```{r style, echo = FALSE} BiocStyle::markdown() ``` Pbase example data ================== [Laurent Gatto](http://cpu.sysbiol.cam.ac.uk/) ```{r, env, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library("Pbase") ``` The original data is a 10 fmol [Peptide Retention Time Calibration Mixture](http://www.piercenet.com/product/peptide-retention-time-calibration-mixture) spiked into 50 ng HeLa background acquired on a Thermo Orbitrap Q Exactive instrument. A restricted set of high scoring human proteins from the UniProt release 2014_06 were searched using the MSGF+ engine. ## The fasta database ```{r, fa, cache=TRUE} library("Biostrings") fafile <- system.file("extdata/HUMAN_2014_06-09prots.fasta", package = "Pbase") fa <- readAAStringSet(fafile) fa ``` ## The PSM data ```{r, psm, cache=TRUE} library("mzID") idfile <- system.file("extdata/Thermo_Hela_PRTC_1_selected.mzid", package = "Pbase") id <- flatten(mzID(idfile)) dim(id) head(id) ``` ## The Proteins object ```{r, p, cache=TRUE} library("Pbase") p <- Proteins(fafile) p <- addIdentificationData(p, idfile) p ``` A `Proteins` object is composed of a set of protein sequences accessible with the `aa` accessor as well as an optional set of peptides features that are mapped as coordinates along the proteins, available with `pranges`. The actual peptide sequences can be extraced with `pfeatures`. ```{r, paccess} aa(p) pranges(p) pfeatures(p) ``` A Proteins instance is further described by general `metadata`. Protein sequence and peptide features annotations can be accessed with `ametadata` and `pmetadata` (or `acols` and `pcols`) respectively. ```{r, metadata} metadata(p) head(acols(p)) head(pcols(p)) ``` Specific proteins can be extracted by index of name using `[` and proteins and their peptide features can be plotted with the default plot method. ```{r, pplot, fig.align='center', cache=TRUE} seqnames(p) plot(p[c(1,9)]) ``` More details can be found in `?Proteins`. The object generated above is also directly available as `data(p)`. ## Session information ```{r, si} sessionInfo() ```