\name{drawSimpleChrom} \alias{drawSimpleChrom} \title{ Draw chromosome-like icons } \description{ This function paints chromosomal icons on an existing plot } \usage{ drawSimpleChrom(x, y, len = 3, width = 1, fill, col, orientation = c("h", "v"), centromere.size = 0.6) } \arguments{ \item{x}{start x-position} \item{y}{start y-position} \item{len}{total length of the chromosome} \item{width}{width of the chromosome} \item{fill}{character, \{"a","p","q","q[1-3]","p[1-3]" \}. Events to a chromosome can be depicted by coloring "a"ll of the chromosome, the complete p or q-arm, or a subsegment of the arms} \item{col}{color(s) of \code{fill}} \item{orientation}{either "h"orizontal or "v"ertical} \item{centromere.size}{The size of the centromere as fraction of the width} } \value{ This function is executed for its side effects } \author{ Jan Oosting } \examples{ plot(c(0,4),c(0,3),type="n",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="") drawSimpleChrom(2,3,fill=c("p","q3"),col=c("red","blue"),orientation="v") } \keyword{aplot}