and control samples \item Human reference RNA samples from the MAQC I project, Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR) and Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR) \end{itemize} A subset of the large data set produced in the SEQC study are provided here as examples. The three sets of example data are: \begin{enumerate} \item Rat toxicogenomics RNA-Seq gene expression count data \item UHRR/HBRR RNA-Seq gene expression count data \item UHRR/HBRR Microarray gene expression fluorescent intensity data \end{enumerate} \section{Rat Toxicogenomics Example: MET (methimazole treatment) and CTL (control) Experiment} \subsection{Load data and define input parameters} Load the package gene expression data. <>= data(SEQC.Example) @ The R workspace should now contain 5 objects Three of these objects are gene expression experiment expression measures: \begin{itemize} \item UHRR.HBRR.arrayDat - Fluorescent signal data from an Illumina beadarray microarray experiment with UHRR and HBRR in the SEQC interlaboratory study \item MET.CTL.countDat - RNA-Seq count data from a rat toxicogenomics experiment \item UHRR.HBRR.countDat - RNA-Seq count data from Lab 5 in the SEQC interlaboratory study with UHRR and HBRR \end{itemize} The other two objects are vectors of total reads for the 2 sequencing experiments \begin{itemize} \item MET.CTL.totalReads - total sequenced reads factors for each column in the corresponding rat experiment count table \item UHRR.HBRR.totalReads - total sequenced reads factors for each column in the corresponding UHRR/HBRR count table \end{itemize} \subsection{Quick analysis: runDashboard} To run the default analysis function runDashboard on the MET-CTL rat toxicogenomics RNA-Seq experiment, the following input arguments are required: <>= datType = "count" # "count" for RNA-Seq data, "array" for microarray data isNorm = FALSE # flag to indicate if input expression measures are already # normalized, default is FALSE exTable = MET.CTL.countDat # the expression measure table filenameRoot = "RatTox" # user defined filename prefix for results files sample1Name = "MET" # name for sample 1 in the experiment sample2Name = "CTL" # name for sample 2 in the experiment erccmix = "RatioPair" # name of ERCC mixture design, "RatioPair" is default erccdilution = 1/100 # dilution factor used for Ambion spike-in mixtures spikeVol = 1 # volume (in microliters) of diluted spike-in mixture added to # total RNA mass totalRNAmass = 0.500 # mass (in micrograms) of total RNA choseFDR = 0.05 # user defined false discovery rate (FDR), default is 0.05 @ The first input argument, datType, indicates whether that data is integer count data from an RNA-Seq experiment ("count") or data from a microarray experiment ("array"). The isNorm argument indicates if the input expression measures are already normalized, the default value is FALSE. If you want to use normalized RNA-Seq or microarray data in the analysis, the isNorm argument must be set to TRUE. If the data is normalized, then limma will be used for array data DE testing, but for RNA-Seq data, DE testing results must be available in the working directory in a file named "filenameRoot ERCC Pvals.csv" The third argument, exTable, is the expression measure table. Take a look at the RatTox experiment count table. <>= head(MET.CTL.countDat) @ The first column of the expression measure table, Feature, contains unique names for all the transcripts that were quantified in this experiment. The remaining columns represent replicates of the pair of samples, in this expression measure table the control sample is labeled CTL and the treatment sample is labeled MET. An underscore is included to separate the sample names from the replicate numbers during analysis. This column name format Sample\textunderscore{}Rep is required for the columns of any input expression measure table. Only one underscore (\textunderscore{}) should be used in the column names. The default differential expression testing of RNA-Seq experiments in the erccdashboard is done with the QuasiSeq package, which requires the use of integer count data. The default normalization of the data is 75th percentile (also known as upper quartile) normalization. It is optional to provide a vector of per replicate normalization factors through the input argument repNormFactor, such as a vector of total reads for each replicate. The example total reads vectors we provide here were derived from the FASTQ files associated with each column in the RNA-Seq experiment count tables. Any repNormFactor vector will be used as a library size normalization factor for each column of exTable. This will be adjusted to be a per million reads factor. For any experiment the sample spiked with ERCC Mix 1 is sample1Name and the sample spiked with ERCC Mix 2 is sample2Name. In this experiment sample1Name = MET and sample2Name = CTL. For a more robust experimental design the reverse spike-in design could be created using additional replicates of the treatment and control samples. ERCC Mix 2 would be spiked into MET samples and ERCC Mix 1 would be spiked into CTL control replicates. The dilution factor of the pure Ambion ERCC mixes prior to spiking into total RNA samples is erccdilution. The amount of diluted ERCC mix spiked into the total RNA sample is spikeVol (units are $\mu$L). The mass of total RNA spiked with the diluted ERCC mix is totalRNAmass (units are $\mu$g). The final required input parameter, choseFDR, is the False Discovery Rate (FDR) for differential expression testing. A typical choice would be 0.05 (5\% FDR), so this is the default choseFDR value. For the rat data since most genes are not differentially expressed a less conservative FDR is chosen (FDR = 0.1) and for the UHRR and HBRR reference RNA samples FDR = 0.01 is chosen, because there is a large number of differentially expressed genes for this pair of samples. The function runDashboard.R is provided for convenient default erccdashboard analysis. Execution of the runDashboard function calls the default functions for erccdashboard analysis and reports parameters and progress to the R console. The functions called within runDashboard.R are also available to the user (details provided in Section 4). All data and analysis results are stored in the list object exDat. For convenience the main diagnostic figures are saved to a pdf file and the exDat object is saved to an .RData object named using the filenameRoot provided by the user. Use the following command to run the default runDashboard script: <>= exDat <- runDashboard(datType="count", isNorm = FALSE, exTable=MET.CTL.countDat, filenameRoot="RatTox", sample1Name="MET", sample2Name="CTL", erccmix="RatioPair", erccdilution=1/100, spikeVol=1, totalRNAmass=0.500, choseFDR=0.1) @ \subsection{Results of dashboard analysis} The summary function will give a top level view of the exDat list structure. The str function will give more detail. It is a good idea to set the max.level argument in the str function, because by the end of the analysis the exDat structure is quite large. <>= summary(exDat) @ The figures from the analysis are stored in \verb|exDat$Figures|. The four main diagnostic figures that are saved to pdf are the dynRangePlot, rocPlot, lodrERCCPlot, and maPlot. \clearpage \begin{center} <>= exDat$Figures$dynRangePlot @ \end{center} For this particular experiment the relationship between abundance and signal for the ERCC controls show that the measurement results span a 2$^{15}$ dynamic range. These ERCC mixtures were designed to span a 2$^{20}$ dynamic range, but there was insufficient evidence to reliably quantify ERCC transcripts at low abundances. \clearpage \begin{center} <>= exDat$Figures$rocPlot @ \end{center} The receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve and the Area Under the Curve (AUC) statistic provide evidence of the diagnostic power for detecting differential expression in this rat toxicogenomics experiment. As expected with increased fold change, diagnostic power increases. The AUC summary statistic for different experiments can be used to compare diagnostic performance. \clearpage \begin{center} <>= exDat$Figures$lodrERCCPlot @ \end{center} By modeling the relationship between average signal and p-values we can obtain Limit of Detection of Ratios (LODR) estimates for each differential fold change (or Ratio,indicated by color) and a threshold p-value, p.thresh, indicated by the dotted black line. LODR values can be compared between experiments to evaluate the ability to detect differences between samples as a function of transcript abundance. \clearpage \begin{center} <>= exDat$Figures$maPlot @ \end{center} An MA plot (Ratio of Signals vs Average Signals) shows the ratio measurements of transcripts in the pair of samples as a function of abundance. The ERCC control ratios measurements are coded to indicate which controls are above a given LODR (solid circles) or below the LODR (open circles). This plot also shows the variability in ratio measurements as a function of dynamic range and the bias in control ratio measurements (r$_m$), which is influenced by the mRNA fraction difference between the pair of samples. \clearpage \section{Comparison of Performance Between Experiments} The performance metrics provided here derived from measurements of ERCC ratios in gene expression experiments (AUC, LODR, r$_m$, and the standard deviations of the ERCC ratio measurements) can be used to assess performance between experiments within the same laboratory, or between different laboratories or technology platforms. To illustrate the difference between technology platforms example data are also provided from the SEQC interlaboratory study. The interlaboratory experiments were performed with aliquots from single large batches of commercially available reference RNA samples, Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR) and Human Brain Reference RNA (HBRR).To prepare these large batches of reference RNA samples, 50 $\mu$L of undiluted Ambion ERCC Mix 1 was spiked into 2500 $\mu$g of the UHRR total RNA and 50 $\mu$L of undiluted Ambion ERCC Mix 2 was spiked into 2500 $\mu$g the HBRR sample before these samples were aliquoted and shared amongst laboratories and across platforms. \subsection{Analysis of an UHRR vs. HBRR Microarray experiment} To analyze the example reference RNA experiment microarray data use the following command: <>= exDat <- runDashboard(datType="array", isNorm = FALSE, exTable=UHRR.HBRR.arrayDat, filenameRoot = "Lab13.array", sample1Name = "UHRR", sample2Name="HBRR", erccmix = "RatioPair", erccdilution = 1, spikeVol = 50, totalRNAmass = 2.5*10^(3), choseFDR=0.01) @ Note that unnormalized fluorescent signals are expected for erccdashboard analysis of microarray data (with the argument isNorm = FALSE) and input data should not be log transformed. As with RNA-Seq experiments for microarray experiments it is optional to provide a vector of per replicate normalization factors through the input argument repNormFactor. Normalized microarray data may be analyzed with the erccdashboard if isNorm = TRUE. \subsection{Analysis of an UHRR vs. HBRR RNA-Seq experiment} To analyze the RNA-Seq reference RNA experiment data simply repeat the same command that you used in the previous section with the microarray data, but change the datType to "count", use UHRR.HBRR.countDat as your exTable, and change your filenameRoot to a different character string, so that your microarray data is not overwritten. \section{Analysis Details: Advanced Use of erccdashboard Functions} The analysis functions contained in the convenience wrapper function \verb|runDashboard| can also be used directly by the user. Comments are provided above each analysis step included in \verb|runDashboard| to describe the purpose and ordering constraints. View the runDashboard script to see comments describing the analysis functions and the ordering constraints: <>= runDashboard @ \subsection{Flexibility in Differential Expression Testing} The \verb|geneExprTest| function wraps the QuasiSeq differential expression testing package for datType = "count" or uses the limma package for differential expression testing if datType = "array". The function uses the DE testing p-value results and choseFDR parameter to select a threshold p-value for LODR estimation. For count data if DE testing has already been done and a correctly formatted filenameRoot.All.Pvals.csv file is provided with the necessary DE test results, then geneExprTest will have reduced runtime. The function will look for a csv file with the name "filenameRoot.All.Pvals.csv" and column names "Feature", "MnSignal", Pval", and "Fold" must be in the file. "Feature" is a column of transcript names including ERCC controls and endogenous transcripts, "MnSignal" is the mean signal across sample replicates, "Pval" are the unadjusted P-values from differential expression testing (Q-values will be automatically estimated for the P-values, and take into account multiple hypothesis testing), and "Fold" are the numeric fold changes for the ERCC controls (0.5, 4, 1, and 0.667) and for endogenous transcripts the "Fold" is NA. To use results from another DE testing tool (instead of QuasiSeq) the csv file with the name "filenameRoot.All.Pvals.csv" and correct column headers should be in the working directory. This file is required if the input data (exTable) is RNA-Seq data (datType = "count") and if the data is already normalized (isNorm = TRUE). If isNorm is TRUE, then the software asks for user input about length normalization. Type Y at the command line in the R console if the data is length normalized (e.g. FPKM or RPKM data) otherwise type N. For array data the current option for differential expression testing is limited to limma. \subsection{Options for LODR Estimation} The default behavior of runDashboard is to use the \verb|estLODR| function to obtain an LODR estimate using empirical data from the ERCCs and a model-based simulation using the endogenous genes in the sample. The type of LODR estimation is selected using the argument kind in the \verb|estLODR| function. The other parameter that may be adjusted is the probability for the LODR estimate, in the default analysis prob = 0.9 is selected. \subsection{Options for Printing Plots to File} The function \verb|saveERCCPlots| will save selected figures to a pdf file. The default is to print the 4 main erccdashboard figures to a single page (plotsPerPg = "main"). If plotsPerPg = "single" then each plot is placed on an individual page in one pdf file. If plotlist is not defined (plotlist = NULL) then all plots in \verb|exDat$Figures| are printed to the pdf file. \subsection{Analysis of Alternative Spike-in Designs} By default the package is configured to analyze the ERCC ratio mixtures produced by Ambion (ERCC ExFold RNA Spike-In Mixes, Catalog Number 4456739). This pair of control ratio mixtures were designed to have 1:1, 4:1, 1:1.5, and 1:2 ratios of 92 distinct RNA transcripts (23 different RNA control sequences are in each of these four ratio subpools). Alternative ERCC RNA control ratio mixture designs can be produced using the NIST DNA Plasmid Library for External Spike-in Controls (NIST Standard Reference Material 2374, https://www-s.nist.gov/srmors/certificates/2374.pdf). For example, a pair of RNA control mixtures could be created with a ternary ratio design, three subpools of RNA controls with either no change (1:1) or 2-fold increased (2:1) and 2-fold decreased (1:2) relative abundances between the pair of mixtures (Mix 1/Mix 2). To use alternative spike-in mixture designs with the dashboard a csv file must be provided to the package with the argument userMixFile for the initDat function. If all samples from both conditions were only spiked with a single ERCC mixture (e.g. Ambion Catalog Number 4456740, ERCC RNA Spike-In Mix) a limited subset of the package functions can be used (\verb|initDat|, \verb|est_r_m|, and \verb|dynRangePlot|. For \verb|initDat| use ERCCMixes="Single" and \verb|est_r_m| and \verb|dynRangePlot| functions can then be used to examine the mRNA fraction differences for the pair of samples and evaluate the dynamic range of the experiment. \section{Notes on R version and session information} The results shown in this R vignette are the same as the results shown in our manuscript and were obtained with the following R session information. <>= sessionInfo() @ \end{document}