CHANGES IN VERSION 1.19.27 -------------------------- NEW FEATURES o rangeMeans for numeric gets a na.rm argument and uses 50% less time for na.rm = FALSE ands 25% less time for na.rm=TRUE. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.19.7 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o The version introduces the rangeMeans family of functions, which are closely related to IRanges::viewMeans family of functions. These new functions take an RleDataFrame and an IRanges (or matrix) of row ranges and compute summary stats. These are useful for summaries like the average DNA copy number or coverage in a gene, by sample. These functions differ from view* in that they are more time efficient and they offer a 'simplify' argument to return a matrix, rather than a list. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.19.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o This version introduces the RleDataFrame class. This class extends SimpleRleList and DataFrame. It stores a collection of like-length Rle objects. With the AtomicList features it behaves much like a matrix. For example, log2(x) - 1 works. We also have row and column sums and means. rangeSampleMeans functions like viewMeans. This object can be used to store runs of data along the genome for multiple samples, like coverage or DNA copy number. It can be used as an assayDataElement in a genoset (or any eSet). o segTable and segPairTable are dramatically faster. Stacking data.frames with segTable(RleDataFrame,stack=TRUE) argument is now instantaneous. DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT o Previously we used a DataFrame for storing collections of Rle objects. This practice is now deprecated. Similarly, colMeans on a DataFrame is now deprecated. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.16.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o cn2lr now has methods for vector, matrix, and DataFrame (of Rle) and allows you to center your log2ratio values on 2 copies, or on a specified 'ploidy' for your sample. o The BAFSet and CNSet classes have moved from deprecated to defunct. These classes only added getter/setter methods for baf/lrr/cn. Since these only cover some possible assayDataElements, it is better to use x[i,j,k], where k is the name of an assayDataElement. o All RangedData-related things have now progressed to defunct. Please use GRanges for locData and everywhere else. Since the genoset package provides a common API for GenoSet, GRanges, and RangedData, I hope this will be a simple change for everyone. o sampleNames and featureNames are now *un-deprecated*. Feel free to use them. They just call colnames and rownames, respectively. I have defined my own rownames and colnames functions. The eSet ones seem to do a lot of extra work, and the getter versions read from the first assayDataElement, rather than pData and fData. I changed to the latter, so BigMatrix assayDataElements will remain untouched until you really mean to access them.